Roger LeRoy Miller - The Legal Environment Today (2021)
Roger LeRoy Miller - The Legal Environment Today (2021)
Roger LeRoy Miller - The Legal Environment Today (2021)
Contents in Brief
Unit 1 The Foundations 1 Unit 4 The Regulatory Environment 553
1 Law and Legal Reasoning 2 20 Administrative Law 554
2 Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution 34 21 Consumer Protection 574
3 Ethics in Business 68 22 Environmental Law 594
4 Business and the Constitution 96 23 Real and Personal Property 612
5 Torts and Product Liability 121 24 Antitrust Law and Promoting Competition 637
6 Criminal Law and Cyber Crime 152
7 International and Space Law 181 APPENDICES
A The Constitution of the United States A–1
Unit 2 The Commercial Environment 205 B The Uniform Commercial Code A–1
C Answers to the Issue Spotters A–2
8 Intellectual Property Rights 206
D Sample Answers for Business Case Problems with Sample
9 Internet Law, Social Media, and Privacy 232
Answer A–6
10 The Formation of Traditional and E-Contracts 254
Glossary G–1
11 Contract Performance, Breach, and Remedies 287
Table of Cases TC–1
12 Sales and Lease Law 316
Index I–1
13 Creditor-Debtor Relations and Bankruptcy 344
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Contents v
Spotlight on Beer Labels: Case 4.3: Bad Frog Brewery, Criminal Liability 155
Inc. v. New York State Liquor Authority 108 ■■ Digital Update: Should Bitcoin Be Illegal? 155
■■ Building Analytical Skills: Determining When Public Case 6.1: United States v. Crabtree 156
Religious Displays Violate the Establishment Clause 110
■■ Managerial Strategy: The Criminalization of American Business 158
Due Process and Equal Protection 112
Types of Crimes 160
Privacy Rights 114
Spotlight on White-Collar Crime: Case 6.2: People v. Sisuphan 163
■■ Cybersecurity and the Law: Should Apple Help
Law Enforcement? 115
Defenses to Criminal Liability 167
Constitutional Safeguards 169
■■ Landmark in the Legal Environment:
Chapter 5 Miranda v. Arizona (1966) 172
Unit 1
The Foundations
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Focus Questions
1 Law and Legal Reasoning
“Laws should be like In the chapter-opening quotation, Clarence Darrow asserts
The four Focus Questions below clothes. They should that law should be created to serve the public. Because
are designed to help improve your you are part of that public, the law is important to you. In
understanding. After reading this chapter, be made to fit the particular, those entering the world of business will find
you should be able to answer the following people they are themselves subject to numerous laws and government reg-
meant to serve.” ulations. A basic knowledge of these laws and regulations
1. What are four primary is beneficial—if not essential—to anyone contemplating a
Clarence Darrow
sources of law in the United 1857–1938
successful career in today’s business environment.
States? (American lawyer) Although the law has various definitions, all of them
are based on the general observation that law consists of
2. What is a precedent? When
enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and
might a court depart from
their society. In some societies, these enforceable rules consist of unwritten principles of
behavior. In other societies, they are set forth in ancient or contemporary law codes. In
3. What is the difference the United States, our rules consist of written laws and court decisions created by modern
between remedies at law and legislative and judicial bodies. Regardless of how such rules are created, they all have one
remedies in equity? feature in common: they establish rights, duties, and privileges that are consistent with the
4. What are some important values and beliefs of a society or its ruling group.
differences between civil law In this introductory chapter, I look at how business law and the legal environment
and criminal law? affect business decisions. For instance, suppose that Mototron, Inc., plans to introduce
a driverless car equipped with lidar, a radar system that relies on lasers, and artificially
intelligent cameras. Even if its technicians put the vehicles through two million miles of
testing on closed courses and deem them low risk, Mototron cannot simply start selling
Law A body of enforceable rules
governing relationships among rides to consumers. The company must first test the cars on public roads, which requires
individuals and between individuals permission from state governments. It must also establish safety rules with federal regula-
and their society. tors and negotiate sustainable insurance rates. At each step, Mototron will have to adjust
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CHAPTER 1: Law and Legal Reasoning 3
its bottom line to take account of the legal costs of introducing cutting-edge but potentially
dangerous technology into the American marketplace.
This text’s goal is not only to teach you about specific laws, but also to teach you how to
think about the law and legal environment, and to develop your critical-thinking and legal
reasoning skills. The laws may change, but the ability to analyze and evaluate the legal (and
ethical) ramifications of situations as they arise is an invaluable and lasting skill.
Exhibit 1–1 Areas of the Law That May Affect Business Decision Making
Environmental Negotiable
Laws Instruments
Business Creditors’
Organizations Rights
Agency Property
Torts Professional
Example 1.1 Soon after it launched, YouTube faced a potentially catastrophic $1 billion
copyright infringement lawsuit. Entertainment conglomerate Viacom claimed that the
video-hosting platform was not taking sufficient steps to remove unlicensed use of Viacom’s
content on its site. A federal judge ensured YouTube’s survival by ruling that the company
was in compliance with federal copyright law as long as it responded reasonably to “take-
down” requests from Viacom and other content providers.
