CODESPRINT 8 - Delegate Booklet

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Delegate Booklet

What is inside ?

What is IEEE Prize

IEEE in II How to register for CodeSprint 8
CodeSprint Team formation
Why CodeSprint 8 Point syste
Event Detailed Structur Participation and Evaluation Proces
IDEAT Previous CodeSprint experienc
PROTOTYP Register no
STARTU Timelin
Why should you participate ?

Contact Us

What is IEEE
IEEE is the world’s largest professional organization dedicated to advancing
IEEE - A Quick View

An Infographic on IEEE Region 10 ECIM

technology for the benefit of humanity.

More than
More than
IEEE with over 448 000 members in more than 190 countries inspire a global
448,000 members 190 Countries
community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology
More than

123,000 members

standards and professional and educational activities.

Over 1,250

Active Standards.

More than 700

More than

4.5million Documents Consisting of 39 technical societies and ten geographic regions, IEEE also
Under Development.
provides various humanitarian opportunities to its members.

Sponsored more than

1,900 Conferences


Chapters The IEEE Sri Lanka Section is a global technology platform for technical
in 103 Countries
professionals in the country. Since its inception 20 years ago as a part of
344 Section in

10 geographical


affinity groups
region 10, IEEE Sri Lanka Section has been expanding at an accelerating pace.

regions worldwide

3,761 Student
Starting from merely 3 student branches, IEEE Sri Lanka has expanded to
more than 22 universities covering all the state and private technical


colleges in the country.

IEEE established its Student Branch at IIT in 2015,

promoting technological excellence and enhancing students' technical and personal development skills.

The IEEE Student Branch of IIT has ranked 15th globally, with over 500 student members,

making it the branch with the highest number of global IEEE memberships in Sri Lanka.

This solidifies its prominent presence in the IEEE community.

Our Communities
CodeSprint 8
The 8th iteration of the flagship event CodeSprint, organized by the IEEE Student Branch of
Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) in collaboration with the IEEE Women in Engineering
Affinity Group of IIT and the IEEE Computer Society of IIT, aims to identify young entrepreneurs
capable of contributing innovative solutions to the global supply chain.

Why CodeSprint 8
CodeSprint offers opportunities to undergraduates to present and showcase their unique and innovative
startup ideas to widespread audiences and potential companies
Through CodeSprint, the competitors will be able to get guidance throughout and also get remarks and
feedback from the professionals of the industry and experienced judges
Competitors get the chance to gain more exposure about the real-world entrepreneurial environment,
emerging industry trends and practices as well as get networking opportunities, as CodeSprint brings many
experts and professionals together
Most importantly, CodeSprint enhances skills such as problem solving, teamwork and critical thinking and
allows the contestants to get hands-on experience.

Event Detailed Structure

CodeSprint 8 unfolds innovation across three key phases: Ideate, Prototype, and Startup

Ideate Prototype Startup

In conjunction with the competition, tailored workshops for each phase will empower delegates with
skills crucial for successful outcomes
Our selection process is straightforward, teams can compete until the Prototype phase, with
individual marks allocated for each phase.

Event Detailed Structure

The top 10 teams, based on overall marks and the completeness of their product, will advance to the
Startup phase
We prioritize the overall success of each team, valuing a well-rounded and fully realized product
Competitors must submit work in every phase, following specific guidelines. Progression to the next
phase depends on the completion of the preceding one
This lineup ensures a thorough journey, where each phase builds upon the success of the previous,
culminating in the grand finale of the Investor Pitch. Get ready for a practical experience, shaping the
future of startups in CodeSprint 8.

In the Ideate phase, we invite participants to submit software and IoT-based ideas that are
innovative and practically implementable, with the potential to evolve into successful startups
contributing to technological advancement and societal progress
The submitted ideas should aim to address challenges related to one or more of the given
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),

3 - Good Health and Well-being

9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

4 - Quality Education
11 - Sustainable cities and Communities

7 - Affordable and Clean energy

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

17 - Partnerships for the goals

More Details About Sustainable Development Goals

Submit a concise proposal articulating the problem's significance and your solution's uniqueness.
Detail the technological aspects and an MVP implementation plan.
Conduct a comprehensive feasibility analysis covering technical, financial, and social aspects.
Outline a strategic plan for scaling and marketing, including a brief expense summary.
Develop a business plan with a funding strategy to support your startup's long-term vision and
We organize workshops to assist participants in navigating this phase successfully, offering valuable
guidance. We highly value clear and effective communication of ideas on scaling the product as a
startup during this phase. Participants are encouraged to actively engage in these workshops to
refine their concepts and elevate the quality of their submissions.

The Prototype phase, the longest and pivotal stage of the competition, holds the highest priority
and weight. During this phase, delegates transition their conceptual ideas into reality by creating a
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Submission for this phase includes a comprehensive report covering the technical aspects of the
product. Delegates are also required to submit a video explaining their product.
Additionally, each team will pitch the technical aspects of their product in front of the judges
during the product pitch session
To support participants in this critical phase, workshops and mentorships will be organized. These
workshops and metorships will focus on cutting-edge technologies necessary for building a
successful MVP. The aim is to guide teams in developing a robust prototype that can serve as the
foundation for a scalable startup
After thoroughly evaluating submissions and considering both the Ideate and Prototype phases,
the top ten teams will advance to the Startup phase, marking them as the finalists of CodeSprint 8.

