- Before discussing these new agricultural techniques, it is useful to look at the state of
medieval life and agriculture in the Early Middle Ages. The vast majority of peasants were
serfs, bound to the soil and service of a lord who owed them protection in return for work in
his fields. These serfs lived in villages, isolated pockets of farmland in the midst of a vast
wilderness of forests, thickets, and marshes. Typically, a village would have several acres of
cultivated fields, a wooden castle or manor house for the lord, a peasant village, a parish
church, and a mill. A village might be equivalent to a manor, the economic given to support a
noble. However, it could just as well be divided into several manors to support several
nobles or be only one of several villages making up a large manor. The village had to be self-
sufficient because it was virtually cut off from the outside world. Roads were poor and
brigands or local lords constantly threatened travel. Raids from neighboring nobles and such
invaders as the Vikings, Magyars, and Moslems also kept most people huddled under the
safety of their lord’s castle walls. As a result, the flow of trade and commerce was reduced to
a fraction of what it had been during the Pax Romana. Compared to the thriving Byzantine
and Islamic cultures to the south and east, Western Europe was a fragile outpost on the
western fringe of civilization.
- Europe’s agriculture reflected to this low level of culture. The plow used then was still
scratch plow that worked fine in the thin dry soils of the Mediterranean, but was not very
suitable for the wetter, deeper soils of Norther Europe. Such as plow might be reinforced
with iron, or it might be nothing more than a curved digging stick. The main source of power
pulling the plow was the ox hooked up by a yoke harness that had to pulled at the neck.
Although slow, the ox was more than peasants could afford. As a result, they had to pull their
own plows or dig with spades. Finally, the peasants used two-field system, where one field
lay fallow to reclaim the soil’s nutrients while the other field was being cultivated. This left
only fifty percent of the farmland for use in any given year. As a result, crop yields were very
low. In the Roman Empire, for every bushel of seed grain planted, four bushels would be
harvested. In the Early Middle Ages with the poor techniques being used, this ratio dropped
to one and a half or two to one. In other words, a full half or more of a peasant’s harvest had
to be saved as seed grain for next year’s planting. In years of famine, this led to serious
difficulties. Given these limits, it should come as no surprise that population remained low
and grew at a very slow rate, if at all.
- It is impossible to say when population first started expanding in western Europe, although
we can make some educated guesses. For one thing, the climate seems to have turned
warmer in the 800’s. We base this on tree ring evidence and the fact that the Vikings could
sail in northern latitudes unobstructed by ice. The warmer climate meant a longer growing
seasons, better harvests, and thus a healthier and growing population. Major plagues that
had hit intermittently since the later Roman Empire also ceased after 743 C.E. this might be
partly a result of the better-fed population having more resistance to disease. Finally, a
certain amount of political stability had turned to Western Europe by 1000 C.E. The feudal
system, whatever it faults, was providing at least a minimal amount of security to Europe.
Along with this, the invasions of Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims were letting up by this date.
The increased stability created by all these factors helped provide the conditions needed for
population growth and economic revival. This brings us to new farming techniques that
would greatly expand food supplies and lead to the rise of towns.
o Land development can be done either crop rotation or via three-field system
Originally the spread of civilization to Northern Europe brought the two-field system. This was
well suited to the climate of the Mediterranean with its hot dry summers and one growing
season in the cooler, wetter winters. The more temperature climate of Northern Europe allowed
growing seasons in both summer and winter. However, planting two crops a year would exhaust
the soil if peasants used the old two-field system. As a result, peasants divided their farmland
into three fields, one for winter crops, one for summer crops, and one to remain fallow. The use
of the fields was rotated each year. A second part of the system, in order to prevent soil
exhaustion, was to use different crops that took different nutrients from the soil. The winter crop
typically would consist of winter wheat or rye, and the spring crop would be either spring wheat
or legumes (beans or peas). The greater variety of crops provided people with a more balanced
diet. Also, an advantage of legumes is that they take nitrogen out of the air rather than the soil,
and when buried, actually replenish the soil with nitrogen. Consider the what changeover from
two-field system would have meant to a peasant village farming 60 acres. In the old system, only
30 acres would be planted each year. In the new three-field system 40 acres would be planted,
an increase of 33%. Also, peasants would plow the fallow land twice to keep weeds down. In the
two-field system, this mean, plowing all 60 acres at once plus the 30 fallow acres again, 90 acres
of plowing in all. The three-field system involved plowing all 60 acres plus only 20 acres of fallow
again, a total of 80 acres of plowing. Thus, while producing 33% more food, the peasants were
plowing considerably less, especially considering what hard work plowing back then. The extra
time saved could be used for cleaning new farmland from the surrounding wilderness, which, of
course, meant even more food. Likewise, the extra food meant more people from population
growth, who would also clear new lands to produce more food, and so on. Eventually, enough
new land would be cleared and surplus food produced to support population in towns.
