Severe Services
Severe Services Trim
Automatic valves in modern industrial processes are The selection of a control valve operating with incom-
equipments known as: final control element or, simply, pressible fluids require a series of parameters that should
control valves. These valves required for either continuous be complied and followed in logical sequence.
or intermittent operations are used to regulate the inherent These parameters include the Cv calculation, fluid speed
process parameters, such as flow rate, level, pressure, and level of operational noise.
temperature and so on. The named Cv (flow coefficient) calculation includes the
This bulletin aims to aid the selection procedure of control consideration of the fluid regime variables in addition to
valves that operate in severe or critic conditions. the effects caused by the process, such as the cavitation
and/or flashing.
Selection of control valves Also the effects arising from fluid viscosity should be con-
sidered, along with the pipe configuration where the valve
operating in incompressible fluids -
will operate.
liquids When the fluid enters the valve through the restriction
Incompressible fluids are the ones that during their move-
created by the seat ring, it suffers a contraction, generating
ment the density coefficient remains unchanged; in which
a decrease in the static pressure and consequent increase
the shear stress and strain rate are constantly proportional
in fluid speed.
(newtonian fluids). In practice, liquids are considered in-
Figure 1 illustrates this phenomenon.
compressible fluids.
Severe Services Trim
Introduction - Liquids
Subsequently to the fluid passage, through the minimal The extent of pressure recovery is related to the
geometric area restriction, the flow lines remain configuration of the valve trims set and it is assessed
contracted until they become parallel again at a point using the liquid pressure recovery factor (Fl), where:
Fl = e∆ P
just downstream of the valve exit. This minimal area of
e∆ Pvc
fluid lines is known as “vena contract”. At this point, the being:
fluid reaches a regime of minimum static pressure and
maximum velocity (Fig. 2). Fl = Liquid pressure recovery factor in the valve
The fluid pressure at the “vena contracta” point in relation ∆ P = Pressure drop throughout the valve (Bar A) or (p.s.i.)
to the inbound pressure and the fluid vapor pressure is ∆ Pvc = Pressure drop at vena contracta (Bar A) or (p.s.i. a)
important to determine the flow coefficient through the
valve. This factor is extremely important for determining the
After the fluid passage, at the “vena contracta” point, the valve size, notably when in regime of critical flow due to the
fluid expands causing velocity decrease and static pres- possible occurrence of phenomena such as cavitation or
sure increase. flashing.
Static variation
variation ∆P
∆ Pvc
contracta Pv (vapor pressure)
Valve Seat Valve
inlet Ring outlet
Severe Services Trim
Introduction - Liquids
Flow Regime
Liquids are usually considered as incompressible fluids pressure, occurs the formation of bubbles and the fluid
and free of vapor formation. However the formation of can not be considered incompressible any more. In these
bubbles is possible when the static pressure is lower than circumstances, the occurrence of incipient cavitation is
the fluid vapor pressure. real, once the static pressure at vena contracta is lower
This incident is not uncommon in control valves and it is than the fluid vapor pressure.
related to the various levels of fluid regime. Diverse flow This case known as semi-critical flow regime corresponds
regimes, according to the vaporization level, are used to to the drop in the ratio between the flow volume and the
describe fluid behaviour when it passes through a control pressure drop (zone III-1 in Fig. 3).
valve. At the semi-critical flow, any subsequent reduction in the
downstream pressure causes higher levels of cavitation
Normal flow regime and reduced rate of flow increase.
This condition describes the fluid as totally incompressible To determine the point where cavitation starts to manifest,
(with no bubbles production). On this condition, the flow the following equation can be used:
rate is proportional to the square root of the fluid pressure ∆ Pinc ≥ FI2 (P1 - PV) Where:
drop throughout the valve. (Zone II; Fig.3).
FI = Incipient cavitation coefficient of liquid
P1 = Upstream pressure (Bar A) / (p.s.i. a)
Semi-critical flow regime Pv = Fluid vapor pressure, at flow temperature
When the static pressure at vena contracta (minimal
(Bar A) / (p.s.i. a)
geometric area of flow) drops just under the fluid vapor
Turbulent flow
Cavitation Vaporization
∆p Total cavitation
Flow Volume - Q
Q Maximum
Pressure Drop - e∆ P
Severe Services Trim
Introduction - Liquids
Static Pressure
∆ Pvc
PV Cavitation
Valve Seat Valve
inlet ring Outlet
Seat exit Vena
Ring Contracta
Severe Services Trim
Introduction - Liquids
An incorrect selection of valve trim and materials causes Typical Recovering Coefficients (FL) and
serious erosion damages to the trim set, plug/ seat ring, Typical Incipient Cavitation Factor (FI )
with possible damages to the valve body. Factor Factor
Valve Flow Trim
Type Direction Size FL FI
Cavitation Globe Flow to close Integral 0.85 0.76
Cavitation is a dynamic phenomenon that occurs only in GLs GLh Flow to close Reduced 0.85 0.72
liquid systems. The vaporous cavitation consists of a rapid GLb Flow to open Integral 0.90 0.81
vaporization of liquid around the microscopic gaseous nuclei Flow to open Reduced 0.90 0.81
and the subsequent collapse of the vaporous cavity caused Omega Flow over Integral 0.93 0.90
by vapor condensation inside the cavity. The effects of the Gama Flow over Integral ~1.0 0.87 to
vaporization and condensation are the result of pressure 0.995
fluctuations and the fluid vapor pressure. Local pressure Note: The values ndicated are for fully open valves.
fluctuations can also release dissolved gases, resulting in
what is known as gaseous cavitation. The gaseous cavitation At the beginning of its formation, cavitation can be detected
can be beneficial in mitigating the damage and vibrations by an intermittent noise such as small crackles. But as
related to the vaporous cavitation. The vaporous cavitation the differential pressure increases, the noise intensifies,
tends to aerate the liquid, increasing the compressibility resembling a constant whistle or crashes.
