End Term Mock Sep22 Unanswered

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End Term Mock

Question 1 [3 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the "Shopping Bills" dataset. At the end of the
execution, A captures the highest "Price" of an item purchased from "Big Bazaar". Choose the
correct code fragment to complete the pseudocode.

1 A = 0
2 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
3 Read the top card X in Pile 1
4 if(X.ShopName == "Big Bazaar"){
5 temp = findItem(X)
6 if(temp > A){
7 A = temp
8 }
9 }
10 Move X to Pile 2
11 }
13 Procedure findItem(Y)
14 maxPrice = 0
15 while(Y.ItemList has more rows){
16 *********************
17 * Fill the code *
18 *********************
19 }
20 return(maxPrice)
21 End findItem


1 Read first item Z from ItemList of card Y

2 if(Z.Price >= maxPrice){
3 maxPrice = Z.Price
4 }
5 Remove Z from ItemList of card Y

1 Read first item Z from ItemList of card Y
2 if(maxPrice >= Z.Price){
3 maxPrice = Z.Price
4 }
5 Remove Z from ItemList of card Y


1 Read first item Z from ItemList of card Y

2 if(maxPrice >= Z.Price){
3 maxPrice = Z.Price
4 }


1 Read first item Z from ItemList of card Y

2 if(maxPrice >= Z.Price){
3 maxPrice = Z.Price
4 }

Question 2 [3 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Library” dataset. What will B represent at the
end of the execution?

1 A = 0, B = 0
2 while(Table 1 has more rows){
3 Read the first row X in Table 1
4 if(X.Language == "English"){
5 A = A + 1
6 }
7 else{
8 if(X.Language == "English" or X.Genre == "Fiction"){
9 B = B + 1
10 }
11 }
12 Move X to Table 2
13 }


Number of fictional books


Number of fictional books written in other than English


Number of books written in English + Number of fictional books


Number of books written in English + Number of fictional books written in other than English


Number of fictional books + Number of non-fictional books written in English

Question 3 [4 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the "Scores" table. At the end of the execution, A
captures the number of pairs of students who have scored the same marks in all subjects. Choose
the correct code fragment to complete the pseudocode.

1 A = 0
2 while(Table 1 has more rows){
3 Read the first row X in Table 1
4 Move X to Table 2
5 while(Table 1 has more rows){
6 Read the first row Y in Table 1
7 Move Y to Table 3
8 *********************
9 * Fill the code *
10 *********************
11 }
12 Move all rows from Table 3 to Table 1
13 }


1 B = False
2 if(X.Chemistry == Y.Chemistry){
3 B = True
4 }
5 if(X.Mathematics == Y.Mathematics){
6 B = True
7 }
8 if(X.Physics == Y.Physics){
9 B = True
10 }
11 if(not(B)){
12 A = A + 1
13 }

1 B = True
2 if(X.Chemistry != Y.Chemistry){
3 B = False
4 }
5 if(X.Mathematics != Y.Mathematics){
6 B = False
7 }
8 if(X.Physics != Y.Physics){
9 B = False
10 }
11 if(B){
12 A = A + 1
13 }


1 B = 0
2 if(X.Chemistry == Y.Chemistry){
3 B = B + 1
4 }
5 if(X.Mathematics == Y.Mathematics){
6 B = B + 1
7 }
8 if(X.Physics == Y.Physics){
9 B = B + 1
10 }
11 if(B > 1){
12 A = A + 1
13 }


1 B = 0
2 if(X.Chemistry == Y.Chemistry){
3 B = B + 1
4 }
5 if(X.Mathematics == Y.Mathematics){
6 B = B + 1
7 }
8 if(X.Physics == Y.Physics){
9 B = B + 1
10 }
11 if(B == 1){
12 A = A + 1
13 }

Question - 4 [5 Marks]
getSpecial is a procedure that accepts a non empty list of distinct integers L as parameter and
returns a pair of two integers. The first element of the pair is the minimum element in L and the
second element of the pair is the maximum element in L. Choose the correct code fragment to
complete the procedure.