o Land development and supply transport were made faster due to the invention of the
heavy flow and the rise of cross-breeding workhorses
Another major development in farming was the heavy flow that could cut through the deep,
wet, and heavy soils of Northern Europe much better than the light scratch plow. It had three
basic parts: the coulter or heavy knife that cut through the soil vertically, the plowshare that cut
through the soil horizontally, and the mouldboard, which turn the soil to one side. Some models
had two wheels that acted as the fulcrum to keep the plow from getting stuck. There were two
advantages to this kind of plow. First it cut the soil so violently that there was no need for cross
plowing as there was the scratch plow. This saved time, which could be used for, among other
things, clearing more land and producing more food. Second, the heavy plow created furrows,
little ridges, and valleys in each plowed row. In times of drought, water would drain into the
valleys and ensure some crops would survive. In times of heavy rains, the crops on top of the
ridges would not get flooded out. As a result, peasants could usually look forward to at least
some crops to harvest even in bad years. The furrows the heavy plow created also meant that
the rich alluvial bottomlands by rivers could be farmed without their frequent floods doing too
much damage. As with the three-field system and crop rotation, the heavy plow also fed into the
feedback cycle of more food, population growth, etc. the heavy plow had an impact on peasant
society and land holding patterns. Being heavy, it required as many as eight oxen to pull it
compared to two oxen on the scratch plow. Since few peasants could afford their own teams,
they would combine their ox teams and hook them in one plow. Occasionally, disputes might
arise as to whole land would be plowed first, especially if the weather had been bad and it was
doubtful that all the fields could get plowed in time for a good crop. As a result, peasants split
their lands into long strips and interspersed them among other peasants’ and the lord’s strip.
Some peasants might have 50 or 60 strips spread out over the manor. The advantage of this was
twofold. First of all, it ensured that everyone got at least some land plowed. Second, the long
strips of land meant that the plow team did not have to turn as much, one of the most difficult
aspects of plowing, especially with four rows of oxen to increase the turning radius. The heavy
plow also created a more cooperative peasant society and caused small hamlets to combine into
larger villages in order to share ox teams.
The last major development in farming was a new source of power, the plow horse. Several
factors allowed the use of horse in Western Europe. The invention of the horseshoe (c.900 C.E.)
prevented the hooves of the horse from cracking in the cold wet soil. The horse collar let the
horse pull from the chest rather than the neck. This increased the horse’s pulling power for
about 1000 lbs. (with the yoke harness) to as much as 5000 lbs. with the horse collar. Finally,
cross breeding to make larger warhorses also provided the peasants with larger plow horses.
Although it could not pull any more than an ox, the horse did have two advantages. It could pull
up to fifty percent faster than the ox, and could work one to two hours longer per day. The one
drawback was the horse ate a lot. Overall, despite eating more, the plow horse could increase
farm production as much as 30 percent for those peasants who could afford horses. As with the
three-field system and heavy plow, this led to the feedback cycle of producing more food,
population growth, and developing new lands for even more food production, etc.
There were some interesting side effects of the use of the horse. Being fifty percent faster than
the oxen, horses could bring food into a town from outlying villages fifty percent farther away
without taking any more time than before with an ox team. Increasing the radius of the
surrounding farmland supplying a town by fifty percent more than doubled the area of farmland
and amount of agricultural produce available to support that town, and, subsequently, the
potential size of the town itself. In addition, the replacement of the two-wheeled cart with the
four-wheeled wagon with a hinged post for greater maneuverability increased the amount of
grain a peasant could bring into town.
