Nature of Risk
Nature of Risk
Nature of Risk
Samantha McCraine, Christa Anderson, Christopher Weber, M. Rebecca Shaw
We acknowledge the following people who kindly provided input to or
review of this report. The views expressed here, however, may not
represent the views of reviewers.
Elizabeth Aceituno, Hugo Bluet, Jane Chu, Rosie Dunscombe,
Giulietta Duyck, Karen Ellis, Magnus Emfel, Stefano Esposito,
Sebastien Godinot, Jiska Klein, Margaret Kuhlow, Raj Kundra,
Katie Leach, Joanne Lee, Alexis Morgan, Anders Nordheim,
Toby Roxburgh, Siobhan Stewart, Jakob Thoma, Jorien van Hoogen
Report design:
© 2019 World Wildlife Fund
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 4
1. Context of the Report 10
2. Literature Summary 11
3. Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business 13
3.1 Nature 13
3.2 Business Risk 14
3.3 Nature-Related Risks to Business 15
Illustrating Nature-Related Risk with the ENCORE Database 16
4. Types of Nature-Related Risk for Business 17
4.1 Risk Type Frequencies 17
4.2 Connecting Threats and Consequences 19
5. Case Studies of Nature-Related Risk to Business 22
5.1 Case Study 1: BP Oil Spill 23
5.2 Case Study 2: Collapse of Vale’s Brumadinho Dam 24
5.3 Case Study 3: German exporters in South Africa 25
5.4 Case Study 4: PG&E Bankruptcy 26
5.5 Case Study Summary 26
6. Opportunities and Future Work 27
7. Annexes 1-3 29
8. References 40
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Framework of nature-related risk. This framework for nature-related risk combines two ideas. The first is how businesses and the economy both
impact and depend on nature (outer gray arrows). The second is that nature-related risk arises from not just the change to impacts and dependen-
cies on nature (striped circles), leading to a threat (orange circles), but also from a business’s exposure and vulnerability (blue and yellow circles) 8.
When a nature-related risk is realized, there may be a consequence to the business and to the broader economy. These consequences may trigger
feedbacks on the company’s vulnerability and exposure or may create further threats related to its impacts and dependencies on nature.
Adopted and integrated from NCFA & UNEP-WCMC 2018, Field et al. 2014
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Types of Nature-Related Risk to Business Separating risk into threats and consequences highlights
two elements of risk for businesses: 1) how a risk might
In addition to considering the components that make
arise (the threat, Table ES1a), and also 2) how it becomes
up nature-related risk, we assess different types of
material to the business or investors (the consequence).
nature-related risks that are of concern for business.
This is a simple distinction largely missing from the
This review of the most commonly mentioned threats
current conversation.
and consequences provides an indicator of which risks
are most likely to be material for businesses (further Our data indicates that twice as many threats are being
details in Annex 1). assessed as compared to consequences, and that
consequences on average receive slightly more attention
Based on our review of 30 frameworks, we group nature-
per specific type than threats.
related risk into five major types: physical, regulatory &
legal, market, reputational, and financial risks. While
the first four risk types can be further separated into
threats and consequences, financial risks are almost
always consequences of concern rather than threats.
Table ES1a. Top cited examples of nature-related threats across reviewed sources
Physical Risk 11
Acute events; damage from natural/man-made hazards 11
Biodiversity loss and decreasing species richness 7
Scarcity of water 4
Availability, reliability, and security of energy 4
Habitat loss 2
Air pollution 2
Water pollution 2
Market Risk 10
Changing consumer preferences 7
Inability to attract co-financiers due to uncertainty 2
Purchaser requirements 2
Reputational Risk 13
Negative press coverage 3
Divestment or other stakeholder campaigns 3
Impacts on World Heritage Sites or protected areas 2
Impacts on species on IUCN** Red List 2
Physical Risk Regulatory & Legal Risk Market Risk Reputational Risk
Table ES1b. Most cited consequences of nature-related risks across reviewed sources
Physical Risk Regulatory & Legal Risk Market Risk Reputational Risk Financial Risk
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Case Studies of Nature-Related Risk showcase positive actions (of companies proactively
assessing their natural capital dependencies). In this
While case studies of nature-related risk to businesses
report, we include cases which are emblematic, instances
do exist, they are limited in number, in part because
in which an actual risk event occurred. We outline these
business are reluctant to voluntarily share risk
cases using the framework outlined in the paper.
information. Those published by business typically
Table ES2. Summary of selected case studies of nature-related risk and consequences for business
BP Impacts of the oil spill Damage to Risk assessment (-); Types of activities Legal costs at around
surrounding brand value (+) undertaken (e.g., USD 62.59–144.89 billion;
environment deepwater drilling); loss of USD 3.7 billion in
operations in marine revenue; drop in market
environment cap and share prices;
increased insurance rates
across the industry
Vale Growing awareness about Collapse of the Risk assessment (-); Environmental Suspension of operations;
the dangers of “upstream” tailings dam brand reputation (-) conditions USD 2.3 billion
tailings dams in assets frozen;
employees arrested;
drops in share value
and bond prices; down-
graded credit ratings
German Depletion of South African Crop failures Diversification of Distance from primary EUR 70 million in
exporters water sources; drought suppliers and diversified production; geography forgone sales/profits
products (+) of supply chain;
sociopolitical mood in
home and host countries
PG&E Increased dryness in Sparks on the Risk assessment (-) Types of activities under- Over USD 30 billion in
the environment; power lines taken (e.g., power trans- liabilities; bankruptcy
malfunctioning mission); environmental
equipment conditions of operation
This report focuses primarily on nature-related risks to business and to discuss nature-related opportunities
businesses, analyzing recent gray literature on nature- for businesses in detail. As well, key areas of interest for
related risk, categorizing and explaining nature-related further research include the nexus of nature-related and
risks to businesses. Future work is needed to address climate change-related risks, in addition to the dynamics
nature-related risks to society and the entire economy, of systemic risk creation across micro and macro scales
to review academic literature on nature-related risk, to and between nature and climate.
quantify the financial impact of nature-related risks to
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
List of Abbreviations
Coming later in 2019, the Water and Value (WAVE) tool will help bolster cross-scalar analysis. See:
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Figure 1. The relationship between nature business value or profitability. However, in order for the
and business consequence to materialize, businesses must be both
exposed and vulnerable to that threat, and also must
have an insufficient response to the threat.
Figure 2. Risk arises from the combination of three
factors: a threat, an exposure to that threat, and
vulnerability to that threat
Adopted from NCFA & UNEP-WCMC, 2018 EXPOSURE
As highlighted in Figure 1 (adopted from NCFA &
UNEP-WCMC, 2018), the relationship between nature
and business is one of impacts and dependencies. Adopted from Field et al., 2014
A dependency is a business reliance on or use of nature Threats become financially material or consequential if
where nature functions as an input, or if it enables, the company also has some degree of exposure (blue
enhances, or influences environmental conditions circle) and vulnerability (yellow circle) to the threats.
required for successful corporate performance.11,7 At the business level, exposure is a function of factors
An impact on nature is a positive or negative effect including the business’s sector and industry (the
of business activity on the quantity or quality of NC practices of these, and proximity to consumers and
stocks or ES flows.11,7 In this way, nature-related risks to regulators), the geographic spread of their value chain
business arise from their dependencies or impacts (with implications for their legal jurisdictions and their
on nature. sociopolitical contexts of operation), and finally their
(degree of) reliance on ecosystem services or natural
3.2 Business Risk capital. Vulnerability of individual businesses to nature-
Our understanding of nature-related risks to business related risk can generally be thought of as the (in)ability
is also shaped by the literature on climate-related risks8 of the business to adapt to the threat at hand; it is a
and corporate risk management. Recognizing that function of determinants like size, expendable capital
the nature-related risks which corporate actors focus (or cash on hand), risk management practices along
on in any given reporting period are a byproduct of the value chain, risk awareness (including definitions
issue materiality,d we employ the following terms to of materiality), degree of operational and managerial
understand the creation of nature-related risks resilience, value chain and/or product diversification,
more broadly. and influence on the market/within the sector (including
pricing power and brand value).
