Ecology and Management of Mud Crab: Scylla SPP

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Asian Fisheries Science 14(2001): 101-111 Proceedings of the International Forum

on the Culture of Portunid Crabs
Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines

Ecology and Management of Mud Crab

Scylla spp.


School of Ocean Sciences

University of Wales Bangor
Menai Bridge, LL59 5EY
Wales, UK


The recent revision of the genus Scylla into four species provides a basis for the develop-
ment of a better understanding of their ecology, population biology and the sustainable manage-
ment of fisheries, as well as the selection of species for aquaculture. In many cases, previous
studies of mud crab fisheries and ecology have reported the occurrence of more than one “type” of
mud crab, but data for any one currently known species have rarely been recorded. Consequently,
much of the biological and ecological data in the literature must be reviewed. This paper
summarizes the current state of knowledge on mud crab ecology in relation to population biology
and management, and discusses priorities for future research to support the development of
sustainable mud crab aquaculture and fisheries.


The mud crabs, Scylla spp., represent a valuable component of small-

scale coastal fisheries in many countries in tropical and subtropical Asia, for
which there has been a general trend of increased exploitation in recent
years (Angell 1992; Keenan 1999). Unless effectively managed, it is likely
that mud crab populations will experience increased fishing pressure, tar-
geting all size-classes, from juveniles for pond culture to mature females for
premium markets. Declining crab landings and smaller maximum sizes
have been reported over the last two decades (Angell 1992).
Pond culture of mud crabs is presently dependent on wild-caught juve-
niles and, in some areas, further expansion of crab farming is now limited
by fisheries for juveniles (Keenan 1999; Fortes 1999). Until hatchery pro-
duction becomes economically viable, a strong interaction between manage-
ment of natural populations and the potential for expansion of pond culture
will continue. Furthermore, large mud crab populations are typically
associated with well-established mangrove forests so that, aside from direct
fishing pressure, loss of habitat represents a serious impact on mud crab
populations. Clearly, the sustainable development of crab aquaculture will
need to be closely integrated with fisheries and mangrove management.


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It is beyond the scope of this paper to comprehensively review literature
on the biology and ecology of mud crabs. However, in the context of the re-
cent revision of the taxonomy of the genus (Keenan et al. 1998), it sets out to
highlight areas where even basic biological information is lacking at the
species level, especially when relevant to fisheries management and aquacul-


Until recently the taxonomic status of the genus Scylla has been consid-
erably confused. Historically, several researchers have described the
occurrence of more than one species. Estampador (1949a) revised the genus
using burrowing habit, coloration, morphological characters and chromosome
structure to recognize three species and one variety of Scylla in the
Philippines: S. oceanica, S. tranquebarica, S. serrata and S. serrata var.
paramamosain. This level of diversity within the genus was supported by
Serene (1952, cited in Keenan et al. 1998) who recognized four forms of Scylla
in specimens from Vietnam, based on spination and color. Kathirvel and
Srinivasagam (1992a) reviewed the taxonomy of mud crabs in India, reporting
the occurrence of at least three species of Scylla. On the other hand, the lack
of certainty in species identification has also led many authors to follow
Stephenson and Campbell (1960), who determined that there was insufficient
evidence for the separation of species beyond the monospecific term S. serrata
More recently, morphometric and allozyme studies have indicated spe-
ciation within the genus (Fuseya and Watanabe 1996; Overton et al. 1997;
Sugama and Hutapea 1999). This has been confirmed in the revision of the
genus Scylla into four species, S. serrata, S. tranquebarica, S. olivacea and
S. paramamosain, based on allozyme electrophoresis, mitochondrial DNA
sequencing and morphometric analysis (Keenan et al. 1998). Furthermore,
the latter study concluded that the four species could be separated on the
basis of morphological characters; the shape of frontal teeth, spination on
the carpus and propodus of cheliped and coloration. However, the individual
characters are variable within species and need to be used in combination
to avoid confusion. The ability to consistently distinguish the four species
through external characters now provides a sound basis for a better under-
standing of mud crab biology, ecology and fisheries management.
Literatures related to mud crab fisheries and ecology show that in
many cases the identity of the species studied remains uncertain, especially
in areas where the occurrence of more than one “type” of mud crab is re-
ported. This makes it difficult to draw general inferences from the litera-
ture and much of the biological and ecological data available will need to be
reassessed once it can be ascribed to a particular species. In some cases, it
may be possible to separate historical data in fisheries where local common
names have distinguished sympatric species. This has been found to be the
case, for example, with S. olivacea and S. paramamosain, that are known
locally as “red” and “white” crabs in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (Vu et al.

