Questions and Answers of Cultural Understanding
Questions and Answers of Cultural Understanding
Questions and Answers of Cultural Understanding
1. Which groups will have family members take turns staying with a dying
person? Select all that apply
A. Mexican Americans
B. African Americans
C. Chinese Americans
D. Moslem American
E. Native Americans
Answer: A & B
2. Match the health belief system on the left with a brief characteristic on
the right
- Biomedical heath belief system - Life processes can be
manipulated by human beings
using mechanical interventions
- Folk health belief system - Commonly referred to as “third
world” beliefs and practices
- Holistic health belief system - Religious experiences are based
on cultural beliefs and may
include such things as blessing
from spiritual leaders,
apparition of dead relatives and
even miracle cures.
- Alternative or complementary - Acupunture, aromatic therapy,
belief system meditation and therapeutic
touch are some of the practices
within this belief
3. Silence may mean different things for different people. Match the group
of people on the left with the meaning of silence for them on the right
- American Indian, Chinese, - Silence is sometimes used to
Japanese culture allow the listener to consider
what the speaker has said
before continuing
- Russians, French and Spanish - Silence indicates consensus
between parties
- Asian cultures - Silence is a sign of respect
especially to elders
- Mexicans - Will use silence when they
disagree with a person of
4. When you think that your beliefs and practices are superior and better
than other cultures, what do you call this?
A. Jingoism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Chauvinism
D. Bigotry
Answer: B
5. Variations within a cultural group that causes differences. Select all that
apply, except
A. Age, gender identity, roles
B. Religion and socioeconomic background
C. Dialect or language spoken, geographic location of country of origin
or current residence
D. Degree to which values in current country
E. Form of government and type of constitution
Answer: E
6. In Western cultures, what is the distance between people that can be
considered comfortable in a casual or public setting during a
A. 1 to 2 feet
B. 6 to 10 feet
C. 3 to 6 feet
D. 0 to 3 feet
Answer: C
7. When doing a culturally related assessment, which areas do you need to
explore? Select all that apply, except
A. Space and time
B. Religious beliefs and health practices
C. Social organizations
D. Biologic variations
E. Consumer preferences
Answer: E
8. A patient tells the nurse instructor that he is sick because the natural
balance of his body was upset when he entered PCCTI. He sniffs dried
papaya leaves before he takes exams to make his mind clear. What is
his possible health belief system?
A. Biomedical
B. Folk
C. Holistic
D. Alternative medicine
9. You are aware of your own cultural beliefs and practices and how they
relate to those of others, which will be different
A. Cultural knowledge
B. Cultural skills
C. Cultural competence
D. Cultural awareness
Answer: D
10. Refers to a group of people who share a common social and cultural
heritage based on shared traditions, national origin, and physical and
biologic characteristics. They often share social practices such as
language, religion, dress, music and food
A. Race
B. Nationality
C. Ethnicity
D. Culture
Answer: C
11. Which of the following are allowed in a Moslem diet?
A. Pork
B. Alcohol
C. Halal
D. Kosher
Answer: C
12. Which of the following statements about cultural behavior is NOT
A. Cultural behavior is socially acquired, not genetically inherited
B. Self-concept is also influenced by culture and cultural identity
C. In patriarchal societies, the older men usually make most of the
D. All family structures are based on biological relationships
E. A common mistake is to assume that every family is a traditional
nuclear family
Answer: D
13. Which of the following cannot be a part TRANSCULTURAL
A. Understanding different variables and integrating personal
understanding into all aspects of nursing care
B. Ethnocentricity and stereotyping are tools for transcultural nursing
C. It is important to understand that people from different cultures
have a variety of practices related to health care, treatment
methods, and responses to illness and death
D. Cultural beliefs also affect diet and nutrition for which we have to
be cognizant
Answer: B
14. When a patient who just arrived from Honduras comes to a clinic, she
asks the nurse to allow her 10-year old son to remain with her in the
examining room. What should the nurse do?
A. Ask the son to leave to maintain privacy of the patient
B. Explain to the patient that children are not allowed in the
examining room because of infection control
C. Ignore the child and pretend he is not there
D. Consider that the son might be there to serve as an interpreter for
the mother
Answer: D
15. A Mexican American is pregnant with her second child. During the
interview, the patient states that she never drinks milk. What could be a
cultural reason for this?
A. The patient does not like the taste of milk
B. Milk is not allowed in her culture
C. Lactose intolerance occurs often among Mexican Americans
D. The patient cannot afford to buy milk
Answer: C
16. Match the following cultural concepts on the left with its specific
definition on the right
- Culture - a set of learned values, beliefs,
customs, and practices that are
shared by a group and are
passed from one generation to
- Society - A nation, community or broad
group of people who establish
particular aims, beliefs, or
standard of living and conduct.