Given that nature-related risks to business arise from
their dependencies or impacts on nature (Figure 1), it Consequences affect a business’s cash flow and
follows that a business’s concern with risk is centered profitability by disrupting its operations directly or
on the consequences of a threat resulting from a affecting its costs, sales, and/or cost of capital (such as
dependency or impact of their value chain. credit rating or equity value). A change in the cost of
capital also implies that risk is likely to be felt by the
The threat consists of an event or change in the company’s investors and creditors, since it affects the
business’s operating conditions, which may jeopardize value of the company’s equity or debt.
See an extended discussion on materiality in Annex 2.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
3.3 Nature-Related Risks to Business circle) may emerge from changes in policies, consumer
preferences, adverse media coverage of a company’s
Taking together this understanding of risk (Figure 2) with
impacts, and other sources, as detailed below.
that of businesses’ and society’s relationship with nature
(Figure 1), we present the following way of thinking When threat, vulnerability, and exposure are all
through the emergence of nature-related risk (Figure 3). present, a nature-related risk can materialize and lead
to consequences for the business and/or the economy.
Starting from the outside (right side of figure),
These dynamics of risk creation are common to both
businesses, and the economy as a whole, both are
nature-related risks and climate change-related risks.
dependent on and impact nature (left side of figure).
That is, both are concerned with the consequences
These dependencies and impacts on nature vary across
of a threat becoming material due to exposure and
the micro and macro scales; the difference in these
vulnerability in the face of an (unexpected) change in
impacts is illustrated in the size difference of the gray
operating conditions.
causal arrows.
Factoring nature-related risks into decision-making can
Nature-related risk emerges from changes in these
help companies anticipate potential threats and prepare
dependencies and impacts, which may be threats (red
for potential consequences, thereby reducing their
circles). Dependency-related changes (upper striped
exposure and vulnerability. In a changing world, this
circle) emerge from a combination of natural variability
preparedness enables better response times, resource
in ecosystem services and environmental change—
availability and efficiency, optimization of products, and
including climate change, nature loss and degradation,
decreases in additional fines or costs.
and the combination of the two—that humans add
to nature. Impact-related changes (lower striped
Figure 3: High level framework illustrating nature-related risk to business, adopted and integrated from NCFA & UNEP-WCMC 2018, Field
et al., 2014. The framework illustrates how businesses and the economy both impact and depend on nature (outer gray arrows). As well,
it conveys how nature-related risk arises from not just the change to a business’s impacts and dependencies on nature (striped circles),
leading to a threat (orange circles), but also from a business’s exposure and vulnerability (blue and yellow circles). When a nature-relate
risk is realized, there may be a consequence to the business and to the broader economy. These consequences may trigger feedbacks on
the company’s vulnerability and exposure, or on further threats related to its impacts and dependencies on nature.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Nature-related risks are emergent: While we know of The ENCORE tool (profiled below) can be used for
some nature-related risks that may have impacts for unpacking nature-related risks to businesses. This
companies in the near term and others that may have tool employs one of the most extensive sets of risk
impacts in the long term, many nature-related risks indicators we encountered across tools and disclosure
remain unknown. To hedge against these, businesses frameworks surveyed.
must be proactive.
Resilience Low Dependence
of Process (process continues
Number of Subsectors Affected
Agriculture, Irrigated Crops
Forest Products, Forestry
30 Agriculture, Rainfed Crops
20 Agriculture, Livestock
10 Agriculture, Aquaculture
0 Utilities, Hydropower
th Ac ion
nd s
Dr ions
Se and hts
ve es
rre ter Po ise
an st ion
Ov irc tion
rv n
Coal Mining
Co itie
ha tio
a slid
ea c at
L g
nt Ab lut
d rac
er ula
er tiv
W esti ific
om o
Cu Wa
l o bit
0 5 10 15
The figure above shows how ENCORE’s data can clarify where businesses’ dependencies on nature may lead
to nature-related risk. The tool provides data on:
• Material threats (red bar chart; top 10 drivers of environmental change across all production processes)
• Sectors with high exposure to nature-related risk, based on their material dependencies (blue bar chart;
production processes with the greatest number of high/very high material dependencies)
• High vulnerability or low resilience of the production processes to disruption (yellow pie chart; most
commonly cited reasons why a process would have low vulnerability or high resilience to disruption)
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Threats were split relatively evenly across the first four number of specific threats were mentioned for the
major risk types: There were 11 mentions for physical, regulatory & legal and physical risk categories; lesser
14 for regulatory & legal, 10 for market and 13 for attention to market and reputational risks may be due to
reputational risk. However, there were only 5 mentions the routine nature of risk management for these types.
for financial risk, and these were only listed as what Compared to the other types, regulatory & legal risks
could be considered consequences. may have been overlooked in the past, but the large
array of specific types identified in our review suggest
For threats, those which appeared in 25% or more
that businesses and other actors are broadening their
of the sources surveyed include litigation, damages,
scope of concern in this domain. High-level risk type
and compensation (11 mentions); acute events and
counts are included in Table 1a to communicate the
damage from hazards (11); pricing or other regulation
relatively even spread of concern across these major
of externalities (10); biodiversity loss (7); and changing
categories, despite variation in attention to the specific
consumer preferences (7). Interestingly, a greater
threats identified.
Table 1a. Top cited examples of nature-related threats across reviewed sources
Physical Risk 11
Acute events; damage from natural/man-made hazards 11
Biodiversity loss and decreasing species richness 7
Scarcity of water 4
Availability, reliability, and security of energy 4
Habitat loss 2
Air pollution 2
Water pollution 2
Market Risk 10
Changing consumer preferences 7
Inability to attract co-financiers due to uncertainty 2
Purchaser requirements 2
Reputational Risk 13
Negative press coverage 3
Divestment or other stakeholder campaigns 3
Impacts on World Heritage Sites or protected areas 2
Impacts on species on IUCN** Red List 2
Physical Risk Regulatory & Legal Risk Market Risk Reputational Risk
Table 1b. Most cited consequences of nature-related risks across reviewed sources
Physical Risk Regulatory & Legal Risk Market Risk Reputational Risk Financial Risk
For consequences, those that appeared in 25% or more e.g., those that are regulatory, financial, or reputational risks,
sources include costs and fines related to compliance (9 and which may in turn result in financial consequences.
mentions) and disruptions to business operations (7). The For example, a physical risk related to the scarcity of water
full data on this review can be found in Annex 1. Notably, may create a regulatory and/or operational risk related to
the routine management mentioned above may skew the access to that resource and to the profitability of operations
data on risks of concern: Those that are contained or are (see Case Study 3 in Section 5). If that input is not easily
not considered sufficiently material for businesses may not substitutable, a cascade of risks may pose a serious threat to
have been included by the sources we surveyed. the economic profitability of operations, resulting in financial
Our data indicates twice as much assessment of threats
(Table 1a) than of consequences (Table 1b), and that Nature-related risks may also arise through multiple
consequences on average receive slightly more attention pathways: The physical risk of ecosystem degradation
per specific type than threats. Greater variety in the may become a risk to companies as a consequence of
number of threats being mentioned correlates with the new regulations coming into place requiring companies to
need of businesses to assess the full array of potential restore the land they have used, or, due to an assessment
risks, and slightly greater weight to each consequence revealing a company’s dependence on ecosystem services.