Not surprisingly, with five hundred hours of video uploaded to its site each minute, You-
Tube has remained under constant legal pressure ever since. Liberal and conservative groups
have sued the company for discriminating against their political viewpoints. It has faced
regulatory scrutiny for, among other things, failing to protect users from sexual and racist
harassment and hosting misleading election-related video content. At one point, the Federal
Trade Commission fined the company $170 million for collecting personal information from
children without their parents’ consent. ■
Uniform Laws During the 1800s, the differences among state laws frequently created dif-
ficulties for businesspersons conducting trade and commerce among the states. To counter
these problems, a group of legal scholars and lawyers formed the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL, online at in 1892
to draft uniform laws (“model statutes”) for the states to consider adopting. The NCCUSL still Uniform Laws Model laws
exists today and continues to issue uniform laws. developed by the National
Each state has the option of adopting or rejecting a uniform law. Only if a state legislature Conference of Commissioners on
Uniform State Laws for the states to
adopts a uniform law does that law become part of the statutory law of that state. Furthermore, consider enacting into statute.
a state legislature may choose to adopt only part of a uniform law or to rewrite the sections
that are adopted. Hence, even though many states may have adopted a uniform law, those
laws may not be entirely “uniform.”
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) One of the most important uniform acts is the
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which was created through the joint efforts of
the NCCUSL and the American Law Institute.1 The UCC was first issued in 1952 and has
been adopted in all fifty states,2 the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands.
The UCC facilitates commerce among the states by providing a uniform, yet flexible, set
of rules governing commercial transactions. Because of its importance in the area of com-
mercial law, I cite the UCC frequently in this text. From time to time, the NCCUSL revises
the articles contained in the UCC and submits the revised versions to the states for adoption.
State and Local Agencies There are administrative agencies at the state and local levels
as well. Commonly, a state agency (such as a state pollution-control agency) is created as a
parallel to a federal agency (such as the Environmental Protection Agency).
Just as federal statutes take precedence over conflicting state statutes, so do federal agency
regulations take precedence over conflicting state regulations. Because the rules of state and
local agencies vary widely, I focus here exclusively on federal administrative law.
Agency Creation Because Congress cannot possibly oversee the actual implementation of
all the laws it enacts, it delegates such tasks to agencies. Congress creates an administrative
Enabling Legislation A statute agency by enacting enabling legislation, which specifies the name, composition, purpose, and
enacted by Congress that authorizes powers of the agency being created.
the creation of an administrative Example 1.3 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was created in 1914 by the Federal
agency and specifies the name,
composition, purpose, and powers of
Trade Commission Act.3 This act prohibits unfair and deceptive trade practices. It also
the agency being created. describes the procedures the agency must follow to charge persons or organizations with
violations of the act, and it provides for judicial review (review by the courts) of agency
Other portions of the act grant the agency powers to “make rules and regulations for the
Adjudicate To render a judicial purpose of carrying out the Act,” and to conduct investigations of business practices. In
decision. Adjudication is the
addition, the FTC can obtain reports from interstate corporations concerning their business
trial-like proceeding in which an
administrative law judge hears practices, investigate possible violations of the act, publish findings of its investigations, and
and resolves disputes involving an recommend new legislation. The act also empowers the FTC to hold trial-like hearings and
administrative agency’s regulations. to adjudicate (resolve judicially) certain kinds of disputes involving its regulations.
1. This institute was formed in the 1920s and consists of practicing attorneys, legal scholars, and judges.
2. Louisiana has adopted only Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9.
3. 15 U.S.C. Sections 45–58.
Note that the powers granted to the FTC incorporate functions associated with the legis- Administrative Process The
lative branch of government (rulemaking), the executive branch (investigation and enforce- procedure used by administrative
ment), and the judicial branch (adjudication). Taken together, these functions constitute agencies in fulfilling their three basic
functions: rulemaking, enforcement,
the administrative process, which is the administration of law by administrative agencies. The and adjudication.
administrative process involves rulemaking, enforcement, and adjudication. ■
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industry, it has to follow specific procedures outlined by the APA. If an agency fails
to follow the APA’s rulemaking procedures, the resulting rule may not be binding. ■
Legislative Rules. Legislative rulemaking under the APA typically involves the
following three steps (referred to as notice-and-comment rulemaking).
1. Notice of the proposed rulemaking. The notice must be published in the Which federal agency oversees worker
Federal Register, a daily publication of the U.S. government. safety?
2. A comment period. The agency must allow ample time for interested parties
to comment in writing on the proposed rule. The agency takes these comments into
consideration when drafting the final version of the regulation. Rulemaking The process by which
an administrative agency formally
3. The final rule. Once the agency has drafted the final rule, it is published in the
adopts a new regulation or amends
Federal Register. (See the appendix at the end of this chapter for an explanation of an old one.
how to find agency regulations.)
Legislative Rules Administrative
Interpretive Rules. Administrative agencies also issue interpretive rules that are not legally agency rules that carry the same
binding but simply indicate how an agency plans to interpret and enforce its statutory weight as congressionally enacted
authority. The APA does not apply to interpretive rulemaking. Example 1.5 The Equal Employ- statutes.
ment Opportunity Commission periodically issues interpretive rules indicating how it plans Interpretive Rules Nonbinding
to interpret the provisions of certain statutes, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. rules or policy statements issued by
These informal rules provide enforcement guidelines for agency officials. ■ an administrative agency that explain
how it interprets and intends to apply
Enforcement and Investigation Agencies often enforce their own rules and have both the statutes it enforces.
investigatory and prosecutorial powers. Agencies investigate a wide range of activities,
including coal mining, automobile manufacturing, and the industrial discharge of pollut-
ants into the environment.
In an investigation, an agency can request that individuals or organizations hand over spec-
ified books, papers, electronic records, or other documents. In addition, agencies may conduct
on-site inspections, although a search warrant is normally required for such inspections.5
Sometimes, a search of a home, an office, or a factory is the only means of obtaining evidence
needed to prove a regulatory violation.
