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Revision # R-0

Implementation Date

Page # 1 of 5 Last Reviewed/Update Date 21/11/17

SOP Owner MCCPL Operation Approval



1. Purpose

Purpose of the SOP is to use it as instructions for the safe startup and
normal operation of COAL MILL Fan lube oil pump.

2. Equipment specifications
2.2 Pump discharge flow - 175 L / min
2.3 Oil pump type screw
2.4 Oil temperature - Running value 30°C~45°C
2.5 Oil type -ISO VG 46

2.6 Oil Pump pressure - 0.15 – 0.35 mpa

2.7 Heat Exchanger Type - Cross flow Tubular

2.8 Total no of cooler -2/Mill

2.9 Cooling water flow -14.7 m3/Hr

2.10 Cooling water pressure -0.2 – 1 Mpa

2.11 Cooling water temp -32 degree C

2.12 No of heater -06 per mill

2.13 Heater power -1.5 kw

2.14 Cooling area -10M2

Documents: SOP short-form

Revision # R-0

Implementation Date

Page # 2 of 5 Last Reviewed/Update Date 21/11/17

SOP Owner MCCPL Operation Approval

3. Scope
The scope of this document is limited to 2X100% oil pump with all its related
auxiliary equipment.

4. Prerequisites
4.1 Mechanical healthiness of the Lube oil pumpshould be healthy i.e. no
mechanical defect in the equipment.
4.2 Stand by lube oil pump should be available.
4.3 Lube Oil tank level should be normal (~80%) and oil quality should be
qualified (NAS- 7).
4.4 All protections and trip interlock should be healthy and in service.
4.5 All transmitter signals should be healthy and in service.
4.6 All local pressure gauges are healthy condition.

5. Responsibilities
5.1 Shift In charge - Coordination between field and
5.2 BoilerControl room engineer -For operating and monitoring the
Equipment from CCR
5.3 Boiler field engineers - For inspection and reporting

The equipment status and giving

clearance to CCR.
6 Boiler operators - For regular checking and Reporting the
status and giving clearance to CCR

6. Procedure
5.1 Preparation for startup
5.1.1 Be sure that all related equipment PTW has been cancelled.
5.1.2 Ensure that operator is available near the equipment for giving the start
clearance from field by using proper communication device i.e. walkie-talkie.
5.1.3 Ensure that Lube oil tank level is slightly higher than normal oil level (>80%)
and oil quality is qualified (NAS-7).
5.1.4 Ensure that Lube oil pump power supply is in healthy condition.
5.1.5 Ensure tank oil temp > 30 Degree C IF it is <30 Degree C start heater to
achieve temp.
5.1.6 Ensure that oil cooler I/L& O/L isolation valves (of both stream - oil and

Documents: SOP short-form

Revision # R-0

Implementation Date

Page # 3 of 5 Last Reviewed/Update Date 21/11/17

SOP Owner MCCPL Operation Approval

5.1.7 Cooling water) are in open condition.

5.1.8 Ensure that CCCWsystem is working normal.
5.1.9 Ensure that flow, pressure and temperature of CCCW passes through the oil
cooler is normal (>4kg).
5.1.10 Ensure that oil tank - oil temperature is within 30°C- 40°C.
5.1.11 Ensure that standby Lube oil pump is available.

5.2 Startup Procedure

5.2.1 Take start clearance ofLube oil pump from field.
5.2.2 Ensure that lube oil supply line cooler I/L and O/L valve open and
corresponding cooling water valve open condition.
5.2.3 All pressure switches isolation valve open condition.
5.2.4 Start lube oil pump and wait for 30 sec. to fill the system piping by oil than
start increasing lube oil pressure.
5.2.5 Ensure lube oil supply pressure > 2.5kg/cm2.
5.2.6 Check Gearbox bearing housing Oil gauge glass oil level >50% and return oil
flow is stabilized that means main oil tank level stabilized constant
5.2.7 Lube oil flow > 150 LPM in indicator.
5.2.8 Ensure that oil tank-oil temperature is normal.
5.2.9 Ensure that oil tank-oil level is normal.
5.2.10 Ensure that current drawn by Lube oil pump is normal.
5.2.11 Follow the preparation of startup for second Lube oil pump. Put the second
Lube oil pump into STANDBY MODE.