may correlate with their direct connection to financial Ecosystem degradation may also be a threat to reduced
materiality. output and productivity for the company. Some specific
threat-consequence pathways were identified across
4.2 Connecting Threats and Consequences sources, including regulatory risk leading to increased
As acknowledged by many others, the five high-level risk compliance costs and physical risk leading to disruption
types (physical, regulatory & legal, market, reputational, of operations. Future work elaborating these connections
and financial) are not mutually exclusive. Instead, they may can improve the understanding of nature-related risks
feed one another.11 In many cases, physical risks may be within the corporate risk management community.
precursors or bring the threat of other nature-related risks,
Notably, these cascading risks and consequences may be felt by one business, or may also be passed vertically–along a supply chain, or horizontally—throughout an industry.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
The proposed typology of nature-related risks—physical, economic, social, and governmental factors across scales of
regulatory & legal, market, reputational, and financial— economic activity that put their operations and profits at risk.
can help organize corporate risk analysis within the They should remain cognizant of the ever-changing context
framework of nature-related risk consisting of change, in which risk unfolds; the prevalence of different risks can
threat, exposure, vulnerability, and consequence. See Table be expected to change over time. Should scientific evidence
2 on the following page to understand how the framework and policymaking keep pace, a broader subset of ecological
and typology come together. transition risks could begin unfolding once a global target
is set on ecosystem service protection or natural capital
Ultimately, risk managers must think about the connections
maintenance, having threats and consequences that can
among these elements of risk, their drivers, and the other
ripple throughout supply chains and networks of trade.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Table 2. Major types of nature-related risks, including how each maps to the risk framework through threat,
exposure, vulnerability, consequence, and management approaches
Change: Drought Change: Infrastructure failure Change: New regulation on Change: New liability regime
natural resource extraction limits
Threat: Water shortage Threat: Contamination of Threat: Higher levels of
surrounding watershed Threat: Lack of access to inputs enforcement; liability for
Exposure: Water intensity of
environmental contamination
business; value chain geography; Exposure: Characteristics of area Exposure: Sector; geography
natural variability of operation – e.g., biodiversity, of production assets Exposure: Pollutive production
indigenous communities processes, jurisdiction of
Vulnerability: Production Vulnerability: Production
process resilience to Vulnerability: Risk management process flexibility
disruption; alternative water practices; reputation of company Vulnerability: Previous record;
Financial Consequence:
sources; concentration of and industry; cash on hand expendable capital; legal
Input costs rise
operations in exposed area expertise
Financial Consequence:
Nature-related Risk
Financial Consequence: Legal costs, operations stalled Financial Consequence:
Management Approaches:
Production process disrupted (forgone sales), market value Legal suit for environmental
Lobbying; research and
operations impacted of company at risk contamination increased legal
development on substitutes;
costs, higher cost of capital
Nature-Related Risk Nature-related Risk relocation
Management Approaches: Management Approaches: Nature-related Risk
Improve water efficiency; Engage in remediation; Management Approaches:
collaborative water conservation payments to affected Compliance; stakeholder
with surrounding communities communities; CSR and engagement
stakeholder engagement;
compliance with
Change: Resource scarcity (from Change: Increasing Change: Growing social Change: Media investigation
depletion or new regulations) environmental awareness awareness around risks of company’s operations
presented by industry
Threat: Increased price of goods Threat: Change in consumer Threat: Protests
preferences toward low-impact Threat: Loss of social license
Exposure: Source markets; Exposure: Environmental
goods to operate
degree of reliance on scarce awareness in home and host
goods; availability of alternatives Exposure: Sales markets Exposure: Environmental country; production processes
awareness in home and host
Vulnerability: Production Vulnerability: Brand value; Vulnerability: Risk management
country; production processes
process flexibility competition practices; reputation of company
Vulnerability: Risk management and industry; relations with
Financial Consequence: Financial Consequence: practices; reputation of company stakeholders; size of company;
Higher input costs Change in consumer preferences and industry; relations with proximity of investors/sharehold-
decreased sales stakeholders
Nature-related Risk ers to protestors
Management Approaches: Nature-related Risk Financial Consequence: Financial Consequence:
Advertising; CSR activities Management Approaches: Loss of social license to operate Boycotts and protests
Engage in remediation; operations affected decreased sales
payments to affected
communities; CSR and Nature-related Risk Nature-related Risk
stakeholder engagement; Management Approaches: Management Approaches:
compliance with Stakeholder engagement; Stakeholder engagement;
regulation/penalties press releases press releases
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Case studies clarify how nature-related risks become Note that the cases below only represent a portion of
material for business. Below we present examples the risks experienced by businesses, many of which go
using the framework and terminology introduced in undisclosed. For the most part, other case studies focus
the sections above. on positive actions by business to manage and reduce
risk. This approach helps to boost corporate value
To reiterate, nature-related risk results from a change rather than raise flags for shareholders, investors, and
in an organization’s impacts and/or dependencies on auditors. In comparison to other cases, the cases below
nature. A nature-related risk becomes consequential focus on disastrous events that clearly signal corporate
to business only if it is sufficiently exposed, vulnerable, failure to manage risks.
and has an insufficient response to the change or threat
driving that risk. Below, we summarize each of the cases within the
framework of nature-related risk. Note that listed
The case studies below show the connections between elements of vulnerability and exposure can have either
types of risk and the messiness of these in the real a positive or a negative effect on the consequences
world. We include cases that are emblematic instances incurred by the company (Table 3).
in which an actual risk event occurred. Elements of the
Table 3. Selected case studies of nature-related risk and consequences for companies
BP Impacts of the oil spill Damage to Risk assessment (-); Types of activities Legal costs at around
surrounding brand value (+) undertaken (e.g., USD 62.59–144.89 billion;
environment deepwater drilling); loss of USD 3.7 billion in
operations in marine revenue; drop in market
environment cap and share prices;
increased insurance rates
across the industry
Vale Growing awareness about Collapse of the Risk assessment (-); Environmental Suspension of operations;
the dangers of “upstream” tailings dam brand reputation (-) conditions USD 2.3 billion
tailings dams in assets frozen;
employees arrested;
drops in share value
and bond prices; down-
graded credit ratings
German Depletion of South African Crop failures Diversification of Distance from primary EUR 70 million in
exporters water sources; drought suppliers and diversified production; geography forgone sales/profits
products (+) of supply chain;
sociopolitical mood in
home and host countries
PG&E Increased dryness in Sparks on the Risk assessment (-) Types of activities under- Over USD 30 billion in
the environment; power lines taken (e.g., power trans- liabilities; bankruptcy
malfunctioning mission); environmental
equipment conditions of operation
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
5.1 Case Study 1: BP Oil Spill burned for 36 hours, and sank. Eleven workers died,
and over 200 million gallons of oil gushed into the
Gulf of Mexico.