of the mixture. The vaporous cavitation will be the subject Various cavitation levels have been employed to correlate
of this text given the capacity to damage the control valve the performance data of hydraulic equipments. Nowadays,
components and adjacent equipments. the Sigma index ( σ ) has been generally employed in con-
In liquids, when the pressure at vena contracta drops below trol valves, and it can be determined by:
the liquid vapor pressure, vapor bubbles start to form in
the fluid. If the vena contracta pressure is higher than the ( P2 - Pv )
liquid vapor pressure, the proportionality between flow and σ =
( P1 - P2 )
pressure drop is quadratic, with no need for correction due
to critical fluid conditions (Fig. 2). Where:
Theoretically, at the beginning of vaporization of the liquid, P1 = Upstream pressure (Bar A) or (psi a), measured
occurs the formation of cavities or bubbles. The start of at a distance relative to one (1) pipe diameter
vaporization happens a bit before the point of vaporization upstream from the valve
of the liquid due to the fact that there are always dissolved P2 = Downstream pressure (Bar A) or (psi a), mea-
gases within the liquid, which start to break off forming sured at a distance relative to five (5) times the
cavities or bubbles. This point is called the incipient cavita- pipe diameter downstream from the valve
tion. Besides the vaporization pressure point, other factors Pv = Liquid vapor pressure at operational temperature
such as: the internal geometry of the valve, flow velocity,
liquid superficial tension, viscosity, density and quantity of Sigma is a recently used cavitation index correlated to the
gas dissolved in the liquid, as well as tiny solid nucleus in its performance of hydraulic equipments, especially control
interior, all affect the cavitation phenomenon. valves. The Sigma index represents the ratio between the
A practical way of discovering whether the liquid initiates potential for resistance to cavitation formation and the
the state of incipient cavitation can be determined by the potential for cavitation formation. When the Sigma index
equation that defines the differential pressure at which the is zero or a negative value, the vaporization (flashing) is
cavitation begins (see page 4). evident. Tests indicate that damage caused by cavitation
(σ destructive) with continuous operation valves start with
numbers around σ = 0.73. Point in which the incipient
cavitation (σ incipient) occurs.
Some other factors that influence the intensity of cavitation
are the extent of the actual operational pressures, when
compared to the pressures of technological development
tests, the geometric profile of the flow and fluid purity. In
the development and study of these factors, methods of
measurement were established for those variables.
Severe Services Trim
Introduction - Liquids
The solution for avoiding cavitation is to gradually reduce point, the velocity should be limited to 30 ft/sec. (9 m/sec.)
the pressure from the entrance until the exit of the valve, in order to avoid reduction of vapor pressure. This is also
preventing that the liquid pressure drops below its vapor an approximating limit for applications where the total flow
pressure, keeping it constant through the valve, above the will pass through the valve with a minimum pressure drop.
vapor pressure. This can successfully avoid cavitation. The control valves that operate under severe cavitation
regime must also have their velocity limited to 30 ft/sec.
(9 m/sec.) in order to minimize the damage to the
Index downstream pipe. This limitation also allows to allocate
The Sigma index offers better condition for the evaluation
the recovery pressure, which causes cavitation right at
and selection of a valve for the diverse cavitation condi-
downstream of vena contracta.
tions. The acceptable Sigma operational values for Globe
At vaporization regimes (flashing), the velocities become
valves, working on low pressures, are between 2 and 1.7.
much higher due to the increase in volume caused by va-
Usually, in these cases, the use of trim for cavitation con-
por formation. For most applications, it is important to keep
trol is not necessary. However, when the Sigma index is
the velocity below 500 ft/sec. (152 m/sec.)
between 1.7 and 1.15 cavitation control is needed. When
The use of control valves with expanded exit helps to con-
Sigma indexes are lower than 1.15, there is a huge poten-
trol the exit velocity in those applications.
tial for destruction and, due to severe cavitation, trims with
At smaller valves that are kept closed for most of the time,
various pressure reduction stages must be considered for
such as drain valves, the velocity can reach up to 800 to
the correct selection of the control valve.
1500 ft/sec. (244 to 457 m/sec.), employing alloy steel
materials for the body and trims with Alloy #6 (Stellite #6)
Choked Flow coated.
Choked flow happens when the fluid velocity approaches The Globe control valves with Gamma® trim of ValtekSul
sonic values at any point of the valve body, trims or line. It prevent damage caused by cavitation and minimize the
happens with liquids when the vapor formed as a result of
hydrodynamic noise even under the most severe applica-
the drop of fluid pressure below the value of its vapor pres-
sure increases the fluid specific volume until the point that tions.
the sonic velocity is reached. Therefore additional reduc- This design does not only eliminate the damage caused
tions of the exit pressure will not produce further increase by cavitation but also provides easy maintenance and long
of flow. This phenomenon is known as choked flow. lifespan, even in the most difficult applications.
