Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1

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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

a. Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhyme, poems, and songs heard

b. Produce examples of rhyming words

c. Participate actively in the class

II. Subject matter

Topic: Rhyming words

Reference: Curriculum guide

Materials: IM’s, worksheet, flash cards

Strategy: Thumbs up thumbs down, cooperative learning

Values: Show respect to everyone’s opinion

III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Preliminary activities

a. Prayer

“Everybody stand up and let us pray” (the students will stand and start
to pray)

“amen” “Angel of God my guardian dear…


b. Greetings

“Good afternoon class” “Good afternoon teacher jai”

“You may now take your seat” (the students will sit)

c. checking of attendance

“let us check your attendance first,

say present if your name is called”

“Aquino, Joe mao?” “Present teacher”

“Arcallana, Niel?” “Present teacher”
d. Motivation

“before we start let me ask you first

do you know the song hello hello how “yes teacher”
do you do song?”

(the teacher will play the Hello hello

how do you do song)

“Hello Hello Hello Hello how do you do (the students will participate)
I’m glad to be with you and you and
you and you, tralalalalala”

“now let us all read the song, repeat “yes teacher!”

after me okay?”

Hello Hello Hello Hello how do you do (the students will read the song)
I’m glad to be with you and you and
you and you

“based on what we read what can you “teacher the words have the same
observe” sounds”

“very good what are the words that “do and you teacher”
are the same sounds?”

“very good children”

B. Presentation

“Today we will talk about rhyming


“do you have any idea what is “teacher rhyming words are two or
rhyming words” more that the same or similar
“very good a words that is similar

“jikay can you give me rhyming “bat-cat”


“very good another example” “you-do”

“yes very good”

“now, let’s all read this”

“remember class that the words that
have same ending sound is called
rhyming words and also rhyming “yes teacher”
word can be read and listened too in
stories, poems and songs

E. Practicing skills

“Now I will group you into 4 groups I

have flash cards here and what you
will going to do is to do a thumbs up
if the words that I will show are
rhyme words and thumbs down if it
does not?”
(the students will participate
(the teacher will present the flash attentively)

C. Generalization

“Now who can answer what is our “rhyming words”

topic for today?”

“very good bumutad”

“words that are similar ending
“What is rhyme words again?” sound teacher”

“very good class”

“bat-mat teacher”
“give me an example of rhyming

“very good class”

D. Evaluation

Activity: Encircle the rhyming words.

E. Assignment

Directions: Put a check (/) on the line if the words rhyme. Put a (X) if it does

1. fat-mat=__________

2. cut-sit=___________

3. mall-ball=_________

4. bell-sell=__________

5. meat-boy=_________

Rosie M. Larayos
Prepared by: Romba, Janaira P. Cooperating teacher

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