After investigating a suspected rule violation, an agency may decide to take action against
an individual or a business. Most administrative actions are resolved through negotiated set-
tlement at their initial stages without the need for formal adjudication. If a settlement c annot
be reached, though, the agency may issue a formal complaint and proceed to adjudication.
Administrative Law Judge Adjudication Agency adjudication involves a trial-like hearing before an administrative law
(ALJ) One who presides over an judge (ALJ). Hearing procedures vary widely from agency to agency. After the hearing, the ALJ
administrative agency hearing and
has the power to administer oaths,
renders a decision in the case. The ALJ can fine the charged party or prohibit the party from
take testimony, rule on questions of carrying on some specified activity.
evidence, and make determinations Either the agency or the charged party may appeal the ALJ’s decision to the commission
of fact. or board that governs the agency. If the party fails to get relief there, appeal can be made
to a federal court. Courts give significant weight (deference) to an agency’s judgment and
interpretation of its rules, though, and typically uphold the ALJ’s decision unless it is unrea-
sonable. If neither side appeals the case, the ALJ’s decision becomes final.
Controlling Precedents Precedents that must be followed within a jurisdiction are known
as controlling precedents. Controlling precedents are binding authorities. A binding authority is Binding Authority Any source of
any source of law that a court must follow when deciding a case. Binding authorities include law that a court must follow when
constitutions, statutes, and regulations that govern the issue being decided, as well as court deciding a case.
decisions that are controlling precedents within the jurisdiction. United States Supreme
Court case decisions, no matter how old, remain controlling until they are overruled by a
subsequent decision of the Supreme Court, by a constitutional amendment, or by congres-
sional legislation.
Stare Decisis and Legal Stability The doctrine of stare decisis helps the courts to be more Know This
efficient because if other courts have carefully reasoned through a similar case, their legal
Courts normally must
reasoning and opinions can serve as guides. Stare decisis also makes the law more stable and
predictable. If the law on a given subject is well settled, someone bringing a case to court follow the rules set
usually can rely on the court to make a decision based on what the law has been. (See this forth by higher courts
chapter’s Managerial Strategy feature to learn how this stability can help business managers in deciding cases with
in their decision-making process.) similar fact patterns.
Departures from Precedent Although courts are obligated to follow precedents, some-
times a court will depart from the rule of precedent. If a court decides that a precedent is
simply incorrect or that technological or social changes have rendered the precedent inap-
plicable, the court may rule contrary to the precedent. Cases that overturn precedent often
receive a great deal of publicity.
Classic Case Example 1.6 In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,7 the United States
Supreme Court expressly overturned precedent. The Court concluded that separate educa-
tional facilities for whites and blacks, which had previously been upheld as constitutional,8
were inherently unequal. The Supreme Court’s departure from precedent in the Brown deci-
sion received a tremendous amount of publicity as people began to realize the ramifications
of this change in the law. ■
When There Is No Precedent Occasionally, courts must decide cases for which no prec-
edents exist, called cases of first impression. For instance, as you will read throughout this
text, the Internet and certain other technologies have presented many new and challenging
issues for the courts to decide.
When deciding cases of first impression, courts often look at persuasive authorities.
Persuasive Authority Any legal A persuasive authority is a legal authority that a court may consult for guidance but that is
authority or source of law that a court not binding on the court. A court may consider precedents from other jurisdictions, for
may look to for guidance but need not instance, although those precedents are not binding. A court may also consider legal prin-
follow when making its decision.
ciples and policies underlying previous court decisions or existing statutes. Additionally,
a court might look at fairness, social values and customs, and public policy (governmental
policy based on widely held societal values). Federal courts can also look at unpublished
opinions (those not intended for publication in a printed legal reporter) as sources of
persuasive authority.9
Stare Decisis and Legal Reasoning In deciding what law applies to a given dispute and
then applying that law to the facts or circumstances of the case, judges rely on the process
Legal Reasoning The process of legal reasoning. Through the use of legal reasoning, judges harmonize their decisions with
of reasoning by which a judge those that have been made before, as the doctrine of stare decisis requires.
harmonizes his or her opinion with the Students of business law and the legal environment also engage in critical thinking and
judicial decisions in previous cases.
legal reasoning. For instance, you may be asked to provide answers for some of the case
problems that appear at the end of every chapter in this text. Each problem describes the
facts of a particular dispute and the legal question at issue. If you are assigned a case problem,
you will be asked to determine how a court would answer that question, and why. In other
words, you will need to give legal reasons for whatever conclusion you reach.
Basic Steps in Legal Reasoning. At times, the legal arguments set forth in court opinions
are relatively simple and brief. At other times, the arguments are complex and lengthy.
Regardless of the length of a legal argument, however, the basic steps of the legal reasoning
process remain the same. These steps, which you can also follow when analyzing cases and
case problems, form what is commonly referred to as the IRAC method of legal reasoning.
IRAC is an acronym formed from the first letters of the words Issue, Rule, Application, and
Conclusion. To apply the IRAC method, ask the following questions:
1. Issue—What are the key facts and issues? This may sound obvious, but before
you can analyze or apply the relevant law to a specific set of facts, you must
clearly understand those facts. In other words, you should read through the
case problem carefully—more than once, if necessary. Make sure that you
understand the identities of the plaintiff (the one who initiates the lawsuit) and Plaintiff One who initiates a lawsuit.
the defendant (the one being sued) in the case, and the progression of events
that led to the lawsuit. Defendant One against whom a
lawsuit is brought or the accused
Suppose that a plaintiff, Anna, comes before the court claiming assault (words person in a criminal proceeding.
or acts that wrongfully and intentionally make another person apprehensive of
harmful or offensive contact). Anna claims that the defendant, Bryce, threatened
her while she was sleeping. Although Anna was unaware that she was being
threatened, her roommate, Jan, heard the defendant make the threat. So, in this
scenario, the identities of the parties are obvious. Anna is the plaintiff, and Bryce is
the defendant.
