Work Immersion Request Letter
Work Immersion Request Letter
Work Immersion Request Letter
National Capital Region
W.C. Paz St., Sta. Elena, 1805
Marikina City, Philippines
2300 Harrison St. San Francisco
CA 94110, USA
ATTN: Francisco Mendoza
Global Head of Community
Good Day!
Work immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
(SHS) has to undergo work immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
post-secondary goal. Through work immersion, the students are exposed to and
become familiar with work-related environments related to their field of specialization to
enhance their competence.
SHS students will immerse during the 12th Grade to enhance their skills and further
develop their confidence and expertise in their chosen career. The students/trainees will
report on their duty in four consecutive weeks composed of eighty (80) hours duration.
In line with this, we would like to request your permission to accommodate Mr. John
Paul Poliquit to be part of your institution as Work Immersion Students.
Your support and approval regarding this matter is very much appreciated.
Good Day!
Work immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
(SHS) has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the
student’s post-secondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to
and become familiar with work-related environments related to their field of
specialization to enhance their competence.
SHS students will immerse during the 12th Grade to enhance their skills and further
develop their confidence and expertise in their chosen career. The students/trainees will
report on their duty in four consecutive weeks composed of fourty (40) hours duration.
In line with this, we would like to request your permission to accommodate the learners
to be part of your institution as Work Immersion Students.
Your support and approval regarding this matter is very much appreciated.
Prepared By:
Prepared By:
Good Day!
Work immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A senior High School
(SHS) has to undergo work immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
post-secondary goal. Through work immersion, the students are exposed to and
become familiar with work-related environments related to their field of specialization to
enhance their competence.
SHS students will immerse during the 12th Grade to enhance their skills and further
develop their confidence and expertise in their chosen career. The students/trainees will
report on their duty in four consecutive weeks composed of eighthly (80) hours duration.
In line with this, we would like to request your permission to accommodate the learners
to be part of your institution as Work Immersion Students.
Your support and approval regarding this matter is very much appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless!
Prepared By:
Good Day!
Work immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A senior High School
(SHS) has to undergo work immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
post-secondary goal. Through work immersion, the students are exposed to and
become familiar with work-related environments related to their field of specialization to
enhance their competence.
SHS students will immerse during the 12th Grade to enhance their skills and further
develop their confidence and expertise in their chosen career. The students/trainees will
report on their duty in four consecutive weeks composed of eighthly (80) hours duration.
In line with this, we would like to request your permission to accommodate the learners
to be part of your institution as Work Immersion Students.
Your support and approval regarding this matter is very much appreciated.
Prepared By:
Records Section
Dela Cruz, Cassandra C – ABM
Edad, James Angelo J. – HUMSS
Personnel Section
Gadea, Charlenes Mae P – ABM
Zulueta, Enehru A – HUMSS
Supply Section
Carreon, Juliet R. - ABM
Belleza, Aaron Luis P. – HUMSS
Prepare by:
Romeo A. Pilongo
Grade 12- Year Leader/ Work Immersion Focal Person
Republic of the Philippines
National Capital Region
W.C. Paz St., Sta. Elena, 1805
Marikina City, Philippines
Jessica A. Beltran
Principal III
Marikina Elementary School
ATTN: Carlo Guevara
Administrative Officer II
Good Day!
Work immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A senior High School
(SHS) has to undergo work immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s
post-secondary goal. Through work immersion, the students are exposed to and
become familiar with work-related environments related to their field of specialization to
enhance their competence.
SHS students will immerse during the 12th Grade to enhance their skills and further
develop their confidence and expertise in their chosen career. The students/trainees will
report on their duty in four consecutive weeks composed of eighthly (80) hours duration.
In line with this, we would like to request your permission to accommodate the learners
to be part of your institution as Work Immersion Students in SM Marikina.
Your support and approval regarding this matter is very much appreciated.
Prepared By:
Prepared By: