Major Events

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Counter Terrorism Protective

Security Advice
for Major Events

produced by

National Counter Terrorism Security Office


National Counter Terrorism Security Office

The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), on behalf of the Association of Chief
Police Officers, Terrorism and Allied Matters (ACPO TAM), works in partnership with the
Security Service to reduce the impact of terrorism in the United Kingdom by:
• Protecting the UK’s most vulnerable and valuable sites and assets.
• Enhancing the UK’s resilience to terrorist attack.
• Delivering protective security advice across the crowded places sectors.
NaCTSO aims to:
• Raise awareness of the terrorist threat and the measures that can be taken to reduce risks and
mitigate the effects of an attack.
• Co-ordinate national service delivery of protective security advice through the Counter Terrorism
Security Advisor (CTSA) network and monitor its effectiveness.
• Build and extend partnerships with communities, police and government stakeholders.
• Contribute to the development of Counter Terrorism policy and advice.

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Managing the Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3. Security Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4. Physical Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5. Good Housekeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6. Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7. CCTV Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8. Small Deliveries by Courier and Mail Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
9. Search Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10. Evacuation Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
11. Personnel Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
12. Information Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
13. Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
14. Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
15. Suicide Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
16. Firearm and Weapon Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
17. Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
18. Hostile Reconnaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
19. High Profile Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
20. Threat Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
APPENDIX ‘A’ Business Continuity Planning Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
APPENDIX ‘B’ Housekeeping Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
APPENDIX ‘C’ Access Control Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
APPENDIX ‘D’ CCTV Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
APPENDIX ‘E’ Searching Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
APPENDIX ‘F’ Evacuation/Invacuation Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
APPENDIX ‘G’ Personnel Security Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
APPENDIX ‘H’ Information Security Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
APPENDIX ‘I’ Communication Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
APPENDIX ‘J’ High Profile Event Good Practice Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Checklist Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Bomb Threat Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Useful Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

one introduction
This guide is intended to give protective security advice to those who are responsible for
organising major events and event security, irrespective of size and capacity and is not specific
to any particular type of event. It is aimed at those events where there may be a risk of a
terrorist attack either because of the nature of the event or the number or nature of the
people who host or attend it. It highlights the vital part you can play in the UK counter
terrorism strategy.
Terrorist attacks in the UK are a real and serious danger. The terrorist incidents in the
Haymarket, London and at Glasgow Airport in June 2007 indicate that terrorists
continue to target crowded places; largely because they are usually locations with
limited protective security measures and therefore afford the potential for mass
fatalities and casualties. Furthermore, these two particular incidents identify that
terrorists are prepared to use vehicles as a method of delivery and will attack sites
well away from London.
Terrorism can come in many forms, not just a physical attack on life and limb. It can include
interference with vital information or communication systems, causing disruption and
economic damage. Some attacks are easier to carry out if the terrorist is assisted by an
'insider' or by someone with specialist knowledge or access. Terrorism also includes threats or
hoaxes designed to frighten and intimidate. These have been targeted at various events in
the UK in the past .
It is possible that your event could be the target of a terrorist incident. This might include
having to deal with a bomb threat or with suspect items left in or around the event area.

In the worst case scenario your staff and customers could be killed or injured, and
your premises destroyed or damaged in a 'no warning', multiple and coordinated
terrorist attack.

Of course there is a need to make organised events as accessible as possible and to ensure
there is a welcoming atmosphere within event arenas. This guide is accordingly not intended
to create a 'fortress mentality'. There is however a balance to be achieved. Those responsible
for security are informed that there are robust protective security measures available to
mitigate against the threat of terrorism, e.g. protection from flying glass and vehicle access
controls into crowded areas, goods and service yards and underground car parks.
At some organised events there will be an expectation from the general public that security
measures will be in place. Equally, an organised event may take place at a location or in
premises where access control and elevated security are an unexpected and unusual (and
initially unwelcome) feature. This does not negate your responsibility to ensure appropriate
security measures are in place.

Law, Liability and Insurance

There are legal and commercial reasons why your event security plan should deter such acts,
or at least minimise their impact. They are:
Criminal prosecution and heavy penalties under health and safety laws for companies
and individuals who manage or are responsible for events are a real possibility in the wake of
a terrorist incident, particularly if it emerges that core standards and statutory duties have not

been met. Particularly relevant to protective security at events are the specific requirements of
the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Regulations made under it to do all of the
• carry out adequate risk assessments and put suitable measures in place to manage
identified risks, even where they are not of your making and are outside your direct
control: then be alert to the need to conduct prompt and regular reviews of those
assessments and measures in light of new threats and developments
• co-operate and co-ordinate safety arrangements between owners, managers, security
staff, tenants and others involved on site, including the sharing of incident plans and
working together in testing, auditing and improving planning and response. The
commercial tensions which naturally arise between landlords and tenants,
between event organisers and contractors and between neighbouring
organisations, who may well be in direct competition with each other, must be
left aside entirely when planning protective security
• ensure adequate training, information and equipment are provided to all staff, and
especially to those involved directly on the safety and security side
• put proper procedures and competent staff in place to deal with imminent and
serious danger and evacuation.
The need to focus on proper preparation and prevention to guard against criminal
prosecution for safety and security lapses has sharpened with the coming into force in April
2008 of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, and will take on an
even greater prominence when the current Health and Safety Offences Bill is passed into law.
That Bill will give the courts power to send individual directors, managers and others to jail
for up to 2 years for a breach of health and safety duties: at present the heaviest penalty that
can be imposed is in almost all cases a monetary fine.
Yet another spur to compliance comes in the form of the Regulatory Enforcement and
Sanctions Act 2008 which, when fully in force, will give regulators such as the HSE the power
to issue what are in effect heavy “fixed penalty” fines to businesses and event organisers
without needing to take a prosecution through the courts.
Insurance against the full cost of damage to your own commercial buildings from terrorist
acts is becoming harder to find in some sectors at an affordable premium. Adequate cover
for loss of revenue and business interruption during a rebuild or decontamination is expensive
even where available from the limited pool of specialist underwriters. Full protection against
compensation claims for death and injury to staff and customers caused by terrorism is
achievable, albeit at a cost.

With individual awards for death and serious injury commonly exceeding the publicly -
funded criminal injuries compensation scheme upper limit, there is every incentive for
victims to seek to make up any shortfall through direct legal action against owners,
operators, managers and tenants under occupiers liability laws. Having to pay large and
numerous compensation claims out of your own uninsured pocket could set your business
back several years.

Emergency and business continuity planning
A business continuity strategy is essential in ensuring that your event can simultaneously
respond to an incident and return to ‘business as usual’ as soon as possible. You should
develop an emergency response plan, which can be implemented to cover a wide range of
possible situations. For example, part of the plan will cover evacuation procedures, but the
principles will be generally applicable for fire, flooding, or bomb threat incidents. This is
particularly important for smaller operations that may not have the resources to withstand
even a few days of financial loss.
The British Standards Institution (BSi) has produced a Business Continuity
Management standard - BS25999 which provides further guidance on the subject of
Business Continuity Plans.
Reputation and goodwill are valuable, but prone to serious and permanent damage if it
turns out that you gave a less than robust, responsible and professional priority to best
protecting people against attack. Being security minded and better prepared reassures your
customers and staff that you are taking security issues seriously.
Do you know who your neighbours are and the nature of their business? Could an incident
at their premises affect your operation? There is limited value in safeguarding your own event
in isolation. Take into account your neighbours' business plans and those of the emergency
A number of organisations have adopted good practice to enhance the protective security
measures in and around their events. This document identifies and complements such good
practice measures.
This guide recognises that organised events differ in many ways including size, location,
layout and operation and that some of the advice included in this document may already
have been introduced at some locations.
For specific advice relating to your particular event, contact the nationwide network
of specialist police advisers known as Counter Terrorism Security Advisers (CTSAs)
through your local police force. They are coordinated by the National Counter
Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO). Your CTSA will also be able to direct you to a
suitable Police Security Co-ordinator if one is to be appointed to your major event,
who can give advice on event security.
It is essential that all the work you undertake on protective security is undertaken in
partnership with the police, other authorities such as the highway manager, open space
manager or land owner as appropriate and your neighbours, if your premises are to be
It is worth remembering that measures you may consider for countering terrorism will also
help against other threats, such as theft and criminal damage. Any extra measures that are
considered should integrate wherever possible with existing security.

two managing the risks
Managing the risk of terrorism is only one part of an event manager's
responsibility when preparing contingency plans in response to any incident in or
near their event which might prejudice public safety or disrupt normal operations.

The Events Safe Guide (purple guide) and the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (green
guide) are the main reference documents covering the management of event venues. An
event organiser also has a responsibility under Health and Safety Regulations and the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 or in Scotland the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and
Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006. In regard to running events in sports grounds
management must also be aware of their responsibilities under Health and Safety
Regulations and under the Safety Certificate issued under the Safety at Sports Grounds Act
1975 and/or the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987.
With regard to protective security, the best way to manage the hazards and risks to your
event is to start by understanding and identifying the threats to it, and its vulnerability to
those threats.
This will help you to decide:
• what security improvements you need to make
• what type of security and contingency plans you need to develop.
For some organised events, simple good practice - coupled with vigilance and well exercised
contingency arrangements - may be all that is needed.
If, however, you assess that you are vulnerable to attack, you should apply appropriate
protective security measures to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable.
The following diagram illustrates a typical risk management cycle:

1. Identify
the threats

4. Review your
security RISK 2. Establish
what you want
measures and MANAGEMENT to protect and
review your CYCLE your
security plans vulnerabilities

3. Identify
to reduce risk
security plans)

Step One: Identify the threats.
Understanding the terrorists intentions and capabilities - what they might do and how they
might do it - is crucial to assessing threat. Ask yourself the following questions:
• What can be learnt from the government and media about the current security climate,
or about recent terrorist activities? (Visit or refer to the Useful Contacts
section at the back of this booklet)
• Is there anything about the location of your event, its visitors, sponsors, contractors,
occupiers and staff, or your activities that would particularly attract a terrorist attack?
• Is there an association with high profile individuals or organisations which might be
terrorist targets?
• Do you have procedures in place and available for deployment on occasions when VIPs
attend your event?
• Could collateral damage occur from an attack on, or other incident to a high risk
• What can your local Police Service tell you about crime and other problems in the area
of the event?
• Is there any aspect of your business or activities that terrorists might wish to exploit to
aid their work, e.g. plans, technical expertise or unauthorised access?
• Do you communicate information about the threat and response levels to your staff?

Step Two: Decide what you need to protect and identify your
Your priorities for protection should fall under the following categories:
• People (staff, attendees, concessionaires, contractors, general public affected by the
presence of the event)
• Physical assets (buildings, contents, equipment, plans and sensitive materials)
• Information (electronic and paper data)
• Processes (supply chains, critical procedures) - the actual operational process and
essential services required to support it.
You know what is important to you and your event. You should already have plans in place
for dealing with fire and crime, procedures for assessing the integrity of those you employ or
provide contracting, protection from IT viruses and hackers, and measures to secure parts of
the event location.
Does your pre-event planning or post event review lead you to think you are at greater risk of
attack - perhaps because of the nature of your event or location of your event. If so, then
consider what others could find out about your vulnerabilities, such as:
• Information about you that is publicly available, e.g. on the internet or in public
• Anything that identifies installations or services vital to the continuation of your
• Any prestige targets that may be attractive to terrorists, regardless of whether their loss
would result in business collapse or event cancellation

You should have measures in place to limit access into service or back of house parts of the
event and vehicle access control measures into goods and service area.
As with Step One, consider whether there is an aspect of your event or activities that
terrorists might want to exploit to aid or finance their work. If there are, how stringent are
your checks on the people you recruit or on your contract personnel? Are your staff security
It is important that your staff can identify and know how to report suspicious activity. (See
hostile reconnaissance on page 57).

Step Three: Identify measures to reduce risk

An integrated approach to security is essential. This involves thinking about physical security,
information security and personnel security (i.e. good recruitment and employment practices).
There is little point investing in costly security measures if they can be easily undermined by a
disaffected member of staff or by a lax recruitment process.
Remember, TERRORISM IS A CRIME. Many of the security precautions typically used to
deter criminals are also effective against terrorists. So before you invest in additional security
measures, review what you already have in place. You may already have a good security
regime on which you can build.
If you need additional security measures, then make them most cost-effective by careful
planning wherever possible. If you are using an area or premises normally used for another
purpose, work with the occupiers to produce an integrated security package. Even if
organisations / businesses surrounding your event location are not concerned about terrorist
attacks, they will be concerned about general crime - and your security measures will help
protect against crime as well as terrorism.
Staff may be unaware of existing security measures, or may have developed habits to
circumvent them, e.g. short cuts through fire exits. Simply reinstating good basic security
practices and regularly reviewing them will bring benefits at negligible cost.