The legal issue in this case is whether the defendant’s action constitutes the
tort of assault even though the plaintiff was unaware of that threat at the time it
occurred. (A tort is a wrongful act brought under civil rather than criminal law.)
2. Rule—What rule of law applies to the case? A rule of law may be a rule stated by
the courts in previous decisions, by a state or federal statute, or by a state or federal
administrative agency regulation. Often, more than one rule of law will be applicable
to a case.
In our hypothetical case, Anna and her attorney allege (claim) that Bryce committed Allege To state, recite, assert, or
a tort. Therefore, the applicable law is the common law of torts—specifically, tort law charge.
governing assault. Case precedents involving similar facts and issues thus would be
3. Application—How does the rule of law apply to the particular facts and
circumstances of this case? This step is often the most difficult because each case
presents a unique set of facts, circumstances, and parties. Although cases may be
similar, no two cases are ever identical in all respects.
Normally, judges (and lawyers and law students) try to find previously decided
cases that are as similar as possible to the one under consideration. Such a case is
called a case on point. In this situation, there might be case precedents showing that Case on Point A previous case
if a victim is unaware of the threat of harmful or offensive contact, then no assault involving factual circumstances and
occurred. These would be cases on point that tend to prove that the defendant did issues that are similar to those in the
case before the court.
not commit assault and should win the case.
There might, however, also be cases showing that a sexual assault, at least, can
occur even if the victim is asleep. These would be cases on point in the plaintiff’s
favor. You will need to carefully analyze if there are any missing facts in Anna’s
claim. For instance, you might want to know the specific threat that Bryce made
(and Anna’s roommate overheard). Did he threaten to rape, kill, or beat her? Did he
know that she was asleep when he made the threat? Did he know that her roommate
heard the threat and would relay it to her when she awoke? Sometimes, you will
want to obtain additional facts before analyzing which case precedents should apply
and control the outcome of the case.
4. Conclusion—What conclusion should be drawn? This step normally presents few
problems. Usually, the conclusion is evident if the previous three steps have been
followed carefully. In the hypothetical case, for instance, you may determine that
Bryce did not commit a tort because Anna could not prove all of the required
elements of assault.
There Is No One “Right” Answer. Many people believe that there is one “right” answer to
every legal question. In many legal controversies, however, there is no single correct result.
Good arguments can usually be made to support either side of a legal controversy. Quite
often, a case does not involve a “good” person suing a “bad” person. In many cases, both
parties have acted in good faith in some measure or in bad faith to some degree. Addition-
ally, each judge has her or his own personal beliefs and philosophy. To some extent, these
personal factors shape the legal reasoning process.
The distinction between legal and equitable remedies remains significant, however,
because a court normally will grant an equitable remedy only when the remedy at law
(property or monetary damages) is inadequate. To request the proper remedy, a business-
person (or her or his attorney) must know what remedies are available for the specific kinds
of harms suffered. Exhibit 1–2 summarizes the procedural differences (applicable in most
states) between an action at law and an action in equity.
Equitable Maxims Over time, the courts have developed a number of equitable maxims that Equitable Maxims General
provide guidance in deciding whether plaintiffs should be granted equitable relief. Because propositions or principles of law that
of their importance, both historically and in our judicial system today, these maxims are set have to do with fairness (equity).
forth in this chapter’s Landmark in the Legal Environment feature.
Natural Law The oldest school of The Natural Law School According to the natural law theory, a higher, or universal, law
legal thought, based on the belief exists that applies to all human beings. Each written law should reflect the principles inher-
that the legal system should reflect ent in natural law. If it does not, then it loses its legitimacy and need not be obeyed.
universal (“higher”) moral and ethical
The natural law tradition is one of the oldest and most significant schools of juris-
principles that are inherent in human
nature. prudence. It dates back to the days of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 b.c.e.),
who distinguished between natural law and the laws governing a partic-
ular nation. According to Aristotle, natural law applies universally to all
The notion that people have “natural rights” stems from the natural law tra-
dition. Those who claim that certain nations, such as China and North Korea,
are depriving many of their citizens of their human rights are implicitly appeal-
ing to a higher law that has universal applicability.
The question of the universality of basic human rights also comes into
play in the context of international business operations. For instance, U.S.
companies that have operations abroad often hire foreign workers as employ-
ees. Should the same laws that protect U.S. employees apply to these foreign
employees? This question is rooted implicitly in a concept of universal rights
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Legal Positivism Positive law, or national law, is the written law of a given
society at a particular point in time. In contrast to natural law, it applies only to
the citizens of that nation or society. Those who adhere to legal positivism believe
that there can be no higher law than a nation’s positive law.
According to the positivist school, there is no such thing as “natural rights.”
Rather, human rights exist solely because of laws. If the laws are not enforced,
What is the basic premise of Aristotle’s natural
anarchy will result. Thus, whether a law is morally “bad” or “good” is irrele-
law theory?
vant. The law is the law and must be obeyed until it is changed—in an orderly
manner through a legitimate lawmaking process. A judge who takes this view
Legal Positivism A school of legal will probably be more inclined to defer to an existing law than would a judge who adheres
thought centered on the assumption
to the natural law tradition.
that there is no law higher than
the laws created by a national
government. Laws must be obeyed, The Historical School The historical school of legal thought emphasizes the evolutionary
even if they are unjust, to prevent process of law by concentrating on the origin and history of the legal system. This school
anarchy. looks to the past to discover what the principles of contemporary law should be. The legal
doctrines that have withstood the passage of time—those that have worked in the past—are
Historical School A school of deemed best suited for shaping present laws. Hence, law derives its legitimacy and author-
legal thought that looks to the past ity from adhering to the standards that historical development has shown to be workable.
to determine what the principles of
contemporary law should be.