The choked flow can be determined by the equation: The holes at the cartridge of Gamma® trims, more than just
restricting the flow, are used as expansion areas for the
∆ P(choked) = FL2 (P1 - FFPV) fluid as it passes through them coming from the restric-
tive channels machined in the outside of all interior cylin-
FL = Liquid pressure recovery factor ders. The successive intersections of restrictive channels
FF = Liquid Critical Pressure Ratio Factor and magnification holes create a series of expansions and
P1 = Upstream Pressure (Bar A) / (psi a) contractions that result in successive pressure drops. This
PV = Liquid Vapor Pressure at flowing conditions staged pressure drop assures that the destructive cavita-
(Bar A) / (psi a) tion does not occur. The Gamma® cartridge was designed
to effectively eliminate cavitation by employing a variety of
Velocity mechanisms, reducing high differential pressures. The flow
The general rule for control valves operating with liquids is directed over the plug by a series of cylindrical stages
is that the maximum velocity at the valve exit should be
assembled on each other, each of which consists of ex-
limited to 50 ft/sec. (15 m/sec.), and for gas and liquid
mixtures up to 500 ft/sec. (152 m/sec.). pansion holes and circumferential intersection channels,
However, smaller valves can operate with slightly higher restricting the free flow passage. The fluid first passes
velocities and bigger valves with lower velocities. through the expansion holes in the external cylinder, and
Whenever the fluid temperature approaches the saturation then enters the machined channels present in the internal
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Gamma®
surface of the same cylinder. The liquid remains confined Quantity of stages
to the channel until it reaches the intermediate expansion The quantity and area of flow of the channels at each
hole in the second cylinder, passing through to the restric- stage of the Gamma® cartridge were designed to produce
tive channel and so forth. the total differential pressure, at the same time it prevents
This path of multiple restrictions, enlargements and direc- the occurrence of cavitation at any point. The flow area
tion changes are energy dispelling, causing multiple pres- is gradually bigger at each successive stage, so as to
sure reducer stages and avoiding a sharp pressure drop minimize also the number of stages. The result is that
at an unique point, which is characteristic of conventional bigger differential pressures are absorbed at the external
trims. (or initial) stages if compared to the internal (or final) stages.
A certain number of holes are machined near the top of the
Gamma® cartridge. Several of these holes allow the fluid to
vent upstream from the volume above the plug during nor-
Velocity and Pressure
The velocities at the inlet and outlet of a ValtekSul Globe
mal operation. Other assemble holes permit an alignment
valve with Gamma® trim are generally limited to a maximum
by pins between the stages, placing them at the correct
of 30 ft/sec. (9 m/sec.). In addition, these valves are
rotational alignment. The pins and alignment holes have
designed to ensure that the fluid pressure in the valve body
shoulders that indicate the correct position inside the car-
(including the cartridge) is always greater than the vapor
tridge. A bead weld prevents the pin from loosening.
This weld can be easily removed by grinding or machining,
for disassembly. The plug fits firmly inside the cartridge
hole and its movement makes the expansion internal Flow Characteristics
holes to gradually open or close, thus controlling the flow. The ValtekSul Globe valves with Gamma® cartridge offer
The Gamma® plug-cartridge set can be used with either linear flow characteristic as standard. Producing essential-
metal or soft seat rings. It is manufactured in two versions: ly equal changes of flow with equal changes in valve stroke.
Balanced and Unbalanced.
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Gamma®
The cartridge of linear characteristic consists of an axially so the disassembly is quickly performed and the problems
standardized arrangement of holes and channels. The associated with screwed-in corroded seats are eliminated.
linear characteristic is most commonly used for liquid The piston-cylinder actuator is smaller, lighter and easier
applications with high differential pressure. The equal to disassemble, when compared to corresponding spring-
percentage characteristic can be provided with a non- diaphragm actuators.
uniform pattern of holes along with a corresponding axial While the equivalent anti-cavitation valves present toler-
change in the area of the restrictive channels, producing ance problems between the plug and the discs that are
the desired characteristic. superimposed on each other, the Gamma® cartridge does
not display such drawbacks, because it presents a smooth
Maintenance and continuous superficial uniformity in the internal side
Most of the control valves with anti-cavitation trim are and the plug is guided by the upper and lower guides at
manufactured with internal cartridge that guides the the stem.
plug movement. Experience shows that these simple
mechanical systems cause sticking problems between
the retainer cartridge and the plug, causing damages and
unscheduled operational maintenance work. The Gamma®
cartridge was designed to provide simple, easy and low
cost maintenance. It contains an extra strong upper double
guide as standard and fitted-in seat ring plus top-entry trim,
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Gamma®
Dirt and Particles Flow Coefficient - CV
The anti-cavitation valves are typically built with small flow Due to the physical size of the Gamma® cartridge, the flow
passages that can become clogged by dirt or other impu- coefficient (Cv) of a globe valve with Gamma® trim is
rities present in the fluid. Such devices usually direct the generally lower than the Cv of a standard ValtekSul
flow through the plug before it passes through the restric- globe valve of the same size. When selecting a valve for
tive device. This results in sticking and galling as dirt or par- determined application, it is necessary to consider not
ticles become trapped between the moving plug and the only the Cv but also the velocity and Sigma index that this
inside surface of the anti-cavitation device. valve must admit. The information on the flow coefficient
On the other hand, the Gamma® cartridge is designed with described on pages 11 and 12 are for general orientation
two important protective features to minimize those clog- on the selection for a determined application. Different
ging problems: flow coefficients are available under request.
1. First, the flow passes through the cartridge. Particles
of the fluid that are too large to pass through the small
channels are retained on the outside of the first stage,
preventing that these particles get through the other
cartridge stages towards the plug.
2. Because the inner channels become progressively
larger, the small particles that pass through the first
set of channels can easily pass through the rest of the
At extremely dirty services, the cartridge must be disman-
tled and cleaned periodically.
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Gamma®
Flow Coefficient - Cv
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Gamma®
Flow Coefficient - Cv
Gamma® Trim
ANSI Class 2500
Valve Valve
Trim Number Trim Number
Nominal Stroke
Code of
Cv σ min
Code of
Cv σ min
(T/N) Stages (T/N) Stages
(in.) (in.)
