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Taboos in Shona

 Usagare mugwagwa uchaiita mota.

 Ukadya mutupo unodoona mazino
 Ukadongorera unoita showhera
 Ukatsvaira nemutsvairo hawu roorwe
 zvaiichengeta vanhu
 respectfulness – tiremekedza vanhu vakuru
 haukanganise vanhu

 tairemekedza mitemo

Mazwi eChiShona anoreva zvakafanana - Mazwi zvinhoreva mumwe chete

(Shandisa macards kana kutamba dudumduri.)
1. chenjera – ngwarira/changamuka/zvinhurira
2. dada – anotsenga mvura/anotsvinya/
3. daidza – dana/shedza/shingudzira
4. deura – rasa/teura/taya
5. dzidza – funda/rava/verenga
6. dzimba – rwadza/banda/shwinya/
7. faranuka – tambanuka/pombonoka/garika/sununguka/fefeterwa
8. finha – svota/rova moyo/chima (mweya washibiswa)/
9. gonyana – unyana/petana/(zvimonya)
10. homuka – dzoka/petuka/
11. kasika – kurumidza/chimidza
12. kanganisa – tadza/nyangadza/resha/shayisha
13. shanja – shereketa/koniwa/kutumbama
14. kunda – rwisa/gona/
15. kurumidza – chimbidza/kasira
16. kamura – tapudza
17. guta – kuhuta/bvunda/dedera/kutya
18. furira – nyengera/kurunzira
19. dzikira – derera/buruka/jitika
20. bara – zvara/pona/bereka
21. gozha – zvaoma/zvakonza
22. futa – simba/kora
23. dzinga – tanda
24. pesva – pembedza/kurudzira/kuchidzira
25. nyenga – pfimba/konza/ruma/gadza/jetsva
26. nyora – bhara/nhemba
27. kwasha – vima
28. kwegura – chembera/sharuka
29. kwidibira – vhara/pfiga/dzibira (funhura – opposite)
30. peyama – cheyama/rereka
31. pfundumwara – tsamwa
32. chibage – magwere
33. rairidza – dzisisa/fundisa
34. mwana – rushava
35. Mwari – Samasimba etc.
36. mazino – mheno
37. murairidzi – mudzisisi
38. mukadzi – mudzimai
39. bhazi – dutavanhu
40. bhasikoro – bhizautare
41. Rufu – Ndufu
Gadzira macards zvine zvekuita nezvatataura.