5.3 Pump change over Procedure

5.3.1 Ensure the healthiness of stand by pump in local.
5.3.2 Communicate the field operator regarding change over.
5.3.3 Ensure that standby pump healthy condition.
5.3.4 Remove stand by pump from STANDBY MODE.
5.3.5 Start stand by pump
5.3.6 Ensure that Lube oil pressure >6 kg/cm2 this pressure indicate second lube
oil pump developing sufficient pressure.
5.3.7 Ensure that pump vibration, sound and current drawn is normal and there is
no oil leakage.
5.3.8 Ensure that oil tank-oil temperature is normal.
5.3.9 Ensure that oil tank-oil level is normal.

Documents: SOP short-form

Revision # R-0

Implementation Date

Page # 4 of 5 Last Reviewed/Update Date 21/11/17

SOP Owner MCCPL Operation Approval

5.3.10 Stop the previous running pump.. Put the second Lube oil pump into

6.4 Shutdown Procedure

6.4.1 Ensure that unit condition fulfills the shutdown requirements of running Lube
oil pump.
6.4.2 Drives bearing temp cooled and its value <40degc
6.4.3 Release standby Lube oil pump from STANDBY MODE to NORMAL MODE.
6.4.4 Stop running Lube oil pump
6.4.5 Isolate the pump if required.

6.5 Isolation Procedure

6.5.1 Communicate the field operator regarding isolation of Lube oil pump.
6.5.2 Ensure that Lube oil pump is in stopped condition.
6.5.3 Ensure that Discharge MIV ofLubeoil pump, is in closed condition.
6.5.4 Close the oil cooler cooling water inlet /outlet valve.
6.5.5 Issue PTW.
6.5.6 Isolate its power supply, rack out the breaker and Danger Tag displayed.

6.6 Cooler changeover procedure

6.6.1 Communicate the field operator regarding changeover of Lube oil cooler.
6.6.2 Ensure that Lube oil pump pressure is normal.
6.6.3 Ensure that cooler changeover lever both I/L and O/L Is in same direction.
6.6.4 Ensure two field operators simultaneously rotate the lever by observing
pressure, When Small jerk observed stop rotation and hold the same
position till pressure constant,
Above practice is continuing till both valves rest at ends.
6.6.5 Same procedure to be carried out for changing cooling supply water but
during changing cooling water to standby cooler the nearest water header air
vent open condition.
6.6.6 Observe lube oil supply pressure and temperature normal.
6.6.7 Declare Cooler and cooling water to cooler change over done.

6.7 Lube oil filter changeover procedure

Documents: SOP short-form

Revision # R-0

Implementation Date

Page # 5 of 5 Last Reviewed/Update Date 21/11/17

SOP Owner MCCPL Operation Approval

6.7.1 Communicate the field operator regarding changeover of Lube oil filter.
6.7.2 Ensure that Lube oil pump pressure is normal.
6.7.3 Ensure that cooler changeover lever is extreme end position.
6.7.4 Rotate the lever slowly by observing pressure, When Small jerk observed
stop rotation and hold the same position till pressure constant,
Above practice is continuing till both valves rest at ends.
6.7.5 Same Observe lube oil supply pressure normal and in field DP indicator is in
green position.
6.7.6 Declare lube oil filter change over done

6.8 Safety Precautions

6.8.1 All the protections and trip interlocks should be healthy.
6.8.2 Fire Hydrant line should be healthy
6.8.3 Sufficient fire extinguishers should be available.
6.8.4 Proper PPE’s should be used i.e. ear plug, hand gloves, safety goggle, safety
belt, safety helmet, safety shoes etc.
6.8.5 Any type of hot work i.e. cutting, welding, grinding etc. not to be carried out
in the fire protected area.
6.8.6 Area should be cover with sufficient lighting.

7. References

MCCPL Technical dairy .


Documents: SOP short-form

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