Step Four: Review your security measures and rehearse and

review security and contingency plans.
You should use your pre-event planning or post event review to exercise your plans to ensure
that they remain accurate, workable and up to date and draw on lessons learnt from previous
events. You should be aware of the need to develop bespoke plans for each location and
event you manage.
Rehearsals and exercises should, wherever possible, be conducted in conjunction with all
partners, emergency services and local authorities.
Make sure that your staff understand and accept the need for security measures and that
security is seen as part of everyone's responsibility, not merely something for security experts
or professionals. Make it easy for people to raise concerns or report observations.
See Good Practice Checklist - Business Continuity Planning in Appendix A.

three security planning
It is recognised that for many larger organised events responsibility for the implementation of
protective security measures following a vulnerability and risk assessment by a Counter
Terrorism Security Adviser (CTSA) will fall on a Security Manager within the organisation
team, who must have sufficient authority to direct the action taken in response to a security
threat. It is acknowledged that with different events this role may be performed by more than
one person and could be referred to in different job titles.
The Security Manager must be involved in the planning of the event's perimeter security,
access control, contingency plans etc, so that the terrorist dimension is taken into account.
The Security Manager must similarly be consulted over any temporary construction for the
event and/or liaise with security personnel for any building used for the event so that counter
terrorism recommendations, e.g. concerning glazing and physical barriers can be factored in,
taking into account any planning and safety regulations covered in the purple or green guides
as well as any appropriate Fire Safety Regulations.
The Security Manager at most organised events should already have responsibility
for most if not all of the following key areas:
• The production of the security plan based on the risk assessment
• The formulation and maintenance of a search plan
• The formulation and maintenance of other contingency plans dealing with bomb
threats, suspect packages, protected spaces and evacuation/invacuations
• Liaising with the police, other emergency services and local authorities
• Arranging staff training, including his/her own deputies and conducting
• Conducting regular reviews of the plans.
For independent and impartial counter terrorism advice and guidance that is site specific, the
Security Manager should establish contact with the local police Counter Terrorism Security
Adviser (CTSA). Most UK Police Forces have at least two CTSAs.
Your CTSA can:
• Help you assess the threat, both generally and specifically
• Give advice on physical security equipment and its particular application to the methods
used by terrorists; The CTSA will be able to comment on its effectiveness as a deterrent,
as protection and as an aid to post-incident investigation
• Facilitate contact with emergency services and local authority planners to develop
appropriate response and contingency plans
• Identify appropriate trade bodies for the supply and installation of security equipment
• Offer advice on search plans
• Assist you in contacting a Police Security Co-ordinator (SECCO - see page 59) for advice
if appropriate

Creating your Security Plan
The Security Manager should aim to produce a plan that has been fully exercised, and which
is regularly audited to ensure that it is still current and workable. Singular events should still
test any bespoke plans developed, to ensure they are workable and fit for purpose.
Before you invest in additional security measures, review what is already in place, including
known weaknesses such as blind spots in any CCTV system.
When creating your security plan, consider the following:
• Details of all the protective security measures to be implemented, covering physical,
information and personnel security
• Instructions on briefing content to security staff including type of behaviour to look for
and methods of reporting
• Instructions on how to respond to a threat (e.g. telephone bomb threat)
• Instructions on how to respond to the discovery of a suspicious item or event
• A search plan
• Evacuation and invacuation plans and details on securing the attraction in the event of a
major incident
• Your business continuity plan
• A communications and media strategy which includes handling enquiries from
concerned family and friends.
Security Managers should also be familiar with the advice contained in the 'Fire Safety Risk
Assessment - ‘Small and Medium Places of Assembly’ and ‘Large Places of Assembly'
guidance documents (available to download at

Your planning should incorporate the seven key instructions applicable to most
1. Do not touch suspicious items
2. Move everyone away to a safe distance
3. Prevent others from approaching
4. Communicate safely to staff, business visitors and the public
5. Use hand-held radios or mobile phones away from the immediate vicinity of a suspect
item, remaining out of line of sight and behind hard cover
6. Notify the police
7. Ensure that whoever found the item or witnessed the incident remains on hand to brief
the police.

Effective security plans are simple, clear and flexible, but must be compatible with any
existing plans for premises/locations used for events, e.g. evacuation plans and fire safety
strategies. Everyone must be clear about what they need to do in a particular incident. Once
made, your plans must be followed.

four physical security
Physical security is important in protecting against a range of threats and addressing
Put in place security measures to remove or reduce your vulnerabilities to as low as
reasonably practicable bearing in mind the need to consider safety as a priority at all times.
Security measures must not compromise public safety.
Your risk assessment will determine which measures you should adopt, but they range from
basic good housekeeping (keeping communal areas clean and tidy) through CCTV, perimeter
fencing, intruder alarms, computer security and lighting, to specialist solutions such as
perimeter detection systems equipment.
Specialist solutions, in particular, should be based on a thorough assessment - not least
because you might otherwise invest in equipment which is ineffective, unnecessary and

Successful security measures require:

• The support of senior management
• Staff awareness of the measures and their responsibility in making them work
• A senior, identified person within your organisation having responsibility for security.

Action you should consider

Contact your Counter Terrorism Security Adviser (CTSA) through your local police force at the
start of the process. As well as advising you on physical security, they can direct you to
professional bodies that regulate and oversee reputable suppliers.
Local Police Security Co-ordinators (SECCO) may be allocated to give security advice to large
events, liaising with CTSAs for specialist advice on physical security measures.
Remember, you will need to ensure that all necessary regulations are met, such as Local
Authority permissions, health and safety and fire prevention requirements.
Plan carefully - as this can help keep costs down. Whilst it is important not to delay the
introduction of necessary equipment or procedures, costs may be reduced if the premises or
location you are using already has the necessary security which can be easily integrated
within your own plan.

Security awareness
The vigilance of your staff (including concessionaire, cleaning, maintenance and contract
staff) is essential to your protective measures. They will know their own work areas very well
and should be encouraged to be alert to unusual behaviour or items out of place.
They must have the confidence to report any suspicions, knowing that reports - including
false alarms - will be taken seriously and regarded as a contribution to the safe running of
the event.
Training is therefore particularly important. Staff should be briefed to look out for packages,
bags or other items in odd places, carefully placed (rather than dropped) items in rubbish bins
and unusual interest shown by strangers in less accessible places. See hostile reconnaissance
on page 57.

Access control
Keep access points to a minimum and make sure the boundary between public and private
areas of your operation is secure and clearly signed. Ensure there are appropriately trained
and briefed security personnel to manage access control points or alternatively invest in good
quality access control systems, especially in VIP or restricted access areas. See High Profile
Events on page 61.

Security passes
If a staff pass system is in place, insist that staff wear their passes at all times and that the
issuing is strictly controlled and regularly reviewed. Visitors to private or restricted areas
should be escorted and should wear clearly marked temporary passes, which must be
returned on leaving. Anyone not displaying security passes in private or restricted areas
should either be challenged or reported immediately to security or management. Passes
should include a photograph of the bearer, and returned against signature.

Screening and Patrolling

The screening of hand baggage is a significant deterrent that may be a suitable protective
security consideration for your event.
Routine searching and patrolling of premises represents another level of vigilance; covering
both internal and external areas. Keep patrols regular, though not too predictable (i.e. every
hour on the hour). See Search Planning on page 29.

Traffic and parking controls

If you believe you might be at risk from a vehicle bomb, the basic principle is to keep all
vehicles at a safe distance. Those requiring essential access should be identified in advance
and checked before being allowed through. If possible, you should ensure that you have
proper access control, careful landscaping, traffic-calming measures and robust, well-lit
barriers or bollards. Ideally, keep non-essential vehicles at the maximum possible distance, at
least 30 metres from your event.
For site specific advice and guidance you should contact your CTSA or SECCO. See also
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices on page 49.

Doors and windows

Good quality doors and windows on permanent structures are essential to ensure building
security, advice on the appropriate standards can be obtained from your local police force.
If using a temporary building structure as a location for an event a survey of the existing
doors, windows and build materials could be made to identify any gaps in mitigating your
own event security vulnerabilities. External doors should be strong, well lit and fitted with
good quality locks where possible. Due to the temporary nature of these structures capable
guardians or other appropriate security measures may provide a more suitable solution.
Doors that are not often used should be internally secured ensuring compliance with relevant
fire safety regulations and their security monitored with an alarm system. This is particularly
important where an external search / screening operation is present in order to prevent
unauthorised entry and bypassing any search regime.
As a minimum accessible windows should be secured with good quality key operated locks.
The police may provide further advice on temporarily improving the security of glazed doors
and accessible windows.

• Many casualties in urban terrorist attacks are caused by flying glass, especially in modern
buildings and glazing protection is an important casualty reduction measure.
• Extensive research has been carried out on the effects of blast on glass. There are
technologies that minimise shattering and casualties, as well as the costs of re-
• Anti-shatter film, which holds fragmented pieces of glass together, offers a relatively
cheap and rapid improvement to existing glazing. If you are installing new windows,
consider laminated glass, but before undertaking any improvements seek specialist
advice through your police CTSA or visit for further details

The style and quality of perimeter security will depend on the risks and vulnerabilities
identified in your security assessment. If any searching of persons or vehicles has taken place
then a robust perimeter must be maintained in order to have full confidence in the security
regime applied. Where possible use existing structures to contain an event area.
Temporary fencing will require supporting processes such as patrol, CCTV coverage and
alarms to ensure reduction in risk. Equally, any temporary fencing must adhere to health &
safety legislation, purple and green guide advice and fire regulations, remembering safety
must always have priority over security.

Integrated security systems

Intruder alarms, CCTV and lighting are commonly used to deter crime, detect offenders and
delay their actions. All these systems must be integrated so that they work together in an
effective and coordinated manner.
Intrusion detection technology can play an important role in an integrated security system; it
is as much a deterrent as a means of protection. If police response to any alarm is required,
your system must be compliant with the Association of Chief Police Officers' (ACPO) security
systems policy ( In Scotland For further
information, contact the Alarms Administration Office at your local police headquarters.
Using CCTV can help clarify whether a security alert is real and is often vital in post-incident
investigations, but only if the images are good enough to identify what happened and be
used in court.
External lighting provides an obvious means of deterrence as well as detection, but take into
account the impact of additional lighting on your neighbours. If it is carefully designed and
used, external lighting will help security staff and improve the capabilities of CCTV systems.
Remember that CCTV is only effective if it is properly monitored, maintained and can
provide an active response.
See CCTV guidance on page 23.

five good housekeeping
Good housekeeping improves the
ambience of your event and reduces
the opportunity for placing
suspicious items or bags and helps to
deal with false alarms and hoaxes.
You can reduce the number of places
where devices may be left by considering
the following points:
• Avoid the use of litter bins around
critical/vulnerable areas of the event i.e.
do not place litter bins next to or near
glazing, support structures, most sensitive or critical areas (but if you do ensure that there is
additional and prompt cleaning in these areas).
• Alternatively review the management of all your litter bins and consider the size of their
openings, their blast mitigation capabilities and location.
• The use of clear bags for waste disposal is a further alternative as it provides an easier
opportunity for staff to conduct an initial examination for suspicious items.
• Review the use and security of compactors, wheelie bins and metal bins to store rubbish
within service areas, goods entrances and near areas where crowds congregate.
• Keep public and communal areas - exits, entrances, queues, lavatories - clean and tidy, as
well as service corridors and areas.
• Keep the fixtures and fittings in such areas to a minimum - ensuring that there is little
opportunity to hide devices.
• Temporary information stands, concessionaires and kiosks should be searched before and
after use and secured or moved when unattended.
• Lock unoccupied offices, rooms and store cupboards.
• Ensure that everything has a place and that things are returned to that place.
• Place tamper proof plastic seals on maintenance hatches.
• Keep external areas as clean and tidy as possible.
• All event sites should have in place an agreed procedure for the management of
contractors, their vehicles and waste collection services. The vehicle registration mark (VRM)
of each vehicle and its occupants, should be known to the event security or management in
• If allowed, pruning vegetation and trees, especially near entrances, will assist in surveillance
and prevent concealment of any packages.