1. Munhu anoba – mbava/tsotsi

2. Akapetana makumbo – mhetamakumbo
3. Chiremba – munhu anorapa
4. Mhatsi – munhu asinganzwe
5. Mhurwere
6. Benzi
7. Dangwe
8. Gotwe/Chigumusirwa
9. Nyanduri/detembi – munyori wemitembo
10. Munhu apedza kubereka –
11. Mukadzi ahcirikubereka – mubvana
12. Mwana aberekwa nguva yisati yakwana – gavamwedzi
13. Munhu anobva kunenyimwe nyika – mubvakure
14. Mwana anenge abviswa pazamu yaamai – ndumurwa/chindumurwa
15. Mukadzi arikuchata – makoti/mwenga
16. Murume arikuchata – muchati/chikomba
17. Murume akadzikama kana arikunze, kana arikumba kwake anopenga – mhengeramumba
18. Mukadzi akafirwa nemurume – chirikadzi/shirikadzi
19. Murume akafirwa nemukadzi –
20. Mukomana asina kuroorwa – pfunda
21. Mukomana kadiki – jaya
22. Mukadzi anokonzera vakomana – tsvarakadenga/mhesva/mikonho
23. Mwana akafirwa nevabereki – bherera
24. Musikana akura kusvika kuroorwa – mhandara
25. Munhukadzi akurisa asati a roorwe – tsikombi/chipingemhusha
26. Munhu akapambwa kuhondo achivakunyimwe nyika –
27. Muranda – slave
28. Vanhu vanotiza hondo – moteri
29. Munhu anogara achingorwara – indoda/macharagwanda
30. Musikana anongonti o kukura – chipunha/punha/tombi
31. Murume anembiri yokushanda – mbirimi
32. Munhukadzi anofamba nevarume vese-vese – pfambi/chifeve/hure
33. Munhu akashirira (shingirira) –
34. Munhu akashiva nekushinga… – gamba
35. Munhu anosovera vamwe – mhesvi/honzeri
36. Mukwasha anotanga kuroorwa mumhuri – nhangaruwadze
37. Munhu anetsika yokufamba kwese – swerakuenda/chinzira
38. Munhu anotya … – gwara/mbwende
39. Mhuri dzakakura dzakavakidzana – matongo
40. Munhu anoda kuitazvinhu ega – mbimbindoga
41. Mukadzi asingabereke – ngomwa/tsore
42. Murungu dunhu – musope
43. Munhu anotaurisa –
44. Nhunjatunja – munhu asinganzwe
45. Munhu anofambisa chitima – mutekeni
46. Munhu anogadzira motokari – makanika
47. Munhu anoitabasa yekunyora – munyori/mabharan
48. Mahobho – security guards
49. Munhu anotarira varikushanda – foromani
50. Anotaura pasaisai - mushamarame (DJ)
51. Munhu anoba achibata bata mahomwe dzevanhu – mvangamakomwe
52. Munhu akabviswa vhudzi rese – mpararama
53. Nevhanji
54. Vahosi
55. Nyachiye
56. Muzvare/Shonga (vanha nyati)
57. Tezvara

Todzidzisa mwana seikuverenga chiShona?


Rufu/Ndufu (kubvira kare kare)

1. Stress
a. Kushaya Mari.
b. Kurambwa.
2. Zvirwere
a. Chikafu yatinodya yakasiyana nechikafu yaidyiwa kudhara.
3. Driving
4. Kurayana
a. mbava

Kanamhunu afirwa mhunukadzi

I. Panotumirwa mhere – imhari inobviswa nevarume kuenda kuvabereki wemudzimai kuvataurira kuti mwana wavo ashayika.
Vanozosimuka voenda kuchemera mwana wavo. Vanotsanangura nemwana ashayika kuti afa sei? Vanopiwa imbayavo kanaroom kuti
varongedze nyaya dzavo. Kanavane varoora vanobikirwa navo. Vabereki vanoudzwa zvese zvinenge zvichitaurirwa. Kana varikumusha
Baba ndovanochera guva, nekutema hukava. Vanozoviga munhu. (Hukwe/kukwe). Vanoyisa rukukwe pasi, then vanozoyisa coffin.

Tsika dzakanaka
Mari inobvisirwa
1. Ndiro
2. Vura muromo
3. Mafukidza dumbu
4. Ndebvu
5. Dare
6. Kunonga (nemunhu arikuroorwa chete)
7. Kubviswa hembe dzevabereki
8. Rusambo

1. Zvekugeza – mazino, vhudzi, hapwa, maziso, makumbo, kuseri nemukati kwenzeve, mhino, nzara, kunhuwa, mapfeko euniform, etc.

Kudzisisa mwana kugeza mazino

1. Toothpaste, toothbrush, nemvura – unokwesha manheru nemangwanani.

Teaching Practice Tips

 Be confident - (be a people person).
 Be quick thinking when students give absurd responses.
 Make sure everything looks appropriate – children’s appearance, their books etc.
Kudzidzisa nzwisiso (Comprehension)
1. Kugona kuverenga
2. Kunzwisisa zvaaverenga
3. Taura nemazwi yavanzwa

