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WEEK 7 - Fundamental Functions of Management 3. Bureaucratic Leadership

Planning  “by the book. “
 There is a specified collection of boxes to check to be
1. Democratic (Participative) Leadership  A power comes from a formal position or title rather
 “participatory leadership.”; are statistically higher, than from the unique characteristics or characteristics
on the organizational hierarchy they hold.
 Prioritize working together and actively engaging  Have a set list of duties, as well as clear rules and
their colleagues in the decision-making process. procedures for how they will handle and make
 Respect other people’s ideas and feedback decisions for others. They just have to follow the path
 Encourage discussion of those inputs. We don’t set out for them.
carry on orders from above but take a much more  Often find yourself questioning how your predecessor
Inclusive approach to doing things. has treated those situations that they want to make
 Make their group feel like they’re part of a team, sure you follow the agreed protocol.
which creates commitment within the group.  You also seek assurance that whenever you are
 Drawback: f roles within the group are unclear, charged with something different, you are doing
participative leadership can lead to things right.
communication failures. If the group is not skilled
in the area in which they’re making decisions,
poor decisions could be the result.
 Most desirable results but not as productive

4. Laissez-Faire (Delegative) Leadership

 This is a French word that translates to “leave it
be” which sums up this hands-off leadership
approach accurately.
 Very hands-off. They offer little or no guidance
2. Autocratic (Authoritarian) Leadership to their group and leave decision making up to
 “my way or the highway” the group.
 See themselves as having absolute power and  Have the tools and services required to do so.
making decisions on their subordinates’ behalf. But then they step back and Iet their team
They decide not just what needs to be done, members make decisions, solve problems, and
but how to accomplish certain tasks too. get their work done without having to worry
 Think that group meetings and brainstorming about their every move being obsessively
just slow things down, so it’s easier if you make watched by the leader.
important decisions on your own and if you hate  Hardly do any of the conversations.
them when workers challenge your decisions. Alternatively, members of your team are the
That’s final when you’ve said something. ones who fill you in where things are.
 Dictates policy and procedure, and directs the  You really only focused on two key points in
work done by the group without looking for any most events and projects: the beginning and
meaningful input from them. The group led by the end.
an authoritarian would be expected to complete  Least productive. They also made more
their tasks under close supervision. demands of their leader, were unable to work
 Less creativity under an authoritarian independently and showed little cooperation.
leadership style, but still productive.  Appropriate for a group of highly skilled workers,
 Best applied to situations where there is little and creative teams often value this kind of
time for group decision making, or when the freedom. On the other hand, this style does not
leader has expertise that the rest of the group work well for a group that lacks the needed skills,
does not. motivation, or adherence to deadlines, and that
can lead to poor performance.

5. Charismatic Leadership
 Have charismatic personalities, and a great deal
of determination to achieve their goals.
 Use eloquent communication and persuasion to
unite a team around a cause, instead of
promoting actions by strict instructions
 You could be a characteristic leader if you’re
know to give outstanding style of presentations of
“rally the troops”
 Don’t doubt their own decisions, they move  People have plenty of flexibility, as well as plenty
forward unwaveringly and believe that the of breathing space to innovate and think outside
decisions they make are the correct ones. the box.
 They have mastered the art of developing images  Looks at every single existing process with a
for themselves that others want to emulate discerning eye and a strong sense that it might
. be better
4 common personality traits (Conger, Kanungo, 1998):  Burst with pride whenever you see a member of
1. High degree of confidence and lack of internal a team achieve something previously thought
conflict impossible.
2. High energy and enthusiasm  They communicate well. They inspire their group
because they expect the best from everyone and
3. Good communication skills hold themselves accountable as well.
4. Good image and role model  Transformational leaders usually exhibit the
following traits: Integrity, Self-awareness,
4 situations required for a charismatic leader to have Authenticity and Empathy
1. Organization is in a time of crisis or stress.
2. Organization is in need of change.
3. There is opportunity for the organization to
have new goals or direction.