Additionally consider the following points:
Ensure that all staff are trained in bomb threat handling procedures or at least have ready
access to instructions - and know where these are kept. (See bomb threat checklist)
If your event has a CCTV, review your system to ensure it has sufficient coverage both
internally and externally.
Management should ensure that Fire Extinguishers are appropriately marked and
authorised for the locations they will be kept. Regular checks should be made to ensure
that they have not been interfered with or replaced.
Event management should identify a secondary secure location for a control room (if they
have one) as part of their normal contingency plans.
All event systems should have an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) available which is
regularly tested if it is identified that power loss would impact on the safety of the public.

See good practice checklist - Good Housekeeping in Appendix 'B'.

six access control
Any lack of vigilance around pedestrian and vehicle entrances to your event and queues
forming outside your main event area affords anonymity to a potential terrorist.
Security staff deployed externally should adopt a 'see and be seen' approach and where
possible police any queuing outside the event. The queue should be orderly, monitored by
CCTV operators if available and communication between visitors and staff established.
This is especially important if large numbers of persons are expected to queue to enter an
event. Consider staging the queuing process to ensure security staff are given the opportunity
to scrutinise every visitor as they enter the event site. Staff must be briefed on what to look
for and how to deal with it.
There should be clear demarcation between public and private areas, with appropriate access
control measures into and out of the private side. This relates to private areas within the
event, not public entrances.

Risk assessment
Refer to 'managing the risks' on page 9 and decide the level of security you require before
planning your access control system. Take into account any special features you may require.

The access control system to your private or restricted areas, back of house corridors and
service yards is often the first impression of security made upon persons attending your event.

Ease of access
Examine the layout of your system. Ensure that your entry and exit procedures allow
legitimate users to pass without undue effort and delay.
Ideally, adopt a photo ID card access control system which varies in appearance for the
different levels of access across the site. Security staff should be instructed what to examine
when checking passes and this should be quality assured through testing.

Ensure your staff are fully aware of the role and operation of your access control system. Your
installer should provide adequate system training.

System maintenance
Your installer should supply all relevant system documentation, e.g. log books and service
schedules. Are you aware of the actions required on system breakdown? Do you have a
satisfactory system maintenance agreement in place? Is there a contingency plan you can
implement at a moments notice?

Your access control system should support other security measures. Consider system
Compatibility between access control, alarms, CCTV and text alert systems.

Your access control system should be compliant with:
• The Disability Discrimination Act 1995
• The Data Protection Act 1998
• The Human Rights Act 1998
• The Fire Safety Order 2005
• Health and Safety Acts
• The Fire (Scotland) Act 2005
• Events Safe Guide (purple guide)
• Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (green guide)
Access control is only one important element of your overall security system.

Whether driving a lorry or carrying explosives, a terrorist needs physical access in
order to reach the intended target.

See Good Practice Checklist - Access Control and Visitors in Appendix 'C'

seven cctv guidance
CCTV can help clarify whether a security alert is real and
is often vital in any post incident investigation.
You may be able to set up your own CCTV system,
bespoke to the event, or where possible use a permanent
system in the building or area you are using if suitable.
If you have access to a CCTV system you should
constantly monitor the images captured or regularly
check recordings for suspicious activity ensuring at all
times full compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998
which should be specified in your CCTV Data Protection
If you contract in CCTV operators they must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority if
the CCTV equipment is deployed into fixed positions or has a pan, tilt and zoom capability
and where operators:
• Cover all the entrances and exits to your event and other areas that are critical to the
safe management and security of your operation.
• Proactively monitor the activities of members of the public whether they are in public
areas or on private property.
• Use cameras to focus on the activities of particular people either by controlling or
directing cameras to an individual's activities.
• Use cameras to look out for particular individuals.
• Use recorded CCTV images to identify individuals or to investigate their activities.
Since 20 March 2006, contract CCTV operators must carry an SIA CCTV (Public Space
Surveillance) license - it is illegal to work without one. Your security contractor should be
aware of this and you should ensure that only licensed staff are supplied. SIA licensing applies
in Scotland from 1 November 2007. Further guidance can be found at
With more organisations moving towards digital CCTV systems, you should liaise with your
local police to establish that your system software is compatible with theirs to allow retrieval
and use of your images for evidential purposes.

Ask yourself the following questions:

• Is your CCTV system currently achieving what you require it to do? Do you need it to
confirm alarms, detect intruders through doors or corridors and produce images of
evidential quality?
• Are the CCTV cameras in use for the protective security of your event integrated with
those used to monitor crowd or visitor movement?
• Would the introduction of an Automatic Number Plate Reader (ANPR) system
complement your security operation?

The Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) has published many useful
documents relating to CCTV, including 'CCTV Operational Requirements Manual' (Ref:
55/06), 'UK Police Requirements for Digital CCTV Systems' (Ref: 09/05), and 'Performance
Testing of CCTV Systems' (Ref: 14/95).

Consider also the following points:

• Ensure the date and time stamps of the system are accurate.
• Regularly check the quality of recordings.
• Digital CCTV images should be stored in accordance with the evidential needs of the
Police. Refer to HOSBD publication 09/05.
• Ensure that appropriate lighting complements the system during daytime and darkness
• For analogue systems change tapes daily - use no more than 12 times.
• Keep your tapes for at least 31 days.
• Use good quality video tape and check it regularly by playing it back on a different
• Ensure the images recorded are clear - that people and vehicles are clearly identifiable.
• Check that the images captured are of the right area.
• Implement standard operating procedures, codes of practice and audit trails.
• Give consideration to the number of camera images a single CCTV operator can
effectively monitor at any one time.
• Do you have sufficient qualified staff to continue to monitor your CCTV system during
an incident, evacuation or search?
See Good Practice Checklist - CCTV in Appendix 'D'

CCTV Maintenance
CCTV maintenance must be planned and organised in advance and not carried out on an
ad hoc basis. If regular maintenance is not carried out, the system may eventually fail to
meet its operational Requirement (OR).
What occurs if a system is not maintained?
• The system gets DIRTY causing poor usability
• CONSUMABLES wear causing poor performance
• Major parts FAIL
• WEATHER damage can cause incorrect coverage
• DELIBERATE damage/environmental changes can go undetected

eight small deliveries by courier and
mail handling
Events often necessitate receiving a wide variety of deliveries. If using premises for
an event there may be mail and other deliveries as part of the normal occupiers
business within those premises. This offers an attractive route into premises for
Each event should consider the need for a screening process at their mail handling
site, whether at a temporary or permanent structure and consider the following:

Delivered Items
Delivered items, which include letters, parcels, packages and anything delivered by post or
courier, has been a commonly used terrorist device. A properly conducted risk assessment
should give you a good idea of the likely threat to your organisation/event and indicate
precautions you need to take.
Delivered items may be explosive or incendiary (the two most likely kinds), or chemical,
biological or radiological. Anyone receiving a suspicious delivery is unlikely to know which
type it is, so procedures should cater for every eventuality.
Delivered items come in a variety of shapes and sizes; a well made one will look innocuous
but there may be telltale signs.

Indicators to Suspicious Deliveries/Mail

• It is unexpected or of unusual origin or from an unfamiliar sender.
• There is no return address or the address cannot be verified.
• It is poorly or inaccurately addressed e.g. incorrect title, spelt wrongly, title but no
name, or addressed to an individual no longer with the company.
• The address has been printed unevenly or in an unusual way.
• The writing is in an unfamiliar or unusual style.
• There are unusual postmarks or postage paid marks.
• A Jiffy bag, or similar padded envelope, has been used.
• It seems unusually heavy for its size. Most letters weigh up to about 28g or 1 ounce,
whereas most effective letter bombs weigh 50-100g and are 5mm or more thick.
• It is marked 'personal' or 'confidential'.
• It is oddly shaped or lopsided.
• The envelope flap is stuck down completely (a harmless letter usually has an
ungummed gap of 3-5mm at the corners).
• There is a smell, particularly of almonds or marzipan.
• There is an additional inner envelope, and it is tightly taped or tied (however, in some
organisations sensitive or 'restricted' material is sent in double envelopes as standard

Chemical, biological or radiological materials in
the post
Terrorists may seek to send chemical, biological or radiological (CBR)
materials in the post. It is difficult to provide a full list of possible CBR
indicators because of the diverse nature of the materials. However,
some of the more common and obvious are:
• Unexpected granular, crystalline or finely powdered material (of any colour and usually
with the consistency of coffee, sugar or baking powder), loose or in a container.
• Unexpected sticky substances, sprays or vapours.
• Unexpected pieces of metal or plastic, such as discs, rods, small sheets or spheres.
• Strange smells, e.g. garlic, fish, fruit, mothballs, pepper. If you detect a smell, do not go
on sniffing it. However, some CBR materials are odourless and tasteless.
• Stains or dampness on the packaging.
• Sudden onset of illness or irritation of skin, eyes or nose.
CBR devices containing finely ground powder or liquid may be hazardous without being

What you can do:

• The precise nature of the incident (chemical, biological or radiological) may not be
readily apparent. Keep your response plans general and wait for expert help from the
emergency services.
• Review plans for protecting staff and visitors in the event of a terrorist threat or attack.
Remember that evacuation may not be the best solution. You will need to be guided
by the emergency services on the day.
• Plan for the shutdown of systems that may contribute to the movement of airborne
hazards (e.g. computer equipment containing fans and air-conditioning units).
• Ensure that doors can be closed quickly if required.
• If your external windows are not permanently sealed shut, develop plans for closing
them in response to a warning or incident.
• Examine the feasibility of emergency shutdown of air-handling systems and ensure that
any such plans are well rehearsed.
• Where a hazard can be isolated by leaving the immediate area, do so as quickly as
possible, closing doors and windows as you go.
• Move those directly affected by an incident to a safe location as close as possible to
the scene of the incident, so as to minimise spread of contamination.
• Separate those directly affected by an incident from those not involved so as to
minimise the risk of inadvertent cross-contamination.
• Ask people to remain in situ - though you cannot contain them against their will.

You do not need to make any special arrangements beyond normal first aid provision. The
emergency services will take responsibility for treatment of casualties.

Planning your mail handling procedures
Although any suspect item should be taken seriously, remember that most will be false
alarms, and a few may be hoaxes. Try to ensure that your procedures, while effective, are not
needlessly disruptive. Take the following into account in your planning:
• Seek advice from your local police Counter Terrorism Security Adviser (CTSA) on the
threat and on defensive measures.
• Consider processing all incoming mail and deliveries at one point only. This should
ideally be off-site or in a separate building, or at least in an area that can easily be
isolated and in which deliveries can be handled without taking them through other parts
of the event or site.
• Ensure that all staff who handle mail are briefed and trained. Include reception staff and
encourage regular correspondents to put their return address on each item.
• Ensure that all sources of incoming mail (e.g. Royal Mail, couriers, and hand delivery) are
included in your screening process.
• Ideally post rooms should have independent air conditioning and alarm systems, as well
as scanners and x-ray machines. However, while mail scanners may detect devices for
spreading chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) materials (e.g. explosive devices),
they will not detect the materials themselves.
• At present, there are no CBR detectors capable of identifying all hazards reliably.
• Post rooms should also have their own washing and shower facilities, including soap
and detergent.
• Staff need to be aware of the usual pattern of deliveries and to be briefed of unusual
occurrences. Train them to open post with letter openers (and with minimum
movement), to keep hands away from noses and mouths and always to wash their
hands afterwards. Staff should not blow into envelopes or shake them. Packages
suspected of containing biological, chemical or radiological material should ideally be
placed in a double sealed bag.
• Consider whether staff handling post need protective equipment such as latex gloves
and facemasks (seek advice from a qualified health and safety expert). Keep overalls and
footwear available in case they need to remove contaminated clothing.
• Make certain post opening areas can be promptly evacuated. Rehearse evacuation
procedures and routes, which should include washing facilities in which contaminated
staff could be isolated and treated.
• Staff who are responsible for mail handling should be made aware of the importance of
isolation in reducing contamination.
• Prepare signs for display to staff in the event of a suspected or actual attack.

nine search planning
Searches of the event area should be conducted as part of your daily good housekeeping
routine. They should also be conducted in response to a specific threat and when there is a
heightened response level.
As previously mentioned under Security Planning, it is recognised that for the majority of
events responsibility for the implementation of any search planning, following a vulnerability
and risk assessment, will fall upon the Security Manager. Where an event is held in a building,
check with the owners/occupiers if a search plan is in existence and who would have
responsibility for its implementation.
The following advice is generic for most events, but recognises that they are built and
operate differently. If considered necessary, advice and guidance on searching should be
available through your local Police Security Co-ordinator (SECCO) if appointed, CTSA or Police
Search Adviser (POLSA).

