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Original Article Sudan Medical Laboratory Journal

Assessment of bone profile and Liver Enzymes among Triple negative versus
Hormone Receptor Positive Sudanese Breast Cancer Patients

Raga SalahEldeen Khogaly1, AbdElkarimAbobakerAbdrabo1*, Amar Mohamed Ismail2

Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan
Faculty of Science and Technology, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan.

Background: Some serum biochemical parameters may be used as prognostic markers of breast
cancer; these are studied broadly, but not studied yet in Sudan.
Objective: In this study we aimed to assess calcium, phosphate, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
Gamma glutamyle trans peptidase (GGT), and Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) among hormone
breast cancer subtypes.
Methods: In a comparative cross‑sectional 178 BC patients, ages ranged from 28 to 95 were
randomly selected. Bone minerals and liver enzymes were measured using Mindray-BS-480
Clinical Chemistry Analyzer.
Results: In total, 30.3% were triple negative, were 69.7 % hormone receptor positive, and52.8
% out of total was late stage. T. test analyses show significant difference in GGT between triple
negative and hormone receptor positive also between late stage and early stage (P = 0.017 and
0.016, and 0.018), respectively.
Conclusion: Hormone receptor positive and late stage BC patients have increased GGT activity.
Key words: Liver enzymes, Bone, Triple negative, Hormone, Receptor
*Correspondence: AbdElkarimAbobakerAbdrabo e-mail: [email protected];

Introduction Sudanese women. According to data from the

Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent National Cancer Institute—University of Gezira
malignancy and a significant factor in both (NCI-UG), 34% of female cancer patients in
morbidity and mortality among women. More 2017 had BC (2). In spite of 20% to 30% of
than 90% of mortalities are due to metastasis(1). people experience its recurrence in distant
Since Sudan lacks a population-based national locations, researchers observed that, the death
cancer registry, hospital case series are typically rate was decreased during the past ten years,
used to estimate cancer rates in Sudan (2). which attributed to the early detection and
According to data from the Khartoum State intervention (3).
Malignancy Registry for the years 2009 to 2010, BC molecular subtypes include: (luminal A,
BC was the most prevalent cancer among luminal B, Human epidermal growth factor
AbdElkarim A Abdrabo et al., SMLJ 10(2) (2022): 62-68 DOI: 10.52981/smlj.v10i2.2848

receptor 2 [HER2]-enriched and basal-like) based transferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase
on the status of estrogen receptor (ER), (ALP) are exhibit higher levels (11). The
progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 (3, 4). alteration in the levels of serum bone minerals is
Besides their different ability to metastasize to also noticed in BC patients. The hypercalcemia in
distant organs, these subtypes possess different BC has been attributed in part to osteolytic bone
pathways to the preferred metastatic sites, as well metastases (12). This study hypothesis that, bone
as differing survival responses after relapse (5). minerals (Calcium & Phosphate) and liver
Several factors can increase the likelihood of enzymes {alanine aminotransferase ALT),
developing a metastatic breast cancer MBC, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-
including age, race, ethnicity, endogenous glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline
hormones, menopause, smoking, first-degree phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase
relatives, number of metastatic sites, length of (LDH)} are useful for prognosis and screening of
breastfeeding, mutations, and the grade and size bone and liver metastasis in breast cancer
of the initial tumor (6). patients.
Bone is the most frequent location for both Study populations
metastasis and the first distant recurrence (3,7,8). Eighty-ninediagnosed adult female patients with
The three most typical signs of bone metastases breast cancer who were presented to Radiation
are severe osteopenia, pathologic fractures, and and Isotope centre at Khartoum (RICK) a period
nerve compression. However patients continue to of consecutive 24 months from December 2018
present with no clinical symptoms and miss till December 2020 were recruited into this cross-
detection at the diagnosis, therefore the bone sectional study after informed consent. The
metastasis associated with worse outcomes and clinco-pathological data (stage, number of
lower quality of life (9, 10). treatment doses and hormone receptor status) and
Furthermore, the rate-limiting factor for patient demographic data (age, BMI and marital status)
survival is hepatic metastases, which involve in were recorded from the pathology reports of the
about half of all cases (11).The early detection of patients. Patients diagnosed with bone disease,
liver metastases is essential for prompt treatment asthma, autoimmune disease and other types of
to improves outcomes. Fine-needle aspiration cancer were excluded, all participants were
cytology (FNAC) of hepatic lesions has become candidates for chemotherapy with or without
a common diagnostic tool (11). Serological adjuvant. The study populations were classified
examination is used to monitor metastatic disease in to groups according to hormone receptor status
during treatment with low sensitivity and (Triple negative, hormone receptor positive
specificity. Liver function test that includes group) and stage (Early, Late group). These
estimation of enzymes activity, showed poor groups were age and BMI matched.
results in 92% most cases, the glutamyl
ISSN: 1858-6147 Sud Med Lab J, issue 2, vol 10 (2022)
AbdElkarim A Abdrabo et al., SMLJ 10(2) (2022): 62-68 DOI: 10.52981/smlj.v10i2.2848