8. Servant Leadership
4. Availability of dramatic symbols (like the CEO  “Serve first and lead.” Instead of thinking about
taking a pay cut or donating his salary to how to inspire people to follow their lead, they
charity) channel most of their energies into seeking ways
to help others.
Culturally speaking, those cultures with a tradition of  They make other people’s needs a priority over
prophetic salvation (e.g., Christianity, Islam) are more their own. Besides being natural leaders, those
welcoming of the charismatic leader, while cultures who follow the paradigm of servant leadership
without prophetic tradition are less likely to embrace don’t try to hold a white-knuckle grip of their own
them. rank or strength. Instead, they focus on the
advancement and growth of the people who
follow them.
 “What can I do to help?”; When you are asked
you never think twice about helping out, because
you know that when you return, your own to – do
6. Transactional Leadership list will still be there.
 “telling.” The leader gives instructions to the
members of his team and then uses various
incentives and punishments to either appreciate
or punish what they do in response.
 Leaders give praise for a job well done or for a
group member to perform a department-wide ETHICS IN LEADERSHIP
mission Ethical leadership
 Often use the threat of having to stay late when  individuals behave according to a set of
you need to inspire your team and you are principles and values that are recognized by the
continually brainstorming clever ways to majority as a sound basis for the common good.
acknowledge solid work These include integrity, respect, trust, fairness,
 A set of activities that involve an exchange transparency, and honesty.
between followers and leader and deal with daily  is leadership motivated by respect for ethical
tasks (Bass, 1990). Transactional leadership beliefs and values, and other people’s integrity
deals with those day-to-day tasks that get the job and rights (Watts, 2008). It is therefore related to
done. values such as honesty, sincerity, care, beauty
and fairness.


a. Define and Align Your Values
Consider the morals you were raised with:
7. Transformational Leadership • “Treat others how you want to be treated”
 Empowering their workers to change, leaders are
trying to enhance or transform the individual or
• “Always say “thank you,”
group into which they lead. Such leaders are • “Help those who are struggling,” etc.
working at making changes and finding new ways Ask yourself what matters to you as a person, and
to get things done then align that with your leadership goals.
 Encourage and motivate others. Motivate and b. Champion the Importance of Ethics
teach with a shared vision of the future. An ethical leader’s job is to focus on the overall
significance of ethics, including ethical standards and
other ethical issues, and how those factors that
influence society. As an ethical leader, educating Leadership values also help you grow and
peers about ethics is crucial, particularly in cases develop both personally and professionally.
where they face an ethical issue at work. 2. Vision
c. Hire People with Similar Values Leadership vision is the ability to concentrate on
Although your views need not be identical to those of the most important aspects of self or business,
your workers, you should be able to establish such as what you want to achieve and what type
common ground with them. This often starts with the of leader you aspire to be. Your vision can
hiring process and is sustained through a declaration incorporate lessons from your past, present
of vision. realities that must be addressed and your future
d. Promote Open Communication aspirations.
Each subordinate is different although they share A leadership vision is important for two reasons: It
similarities. Be open with every decision you make, provides inspiration and motivation to keep going.
and seek input from your team. It makes you become People are likely to work harder when they have
a better leader and helps you feel more comfortable targets to meet. Leadership vision sets goals for
in expressing your thoughts or concerns with your the team to accomplish within a given period.
subordinates. Collecting input from your team will 3. Voice
help you improve as a leader and will push the Your leadership voice isn't just your tone or
organization forward. speaking style. It's a reflection of your core values
e. Beware of Bias and communication skills that impact how you
As people, many of us have antiquated or mistaken present yourself as a leader. Think about how you
convictions, subconscious or otherwise. Every leader communicate. That's your leadership voice.
wants to admit to their shortcomings but failure 4. Virtue
topractice self-awareness will lead to detrimental They are deep honesty, moral courage, moral
effects. Everyone has prejudice, but you haven’t vision, compassion and care, fairness, intellectual
been called on for the longest time, because you’ve excellence, creative thinking, aesthetic sensitivity,
never really been tested. good timing, and deep selflessness. They
f. Lead by Example describe a leader's way of reasoning, his or her
Leading by example is a noble attribute of a leader. most basic beliefs, and the emotions associated
The best way to ensure an ethical organization IS to with those beliefs.