5.2 Case Study 2: Collapse of Vale’s Further market and financial consequences have
Brumadinho Dam followed: Within weeks of the disaster, the company
suffered the largest single-day loss in the history of the
In January 2019, over 200 people were killed, 270
Brazilian stock market,51 falling by USD 19 billion on
hectares of land were destroyed, and 300 km of rivers
Brazil’s B3 stock exchange. Further consequences
were impacted by the largest environmental disaster
include drops in Vale’s bond prices and downgrades in its
in Brazilian history. The collapse of Vale’s Brumadinho
credit ratings from both Fitch and Standard & Poor.51
tailings dam at Córrego de Feijão mine released toxic
mudflow into native vegetation and protected forests, Beyond the company, consequences are ricocheting
as well as into rivers where the waste—composed among investors and others involved in Brazil’s metal
of metals and chemicals—can last for decades.46 In and mining sector. There are emerging concerns about
addition to ecosystem and species disturbances, the security of a nearby mine, also operated by Vale; the
this can have a critical impact on the well-being of risks of the Brumadinho disaster remain present for the
thousands of Brazilians living near the disaster: The company, investors, regulators, and local communities.52
contaminated Sao Francisco river is a source of drinking
Risky practices are coming under closer scrutiny,
water for hundreds of municipalities.47
with expected financial consequences to follow. In
For Vale, the mining company operating the faulty addition to a new ban on new ‘upstream’ tailings dams
dam, the consequences of the physical risk posed by and requirement for decommissioning all those in
its collapse are still playing out. Key consequences to operation by 2021, there are expected adjustments to
date include the suspension of Vale’s operations at national laws regarding external auditors and auditing.
several mines (due to its responsibility for both the 2019 The failings in Brazil have raised an alarm globally—a
Brumadinho disaster and the 2015 disaster at Samarco demand for disclosure emerged from global investors
Mineracao);48 the freezing of USD 2.3 billion of its assets (including the Bank of England and Swedish pension
under a court order;49 and the arrest of a handful of funds)53 in April. This group—managing USD 10.3 trillion
employees, including executives, on suspicion of murder in assets—demanded that 683 mining companies,
after being found aware of significant safety problems.50 including Vale, provide details of every tailings dam
Other executives have since resigned in the wake of under their control. More stringent regulations could
legal, regulatory, and reputational consequences. impose greater financial burdens on this industry.
5.3 Case Study 3: German exporters in Relying on South Africa and other water-scarce nations,
South Africa German food exporters, distributors, and retailers are
at risk of threats related to their water dependence,
Agricultural producers directly depend on access to
passed along supply chains, and potentially leading
water resources (quality and quantity) and associated
to consequences in terms of the availability and
ecosystem services like water regulation. Changes in
price of goods (in other words, market and financial
the supply of these inputs can lead to cascading risks
consequences); they are also at risk of threats
throughout the food sector. In this case, we attend to
related to their water impacts linked to their use of
the different risks accrued to farmers in South Africa
agrochemicals, overfertilization, and salinization of soil.
verses the German exporters and retailers further down
Each of these threats can further lead to reputational
the supply chain.
Since 2017, the drought in South Africa has resulted
To date, German retailers and exporters have been
in economic losses of over USD 510 million to farmers
dealt a lesser blow by the drought—in comparison to
alone.54 Food exporters (buyers for overseas clients)
their South African suppliers—given the diversification
have lost at least USD 75 million from crop failures of
of their supply chains. This factor of reduced
high-priced items like wine and fruit. Outside the export
vulnerability may become overwhelmed by changes
sector, staple crops like maize have gone up in price and
in the sociopolitical mood of both their home and host
down in supply. High food prices and food insecurity
country if societal woes in South Africa continue to grow
will increase the amount of food South Africa needs to
(increasing retailers’ exposure). Already, the physical
import from overseas. These financial consequences,
risks experienced by the food sector are creating water
accumulated at various levels of the economic activity,
shortages which may result in restrictions on access or
through farmers to financiers and up to the state, are
loss of social license to operate for some companies
a massive setback to the country’s economy and to its
(otherwise understood as regulatory risk). If the quality
development goals.
of farmland continues to degrade, it may also become
In Germany, food and beverage retailers have financially devalued, posing a financing risk to asset
been cited as “importing water risk” through their holders who may be left with temporarily illiquid assets.
supply chains.55
2. T
he following are opportunities for businesses in
addressing NRR highlighted by Finance Watch, TCFD,
6. Opportunities and Future Work and the Natural Capital Coalition, among others:
This report offers a consolidated framework for
• Resource efficiency – Real-time decreases in costs
understanding nature-related risk, reviews types of
can come from improvements in material efficiency,
nature-related risk from existing literature and offers
and in the future cost reductions may arise from the
case studies on company consequences of nature-
sustainable use of resources.
related risk. With this final section, we seek to highlight 1)
needs for future research and 2) opportunities available • Product, service and market opportunities –
in addressing nature-related risk. Companies can gain first-entrant advantage in
nature-friendly markets for products and services and
1. Future research have the ability to develop brand value in this space.
• Further incorporating ideas from climate-related risk To replace carbon- and nature-intensive assets,
management to nature-related risk, and vice versa, innovation will be necessary.
building on TCFD’s climate risk work to increase • Financing opportunities – By conducting nature-
businesses knowledge of nature-related risk. related impact and dependency assessments,
Critically, more work is needed on understanding businesses can demonstrate their understanding
the potential synergies that can be attained when and management of nature-related risks, allowing
businesses and other actors tackle climate change them to improve their credit ratings and access funds
and nature loss in unison. which are targeted toward ‘impact,’ ‘responsible’ and
• Additional study on the connection between macro- ‘green’ investment. These self-assessments are key in
level and micro-level nature-related risk is needed. a context of improved green investment classification
Understanding how macroeconomic risk and schemes (e.g., ongoing work within the European
microeconomic risk feed into one another at different Commission).57
spatial and temporal scales is a critical question for • Opportunities for collaborative action – self-
further research and action, since private-sector assessments of corporate impacts and dependencies
materiality concerns may be both short-term and on nature can feed into collective action by those
damaging to common pool resources like natural actors who are mutually reliant on the same
capital. ecosystem services or natural capital within a discrete
• New thinking and analysis are needed on the region. This elevates the ability of businesses to
potential for systemic risk to emerge, especially if manage emerging nature-related risks.
regional- or large-scale ecosystem collapse occurs. • Reputational opportunities – A strong reputation
• Collaboration between businesses, finance on nature-related risk can be associated with a
institutions, credit rating agencies, independent higher selling power and greater advantages in the
auditors and regulators is necessary to harmonize hiring process.
the frameworks through which businesses’ impacts • Leadership opportunities at the Convention
and dependencies on nature are assessed and on Biological Diversity (CBD) 2020 – Companies
disclosed. can demonstrate leadership and gain first-entrant
advantage with strong participation in addressing
Improving companies’ understanding of nature-related
common drivers of ecosystem service erosion.
risks allows them to manage those risks, and also to
capitalize on opportunities associated with proactively
addressing the loss and degradation of nature. Now is
the time for early movers to address the unprecedented
risk posed by changes in nature.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
7. Annexes
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
*’Type’ indicates and overarching risk type. ‘Driver’ indicates an upstream driver of risk. ‘Threat’ and ‘Consequence’ are used as defined in this report.