41 (1.63) 2 38 21 .170 82 (3.25) 2 76 76 .200
75 (3.00) 3 76 50 .080
35 (1.38) 3 38 13 .070
1.5 4.0 67 (2.63) 4 76 32 .025
28-20 (1.12) 4 38 8 .020 55 (2.25) 5 76 21 .007
28-10 (1.12) 5 38 4 .006 44 (1.73) 6 76 12 .002
120 (4.75) 2 102 150 .200
41 (1.63) 2 38 21 .170 110 (4.33) 3 102 92 .080
35 (1.38) 3 38 13 .070 6.0 90 (3.50) 4 102 56 .025
2.0 75 (3.00) 5 102 35 .007
32 (1.25) 4 38 8 .020
65 (2.56) 6 102 23 .002
28 (1.12) 5 38 4 .006
150 (5.90) 2 152 151 .200
140 (5.50) 3 152 99 .080
60 (2.35) 2 64 45 .180 8.0
130 (5.12) 4 152 66 .025
50 (2.00) 3 64 28 .075 115 (4.50) 5 152 43 .002
3.0 44 (1.73) 4 64 19 .022 185 (7.25) 2 203 238 .090
38 (1.50) 5 64 10 .007 170 (6.70) 3 203 156 .090
32 (1.25) 6 64 6 .002 160 (6.25) 4 203 108 .028
150 (5.90) 5 203 74 .008
The valves with Gamma® trim, balanced or unbalanced The valves with Gamma® trim in sizes from 16 to 36 inches
models, are manufactured in sizes from 1 1/2 to 24 inches, can be manufactured with angle-style body with a lateral
using the body of regular ValtekSul globe valves. All parts - inlet and the outlet in the lower part of the valve. Aiming a
except the Gamma® cartridge, the plug, sleeve and bonnet reduction of the costs related to globe valves with large di-
- are interchangeable with regular ValtekSul globe valves, mension bodies, the angle valves are usually manufactured
reducing the stock of parts and lowering costs. with a modified tube in “tee” and welded flanges.
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Omega®
Low Flow
0.90 - 70 (1)
38 2.00
0.90 - 80(1) 38 2.20
0.90 - 90(1) 38 2.50 Fig. 8 - Omega® Trim
Notes: (1) Only for valve sizes 1.5 and 2 inches. for Low Flows
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Omicron®
Small Flow
Anticavitation Trim
Small Flow
The Omicron® anticavitation trims are used when small flow The plug is designed with a series of special channels that
rates are needed (maximum CV between 0.010 and 1.30). expand as they progress diagonally along the length and
For an effective anticavitation prevention in this kind of plug, around the circumference of the plug head.
the instalation of angle-style bodies is recommended. As the fluid passes through the channel, it experiences a
The micro-plug design is inserted within the guided seat continual increase in flow area and consequent pressure
ring and presents a spiral contour that causes velocity in- reduction. The reduction of pressure takes place as the
crease with the systematic contraction and expansion of fluid impinges upon itself when the channels intersect.
the fluid.
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Alpha®
The anticavitation Alpha® trim of ValtekSul minimizes cavi-
tation damage to valve components by directing the vapor
bubbles, as their implosion happens in an area away from
metal parts.
The anticavitation Alpha® trim employs a determined quan-
tity of small holes through the retainer wall, through which
the fluid is passed. As the plug moves away from the seat,
increasing pairs of holes begin to open. Each hole lets
through a jet of cavitating liquid, which impinges in the cen-
ter of the retainer upon another jet of liquid coming from an
opposing hole.
The impact of the fluid jets forms an area of pressure reco-
very and cushion of fluid stream, all this away from metal
parts. The vena contracta is formed outside the retainer
instead of inside it. The turbulence of the flow during im-
pact causes the collapse of vapor bubbles at the center
of the seat retainer, minimizing in this way the damage to
valve trim.
The Alpha® trim fits in the standard ValtekSul bodies, being
available in pressure-balanced and unbalanced versions.
The plug firmly fits to the retainer, controlling the fluid flow Fig. 10 - Unbalanced Alpha® Trim
through the holes. However, the fluid must be entirely clean
to avoid stick and galling between the plug and retainer.
The flow capacity and characteristics are determined by
the size and spacing of the seat retainer holes. Holes with
different size and variable spacing can be used in the same
retainer in order to get the required flow characteristic. The
flow direction for valves with Alpha® trim is always over the
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Alpha®
Flow Coefficient ( (Cv)
Severe Services Trim
Special Trim - Alpha®
Flow Coefficient (Cv)
Internos Alpha
Classe ANSI 2500
Valve Cv Valve Cv
Trim Trim
Nominal Stroke Nominal Stroke
Code Code
Size (mm) Unbalanced Balanced Size (mm) Unbalanced Balanced
(T/N) (T/N)
(in.) (in.)
Linear %c Linear %c Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
0.75-10 19 1.5 1.5 1.85-10 19 16.0 10.0 16.0 10.0
0.75-20 19 2.5 2.5 1.85-20 19 28.0 16.0 28.0 16.0
1.0 0.75-30 19 4.0 4.0 3.0
0.75-40 19 6.0 6.0 2.25-10 38 44.0 28.0 44.0 28.0
0.75.50 25 8.0 7.0 2.25-20 38 65.0 44.0 65.0 44.0
1.25-10 19 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.85-10 25 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0
1.25-20 19 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.85-20 38 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
1.25-30 19 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 4.0
1.63-70 19 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 3.00-10 38 65.0 55.0 65.0 55.0
0.75-10 19 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.00-20 51 110.0 70.0 110.0 70.0
0.75-20 19 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.00-10 38 65.0 50.0 65.0 50.0
0.75-30 19 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
2.0 3.25-10 51 110.0 65.0 110.0 65.0
1.63-10 19 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0
1.63-20 25 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 4.75-20 64 160.0 110.0 160.0 110.0
1.63-30 25 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 4.75-30 64 195.0 160.0 195.0 160.0
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim
The aerodynamic noise produced by the passage of a fluid noise is radiated to the surrounding system area at the
through a control valve is considered the most problematic downstream piping.