1 Procedure getSpecial(L)
2 min = first(L), max = Last(L)
3 if(first(L) > last(L)){
4 min = last(L)
5 max = first(L)
6 }
8 if(length(L) == 2){
9 return([min, max])
10 }
12 L = init(rest(L))
13 if(first(L) < min){
14 min = first(L)
15 }
16 if(first(L) > max{
17 max = first(L)
18 }
19 ** Fill the code **
20 End getSpecial


1 return(getSpecial([min] ++ rest(L) ++ [max]))


1 return(getSpecial([min] ++ init(L) ++ [max]))


1 return(getSpecial([min] ++ int(rest(L)) ++ [max]))


1 return(getSpecial([min] ++ first(L) ++ [max]))

Question 5 [5 Marks]
Let X and Y be two rows in the “Library” table. We call X and Y compatible if books in rows X and Y
are either published in the same year or under the same genre but not both. Let Compatible(X,
Y) be a procedure to find whether X and Y are compatible. Choose the correct implementation of
the procedure Compatible.


1 Procedure Compatible(X, Y)
2 A = False, B = False
3 if(X.Year == Y.Year){
4 A = True
5 }
6 if(X.Genre == Y.Genre){
7 B = True
8 }
9 if(A and B){
10 return(True)
11 }
12 return(False)
13 End Compatible


1 Procedure Compatible(X, Y)
2 A = False, B = False
3 if(X.Year == Y.Year){
4 A = True
5 }
6 if(X.Genre == Y.Genre){
7 B = True
8 }
9 if(A or B){
10 return(True)
11 }
12 return(False)
13 End Compatible

1 Procedure Compatible(X, Y)
2 A = False, B = False
3 if(X.Year == Y.Year){
4 A = True
5 }
6 if(X.Genre == Y.Genre){
7 B = True
8 }
9 if((A and B == False) or (A or B)){
10 return(True)
11 }
12 return(False)
13 End Compatible


1 Procedure Compatible(X, Y)
2 A = False, B = False
3 if(X.Year == Y.Year){
4 A = True
5 }
6 if(X.Genre == Y.Genre){
7 B = True
8 }
9 if((A and B == False) and (A or B)){
10 return(True)
11 }
12 return(False)
13 End Compatible

Question 6 [5 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” dataset. What does L store at the end of
the execution?

1 D = {}
2 L = []
3 while(Table 1 has more rows){
4 Read the first row X in Table 1
5 if(isKey(D, X.TownCity)){
6 if(not member(D[X.TownCity], X.Gender)){
7 D[X.TownCity] = D[X.TownCity] ++ [X.Gender]
8 }
9 }
10 else{
11 D[X.TownCity] = [X.Gender]
12 }
13 Move X to Table 2
14 }
15 foreach i in keys(D){
16 if(length(D[i]) > 1){
17 L = L ++ [i]
18 }
19 }


List of cities that have more than one student


List of cities that have at least one boy and at least one girl


List of cities that have either boys or girls, but not both


List of cities that have exactly one boy or exactly one girl

Question 7 [4 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” dataset. What will first(D[i]) - last(D[i])
represent for a given key i ?

1 D = {}
2 while(Table 1 has more rows){
3 Read the first row X in Table 1
4 if(isKey(D, X.TownCity)){
5 if(first(D[X.TownCity]) < X.Mathematics){
6 D[X.TownCity] = [X.Mathematics, last(D[X.TownCity])]
7 }
8 if(last(D[X.TownCity]) > X.Mathematics){
9 D[X.TownCity] = [first(D[X.TownCity]), X.Mathematics]
10 }
11 }
12 else{
13 D[X.TownCity] = [X.Mathematics, X.Mathematics]
14 }
15 Move X to Table 2
16 }


The difference between highest and lowest Mathematics marks of the city i


The difference between overall highest and lowest Mathematics marks of the dataset


The difference between highest and second highset Mathematics marks of the city i


It will be always 0.

Question (8 - 9)
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Shopping Bills” dataset.