Sources surveyed: For this research, we surveyed reports, disclosure frameworks, and risk analysis tools. These included: NCFA & PWC 2018,
NCFA & UNEP-WCMC, NCC 2018, IPBES 2019, TCFD, OECD 2019, Bonner et al. 2012, Hanson et al. 2012, Finance Watch 2019, UNEP/PSI 2019, Bank
of England (Batten 2018), Schellekens & van Toor 2019, ERBD 2014, Caldecott et al. 2013, ELD Initiative 2013, GFSG 2017, Collins 2019, WWF & AXA
2019, Trucost 2013, PWC 2012, SASB Materiality Map 2018, S&P 2019, Moody’s Investors Service 2018, GRI 300 Series, CDP Forest, Climate, and Water
Questionnaires 2019, Water Risk Filter, SCRIPT, GMAP
Sector* % of Sources** Ranking Number of Processes with VH/H Number of Processes with Other
Sector as High Risk Material ES identified in ENCORE Material ES identified in ENCORE
The numbers in the table above convey the consistent perception across the sources surveyed that these seven
sectors face a high degree of nature-related risk. Looking at the ENCORE data on these specific sectors, the number
of production processes which rely on ecosystem services are highest for Food & Beverage, Utilities and Metals &
Mining. However, those sectors with the highest number of VH/H ES dependencies (as a proportion of their overall ES
dependencies) are Forestry (67.5%), Food & Beverage (42%), Utilities (23%) and then Transportation (21%). While this
first measure is an indicator of the potential for production process disruption with changes in ecosystem services,
the second is a measure of that sector’s vulnerability to ecosystem service disruption; when ES materiality is higher,
production processes are more reliant on ES to continue normal functioning.
*Note that ENCORE uses the following sector categorizations: Consumer Staples for Food & Beverage, Materials for both Metal & Mining and
Forestry, Utilities for Utilities, Energy for Oil & Gas, Industrials (and Materials) for Construction and Consumer Discretionary for Transportation.
**Sources surveyed: Bonner et al.; Bonnet & Morozova 2018, ELD 2013, ENCORE; Moody’s Investors Service 2018; SASB Materiality Map 2018;
S&P 2019; Trucost 2013.j
Definitions of risk vary across the sources surveyed. Bonner et al. (2012) define high risk as most high risk materialities, whereas Bonnet &
Morozova (2018) define it as a combination of risks and mitigation.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
The connection between nature and biodiversity has been framed in a number of different ways. For instance, within
the planetary boundaries concept58,59 and the Living Planet Index (WWF),60 biodiversity is seen as a barometer of
planetary health. Where indicators of biodiversity (such as species richness) are in decline, it follows that the wellbe-
ing of natural systems are at risk. In relation to our report’s other key concepts—natural capital (NC) and ecosystem
services (ES)—biodiversity has been defined as a fundamental component of NC, underpinning nature’s products and
services.61 Indeed, biodiversity is seen as central to the functioning of ES and ensuring the delivery of ES which are
critical to society.15,20,62 For example, healthy, biodiverse marshes and mangroves can fulfill flood protection services
to coastal businesses and communities. Because of the role of biodiversity in maintaining critical ES like food
provision and climate regulation, many have also drawn connections between this biodiversity and global goals
related to sustainable development and climate change.4,15
While this report recognizes the significance of biodiversity, it focuses on ‘nature’ in its broadest sense, including
biodiversity, natural capital, and ecosystem services.
Below, we present a table of preliminary matches across the categories of NCP from IPBES (2019) and ES listed in the
MEA (2005) and in ENCORE’s database (2019). Boxes which are matched with a dash were found to have no direct
parallel in the other assessed categorization. As emphasized in the report, harmonizing this terminology is critical for
improving businesses’ ability to assess and manage nature-related risks; common language facilitates data collection
and risk communication.
A2. Table 1. Crosswalk of NCP and ES Categories MEA 2005, IPBES 2019, ENCORE 2019
ES1 Food NCP 12 Food and feed ES7 Fibers and other materials
ES2 Fresh water NCP 6 Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing ES11 Ground water
ES18 Surface water
ES3 Fuelwood NCP 11 Energy ES1 Animal-based energy
- - NCP 3 Regulation of air quality ES5 Dilution by atmosphere and ecosystems
- - - - ES19 Ventilation
ES4 Fiber NCP 13 Materials, companionship and labor ES7 Fibers and other materials
ES5 Biochemicals NCP 14 Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources ES10 Genetic materials
ES6 Genetic resources
ES7 Climate regulation NCP 4 Regulation of climate ES4 Climate regulation
NCP 9 Regulation of hazards and extreme events ES13 Mass stabilization and erosion control
- - - ES14 Mediation of sensory impacts
ES8 Disease regulation NCP 10 Regulation of detrimental organisms and biological processes ES2 Bio-remediation
ES6 Disease control
ES15 Pest control
ES9 Water regulation NCP 7 Regulation of freshwater and coastal water quality ES3 Buffering and attenuation of mass flows
ES9 Flood and storm protection
ES20 Water flow maintenance
ES21 Water quality
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Value is another commonly used and important term to clarify for nature-related risk. According to IPBES, “beyond
monetary worth, value conveys the relative importance or usefulness of natural capital to others.”15 Value is always
defined in the context of a given worldview and cultural context and can refer to a preference someone has for a
particular state of the world, the importance of something for itself or for others, or simply a measure.63 This reflects
what it means to ‘value’ something and hints at the diversity of values: e.g. bequest value, non-use value, monetary
value, option value. Therefore, although many have advocated for modelling the benefits/value of nature, notorious
characteristics of the task have limited progress to date (e.g., availability of data, diversity of nature’s uses, complexity
of both nature and value, and the scientific limitations of measurement). This has left some elements of NC/ES
‘model-able’ and others not (such as ground and surface water versus bioremediation or pest control). Ultimately, the
inability to capture the full picture renders efforts at valuing nature incomplete.
Dependencies versus Impacts
Framing of risks and business relationships to the environment in terms of dependencies and impacts is relatively
widespread. For instance, it can be found in the work of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
ment,15 Finance Watch,10 the Natural Capital Finance Alliance,7,64 the Biodiversity Consultancy,65 the Natural Capital
Coalition,9 the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,22 and in the work of the World Resources Institute.11
Widespread uptake may be in part linked to strong overlaps with the otherwise widely recognized ‘input-output’ and
‘source-sink’ understandings of the economy’s relationship to nature and of nature’s contributions to welfare. The
high value contribution of the framework is maintaining a focus on business dependencies on nature, without which
some businesses could not function (e.g. the paper industry without water). If dependencies are not included, the
conversation around businesses and environmental risks tends to focus on businesses’ impacts on the environment
(e.g. the focus of the ESG community on pollution, regulatory and reputational risks).
This framing requires balancing scales of analysis. Society and the macroeconomy have dependencies and impacts
on nature as much as individual businesses do. These dependencies may be through their consumptive demands on
businesses, or through their own extractive and pollutive activities. Businesses must consider in their risk analysis
who or what may be leading to changes in the ecosystem services or natural capital stocks on the business depends
or may be held accountable for impacting.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
There are several overlaps between the climate and nature-related risk. Connections include the loss of nature as a driv-
er of climate change (e.g. deforestation and land conversion releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere) on the
one hand, and climate change as a driver of loss/degradation on the other (e.g. warmer oceans leading to the bleaching
of coral reefs).4 Conversely, a healthy environment may improve societal resilience in the face of climate change, with
the latest IPCC report on climate change and land emphasizing conservation and restoration as positive courses of
action for adaptation and mitigation. As outlined in the case studies in this report, changes in the global climate – for in-
stance increased desertification and dryness in semi-arid regions – can lead to disruption in the provision of ecosystem
services that businesses rely on (e.g. water availability) and create new risks to operations (e.g. flammability).
