Chapter 7

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Gin p It is random

with n nodes and p the probability
that pairs of nodes
each are connected
The number of edges m in this model
IVI n El spited
d f
the number the number of
of nodes edges

Since we don't know the number of

edges we can find the average
number of edges will be

2 P
30 the average meandegree in
a network with exactly m edges is
so the mean degree
fan 241 MYIP
In 1 P Imp D C M IIP
so the probability that a particular node
v has degree K will follow the binomial

i k
P degios ie
É p pi ms

In many cases we are interested in the

properties of large networks so that

n can be assumed to be large
Furthermore almost all real world networks
are sparse meaning that the only a tiny
fraction of the possible edges are
actually present and the average degree X
is much less than n More formally
a sparse network is one in which the

average degree increases slower than n

a s n becomes large In which Case

eg implies that p will become

vanishingly small

in ppg n t t

n t k
FThy X using
taylor series
and the equalities become exact as n n

with K fied Taking e for both sides

i pi E
Also for large n we have

D Pldeglutte c pké
é é x
e F Ten
in the limit of large n

This is the passion dist

AS X grows this dist in turn to

p o empty o

pal complete graph Ck no l

ng largest connected component

s NG
Phase Transition
Let a fraction of nodes that do not belong
to Gcc The probability that a node
doesn't belong to Gcc

heung PCR o P CK Dut p K 2 UH

É Perak
E EE u

e e Eca
Let s fraction of nodes belonging to Gcc
Size of Gcc
cu l
U et
sit u
III's S l É

X ph Lies
when X A S l

when X o s o

let y i Ets

Mean degree I

non Zero solution exists when Cats o

Take the derivative of both sides

l é I

xé I
at s o 7 1 Lk pn I
In other words the random graph can have
a gaint component only if X 1
if X C I p no solution
Graph Catnip for n a critical value
Subcritical regime Pep a I

there is no components with more than

0 Inn nodes largest component is a tree
Critical point P Py Ck the largest component

has 0 n's nodes

supercritical regime p P X 51
gigantic component has all
OCCP Pc n nodes
Connected regime Ps In mln 4K Inn
gigantic component has all 0 n nodes
critical value In P n

I on average one
neighbor for a
pPit p

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