Chapter 1 Group 1 12 Bonifacio
Chapter 1 Group 1 12 Bonifacio
Chapter 1 Group 1 12 Bonifacio
relatively unexplored area. This study aims to address the following key problem
considering the mediating role of student satisfaction and the moderating roles of
trust and perceived service quality, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Utilizing a quantitative approach, data was gathered from 417 university students
in Pakistan through structured questionnaires. Analyzing the data using SPSS and
AMOS, the study found a significant positive relationship between ICT orientation,
between student satisfaction and university brand performance. The study offers
and student satisfaction during the COVID-19 crisis through the effective utilization
perceptions of the influence on their learning and their level of satisfaction. It tested
questionnaire and the Partial Least Squares approach. The study aimed to
perceived enjoyment, and perceived ease of use. Theoretically, the study was
final objective was to offer insights into the crucial components of successful CSCL
classroom settings.
The study of Obillos et al., (2016), delves into the experiences, perceptions,
and attitudes of both novice and experienced language teachers regarding the
contrast the viewpoints and practices of these two teachers in terms of ICT use,
shedding light on the similarities and differences between their approaches. The
findings revealed that while the experienced teacher had more exposure to ICT,
activities in the language classroom. Both teachers held positive views regarding
the impact of ICT on students’ learning and achievement. However, the novice
positive attitudes towards ICT integration in English Language Teaching (ELT) and
language education.
support services by the ICT Department at Carlos Hilado Memorial State College-
evaluated various facets of ICT services, shedding light on the levels of satisfaction
Center. However, in the realm of Campus Free Wi-Fi provision, the index
the satisfaction levels concerning ICT support staff across different genders and
computer skills and online satisfaction among college students in Panabo City,
communication. With the rise of online learning, the COVID-19 pandemic acted as
a catalyst for the adoption of alternative learning methods. The study explores how
digital accuracy and technical skills influence student satisfaction and commitment
teaching has become essential, providing students with crucial skills for the ever-
learning, it also presents certain challenges, emphasizing the need for educators
that colleges are leveraging technology to improve student retention and success.
understanding of online education and the need for flexible policies and
Technologies like the internet, mobile devices, social media, and cloud computing
As far as the researchers knew, there had never been any local research
was one of the reasons why the researchers decided to conduct this study.
Furthermore, as part of current Grade 12 students who are a few steps away from
entering college, the researchers decided to focus on this study that may serve as
a stepping stone for a better future not just for the students, schools, or community,
but also for our country. The researcher believes that this study will be helpful to
services and learner satisfaction among ICT students provides the DepEd with
invaluable insights. These findings can aid in refining educational policies, guiding
Teachers. This study brings promising prospects. Insights derived can lead
Parents. The outcome of this study helps parents of students benefit from
engagement in learning?
in terms of:
Technology Students?
In this part, the researchers will present and discuss several related studies
about the variables involved in the study, which will enable readers to learn and
Support Services, will be discussed first, followed by its indicators. Then, the next
with related existing studies as well, and followed by its indicators also.
expertise, and customer orientation. This not only means solving technical
problems quickly but with a deep understanding of the user's needs and
and prevent similar problems in the future. It's also about being proactive—
preventing problems before they happen and implementing operating systems that
will help distance education institutions monitor the overall performance of their
According to David et al., (2013), IT services are crucial for the smooth
services can cover a wide range of topics and domains and may be managed
teaching and learning has fostered the creation of numerous standards and
for online programs. One indicator, student support, was selected for study. Quality
the indicators. Then, to examine the inclusion of student support services within a
Examination of the case showed that faculty and administrators had designed and
were delivering critical student support services. Both new and existing support
systems were needed and provided. This case indicated a primary need and
provisions for student support in the following areas: admissions and registration,
satisfaction, help desk assistance plays a crucial role in the experience of ICT
students. A robust help desk service can significantly impact student satisfaction
In the study of Al-Hawari et al., (2019), an IT help desk system for large
IT staff and users, streamlining service requests and issue resolution. Its
into three key areas: the development of an in-house help desk system tailored for
ongoing IT needs at the German Jordanian University (GJU), the methodology for
creating an accurate machine learning model for ticket classification, and the
system's capacity to define clear business process activities while measuring KPIs
for evaluating IT staff and processes. This comprehensive system enables GJU
employees to report issues, request services, and engage with IT staff through the
assistance. It's a cornerstone for ICT students, ensuring access to necessary tools
and aids when navigating technical issues. Social support involves interactions
within the academic community, including peers, faculty, and staff. It fosters a
available to students. This includes tutoring, academic advising, and other services
within both private and state universities, they contribute positively to students'
In the study of Sirait and Rokhimah (2021) during the COVID-19 pandemic,
(LMSs), facilitate collaborative and two-way interactions. The purpose of this study
with ICT infrastructure support. Usability, accessibility, and ease of use are the
gather the data, and it was subsequently used to assess the data's validity,
these experts and the appalling lack of empirical research on the topic in Sub-
Saharan Africa, this study examines the opinions of ICT specialists employed by
(devices) and software. This guidance helps optimize tools for specific needs and
towards this change. The study presents an innovative concept: the Thesis
consultation. Using the software development lifecycle method with the Waterfall
model, SIBIMA strives to align the core values of Atma Jaya Catholic University of
Indonesia - Christian, Unggul, Peduli, and Professional. The goal of the system is
ultimately improves the quality of education. The case study is specifically tailored
Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Indonesia, which fulfills the broader
According to Asio et al., (2021) Due to the effect of the current pandemic
that the world is experiencing, the educational system swiftly remedied the problem
capability and the availability of learning devices at their homes. The researchers
used a descriptive cross-sectional research design with the online survey as the
primary tool for data gathering. Using a convenience sampling technique, this
and subjected the gathered data to simple statistical analysis. As per the survey's
findings, 70% of the pupils have access to the internet at home. However, the
smartphone is the most popular device for learning gadgets that students can use
for learning.