In the Startup phase of CodeSprint 8, our primary focus is to equip finalists with the knowledge
and skills to deliver compelling investor pitches during the Grand Finale
Each team is paired with a dedicated mentor, fostering a one-on-one engagement for strategic
refinement. Teams are encouraged to seek mentorship sessions to actively enhance their pitch
A curated series of workshops will cover critical business and marketing aspects essential for
launching a successful startup. We designed these workshops to provide valuable insights and
practical guidance, enriching finalists with the knowledge required to navigate the
entrepreneurial landscape.
In preparation for the Grand Finale, all teams should submit a demo video of their investor
pitch. Although we will not allocate separate marks for this submission, it is a crucial
opportunity for teams to receive feedback and refine their presentations for maximum impact
It's important to note that teams failing to submit the demo video will face disqualification from
the competition. This requirement underscores the active participation needed from each
team, ensuring that all finalists are well-prepared for the pivotal Investor Pitch in the Grand
The Startup phase is vital in shaping finalists into confident presenters, ready to impress
investors and elevate their startup ideas to new heights.

Why should you participate?

You get to build and showcase your innovative startup ideas

Opportunity to pitch your unique ideas to industry experts

Gain more exposure to the real-world entrepreneurial environment

Get remarks and feedback from industry professionals throughout the competition

Prestigious E-certificates to all contestants

Valuable cash prizes for the winning teams.

Why should you participate?
Exposure to new technologies

A platform for internship opportunities

Interacting and collaborating with like-minded individuals

Enhance your knowledge of Software development

Opportunities for getting featured on IEEE social media platforms.


1 Runner up

Runner up

125,000 LKR 200,000 LKR 75,000 LKR

Categorical Awards

Frontier Innovator Award AI Pioneer Award

Prime Implementer Award
30,000 LKR
Awarded to the highest-scored team in the Awarded to the team with an AI-powered Awarded to the team that has
Ideate phase for the most innovative idea product that has the potential to disrupt demonstrated outstanding execution
with the potential to reshape paradigms or the market, introducing a novel solution and comprehensive implementation
create new markets. that could change the industry landscape. during the Prototype phase.
How to register for CodeSprint 8
Online registrations will be available from 16th February to register for the competition
Only the team leader should fill out the registration form with the required details of each
team member
All the contestants will be eligible for the physical and virtual workshops once they register for
the competition
All the contestants must get registered as a team.
Participating in the workshops is optional for the entirety of the event, but active participation is
strongly encouraged for the contestants to enhance their competitiveness.
Team Formation
All the contestants must be undergraduates, from the same university
All participants must be registered as a team
A team should be composed of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members
Each participant in the competition can only be a member of only one team
A team should have a team name and a team leader assigned
Participants are not allowed to change teams once the initial registration is done
When building the team, we recommend you have at least one member who’s competent at
each phase in CodeSprint 8.
Point System
In all three phases of the competition, teams will be evaluated by independent judging panels.
Each phase contributes uniquely to determining the ultimate result, with different weights
assigned to ideate submission, prototype submission, and technical pitch. Notably, the
prototype phase holds particular significance, as it emphasizes the completion of the proposed
Technical Pitch

25% 45% 30%

Teams with more than 80% attendance in the sessions will receive an additional 10% of mark
The top ten teams advancing to the grand finale will be chosen based on their cumulative
points earned across the ideate and prototype phases. The winners of CodeSprint 8 will be
selected from the top ten teams based on the highest points earned in the investor pitch during
the grand finale.

Participation and Evaluation Process

In CodeSprint 8, teams can actively participate in both the Ideate and Prototype phases without
undergoing any knockout process.

A distinctive feature of our evaluation approach is the heightened emphasis on translating

innovative ideas into practical, implementable, and scalable products

Marks are assigned separately for the Ideate and Prototype phases, underscoring the
importance of tangible impact.

This deliberate focus aims to recognize and reward teams that conceive groundbreaking ideas
and demonstrate the ability to bring them to life as impactful startup products

Attendance at workshops is pivotal for the competitive edge of the hackathon.

Participation and Evaluation Process

Notably, teams must participate in all workshops and submit an ideate proposal, which is
mandatory, to qualify for valuable E-certificates

The cumulative points earned across both phases will determine the top ten finalists.

This approach ensures that every participating team can showcase their creativity, innovation,
and entrepreneurial spirit with a fair chance.

We designed CodeSprint 8 to celebrate the journey from idea conception to building a viable,
scalable product, reflecting our commitment to fostering true entrepreneurial potential.
Previous CodeSprint experience

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022
Register Now
Registration link :

Registrations will be open from the 16th of February to the 26th of February.

We encourage all interested participants to secure their spots

within this timeframe to ensure eligibility for participation in the event.

feb 16 Registration opens feb 26 Registration closes MAR 10 - may 10 PROTOTYPE jun 22 Grand Finale

FEB 23 Induction FEB 24 - Mar 7 IDEATE jun 1 - jun 12 Startup

feb 24 Submissions open mar 7 Submissions close

Mar 3 Workshop

Mar 10 Submissions open May 30 Workshop 2 apr 28 Workshop 4 May 10 Submissions close

May 23 Workshop 1 apr 21 Workshop 3 May 5 Workshop 5 May 19 Technical pitch



MAY 29 Finalists announcement JUN 9 Workshop JUN 22 Grand Finale

JUN 1 Video submissions open JUN 12 Video submissions close

Contact Us

Ridma Palansuriya Senuvi Jayasinghe Januki Inupama

Vice chair Vice chair Vice chair
+94 76 917 3010 +94 76 542 5756 +94 74 282 8361
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Social Media
Elevating the Tech RealM

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