1 itemD = {}, costD = {}

2 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
3 Read the top card X in Pile 1
4 itemD = updateDict(itemD, X)
5 Move X to Pile 2
6 }
8 foreach i in keys(itemD){
9 B = 0, items = []
10 foreach j in keys(itemD[i]){
11 if(itemD[i][j] == B){
12 items = items ++ [j]
13 }
14 if(itemD[i][j] > B){
15 B = itemD[i][j]
16 items = [j]
17 }
18 }
19 costD[i] = items
20 }
22 Procedure updateDict(D, Y)
23 if(not isKey(D, Y.ShopName)){
24 D[Y.ShopName] = {}
25 }
26 foreach A in Y.ItemList{
27 if(isKey(D[Y.ShopName], A.Item)){
28 D[Y.ShopName][A.Item] = D[Y.ShopName][A.Item] + A.Cost
29 }
30 else{
31 D[Y.ShopName][A.Item] = A.Cost
32 }
33 }
34 return(D)
35 End updateDict

Question 8 [4 Marks]
What will itemD[i][j] represent?

Revenue generated by item j for shop i


Revenue generated by item i for shop j


Cost of item i in shop j


Cost of item j in shop i

Question 9 [5 Marks]
What will costD[i] represent at the end of the execution?


List of item(s) which generated highest revenue for shop i


List of item(s) which generated lowest revenue for shop i


List of cost of most sold item(s) in shop i


List of cost of least sold item(s) in shop i

Question (10 - 11)
The followig pseudocode constructs a matrix M from the “Shopping Bills” dataset. Two bills are
said to be similar if the difference of their total bill amount is at most 100. Procedure abs(a)
returns absolute value of input intger a. For example: abs(5) = 5, abs(-5) = 5.

1 D = {}
2 while(Table 1 has more rows){
3 Read the first row X in Table 1
4 D[X.SeqNo] = [X.Name, X.Total]
5 Move X to Table 2
6 }
8 n = length(keys(D))
9 M = createMatrix(n, n)
10 foreach i in keys(D){
11 foreach j in keys(D){
12 if(i != j and abs(last(D[i]) - last(D[j]) <= 100){
13 M[i][j] = 1
14 if(first(D[i]) == first(D[j]){
15 M[i][j] = M[i][j] + 1
16 }
17 }
18 }
19 }

Question 10 [5 Marks]
Let i and j be the sequence numbers of two similar bills, where i j. Which of the following
statement(s) is/are are true about M[i][j]? It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).


The maximum value of M[i][j] will be 2.


If M[i][j] = 1, then both the bills have same customer names


If M[i][j] = 1, then both the bills have different customer names


If M[i][j] = 2, then both the bills have same customer names


M[i][j] can be more than 2 if both the bills have same customer names

Question 11 [5 Marks]
Choose the correct statement(s) based on above pseudocode. It is a Multiple Select Question


For i j, if M[i][j] = 0 then M[j][i] = 1


For i j, if M[i][j] = 1 then M[j][i] = 1


For i j, if M[i][j] = 1 then M[j][i] = 0


For i j, if M[i][j] = 0 then M[j][i] = 0


For i j, if M[i][j] = 2 then M[j][i] = 2

Question 12 [5 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Words” dataset. What will wList represent at the
end of execution?

1 A = 0
2 wList = [], L = []
3 while(Table 1 has more rows){
4 Read the first row X in Table 1
5 L = findSomething(L, X)
6 if(length(L) == A){
7 wList = wList ++ [X.Word]
8 }
9 if(length(L) > A){
10 A = length(L)
11 wList = [X.Word]
12 }
13 L = []
14 Move X to Table 2
15 }
17 Procedure findSomething(M, Y)
18 i = 1, t = ''
19 while(i <= Y.LetterCount){
20 t = ith letter of Y.Word
21 if(not member(M, t)){
22 M = M ++ [t]
23 }
24 i = i + 1
25 }
26 return(M)
27 End findSomething