in terms of environmental noise of downstream equipments In situations where damages to nearby equipments or
of an industrial plant. Associated with the presence of injuries to people may have been caused by the source
high levels of turbulence and shock waves in the valve generator of high noise levels, the attenuation of this noise
after restriction, the energy dissipated by the turbulence is not only desired, but mandatory.
is mainly converted into acoustic energy that propagates The overlapping of the pressure and velocity profile (Fig.
downstream the valve, approximately between 1 and 2 12) is the main cause for noise generation in a control valve,
diameters of the exit pipe. In physics, noise is a form of where at vena contracta the velocity has a considerable
energy that propagates through pressure waves, on an increase. Laboratory tests have showed that in a control
elastic medium and at a speed that is characteristic of the valve the sound pressure level (SPL) is directly proportional
medium through which it propagates. The noise produced to the cube of the fluid velocity (SPL ~v3).
by cavitation should not be considered, once the cavitation Due to the extension of the processes involved in the
must be avoided, so its noise should not exist. generation of noise as well as in its propagation downstream
On gaseous services, the noise is generated by the high the control valve, this is object of more detailed analysis
pressure drops through the valve and the turbulence in the Sizing and Selection of Control Valves catalogue
carried into the downstream piping. As a direct result, the edited by ValtekSul.
Noise generation
External radiation
Noise propagation
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Introduction - Cont.
Current legislation requires that equipments, such as design, which provide resistance to the additional trans-
control valves, operate with operational noise levels not missions of incident sound energy.
exceeding 85 dBA. Usually, the noise level produced by The described acoustic impedance is the main factor that
most of the control valves is lower than this. However, permits the noise control when the valve plug moves close
some operational structures of the fluid, such as: cavitation, to the seat ring.
flashing and mechanical vibration, alter these criteria.
The Beta® trim of ValtekSul were developed to effectively Pressure Reduction
reduce noise levels in gaseous applications. The Beta® trim The pressure drop in the Beta® trim is dispersed so that
eliminates the noise problem in the valve by applying an ef- it does not occur only at the throttling point between the
fective action on the pressure reduction of gases, as well seat ring and the plug, but also at each stage, from the
as controlling the turbulence dragged in the downstream internal part of the retainer to its exterior. This pressure
pipe. drop happens mainly as a result of sudden expansions
The Beta® trim are available in two options: an economical and contractions that occur as the fluid flows through
one, with a retainer of one or two stages for noise reduc- the Beta® trim.
Each stage is constructed to absorb a small fraction of
tions of up to 15 dBA, and another with a multiple-stages
the differential pressure, thus avoiding the high veloci-
retainer for noise reductions of up to 30 dBA.
ties present in simple trims with a unique throttling con-
trol point. This gradual pressure reduction is achieved
Turbulence Generation by selecting sufficient number of stages, which keep
The noise in the control valve is mainly the result of the tur- the flow velocity low.
bulence generated within it. This turbulence dragged in the
downstream pipe, where the pressure fluctuations are lo-
cated, vibrates the relatively thin pipe wall, radiating noise
to the environment. The control valves with Beta® trim of
ValtekSul were designed to control this turbulence. Each
stage was designed with a large number of holes or ori-
fices. Each successive stage presents additional holes or
orifices, creating a growing flow area that manipulates the
expanded volume of the gas, as a result of the pressure
The turbulence existing in the fluid, as it leaves the last
stage of the Beta® trim, is limited by the physical control of
individual flows of fluid. The smallest flow leaving the final
stage of the Beta® trim limits the amount of energy of the
existing turbulence. Besides, the small turbulent swirls are
dissipated more easily.
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
One of the fundamental concepts in the design of the In the design of the Beta® cartridge, the velocities in the
Beta® control valves consists in keeping reasonable and most critical flow conditions were considered and at the
acceptable velocities in each internal point of the valve following points (see Fig. 14):
as the fluid flows through the valve. This requires careful 1. The area of fluid passage in the valve inlet.
attention to the flowing areas, as well as the interrelated 2. The area of the internal flow of the Beta® retainer in
areas between the various retainer stages, and at any diverse plug positions.
other point inside the valve. As it concerns gases, it is 3 The flow area of the gallery formed between the ex-
known that as the velocity approaches the speed of ternal retainer diameter and the internal diameter of
sound, the valve emits noise. The noise in control valves the valve body.
usually becomes excessive in velocities much lower 4. The flow passage area in the valve outlet. For an ef-
than the sonic speed. The valves with Beta® trim were fective noise control, the downstream pipe should
designed to work with maximum gas velocity of 0.33 have equal or larger diameter than the valve outlet.
Mach at the valve outlet.