Search Plans
• Search plans should be prepared in advance and staff should be trained in them.
• The conduct of searches will depend on local circumstances and local knowledge, but
the overall objective is to make sure that the entire area, including grounds, are
searched in a systematic and thorough manner so that no part is left unchecked.
• If you decide to evacuate your event in response to an incident or threat, you will also
need to search it in order to ensure it is safe for re-occupancy.
• The police will not normally search events. (See High Profile Events page 61). They are
not familiar with the layout and will not be aware of what should be there and what is
out of place. They cannot, therefore, search as quickly or as thoroughly as a member of
staff or on site security personnel.
• The member(s) of staff nominated to carry out the search do not need to have expertise
in explosives or other types of device. But they must be familiar with the place they are
searching. They are looking for any items that should not be there, that cannot be
accounted for and items that are out of place.
• Ideally, searchers should search in pairs; to ensure searching is systematic and thorough.

Action You Should Take

Consider dividing your event area into sectors. If the site is organised into areas and sections,
these should be identified as separate search sectors. Each sector must be of manageable
The sectorised search plan should have a written checklist - signed when completed - for the
information of the event Security Manager.
Remember to include any stairs, fire escapes, corridors, toilets and lifts in the search
plan, as well as car parks, service yards and other areas outside. If evacuation is
considered or implemented, then a search of the assembly areas, the routes to them
and the surrounding area should also be made prior to evacuation.
Consider the most effective method of initiating the search. You could:

• Send a message to the search teams over a public address system (the messages should
be coded to avoid unnecessary disruption and alarm)
• Use personal radios or pagers.

Your planning should incorporate the seven key instructions applicable to most
1. Do not touch suspicious items.
2. Move everyone away to a safe distance.
3. Prevent others from approaching.
4. Communicate safely to staff, visitors and the public.
5. Use hand-held radios or mobile phones away from the immediate vicinity of a
suspect item, remaining out of line of sight and behind hard cover.
6. Notify the police.
7. Ensure that whoever found the item or witnessed the incident remains on hand
to brief the police.

Exercise your search plan before the event. The searchers need to get a feel for the logical
progression through their designated area and the length of time this will take. They also
need to be able to search without unduly alarming any visitors.

Searching of persons entering your event

The security of your event relies on having some control over persons entering it. The security
will differ on event days and non event days. As an event day approaches you may feel the
need to increase the level of security at your venue.
The best practice is to conduct a search and clear the area as previously described. This will
give you confidence that your event is clear and fit for purpose. Having spent that time and
effort searching your stadium the security could be compromised if you fail to take adequate
steps to search persons entering the venue.
When the venue search is complete all persons entering the event should go through a
search regime. Dependent on the threat this search could be restricted to random bag
searches or at times of a high security risk extend up to full body searches of every person
entering the venue.
Consider the following.
• Ensure that event regulations include a right to refuse entry unless searched.
• Ensure that temporary staff have a clause within their contracts allowing them to be searched.
• Consider advising visitors that searches will be carried out. They should arrive early and be
encouraged not to bring bags. This can be achieved by marking tickets, use of your website
or pre-event advertising.
• Ensure you have properly briefed the searching staff on their powers and what they are
searching for.
• Ensure the search areas have sufficient space.

• Consider separating queues into those with bags and those who can be fast tracked
through the search area.
• Ensure you have sufficient staff to carry out the searches.
• Search queues allow the profiling of visitors by security staff. This allows an opportunity to
identify possible hostile reconnaissance.
• Consider the fact that visitors often arrive in large groups, close to the event start time. This
can impact on the ability of the searchers to achieve their aims.
• Experience shows that when there is a real threat from terrorism, most visitors not only
accept searching, they actually expect to be searched. It instils confidence that an event is a
safe environment and an enjoyable experience.
Discuss your search plan with your SECCO if appointed, CTSA or POLSA.
See good practice checklist - Searching in Appendix 'D'

ten evacuation planning
As with search planning, evacuation should be part of your security plan. You might need to
evacuate your event because of:
• A threat received directly to the owners of the land/premises, highways
manager or open space manager of the event site.
• A threat received directly to the event organiser.
• A threat received elsewhere and passed on to you by the police.
• Discovery of a suspicious item in the event (perhaps a postal package, an unclaimed
hold-all or rucksack).
• Discovery of a suspicious item or vehicle outside the event area or building.
• An incident to which the police have alerted you.
Whatever the circumstances, you should tell the police as soon as possible what action you
are taking.
The biggest dilemma facing anyone responsible for an evacuation plan is how to judge where
the safest place might be. For example, if an evacuation route takes people past a suspect
device outside your building, or through an area believed to be contaminated, external
evacuation may not be the best course of action.
A very important consideration when planning evacuation routes in response to
near simultaneous terrorist attacks is to ensure people are moved away from other
potential areas of vulnerability, or areas where a larger secondary device could
The decision to evacuate will normally be yours, but the police will advise. In exceptional
cases they may insist on evacuation, although they should always do so in consultation with
your Security Manager, or if an event is already running this responsibility often lies with the
event safety officer.
A general rule of thumb is to find out if the device is external or internal to any premises or
structure you are using for your event. If it is within a building you may consider evacuation,
but if the device is outside the building it may be safer to stay inside.
Planning and initiating evacuation should be the responsibility of the event Security Manager
in consultation with any resident security manager if a building is being used. Depending on
the size of your business and the location of the building, the plan may include:
• Full evacuation outside the event area or building.
• Evacuation of part of the event area or building, if the device is small and thought to be
confined to one location (e.g. a small bag found in an area easily contained).
• Full or partial evacuation to an internal safe area, such as a protected space, if available.
• Evacuation of all staff apart from designated searchers.

Evacuation instructions must be clearly communicated to staff and routes and exits must be
well defined. Appoint people to act as marshals and as contacts once the assembly area is

reached. Assembly areas should be at least 500 metres away from the incident. In the case of
most vehicle bombs, for instance, this distance would put them beyond police cordons -
although it would be advisable to have an alternative about 1km away.
It is important to ensure that staff are aware of the locations of assembly areas for incident
evacuation as well as those for fire evacuation and that the two are not confused by those
responsible for directing members of the public to either.

Grab bags
A ‘Grab Bag’ should be available which contains essential equipment and information. All
relevant contact information, the staff involved, tenants and other site information should be
contained in an easily accessible format.
Suggested ‘Grab Bag’ contents:
• Emergency and Floor plans (laminated)
• List of Contacts (laminated) staff, head office, etc
• Incident Log (consider dictaphone), notebook, pens, markers, etc
• First aid kit designed for major emergencies) consider large bandages, burn shields or
cling film, large sterile strips, cold packs, baby wipes as well as standard equipment
• Torch and spare batteries or wind up
• Glow sticks
• Radio (wind up)
• High visibility jackets
• Loud hailer and spare batteries
• Hazard and cordon tape.
• Plastic macs / foil blankets / bin liners
• Dust / toxic fume masks
• Water (plastic container) and chocolate/glucose tablets
• Computer back up tapes / disks / USB memory sticks or flash drives (see extra documents
to be stored below).
Some extra items you could consider:
• Spare keys / security codes
• Mobile telephone with credit available, plus charger (wind up if possible).
• Disposable / Small camera.
• Hard hats / protective goggles / heavy duty gloves
Documents which can be electronically stored if accessible, otherwise paper copy
should be readily available:
• Business Continuity Plan - your plan to recover your business or organisation.
• List of employees with contact details - include home and mobile numbers. You may also
wish to include next-of-kin contact details.

• Lists of customer and supplier details.
• Contact details for emergency glaziers and building contractors.
• Contact details for utility companies.
• Building site plan, including location of gas, electricity and water shut off points.
• Latest stock and equipment inventory.
• Insurance company details.
• Local authority contact details.
Make sure this pack or packs are stored safely and securely site on site or at an accessible
emergency location nearby. Ensure items in the pack are checked regularly, are kept up to
date, and are working. Remember that cash / credit cards may be needed for emergency
This list is not exhaustive, and there may be other documents or equipment that should be
included for your business or organisation.
Car parks should not be used as assembly areas and furthermore assembly areas
should always be searched before they are utilised.
Disabled staff should be individually briefed on their evacuation procedures.

In the case of suspected:

Letter or parcel bombs
If in a premises evacuate the room and the floor concerned and the adjacent rooms along
with the two floors immediately above and below if applicable. If the structures are of
temporary construction then evacuate at least 500 metres from the device.
Chemical, Biological and Radiological Incidents
Responses to Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) incidents will vary more than those
involving conventional or incendiary devices, but the following general points should be noted:
• The exact nature of an incident may not be immediately apparent. For example, an
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) might also involve the release of CBR material.
• In the event of a suspected CBR incident within a building, switch off all air
conditioning, ventilation and other systems or items that circulate air (e.g. fans and
personal computers). Do not allow anyone, whether exposed or not, to leave evacuation
areas before the emergency services have given medical advice, assessments or
• If an incident occurs outside an enclosed temporary structure or building, close all doors
and windows and switch off any systems that draw air into the structure/building.
Agree your evacuation plan in advance with the police and emergency services, the local
authority and any neighbours. Ensure that staff with particular responsibilities are trained and
that all staff are drilled. Remember, too, to let the police know what action you are taking
during any incident.
Security managers should ensure that they have a working knowledge of the heating,
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and how these may contribute to the spread
of CBR materials within the structure/building.

Protected Spaces
Protected spaces in permanent structures may offer the best protection against
blast, flying glass and other fragments. They may also offer the best protection
when the location of the possible bomb is unknown, when it may be near your
external evacuation route or when there is an external CBR attack.
Since glass and other fragments may kill or maim at a considerable distance from
the centre of a large explosion, moving people into protected spaces is often safer
than evacuating them onto the streets. Protected spaces should be located:
• In areas surrounded by full - height masonry walls e.g. internal corridors, toilet
areas or conference rooms with doors opening inwards.
• Away from windows and external walls.
• Away from the area in between the building's perimeter and the first line of
supporting columns (known as the 'perimeter structural bay').
• Away from stairwells or areas with access to lift shafts where these open at
ground level onto the street, because blast can travel up them. If, however, the
stair and lift cores are entirely enclosed, they could make good protected
• Avoiding ground floor or first floor if possible.
• In an area with enough space to contain the occupants.
When choosing a protected space, seek advice from a structural engineer with
knowledge of explosive effects and do not neglect the provision of toilet facilities,
seating, drinking water and communications.
Consider duplicating critical systems or assets in other buildings at a sufficient
distance to be unaffected in an emergency that denies you access to you own. If
this is impossible, try to locate vital systems in part of your building that offers
similar protection to that provided by a protected space.

Ensure that staff know their security roles and that they or their deputies are always
contactable. All staff, including night or temporary staff, should be familiar with any
telephone recording, redial or display facilities and know how to contact police and security
staff in or out of office hours.
It is essential to have adequate communications within and between protected spaces. You
will at some stage wish to give the 'all clear', or tell staff to remain where they are, to move
to another protected space or evacuate the building. Communications may be by public
address system (in which case you will need standby power), hand-held radio or other
standalone systems. Do not rely on mobile phones. You also need to communicate with the
emergency services. Whatever systems you choose should be regularly tested and available
within the protected space.

Converting to open plan

If you are converting your building to open plan accommodation, remember that the removal
of internal walls reduces protection against blast and fragments.

Interior rooms with reinforced concrete or masonry walls often make suitable protected
spaces as they tend to remain intact in the event of an explosion outside the building. If
corridors no longer exist then you may also lose your evacuation routes, assembly or
protected spaces, while the new layout will probably affect your bomb threat contingency
When making such changes, try to ensure that there is no significant reduction in staff
protection, for instance by improving glazing protection. If your premises are already open
plan and there are no suitable protected spaces, then evacuation may be your only option.

