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Ready for IELTS 2nd Edition

Listening script
Unit 1 D: For each level, we aim to have at
least one show a year in the
01 summer. There is no pressure for
anyone to perform, but we do
(M = Maggie; D = Director) encourage everyone to get involved
M: Hi. My name’s Maggie. I think one way or another, either acting
I spoke to you yesterday about or behind the scenes. Usually
coming in to see you about the everyone is really enthusiastic to
drama classes. take part.
D: Oh yes. Hi. How can I help you? M: Is it possible to have a look
M: We’re new to the area and I’d like around?
my children, Terry, Andrea and D: Yes, sure. The building’s used
Jasmine, to join the drama classes. by other groups. … We have no
They love acting, singing and changing facilities, just a large
dancing and they’re very energetic room with lockers where people
and I also thought it would be can put their things, if necessary.
a good way for them to make But we advise people to come
friends. dressed for the workshops … in
D: Oh yes, we offer dancing and loose clothing and trainers.
singing as well as acting classes ...............................................................
and the club’s a good place for
M: Can my kids join immediately?
everyone to meet new people. We
D: Yes they can. We always ask people
have different social and family
to come and have a go first of all.
groups and everyone here’s very
Children usually come to meet
new people and then want to come
M: Great. Can I just ask you some
back, even the shy ones.
questions about the drama
M: That’s a good sign. Is there a fee?
D: There’s a joining fee of £14 a
D: Yes sure. What would you like to
year per person and then there’s
a separate fee for the Saturday
M: Mmm, what classes are there and
workshops, but they’re usually
when are they held?
very cheap. It’s just to pay the
D: Well … during the week, we have
workshop trainer, as we survive on
classes for different age groups.
small grants and gifts.
… By the way, what ages are your
M: OK. I think I’d like to bring the
children along.
M: Terry’s 8. Andrea’s 12 and Jasmine’s
D: Great! What’s your full name and
D: Well, for the youngest age group,
M: My name’s Maggie Campbell.
those aged 7–11, the times are 5.30 pm
D: Is that C–A–M–P–B–E–L–L?
–6.30 pm on Tuesday evening and
M: Yes.
for those aged 12–15 between 4
D: And the address?
and 6 pm on Wednesday evening
M: It’s 133 Arbuthnot Drive. I’ll spell
… and for those 16 and above it’s
it. It’s A–R–B–U–T–H–N–O–T.
6–8 pm on Friday evening.
D: And the postcode?
M: Is there anything at the weekends?
M: It’s RV27 8PB
D: Yes. We also have workshops on
D: And the children’s names again?
Saturdays from 10 am–1 pm, but
M: Terry, he’ll come for the Tuesday
they’re usually for older members,
class, so that’s 17 March. And
18 and above. We also have social
Andrea, she’ll come for the class
outings to theatres, at discount
on 18 March. And Jasmine on the
rates. So it’s possible for whole
families to come. We even get free
D: Can I take a mobile number?
theatre tickets at times, which we
M: It’s 07700336601.
announce on our website.
D: And your email address?
M: Oh that’s good to know. And what
M: It’s M-A- …
about school holidays?
D: Well, during the holidays, we run
summer camps for young people
up to the age of 16. These usually
run from 10 am–1 pm and 2 pm
–5 pm Monday to Friday. They
are combined with the youth club
activities and run during August.
M: And what about performances?

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