The issue of timeframe related to materiality was best reflected by Mark Carney’s pivotal speech proclaiming that
climate change is the “tragedy of the horizon.”67 Carney explained that the costs of climate change will fall on future
generations because the current generation has no direct incentive to bear these costs themselves. Beyond climate
change, this analogy extends to nature loss and degradation, which is a similarly on a longer timeframe than busi-
nesses often plan for. In part because business operate on a shorter time horizon than climate change and nature
loss, businesses don’t fully consider their dependencies, impacts and consequences. However, given that materiality
is rooted in context—what is material in one context may be immaterial in another.12 As contexts change, the thresh-
old of materiality will shift and risks which were initially considered immaterial may demand greater attention.
Although businesses are the focus of this report, the actors involved in managing nature-related risk include inves-
tors, insurers, state banks, and government regulators. These actors are concerned with a wider suite of potential
risks beyond the risks of concern to businesses. Some of these concerns which may in fact derive from businesses’
operations in the form of externalities, and some of which may extend beyond businesses’ scope of financial materi-
ality.k Differences in mandates between businesses and society yield different agendas of action.
For socially oriented actors, issues of concern may include those which are ‘environmentally material.’ Environmen-
tally material issues are those involving environmental impacts or dependencies on nature which are thought to have
the potential to alter decisions being taken by businesses.21 More specifically, NCFA defines materiality as pertaining
to the importance of an ecosystem service to a business’s production process, considering two main aspects: loss
of functionality (in the case of ecosystem service disruption) and financial loss (due to that loss of functionality).7
For businesses and other actors, considering and disclosing issues with environmental materiality depends on consid-
erations like the mandatory and voluntary codes of conduct to which a business subscribes, and their mission state-
ment and principles. For businesses operating within the European Union, disclosure was influenced by the European
Commission’s 2017 Non-Binding Guidelines on Non-Financial Reporting, under which businesses must account for
the impact of their activities when assessing the materiality of non-financial information. A communication from the
Commission states that this “in effect” establishes a “double materiality” perspective, such that businesses should
disclose information which is both financially material in the classic sense, i.e. potentially consequential for the value
of the company, and also information which is environmentally and socially material.68
Financial materiality refers to aspects that influence the revenue generation, costs, capital efficiency or risks that a company faces today or in
the future. Financially material issues will affect the value of the company’s equity or borrowings.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Although a number of corporations do still report solely on issues which are financially material, the growing number
of those engaging in CSR and ESG reporting indicates that firms are beginning to acknowledge their impacts—positive
and negative—on issues of social and environmental materiality to society at large. Most companies now acknowl-
edge ESG issues in their reports69 and CEOs repeatedly rank nature-related risks at the top of their concerns.3,70–73
Conservation finance and sustainable and responsible investing are growing, and are expected to continue growing.10
The relationship of governments, consumers, financiers, and other actors to nature shapes the incentives to which
businesses respond; changes in preferences and values within these groups can create risks and pressures on busi-
nesses to act. For instance, whether or not corporate actors disclose and manage nature- and climate change-related
risks, credit rating agencies and other third-party actors can still release information on businesses and sectors, which
may have material impacts on their ability to access loans or attract financing.
The question of materiality parallels discussions on externalities. Externalities such as air pollution can impose health
burdens on communities near and far from a company’s operations. When compounded by the effects of other
polluters, these impacts become severe enough to result in decreased productivity of laborers or even labor short-
ages. This secondary effect may be felt more distantly in the economy or market in which a corporation operates, or
even within its own labor supply.74 For institutional investors, economy and market-wide impacts of externalities are
a major concern. When they are examined, negative externalities may (partially) offset the benefits associated with
production, and are often seen to erode profits across a standard portfolio (i.e., of a universal investor).75 The
inability of balance sheets and market prices to capture the environmental costs paid by society at large is a well-
known a market failure. When businesses fail to fully internalize the negative impacts of their operations, trillions of
dollars’ worth of environmental benefit are lost.19 Troublingly, prior studies have found that no high impact sector
studied was currently generating sufficient profit to cover their environmental impacts.19 Externalities are not only of
concern for citizens who rely on unpriced ecosystem services for services like climate regulation, potable water and
recreational benefits, but also for their governments, institutional investors and companies generating these costs
themselves. For governments, the cost felt by citizens is tied to their subsidy policies. Hundreds of millions of dollars
in government subsidies fuel potentially harmful agriculture and other pollutive industries.10 For universal investors
managing a wide portfolio of companies, the failure of markets and balance sheets to capture externalities can
cause residual negative impacts across their investments.75 For companies generating the costs, externalities may
eventually become financial risks should regulatory, market and/or social forces require internalization of these costs
in the future.
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
A Call for Action: NGFS (Network for 2019 Network for Greening the Financial System presents a climate central banks; physical and
Climate change Greening the Financial set of recommendation for integrating climate change policymakers transition risks
as a source of System) risks into financial systems. Among these is disclosing
financial risk in line with TCFD and developing a taxonomy of
economic activities.
Biodiversity: Finance OECD 2019 OECD report linking biodiversity loss to socio- nature G7 ecological, liability,
and the economic economic and business concerns. Prepared for the G7 Environment regulatory,
and business case Environment Ministers’ Meeting, 5-6 May 2019 ministers; reputational,
for action framing for market, financial
CBD 2020
Global assessment IPBES Diaz, Settle, & 2019 Global assessment based on existing academic nature policymakers NA
report on Brondizio literature on biodiversity and ecosystems services
biodiversity and
ecosystem services
Into the wild: AXA and WWF-France 2019 Report summarizing risks to the finance sector due nature G7 operational, legal &
Integrating nature to loss of nature; focused on laying out categories Environment regulatory, markets,
into investment of risks, and possible approaches to risk report and ministers; reputational,
strategies assessment. Section 2.3 lays out opportunities to be finance societal
had in facing risks. institutions
Making finance serve Finance Watch 2019 proposes moving away from finance that ignores nature policymakers references multiple
nature (Ludovic Suttor-Sorel) nature to finance that supports nature, including frameworks,
accounting of natural capital; risks and opportunities; primarily TCFD for
and supportive of ‘mission-oriented’ finance risk framework
Underwriting UNEP & PRI 2019 Byline: The first ESG guide for the global insurance nature insurance ESG -->
environmental, social industry developed by UN Environment’s Principles for industry environment
and governance risks Sustainable Insurance Initiative.
in non-life insurance
Values at risk? Schellekens & van Toor 2019 Bank-produced report identifying and addressing nature finance water risk,
Sustainability risks management of ‘environmental and social risks’ related institutions biodiversity risk,
and goals in the to water, biodiversity, resource loss, and human rights resource scarcity
Dutch financial risk
Measuring Allianz 2018 analysis of 7 natural capital risks that businesses face, nature businesses Sectors are
and managing across 12 sectors. Data from literature review, MSCI, categorized as high,
environmental and interviews. medium, or low
exposure: A business risk. Risk process
sector analysis of is elaborated in 3
natural capital risk steps: awareness,
preparation, and
Aiming higher to Mace et al. 2018 Frame-setting Nature Sustainability comment paper nature academics NA
bend the curve of calling for new a new goal, targets, and metrics to
biodiversity loss restore biodiversity. Linked to larger New Deal for
Nature and People.
