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Exam Date

4 March
Total marks

70 + 30
Theory Practicals
Chapter Name

Electric Charges and Fields

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Current Electricity

Moving Charges and Magnetism

Magnetism and Matter

Electromagnetic Induction

Alternating Current

Electromagnetic Waves

Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

Wave Optics

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter



List of topics and Questions
Most Important 140 question
Short answer
Long answer
Assertion Reason
Case Study

Link in Description
1. Electric Charges and Fields

Type 1 Type 1 Type 2

● Dipole ● Application of
Gauss Law

Use Gauss's law to find

Derive an expression the electric field due to a
for the electric field at uniformly charged
any point infinite plane sheet. What
on the equatorial line is the direc-
of an electric dipole. tion of the field for
positive and negative
charge densities?
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

● Equipotential ● System of ● Energy stored in

Surfaces charges capacitor & Energy

Write two properties of

(a) Three point charges q, -4 q
equipotential surfaces.
and 2q are placed at the
Depict equipotential vertices of an equilateral In the following arrangement of
surfaces due to an isolated triangle A B C of side' P as capacitors, the energy stored in
point charge. shown in the figure. Obtain the
the 6μF capacitor is E. Find the
Why do the equipotential expression for the magnitude
surfaces get closer as the of the resultant electric force value of the following
distance between the acting on the charge q. (i) Energy stored in 12μF
equipotential surface and (b) Find out the amount of the capacitor
work done to separate the
the source charge
charges at infinite distance.
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Type 4
● Parallel plate

How is the electric field

due to a charged parallel
plate capacitor affected
when a dielectric slab is
inserted between the
plates fully occupying the
intervening region?
3. Current Electricity

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

● Drift of ● Temperature ● Kirchhoff’s

electrons dependence & Rule

Define drift velocity. Write its (a) State the underlying

relationship with relaxation Define ionic mobility. principle of potentiometer.
time in terms of the electric
Write its relationship with (b) Describe briefly, giving
field E applied to a
relaxation time. How does the necessary circuit
conductor. A potential
one understand the diagram, how a
difference V is applied to a
conductor of length l. How is temperature dependence potentiometer is used to
the drift velocity affected of resistivity of a measure the
when V is doubled and l is semiconductor? internal resistance of a
halved? given cell.
3. Current Electricity

Type 4
● V-I

A cello of emf ‘E’ and internal

resistance ‘r’ is connected
across a variable resistor ‘R’.
Plot a graph showing
variation of terminal voltage
‘V’ of the cell versus the
current ‘I’. Using the plot,
show how the emf of the cell
and its internal resistance can
be determined.
4. Moving Charges and Magnetism

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

● Biot-Savart law ● Ampere’s law ● Moving Coil
and its and its Galvanometer
application applications & Conversion

Figure shows a long (a) Briefly explain how a

Use Biot-Savart law to straight wire of a circular galvanometer is converted into
derive the expression for cross- section of radius 'a' a voltmeter.
the magnetic field on the carrying steady current I. (b) A voltmeter of a certain
range is constructed by
axis of a current carrying The current I is uniformly
connecting a resistance of 9802
circular loop of radius R. distributed across this in series with a galvanometer.
Draw the magnetic field cross- section. Derive the When the resistance of 4702 is
lines due to circular wire expressions for the connected in series, the range
magnetic field in the gets halved. Find the resistance
carrying current I. of the galvanometer.
region r < a and r> a.
4. Moving Charges and Magnetism

Type 1 Type 4 Type 3

● Lorentz force

A proton and a
deuteron having equal
momenta enter in a
region of a uniform
magnetic field at right
angle to the direction
of the field. Depict their
trajectories in the field.
5. Magnetism and Matter

Type 1
● Para-, dia- and ferro
- magnetic Materials

If χ stands for the magnetic

susceptibility of a given
material, identify the class of
material for which
(i) -1 ≤ χ < 0
(ii) 0 < x < ε(ε stands for a
small positive number)
6. Electromagnetic Induction

Type 1 Type 2 Type33


● Problems based ● Lenz’s Law ● Self & mutual

on Induced Inductance

Two identical loops, one State Lenz's law. Using this Current in a circuit
of copper and the other of law indicate the direction of
aluminium, are rotated the current in a closed loop
falls steadily from 5.0
with the same angular when a bar magnet with A to 0.0 A in 100 ms. If
speed in the same north pole in brought close an average e.m.f. of
magnetic field. Compare to it. Explain briefly how the 200 V is induced,
(i) the induced emf and (ii) direction of the current
calculate the
the current produced in predicted wrongly results in
the violation of the law of self-inductance of the
the two coils. Justify your
answer. conservation of energy circuit.
7. Alternating Current

Type 1 Type 2
● LCR circuits, ● Transformers
● Power in A.C.

