Joints Types: Revolute Joint 1DOF Prismatic Joint Joint 1DOF
Joints Types: Revolute Joint 1DOF Prismatic Joint Joint 1DOF
Joints Types: Revolute Joint 1DOF Prismatic Joint Joint 1DOF
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The spherical configuration is a suitable configuration for small
robots. Almost 15% of industrial robots, Stanford arm for instance,
are made of this configuration.
The cylindrical configuration is a suitable configuration for
medium load capacity robots. Almost 45% of industrial
robots are made of this kind
The Cartesian configuration is a suitable
configuration for heavy load capacity and large
robots. Almost 15% of industrial robots are made of
this configuration.
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The workspace of a manipulator is the total
volume of space the end-effector can reach.
The workspace is constrained by the geometry of
the manipulator as well as the mechanical
constraints on the joints
The workspace of a manipulator is the total
volume of space the end-effector can reach.
The workspace is constrained by the geometry
of the manipulator as well as the mechanical
constraints on the joints
Cylindrical manipulator and its
Spherical manipulator and its
SCARA manipulator and its workspace
Anthropomorphic manipulator and its
Reference Frame and Coordinate System
In robotics, we assign one or more coordinate frames to each link of
the robot and each object of the robot’s environment. Thus,
communication among the coordinate frames, which is called
transformation of frames, is a fundamental concept in the modelling
and programming of a robot.
The angular motion of a rigid body can be described in one of several
ways, the most popular being:
A set of rotations about a right-handed globally fixed Cartesian
A set of rotations about a right-handed moving Cartesian axis
Angular rotation about a fixed axis in space.
Reference frames are a particular perspective employed by the analyst
to describe the motion of links. A fixed frame is a reference frame that
is motionless and attached to the ground. The motion of a robot takes
place in a fixed frame called the global reference frame. A moving
frame is a reference frame that moves with a link. Every moving link
has an attached reference frame that sticks to the link and accepts every
motion of the link.
The moving reference frame is called the local reference frame. The
position and orientation of a link with respect to the ground is explained
by the position and orientation of its local reference frame in the global
reference frame. In robotic analysis, we fix a global reference frame to
the ground and attach a local reference frame to every single link.
A coordinate system is slightly different from reference frames. The
coordinate system determines the way we describe the motion in each
reference frame.
A Cartesian system is the most popular coordinate system used in
robotics, but cylindrical, spherical and other systems may be
used as well.
To define and manipulate mathematical quantities that represent
position and orientation, we must define coordinate systems and
develop conventions for representation.
We adopt the philosophy that somewhere there is a universe
coordinate system to which everything we discuss can be
referenced. We will describe all positions and orientations with
respect to the universe coordinate system or with respect to other
Cartesian coordinate systems that are (or could be) defined
relative to the universe system.
In the study of robotics, we are constantly concerned with the
location of objects in three-dimensional space. These
objects are the links of the manipulator, the parts and tools
with which it deals, and other objects in the manipulator's
environment. Objects are described by just two attributes:
position and orientation.
In order to describe the position and orientation of a body in
space, we will always attach a coordinate system, or frame,
rigidly to the object. We then proceed to describe the
position and orientation of this frame with respect to some
reference coordinate system.
Kinematics is the science of motion that treats motion without
regard to the forces which cause it.
Manipulators consist of nearly rigid links, which are connected by
joints that allow relative motion of neighbouring links. These joints
are usually instrumented with position sensors, which allow the
relative position of neighbouring links to be measured.
In the case of rotary or revolute joints, these displacements are called
joint angles. Some manipulators contain sliding (or prismatic) joints,
in which the relative displacement between links is a translation,
sometimes called the joint offset.
The number of degrees of freedom that a manipulator possesses is the
number of independent position variables that would have to be
specified in order to locate all parts of the mechanism.
What is the number of DOF for the four bar linkage mechanism?
Inverse kinematics :means given the position and orientation
of the end-effector of the manipulator, calculate all possible
sets of joint angles that could be used to attain this given
position and orientation. This is a fundamental problem in
the practical use of manipulators.