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1998). The situation is less problematic in some regions, such as the east
coasts of Africa and Australia, where it seems that only S. serrata occurs.


Representatives of the genus Scylla are found across the Indo-West

Pacific. While the full extent of the range for each species remains to be
clarified, there are apparent differences in their distributions (Table 1). S.
serrata has the widest distribution and is the only species so far recorded
in the Western Indian Ocean, Japan and the South Pacific islands. S.
tranquebarica and S. olivacea have distributions focused on the South
China Sea, extending into the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific, while
S. paramamosain appears to have a more limited distribution, being mostly
restricted to the South China and Java Seas.


Mud crabs are mostly found in estuarine and sheltered coastal

habitats and, in general, large populations are usually associated with
established mangroves, especially in estuaries. However, the conditions
determining local distribution and abundance of the four mud crab
species are likely to be complex. Hill (1975; 1978) and Hill et al. (1982)
studied the abundance and distribution of S. serrata populations in
South Africa (estuaries) and Australia (tidal flats) by mark-recapture.
Th ey fou n d th at distr ibu tion an d abu n dan c e dep en d on th e
developmental stage; juveniles up to 8 cm carapace width were most
abundant on intertidal flats, while subadult and adult crabs were more
subtidal in habit. Chandrasekaran and Natarajan (1994) found that
newly recruited juveniles prefer sheltered and shallow-water habitats
amongst seagrasses, algae and mangrove roots. Le Vay et al. (in press)
report that S. paramamosain juveniles (3 to 4 cm carapace width) are
captured foraging on intertidal mudflats at night. Analysis of fisheries
landing records indicates that estuarine mangroves and associated

Table 1. Distribution of Scylla species (Keenan et al.1998)

Species Region

S. serrata Indo-West Pacific: South Africa, Red Sea, Australia, Philippines,

Pacific Islands (Fiji, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Western
Samoa), Taiwan, Japan

S. paramamosain South China Sea: Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, China, Taiwan,

Hong Kong, Singapore; Java Sea: Kalimantan, Central Java

S. olivacea Indian Ocean: Pakistan to Western Australia; South China Sea:

Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Sarawak to southern China; Pacific
Ocean: Philippines, Timor, Gulf of Carpentaria
S. tranquebarica Indian Ocean: Pakistan to Malaysia; South China Sea: Sarawak,
Singapore; Pacific Ocean: Philippines

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mu dflats i n th e M ekon g D elta may ac t as a “n u r s er y ” for S.
paramamosain, with a greater proportion of adult crabs in subtidal
populations (Le Vay et al. in press).
Keenan et al. (1998) have suggested that the four Scylla species
may have diverged in their preference or tolerance to salinity, at the
larval or juvenile stages. They argue that S. serrata, is dominant in
oceans with salinity above 34 ppt and in mangroves that are inundated
with high salinity water for most of the year. The other species are
more abundant in seas where salinity is generally below 33 ppt, and
are able to colonize estuarine habitats in which periods of low salinity
occur seasonally. Ecological studies have indicated apparent differences
in salinity tolerance in juveniles between species. Chandrasekaran and
Natarajan (1994) studied the seasonal abundance and distribution of
mud crab juveniles (Scylla sp.unknown) in a mangrove system in
Southeast India and found that abundance of juveniles was lowest in
October, when the salinity was very low (1.5 to 2 ppt). Hill (1974) found
that S. serrata juveniles can survive at 2 ppt, though high mortalities
may occur in this species as a result of sudden salinity decreases
associated with freshwater flooding (Hill 1979). S. paramamosain shows
a preference for estuarine habitats, and catch-per-unit-effort data
(CPUE) indicates stable populations despite extended periods of low sa-
linity or even freshwater conditions through a large part of the year (Le
Vay et al. in press).