lead by example. It is important to remember as an
ethical leader, that actions always speak louder than In the end, the main goal of an ethical leader is to create a
words. world in which the future is positive, inclusive and allows
g. Find Your Role Models the potential for all individuals to pursue and fulfill their
In history, there are many leaders, doing a little study needs and meet their highest potential.
of strong, powerful leaders and trying to identify what
they are doing well. Then incorporate it into their own VALUES FORMATION IN LEADERSHIP
style of leadership. Values - personal and not always clearly defined, they
h. Care for Yourself so you can Care for Others remain an essential but under-discussed and undervalued
As the saying goes, “You can ‘t pours from an empty part of who you are as an individual and as a leader.
cup. “The cornerstone for strong leadership is to Everyone has values, and when clearly understood and
have a calm and competent disposition. This can be established, they become much more important. To get
done by ensuring that you, as a person, are focused the most out of what happens, the best initial step would
on fulfilling your own needs such as sleep, nutrition be to identify your values and write down those that are
and a true relationship with loved ones. most important to you.

IMPACTS OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP Values-driven leaders lead from a deep sense of

1. The Well-Being of the Individual purpose and a demonstrated commitment to life-affirming
A strong ethical leader has an important responsibility values, such as honesty, integrity, excellence, courage,
for maintaining a positive working environment. Ethical humility, trust, care for people and social and
leaders leading by example should persuade others to environmental responsibility.
do likewise.
Ethical leadership can also include behavior control 1. Values Guide Your Decisions
and co-operation within a team. In the workplace, You have a lot of decisions to make as a dictator, those
morale usually is stronger when people get along With that only affect you and those that impact many others.
each other. Once you start with your principles, choices, big or
3. The Health of the Organization small, can be taken faster, simpler and with greater
The value of maintaining a positive mindset in the confidence.
workplace has much to do with improving the 2. Values Strengthen Your Ability to Influence
organization’s overall health. When people can show If you associate with your beliefs, you are
respect for each other and value the views of others communicating with your passions. People are drawn
this can help to create a productive work climate. to you when you speak with passion, they are more
likely to hear your message and you will be more
THE 4-V MODEL OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP successful in persuading and influencing.
1. Values 3. Values Create Clarity
Leadership values are important because they When you’re happier your life is simpler in so many
help you determine how you want to achieve your ways. Clarity helps you concentrate, make yourself
goals and what type of leader you want to be. more successful and much more.
4. Values Reduce Stress
The majority of the people I know want less tension in
their lives. It’s doubly important as a leader because
your tension is infectious-it infects those around you.
5. Values Guide Your Actions
Knowing and understanding your beliefs, is one thing.
Behave according to them is another matter. This
reality has an effect on all the ideas that have been
shared so far, because all the advantages are
achieved when you recognize and then act upon your
therefore it is essential to proper recording process and cannot
WEEK 8 - MANAGEMENT take place without controlling the activities.
Management is a set of principles relating to the roles of
planning, coordinating, directing and regulating and the Elements of the Ideal Activity Management Label
implementation of those principles in t h g efficient and Monitoring this recorded information on a regular basis is
effective use of physical, financial, human and information essential to assure the completion and accuracy of the record
capital to achieve organizational objectives. 1. Activity (which is a brief description of what you do)
2. Type of activity (whether it is meeting, an email phone
Definitions of Management others)
1. A set of activities directed at the efficient and effective 3. name of the task
utilization of resources in the pursuit of one or more goals. 4. title of project
--Van Fleet and Peterson 5. name or category of the project
2. Working with human, financial and physical resources to 6. the time length of the activity
achieve organizational objectives by performing the 7. date of the task
planning, organizing, leading and controlling function. --
Megginson, Mosley and Pietri Importance of Activity Management
3. Management is a problem solving process of effectively 1. It gives both the employer and the employees information
achieving organizational objectives through the efficient on the performance of the personnel involved
use of scarce resources in a changing. --kreitner 2. It helps to organize and emphasize the importance or
4. Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do relevance of the task at hand.
and see that it is done in the best and cheapest. --F.W 3. It also helps to avoid miscommunications and mistakes of
Taylor task repetition in the workplace.
