Research Chapter Three

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This chapter will be determining and describe methods about the prevalence of respiratory
distress syndrome in neonates in baletwein specialist and teaching hospital contents of this
chapter research methodology include research design, target population, sample size, sampling
technique, research instruments/data collection, data analysis, validity and reliability, limitations
and ethical consideration


This study will employ descriptive in design especial cross-sectional to collect the quantifiable
information for the impact prevalence of respiratory distress syndrome in neonates in baletwein
specialist and teaching hospital contents The study will be conducted through an explanatory
study; the purpose of explanatory research was to explain causal relationships between
Assessment knowledge attitude and practice of parents towards prevalence of respiratory distress
syndrome in neonates in baletwein specialist and teaching hospital contents


The target population of this study will be in baletwein specialist and teaching hospital The Data
will be collected using questionnaires and interviews. The target population of the study will be
the workers, residents and people within prevalence of respiratory distress syndrome in neonates
in baletwein specialist and teaching hospital of 80 of targeted people. It was from this population
that 66 respondents were sampled


Sampling is the process of selecting individuals from a population who will be studied (Burns
and Grove 28 days). A sampling frame is the full list of members of a population from which the
study participants will be selected. They were chosen by using a simple random sampling
method. The simple random sampling is a technique in which elements are selected for the study
prevalence of respiratory distress syndrome in neonates in baletwein specialist and teaching
hospital Page 28 in
a random manner (Burns, Grove 28 days). In order to determine the sample size of this study I
used this formula.

N N 80 80
n= 2 n= 2
1+N (e) 1+80 (0.05) 1+80 (0.0025)

(n=66.666 or 67) Where n= sample size

N=target population

E=margin of error


The researcher will use Stratified random sampling, one of the probabilities sampling techniques
Stratified random sampling divides the population into two or more relevant and significant
strata based on one or a number of attributes


category, target population, sample size and sampling technique that was used in the study

Categories of Target population Sample size Sampling Procedure

Public health 10 20 Purposive sampling
officers in B-S-T-H
doctors in B-S-T-H 40 30 Purposive sampling
Nurses in B-S-T-H 20 10 Purposive sampling
Lap in B-S-T-H 10 7 Purposive sampling

Total 80 67

The primary data of this study will be collected through questionnaire. Questionnaire will be
used in view of the reality that the study is concerned with variables that can’t be observing such
information is best way of collecting data through questionnaires. Researcher will select this
method because it gave the researcher opportunities to meet face to face the respondents and will
be explained the purpose of this study. the questionnaire of this study will be modified by the
researcher through following steps; they based questionnaires on the literature review and
research objectives in order to get the relevant information on the research question then,
researchers structured questionnaires into three sections; Part (A) profile of the respondents Part
(B) research question one part (C) Research question two; and the format of questionnaires
designed as five-point Liker scale. After that researcher made pilot-test the questions through
testing the role of socioeconomic status on student achievement, finally, the researcher
recorrected any mistakes and errors in order to enhance validity and reliability.


When the data from questionnaires will collect, the researcher will use Statistical package of
social science (SPSS Version 16.0 or Microsoft Office Excel 2007) and the information gathered
through graphical presentation. Thereafter, the research made an interpretation of the frequency
tables and accordingly makes a summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations.


According to defines reliability as the extent to which are consistent over time and accurate
representation of the total population under study is referred to as reliability and if the results of
the study can be reproduced under a similar methodology, then the researcher instrument is
considered reliable. While validity determines whether the research truly measures that which it
was intended to measure or how truthful the research results are. In other words, researchers
generally determine Assessment knowledge attitude and practice of parents towards factors
health promotion among adolescents Page 30 validity by asking a series of questions, and will
often look for the answers in the research of the others. The researcher will make sure any effort
to reach validity and reliability Cronbach Alpha for internal consistency and factor analysis to
validate the measurements.

This study was emphasized on the importance of health promotion and will be conducted in the
baletwein specialist and teaching hospital this study will be covered April 2019 with limited
period of this month.

 Time pressure which did not allow me to carry out the entire research work.
 Some of the respondents did not know English and medical terms.
 Some of the respondents rejected to fill the questionnaire
 One of wisest is a young child who cannot be interviewed before he is or she is 28 days old
 In the region there are not many doctors interview children
 If it is not possible to tell him to eat something because he is or she is very young


The researcher will consider ethical issues during research project, and this can be accomplished
by exercising privacy, confidentiality and anonymity. An anonymity and confidentiality of the
secret information gave high priority and this study was strictly, only academic purpose and that
utmost confidentiality were observed. Moreover, the researcher respected to maintain individual
self-confidence. For example,

1. Every respondent will be asked for permission to complete the questionnaire.

2. Good explanation was done before filing in
3. Privacy and confidentiality was maintained.

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