Values for size-at-maturity in Scylla species show clear differences

with latitude (Table 2). Larger size-at-maturity and maximum sizes are
reported in S. serrata on the east coasts of Australia and South Africa
than in most tropical Scylla populations. Quinn and Kojis (1987),
Roberston and Kruger (1994) have suggested that size differences with
latitude might reflect more rapid growth and earlier maturation at
tropical temperatures, but it now seems that they represent differences
in growth characteristics among species. Female S. serrata first reach
maturity at about 12 cm carapace width and may reach a maximum of
24 cm, while the maturity molt in S. paramamosain is 8 to 9 cm
carapace width with crabs reaching a maximum of 14 to 15 cm (Vu et
al. 1998; Le Vay et al. in press). Species-specific difference in growth is
supported by evidence from sympatric populations. Quinn and Kojis
(1987) reported that females of two species of mud crab found in the
same estuar y in Papua New Gu in ea bec ame sex u ally matu r e at
different sizes, 10 cm and 12 cm carapace width. Similarly, in northern
Queensland, S. olivacea co-exist at a relatively low abundance with S.
serrata, but females rarely reach the minimum legal landing size (15
cm carapace width) for the crab fishery (D. Mann , per s. comm.).
Thomas et al. (1987) studied growth characteristics from landings of two
Scylla species co-occurring in Cochin and estimated that they would

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reach asymptotic carapace widths at 36 cm and 16 cm. The larger
species also exhibited markedly more rapid growth, that clearly has
implications for both selection of species for culture (see Williams and
Primavera, this volume) and optimization of culture conditions.


Maturation and spawning in Scylla species show that in nearly all

cases reproduction is continuous through the year, with some seasonal
peaks (Table 3). In tropical populations, a higher incidence of maturation in
females appears to be associated with seasonal high rainfall, that may be
related to periods of high productivity in coastal waters (Heasman et al.
1985). In sub-tropical climates, seasonality in reproduction is more strongly
related to temperature and day-length, with a distinct peak spawning
season in the summer when water temperatures are highest.
A universal phenomenon in Scylla populations appears to be offshore
migration of females to spawn (Table 4). The distances migrated may vary
between species and may also depend on environmental conditions. The
presence of a high proportion of females with spent ovaries in coastal
populations of S. serrata indicates that many are able to return to the
coast after spawning (Heasman et al. 1985). As Heasman et al. (1985)
point out, in some areas, conditions suitable for larval development may
occur in inshore coastal waters. Thus, migration may be more a dispersal
Table 2. Size at maturity of Scylla species

Area Species Size at maturity Source

Papua Not known 100 - 120 mm CW Quinn and Kojis (1987)

New Guinea
India Not known 85 - 129 mm Kathirvel and
Srinivasagam (1992b)
Sri Lanka Not known 120 mm Jayamanne (1992)
Thailand Not known 110 mm, Poovachiranon (1992)
(Andaman Sea) maturity index
value 0.88
Thailand Not known Majority at Macintosh et al. (1993)
(Ranong) 100 - 115 mm
South Africa S. serrata For females: Robertson and Kruger
123 mm (50% (1994)
of females
mature) For
males: 92 mm
(50% of males
South Africa S. serrata 83 - 144 mm Hill (1975)
with age of
1 to 1.5 years
Australia S. serrata Females 128 mm, Heasman et al. (1985)
males 165 mm
Vietnam S. paramamosain Female maturity Vu Ngoc Ut et al. (1998)
molt circa 80 mm
Indonesia, S. paramamosain Female maturity Le Vay pers. obs.
North Java molt 80 - 90 mm

CW = Carapace width

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Table 3. Seasonality in maturation in Scylla species