Mutakati – (anoroya)
Chikara – (a monster)
Kushushura – kudya manheru (dinner)
Mufudzi – (cow manure)
Tandadza = Kufa
Wendefa - Chidombo chihombe
Chirombo – Mhuka chinotyisa kanachinhu chakakurisa
Fafitera – Window
Mukova – Door
Kuridza mhere – Kuchema (screaming)
Dzawira mutswanda
Kuchera mufudzi
1. Kwatara – Kudhona
2. Pepu
3. Tote
4. Nyata
5. Mbuu
6. Povo
7. Mone
8. Tende
9. Mwiro
10. Gwaa
11. Kodobi-kodobi
12. Kami-kami
13. Ndure
14. Bhidiri – Kubhidrika/Kurwadziwa
15. Mbuu – Kuchena
16. Ndo – Kusviba
17. Zii – Kunyarara
18. Kwetsu –
19. Duu – Kufunga
20. Tande – Kumhanya
21. Kwarakwashu - Ku
22. Kunyangira – Kunyawaira
23. Kweshe – Kugara
24. Dzikiti – Kumira
25. Dii – Kudhona
26. Gotsipakata –
27. Mwanda –
28. Jamu – Simudza
29. Bvuu – Kuseka
30. Bvoo –
31. Mwendere -
32. Pwati – Kuseka
33. Mwee – Kuchena
34. Twii – Kumira
35. Togo –
36. Nyamu – Kusimuka
37. Bherengende – Kuvhurika
38. Tuzu/Tumbi – Kupererwa
39. Hutu – Kusimudza
40. Pfocho –
41. Pfacha –
42. Chiripo –
43. Fashu – (When water overboils)
44. Nwi – Kunyarara
45. Kana – Kushamisika
46. Cho-o –
47. Pote -
48. Vo – Kusvika
49. Vrumhu –
50. Nya –
51. Rukutu/Gwachata - Kupera simba
52. Nyapiririri – Kutsvuka
53. Razu – Kushaya simba
54. Bo/Tsemu – Kurowa
55. Kutarisa – Ndee/Tuzu/Dzvoko
56. Kufamba – Nyawa/Papata
57. Kurara – Rapata/Ringinyi
58. Kumhanya – Tande/Gumbu gumbu/Wiriri/ngumbu ngumbu/
59. Kuseka – Bvuu/Pwati/Pfi pfi/Pwiri pwiri/Godo/Gege/Pfipfinyika
60. Kugara – Kweshe/Go-o/Pweshe/Ware ware/Zete
61. Kuchema – Pfiku pfiku/Kwetsu

Nzinza – Lineage

Teaching Practice
 Confidence
 Don’t use too many filler words
 Don’t laugh when unnecessary
 Don’t just look at one person in the entire classroom – look around the class.