Ethics Approval: The study protocol was Results

approved by the Scientific Research Committee One hundred and seventy-eight breast cancer
and Institutional Review Board (AL-Neelain female's patients; mean age 48 (range; 28 - 95)
University) IRB serial No: NU-IRB-17-10-10- years, were included in this study. The
106 and National Health Research Ethics descriptive results showed that the percentage of
Committee – Sudan. All participants were triple negative is30.3% in Sudanese BC while the
informed by the aim of the study. hormone receptors positive is 69.7%; and the
Methods early stage was 47.2 % while 52.8 % was late
Under aseptic condition 2.5 ml blood was stage(Table 1).The serum level in tables 2, 3 and
withdrawn on lithium heparin container, plasma 4 were analyzed using independent sample t-test.
was obtained after centrifugation at 3000 rpm GGT was significant different between hormone
and kept at -20°. receptor groups and Stage groups (P value 0.017,
Measurement of serum parameters: 0.016, and 0.018) (table 2, 3 and 4). While there
Parameters were measured using Mindray-BS- was no significant difference in Ca, Pi, ALP, and
480 Clinical Chemistry Analyzer-Shenzhen LDH (P value 0.518, 0.347, 0.077, and 0.300)
Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. between hormone receptor groups (Table 2); also
Statistical analysis: Data analysed using Ca, Pi, ALP, and LDH showed no significant
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS difference between stage groups (P value 0.518,
Inc, ver. 23, IL-Chicago- USA). The descriptive 0.347, 0.077, 0.300) and (0.459, 0.500, 0.129,
results were presented as percentages mean ± SD. 0.810) triple negative and hormone receptor
Independent t.test was employed to compare positive respectively (Table 3& 4).
between two groups. P value of ≤0.05 was Table (5) showed significant positive correlation
considered significant. between cancer stage, Ca level and GGT activity
while the other biochemical’s showed no
correlation. Also there is no correlation between
age and all investigated parameters.

Table (1): Characteristics of Breast Cancer Patients

Percentage (%) Frequency Class
30.3% 54 Triple Negative
69.7% 124 Hormone. R Positive
47.2 % 84 Early stage
52.8 % 94 Late stage

ISSN: 1858-6147 Sud Med Lab J, issue 2, vol 10 (2022)
AbdElkarim A Abdrabo et al., SMLJ 10(2) (2022): 62-68 DOI: 10.52981/smlj.v10i2.2848

Table (2): Differnces in bone profile and liver Enzymes between hormone receptor positive and
triple negative BC patients
PARAMETER Number Mean ± SD P value
CaTriple negative 54 8.5 ± 1.11 0.518
Hormone.R positive 124 8.6 ± 1.7
PiTriple negative 54 3.9 ± 0.67 0.347
Hormone.Rpositive 124 3.8 ± 0.73
ALP Triple negative 54 41 ± 42 0.077
Hormone.R positive 124 55 ± 46
GGTTriple negative 54 25 ± 13 0.017
Hormone.Rpositive 124 46 ± 30
LDH Triple negative 54 230 ± 114 0.300
Hormone.R positive 124 201 ± 181
Ca = calcium, Pi = phosphate, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, GGT = gama glutamayl transpeptidase,
LDH = lactate dehydrogenase.