Climate change and Bank of England 2018 outlines “key theoretical and empirical modelling issues climate economists, physical risk and
the macro-economy: (Batten, Sandra) in the analysis of the macroeconomic risks deriving central banks transition risk;
a critical review from climate change” and discusses the increasing unpredictable
need to quantify climate risks shocks versus
predictable long-
term impacts
Climate change Campiglio, Dafermos, 2018 Argument for the need for developing a framework climate researchers, calling for
challenges for Monnin, Ryna-Collins, to assess the impact of climate change on financial banks development of a
central banks and Schotten & Tanaka stability and to incorporate such assessment into framework
financial regulators regulation and policy dependencies and
Connecting finance Natural Capital 2018 Focused on ways to assess the finance sector’s impacts nature ESG analysts, operational, legal &
and natural capital: Coalition & Natural and dependencies on natural capital regulatory, markets,
A supplement to Capital Finance (1 of 3 interrelated reports) reputational,
the natural capital Alliance societal
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Exploring natural Natural Capital Finance 2018 Report focused on detailing the ENCORE tool nature finance dependencies and
capital opportunities, Alliance and UN (Natural Capital Finance Alliance, 2019) institutions impacts (species,
risks and exposure: Environment WCMC (2 of 3 interrelated reports) water, disease,
A practical guide for drought, fire, etc)
financial institutions
Global Risks 2018: World Economic 2018 Annual report on global risks: cites loss of biodiversity nature businesses rating
Fractures, fears and Forum and climate change risks to private sector
failures Annual assessment of 20+ global risks, not exclusive to
climate change, but ranking climate change high
Integrating natural Natural Capital 2018 Brief report framing assessing risk of natural capital nature finance dependencies and
capital in risk Finance Alliance & loss or impairment for banks. Examples are at the scale institutions impacts;
assessments: A Pricewaterhouse of a sector/industry within a country (3 of 3 interrelated risks are credit,
step-by-step guide Coopers reports) environmental,
for banks market,
compliance, liquidity
Making Waves: UNEP Inquiry (Zadeck 2018 Part of the broader UNEP FI ‘Inquiry’ on sustainable nature policymakers discusses risk,
Aligning the and Robins) finance which makes the case for “aligning the financial but not specially
financial system system with sustainable development” focused on
with sustainable identifying risk types
S&P Global Ratings’ S&P 2018 Separate from credit ratings, these are entity-specific nature businesses, all ESG, not specific
Proposal for evaluations, based on a “cross-sector, relative analysis FIs to environment/
Environmental, of an entity’s ability to operate successfully in the nature only
Social, And future and optimize long-term stakeholder value in
Governance (ESG) light of its natural and social environment and the
Evaluations quality of its governance.”
Stranded Assets and Caldecott, Ben 2018 “edited collection [which] provides a comprehensive nature researchers stranded assets
the Environment assessment of stranded assets and the environment” as a framing for
environmental risks
The private sector’s Goldstein, Turner, 2018 Review of corporate adaptation strategies indicates climate researchers NA; review of risk
climate change risk Gladstone, & Hole that risks of climate change should be better assessed approaches
and adaptation blind and incorporated
Environmental Risks Moody’s 2018 Rating of the level of environmental risks (high/med/ nature investors risk level: high/
Global Heatmap low) across five environmental risks (air pollution, med/low
Overview soil/water, carbon regulation, water shortage, natural risk timeframe:
hazards) and across many sectors (eg: shipping, power immediate v.
generation, agriculture), including the value of the emerging
current debt holdings for that sector 5 environment
categories: air
pollution, soil/
water, carbon
regulation, etc
Advancing TCFD Four Twenty Seven 2018 focused on climate risk, following TCFD work; “lay the climate regulators building on TCFD
guidance on physical and Acclimatise for foundations for a common conceptual framework and
climate risks and EBRD a standard set of metrics for reporting physical climate
opportunities risks and opportunities”
Enhancing Green Finance Study 2017 i) Understanding practice via case studies; ii) nature public Environmental
environmental Group [GFSG] Categorizing existing ERA practices; iii) A desk review institutions risk factors (e.g.
risk assessment in evaluation of effectiveness through case analysis; Physical, transition
financial decision- iv) Identifying barriers to effective usage of ERA risk) and Financial
making methodologies; and v) developing options to promote Risks (Business,
wider adoption of ERA practices Legal, Market,
Credit). See diagram
of this on page 10
Implementing the TCFD 2017 Practical implementation suggestions for the climate businesses transition risks
Recommendations ‘recommendations’ report on how to include material and finance (policy & legal,
of the Task Force financial risks due to climate change in a company’s institutions technology, market,
on Climate-related required annual financial filings reputation); physical
Financial Disclosures risks (acute, chronic)
(Annex to
of the Task Force
on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures)
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Recommendations TCFD 2017 Recommends financial disclosures done by companies climate businesses transition risks
of the Task Force for climate-related issues. Risks of climate change to (policy & legal,
on Climate-related companies, but especially regarding transition to a technology, market,
Financial Disclosures) low-carbon economy reputation); physical
risks (acute, chronic)
Biodiversity and The Biodiversity 2017 Brief summary of the business case for managing nature businesses Biodiversity risk;
ecosystem services: Consultancy biodiversity risk. social license to
the business case for operate, access to
managing risk and capital, litigation,
creating opportunity permitting,
disrupted operations
or supply chain
Net Positive Impact IUCN 2016 Introduces the concept of Net Positive Impact (NPI) on nature businesses NA
on biodiversity: biodiversity for businesses, including the business case
The business case for applying NPI
‘Climate value at risk’ Dietz, Bowen, Dixon, & 2016 Risk of climate change to the financial sector climate researchers, using IAM to
of global financial Gradwell “Estimate the impact of twenty-first-century climate businesses quantify risk in $
assets change on the present market value of global financial
assets….” At $2.5 trillion
Let’s talk about the Bank of England 2016 identification and description of physical risks and climate economists, physical risk and
weather: the impact (Batten, Sowerbutts transition risks for climate change impacting central central banks transition risk
of climate change on and Tanaka) banks and the economy
central banks
Natural Capital Natural Capital 2016 Further elaboration on Natural Capital Protocol on how nature organizations, impacts and
Protocol Principles Coalition to apply the natural capital framework in 9 steps businesses dependencies; risks
and Framework and opportunities
Natural Capital Natural Capital 2016 Protocol (framework) for organizations and businesses nature organizations, impacts and
Protocol Coalition to include consideration of natural capital in their businesses dependencies; risks
decision making and opportunities
Statement of Corporate Reporting 2016 This document overviews the common foundational nature investors, NA
Common Principles Dialogue principles of the CRD, for instance, the principle that regulators
of Materiality of the “material information is any information which is
Corporate Reporting reasonably capable of making a difference to the
Dialogue conclusions reasonable stakeholders may draw when
reviewing the related information.” Comparison of
materiality definitions used by different organizations
included on pages 5-8.
Stranded Assets in UNEP/SSEE 2016 “focus on the environment-related risk factors that nature researchers, Caldecott 2013.