Open air events

If your event is predominantly in the open with only temporary demountable structures such
as marquees, event kiosks or simply an open space, the protected space principle is unlikely
to offer any suitable refuge and evacuation may again be your only option.

eleven personnel security
Some external threats, whether from criminals, terrorists, or competitors seeking a business
advantage, may rely upon the co-operation of an 'insider'.
This could be an employee or any contract or agency staff (e.g. cleaner, caterer, security
guard) who has authorised access to your premises. If an employee, he or she may already be
working for you, or may be someone newly joined who has infiltrated your organisation in
order to seek information or exploit the access that the job might provide.

What is personnel security?

Personnel security is a system of policies and procedures which seek to manage the risk of
staff or contractors exploiting their legitimate access to an organisation's assets or premises
for unauthorised purposes. These purposes can encompass many forms of criminal activity,
from minor theft through to terrorism.
The purpose of personnel security seeks to minimise the risks. It does this by ensuring that
organisations employ reliable individuals, minimising the chances of staff becoming unreliable
once they have been employed, detect suspicious behaviour, and resolving security concerns
once they have become apparent.
This chapter refers mainly to pre-employment screening, but organisations should be aware
that personnel screening should continue throughout the live cycle of the employee. Further
information regarding ongoing personnel screening can found at

Understanding and assessing personnel security risks

Organisations deal regularly with many different types of risk. One of them is the possibility
that staff or contractors will exploit their position within the organisation for illegitimate
purposes. These risks can be reduced but can never be entirely prevented. Instead, as with
many other risks, the organisation employs a continuous process for ensuring that the risks
are managed in a proportionate and cost-effective manner.

Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act (DPA) (1998) applies to the processing of personal information about
individuals. Personnel security measures must be carried out in accordance with the data
protection principles set out in the act.

Pre-employment Screening
Personnel security involves a number of screening methods, which are performed as part of
the recruitment process but also on a regular basis for existing staff. The ways in which
screening is preformed varies greatly between organisations; some methods are very simple,
others are more sophisticated. In every case, the aim of the screening is to collect information
about potential or existing staff and then to use that information to identify any individuals
who present security concerns.
Pre-employment screening seeks to verify the credentials of job applicants and to check that
the applicants meet preconditions of employment (e.g. that the individual is legally permitted
to take up an offer of employment). In the course of performing these checks it will be
established whether the applicant has concealed important information or otherwise
misrepresented themselves. To this extent, pre-employment screening may be considered a
test of character.

Pre-employment checks
Personnel security starts with the job application, where applicants should be made aware
that supplying false information, or failing to disclose relevant information, could be grounds
for dismissal and could amount to a criminal offence. Applicants should also be made aware
that any offers of employment are subject to the satisfactory completion of pre-employment
checks. If an organisation believes there is a fraudulent application involving illegal activity,
the police should be informed.
Pre-employment checks may be preformed directly by an organisation, or this process
may be sub-contracted to a third party. In either case the company needs to have a clear
understanding of the thresholds for denying someone employment. For instance, under
what circumstances would an application be rejected on the basis of their criminal record,
and why?

Pre-employment screening policy

Your pre-employment screening processes will be more effective if they are an integral part of
your policies, practices and procedures for the recruiting, hiring, and where necessary training
of employees. If you have conducted a personnel security risk assessment then this will help
you to decide on the levels of screening that are appropriate for different posts.

Of all the pre-employment checks, identity verification is the most fundamental. Two
approaches can be used:
• A paper-based approach involving the verification of key identification documents and
the matching of these documents to the individual.
• An electronic approach involving searches on databases (e.g. databases of credit
agreements or the electoral role) to establish the electronic footprint of the individual.
The individual is then asked to answer questions about the footprint which only the
actual owner of the identity could answer correctly.

Pre-employment checks can be used to confirm an applicant's identity, nationality and

immigration status, and to verify their declared skills and employment history. From
February 2008, the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 comes into force. This
means there are changes to the law and employers face new requirements to prevent
illegal working in the UK. These include an ongoing responsibility to carry out checks on
employees with time-limited immigration status. Failure to comply with the new
regulations could result in a possible civil penalty or criminal conviction. CPNI's guidance
on pre-employment screening has been updated to reflect this new law. More detailed
information can be found on the Borders and Immigration Agency website.

Qualifications and employment history

The verification of qualifications and employment can help identify those applicants
attempting to hide negative information such as a prison sentence or dismissal. Unexplained
gaps should be explored.

When confirming details about an individual's qualifications it is always important to:
• Consider whether the post requires a qualifications check.
• Always request original certificates and take copies.
• Compare details on certificates etc. with those provided by the applicant.
• Independently confirm the existence of the establishment and contact them to confirm
the details provided by the individual.

Employment checks
For legal reasons it is increasingly difficult to obtain character references, but past employers
should be asked to confirm dates of employment. Where employment checks are carried out
it is important to:
• Check a minimum of three but ideally five years previous employment.
• Independently confirm the employer's existence and contact details (including the line
• Confirm details (dates, position, salary) with HR.
• Where possible, request an employer's reference from the line manager.

Criminal convictions
A criminal conviction - spent or unspent - is not necessarily a bar to employment (see the
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act). However, there are certain posts where some forms of
criminal history will be unacceptable. To obtain criminal record information, a company can
request that an applicant either:
1. Completes a criminal record self-declaration form, or
2. Applies for a Basic Disclosure certificate from Disclosure Scotland.

Financial checks
For some posts it may be justifiable to carry out financial checks, for example where the
employee's position requires the handling of money. Interpreting the security implications of
financial history is not straightforward and will require each organisation to decide where
their thresholds lie (e.g. in terms of an acceptable level of debt).
There are a number of ways in which financial checks can be carried out. General application
forms can include an element of self-declaration (for example in relation to County Court
Judgments (CCJs)), or the services of third party providers can be engaged to perform credit

Contractor recruitment
Organisations employ a wide variety of contract staff, such as IT staff, cleaners, and
management consultants. It is important to ensure that contractors have the same level of
pre-employment screening as those permanent employees with equivalent levels of access to
the company's assets, be they premises, systems, information or staff.

Contracts should outline the type of checks required for each post and requirements should
be cascaded to any sub-contractors. Where a contractor or screening agency is performing
the checks they should be audited.

Secure contracting
Contractors present particular personnel security challenges. For instance, the timescales for
employing contractors are often relatively short, and there is greater potential for security
arrangements to be confused or overlooked (e.g. due to further sub-contracting).
In managing the insider risks associated with contractors it is important to:
• Ensure that pre-employment checks are carried out to the same standard as for
permanent employees. Where this is not possible, due to tight deadlines or a lack of
information available for background checking, then the resulting risks must be
managed effectively. Preferably the implementation of any additional security measures
will be guided by a personnel security risk assessment.
• Where pre-employment checks - or any other personnel security measures - are carried
out by the contracting agency rather than the employing organisation, a detailed
account of the checks to be undertaken and the standards achieved must be
incorporated into the contract that is drawn up between the two. Furthermore, the pre-
employment checking process conducted by the contractor should be audited regularly.
Confirm that the individual sent by the contracting agency is the person who arrives for
work (e.g. using document verification or an electronic identity checking service).
Once the contractor has started work in the organisation, they will need to be managed
securely. The following steps will help:
• Carry out a risk assessment to establish the threats and level of risk associated with the
contractor acting maliciously in post.
• Ensure that the contract that exists, either between the organisation and the contractor,
or between the organisation and the contracting agency, defines the codes of practice
and standards that apply.
• Provide photo passes to contract and agency staff, and stipulate that they must be worn
at all times. Ideally, the employing organisation should retain contractors' passes
between visits, reissuing them each time only after the contractor's identity has been
verified. The employing organisation and the contracting agency (or the contractor, if no
agency is involved) should agree a procedure for providing temporary replacements
when the contractor is unavailable. These arrangements should be included in the
contract between the two parties, and the employing organisation will need to decide
what additional personnel security measures to implement - for example, restricted or
supervised access - when the replacement is on site.
• Where a contractor is in post but the necessary pre-employment checks have not been
carried out - or where the results of the checks are not entirely positive but the need for
the contractor's expertise is such that they are employed anyway - then additional
personnel security measures must be considered (e.g. continuous supervision).
For additional advice on 'Secure Contracting' please refer to 'A Good Practice Guide on
Pre-Employment Screening' via the CPNI website.

Overseas checks
As the level of outsourcing rises and increasing numbers of foreign nationals are employed, it
is increasingly necessary to screen applicants who have lived and worked overseas. As far as
possible, organisations should seek to collect the same information on overseas candidates as
they would for longstanding UK residents (e.g. proof of residence, employment references,
criminal record). It is important to bear in mind that other countries will have different legal
and regulatory requirements covering the collection of information needed to manage
personnel security and therefore this step may be difficult.
A number of options are available to organisations wishing to perform overseas checks:
1. Request documentation from the candidate.
2. Hire professional/ an external screening service.
3. Conduct your own overseas checks.
In some circumstances you may be unable to complete overseas checks satisfactorily (e.g. due
to a lack of information from another country). In this case, you may decide to deny
employment, or to implement other risk management controls (e.g. additional supervision) to
compensate for the lack of assurance.
See Good Practice checklist - Personnel Security in Appendix 'E'

twelve information security
The loss of confidentiality, integrity and most
importantly availability of information in paper or
electronic format can be a critical problem for
organisations. Many rely on their information
systems to carry out business or nationally critical
functions and manage safety and engineering
Your confidential information may be of interest
to business competitors, criminals, foreign
intelligence services or terrorists. They may
attempt to access your information by breaking into your IT systems, by obtaining the data
you have thrown away or by infiltrating your organisation. Such an attack could disrupt your
business and damage your reputation.
When considering this type of attack you should look at facilities and processes at your event
site and any other place you operate from. Many large event organisers will contract in
security access control systems. Make sure it is clear who is responsible for management and
security of data.
Before taking specific protective measures you should:
• Assess the threat and your vulnerabilities (See Managing the Risks on Page 9).
• Consider to what extent is your information at risk, who might want it, how might they
get it, how would its loss or theft damage you?
• Consider current good practice information security for countering electronic attack and
for protecting documents.
For general advice on protecting against electronic attack visit

Electronic attack
Attacks on electronic systems could:
• Allow the attacker to steal or alter remove sensitive information
• Allow the attacker to gain access to your computer system and do whatever the system
owner can do. This could include modifying your data, perhaps subtly so that it is not
immediately apparent, installing malicious software (virus or worm) that may damage
your system, or installing hardware or software devices to relay information back to the
attacker. Such attacks against internet-connected systems are extremely common.
• Make your systems impossible to use through 'denial of service' attacks. These are
increasingly common, relatively simple to launch and difficult to protect against.
Electronic attacks are much easier when computer systems are connected directly or
indirectly to public networks such as the internet.

The typical methods of electronic attack are:

Malicious software
The techniques and effects of malicious software (e.g. viruses, worms, trojans) are as variable
as they are widely known. The main ways a virus can spread are through:
1. Running or executing an attachment received in an email.
2. Clicking on a website link received in a website.
3. Inappropriate web browsing which often leads to a website distributing malicious
4. Allowing staff to connect removable memory devices (USB memory sticks, disks, CD's,
DVD's) to corporate machines.
5. Allowing your staff to connect media players and mobile phones to corporate

Denial of service (DoS)

These attacks aim to overwhelm a system by flooding it with unwanted data. Some DoS
attacks are distributed, in which large numbers of unsecured, 'innocent' machines (known as
'zombies') are conscripted to mount attacks.

This is an attempt at unauthorised access, almost always with malicious or criminal intent.
Sophisticated, well-concealed attacks by foreign intelligence services seeking information have
been aimed at government systems but other organisations might also be targets.

Malicious modification of hardware

Computer hardware can be modified so as to mount or permit an electronic attack. This is
normally done at the point of manufacture or supply prior to installation, though it could also
be done during maintenance visits or by insiders. The purpose of such modifications would
be to allow a subsequent attack to be made, possibly by remote activation.