Table (3): Comparison of Bone profile and liver Enzymes between early and late stage Triple
negative BC patients
PARAMETER Number Mean ± SD P value
Ca Early 24 8.3 ± 1.4 0.459
Late 30 8.6 ± 0.66
Pi Early 24 3.8 ± 0.83 0.500
Late 30 3.9 ± 0.50
ALP Early 24 33 ± 20 0.129
Late 30 51 ± 12
GGT Early 24 21 ± 16 0.016
Late 30 30 ± 9.6
LDH Early 24 226 ± 97 0.810
Late 30 233 ± 126
Ca = calcium, Pi = phosphate, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, GGT = gama glutamayl transpeptidase,
LDH = lactate dehydrogenase.

Table (4): Comparison of Bone profile and liver Enzymes between early and late stage Hormone
receptor positive BC patients
PARAMETER Number Mean ± SD P value
Ca Early 56 8.8 ± 0.7 0.541
Late 60 8.5 ± 2.2
Pi Early 56 3.7 ± 0.73 0.803
Late 60 3.8 ± 0.74
ALP Early 56 57 ± 24 0.570
Late 60 52 ± 37
GGT Early 56 31 ± 20 0.018
Late 60 57 ± 25
LDH Early 56 168 ± 82 0.047
Late 60 234 ± 117
Ca = calcium, Pi = phosphate, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, GGT = gama glutamayl transpeptidase,
LDH = lactate dehydrogenase.

ISSN: 1858-6147 Sud Med Lab J, issue 2, vol 10 (2022)
AbdElkarim A Abdrabo et al., SMLJ 10(2) (2022): 62-68 DOI: 10.52981/smlj.v10i2.2848

Table (5): Correlation between Bone profile and liver Enzymes and cancer stage among BC
Stage Age
Ca Pearson’s correlation (r) 0.311** 0.075
Sig (P.value) 0.000 0.166
N 178 178
Pi Pearson’s correlation (r) 0.050 -0.065
Sig (P.value) 0.270 0.199
N 178 178
ALP Pearson’s correlation (r) 0.069 0.005
Sig (P.value) 0.199 0.475
N 178
GGT Pearson’s correlation (r) 0.263** -0.055
Sig (P.value) 0.000 0.239
N 178 178
LDH Pearson’s correlation (r) 0.033 -0.114
Sig (P.value) 0.342 0.060
N 178
Ca = calcium, Pi = phosphate, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, GGT = gama glutamayl transpeptidase,
LDH = lactate dehydrogenase. P.value less than 0.05 is considerd significant

Discussion: cellular defense mechanism (15).

In clinical practice, ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, and Chemotherapeutic resistance and a worse linked
LDH are five serum biochemical markers that to increasing GGT may be explained by
have been examined. All concern liver function increased GSH, which metabolizes toxic
(13,14), however, the latter three have also being compounds, including chemotherapy drugs. (18,
looked into potential tumor invasion markers 19). Additionally, it has been noted that GGT-
(15). mediated metabolism of GSH may result in a low
The present study detected that GGT was but persistent amount of oxidants, which activate
significantly higher in hormone receptor positive defense mechanisms. In fact, numerous studies
when compared to triple negative BC.This might showed that cells that overexpress GGT are less
be owing to Long-term estrogen inhibition can sensitive to a number of cytotoxic medicines
cause fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic fatty liver (18).
disease; NAFLD) (16); and Serum GGT activity Also this studty showed that LDH in Late stage
is a sensitive marker of NAFLD (17) hormone receptor positive patients was
Also this study observed significant increase in significant higher than in early stage hormone
GGT in late stage compared to early stage. This reeptor positiveBC patients. This can be
is explicable by the function of GGT in the re- explained by how LDH regulates the conversion
synthesis of GSH, which forms the cornerstone of glucose to lactic acid, which explains why
of cellular resistance to a number of electrophilic higher levels of LDH in cancer cells were linked
chemicals and is assumed to be implicated in the to worse prognosis and higher rates of cell

ISSN: 1858-6147 Sud Med Lab J, issue 2, vol 10 (2022)
AbdElkarim A Abdrabo et al., SMLJ 10(2) (2022): 62-68 DOI: 10.52981/smlj.v10i2.2848

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