A series LCR circuit with R = 20 Ω, (i) Draw a labelled diagram of a step-down

L = 2 H and C = 50 µF is connected transformer. State the principle of its working.
to a 200 volts ac source of variable (ii) Express the turn ratio in terms of voltages.
frequency. What is (i) the amplitude (iii) Find the ratio of primary and secondary
currents in terms of turn ratio in an ideal
of the current, and (ii) the average
power transferred to the circuit in (iv) How much current is drawn by the primary
one complete cycle, at resonance? of a transformer connected to 220 V supply
(iii) Calculate the potential drop when it delivers power to a 110 V-550 W
across the capacitor. refrigerator?
8. Electromagnetic Waves

Type 1
● Electromagnetic
Spectrum 🠆 Uses

Find the wavelength of

waves of frequency
5 × 1018 Hz in free
space. Give its two
9. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

● Refraction ● Prism ● Optical


When light rays are A telescope has focal

incident on a prism at
length of objective
an angle of 45°, the
and eyepiece as
minimum deviation is
Case study 200 cm and 5 cm
obtained. If refractive
index of the material of
respectively. What is
prism is √2, then the magnification of a
angle of prism will be telescope?
10. Wave Optics

Type 1
● Interference &

Laser light of wavelength 630 nm incident on a

pair of sits produces an interference pattern in
which the bright fringes are separated by 7.2
mm. Calculate the wavelength of another
source of laser light which produces
interference fringes separated by 8.1 mm
using same pair of slits.
(AI 2011C)
11. Dual Natures of Radiation and Matter

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

● Einstein ● All Graphs ● Wave Nature of

Photoelectric Matter

Write Einstein's Draw a plot showing the A particle is moving three

variation of photoelectric times as fast as an
photoelectric equation.
current with collector plate electron. The ratio of the
State clearly the three
potential for two different de-Broglie wavelength of
salient features observed
frequencies, v1 > v2, of the particle to that of the
in photoelectric effect, incident radiation having the electron is 1.813 × 10-4.
which can be explained same intensity. In which case Calculate the particle's
on the basis of the above will the stopping potential be mass and identify the
equation. higher? Justify your answer.
12. Atoms

Type 1 Type 2

● ⍺-particle exp ● Bohr Model

& model

If m is mass of electron, v its

Assertion: In alpha particle velocity, r the radius of
scattering number of stationary circular orbit
alpha particles undergoing around a nucleus with
head on collision is small. charge Ze, then from Bohr's
first postulate, the kinetic
Reason: Small fraction of
energy K = ½ mv2 of the
the number of incident
electron in C.G.S. system is
particles rebound back.
equal to.
13. Nuclei

Type 1 Type 2

● Mass Energy ● Nuclear Force

If both the number of Draw a plot of

protons and the number potential energy of a
of neutrons are pair of nucleons as a
conserved in a nuclear function of their
reaction like separation. Write two
C + 6C 🠆 2010Ne + 42He
important conclusion
In what way is mass which you can draw
converted into energy? regarding the nature
Explain. of nuclear forces.
14. Semiconductor Electronics Materials,
Devices and Simple Circuits.
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

● p-n junction ● Semiconductor ● Application of

Diode Diode

The given figure below

Draw the circuit diagrams shows the V-I characteristic
of a p-n junction diode in Draw the circuit
of a semiconductor diode.
(i) forward bias, (ii) (i) Identify the diagram of a full wave
reverse bias. How are semiconductor diode used. rectifier using p-n
these circuits used to (ii) Draw the circuit diagram junction diode.
study the V-I to obtain the given Explain its working
characteristics of a silicon characteristic of this device.
(iii) Briefly explain how this
and show the output,
diode? Draw the typical
V-I characteristics. diode can be used as a input waveforms.
voltage regulator.

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