What to do
• Acquire your IT systems from reputable manufacturers and suppliers.
• Ensure that your software is regularly updated. Suppliers are continually fixing security
vulnerabilities in their software. These fixes or patches are available from their websites
- consider checking for patches and updates daily.
• Ensure that all internet-connected computers are equipped with anti-virus software
and are protected by a firewall.
• Back up your information, preferably keeping a secure copy in another location.
• Assess the reliability of those who maintain, operate and guard your systems (refer to
the section on Personnel Security on page 39)
• Consider encryption packages for material you want to protect, particularly if taken
offsite - but seek expert advice first.
• Take basic security precautions to prevent software or other sensitive information
falling into the wrong hands. Encourage security awareness among your staff, training

them not to leave sensitive material lying around and to operate a clear desk policy
(i.e. desks to be cleared of all work material at the end of each working session).
• Make sure your staff are aware that users can be tricked into revealing information
which can be used to gain access to a system, such as user names and passwords.
• Invest in secure cabinets, fit locking doors and ensure the proper destruction of
sensitive material
• Where possible, lock down or disable disk drives, USB ports and wireless connections.
• Ensure computer access is protected by securely controlled, individual passwords or by
biometrics and passwords.
• Implement an acceptable use policy for staff concerning web browsing, email, use of
chat rooms, social sites, trading, games and music download websites.

Organisations can seek advice from the Government website -

Examples of electronic attacks

• A former systems administrator was able to intercept e-mail between company directors
because the outsourced security services supplier had failed to secure the system
• A former employee was able to connect to a system remotely and made changes to a
specialist electronic magazine, causing loss of confidence among customers and

Disposal of sensitive information

Companies and individuals sometimes need to dispose of sensitive information. Some of the
material that businesses routinely throw away could be of use to a wide variety of groups
including business competitors, identity thieves, criminals and terrorists.
The types of information vary from staff names and addresses, telephone numbers, product
information, customer details, information falling under the Data Protection Act, technical
specifications and chemical and biological data. Terrorist groups are known to have shown
interest in the last two areas.
The principal means of destroying sensitive waste are:

Industry standards for document shredding do not currently exist in the UK: but have been
established in Germany for some time (DIN). Much of the EU has adopted the German
Shredding machines specified to DIN 32757 - 1 level 4 will provide a shred size 15mm x
1.9mm. Suitable for medium to high security requirements.

Incineration is probably the most effective way of destroying sensitive waste, including disks
and other forms of magnetic and optical media, provided a suitable incinerator is used (check
with your local authority). Open fires are not reliable as material is not always destroyed and
legible papers can be distributed by the updraft.

This reduces waste to a fibrous state and is effective for paper and card waste only. However,
some pulping machines merely rip the paper into large pieces and turn it into a papier maché
product from which it is still possible to retrieve information. This is more of a risk than it
used to be because inks used by modern laser printers and photocopiers do not run when
There are alternative methods for erasing electronic media, such as overwriting and
degaussing. For further information visit

Before investing in waste destruction equipment you should:

• If you use contractors, ensure that their equipment and procedures are up to standard.
Find out who oversees the process, what kind of equipment they have and whether
the collection vehicles are double-manned, so that one operator remains with the
vehicle while the other collects. Communications between vehicle and base are also
• Ensure that the equipment is up to the job. This depends on the material you wish to
destroy, the quantities involved and how confidential it is.
• Ensure that your procedures and staff are secure. There is little point investing in
expensive equipment if the people employed to use it are themselves security risks.
• Make the destruction of sensitive waste the responsibility of your security department
rather than facilities management.

See good practice checklist - Information Security in Appendix 'H'

thirteen vehicle borne improvised
explosive devices (VBIEDs)
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs) are one of the most effective weapons in
the terrorist's arsenal. They are capable of delivering a large quantity of explosives to a target
and can cause a great deal of damage.
Once assembled, the bomb can be delivered at a time of the terrorist's choosing and with
reasonable precision, depending on defences. It can be detonated from a safe distance
using a timer or remote control, or can be detonated on the spot by a suicide bomber.
Building a VBIED requires a significant investment of time, resources and expertise. Because
of this, terrorists will seek to obtain the maximum impact for their investment.
Terrorists generally select targets where they can cause most damage, inflict mass
casualties or attract widespread publicity.

Effects of VBIEDs
VBIEDs can be highly destructive. It is not just the effects of a direct bomb blast that can be
lethal, flying debris such as glass can present a hazard many metres away from the seat of
the explosion.

What you can do

If you think your event could be at risk from any form of VBIED you should:
• Ensure you have effective vehicle access controls, particularly at goods entrances and
service yards. Do not allow unchecked vehicles to park within the event areas or next
to public areas where there will be large numbers of people or where there is a risk of
structural collapse.
• Insist that details of contract vehicles and the identity of the driver and any passengers
approaching your goods/service areas are authorised in advance.
• Consider a vehicle search regime at goods/service entrances that is flexible and can be
tailored to a change in threat or response level. It may be necessary to carry out a risk
assessment for the benefit of security staff who may be involved in vehicle access
• Establish and rehearse bomb threat and evacuation drills. Bear in mind that, depending
on where the suspected VBIED is parked and the layout of your event, it may be safer
in windowless corridors or basements than outside if this facility is available.
• Consider using robust physical barriers to keep all but authorised vehicles at a
safe distance. Seek the advice of your local Police Counter Terrorism Security
Adviser (CTSA) on what these should be and on further measures such as
electronic surveillance including Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
and protection from flying glass.
• Train and rehearse your staff in identifying suspect vehicles, and in receiving
and acting upon bomb threats. Key information and telephone numbers
should be prominently displayed and readily available.

• It should be emphasised that the installation of physical barriers needs to be balanced
against the requirements of safety and should not be embarked upon without full
consideration of planning regulation and fire safety risk assessment.

See Good Practice Checklist - Access Control in Appendix 'C'

fourteen chemical, biological and
radiological (CBR) attacks
Since the early 1990s, concern that terrorists might use CBR materials as weapons has
steadily increased. The hazards are:

Poisoning or injury caused by chemical substances, including ex-military
chemical warfare agents or legitimate but harmful household or industrial

Illnesses caused by the deliberate release of dangerous bacteria, viruses or
fungi, or biological toxins such as the plant toxin ricin.

Illnesses caused by exposure to harmful radioactive materials contaminating
the environment.
A radiological dispersal device (RDD), often referred to as a 'dirty bomb', is typically a device
where radioactive materials are combined with conventional explosives. Upon detonation, no
nuclear explosion is produced but, depending on the type of the radioactive source, the
surrounding areas become contaminated.
As well as causing a number of casualties from the initial blast, there may well be a longer
term threat to health. A number of terrorist groups have expressed interest in, or attempted
to use, a 'dirty bomb' as a method of attack.
Much of the CBR-related activity seen to date has either been criminal, or has involved
hoaxes and false alarms. There have so far only been a few examples of terrorists using CBR
materials. The most notable were the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway, which
killed twelve people, and the 2001 anthrax letters in the United States, which killed five
CBR weapons have been little used so far, largely due to the difficulty in obtaining the
materials and the complexity of using them effectively. Where terrorists have tried to carry
out CBR attacks, they have generally used relatively simple materials. However, Al Qaida and
related groups have expressed a serious interest in using CBR materials. The impact of any
terrorist CBR attack would depend heavily on the success of the chosen dissemination
method and the weather conditions at the time of the attack.
The likelihood of a CBR attack remains low. As with other terrorist attacks, you may not
receive prior warning of a CBR incident. Moreover, the exact nature of an incident may not
be immediately obvious. First indicators may be the sudden appearance of powders, liquids or
strange smells, with or without an immediate effect on people.
Good general physical and personnel security measures will contribute towards resilience
against CBR incidents. Remember to apply appropriate personnel security standards to
contractors, especially those with frequent access to your site.

What you can do
• Review the physical security of any air-handling systems, such as access to intakes and
• Improve air filters or upgrade your air-handling systems, as necessary.
• Restrict access to water tanks and other key utilities.
• Review the security of your food and drink supply chains.
• The Home Office advises organisations against the use of CBR detection
technologies as part of their contingency planning measures at present. This is
because the technology is not yet proven in civil settings and, in the event of a
CBR incident, the emergency services would come on scene with appropriate
detectors and advise accordingly. A basic awareness of CBR threat and hazards,
combined with general protective security measures (e.g. screening visitors, CCTV
monitoring and active response of perimeters and entrance areas, being alert to
suspicious deliveries) should offer a good level of resilience. In the first instance, seek
advice from your local police force CTSA.
• If there is a designated protected space available this may also be suitable as a CBR
shelter, but seek specialist advice from your local police force CTSA before you make
plans to use it in this way.
• Consider how to communicate necessary safety advice to staff and how to offer
reassurance. This needs to include instructions to those who want to leave or return to
the event site.

fifteen suicide attacks
Historically crowded places, symbolic locations and key installations have been identified and
targeted by suicide bombers. The use of suicide bombers is a very effective method of delivering
an explosive device to a specific location. Suicide bombers may use a lorry, plane or other kind of
vehicle as a bomb or may carry or conceal explosives on their persons. Suicide attacks are
generally perpetrated without warning.

When considering protective measures against suicide bombers, think in terms of:
• Using physical barriers to prevent a hostile vehicle from driving into your event through main
entrances, goods/service entrances, pedestrian entrances or open land.
• Denying access to any vehicle that arrives at your goods/service entrances without prior
notice and holding vehicles at access control points into your event until you can satisfy
yourself that they are genuine.
• Wherever possible, establishing your vehicle access control point at a distance from the
protected site, setting up regular patrols and briefing staff to look out for anyone behaving
suspiciously. Many bomb attacks are preceded by reconnaissance or trial runs. Ensure that
such incidents are reported to the police.
• Ensure that no one visits your protected area without your being sure of his or her identity
or without proper authority. Seek further advice through your local police force's Counter
Terrorism Security Advisor (CTSA) and/or Police Security Co-ordinator (SECCO).
• Effective CCTV systems especially with an active response, may deter a terrorist attack or
even identify planning activity. Good quality images can provide crucial evidence in court.
There is no definitive physical profile for a suicide bomber, so remain vigilant and report anyone
suspicious to the police.
See Hostile Reconnaissance - page 57

sixteen firearm and weapon attacks
Terrorist use of firearms and weapons is still infrequent, but it is important to consider this
method of attack and be prepared to cope with such an incident. Below is some general
guidance to aid your planning in this area.

• Find the best available ballistic protection.
• Remember, out of sight does not necessarily mean out of danger, especially if you are not
ballistically protected.


Substantial Brickwork or Concrete Internal Partition Walls
Engine Blocks Car Doors
Base of Large Live Trees Wooden Fences
Natural Ground Undulations Glazing

• It is a firearms / weapons incident.
• Exact location of the incident.
• Number of gunmen.
• Type of firearm - are they using a long-barrelled weapon or handgun
• Direction of travel - are they moving in any particular direction
Consider the use of CCTV and other remote methods of confirmation reducing vulnerabilities
to staff.

• Who - Immediately contact the police by calling 999 or via your control room, giving
them the information shown under Confirm
• How - use all the channels of communication available to you to inform visitors and staff
of the danger.
• Plan - for a firearms / weapons incident.
1. How you would communicate with staff and visitors
2. What key messages would you give to them in order to keep them safe.
3. Think about incorporating this into your emergency planning and briefings
• Test - your plan before you run your event

• As far as you can, limit access and secure your immediate environment.
• Encourage people to avoid public areas or access points. If your have rooms at your
location, lock the doors if possible and remain quiet.
See Physical Security on page 15.
If you require further information please liaise with your Counter Terrorism Security Adviser

seventeen communication
You should consider a communication strategy for raising awareness among staff and others
who need to know about your security plan and its operation. This will include the
emergency services, local authorities and possibly neighbouring premises/areas.
There should also be arrangements for dealing with people who may be affected by your
security operation but who are not employees of your organisation (e.g. customers, clients,
contractors, visitors).
It should be remembered that immediately following a terrorist attack, mobile telephone
communication may be unavailable due to excessive demand.
Security Managers should regularly meet with staff to discuss security issues and encourage
staff to raise their concerns about security.
Consideration should be given to the use of any event website and/or publications to
communicate crime prevention and counter terrorism initiatives.
All Security Managers should involve their local Counter Terrorism Security Advisor (CTSA)
and/or Police Security Co-ordinator (SECCO) when considering improvements to an
established site or premises for the purposes of holding a significant event.
See Good Practice Checklist - Communication in Appendix 'I'

eighteen hostile reconnaissance
Hostile reconnaissance is used to provide information to operational planners on potential targets
during the preparatory and operational phases of terrorist operations.