- Subculture - Shares many characteristics
with the primary culture, but
has characteristic patterns of
behavior and ideals that
distinguish it from the rest of a
cultural group.
- Stereotype - A generalized expectation
about forms of behavior, an
individual or a group
- Ethnic stereotype - A fixed concept of how all
members of an ethnic group
should act or think
- Ethnocentrism - Most people look at the world
from their own cultural
viewpoint. They often believe
that the beliefs and practices of
their particular culture are best.
- More - Accepted traditional customs,
moral attitudes, or manners of a
particular social group.
17. Since they believe that unbaptized children are cut off from heaven,
infant baptism is mandatory. For newborns who are gravely ill, still
borns and all aborted fetuses (unless marked by tissue necrosis and
prolonged death are present ) emergency baptism is required. The nurse
needs to call a priest to do the baptism. In worse case scenario, anyone
can do the baptism by pouring warm water on the baby's head and
saying "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit!
A. Eastern Orthodox
B. Orthodox Judaism
C. Roman Catholics
D. Manicheism
Answer: C
18. Common characteristics of culture. Select all that apply, except
A. Culture is learned beginning at birth, through language and
socialization. Behaviors, values, attitudes and beliefs are learned
within the cultural family system
B. Culture is dynamic and ever-changing, but remains stable.
Language, traditions, and norms of customs may act as stabilizers
for a culture
C. All members of the same cultural group share the patterns that are
present in every culture. These include communication, economic
and physical survival, transportation and family systems, social
customs, mores and religious systems
D. Every culture is more or less superior or inferior than the other
when referring to civilizational hierarchy
E. Culture is an adaptation to specific factors or conditions in a
specific location, such as the availability of natural resources.
When people are removed from that location, their customs
continue even though they are no longer called for in the new
Answer: D
19. A group of people who share biological physical characteristics and
hereditary traits
A. Race
B. Nationality
C. Ethnicity
D. Culture
Answer: A
20. A concept of time implying that it is possible to recover future activities
but not present ones
A. Flexibility
B. Elasticity
C. Spasticity
D. Tardiness
Answer: B
21. A nurse assigned to a Moslem patient from the Philippines found her
patient kneeling on the ground, facing the sun, with his face on the
floor. What should she do next?
A. Pick up the patient and asses for bruises
B. Quietly leave the room and give patient privacy for prayer
C. Interrupt the patient and tell him it is time for care
D. Tell the patient that praying in a hospital room is not allowed
Answer: B
22. Death rites vary according to cultural beliefs, ethnic origin and religion.
Match the specific group on the left with a unique belief about death on
the right.
- Mexican Americans - Small children are shielded
from the dying and the death
scene. Grief is sometimes
expressed by hyperkinetic or
seizure tye of behavior that
serves to release emotions.
- African Americans - Some fear touching the body or
being present when a person has
- Chinese Americans - Has an aversion to death and
anything concerning death.
Donatin of body parts is
encouraged. Eldest son is
responsible for everything.
White, yellow or black clothing
is worn as sign of mourning
- Moslem Americans - Any intervention to hasten
death is forbidden. Autopsy is
acceptable with medical or legal
need. They have to follow
Islamic practices to prepare
body for funeral
- Americans Indians - Assitance with cerem
23. Which of the following groups would most likely follow a holistic
belief system in caring for their health? Select all that apply
A. Contemporary Caucasians
B. Malaysians
C. People from Kuwait
D. Algonquins
E. Fourth generation African Americans
Answer: B & C
24. The women of this group are not allowed to sign consent forms or make
a decision regarding family planning. It is mandatory for the husband to
be present. Women are very modest and frequently wear clothes that
cover all of the body. They prefer female doctors. For 40 days after
giving birth and also during menstruation, a woman is exempt from
prayer because it is a time for cleansing for her.
A. Amish community
B. Latter Day Saints
C. Mormons
D. Islam
Answer: D
25. Which of these groups eat rice with almost every meal. Traditionally,
a woman who just gave birth from this group does not see her child for
the next 12 to 24 hours.
A. Chinese American
B. African American
C. Mexican American
D. Native American
Answer: A
26. Both Moslems and Jewish normally do not eat pork. The reason is
A. Political
B. Economic
C. Religious
D. Nutritional
Answer: C
27. A nurse was assigned to work with a family who lives at Pilsen, a
Hispanic neighborhood in the suburbs of Chicago. What is the best way
to learn about their culture?
A. Do an internet research
B. Schedule a home visit with the family
C. Eat in a Hispanic-owned restaurant
D. Watch a movie with a Hispanic cast
Answer: B
28. A student asks her instructor, "Why is it that Chinese-Americans do not
grieve for their dying father". The instructor will respond based on the
knowledge that the student nurse is somewhat....