Followers of the historical school are more likely than those of other schools to adhere
strictly to decisions made in past cases.
Legal Realism A school of legal Legal Realism In the 1920s and 1930s, a number of jurists and scholars, known as legal
thought that holds that the law is only realists, rebelled against the historical approach to law. Legal realism is based on the idea that
one factor to be considered when
deciding cases, and that social and
law is just one of many institutions in society and that it is shaped by social forces and needs.
economic circumstances should also This school reasons that because the law is a human enterprise, judges should look beyond
be taken into account. the law and take social and economic realities into account when deciding cases.
Legal realists also believe that the law can never be applied with total uniformity. Given
that judges are human beings with unique experiences, personalities, value systems,
and intellects, different judges will obviously bring different reasoning processes to the
same case. Female judges, for instance, might be more inclined than male judges to con-
sider whether a decision might have a negative impact on the employment of women or
not judicially binding, as they normally are in a common law system. Although judges in a
civil law system often refer to previous decisions as sources of legal guidance, those decisions
are not binding. (Note that a civil law system is not the same as civil law, discussed in the
previous section.)
Generally, countries that were once colonies of Great Britain have retained their
English common law heritage. The civil law system, which is used in most continental
European nations, has been retained in countries that were once colonies of those nations
(see Exhibit 1–3). In the United States, the state of Louisiana, because of its historical ties
to France, is heavily influenced by principles of civil law systems. A third, less prevalent
legal system is widespread in Islamic countries, where the law is often influenced by
sharia, the religious law of Islam.
Debate This
Under the doctrine of stare decisis, courts are obligated to follow the precedents established in their
jurisdiction unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. Should U.S. courts continue to adhere to this
common law principle, given that our government now regulates so many areas by statute?
Key Terms
adjudicate 6 defendant 11 ordinance 5
administrative agency 6 dissenting opinion 27 per curiam opinion 27
administrative law 6 enabling legislation 6 persuasive authority 10
administrative law judge (ALJ) 8 equitable maxims 13 plaintiff 11
administrative process 7 historical school 14 plurality opinion 27
allege 11 international law 16 precedent 8
binding authority 9 interpretive rules 7 primary source of law 4
case law 8 jurisprudence 14 procedural law 15
case on point 11 law 2 remedy 12
citation 5 legal positivism 14 rulemaking 7
civil law 15 legal realism 14 secondary source of law 4
civil law system 15 legal reasoning 10 stare decisis 9
common law 8 legislative rules 7 statutory law 5
concurring opinion 27 liability 3 substantive law 15
constitutional law 4 majority opinion 27 uniform laws 5
criminal law 15 national law 16
cyberlaw 15 natural law 14
Issue Spotters
1. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides protection for the free exercise of religion. A state legislature enacts a law that
outlaws all religions that do not derive from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Is this law valid within that state? Why or why not? (See
Sources of American Law.)
2. Apex Corporation learns that a federal administrative agency is considering a rule that will have a negative impact on the firm’s ability to
do business. Does the firm have any opportunity to express its opinion about the pending rule? Explain. (See Sources of American Law.)
—Check your answers to the Issue Spotters against the answers provided in Appendix C.
In the first case, David Miller obtained a loan to buy land by physician’s signature. The court concluded that this was “use”
representing that certain investors had approved the loan when, of another person’s identity. [United States v. White, 846 F.3d 170
in fact, they had not. Miller’s conviction for identity theft was (6th Cir. 2017)] (See Sources of American Law.)
overturned because he had merely said that the investors had 1. Which precedent—the Miller case or the Medlock case—
done something when they had not. According to the court, this is similar to White’s situation, and why?
was not the “use” of another’s identification. 2. In the two cases cited by the court, were there any ethical
In the second case, Kathy Medlock, an ambulance service differences in the actions of the parties? Explain your
operator, had transported patients for whom there was no medi- answer.
cal necessity to do so. To obtain payment, Medlock had forged a
Appendix to Chapter 1
Finding and Analyzing the Law
This text includes numerous references, or citations, to primary sources of law—federal and
state statutes, the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions, regulations issued by admin-
istrative agencies, and court cases. A citation identifies the publication in which a legal
authority—such as a statute or court decision—can be found. In this appendix, I explain
how you can use citations to find primary sources of law. Note that in addition to being
published in sets of books, as described next, most federal and state laws and case decisions
are available online.
State Codes
State codes follow the U.S.C. pattern of arranging laws by subject. The state codes may be
called codes, revisions, compilations, consolidations, general statutes, or statutes, depending
on the state.
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22 UNIT ONE: The Foundations
In some codes, subjects are designated by number. In others, they are designated by name.
For example, “13 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Section 1101” means that the statute
can be found in Title 13, Section 1101, of the Pennsylvania code. “California Commercial
Code Section 1101” means the statute can be found in Section 1101 under the subject head-
ing “Commercial Code” of the California code. Abbreviations may be used. For example, “13
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Section 1101” may be abbreviated “13 Pa. C.S. § 1101,”
and “California Commercial Code Section 1101” may be abbreviated “Cal. Com. Code § 1101.”
Administrative Rules
Rules and regulations adopted by federal administrative agencies are initially published in
the Federal Register, a daily publication of the U.S. government. Later, they are incorporated
into the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.).