5. Management is an art of through and with the people in
formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an Management as a Discipline
environment in which people can perform and can Management is also a discipline because It includes learning
cooperate towards attainment of group goals. --Harold the procedures and values required to perform official
Koontz administrative duties, as well as demonstrating the code of
conduct that managers must obey when performing their
Other Views on the Definition and Scope of "Managing duties
Managing is forecasting and preparing, arranging, directing, Management as an Art
managing and regulating," says Henri Fayol. Fredmund Malik Management is also known to be an art, because both share
describes management as "transforming capital into value." It similar characteristics. Art is a structured body of knowledge
is described by Ghislain Deslandes as "a weak force, under that requires invagination and expertise. An artist often needs
pressure to achieve results and endowed with the threefold constant practice in order to become faultless or achieve a
power of constraint, imitation and imagination, operating at degree of perfection which is considered acceptable. Art is
subjective, interpersonal, institutional and environmental taught and put to use. The apprenticeship cycle comes before
level." application.
Management as a Group
Management as a Process In any way, the concept of management suggests that it is a
Management as a process began with the sole purpose of group. In general, administrative functions are not performed
attaining an objective. Further, it is specifically done in order to: by one person alone. Management as an operation carried out
The purpose are: by a group of people saddled with the responsibility of keeping
1. rise clients' satisfaction with the services the company the company going and achieving a specific goal.
provides. Management as a Science
2. develop personnel experience, abilities and capacity, or Management is also a science, because everything used to
3. accomplish a particular goal or goal. classify a field as science is involved. Science, for example,
Management as a mechanism often includes interrelated establishes the relation of cause and effect between variables.
processes by which management within an entity manages Management as a Profession
and controls the organization's resources to achieve desired Management is also an occupation as it has characteristics
outcomes. This requires not only managing and using financial that allow it to be so. A profession is called a career in which
resources alone, but also human resources, as they are also one acquires knowledge and undergoes training series to fit
important to an organization in order to achieve its stated perfectly into that role.
Management: The Never Ending Process Manager - A person who has control or direction of an
It simply means that management is a phase that would institution, business, etc., or of a part, division, or phase of it.
always force themselves to tackle tasks, goals, and problems
at a certain point in time. A manager is a person in the organization who directs the
activities of others. They perform their work at different levels
ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT and they are called by different names:
Task management is the practice of recording personnel's day- 1. The First Line Managers
to-day accomplishments in an order in which they are done. It First-line managers are the entry-level managers who
is a key to an organization's success, as it helps to monitor the perform on-the-ground management duties. They are the
organization's course and maximize its work efficiency. It relies managers who have the closest proximity with team
on the philosophy that knowledge from higher levels of members, and they are typically responsible for ensuring
management influences any activity that takes place in the that their team effectively carries out organizational goals
company in a personal or group workers organization, on a daily basis.
They are usually called supervisors or in a manufacturing
they may be called foremen. Managing position requires proper skills to perform various
2. The Middle Level Mangers jobs. He cannot be an efficient manager if he lacks the
Middle-level managers can include general managers, knowledge and skills to do the job because it will be the
branch managers, and department managers. They are foundations for his workers to be corrected and driven.
accountable to the top-level management for their THREE ESSENTIAL SKILLS OR COMPETENCIES OF
department's function, and they devote more time to THE MANAGER (By Robert L. Katz)
organizational and directional functions than upper 1. Technical Skills
management. Managers must be able to work with the resources,
These comprise all management levels between the equipment, strategies, procedures, or the technical skills.
organization's supervisory level and top level. Such First line executives as well as many middle managers
managers may be called functional managers, heads of have been active in the activities of the organization's
plants, and managers of projects. technical aspects. Even when a manager moves higher in
3. The Top Managers hierarchy, the need for technical skills is less, but still
They are the ones responsible for making organizational technical skill helps in making decisions.
decisions and setting policies and strategies which affect Technical skills are the abilities and knowledge needed to
all aspects of the organization. Such individuals may be perform specific tasks. They are practical, and often relate
named vice-president, managing director, chief executive to mechanical, information technology, mathematical, or
officer or board chairman etc. scientific tasks.