A. Subculturally oriented
B. Stereotyping
C. Ethnocentric
D. Racist
Answer: C
29. The measurement of time and the rhythms of people's activities and
interactions often have different meanings in various cultures. Match
the group of people on the left with their perception of time on the right
- Nothern Europeans, Japanese - Give a high priority on time
Americans for appointments; adhere to
fixed schedules, especially
when meeting with highly
regarded people
- Eastern cultures: Chinese, East -
Indian Hindu, Filipino and - Schedules and time are much
Korean more flexible
- Mexican Americans
- May be late for an
appointment because they
focus more on current
activity and are less
- Hispanics and American Indians concerned about a previously
planned meeting
- Tend to be more present
30. Prohibits birth control except for abstinence and natural family planning
methods. Sterilization is prohibited unless there is an overriding
medical reason
A. Jehovah’s Witness
B. Pentecostals
C. Lutherans
D. Roman Catholics
Answer: D
31. The nurse is planning to do a cultural assessment of a patient who just
migrated from Singapore a year ago. It would be best if the nurse
A. Sits in front of the patient
B. Touches the patient frequently to convey concern
C. Positions the chair so that the nurse sits at right angle to the patient
D. Maintains good eye contact while asking questions
Answer: Ctact while asking questions
32. ____________nursing is practiced when the nurse consistently attempt
to apply knowledge about culture to all aspects of care
A. Holistic
B. Transcultural
C. Skilled
D. Hospice
Answer: B
33. When caring for a patient who speaks a foreign language, it would be
incorrect of the nurse to use impaired verbal communication as a
nursing diagnosis because:
A. An inability to understand each other is the problem, not impaired
verbal communication
B. The patient is using a different health belief system that interferes
with communication
C. The patient is following acceptable communication guidelines
within his or her culture
D. The patient has deficient knowledge, not impaired verbal
Answer: A
34. Which of the following statements about cultural competence is not
A. One way to identify cultural beliefs and practices is to do a self-
B. It is always possible to act the same with all patients and also give
the same effective, individualized and holistic care.
C. Sometimes nurses are so concerned about treating everyone the
same that they ignore cultural differences
D. Understanding your personal beliefs gives you an ability to respond
to those from different cultures with openness
Answer: B
35. Based on cultural factors, there are certain nursing diagnoses that are
particularly problematic. What are they? Select all that apply, except
A. Deficient knowledge
B. Impaired verbal communication
C. Ineffective health maintenance
D. Disturbed sensory perception
E. Noncompliance
Answer: D
36. According to biological variations, there are certain diseases which tend
to be more prevalent among a certain group. Match the group on the left
with a corresponding disease that the group is more inclined to have
- Sickle cell anemia - Those of American Ancestry
- Diabetes - American Indians
- Those with Chinese descent - Hypertension and
cardiovascular disease
- Tay-sachs disease - Jewish
45. When the nurse is aware of her own cultural beliefs, the beliefs and
practices of other cultures, and has the ability to interact effectively
with individuals from other cultures, the nurse is said to be:
A. Stereotyping
B. Ethnocentric
C. Culturally aware
D. Culturally competent
Answer: D
46. Match a practice on the left with a cultural health belief system that it
- Health is the absence of disease - Biomedical health belief system
or signs and symptoms of
- This system classifies diseases - Folk health belief system
as natural or unnatural; God
made or man made
- Holistic health belief system - Baptism may be viewed as a
ritual cleansing and dedication
as well as prevention of evil
- Alternative or complementary - They address the whole patient
belief system by viewing symptoms as the tip
of the iceberg and as the body’s
means for communicating to the
mind that so
47. A preconceived idea that all members of a particular group posses the
same attributes is known as ____________________.
A. Racial profiling
B. Stereotyping
C. Transcultural wisdom
D. Ignorance
Answer: B
48. An African-American nurse was assigned to care for a new 86-year old
male resident. When she enters his room, he shouts racial slurs. What
would be a proper response?
A. Refuse to give care to the patient
B. Understand that he is possibly less tolerant of other races because
of his own cultural experiences or he may have disturbed cognitive
C. React with anger and retaliate
D. Go to the supervisor and tell her that she will no longer deal with
male Caucasian patients
Answer: B
49. A patient with slanted eyes, stiff accent, and dark olive skin is admitted
to the hospital with diffuse symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weight
loss and headaches. During the interview, the patient uses some foreign
words and discloses that she just arrived from Nepal. Which
intervention would be appropriate for this patient?
A. Adhere to the philosophy, "I treat all my patents the same".
B. Instruct the patient that in America, English is the only language
C. Contact an adviser familiar with her culture
D. Allow the patient to use an inhaling device she brought while she is
Answer: C
50. You are aware of your own cultural beliefs and practices and how they
relate to those of others, which will be different
A. Cultural knowledge
B. Cultural skills
C. Cultural competence
D. Cultural awareness
Answer: C