Like the U.S.C., the C.F.R. is divided into titles. Rules within each title are assigned section
numbers. A full citation to the C.F.R. includes title and section numbers. For example, a reference
to “17 C.F.R. Section 230.504” means that the rule can be found in Section 230.504 of Title 17.
Regional Reporters State court opinions appear in regional units of the National Reporter
System, published by Thomson Reuters. Most lawyers and libraries have these reporters
because they report cases more quickly and are distributed more widely than the state-
published reports. In fact, many states have eliminated their own reporters in favor of the
National Reporter System.
The National Reporter System divides the states into the following geographic areas:
Atlantic (A., A.2d, or A.3d), North Eastern (N.E., N.E.2d, or N.E.3d), North Western (N.W. or
N.W.2d), Pacific (P., P.2d, or P.3d), South Eastern (S.E. or S.E.2d), South Western (S.W., S.W.2d,
or S.W.3d), and Southern (So., So.2d, or So.3d). (The 2d and 3d in the abbreviations refer
to Second Series and Third Series, respectively.) The states included in each of these regional
divisions are indicated in Exhibit 1A–1, which illustrates the National Reporter System.
Federal Reporters
Federal Reporter (F., F.2d, or F.3d) 1880 U.S. Circuit Courts from 1880 to 1912; U.S. Commerce Court from 1911 to
1913; U.S. District Courts from 1880 to 1932; U.S. Court of Claims (now called
U.S. Court of Federal Claims) from 1929 to 1932 and since 1960; U.S. Courts
of Appeals since 1891; U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals since 1929;
U.S. Emergency Court of Appeals since 1943.
Federal Supplement (F.Supp., F.Supp.2d, 1932 U.S. Court of Claims from 1932 to 1960; U.S. District Courts since 1932;
or F.Supp.3d) U.S. Customs Court since 1956.
Federal Rules Decisions (F.R.D.) 1939 U.S. District Courts involving the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure since 1939
and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure since 1946.
Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.) 1882 United States Supreme Court since the October term of 1882.
Bankruptcy Reporter (Bankr.) 1980 Bankruptcy decisions of U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, U.S. District Courts, U.S.
Courts of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
Military Justice Reporter (M.J.) 1978 U.S. Court of Military Appeals and Courts of Military Review for the Army,
Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
S. DAK. N.Y.
Case Citations After appellate decisions have been published, they are normally referred
to (cited) by the name of the case and the volume, name, and page number of the report-
er(s) in which the opinion can be found. The citation first lists information from the state’s
official reporter (if different from the National Reporter System), then the National Reporter,
and then any other selected reporter. (Citing a reporter by volume number, name, and page
number, in that order, is common to all citations.) When more than one reporter is cited for
the same case, each reference is called a parallel citation.
Note that some states have adopted a “public domain citation system” that uses a some-
what different format for the citation. For example, in Oklahoma, an Oklahoma court deci-
sion might be designated “2020 OK 4,” meaning that the decision was the 4th decision
issued by the Oklahoma Supreme Court in 2020. A parallel citation to the Pacific Reporter
also would be included after the Oklahoma public domain citation.
Consider the following citation: NetScout Systems, Inc. v. Gartner, Inc., 334 Conn. 396,
223 A.3d 37 (2020). The opinion in this case can be found in Volume 334 of the official
Connecticut Reports, on page 396. The parallel citation is to Volume 223 of the Atlantic
Reporter, Third Series, on page 37.
When I present opinions in this text (starting in Chapter 2), in addition to the reporter,
I give the name of the court hearing the case and the year of the court’s decision. Sample
citations to state court decisions are listed and explained in Exhibit 1A–2.
Unpublished Opinions
Many court opinions that are not yet published or that are not intended for publication can be
accessed through Westlaw® (abbreviated in citations as “WL”), an online legal database. When
no citation to a published reporter is available for cases cited in this text, I give the WL citation
(such as 2020 WL 399117, which means it was case number 399117 decided in the year 2020).
Sometimes, both in this text and in other legal sources, you will see blanks left in a cita-
tion. This occurs when the decision will be published, but the particular volume number or
page number is not yet available.
Old Cases
On a few occasions, this text cites opinions from old, classic cases dating to the nineteenth
century or earlier. Some of these cases are from the English courts. The citations to these
cases may not conform to the descriptions given above.
304 Neb. 848, 937 N.W.2d 190 (2020)a
A.D. is the abbreviation for the New York Appellate Division Reports, which hears appeals
from the New York Supreme Court—the state’s general trial court. The New York Court
of Appeals is the state’s highest court, analogous to other states’ supreme courts.
Va.App. is the abbreviation for Virginia Court of Appeals Reports, Virginia's official reports
of the decisions of its court of appeals.
___ U.S. ___ , 140 S.Ct. 582, 205 L.Ed.2d 419 (2020)
U.S. is the abbreviation for United States Reports, the official edition of the
decisions of the United States Supreme Court. The blank lines in this citation (or
any other citation) indicate that the appropriate volume of the case reporter has
not yet been published and no page number is available.
a. The case names have been deleted from these citations to emphasize the publications. It should be kept in mind, however, that the name of a case
is as important as the specific page numbers in the volumes in which it is found. If a citation is incorrect, the correct citation may be found in a
publication’s index of case names. In addition to providing a check on errors in citations, the date of a case is important because the value of a recent
case as an authority is likely to be greater than that of older cases from the same court.
6th Cir. is an abbreviation denoting that this case was decided in the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
W.D.Wash. is an abbreviation indicating that the U.S. District Court for the
Western District of Washington decided this case.
2020 WL 1286224
WL is an abbreviation for Westlaw. The number 2020 is the year of the document that can be found with this citation in the
Westlaw database. The number 1286224 is a number assigned to a specific document. A higher number indicates that a document
was added to the Westlaw database later in the year.