1. The birth of the plow horse allowed for faster land development because it was
faster than an ox
2. The plow horse could work for longer hours
3. The plow horse also required less maintenance
We should keep in mind the limits to medieval agriculture. While a yield to seed ratio of four to
one was good back then, farmers today expect at least ten times that. What this means is that
for centuries it took ten farmers to create enough surplus to support one townsman. Still, along
with the greater stability brought by feudalism, the increased food production brought on by the
agricultural revolution of the Middle Ages was essential for the revival of towns, without which
our own civilization would not have evolved.
The “revival” of towns drove people to seek knowledge in the ancient civilization
- The first stirrings of revival from anarchy in Western Europe took place in Italy. There were
three reasons for this. First of all, the Roman cities were older and more deeply rooted than
cities in Northern Europe. Second, their position in the middle of the Mediterranean
attracted trade from the richer Byzantine and Muslim civilization in the East. Finally, the
Byzantine Empire, which ruled parts of Italy, protected its towns there from at least some of
the chaos of the times. Italian towns were much reduced in size from the days of the Roman
Empire, but they still functioned as religious centers ruled by bishops as well as centers of
- In the eighth century, the popes had summoned the Frankish ruler, Pepin the Short and
Charlemagne to Italy to defend them against the Lombards. Especially as a result of
Charlemagne’s campaigns, the northern half of Italy came under Frankish rule. After
Charlemagne’s death in 814, law and order collapsed with the central government, but the
Frankish nobles left behind by Charlemagne remained as the power in the countryside while
the bishops ruled the cities.
- The turmoil following Charlemagne’s death attracted waves of Muslims raids these raids
reach their peak in the ninth and tenth centuries, and, at one point, the Muslims even
controlled part of Rome. Eventually, they were driven out, leaving the Frankish nobles in the
countryside to fight one another for control of Northern Italy. Holding the balance of power
in these struggles were the bishops in the towns. In order to enlist the bishop’s aid
- On a rare occasion one comes across a period of such dynamic cultural change that it is seen
as a major turning point in history. Ancient Greece, and especially Athens, in the fifth
century B.C. was such a turning point in the birth of Western civilization. The Italian
Renaissance was another. Both were drawing upon a rich cultural heritage. For the Greeks, it
was the ancient Near East and Egypt. For the Italian Renaissance, it was ancient Rome and
Greece. Both ages broke bonds of earlier cultural restraints and unleashed a flurry of
innovations that have seldom, if ever, been equaled elsewhere. Both ages produced radically
new forms and ideas in a wide range of areas: art, architecture, literature, history, and
science. Both ages shined brilliantly and somewhat briefly before falling victim to violent
ends, largely of their own making. Yet despite their relative briefness, both ages passed on
cultural heritage that is an essential part of our own civilization.
- Renaissance literally means rebirth, in this case the rebirth of classical Greek and Roman
culture. The traditional view of the Renaissance was that it suddenly emerged as a result of
fall of Constantinople in 1453, which drove Greek scholars to seek refuge in Italy and pass
classical culture to Italy. Historians now take this as too simplistic an explanation. For one
thing, knowledge of Greek and Roman culture had never completely died out in medieval
Europe, being kept alive during dark ages in the monasteries, and during the high Middle
Ages in the growing universities. Secondly, a revived interest in classical culture can be
tracked back to Italian authors, Dante, and Petrarch, in the early 1300’s. thus the Italian
Renaissance was more the product of a long evolution rather than a sudden outburst.
- The revival of towns and trade played a major role, since it stimulated a mining boom,
especially in Germany, along with better techniques for working metals, including soft metals
such as gold and copper. It was a goldsmith from Mainz, Germany, Johannes Gutenberg, who
created a durable and interchangeable metal type that allowed him to print many different
pages, using the same letters over and over again in different combinations. It was also
Gutenberg who combined all these disparate elements of movable type, rag paper, the
squeeze press, and oil-based inks to invent printing press in 1451.
o Italy experienced the first revival from anarchy in Western Europe due to its older, more
rooted Roman cities, proximity to trade from Byzantine and Muslim civilizations, and
protection from the Byzantine Empire. Although smaller, Italian towns remained
religious and defense centers.