1. Aive madziva ava mazambuko. (What used to be hard is now simple. People that used to be great are now simple).
2. Akuruma nzeve ndewako. (Those that advise you are on your side).
3. Ane benzi ndeane rake, kudzana unopururudza. (When you know the bad traits of someone you will not be offended when they do bad
4. Ateya mariva murutsva haatyi kusviba magaro. (A person will do whatever needs to be done to accomplish his goals).
5. Chakafukidza dzimba matenga. (There are private issues that take place inside the house).
6. Chaitemura chava kuseva. (The once great are now impoverished).
7. Chikuriri chine chimwe. (What is great now will be smaller than another).
8. Chinobhururka chinomhara.
9. Chirere chigokurerawo. (Take care of the young ones that they may take care of you in your old age).
10. Chisi hachiyeri musi wacharimwa. (The consequences of bad behaviour are not immediate, but they will come).
11. Chisingaperi chinoshura. (All things come to an end).
12. Chitsva chiri murutsoka. (You can get new experiences by moving to different locations).
13. Chiri mumusakasaka chinozvinzwira. (People take advice that pertains to their individual needs in group settings).
14. Chara chimwe hachitswanyi inda. (One person cannot do all things alone).
15. Charova sei chando chakwidza hamba mumuti. (Extreme situations can cause people to behave in unusual or unexpected ways).
16. Charovedzera charovedzera, gudo rakakwira mawere kwasviba. (When you get used to doing things you can even do them under difficult
circumstances with ease).
17. Chembere mukadzi hazvienzani nekurara mugota. (Poor quality is better than nothing).
18. Chidamoyo hamba yakada makwati. (People have the freedom to choose what they want).
19. Chinono chinengwe, bere rakadya richifamba. (Do what you do with speed).
20. Chinoziva ivhu kuti mwana wembeva anorwara. (It’s the people close to someone that know his/her affairs).
21. Chiri mumoyo chiri muninga. (What’s in the heart is hidden).
22. Chiri pamuchena chiri pamutenure. (The poor man’s victories do not last).
23. Chitaurirwa hunyimwa mbare dzekumusana. (You never get the full information and appreciation from being told).
24. Chenga ose manhanga hapana risina mhodzi. (There’s a reward in trying all things).
25. Gudo guru peta muswe kuti vaduku vakutye. (The older people should be dignified for them to be respected by the younger ones).
26. Guyu kutsvuka kutsvuka zvaro asi mukati rine masvosve. (Some things look attractive from afar or from outside but they are not so good
27. Igaroziva kuti mhanza yembudzi iri mumabvi. (Things are not what they seem).
28. Imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzamatovo. (The innocent looking people are often the guilty).
29. Kakara kununa hudya kamwe. (Success comes by the help of others).
30. Kamoto kamberevere kakapisa matanda mberi. (Small issues can become large enough to cause big problems).
31. Kandiro kanoenda kunobva kamwe. (Favours go to those that have given them before).
32. Kuipa kuipa zvaro bveni, asi haridyi chakafa choga.
33. Kukurukura hunge wapotswa. (You can only tell the tale when you have survived it).
34. Kure kwegava ndiko kusina mutsubvu. (People will do anything to get what they desire).
35. Kure kwemeso nzeve dzinodya. (You don’t have to be at a place to know what happened).
36. Kuudza mwana hupedzisira.
37. Kuziva ambuya huudzwa. (All you know you were taught).
38. Kuwanda kwakanaka, kwakaipira kupedza muto. (It’s good to have numbers but they also demand more resources).
39. Kuwanda huuya. (The more (people) the merrier)
40. Kuzeza chati kwati hunge uine katurike. (When you over react to things you probably have something to hide).
41. Mandikurumidze akazvara mandinonoke. (If you rush through things you may end up doing them wrong and thus take even longer than
if you had taken your time).
42. Manga chena yakaparira parere nhema. (The good can make the bad visible).
43. Matakadya kare haanyaradzi mwana. (You can’t always be satisfied by yesterday’s feats).
44. Mbeva zhinji hadzina mashe. (Where there are many people no one takes responsibility and therefore many things can remain undone).
45. Mbudzi kuzvarira pavanhu kuda kutandirwa imbwa. (People do embarrassing things in front of others in order to find help).