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 150-600
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
20 (0.81) 1 19 * 10.5 10.2
13 (0.50) 2 19 * 5.2 5.0
32 (1.25) 1 25 * 24 22 24 22
25 (1.00) 2 19 * 16.0 15.0 16.0 15.0
41 (1.63) 1 38 * 42 41 42 41
25 (1.00) 2 19 * 22 21 22 21
67 (2.63) 1 51 * 97 94 97 94
3.0 50-10 (1.50) 2 38 * 62 60 62 60
32 (1.25) 3 25 4.3 32 31 32 31
90 (3.50) 1 64 * 175 170 175 170
4.0 67 (2.63) 2 51 * 108 105 108 105
41 (1.63) 3 38 4.3 55 54 55 54
125 (5.00) 1 76 * 381 370 381 370
90 (3.50) 2 64 * 222 215 222 215
75 (3.00) 3 51 4.3 156 153 156 153
55 (2.25) 4 51 6.4 98 96 98 96
160 (6.25) 1 102 * 632 610 632 610
125 (5.00) 2 76 * 415 400 415 400
102 (4.00) 3 64 4.3 272 268 272 268
75 (3.00) 4 64 6.4 168 165 168 165
67 (2.63) 5 51 9.6 121 120 121 120
50 (2.00) 6 38 14.5 76 75 76 75
200 (7.90) 1 152 * 990 960 990 960
150 (5.90) 2 102 * 620 600 620 600
115 (4.50) 3 76 4.3 380 372 380 372
90 (3.50) 4 64 6.4 243 238 243 238
75 (3.00) 5 64 9.6 173 170 173 170
67 (2.63) 6 51 14.5 125 123 125 123
240 (9.50) 1 152 * 1420 1380 1420 1380
190 (7.40) 2 102 * 920 890 920 890
150 (6.00) 3 102 4.3 615 605 615 605
12 125 (5.00) 4 102 6.4 420 415 420 415
90 (3.50) 5 64 9.6 279 275 279 275
75 (3.00) 6 64 14.5 174 172 174 172
67(2.63) 7 51 32.0 125 123 125 123
Note: *See Fig. 15 for attenuation P1/P2
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 150-600
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
254 (10.00) 1 152 * 1480 1480 1480 1427
203 (8.00) 2 132 * 1010 1010 1010 941
165 (6.50) 3 102 4.3 702 690 702 690
14 125 (5.00) 4 76 6.4 460 450 460 450
102 (4.00) 5 64 9.6 307 300 307 300
90 (3.50) 6 64 14.5 223 220 223 220
67 (2.63) 7 51 32.0 138 135 138 135
303 (12.00) 1 152 * 2040 2040 2040 1997
230 (9.00) 2 152 * 1310 1310 1310 1269
185 (7.25) 3 102 4.3 905 890 905 890
16 150 (6.00) 4 102 6.4 630 620 630 620
125 (5.00) 5 76 9.6 437 430 437 430
102 (4.00) 6 64 14.5 294 290 294 290
85 (3.25) 7 64 32.0 198 195 198 195
335 (13.25) 1 204 * 2515 2515 2515 2470
254 (10.00) 2 152 * 1625 1625 1625 1564
210 (8.25) 3 152 4.3 1145 1125 1145 1125
18 170 (6.75) 4 102 6.4 793 780 793 780
140 (5.50) 5 76 9.6 543 535 543 535
113 (4,50) 6 76 14.5 370 365 370 365
95 (3.75) 7 64 32.0 253 250 253 250
375 (14.75) 1 203 * 3100 3100 3100 3011
280 (11.00) 2 152 * 1980 1980 1980 1907
230 (9.00) 3 152 4.3 1385 1360 1385 1360
20 190 (7.50) 4 102 6.4 975 960 975 960
150 (6.00) 5 102 9.6 655 645 655 645
125 (5.00) 6 76 14.5 455 450 455 450
110 (425) 7 64 32.0 320 315 320 315
450 (17.75) 1 203 * 4490 4490 4490 4347
335 (13.25) 2 203 * 2870 2870 2870 2786
280 (11.00) 3 152 4.3 2035 2000 2035 2000
24 230 (9.00) 4 152 6.4 1410 1390 1410 1390
185 (7.25) 5 102 9.6 955 940 955 940
150 (6.00) 6 102 14.5 655 645 655 645
125 (5.00) 7 76 32.0 450 445 450 445
Note: *See Fig. 15 for attenuation P1/P2
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 900-1500
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
20 (0.81) 1 19 * 8.3 8.0
32 (1.25) 1 38 * 21 20 21 20
41 (1.63) 1 38 * 36 35 36 35
32 (1.25) 1 38 * 28 27 28 27
25 (1.00) 2 19 * 21 20 21 20
67 (2.63) 1 64 * 83 80 83 80
50-20 1 51 * 62 60 62 60
3.0 50-10 2 51 * 52 50 52 50
41 (1.63) 2 38 * 46 45 46 45
32 (1.25) 3 38 4.3 31 30 31 30
4.0 67-10 2 64 * 93 90 93 90
55 (2.25) 2 51 * 83 80 83 80
41 (1.63) 3 51 4.3 53 52 53 52
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 900-1500
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
125 (5.00) 1 102 * 310 300 310 300
102 (4.00) 1 76 * 248 240 248 240
90 (3.50) 2 76 * 191 185 191 185
75-20 2 64 * 170 165 170 165
75-10 3 64 4.3 137 133 137 133
55 (2.25) 4 51 6.4 91 89 91 89
160 (6.25) 1 152 * 505 490 505 490
125-20 1 102 * 410 400 410 400
125-10 2 102 * 340 330 340 330
8.0 102 (4.00) 2 76 * 295 285 295 285
102 (4.00) 3 76 4.3 238 230 238 230
75 (3.00) 4 64 6.4 155 150 155 150
50 (2.00) 5 64 9.6 110 107 110 107
200 (7.90) 1 152 * 815 790 815 790
190 (7.50) 1 152 * 745 720 745 720
160 (6.25) 2 152 * 530 515 530 515
125 (5.00) 2 102 * 460 495 460 445
115 (4.50) 3 102 4.3 346 335 346 335
90 (3.50) 4 76 6.4 232 225 232 225
75 (3.00) 5 63 9.6 165 160 165 160
67 (2.63) 6 63 14.5 115 110 115 110
240 (9.50) 1 152 * 1140 1110 1140 1110
200 (7.90) 1 152 * 960 930 960 930
190 (7.50) 2 152 * 745 720 745 720
160 (6.25) 2 152 * 670 650 670 650
12 150 (6.00) 3 152 4.3 525 510 525 510
125 (5.00) 4 102 6.4 365 355 365 335
102 (4.00) 5 76 9.6 247 240 247 240
90 (3.50) 6 76 14.5 173 168 173 168
67 (2.63) 7 63 32.0 111 107 111 107
