Week 2 - Cpar 12

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School: Malixi Integrated School Grade Level: 12

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Roel O. Pabelonia Learning Area: CPAR

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
MELC BASED Sept. 11-15, 2023 / 3:30-4:30PM
Time: Quarter: Q1 - WEEK 3


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the significant roles of artists from the regions.
B. Performance
The learners shall be able to creates avenues to advocate the arts from the different regions.
Learners are expected to:
C. Learning (K) define traditional art;
Competencies/Objecti (K) determine the different traditional arts;
ves (S) make a sample of traditional art like weave making; and
(A) Appreciate the value of traditional arts in our daily life.
II. CONTENT Traditional Art and National Art Centers of the Philippines
III. LEARNING Module (ADM) pp. 5-11, PPT Presentation, Art

1. Reviewing previous Review and recall the

Ask the learners to enumerate the various forms of Ask the learners about the traditional arts. Give examples and
lesson or presenting topics discussed ready
arts; the art of subjects and the principles of design. their location.
the new lesson for the assessment.

State the objectives of the lesson which are to define

2. Establishing the and determine the different traditional arts; make a
Introduce the learners about activity of the day. (Doing art works)
purpose of the lesson sample of traditional art ; and appreciate the value of
traditional arts.
Show visual examples of different traditional art
forms in the Philippines. Note: Continuation of the “Paper Weaving”

The learners will do the activity 2.3 “Stick Visual Art”

3. Presenting
- Based on traditional patterns and styles of artwork, create a
visual design by attaching the toothpicks on the bond paper
of the new lesson
using a glue.
4. Discussing new
concepts and
Continuation of the doing the artwork for Activity 2.3
practicing new skills

Discuss the concept of traditional arts:

The learners will do the “Pot or Figurine Making”.

5. Discussing new - Learners will use an alternative material in making pots or
concepts and figurines like colored clays available in the store.
practicing new skills - Learners are free in making their own craft and just make it
#2 sure that these crafts show what traditional arts are.

Ask the learners give more examples of traditional

6. Developing Mastery Continuation of doing artwork/craft.
arts and their uses.

7. Finding practical
applications of Discuss how the traditional arts affect the people in
Ask the learners about the importance of their craft.
concepts and skills in their daily living.
daily living
8. Generalizing and Summarize the different traditional arts in the
abstractions about the Philippines. Their importance and uses in the Summarize the whole points of the lesson.
lesson community.
9. Evaluating Learning Output of the day. Output of the day. Summative test
10. Additional Activities The learners will do the Activity 2.2 “Paper Weaving” Have a research on different traditional arts found in the Caraga
for Application or
– Traditional Art p.11 Region. Write your answer in a ½ sheet of paper.
The lesson was not yet
done or some of the
activities were not yet
introduced because the
lesson was intended for
two days.


A. Number of learners
who earned 80% of 10
the evaluation
B. Number of learners
who require additional
activities for 4
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work?
D. Number of learners
who have caught up 4
with the lesson
E. e. Number of learners
who continue to 0
require remediation
F. What difficulties did I About the content
encounter which my because some of the
principal or supervisor traditional arts were not
can help me solve? familiar to the learners.
G. What innovation or
localized materials did The use of visual
I use/discover which I examples (arts) which
wish to share with were found in the locality.
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


T-III/Subject Teacher ESP-II/School Head

Date: _____________________

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