46. Mazvokuda mavanga enyora. (Self inflicted anguish).
47. Mhembwe rudzi inozvara mwana ane kazhumu. (People produce children with traits similar to them. The apple doesn’t fall far from the
48. Mudzimu wakupa chironda wati nhunzi dzikudye. (For everything that happens, there is a reason).
49. Murombo haarovi chinenguwo. (The poor man hardly makes huge success).
50. Muroyi royera kure vekwako vagokureverera. (You shouldn’t be mean to people close to you).
51. Mwana wamambo muranda kumwe. (Authority/royalty only works within its territory).
52. Mwana kuberekwa vaviri, mugota hamuchemi kacheche. (Some things cannot be done by one person alone, like conceiving a child).
53. Mviromviro yemhanza mapfeka. (Big events are predicted by early signs).
54. Mombe yekurunzirwa ndeyekukama wakarinde nzira. (You can never use borrowed things with the freedom you would have if it was
55. Makadzi munaku kusaba anoroya.
56. Mukuru mukuru hanga haigari pfunde.
57. Mwana asingachemi anofira mumbereko. (If you do not cry out for help you will no one will know and you may die in your distress).
58. Takabva neko kumhunga hakuna ipwa.
59. Nzenza mumvuri, asvika anovanda zuva.
60. Nzombe huru yakabva mukurerwa. (Great people are raised up by other people).
61. Nzou hairemerwi nenyanga dzayo. (A person has the strength to carry his desires/issues (as in pregnancy or dreams)).
62. Pfavira ngoma, husiku hurefu. (Be calm and take your time to do things).
63. Rinamanyanga hariputirwi mushushunje. (Nothing can be hidden forever).
64. Ramba kuudzwa akaonekwa nembonje pahuma. (People who forsake warnings and advice often fall into calamity).
65. Rega zvipore akabva mukutsva. (A burnt child dreads fire).
66. Regai dzive shiri, mazai haana muto. (Wait for the full maturation of events instead of prematurely harvesting or celebrating).
67. Rudo ibofu. (Love is blind).
68. Rume rimwe harikombi churu. (One person cannot do all things alone).
69. Seka urema wafa. (Do not make fun of other people’s misfortunes because they may come upon you too).
70. Simbi inorohwa ichapisa. (Hit the iron while it’s still hot).
71. Varume kutsva kwendebvu vanodzimurana. (Men help each other in times of trouble).
72. Vasikana kudada kudada zvenyu, tichaonana magaro pakuyambuka. (You may reject people when all things are well but you will need
them when things get hard).
73. Wakurumidza kumedza, kutsenga uchada. (You have gone to things ahead before completing the things behind).
74. Yadeuka yadeuka mvura yemuguchu haidyorerwi. (When things have happened they cannot be undone).
75. Yatsika dope yanwa. (One who was present participated).
76. Zano ndega akasiya jira mumasese. (People who forsake warnings and advice often fall into calamity).
77. Zizi harina nyanga. (Things are not what they seem).
78. Zviuya hazviwanani. (Perfect people hardly find each other in marriage).
79. Zviro zviyedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikanwa muto. (You never know what is rewarding unless you try).
80. Zingizi gonyera pamwe maruva enyika haaperi. (Settle down with one woman, there are many beautiful women in the world).
81. Zvikoni zvikoni mimba haibvi negosoro. (Some things cannot be dealt with by simplistic solutions).
 Michero
 Nyama
 Muriwo
 Zviyo – Mudura,
 Mapfunde
 Mhunga
 Mupunga – dembaremba, mutirigo
 Nyimo
 Dzungu – tumbe, chiboko, murambatsvina
 Nyimo -- tumbe, kapofu, meremhe
 Nanga – mangachena, ndodo, nopi, tsenza, nziye, ndurwe, mvumvu
 Mapudzi
 Mbambaira
 Mufushwa
 Ishwa
 Majuru
 Mandere
 Mapurwe
 Nyemba
 Madumbe
 Tsenza
 Howha
 Mutakura – Chibage, Nyimo, Nyemba, Nzungu
 Chibage chemumhare
 Hohwe – uzutwe
 Derere

Inhopi – Recipe

Mudzisisi anofana kugara agadzira mazwi dzinenge dzisiri kunzwisiswa nevana
1. Inobatsira vana kufunga
2. Kuwona kuti mwana anonzwisisa zvaaverenga
3. Vhunza mibvunzo dzinenge dzisina kuiswa mu ‘passage’ (e.g. ask questions that relate to the passage
but are not explicitly written).
4. Sangana mibvunzo dzinonetsa nedzimwe dzakanaka.

(Make a Lesson Plan for a Comprehension)

Dunhu – Nzvimbo
Kunyudza – to Sink
Boronga – Gulley
Mudyinga -
Munyasa -
Deve – Mhinda yemupunga (doro)

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