Area Species Season Source

India Not known Year-round, Kathirvel and

peaks in April Srinivasagam (1992b)
- June and
- February
Philippines Not known Year-round, Arriola (1940);
peak in May - Estampador (1949b)
Papua Not known Peak in April Quinn and Kojis (1987)
New Guinea - June
and September
- October
Thailand Not known Year-round, peak Poovichiranon (1992)
(Andaman Sea) in maturity
October - December
Thailand Not known Peak in maturity Macintosh et al. (1991)
(Ranong) in September,
main egg carrying
and spawning
period from July
- December
Vietnam S. paramamosain Year-round, Le Vay et al. (in press)
peak in mature
South Africa S. serrata Spawning Roberston and Kruger
(Natal) throughout the (1994)
year, with a peak
through the summer
Australia S. serrata Peak mating activity Heasman et al. (1985)
(Queensland) in spring and early
autumn; spawning
only in summer
(water temperature
> 22oC)

Table 4. Reports of spawning migration by female mud crabs

Area Observation Source

Philippines Females migrate to the sea to spawn Arriola (1940)

Malaysia Berried females not found in brackish Ong (1966)
Thailand Females found 15 to 84 nautical miles Poovichiranon (1992)
(Andaman Sea) offshore, 97 to 200 m depth
S. Africa Females migrate out of estuaries Hill (1975)
(Eastern Cape) after mating
Australia Females migrate up to 65 km offshore Hyland et al. (1984)
Australia Mature females migrate to spawn at Hill (1994)
10 to 60 m depth, 3 to 95 km offshore,
return to coast after spawning
Vietnam Mature females move from estuarine Le Vay et al. (in press)
mangrove into subtidal fishery

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mechanism than a requirement to ensure optimal conditions for larval
survival (Hill 1994). Few detailed studies of juvenile recruitment have been
undertaken. In subtropical climates, juvenile recruitment follows the
seasonal patterns for reproduction, being closely related to water
temperature (Table 5). In tropical populations, juvenile abundance may be
related to seasonal variation in rainfall and salinity (Poovichiranon 1992).
However, despite seasonal peaks, size-frequency sampling, monitoring of
megalopa in plankton surveys and CPUE analysis of hand-collection of
crab seeds indicate that recruitment can be continuous throughout the
year in both sub-tropical and tropical populations (Chandrasekan and
Natajaran 1994; Forbes and Hay 1988; Robertson 1987; Robertson and
Kruger 1994; Le Vay et al. in press).


There is clearly a need for stock management in some mud crab

fisheries, especially where there are no regulations limiting the collec-
tion of juveniles and mature crabs. However, in most cases, there has
not been sufficient research on which to base management guidelines.
Key areas for research include reproduction and recruitment, growth
and mortality rates, migration, stock separation, and abundance specific

Table 5. Seasonality in recruitment in Scylla species

Area Species Observation Source

India Not known Juveniles (2 to 3 cm) Chandrasekran and

(Pichavaram) absent during low Natajaran (1994)
salinity period in
monsoon (October
- November), peak
in post-monsoon
dry season (January
- February)
India Not known Peak availability of Kathirvel and
juveniles in December Srinivasagam (1992)
to October, throughout
the year in some areas
Thailand Not known Year-round
(Andaman Sea) recruitment, based on Poovichiranon (1992)
Vietnam S. paramamosain Year-round Le Vay et al. (in press)
(Mekong Delta) recruitment into
estuarine mangrove,
measured as CPUE
for juveniles and
from size-frequency
S. Africa S. serrata Year-round megalopa Forbes and Hay (1988)
(Natal) in plankton
S. Africa S. serrata Year round, with Roberston (1987)
(Natal) peak in juvenile
numbers in May
- December

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to habitat and life stage. For as long as pond culture of mud crabs is
dependent on wild-caught seed, the requirements for sustainable devel-
opment of crab culture and management of fisheries and mangrove
habitats will remain closely interlinked. The development of commer-
cially-viable hatchery techniques can play an important role in promot-
ing both sustainable crab aquaculture and fisheries management.
However, since hatchery production is being developed, it is important
that efforts are made to rehabilitate and manage mangrove habitats and
integrate sustainable development of pond culture with an assessment
and management of the associated fisheries. As the high rate of canni-
balism in juvenile crabs in intensive culture systems currently limits
pond culture to relatively low densities (0.5 to 1.5 crabs·m-2), the release
of hatchery-reared juveniles is also a possible complementary approach
to sustainable crab production from fisheries in sensitive habitats.
The migration of females to considerable distances offshore to spawn
and planktonic larval development over several weeks suggests a potential
for dispersal and recruitment between distant populations. The application
of DNA techniques may also prove to be a very useful tool in differentiating
populations. However, until such data are available, a less strict definition
of stock identity is required in practical fishery management (Cobb and
Caddy 1989), that should assume a high likelihood of distant recruitment.
Available evidence for S. serrata suggests that apart from spawning
migration, movement is limited and that post-recruitment populations