UCC 2–206(1)(b)
b. Many court decisions that are not yet published or that are not intended for publication can be accessed through Westlaw, an online legal database.
Parties to Lawsuits The party initiating a lawsuit is referred to as the plaintiff or petitioner,
depending on the nature of the action, and the party against whom a lawsuit is brought
is the defendant or respondent. Lawsuits frequently involve more than one plaintiff and/or
When a case is appealed from the original court or jurisdiction to another court or jurisdic-
tion, the party appealing the case is called the appellant. The appellee is the party against whom
the appeal is taken. (In some appellate courts, the party appealing a case is referred to as the
petitioner, and the party against whom the suit is brought or appealed is called the respondent.)
Judges and Justices The terms judge and justice are usually synonymous and are used
to refer to the judges in various courts. All members of the United States Supreme Court,
for instance, are referred to as justices. Justice is the formal title usually given to judges of
appellate courts, although this is not always the case. In New York, a justice is a judge of
the trial court (which is called the Supreme Court), and a member of the Court of Appeals
(the state’s highest court) is called a judge. The term justice is commonly abbreviated to J.,
and justices to JJ. A Supreme Court case might refer to Justice Sotomayor as Sotomayor, J., or
to Chief Justice Roberts as Roberts, C.J.
Majority Opinion A court opinion
Decisions and Opinions Most decisions reached by reviewing, or appellate, courts are that represents the views of the
majority (more than half) of the judges
explained in written opinions. The opinion contains the court’s reasons for its decision, the
or justices deciding the case.
rules of law that apply, and the judgment. You may encounter several types of opinions as
you read appellate cases, including the following: Concurring Opinion A court
opinion by one or more judges or
• When all the judges (or justices) agree, a unanimous opinion is written for the justices who agree with the majority
entire court. but want to make or emphasize
• When there is not unanimous agreement, a majority opinion is generally written. It a point that was not made or
emphasized in the majority’s opinion.
outlines the views of the majority of the judges deciding the case.
• A judge who agrees (concurs) with the majority opinion as to the result but not Dissenting Opinion A court
as to the legal reasoning often writes a concurring opinion. In it, the judge sets out opinion that presents the views of
the reasoning that he or she considers correct. one or more judges or justices who
disagree with the majority’s decision.
• A dissenting opinion presents the views of one or more judges who disagree with
the majority view. Plurality Opinion A court opinion
that is joined by the largest number
• Sometimes, no single position is fully supported by a majority of the judges of the judges or justices hearing the
deciding a case. In this situation, there may be plurality opinion. This is the opinion case, but less than half of the total
that has the support of the largest number of judges, but the group in agreement number.
is less than a majority.
Per Curiam Opinion A court
• Finally, a court occasionally issues a per curiam opinion (per curiam is Latin for “of opinion that does not indicate which
the court”), which does not indicate which judge wrote the opinion. judge or justice authored the opinion.
Don Jones is a small business owner who operated a trucking company [when he] decided
Horsepower is a unit of power equal to to replace a motor in his truck. The engine that Jones set out to replace was a Caterpillar
745.7 watts or 33,000 foot-pounds per
minute. C-7 motor, serial number WAX 51440, and was capable of 250 horsepower. Jones called
Adelman’s [Truck Parts Corporation] regarding purchasing a used motor, and during the
telephone call, Jones gave Adelman’s the serial number of the motor he had been using,
and Adelman’s told Jones they had an engine that would meet Jones’s needs. Based on this
specify the horsepower of the motor. Rather, the Purchase Agreement indicated only that the
A purchase agreement is a sales contract, in
which the ownership of property is, or will purchase was for a “USED CATERPILLAR C-7 MOTOR.”
be, transferred for a fixed sum.
Jones was disappointed to find that the motor he received was capable of only
190 horsepower, not 250 horsepower. The day he received the motor, he called Adelman’s
and notified it that it had sent the wrong engine. Adelman’s told Jones that it did not have
a 250-horsepower Caterpillar C-7 motor in stock. It said Jones’s only option if he was not
A restocking fee is an amount of money satisfied with the motor was to return it for a refund, minus a 20 per cent restocking fee
charged by a seller to accept returned
goods and refund the price of the goods to [as provided in the Purchase Agreement]. Jones decided to keep the 190-horsepower motor
the buyer.
and instructed his mechanic to install it in his truck.
After the motor was installed, but before Jones ran the motor, Jones’s mechanic removed
the oil pan from the motor, and found a large broken-off piece of a piston lying inside. The
mechanic also found that the cylinder wall, which is part of the engine block, had been
A breach of contract is the violation of a badly scored. After the broken-off piece of a piston was found, Adelman’s offered Jones a
contractual obligation by failing to perform
it, by repudiating it, or by interfering with full refund of the purchase price with the 20 per cent restocking fee waived.
another party’s performance.
* * * Jones declined this offer.
Moved for summary judgment means that a
party filed a motion (applied to the court to Jones then filed a [claim] for breach of contract [in a federal district court]. The parties
obtain an order) for the entry of a judgment
without a trial because there was no gen- next moved for summary judgment. In Adelman’s motion for summary judgment, it argued
uine issue of fact for the court to decide.
Damages is money claimed, or ordered to be that * * * Jones * * * was limited by the exclusive-remedies provision of the Purchase Agree-
paid, as compensation for a loss or an injury.
ment, and he could thus not seek recovery of any damages beyond the purchase price of the
Nonconforming goods are goods that fail to
meet the specifications of a contract, allow- motor. * * * In Jones’s motion for * * * summary judgment, he argued that * * * the motor
ing the buyer to reject them or revoke their
acceptance. he received was nonconforming, and because Adelman’s could not provide a replacement
250-horsepower motor, the exclusive-remedies provision failed of its essential purpose. Thus,
To appeal is to request an appellate court to Jones claimed, he was free to seek all potential damages * * * . The district court granted
review the decision of a lower court.
