Module 6
Module 6
Module 6
2. Frequency – It is measured by counting the number of vibrations of sound particles in the path of a wave in a span
of a second. You typically associate frequency with pitch which is measured in Hertz (Hz).
3. Wave Form – The actual shape of the sound waves. This is commonly associated to the timbre or quality of sound.
Sound form is the characteristics
that distinguishes one sound coming from a source with that of another sound form another source.
4. Speed of Propagation – It pertains to how quickly sound travels. This characteristic is dependent on the medium on
which the sound is propagated, as well as on the medium’s temperature.
Sound is having both technical and aesthetic roles in media production. It has depth and perspective, which is why it
can be a mode of information exchange. The sound, ccording to Roberts-Breslin (2008)
1. Is a powerful tool of expression, both alone and in combination with images;
2. Encourages you to imagine the experience of visuals in your minds, creating a unique experience for each listener;
3. Allows you to hear what people are talking about, and hearing their voices, which, as opposed to reading their
words, can give you information about the speaker’s attitude, mood, geographical origin, and age.”
You cannot put the world on mute. Sound is everywhere. What you can do it to make the most productive use of the
sound to benefit yourself and other people (Liquigan, 2016).
Recording Format
Sound may be recorded through analog (as in the case of audio tapes) or digital (in the form of digital audio audiotape
or disc-based format such as compact discs, recordable CDs, rewritable CDs, digital versatile discs, and mini discs),
When you want to record straight to the computer, you may use digital audio recorders (Roberts-Breslin, 2008)
Sound is vital in film and television production. You see sound manifesting as dialogue, music, and sound effects;
thus, it is not merely an additional element to the video component but is rather considered the fifth (5th) dimension of
media aesthetics. As Zettl (1999) puts it, “sound is an indispensable element in television and film communication.”
Types and Categories of Audio Information
1. Different forms of audio we produce and record
Radio broadcast - live or recorded audio sent Sound recording - recording of an interview, meeting, or any
through radio waves to reach a wide audience. sound from the environment.
Sound clips/effects - any sound, other than Music - vocal and/or instrumental sounds combined in such a way
music or speech, artificially reproduced to as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
create an effect in a dramatic presentation, as It is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from
the sound of a storm or a creaking door. aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, or as an
entertainment product.
Silence - absence of audio or sound Principles of Sound Design. The techniques for combining the different elements
or objects.
• Mixing - the combination, balance and control of multiple sound elements.
• Pace - Time control. Editing. Order of events: linear, non-linear, or multilinear.
• Transitions - How you get from one segment or element to another.
• Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channel for depth
Dimensions of Sound
According to Zettl (1999) sound has the following dimension:
1. Film sound. Sound has to match the aesthetic impact of an image; thus, most films these days are aiming at using
surround-sound technology.
2. Literal sound. Sound may be referential, which means it conveys a specific literal meaning and describes the source
of the sound. In film language, literal
sound is also called diegetic sound. For instance, when you hear a sound of a baby crying, you will know that the
sound is really coming from a baby who is crying. You will still know this even if the sound is mute because you
associate the image of a baby crying with the sound that is produced when you see such scene.
3. Nonliteral sound. Sound may also be nonreferential and may only evoke a visual image of the source of the sound.
Nonliteral sound is also called nondiegetic sound. Its purpose is more symbolic and it accompanies a particular image
to intensify the intent of that image. An example would be the “borings, hisses, and whams in a cartoon that
accompany the incredible feats of the cartoon character, the romantic music during a tender love scene on the beach,
or the rhythmic theme that introduces the evening news.”
AAC (Advanced - It is an audio file that delivers decently high-quality sound and is enhanced using advanced
Audio Coding) coding. It has never been one of the most popular audio formats, especially when it comes to
music files, but the AAC does still serve some purpose for major systems. This includes
popular mobile devices and video gaming units, where the AAC is a standard audio