We will call this matrix a rotation matrix , and, because this particular
rotation matrix describes {B } relative to {A}, we name it with the
notation R
r11 r12 r13
Yˆ B Zˆ B
r21 r22 r23
r31 r32 r33
r11 r12 r13
R A Xˆ B Yˆ B
Zˆ B
r21 r22 r23
r31 r32 r33
Note that the components of any vector (i. e. rij ) are simply the projections of that
vector onto the unit directions of its reference frame
Xˆ B . Xˆ A Yˆ B . Xˆ A Zˆ B . Xˆ A
A ˆ
A ˆ
A ˆ
ˆ ˆ
B A .Y Yˆ .Yˆ
B A Zˆ .Yˆ
Xˆ .Zˆ Yˆ .Zˆ Zˆ .Zˆ
The dot product of two unit vectors yields the cosine of the angle between them, so it
is clear why the components of rotation matrices are often referred to as direction
cosines. B Xˆ T
B Yˆ
B Zˆ B
B Zˆ T
A ˆT A ˆ
Zˆ B I
A Zˆ T
This means that the inverse of a rotation matrix is equal to its transpose
Description of a frame
The information needed to completely specify the whereabouts of
the manipulator hand is a position and an orientation. The point
on the body whose position we describe could be chosen
arbitrarily, however. For convenience, the point whose position
we will describe is chosen as the origin of the body-attached
Frame is a set of four vectors giving position and orientation
information. The description of a frame can be thought of as a
position vector and a rotation matrix. Note that a frame is a
coordinate system where, in addition to the orientation, we give a
position vector which locates its origin relative to some other
embedding frame
For example, frame {B} is described by BAR and APBORG where APBORG
the vector that locates the origin of the frame {B}
A frame is depicted by three arrows representing unit vectors defining
the principal axes of the frame. An arrow representing a vector is
drawn from one origin to another. This vector represents the position
of the origin at the head of the arrow in terms of the frame at the tail of
the arrow.
The direction of this locating arrow tells us, for example, {C} is
known relative to {A} and not vice versa.
In summary, a frame can be used as a description of one coordinate
system relative to another. A frame encompasses two ideas by
representing both position and orientation and so may be thought of as
a generalization of those two ideas.
Positions could be represented by a frame whose rotation-matrix part is
the identity matrix and whose position-vector part locates the point
being described. Likewise, an orientation could be represented by a
frame whose position-vector part was the zero vector.
Mappings: changing descriptions from frame to frame
An important problem in the field of robotics is concerned with
expressing the same quantity in terms of various reference
coordinate systems. We consider the mathematics of mapping in
order to change descriptions from frame to frame.
I-Mappings involving translated frames
If we have a position defined by the vector BP
and we wish to express this point in space in
terms of frame {A}, when {A} has the same
orientation as {B}.
In this case, {B} differs from {A} only by a
translation, which is given by APBORG a
vector that locates the origin of {B} relative to
Because both vectors are defined relative to
frames of the same orientation, we calculate
the description of point P relative to {A}, AP
by vector addition AP = BP + APBORG
II-Mappings involving rotated frames
Known :- the definition of a vector with respect to some frame, {B},
Find :- its definition with respect to another frame, (A}, where the origins of the two frames are
This solution is possible when a description of the
orientation of {B} is known relative to {A}.
This orientation is given by the rotation matrix whose
columns are the unit vectors of {B} written in {A}.
In order to calculate A P, we note that the components of any
vector are simply the projections of that vector onto the unit
directions of its frame. The projection is calculated as the
vector dot product. Thus, we see that the components of A P
may be calculated as
p x BXˆ A . BP ,
p y BYˆA . BP ,
p z BZˆ A . BP .
To express this equation in terms of a rotation matrix multiplication, we note previous equ. that
the rows of BAR are BXˆ A , BYˆ A and BZˆA . So it can be written by using a rotation matrix, as
This equation implements a mapping—that is, it changes the description of a vector—from B P
which describes a point in space relative to {B}, into A P , which is a description of the same
point, but expressed relative to {A}.