Primary Role of Reconnaissance

• Obtain a profile of the target location.
• Determine the best method of attack.
• Determine the optimum time to conduct the attack.

Reconnaissance operatives may visit potential targets a number of times prior to the attack. Where
pro-active security measures are in place, particular attention is paid to any variations in security
patterns and the flow of people in and out.
Operation Lightning is a national intelligence gathering operation to record, research,
investigate and analyse:
• Suspicious sightings.
• Suspicious activity.
at or near:
• Crowded places.
or prominent or vulnerable:
• Buildings.
• Structures.
• Transport infrastructure.
The ability to recognise those engaged in hostile reconnaissance could disrupt an
attack and produce important intelligence leads.
What to look for
• Significant interest being taken in the outside of your
event site including parking areas, delivery gates, doors
and entrances.
• Groups or individuals taking significant interest in the
location of CCTV cameras and controlled areas.
• People taking pictures, filming, making notes or
sketching of the security measures around events.
Tourists should not necessarily be taken as such and
should be treated sensitively, but with caution.
• Overt/covert photography, video cameras, possession of
photographs, maps, blueprints etc, of critical
infrastructures, electricity transformers, gas pipelines,
telephone cables, etc.

• Possession of maps, global positioning systems (GPS), photographic equipment (cameras, zoom
lenses, camcorders). GPS will assist in the positioning and correct guidance of weapons such as
mortars and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs). This should be considered a possibility up to one
kilometre from any target.
• Vehicles parked outside buildings of other facilities, with one or more people remaining in the
vehicle, for longer than would be considered usual.
• Parking, standing or loitering in the same area on numerous occasions with no apparent
reasonable explanation.
• Prolonged static surveillance using operatives disguised as demonstrators, street sweepers, etc or
stopping and pretending to have car trouble to test response time for emergency services, car
recovery companies, (AA, RAC etc) or local staff.
• Simple observation such as staring or quickly looking away.
• Activity inconsistent with the nature of the building or event.
• Unusual questions - number and routine of staff/VIP's visiting the site or event.
• Individuals that look out of place for any reason.
• Individuals that appear to be loitering in public areas.
• Individuals asking questions regarding the identity or characteristics of individual visitors, groups
of visitors, or the jobs or nationalities of visitors, that attend or may visit the event.
• Persons asking questions regarding security and evacuation measures.
• Persons asking questions regarding event staff hangouts.
• Persons asking questions regarding VIP visits.
• Delivery vehicle in front of the event.
• Vehicles, packages, luggage left unattended.
• Vehicles appearing over weight.
• Persons appearing to count pedestrians/vehicles.
• Strangers walking around perimeter of the event.
• People 'nursing' drinks and being over attentive to surroundings. Persons loitering around area
for a prolonged amount of time.
• Persons attempting to access plant equipment or chemical areas.
• Delivery vehicles or other trucks attempting to access the main driveway to the event.
• Delivery vehicles arriving at the event at the wrong time or outside of normal hours.
• Vehicles emitting suspicious odours e.g. fuel or gas.
• Vehicle looking out of place.
• Erratic driving.
• Questions regarding the event structure.
• Noted pattern or series of false alarms indicating possible testing of security systems and
observation of response behaviour and procedures, (bomb threats, leaving hoax devices or

• The same vehicle and different individuals or the same individuals in a different vehicle returning
to a location(s).
• The same or similar individuals returning to carry out the same activity to establish the optimum
time to conduct the operation.
• Unusual activity by contractor's vehicles.
• Recent damage to perimeter security, breaches in fence lines or walls or the concealment in
hides of mortar base plates or assault equipment, i.e. ropes, ladders, food etc. Regular perimeter
patrols should be instigated months in advance of a high profile event to ensure this is not
• Attempts to disguise identity - motorcycle helmets, hoodies, etc. or multiple sets of clothing to
change appearance.
• Constant use of different paths, and/or access routes across a site. 'Learning the route' or foot
surveillance involving a number of people who seem individual but are working together.
• Multiple identification documents - suspicious, counterfeit, altered documents etc.
• Non co-operation with police or security personnel.
• Those engaged in reconnaissance will often attempt to enter premises to assess the internal
layout and in doing so will alter their appearance and provide cover stories.
• In the past reconnaissance operatives have drawn attention to themselves by asking peculiar and
in depth questions of employees or others more familiar with the environment.
• Sightings of suspicious activity should be passed immediately to security management for CCTV
monitoring, active response were possible and the event recorded for evidential purposes.


Reconnaissance trips may be undertaken as a rehearsal to involve personnel and equipment
that will be used in the actual attack e.g. before the London attacks on 7th July 2005, the
bombers staged a trial run nine days before the actual attack.
Reporting suspicious activity to police that does not require an immediate response,

nineteen high profile events
There may be events, which for various reasons, are deemed to be more high profile and
therefore more vulnerable to attack. This may involve pre-event publicity of the attendance of
a VIP or celebrity, resulting in additional crowd density on the event day and the need for an
appropriate security response and increased vigilance.
In certain cases the local police may appoint a police Gold Commander (Strategic
Commander in Scotland) with responsibility for the event; who may in turn, appoint a Police
Security Co-ordinator (SECCO) and/or a Police Search Adviser (POLSA).

Police Security Co-ordinator

The Police Security Co-ordinator (SECCO) has a unique role in the planning and orchestration
of security measures at high profile events.
The SECCO works towards the strategy set by the Police (Gold) Strategic Commander and
acts as an adviser and co-ordinator of security issues.
A number of options and resources are available to the SECCO, which will include liaison
with event management, identifying all the key individuals, agencies and departments
involved in the event, as well as seeking advice from the relevant Counter Terrorism Security
Advisor (CTSA) on all terrorism related and protective security issues.
The SECCO will provide the Gold/Strategic Commander with a series of observations and
recommendations to ensure that the security response is realistic and proportionate.

Police Search Adviser

The SECCO can deem it necessary to appoint a Police Search Adviser (POLSA) to a high
profile event.
The POLSA will carry out an assessment of the venue and nature of the event, taking into
consideration an up to date threat assessment and other security issues.
A report, including the POLSA's assessment, recommendations and subsequent search plan
will be submitted through the SECCO to the Gold/Strategic Commander.

Enhanced Security Provision at High Profile Events

During High Profile Events there may be extra threats not only from terrorism but criminal
activity, politically disruptive groups, fixated persons, self-publicists and lone adventurers.
Enhanced measures may be required in order to provide static protection or in order to
eliminate or reduce the opportunity for attack by placing defensive perimeters between any
protected person and a potential attacker.
Dependent on the nature of the threat and outcome of the risk management process,
consideration should be given to a range of physical, technical and procedural protective
security options that may, on their own, be sufficient to exclude, deter, detect or disrupt the

What measures need to be considered

For major events an “Island Site” is commonly created to provide a sterile zone around it,
with secure perimeter access which is rigorously controlled by static protection measures.

Physical and technical security measures may include:
• Physical protection measures such as extra doors, locks, lighting and target hardening.
• Technical measures including enhanced or extended CCTV and alarms if required.
• Vehicle security at the event site.
Personal safety advice to VIP's on reducing their own vulnerability when travelling to and
from a venue, avoiding predictable routines, etc.
Care and retention of sensitive information and communications, this is particularly pertinent
when advertising the event, is the event public or private, official or unofficial and the extent
of pre-publicity or public knowledge of an event may cause the level of threat or resultant
planning to change considerably.
Early identification of all organisations involved in the event, their roles and responsibilities.
Including details of the structures of each organisation and links between respective
functional levels.
The circumstances under which an event will be discontinued and the method and ownership
for such decisions, and means by which by which this will be communicated.
The circumstances under which a venue will be evacuated and VIP's removed.
Clarification of the role, powers and capability of any private security staff or stewards either
permanent or temporarily contracted for the specific event. This includes any specialist skills
required for searching, e.g. operating search equipment, search arches or luggage scanning.
Prepare lists for restricted circulation only to partners (see care and retention of sensitive
material above), incorporating invited and confirmed guests, chronology of events, copies of
invitations, car passes and any other relevant materials, such as plans, maps and contact lists, etc.
Specimen copies of any accreditation passes and badges allowing access to the various
security zones, etc.
Create security zones within the secure perimeter to segregate VIP's from invited guests, the
general public and the media, etc. Consider providing a 'Green Room' or place of safety
where a VIP could shelter in the event of an incident.
Identity safe routes to and from the venue, as well as safe evacuation / escape routes.
Arrangement of parking for VIP vehicles and consideration of parking restrictions adjacent to
the venue if a VBIED threat is identified.
Ensure the personnel security and secure contracting principles referred to in chapter eleven
are strictly adhered to for secure areas and island sites.
Where a particular venue is likely to be used as a more permanent venue or on a long term
basis, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be
considered along side any appropriate Counter Terrorism security advice, with the aim of
designing out identified structural vulnerabilities.
Liaison with security providers and other partners should be ongoing rather than a 'one-off'
See good practice checklist - High Profile Events in Appendix 'J'.

twenty threat levels
As of 1 August 2006, information about the national threat level is available on the Security
Service, Home Office and UK Intelligence Community Websites.
Terrorism threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist
attack. They are based on the assessment of a range of factors including current intelligence,
recent events and what is known about terrorist intentions and capabilities. This information
may well be incomplete and decisions about the appropriate security response should be
made with this in mind.
In particular, those who own, operate, manage or work at major events are
reminded that SUBSTANTIAL and SEVERE both indicate a high level of threat and
that an attack might well come without warning.

Threat Level Definitions






Response Levels
Response levels provide a broad indication of the protective security measures that should be
applied at any particular time. They are informed by the threat level but also take into
account specific assessments of vulnerability and risk.
Response levels tend to relate to sites, whereas threat levels usually relate to broad areas of activity.
There are a variety of site specific security measures that can be applied within response
levels, although the same measures will not be found at every location.
The security measures deployed at different response levels should not be made public,
to avoid informing terrorists about what we know and what we are doing about it.
There are three levels of response which broadly equate to threat levels as shown below:




Response Level Definitions


Maximum protective security measures to meet specific

threats and to minimise vulnerability and risk.

Additional and sustainable protective security measures

reflecting the broad nature of the threat combined with
specific business and geographical vulnerabilities and
judgements on acceptable risk.

Routine baseline protective security measures, appropriate

to your business and location.

What can I do now?