Note: *See Fig. 15 for attenuation P1/P2
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 900-1500
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
235 (9.25) 1 152 * 1245 1210 1245 1210
230 (9.00) 1 152 * 1180 1145 1180 1145
190 (7.48) 2 152 * 850 820 850 820
165 (6.50) 2 152 * 775 750 775 750
14 140 (5.50) 3 152 4.3 562 545 562 545
115 (4.50) 4 102 6.4 386 375 386 375
102 (4.00) 5 76 9.6 280 270 280 270
75 (3.00) 6 63 14.5 176 170 176 170
67 (2.63) 7 63 32.0 125 122 125 122
265 (10.45) 1 203 32.0 1575 1530 1575 1530
255 (10.00) 1 203 32.0 1510 1460 1510 1460
200 (7.90) 2 152 32.0 1070 1040 1070 1040
190 (7.48) 2 152 32.0 1005 975 1005 975
16 165 (6.50) 3 152 32.0 752 730 752 730
140 (5.50) 4 152 32.0 530 515 530 515
102 (4.00) 5 76 32.0 330 320 330 320
90 (3.50) 6 76 32.0 237 230 237 230
75 (3.00) 7 63 32.0 165 160 165 160
290 (11.50) 1 203 32.0 1944 1885 1944 1885
280 (11.00) 1 203 32.0 1871 1815 1871 1815
230 (9.00) 2 152 32.0 1355 1315 1355 1315
203 (8.00) 2 152 32.0 1235 1200 1235 1200
18 185 (7.30) 3 152 32.0 958 930 958 930
150 (6.00) 4 152 32.0 660 640 660 640
125 (5.00) 5 102 32.0 455 440 455 440
102 (400) 6 76 32.0 304 295 304 295
75 (3.00) 7 63 32.0 190 185 190 185
330 (13.00) 1 203 32.0 2460 2385 2460 2385
315 (12.50) 1 203 32.0 2375 2305 2375 2305
255 (10.00) 2 203 32.0 1690 1640 1690 1640
240 (9.50) 2 152 32.0 1625 1575 1625 1575
20 203 (8.00) 3 152 32.0 1175 1140 1175 1140
165 (6.50) 4 152 32.0 805 780 805 780
140 (5.50) 5 152 32.0 562 545 562 545
115 (450) 6 102 32.0 380 370 380 370
90 (3.50) 7 76 32.0 247 240 247 240
Note: *See Fig. 15 for attenuation P1/P2
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 2500
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
18 (0.71) 1 19 * 6.2 6.0
16 (0.63) 1 19 * 5.2 5.0
13 (0.50) 2 19 * 3.7 3.5
10 (0.38) 2 19 * 3.1 3.0
25 (1.00) 1 19 * 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
20 (0.81) 1 19 * 11.0 10.0 11.0 10.0
18 (0.71) 2 19 * 8.3 8.0 8.3 8.0
16 (0.63) 2 19 * 7.2 7.0 7.2 7.0
32 (1.25) 1 38 * 21 20 21 20
25-20 1 19 * 18.0 17.0 18.0 17.0
25-10 2 19 * 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
20 (0.81) 2 19 * 13.0 12.0 13.0 12.0
50 (2.00) 1 51 * 51 50 51 50
38-20 1 51 * 41 40 41 40
38-10 2 51 * 35 35 35 35
32 (1.25) 2 38 4.3 31 30 31 30
67 (2.63) 1 64 * 87 85 87 85
50-20 1 51 * 67 65 67 65
4.0 50-10 2 51 * 56 55 56 55
41 (1.63) 2 51 * 48 46 48 46
41 (1.63) 3 51 4.3 40 38 40 38
90 (3.50) 1 76 * 176 170 176 170
75 (3.00) 1 64 * 155 150 155 150
67 (2.63) 2 64 * 119 115 119 115
60 (2.36) 2 64 * 108 105 108 105
50 (2.00) 3 51 4.3 77 75 77 75
41 (1.63) 4 51 6.4 52 50 52 50
125 (5.00) 1 102 * 330 320 330 320
102-20 1 76 * 270 260 270 260
102-10 2 76 * 225 220 225 220
8.0 90 (3.50) 2 76 * 206 200 206 200
90 (3.50) 3 76 4.3 165 160 165 160
75 (3.00) 4 64 6.4 115 111 115 111
67 (2.63) 5 64 9.6 83 80 83 80
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Beta®
Flow Coefficients - Cv
Beta® Trim
ANSI Class 2500
Valve Unbalanced Balanced
Trim Number
Nominal Stroke P1/P2 Trim Trim
Code of
Diameter mm Max.
(T/N) Stages Linear Equal % Linear Equal %
140 (5.50) 1 102 * 465 450 465 450
127-20 1 102 * 430 415 430 415
127-10 2 102 * 355 345 355 345
10 102 (4.00) 2 76 * 305 300 305 300
90 (3.50) 3 76 4.3 227 220 227 220
67 (2.63) 4 76 6.4 144 140 144 140
50 (2.00) 5 63 9.6 93 90 93 90
165 (6.50) 1 152 * 650 630 650 630
152 (6.00) 1 152 * 610 590 610 590
127 (5.00) 2 102 * 450 435 450 435
12 102 (4.00) 2 76 * 360 350 360 350
102 (4.00) 3 76 4.3 310 300 310 300
75 (3.00) 4 63 6.4 196 190 196 190
67 (2.63) 5 63 9.6 145 140 145 140
Note: *See Fig. 15 for attenuation P1/P2
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Delta®
The Delta® trim, when assembled in globe valves of Fluid Passage
ValtekSul, can effectively reduce noise levels for more The flow line, exclusively in the Delta® cartridge, allows
than 30 dBA. The Delta® trim can also be used in the radial expansion of the fluid. The Delta® cartridge is
conditions of high pressure drops in liquids, eliminating effective with large pressure reductions in gases due to
the effects of cavitation. Its exclusive design combined the additional expansion of the flow line.
with the robust intrinsic characteristics of the globe The number of discs, as well as the cartridge shape,
valves of ValtekSul result in a control valve proven vary according to the application requirements.
effective in reducing and eliminating gaseous and
hydrodynamic noise, as well as the causes of cavitation.