Palm Oil Production: Morel, Friedman, can cause asset stranding in the national context of practitioners Risks are applied to
A case study of Tulloch, Caldecott Indonesia’s oil palm industry” asset types: physical,
Indonesia financial, social,
human; natural
risk factors:
likelihood, timing,
and potential scale
A Framework for UNEP/SSEE 2015 assessment and literature review on how to consider nature decision- not a risk
Protected Area Asset Paul Jepson, Caldecott, protected areas as an asset class, including case makers, framework; instead
Management Milligan, Chen examples from Brazil and Tanzania; includes risks to investors an ‘asset framework
PA assets and how to manage risks for Protected Areas
with five typologies:
investment, situated
assets, forms of
value, value capture,
and risk factors
Breaking the tragedy Carney, Mark (Bank of 2015 outlining a ‘tragedy of the horizon’ for climate risk, in climate insurance/ physical, liability,
of the horizon – England; with Phillips, which most risks are on a time horizon outside of the finance transition risks
climate change and Rhys and Weymarn, scope of businesses, FIs, and politics; calls for climate institutions
financial stability Ian de) risk disclosure and framework of physical, liability, and
transition risks
Linking forest D’Amato, Li, Rekola, 2015 Focus on conceptual options for the forest sector to nature researchers Ecosystem
ecosystem services Toppinen, & Lu evaluate/value ecosystem services services linked
to corporate to dependencies,
sustainability impacts, and
disclosure: A responses
conceptual analysis
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
The cost of inaction: Economist Intelligence 2015 Risk of climate change to the financial sector. Modelling climate FIs quantifying risks
Recognising the Unit finds that “risk to current manageable assets from
value at risk from climate change is $4.2 trillion” from ~2015-2100
climate change
Toward a risk Mace et al 2015 proposes a risk register to monitor natural capital nature policymakers, assigns high/med/
register for natural assets that are at risk of being unable to continue to researchers low risk to asset &
capital? provide expected benefits benefit relationships
in the UK
Environmental and ERBD 2014 Focus on environmental risks from business’s impacts; nature ERBD’s finan- Financial, Legal,
Social Risks putting forward risk framework for implementation by cial interme- Reputational risks
its financial intermediaries diaries (as a result of
company’s actions)
IPCC AR5 Climate IPCC 2014 Builds upon the risk concept set forward in SREX climate policy makers, IPCC: risk as a
Change 2014: to include feedbacks between risk, climate and governments, function of hazard,
Impacts, Adaptation, socioeconomic processes. Provides evidence on researchers, vulnerability,
and Vulnerability impacts, adaptation and vulnerability around the world. other stake- exposure,
holders socioeconomic
process and natural
Financial Dynamics UNEP/SSEE 2014 reporting to summarize why finance sector should nature finance sector physical, legal,
of the Environment: Caldecott and care about environmental risks; to identify barriers technological,
Risks, Impacts, and McDaniels that would prevent managing risks; and to identify the reputational, credit
Barriers to Resilience groups working in this realm; “how environmental-
Working Paper for related risks could affect the financial sector and what
the UNEP Inquiry financial institutions can do to manage such risks”
Risky Business: The Gordon 2014 Economic risks of climate change in the US. Uses risk climate policy makers, risks categorized by
economic risks of assessment approach, economy wide and by sector. governments, region and impact
climate change in the stakeholders
United States
The New Climate The New Climate 2014 It is possible to have economic growth and address climate government, NA
Economy Economy climate change risks together businesses
Better Growth,
Better Climate
Opportunity Lost: ELD Initiative 2013 assessment of business exposure to land degradation nature businesses risks categorized
Mitigating risk and risk, including mitigation measures / opportunities as reduced
making the most of productivity,
your land assets. decreasing raw
An assessment of materials, political
the exposure of instability/social
business to land issues, regulatory/
degradation risk and legal
the opportunities
inherent in
sustainable land
Identifying natural Hewitt et al. 2013 Overviews materiality debate around scope, nature organizations ESG
capital risk and stakeholders and time frame. Provides table of
materiality materiality definitions used by ratings/disclosure
agencies on page 2.
Natural Capital at Trucost 2013 Concentration is on costs to the economy and society nature companies, Some mix of risk
Risk: The Top 100 from private businesses in the form of environmental investors, frameworks is
Externalities of externalities. governments, applied; ultimately,
Business TEEB business they’re concerned
coalition with risks as
Private-sector Surminski 2013 Some companies are now addressing adaptation climate researchers environmental costs
adaptation to climate risks, but many aren’t, due to various barriers focused on private-
climate risk sector adaptation to
climate risks
Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business
Weathering the Center for Climate and 2013 Analysis of (mostly) traditional risk assessment climate policy makers, framework
storm: Building Energy Solutions approaches of 100 companies; recommends proactive organizations for managing
business resilience risk assessment and management, especially for climate risk: build
to climate change climate risks awareness, assess
manage risks, review
Harnessing nature to Jones, Hole, & Zavaleta 2012 Policy Perspective at intersection of ecosystem service nature researchers NA
help people adapt to and climate change: advocates using ecosystem-based
climate change approaches for climate change adaptation
Is natural capital a Bonner et al. 2012 Early study on materiality of natural capital as an nature CFOs and Impacts and
material issue? issue for business. Barriers to action identified at that accountants dependencies as
time: lack of a standardized business case, low and overall framework.
lacking market values for biodiversity and ES, and 5 types: operational,
[appropriate] accounting principles. Given its focus on regulatory & legal,
measurement/accounting, the report includes trends reputational,
and current practices on valuation of biodiversity and markets & products,
ecosystem services in section 6. financing.
Managing the Risks IPCC 2012 IPCC special report on managing the risks of extreme climate policymakers, main framework
of Extreme Events Field et al eds. events/disasters for climate change adaptation, researchers is understanding
and Disasters to including grounding in disaster risk management disaster risk
Advance Climate and approaches to vulnerability and exposure, and through
Change Adaptation addressing uncertainty vulnerability,
(SREX report) exposure, and
climate events
Risk ready: New PwC 2012 Frames concerns with environmental lens through nature Businesses Operational/
approaches to threats to economic stability. Focus is on business-level and finance value chain risks,
environmental and risk management practices. institutions ‘exposures in the
social change landscape’ (i.e.
The Corporate Hanson, C., J. 2012 Promotes the use of an ecosystem services review nature businesses Operational,
Ecosystem Services Ranganathan, (ESR) in order to protect against risks and exploit regulatory and
Review: Guidelines C. Iceland, and J. opportunities related corporate impacts and legal, reputational,
for Identifying Finisdore / WRI, dependencies on ES. Full suite of ES which can be market and
Business Risks and Meridian Institute, considered are taken from TEEB, corp narrows these product, financing
Opportunities Arising WBCSD down. Step by step guide provided on how to use
from Ecosystem the ESR, tests this on 5 WBCSD companies: BC Hydro,
Change. Version 2.0. Sygenta, Rio Tinto, Mondi and Akzo Nobel.
The Economics TEEB 2012 “the global economic benefit of biological diversity, nature businesses dependencies and
of Ecosystems the costs of the loss of biodiversity and the failure to and finance impacts
and Biodiversity take protective measures versus the costs of effective institutions
in Business and conservation” for the business community
Universal Ownership: UNEP FI & PRI 2011 Provides estimates of the current and future estimated nature Institutional quantifying financial
Why environmental monetary value of environmental degradation investors risks
externalities matter (via Trucost), in order to create a basis for large
to institutional institutional investors (i.e. universal owners) to
investors address externalities that have the greatest financial
implications. Focus is on unpriced externalities, both
the positive (e.g. ecosystem services) and negative
(e.g. pollution) -- premise that the failure to price these
appropriately will erode future benefits.
Biodiversity and WEF 2010 2010 briefing on biodiversity and risk for WEF. nature produced for physical, regulatory,
Business Risk Identified biodiversity loss as a major economic risk. participants market, other risks
includes a list of biodiversity risks in classic risk in biodiversity
typology (physical, regulatory, market, other), and discussions at
includes some limited case studies WEF annual
The cost of policy Braat & ten Brink 2008 2008 assessment of the “social and economic costs to nature European quantifying costs of
inaction mankind as a consequence of the losses of biodiversity” Commission, loss of biodiversity
for Review on
the Economics
of Biodiversity
The value of the Costanza et al. * 1997 Classic review paper assessing the value of ecosystem researchers researchers
world’s ecosystem services. 17 services; 16 biomes; $16-54 trillion per year quantifying the
services and natural value of ecosystem
capital services globally
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Nature of Risk: A Framework for Understanding Nature-Related Risk to Business