Table 6. Evidence for post-recruitment movement in Scylla species

Area Species Observation Source

Caroline Not known Little movement Perrine (1978)

Islands away from release (cited in Hyland
point in mangrove et al. 1984)
Sarawak S. olivacea Limited movement Ikhwanuddin and
within mangrove Oakley (1998)
S. tranquebarica More free-ranging
South Africa S. serrata Displacement of up Hill (1975)
to 13 km within
estuary, but
movement mostly
restricted to less
than 1 km
Australia S. serrata Movement of up to Hill et al. (1982)
(Queensland) 600 m over intertidal
Australia S. serrata Mangrove channels; Hyland et al. (1984)
(Queensland) limited exchange
with adjacent habitats
Intertidal flats: free
ranging movement,
low net displacement
(<10 km); very low
exchange between
populations in
adjacent bays/estuaries

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within bays and estuaries are, to a large extent, isolated (Hyland et al.
1984, see Table 6). This suggests that stock enhancement through release of
hatchery-reared juveniles might support sustained increases in localized
populations. On the other hand, telemetry studies indicate that some species
may be more free-ranging than others (Ikhwanuddin and Oakley 1998), and
these differences need to be investigated further. The successful
enhancement of a fishery through release of hatchery-produced juveniles
will be dependent on several factors. From the culture aspect, reliable and
economic production of juveniles must be established, with a nursery phase
to rear animals to a size suitable for release. Equally important is a good
understanding of population dynamics to increase the likelihood of success
(i.e. of released crabs surviving and entering the fishery in sufficient
numbers to justify the cost of production). True stock enhancement, that is
an increase in the spawning stock and consequent recruitment to a
population, is always likely to be impossible to quantify. In order to monitor
the short-term localized success of a release program, a reliable method for
identifying released crabs returning to the fishery is required. Coded
microwire tags (Jefferts et al. 1963) can be used to identify individuals or
batches of animals and can be effectively applied in very small crabs (e.g.
S. paramamosain, circa 15 mm carapace width) with little tag loss and no
impairment of growth through multiple molts (Le Vay et al. 1998, 1999).
Monitoring of landings of tagged crabs entering a commercial fishery will
support cost-benefit analysis and can also provide estimates of mortality
and the effects of size-at-release. Both trapping and tagging studies have
been used to study abundance, growth and migration in mud crabs but
sampling with traps is difficult due to selectivity that may introduce bias
against juveniles and molting crabs, as well as trap-saturation and tempera-
ture dependant effects (Williams and Hill 1982; Robertson 1989). Conse-
quently, application of mark-recapture techniques requires appropriate
sampling methodologies for juveniles and adults (Fitz and Weigert 1992;
van Montfrans et al. 1991). However, the technique may be very useful, as
differences may emerge between species in terms of habitat preference,
growth rates and range of migration that are directly relevant to the feasi-
bility of any stock release program. Some factors, such as growth rate are
also directly relevant to selection of species for culture (Williams and
Primavera, this volume). CPUE data from trapping surveys can provide a
measure of relative abundance (Robertson 1989) and, where standardized
data are available, CPUE analysis from landings can be used in monitoring
seasonal and longer-term changes in crab populations (Le Vay et al. in
All stock assessment techniques depend on the recognition and separa-
tion of the individual species. This brief review highlights the fact that
there is considerable overlap in distributions of species and a severe lack of
species-specific biological and ecological information. A priority area for re-
search is the production of larval, juvenile and adult keys to facilitate
standardized accurate species recording in ecological and fisheries studies.
Accurate records are also needed for species used in larval culture, with

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the establishment of temperature and salinity preferences for each stage of
development and growth characteristics. These are directly relevant not
only to the development of aquaculture techniques but also to an under-
standing of the ecological differences between species.


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