2. Human Skills
MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS Managers must have the ability to work well with other
1. Planning people both individually and in a group. Managers need
This is necessary to set goals and to develop strategies for these skills at all levels but top managers need them the
organizing activities. most. The manager has interpersonal skills because he
Planning is the function of management that involves gets the best out of the people that work with him. We can
setting objectives and determining a course of action for communicate, empower, lead, and inspire confidence and
achieving those objectives. Planning requires that enthusiasm.
managers be aware of environmental conditions facing How to Improve Your Management Skills
their organization and forecast future conditions. • Strengthen Your Decision-Making. Sound
2. Organizing decision-making is a crucial skill for managers.
It assists in deciding the tasks to be performed, how to do
them, how to organize the tasks and where to make
• Cultivate Self-Awareness.
decisions. • Build Trust.
Organizing is the function of management which follows • Be a Better Communicator.
planning. It is a function in which the synchronization and • Establish Regular Check-ins.
combination of human, physical and financial resources
take place. Hence, a manager always has to organize in • Carve Out Time for Reflection.
order to get results. • Complete Management Training.
3. Staffing 3. Conceptual Skills
This is important for employing different types of people Managers need to be able to integrate and organize the
and performing different activities such as training, growth, different activities. Managers must be able to think of
evaluation, compensation, welfare etc. abstract ideas and to contextualize them. We need to be
Staffing is the managerial function of recruitment, selection, able to see the organization as a whole and the
training, developing, promotion, and compensation of relationships between its different sub-units, and to see
personnel. how the organization fits into its Wider context. conceptual
4. Directing competencies are important in decision-making. Since all
This requires that subordinates be given instructions and managers have to make decisions. these skills are
motivated to achieve their goals. Controlling necessary for all managers, but they become more
Directing function of management refers to the process of important as they form the hierarchy of the organization.
instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading
people in the organization to achieve its objectives. It is QUALITIES OF A MANAGER
one of the key managerial functions performed by every Quality managers need a variety of technical and soft skills
manager. to be successful in their industry: Attention to detail: Quality
5. Controlling managers must be able to keep track of processes and
Controlling can be defined as that function of management products throughout a company. Strong attention to detail is
which helps to seek planned results from the subordinates, necessary, as they must be able to identify anywhere
managers and at all levels of an organization. standards are not met.
Controlling consists of verifying whether everything occurs
in conformities with the plans adopted, instructions issued, Since the manager makes decisions for each type of activity
and principles established. and his decisions affect an organization work, he should have
the following attributes to do his job properly:
MANAGERIAL SKILLS 1. Educational competence
Simply, managerial skills are the knowledge and ability of the A manager must have adequate and outstanding
individuals in a managerial position to fulfil some specific preparation. Besides other educational qualifications they
management activities or tasks. This knowledge and ability are required to have management education and training.
can be learned and practiced. Therefore, you can develop
each skill through learning and practical experience as a
2. Intellectual quality IMPORTANT ROLES OF A MANAGER
Managers should have a higher level of intelligence As Leader
relative to others, because they have more roles in the  Defining various people's activities and goals within the
organization than other men. organization.
3. Leadership ability
A manager must be able to direct and motivate people  Helps at the workgroup to create the right type of
working within the business. He shall subordinate himself atmosphere and homogeneity.
to leadership. As Coordinator
4. Training  Bring together various resources, both physical and
A manager must develop organizational competencies. As human, for the achievement of organizational objectives.
described in the preceding issue these skills consist of  Mobilizes different resources, brings intelligent
technical skills, human skills and logical abilities.
understanding and goodwill among employers to
5. Technical knowledge and skills
complete work at the organization.