List of words which have maximum number of letters


List of words which have maximum number of distinct letters


List of words which have maximum number of duplicate letters


List of words which have minimum number of letters

Question 13 [6 Marks]
Let n be the number of rows in the "Words" dataset. A matrix W is constructed using the following

1 W = createMatrix(n, n)
2 foreach i in rows(W){
3 foreach j in columns(W){
4 W[i][j] = []
5 }
6 }
8 while(Table 1 has more rows){
9 Read the first row X in Table 1
10 Move X to Table 2
11 while(Table 1 has more rows){
12 Read the first row Y in Table 1
13 Move Y to Table 3
14 if(X.Word != Y.Word and X.LetterCount == Y.LetterCount){
15 W[X.Seq No][Y.Seq No] = doSomething(X, Y)
16 }
17 }
18 Move all rows from Table 3 to Table 1
19 }
21 Procedure doSomething(A, B)
22 L = []
23 i = 1
24 while(i <= A.LetterCount){
25 p = ith letter of A.Word
26 j = 1
27 while(j <= B.LetterCount){
28 q = jth letter of B.Word
29 if(p == q and not(member(L, q)){
30 L = L ++ [q]
31 }
32 j = j + 1
33 }
34 i = i + 1
35 }
36 return(L)
37 End doSomething

For two different words i and j, what does the value W[i][j] represent at the end of the execution?


List of distinct letters which are present in both words i and j with different letter counts


List of distinct letters which are not present in both words i and j with different letter counts


List of distinct letters which are present in both words i and j with same letter counts


List of distinct letters which are not present in both words i and j with same letter counts

Question 14 [6 Marks]
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Shopping Bills” dataset. At the end of the
execution, L stores the list of distinct shops from which only one category of items have been
bought. But the pseudocode may have mistakes. Identify all such mistakes (if any). Assume that
all statements not listed in the options below are free of errors. It is a Multiple Select Question

1 A = {}
2 L = []
3 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
4 Read the top card X from Pile 1
5 if(not isKey(A, X.ShopName)){
6 A = updateDict(A, X)
7 }
8 else{
9 A[X.ShopName] = []
10 A = updateDict(A, X)
11 }
12 Move X to Pile 2
13 }
14 foreach k in keys(A){
15 if(length(A[k]) == 1){
16 L = L ++ [k]
17 }
18 }
19 Procedure updateDict(D, Y)
20 foreach Z in Y.ItemList{
21 if(not member(D, Z.Category)){
22 D[Y.ShopName] = D[Y.ShopName] ++ [Z.Category]
23 }
24 }
25 return(D)
26 End updateDict


Line 1: Incorrect initialization of A


Line 5: Incorrect conditional statement


Line 16: Incorrect updating of L


Line 21: Incorrect conditional statement


Line 22: Incorrect updation of dictionary D

Question 15 [4 Marks]
What will the value of sum be at the end of the execution of following pseudocode? (NAT)

1 sum = 0
2 L1 = [3, 0, 2]
3 L2 = [1, -4, 5]
4 sum = addSomething(L1, L2) + addSomething(L2, L1)
6 Procedure addSomething(X, Y)
7 s = 0
8 foreach a in X{
9 foreach b in Y{
10 s = s + (a - b)
11 }
12 }
13 return(s)
14 End addSomething

Question 16 [5 Marks]
Let X and Y be two words from the "Words" table. The given procedure CountSentence counts
the number of sentences that do not contain both words X and Y. But the procedure may have
mistakes. Identify all such mistakes (if any). It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).

1 Procedure CountSentence(X, Y)
2 XCount = 0, YCount = 0, Count = 0
3 while(Table 1 has more rows){
4 Read the first row Z in Table 1
5 if(Z.Word == X){
6 XCount = XCount + 1
7 }
8 if(Z.Word == Y){
9 YCount = YCount + 1
10 }
11 if(Z.Word ends with a full stop){
12 if(XCount == 0 and YCount == 0){
13 Count = Count + 1
14 }
15 XCount = 0
16 YCount = 0
17 }
18 Move Z to Table 2
19 }
20 return(Count)
21 End CountSentence


Line 6: Condition to increment XCount is incorrect


Line 9: Condition to increment YCount is incorrect


Line 13: Condition to increment Count is incorrect


Line 15&16: XCount and YCount are reinitialized with incorrect value


No error
Question-(17 - 19)
A computer scientist is planning to conduct an event in the city. She has come up with a novel
scheme to invite people:

The host (computer scientist) can send out any number of invitations and does not accept any

Each invitation is represented by a unique text message.