Adelman’s motion and denied Jones’s motion. Jones appealed to [the U.S. Court of Appeals
The district court * * * properly rejected Jones’s breach of contract claim. We need not
A remedy is a means of enforcing a right or decide whether the motor that Jones received was nonconforming, because even if it was,
preventing or recovering for a wrong.
Adelman’s gave Jones the remedy that he was due under the exclusive-remedies provision
There is no dispute that Adelman’s offered Jones the ability to return the motor. In fact,
Consequential damages are damages that
do not arise directly from a wrongful act, Adelman’s offered to waive the handling charge, which it was not legally required to do.
such a breach of contract, but result indi-
rectly from it. Jones tries to bypass the exclusive-remedies provision and seek consequential damages,
claiming that the provision fails of its essential purpose. The general rule is that a seller
may legitimately limit the buyer’s remedies to return of the goods and repayment of the
where circumstances cause an exclusive or limited remedy to fail of its essential purpose,
A reasonable time, with respect to the per- consequential damages may be available. Such provisions generally fail only where the
formance of a contract, is the time needed
to do what the contract requires. seller is unable or unwilling to comply within a reasonable time. Put differently, an
The substantial value of a bargain is the substantial value of its bargain, leaving the purchaser without a remedy.
represented by the successful completion
of the primary or necessary terms of the Here, Jones was not left without a remedy—he could have returned the motor to
Adelman’s as the Purchase Agreement specified. He chose not to. Jones appears to argue that
the exclusive-remedies provision failed of its essential purpose because it left him with only
He notes that he asked Adelman’s to replace his 190-horsepower motor with a conforming
250-horsepower motor, and Adelman’s told him that it had no 250-horsepower motor in
stock. Jones claims that at the moment Adelman’s told him that it did not have a 250-horse-
its essential purpose, opening the door for Jones to seek consequential damages.
* * * Where the seller is unwilling to both repair and replace within a reasonable time,
then the exclusive-remedies provision fails of its essential purpose. Here, * * * one of
To afford in this context is to provide.
the remedies afforded by Adelman’s to Jones under the Purchase Agreement was timely
offered—he could return the motor. Jones simply refused to accept that remedy. Because
Jones was afforded the remedy that he was due under the exclusive-remedies provision—
he could return the motor—we agree with the district court that the exclusive-remedies
provision in the Purchase Agreement did not fail of its essential purpose.
prepare a brief of it. Although the format of the brief may vary, typically it will present the
essentials of the case under headings such as the following:
1. Citation. Give the full citation for the case, including the name of the case, the court
that decided it, and the year it was decided.
2. Facts. Briefly indicate (a) the reasons for the lawsuit, (b) the identity and arguments
of the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s), respectively, and (c) the lower court’s decision—
if the decision is from a reviewing court.
3. Issue. Concisely phrase, in the form of a question, the essential issue before the court.
(If more than one issue is involved, you may have two—or even more—questions.)
4. Decision. Indicate here—with a “yes” or “no,” if possible—the court’s answer to the
question (or questions) in the Issue section.
5. Reason. Summarize as briefly as possible the reasons given by the court for its decision
(or decisions) and the case or statutory law relied on by the court in arriving at its
See this chapter’s Building Analytical Skills feature for a sample case brief and a discussion
of how the brief relates to the IRAC method of legal reasoning.
return the motor. The agreement’s The Facts section identifies the plaintiff laws and judicial principles that the court
exclusive-remedy provision would and the defendant. On the claim highlighted applied in coming to the conclusion arrived
have been unenforceable if it had in this brief, the plaintiff is Don Jones, and at in the case. In this case, the Rule of Law
deprived Jones of the value of the Adelman’s Truck Parts Corporation is the included the principles of contract law that
deal by leaving him without a rem- defendant. The Facts section also describes define the legitimate limits a seller may
edy. But Jones was not left without a the events that underlie the parties’ dispute place on a buyer’s remedies in their purchase
remedy—he could have returned the and the allegations that one or both parties agreement.
motor to Adelman’s as the agreement assert to support their request for a favorable The Reason section also explains the
specified. He chose not to. resolution. Because this case is a decision of court’s Application of the law to the facts in
one of the U.S. courts of appeals, the lower the case. The purchase agreement between
Analysis: The sections in a case brief court’s ruling, the party appealing, and the Adelman’s and Jones included a limit on the
include the information necessary to per- appellant’s contention on appeal are included. buyer’s remedies to a refund of the price on a
form IRAC legal reasoning. (IRAC stands for It is important to carefully state the issue return of nonconforming goods to the seller.
Issue, Rule of Law, Application, and Conclu- so that you can look for the appropriate Rule This provision would have been unenforce-
sion.) The first step in applying the IRAC legal of Law that will guide the court’s decision. In able if it had left Jones without a remedy, but
reasoning method is to frame the issue. You this case, the court considers whether Jones the court reasoned that this was not the case.
need to understand the relevant facts, iden- was afforded the remedy that he was due This reasoning led the court to arrive at
tify the parties, and determine the specific under the parties’ agreement. the Conclusion that Adelman’s had given
issue presented in the case. You will find Jones the remedy provided in the agreement
this information in the first two sections of Result and Reasoning: The Reason by offering him the opportunity to return the
the brief. section includes references to the relevant motor for a full refund.