A manager should have technical knowledge of the
As Delegator of Authority
organization's job and other tasks.
6. Mental Maturity  Assign duties to the subordinates that he trusted, and
To deal with different circumstances a manager should delegate the authority necessary. If they do any working
have mental maturity. dependently, the subordinates may gain confidence and
7. Positive Attitude be prepared for higher responsibilities.
Positive attitude is to a manager's asset. A manager has to  Encourage employees to take up appropriate work
deal with a lot of people from both inside and outside the according to their skills and knowledge and train for the
company. next line of executives.
8. Self-Confidence As Decision-Maker
Every manager should have faith in himself. He has to take  After addressing various aspects of the problem taking
a lot of decisions every day; he should thoroughly evaluate decisions for different activities, evaluating them
things before making decisions. designing possible alternatives and choosing the correct
9. Foresight one.
A manager has to make a decision not just for the present As a Human Relations Practitioner
but also for the future.
 Address workplace issues with staff.
ROLE OF MANAGER IN AN ORGANIZATION  Tries to get the best out of the workers, and efforts are
A manager plays a vital role in the organization. He provides made to boost the organization's efficiency.
leadership to others, coordinates the activities of employees, As a Spokesman of the Organization
delegates authority to subordinates, takes important  Acts as the organization's spokesman.
decisions, looks after human relation activities, acts as a
spokesman for the organization etc.  He works with outsiders and provides them with the
Henry Mintzberg discovered that the prevalent view was that required information that they need.
managers were critical thinkers who evaluated information
carefully and systematically before making decisions. MODERN CHALLENGES FOR MANAGERS
Mintzberg found that a large number of diverse, Un patterned, 1. Challenges on Information Technology (IT)
and short-duration tasks were engaged in by managers. Information is undergoing a transition. Computers, the
Reflective was given little time because managers faced internet, intranets, telecommunications, and an endless
constant interruptions. He Offered categorization scheme to number of software applications are available to get things
describe what managers are doing on the job, based on done better.
actual managers. 2. Challenges on Globalization
The digital revolution took the whole world back together.
DIFFERENT HIGHLY INTERRELATED ROLES OF THE Use of satellites to communicate information has rapidly
MANAGERS improved things. The main component of industry, culture
1. Interpersonal Roles and economic globalization is the opportunity and freedom
to communicate with practically anyone, anywhere,
 Receive visitors from outside or preside over employees' anywhere.
social function.
 Sign as organization's manager some legal documents. DEVELOPING MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS
2. Informational Roles Creating the vision and mission statements of an organization
 To collect information outside of one's own organizations are the first two steps in the process of planning action.
and institutions. Developing a statement of vision and mission is crucial for
community initiatives to be successful. Such statements clarify
 Perform the disseminators position as they deliver the goals of your community in a concise way, help the
information to the organization's subordinates. organization concentrate on what is important and provide a
3. Decisional Roles framework for further advancement of other elements of your
 He initiates and supervises new projects to improve the strategic plan.
performance of the organization. Mission and vision statements play three critical roles:
 As a conflict controller, administrators take corrective 1. Communicate the organization's intent to stakeholders
actions to fix previously unknown issues. 2. Inform the development of Strategy, and
 3. Establish the tangible priorities and goals by which to
measure the success of the strategy of the company.
WHAT IS A VISION STATEMENT? The mission statement will help to measure whether the
Their vision is their dream. It's what your company considers strategic plan is aligned with the Agency's overall objectives.
to be the ideal conditions for your community; that is, how The vision statement helps inspire workers. Workers who feel
things would look if you absolutely, beautifully addressed the invested in organizational change are more likely to stay
issue that is important to you. It could be a world without war, motivated and have higher levels of productivity.