satisfaction in the ICT field through their study within the CLT framework. Their
tend to generate greater satisfaction. This alignment with CLT posits that abstract
flexibility. Furthermore, the research reveals that abstract ICT disciplines hold
promises for the future, seen by students as preparation for innovative careers.
solving. The intrinsic rewards linked to mastering complex ideas and enhancing
learning experience.
Pakistan and found that ICT design has a positive impact on brand performance.
Online learning has had a significant impact on brand performance. The study
highlighted a strong link between student satisfaction and ICT, especially during
COVID-19, citing benefits such as flexible learning and improved services. Greater
influenced the impact of ICT 9 on satisfaction, while student trust had a positive
enhancing the quality of ICT and e-learning systems. It aspires to offer insights for
process by crafting effective lessons within the system to boost overall student
polytechnics in Malaysia. Secondly, although the study delves into two variables,
the findings suggest that additional variables also influence student satisfaction.
Convenience in IT support for ICT students means making tech assistance easily
available and user-friendly. This includes accessible help desks, online support,
and quick solutions, aiming to boost satisfaction by offering swift and easy-to-use
46-54, 2018 The zeal to integrate the internet and other information technologies
Most of the tertiary institutions have been providing internet connectivity and other
are not effectively integrated into the teaching and learning environment.
Consequently, this study assessed the availability, accessibility, and ease of use
Upper West Region of Ghana. In total, 481 respondents from three academic
technique. The study revealed that students' access to the Internet and ICT
facilities have serious challenges such as internet unreliability and inadequate ICT
According to Sutrisno, Andre et, al (2021) The analysis of the facilities and
(1), 012050, 2021 The applications and facilities of ICT in a university are
necessary to enhance the performance, and quality of the education. As the main
role of the successful use of ICT facilities, students are expecting to obtain
gratification and satisfaction in using these technologies. The study employed the
UGT (Uses and Gratification Theory) as the fundamental concept to arrange the
research framework and surveyed 386 respondents. The result pointed out that
students' attitudes, social support, and locus of control influence the gratification
and satisfaction with the usage as the intervening variable. Findings also stated
that the usage of ICT applications and facilities is influencing both gratification and
use IT support services by measuring and improving learner satisfaction in the field
financial resources, lack of training of officials and staff, and human resources to
support and maintain the quality of the teaching and learning process. Includes
capital. The above challenges can impact the business in the form of poor
impact the income and revenue streams of institutions. In the modern educational
environment, most schools have adopted IT-integrated teaching and learning. This
technology platforms will cover some of the challenges faced by many universities.
have been increased by the use of open resources in education and their impact
student that does not necessarily require physical and face-to-face space. The
through virtual learning, the use of which can offer both advantages and obstacles.
Using the virtual environment, students can build and develop their learning. Thus,
education in the current approach is seen as the use of common technology, such
especially for adult students. I believe that mature students use information and
communication technologies (ICT) more often for learning than for other
optimize e-tools and learning decisions can be made according to the schedule of
each individual. This social framing of students and teachers led to the analysis of
knowledge about the learning and teaching process of higher education and thus
emotions mainly with the study of people's commitment to learning and practical
technology with the needs of students to ensure it has a positive impact on their
educational experiences. Ultimately, the research aims to provide insights that can
technology was integrated into teaching methods and subject matter, and its
questionnaire as its primary data collection tool, involving 26 teachers and 171
Grade VI students from Ponot District. It was discovered that teachers extensively
used technology in their teaching and that students were actively engaged in the
technology during lessons positively affected student engagement and the overall
learning environment.
services and learner satisfaction among ICT students. The independent variable, IT
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
key factors - perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness - that shape an
adult and perceiving digital games as mentally stimulating and user-friendly may
discourage it. Despite some criticisms, the TAM remains a valuable framework,
especially when examining factors that influence older adults' willingness to adopt
new technology, as Braun argued in 2013. In the field of online business education,
TAM has been widely used in various multidisciplinary studies, either in its original
form by Davis or in the extended models of Venkatesh and Davis in 2000. Although
the TAM initially showed limited predictive power for beginning e-learners or early
CMS, it is effective in explaining CMS use and satisfaction with the Internet as a
learning tool.
Studies such as Davis and Wong in 2007 investigated the use of TAM in
specific contexts such as the CECIL system at the University of Auckland. They
found that while perceived usefulness and ease of use moderated students'
figure, the independent variable is the quality of IT support services with three
indicators: help desk assistance, learning management system (LMS) support, and
digital and software guidance. The dependent variable is ICT student satisfaction