• Carry out a risk and vulnerability assessment that is specific to your event.
• Identify a range of practical protective security measures appropriate for each
of the response levels. Your Counter Terrorism Security Advisor can assist you
with this.
• Make use of the good practice checklists on the following pages to assist you
in your decision making process.
The counter measures to be implemented at each response level are a matter for individual
premises or organisations and will differ according to a range of circumstances.
All protective security measures should be identified in advance of any change in threat and
response levels and should be clearly notified to those staff who are responsible for ensuring

good practice checklists
The following checklists are intended as a guide for those who manage events to assist them
in identifying the hazards and risks associated with counter terrorism planning.
They are not however exhaustive and some of the guidance might not be relevant
to all events.
The checklists should be considered taking the following factors into account:
• Have you consulted your, Counter Terrorism Security Advisor, Police Security Co-
ordinator, local authority and local fire and rescue service?
• Who else should be included during consultation - e.g. Highway Manager, Open Space
Manager and Land Owner?
• Which measures can be implemented with ease?
• Which measures will take greater planning and investment?

appendix a
Business Continuity
Yes No Unsure
Do you have a Business Continuity Plan?
Do you regularly review and update your plan?
Have you concerned firearm and weapon attacks in your plans?
Are your staff trained in activating and operating your plan?
Have you prepared an emergency 'Grab Bag?
Do you have access to an alternative workspace to use in an
Are your critical documents adequately protected?
Do you have copies of your critical records at a separate location?
Do you have contingency plans in place to cater for the loss/
failure of key equipment?
Do you have sufficient insurance to pay for disruption to
business, cost of repairs, hiring temporary employees, leasing
temporary accommodation and equipment?

appendix b
Housekeeping Good Practice
Yes No Unsure
Have you reviewed the use and location of all waste receptacles
in and around your event, taking into consideration their size,
proximity to glazing and building support structures?
Do you keep external areas, entrances, exits, stairs, reception
areas and toilets clean and tidy?
Do you keep furniture to a minimum to provide little opportunity
to hide devices?
Are unused offices, rooms and function suites, marquees locked
or secured?
Do you use seals/locks to secure maintenance hatches,
compactors and industrial waste bins when not required for
immediate use?
Are your reception staff and deputies trained and competent in
managing telephoned bomb threats?
Have you considered marking your first aid/fire fighting
equipment as event property and checked it has not been

appendix c
Access Control for Major Events
Yes No Unsure
Do you prevent all vehicles from entering goods or service areas
directly below, above or next to pedestrian areas where there will
be large numbers of people, until they are authorised by your
Do you have in place physical barriers to keep all but authorised
vehicles at a safe distance and to mitigate against a hostile
vehicle attack?
Is there clear demarcation identifying the public and private areas
of your event?
Do your staff, including contractors, cleaners and other
employees wear ID badges at all times when on the event site?
Do you adopt a 'challenge culture' to anybody not wearing a
pass in your private areas?
Do you insist that details of contract vehicles and the identity of
the driver and any passengers requiring permission to park and
work in your event site are authorised in advance?
Do you require driver and vehicle details of waste collection
services in advance?
Do all business visitors to your management and administration
areas have to report to a reception area before entry and are they
required to sign in and issued with a visitors pass?
Are business visitors' badges designed to look different from staff
Are all business visitors' badges collected from visitors when they
leave the event?
Does a member of staff accompany business visitors at all times
while in the private or restricted areas of your event?

appendix d
Yes No Unsure
Do you constantly monitor your CCTV images or playback
overnight recordings for evidence of suspicious activity?
Do you have an active response to your CCTV monitoring
Do you have your CCTV cameras regularly maintained?
Do the CCTV cameras cover the entrances and exits to your
Have you considered the introduction of ANPR to complement
your security operation?
Do you have CCTV cameras covering critical areas in your event,
such as IT equipment, back up generators, cash offices and
restricted areas?
Do you store the CCTV images in accordance with the evidential
needs of the police?
Could you positively identify an individual from the recorded
images on your CCTV system?
Are the date and time stamps of the system accurate?
Does the lighting system complement the CCTV system during
daytime and darkness hours?
Do you regularly check the quality of your recordings?
Are your 'contracted in' CCTV operators licensed by the Security
Industry Authority (SIA)?
Have you implemented operating procedures, codes of practice
and audit trails?
Is each CCTV camera doing what it was installed to do?

appendix e
Yes No Unsure

Do you exercise your search plan regularly?

Do you carry out a sectorised, systematic and thorough search of
your event as a part of routine housekeeping and in response to
a specific incident?
Does your search plan have a written checklist - signed by the
searching officer as complete for the information of the Security
Does your search plan include toilets, lifts, restricted areas, car
parks and service areas?
Have you considered a vehicle search regime at goods/service
entrances that is flexible and can be tailored to a change in
threat or response level?
Do you conduct random overt searches of vehicles as a visual
Do concessionaires, sub-contractors and other service providers
operating within the event have their own search procedure with
notification to event management when complete?
Have you considered a visitor search regime that is flexible and
can be tailored to a change in threat or response level?
Do you make use of your website/publications to inform
contractors, visitors, of your searching policies as well as crime
prevention and counter terrorism messages?
Do you have a policy to refuse entry to any vehicle whose driver
refuses a search request?
Are your searching staff trained and properly briefed on their
powers and what they are searching for?
Are staff trained to deal effectively with unidentified packages
found within the event site?
Do you have sufficient staff to search effectively?
Do you search your evacuation routes and assembly areas before
they are utilised?

appendix f
Evacuation / ‘Invacuation’
Yes No Unsure
Is evacuation part of your security plan?
Is 'invacuation' into a protected space part of your security plan?
Have you sought advice from a structural engineer to identify
protected spaces within your building?
Do you have nominated evacuation / 'invacuation' marshals?
Does your evacuation plan include 'incident' assembly areas
distinct from fire assembly areas?
Have you determined evacuation routes?
Have you agreed your evacuation / 'invacuation' plans with the
police, emergency services and your neighbours?
Do you have reliable, tested communications facilities in the
event of an incident?
Have any disabled staff been individually briefed?
Do you have a review process for updating plans as required?

appendix g
Personnel Security: identity assurance
Yes No Unsure
During recruitment you should require:
Full name
Current address and any previous addresses in last five years
Date of birth
National Insurance number
Full details of references (names, addresses and contact details)
Full details of previous employers, including dates of
Proof of relevant educational and professional qualifications
Proof of permission to work in the UK for non-British or non-
European Economic Area (EEA) nationals
Do you ask British citizens for:
Full (current) 10-year passport
British driving licence (ideally the photo licence)
Birth Certificate – issued within six weeks of birth
Credit card – with three statements and proof of signature
Cheque book and bank card – with three statements and proof
of signature
Proof of residence – council tax, gas, electric, water or telephone
EEA Nationals:
Full EEA passport
National Identity Card
Other Nationals:
Full Passport and
A Home Office document confirming the individual’s UK
Immigration status and permission to work in UK

appendix h
Information Security
Yes No Unsure
Do you lock away all business documents at the close of the
business day?
Do you have a clear-desk policy out of business hours?
Do you close down all computers at the close of the business
Are all your computers password protected?
Do you have computer firewall and antivirus software on your
computer systems?
Do you regularly update this protection?
Have you considered an encryption package for sensitive
information you wish to protect?
Do you destroy sensitive data properly when no longer required?
Do you back up business critical information regularly?
Do you have a securely contained back up at a different location
from where you operate your business? (Fall back procedure)
Have you invested in secure cabinets for your IT equipment?

appendix i
Communication Yes No
Are security issues discussed/decided at senior management level
and form a part of your organisation's culture?
Do you have a security policy or other documentation showing
how security procedures should operate within your event?
Is this documentation regularly reviewed and if necessary
Do you regularly meet with staff and discuss security issues?
Do you encourage staff to raise their concerns about security?
Do you know your local Counter Terrorism Security Adviser
(CTSA) or Police Security Co-ordinator (SECCO) and do you
involve them in any event or security developments?
Do you speak with neighbours to the event location on issues of
security and crime that might affect you all?
Do you remind your staff to be vigilant when travelling to and
from work, and to report anything suspicious to the relevant
authorities or police?
Do you make use of your website, to communicate crime and
counter terrorism initiatives, including an advance warning
regarding searching?

appendix j
High Profile Event
Yes No Unsure
Do you consider “Island Site” for VIP's in your planning phrase?
Do you consider extra physical and technical measures for High
Profile Events?
Do you offer or plan for security VIP advice when travelling to
and from your event?
Do you have separate security arrangements for the care and
retention of sensitive information and communications?
Do you have special arrangements for cancellation and/or
evacuation during these events?
Are security access controls and security passes enhanced and
details recorded?
Do you arrange special parking and evacuation routes for VIP's?
Are CTSA's, Police Security Co-ordinators and other important
partners liaised with on regular basis?

What do the results show?

Having completed the various 'Good Practice' checklists you need to give further attention to
the questions that you have answered 'no' or 'Unsure' to.
If you answered 'Unsure' to a question, find out more about that particular issue to reassure
yourself that this vulnerability is being addressed or needs to be addressed.
If you answered 'no' to any question then you should seek to address that particular issue as
soon as possible.
Where you have answered 'yes' to a question, remember to regularly review your security
needs to make sure that your security measures are fit for that purpose.

bomb threat checklist
This checklist is designed to help your staff to deal with a telephoned bomb threat
effectively and to record the necessary information.
Visit to download a PDF and print it out.

Actions to be taken on receipt of a bomb threat:

Switch on tape recorder/voicemail (if connected)
Tell the caller which town/district you are answering from
Record the exact wording of the threat:


Ask the following questions:

Where is the bomb right now? ___________________________________________________________________________

When is it going to explode? _____________________________________________________________________________

What does it look like? ____________________________________________________________________________________

What kind of bomb is it? __________________________________________________________________________________

What will cause it to explode? ___________________________________________________________________________

Did you place the bomb? _________________________________________________________________________________

Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is your name? ________________________________________________________________________________________

What is your address? ______________________________________________________________________________________

What is your telephone number? ________________________________________________________________________

(Record time call completed:)

Where automatic number reveal equipment is available, record number shown:

Inform the premises manager of name and telephone number of the person informed:

Contact the police on 999. Time informed: ____________________________________________________________

The following part should be completed once the caller has hung up and the
premises manager has been informed.
Time and date of call: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Length of call: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number at which call was received (i.e. your extension number): ___________________________________

Sex of caller: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nationality: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Age: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


r Well spoken? r Street noises?
r Irrational? r House noises?
r Taped message? r Animal noises?
r Offensive? r Crockery?
r Incoherent? r Motor?
r Message read by threat-maker? r Clear?
r Voice?
CALLER'S VOICE (tick) r Static?
r Calm? r PA system?
r Crying? r Booth?
r Clearing throat? r Music?
r Angry? r Factory machinery?
r Nasal? r Office machinery?
r Slurred? r Other? (specify) ________________________________

r Excited?
r Disguised? _______________________________________________________

r Slow?

r Lisp?


r Accent? If so, what type?____________________ Signature

r Rapid? _______________________________________________________

r Deep?
r Hoarse? Date ________________________________________________

r Laughter?
r Familiar? If so, whose voice did it sound Print name
like? _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

useful publications
Protecting Against Terrorism (2nd Edition)
This 38 page booklet gives general protective security advice from Mi5's Centre for the
Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI). It is aimed at businesses and other organisations
seeking to reduce the risk of a terrorist attack, or to limit the damage terrorism might cause.
The booklet is available in PDF format and can be downloaded from or
email [email protected] to request a copy.
Personnel Security: Managing the Risk
This booklet has been developed by the CPNI. It outlines the various activities that constitute
a personnel security regime. As such it provides an introductory reference for security
managers and human resource managers who are developing or reviewing their approach to
personnel security. The booklet is available in PDF format and can be downloaded from
Pre-Employment Screening
CPNI's Pre-Employment Screening is the latest in a series of advice products on the subject of
personnel security. It provides detailed guidance on pre-employment screening measures
• Identity checking
• Confirmation of the right to work in the UK
• Verification of a candidate's historical personal data (including criminal record checks)
The booklet is available in PDF format and can be downloaded from
Expecting the Unexpected
This guide is the result of a partnership between the business community, police and business
continuity experts. It advises on business continuity in the event and aftermath of an
emergency and contains useful ideas on key business continuity management processes and
a checklist.
and Secure in the Knowledge
This guide is aimed mainly at small and medium-sized businesses. It provides guidance and
information to help improve basic security. Ideally it should be read in conjunction with
Expecting the Unexpected which is mentioned above. By following the guidance in both
booklets, companies are in the best position to prevent, manage and recover from a range of
threats to their business.
Both booklets and a viewable version of the 'Secure in the Knowledge' DVD are now
available to download and view from the NaCTSO website

useful contacts
NaCTSO (National Counter Terrorism Security Office)
t. 020 7931 7142
Security Service
CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure)
Home Office
t. 020 7035 4848
ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers)
t. 020 7227 3434
ACPOS (Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland)
t. 0141 435 1230
HOSDB (Home Office Scientific Development Branch)
t. 01727 816400
The Business Continuity Institute
t. 0870 603 8783
London Prepared
SIA (Security Industry Authority)
t. 020 7227 3600
Confidential Anti-terrorism Hotline
t. 0800 789321
Chief Fire Officers Association
t. 01827 302300
National Risk Register
t. 020 7276 1234


With thanks to the following for their knowledge, expertise and time
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
MPS Counter Terrorism Security Coordination Unit (SECCO’s)
Fisher Scoggins LLP

Photographic Acknowledgements
Glastonbury - Ben Challis and Nick Gordes
Internation Centre for Crowd Management & Security Studies - Prof. Chris Kemp
Guards Polo Club
Burghley Horse Trials - Kit Houghton
Wembley Stadium
Farnborough International Air Show
Wimbledon - Johnny Perkins Associates

Produced by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Home Office
© ACPO 2009. The Association is a private company limited by guarantee. Registered No. 3344583
Registered office. 25 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0EX.

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