or a society where all men, regardless of gender or racial
background, are treated as equals. IMPORTANCE OF CREATING VISION AND MISSION
Characteristics of vision statements should be: STATEMENTS
a. Understood and shared by members of the 1. These statements can help your organization focus on
organization. what's really important. Although your organization
b. Broad enough to include a diverse variety of local knows what you 're trying to do to improve your
perspectives. community, it's easy to lose sight of this when dealing
with day-to-day organizational difficulties. Your vision
c. Inspiring and uplifting to everyone involved in group's and mission statements remind the members of what is
d. Easy to communicate they are generally short enough. 2. Vision and mission statements offer a snapshot of what
the group is and what it aims to do to other people and
organizations. If statement of vision and purpose is
readily accessible, people know about the organization
The mission statement of an organization explains what the
without having to dig hard for the details. Instead, those
organization will do, and why it will do that. Mission
with common interests should take the time to learn
statements are similar to claims about vision, in that they also
more. This flexibility is very useful when hiring other
look at the big picture. They are more practical however, and
individuals and organizations to support the initiative.
they are certainly more "action oriented" than statements of
dream. The statement of vision of an organization will inspire 3. Statements of vision and mission concentrate the
people to dream; your statement of purpose should motivate members on their shared goal. Not only can the
them to act. statements themselves act as a daily reminder of the
A mission statement is a concise explanation of the organization's value, the method of creating them
organization's reason for existence. It describes the encourages people to see the organization as "theirs."
organization's purpose and its overall intention, identifying the Creating these statements builds trust as participants
goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it can more fully believe in something if they have a hand
provides, its primary customers or market, and its in creating it.
geographical region of operation.
The mission statement supports the vision and serves to • Bringing people into work together.
communicate purpose and direction to employees, customers, • To offer hope for a better future.
vendors, and other stakeholders.
General Guidelines in Creating Mission Statements
• Empowering members of the group to achieve their
goals through constructive and successful your broad
a. Concise. While not as brief as statements of vision, sight visions into more practical,
mission statements in one sentence also usually get
their point across.
• Describe your priorities clearly and concisely to the
b. Outcome-oriented. Statements on task describe the - Improving the image of your organization as
basic results to which the organization is being skilled and knowledgeable.
c. Inclusive. Although declarations of mission make
statements about the key goals of your community, it HOW TO CREATE VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS
is very important that they do so very broadly. Good 1. Learn What is Important to People in Your
mission statements are not restrictive in the Organization and the Community
community's policies or industries that may As the first step in the development of your action plan is
to establish your vision and mission statements, it is
Role of the Vision Statement especially important that these first steps are well- in
Like statement of mission, statement of vision helps to define community principles and values. Being aware of the
the intent of the organization. Statements of vision provide important issues within your community is vital to the
guidance for organizational action and help inspire. Strategic creation of a large, successful and lasting group of action.
plans may include a promotional campaign that may include Different Ways in Gathering this Information
the statement of vision to encourage stakeholders to partner
with the organization as well. A vision statement is a vision of
a. Conducting public forums with members of the
the future with hope and a positive outlook.
A vision statement describes the company's purpose, what b. Holding focus group discussions with the people
the company is striving for, and what it wants to achieve. Most b. Obtaining interviews with people in leadership and
writers of vision statements find that it's a rewarding and service positions
inspiring process. It gives them the chance to articulate the 2. Decide What to Ask
characteristics that influence the organization's strategy. No matter if you are talking to one person or a crowd, your
purpose is the same - to learn what matters in your
Purposes of Strategic Planning community.
Strategic planning is likely to have successes and failures. 3. Decide on The General Focus of Your Organization
Leaders should celebrate the little successes in achieving
objectives that are part of the statement of mission and vision.
After the organization's leaders have learned what the work related fulfillment and good of the Workers for work-
group has to say, it's time to determine the organization or achieving objectives. Management who takes a special
initiative's overall emphasis. interest in workers makes them feel art of a specific group.
To establish a relation, theorists such as Elton Mayo and
WEEK 11 - BASIC OF POLICE ADMINISTRATION others analyzed efficiency of workers under various
DEVELOP YOUR VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS conditions. Mayo's work with Hawthorne offers a clear
Developing clear vision and mission statements are two of example of this. A group of telephone line workers were
the most critical activities that your organization can tackle, divided in the Hawthorne experiment, and observed working
as such statements influence almost everything else you do. in a private room.