One of the fundamental design concepts of the globe valves with Delta® trim are designed to operate with ma-
control valves of ValtekSul with Delta® trim is the esta- ximum gas velocity of 0.3 Mach or even 0.5 Mach under
blishment of velocities in each point as the flow passes certain limited conditions.
through the valve. The velocities should be evaluated at the critical flow
The control valves with Delta® cartridge totally reduce conditions in the following points (see Fig. 20):
the erosion, the hydrodynamic noise and the formation Point 1: The valve inlet passageway.
of cavitation phenomenon with liquids whose velocities Point 2: The internal flow area in all plug positions inside
do not exceed 30 ft/sec. (9 m/sec.) in most applications. the cartridge.
Velocities of up to 50 ft/sec. (15 m/ sec.) can be accep- Point 3: The flow area at the discs, between the teeth, in-
table in specific applications. cluding the inlet and outlet area of the cartridge.
In gaseous applications, when the velocity in the valve Point 4: The area formed by the internal gallery of the body
reaches values higher than 0.5 mach, there is the forma- and the external area of the Delta® cartridge.
tion of excessive noise and the valve will be noisy. The Point 5: The valve outlet passage area.
Detail A
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Delta®
The maintenance of the control valves with Delta® trims que design of the globe valves of ValtekSul, the assem-
is widely facilitated by the easy removal of the Delta® bly of the valves with Delta® trim is the “top-entry” type;
cartridge from the valve interior. The Delta® cartridge is and the guides system at the robust plug stem, which
easily removed for inspection or cleaning. Maintaining guides the plug head resulting in a perfect alignment in
the technological characteristics that comprise the uni- its entire course.
Trim for Gaseous Severe Services
Special Trim - Delta®
Gaseous Severe Services
Downstream Equipment for Gas Noise Reduction
The noise in control valves is generated by high pressure • Valves with Beta® trim of one or two stages to reduce
drops in the valve and by the subsequent turbulence the SPL up to 15 dBA
downstream. As consequence, noise is radiated to the • Beta® resistance plates and diffusers for reductions of
surrounding area by the piping system. In situations where up to 15 dBA
damage to equipment or personal accidents could be • Valves with Delta® trim to reduce the SPL up to 30 dBA
caused by a noise source, the noise attenuation is not only • Inline silencers for gas outlet applications or reductions
desired, but mandatory. Several of the following factors above 25 dBA
must be considered before choosing expensive noise Usually, any of these noise devices in series with a control
suppression equipment: valve can be selected to attenuate the noise to the needed
• Does the application really demand noise attenuation? acceptable SPL. For example, a Beta® plate or a diffuser,
• What are the low- or no-cost options that can attenuate when installed downstream of a standard ValtekSul control
the noise? valve, offers approximately the same dBA reduction than
• If noise attenuation devices are needed, which low-cost a valve with Beta® trim of one or two stages, although at a
equipment can be specified? lower cost. For extremely high pressure drops, where val-
ves with multiplestages trims must be considered, it can
Is the Noise Attenuation Necessary? be more advantageous financially to install a Beta® plate,
If the sound pressure level (SPL) exceeds 85 or 90 dBA, it diffuser or silencer downstream of a small valve with Beta®
is usually recommended the use of noise suppression de- trim of one or two stages.
However, higher noise levels can be accepted if the noise is Beta® Plates
not associated to damage to equipments and it is located Similar in many ways to a Beta® attenuator, the Beta® resis-
away from workers. For example, if the valve is installed in a tance plates are installed between the flanges with raised
tower at a certain distance from the workers, the distance faces downstream of a ValtekSul control valve. Each plate
itself can solve the problem, though an ear protection may incorporates a series of stages. To control the downstream
be necessary if workers approach or climb the tower. line turbulence, each stage absorbs a part of the pressure
drop through its many multiple holes.
Other Low-Cost Alternatives Beta® plates are designed for each individual application,
Other possible low-cost alternatives for the noise suppres- offering SPL reductions of up to 15 dBA. Depending on the
sion of equipments are (1) isolate the piping, (2) direct the kind of gas and the pressure drop ratio, these plates may
valve discharge to a vessel, (3) relocate the noise source need one to four stages. At the standard Beta® plates, both
(such as the downstream pipe) outside a closed area, (4) the housing and the plate stages with perforated holes are
reverse the flow direction through the valve or (5) reduce manufactured in carbon steel. However, an additional op-
the valve pressure drop. tion manufactured in 304 stainless steel can be provided,
for the housing and the stages. Bigger plates are available
with lifting eye bolts.
Alternative Economic Noise
Suppression Equipment
If the above suggestions are not viable, noise suppression
equipments are necessary in most of the cases.
To reduce the noise levels or the sound pressure to an ac-
ceptable value, ValtekSul offers a wide variety of economic
noise reduction devices that minimize and often eliminate
higher priced solutions. These devices include:
Gaseous Severe Services
Downstream Equipament - Beta® Plates
Beta® Plate
Cat. Valtek Sulamericana - Guia Internos Especiais Rev.0/2020E PN-9800002 (Copyright 20120 Valtek Sulamericana) | Printed in Brazil |
The information and specifications contained in this literature are considered
accurate. However, they are supplied for informative purposes and should not be
considered certified.
The products of Valtek Sulamericana are continually being improved and the
specifications, dimensions and information contained in this catalogue are subject
to change without notice. For additional information, please consult your Valtek
Sulamericana representative. Specific assembly, operation and maintenance
instructions for Severe Services Trims can be found at the Maintenance
Catalogues nº 01, 07, 18 and 25.
ValtekSul Brasil
Main Office and Factory
Rua Goiás, 345 - Diadema - SP - Brazil
Call Center +55 11 4072-8600