Each invitee can choose to either accept or reject the invitation.
If an invitee accepts the invitation, then he can invite exactly one other person by forwarding
the invitation that he received to this person, i.e., the invitee can forward the message he
received only once.
If an invitee doesn't accept the invitation, he cannot invite anyone.
If a person receives multiple invitations, he can accept at most one of them. All other
invitations must be rejected.

This situation is modeled as a graph. There is a node corresponding to every person who attends
the event. n people attend the event and the attendees are indexed from 0 to . Given a pair
of attendees (i, j), there is an edge from i to j if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

j was invited by i
j accepted i's invitation

The graph is represented by a matrix A, such that A[i][j] = 1 if and only if there is an edge from i to

Consider the following graph of six attendees to the party:

Question-17 [2 Marks]
Who is the host? Enter a number between 0 and 5, both endpoints included.

Question-18 [3 Marks]
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).


0 and 5 have identical messages


1, 2 and 5 have identical messages


1, 2 and 3 have identical messages


1 and 3 have different messages


2 and 5 have different messages

Question-19 [4 Mark]
Fill the missing values in the matrix representation A, of the above graph.


a = 1, b = 1, c = 1, d = 0, e = 0


a = 1, b = 0, c = 1, d = 0, e = 0


a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1, e = 1


a = 0, b = 1, c = 1, d = 0, e = 1

Questions (20 - 21)
The following pseudocode constructs a graph G using the “Scores” dataset, represented by the
adjacency matrix B. Let A be a dictionary with sequence numbers of students as keys mapped to
their total marks.

1 n = length(keys(A))
2 B = createMatrix(n, n)
4 foreach i in keys(A){
5 foreach j in keys(A){
6 if(A[i] > A[j]){
7 B[i][j] = 1
8 }
9 }
10 }

Question - 20 [4 Marks]
Choose the correct option(s) with respect to the graph G. It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).


The in-degree and out-degree for each node in G is the same.


G is always acyclic.


If B[i][j] = 1 then B[j][i] = 1, for any i, j


If B[i][j] = 1 then B[j][i] = 0, for any i, j


If B[i][j] = 0 then B[j][i] = 1, for any i, j

Question - 21 [4 Marks]
When will the procedure checkSomething(B, i) return True?

1 Procedure checkSomething(B, i)
2 foreach j in columns(B){
3 if((i != j) and (B[i][j] == 0)){
4 return(False)
5 }
6 }
7 return (True)
8 End checkSomething


If student i has scored greater total marks than at least one student


If student i has scored less total marks than at least one student


If student i has scored lowest total marks among all students


If student i has scored highest total marks among all students

Question (22 - 23)
Let M be the adjacency matrix of the graph G given below.

1 Procedure updateMatrix(M)
2 tempMat = M
3 foreach i in rows(M){
4 foreach k in columns(M){
5 if(M[i][k] == 1){
6 foreach j in columns(M){
7 if(M[k][j] == 1){
8 tempMat[i][j] = 1
9 }
10 }
11 }
12 }
13 }
14 return(tempMat)
15 End updateMatrix

Based on above information, answer the following questions.

Question 22 [5 Marks]
What will be the value of B at the end of the execution of the pseudocode given below?

1 newMatrix = updateMatrix(M)
2 B = newMatrix[0][3]
Question 23 [4 Marks]
What will be the value of B at the end of execution of pseudocode given below?

1 newMatrix = updateMatrix(M)
2 newMatrix2 = updateMatrix(newMatrix)
3 B = newMatrix2[0][3]


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