When you and the team understand more clearly what the
community is trying to do and why, you are in a prime MANAGEMENT BY EXAMPLE
position to create proposals that will catch the ideas. When The concept of leading others by dictation or order may seem
you look at possible claims, try to keep them broad and like a fairly daunting task to many managers. Most managers
enduring. don't want to feel like they're babysitting or bossing their staff
Wide-ranging vision and mission statements allow for a sense members around, but they also find it best to show their
continuity with the past, values and specific aims of a workers how they want to behave and how they'd prefer their
community. In addition, statements of vision and mission built daily tasks to be done. That all comes down to the often-
up to last should drive efforts today and tomorrow. challenging task of leading by example.


The method of writing the statement of purpose for your Strategic management requires setting objectives for the
organization is close to creating your statement of vision. The company, analyzing the actions of competitors, reviewing the
same method of brainstorming will help you to build the organization's internal structure, evaluating current strategies,
possibilities for your mission statement. You'll want to and confirming that strategies are implemented company
establish a common mission statement for your work as wide.
opposed to vision statements. Strategic management can be either prescriptive or
1. Could this explain what your company is going to do,  Avoid Criticizing
and why is it going to?  Give Honest Praise
2. Is it concise (one sentence)?  Develop Real Relationships
 Get in on the Action
3. Was it outcome oriented?  Humility is Key
4. Is it reflective of the organization's priorities and people
who might get involved? ENGAGEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT
• If you want engagement and empowerment,
1. Attach it to your letterhead or to your stationary consider the following behaviors:
2. Use them on Site • Act like an owner-make choice that are based on the
3. Giving away with them T-shirts, or bookmarks, or other highest company and priorities nice.
little gifts • Be constructive in asking what you can do to
4. Use these while giving interviews. improve or make a situation easier.
5. Show it on your reports cover • Be responsible by recognizing that there is still an
aspect of the project or a consequence that will
BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT • Seek items that match the ultimate purpose. So, if
Behavioral management is a behavioral intervention you make a mistake, then you will own it and accept
approach that is oriented towards keeping order. This is a responsibility.
class of therapeutic strategies for altering behavior by
modifying one or more aspects of the environment of and VALUES FORMATION IN MANAGEMENT
person. Behavioral management derived from Albert Mainly, there are five sources of value formation. ... There are
Bandura's theory of social learning, which affirms that four major institutions which provide the basic sources of
observable behavior emerges from an interaction between values: – Family, School, State and Religion. These
the person and the environment. institutions teach the individuals what is good or bad for them.
Good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished.
BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Formation of values is the confluence of our personal
1. Antecedent strategies - Which are used in an experiences and the society in which we are entwined. In the
attempt to discourage or provoke a behavior childhood, values are place by our families and reinforced by
2. Consequent strategies - Which are used when a community and life experiences. For example, my parents
behavior happens in an attempt to discourage a placed on me the importance of kindness, and reinforced it
behavior from continuing and repeating, or to during early childhood.

Behavioral Management Theory Value Management is concerned with the creation of
The theory of behavioral developed in response to the need sustainable value, either at project, product, process,
to account for the actions and motivation of the employees. organizational or social level. It is concerned with improving
The change (classical leadership theory) to a style of and sustaining a desirable balance between the needs and
leadership based on the human need of of the workers for
wants of stakeholders and the resources needed to satisfy
Our values represent our personal guiding principles or life
goals, guiding our behavior in all aspects of life, including our
home life, our work like, and our social life. The importance of
values lies in their purpose, which is, in short, to guide our
beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.
1. Development of Employees
2. Motivation
3. Underlie Managerial Behavior
4. Determine behavior
5. Helps in bringing change
6. Determine attitudes
7. Promote leadership
8. Bring creativity
9. Managing in Borderless
10. Involve in managerial goals
11. Guide to life, profession, and character
12. Personality development
13. Work ethic

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