Defining Concepts in OT
Defining Concepts in OT
Defining Concepts in OT
Meaning of Organization
Organization is the foundation upon which the whole structure of management is built.
Organization is related with developing a frame work where the total work is divided into
manageable components in order to facilitate the achievement of objectives or goals. Thus,
organization is the structure or mechanism (machinery) that enables living things to work
together. In a static sense, an organization is a structure or machinery manned by group of
individuals who are working together towards a common goal. Alike 'management', the term
'organization' has also been used in a number of ways. Broadly speaking, the term 'organization'
is used in four different senses: as a process, as a structure of relationship, as a group of persons
and as a system, as given below:
Organization as a Process: In this first sense, organization is treated as a dynamic process and a
managerial activity which is essential for planning the utilization of company's resources, plants
and equipment, materials, money and people to accomplish the various objectives.
Organization as a Group of persons: In the third sense, organization is very often viewed as a
group of persons contributing their efforts towards certain goals. Organization begins when
people combine their efforts for some common purpose. It is a universal truth that an individual
is unable ability and resources. Barnard has defined 'Organization' as an identifiable group of
people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals.
Organization as a System: In the fourth sense, the organization is viewed as system. System
concepts recognize that organizations are made up of components each of which has unique
properties, capabilities and mutual relationship. The constituent elements of a system are linked
together in such complex ways that actions taken by one producer have far reaching effect on
In short, organizing is the determining, grouping and arranging of the various activities deemed
necessary for the attainment of the objectives, the assigning of people to those activities, the
providing of suitable physical factors of environment and the indicating of the relative authority
delegated to each individual charged with the execution of each respective activity.
Definitions of Organization
Different authors have defined organization in different ways. The main definitions of
organization are as follows:
Outlining the Objectives: Born with the enterprise are its long-life objectives of profitable
manufacturing and selling its products. Other objectives must be established by the
administration from time to time to aid and support this main objective.
Identifying and Enumerating the Activities: After the objective is selected, the management
has to identify total task involved and its break-up closely related component activities that are to
be performed by and individual or division or a department.
Assigning the Duties: When activities have been grouped according to similarities and common
purposes, they should be organized into a particular department. Within the department, the
functional duties should be allotted to particular individuals.
Defining and Granting the Authority: The authority and responsibility should be well defined
and should correspond to each other. A close relationship between authority and responsibility
should be established.
Creating Authority Relationship: After assigning the duties and delegations of authority, the
establishment of relationship is done. It involves deciding who will act under whom, who will be
his subordinates, what will be his span of control and what will be his status in the organization.
Besides these formal relationships, some informal organizations should also be developed.
Organization is not an end it itself but a means to achieve an end. Whether an organization is
good or bad depends on the fact as to how much efficiently and promptly it is in a position to
achieve the objectives. An ideal organization is one which is expected by all. Some people think
that an ideal organization stands in a dream only and actually it does not exist. However, it is a
wrong concept. An ideal organization is a reality which can be achieved through the active
cooperation of all the members of an organization and also by following the principles of
organization is not an exact science as physics and chemistry. Though a sound organization is
mainly based on the active cooperation of all the members of the organization and on certain
principles but also it is based on the capabilities of the individuals available to work along with
its simplicity and flexibility. An organization conceived and developed on the above lines will
reward its leaders and well as its members (Personnel). Not only will the objectives be achieved
more easily, and conveniently, but the physical operation of the organization will also be greatly
enhanced. Thus, a sound or good or ideal and result-oriented organization must possess the
following characteristics.
Realization of Objectives: Organization is tool of achieving objectives of an enterprise. For this
purpose, the organization should be divided in several department, sub-departments, branches
and units etc.
Harmonious Grouping of Functions etc.: For achieving the organization objectives there must
be harmonious grouping of functions, jobs and sub-jobs in such a way so that there is action,
consultation and co-ordination without any delay and difficulty.
Promotion of Satisfaction: The most important element of any human organization is the
promotion of satisfaction of workers. Man works in a group or in an organization and hence the
success or failure of any organization depends on as to how much the organization is in a
position to provide satisfaction to individuals or group working under him.
Provision and Development and Expansion: Another important of an ideal organization is that
there exists the necessary provision for development and expansion so that it is possible to
expand and develop any organization according to needs and requirements and necessary
changes alternatives may be made.
Coordination and Cooperation: In order to achieve the objectives of the enterprise, there must
be close coordination and cooperation in the activities of everybody working in the organization.
Further, there should also be active coordination and cooperation amongst the various
departments and sub-departments. It will also assist in elimination the evil of red tapism.
Unity of Command: There must be unity of command. No one in any organization should
report to more than one line supervisor, and everybody must know to whom he reports and who
reports to him. No subordinate should get orders from more than one supervisor, otherwise it will
lead to confusion, chaos and conflict.
High Morale: An ideal organization is that in which the workers possess high morale. They
work with full capacity, energy, enthusiasm, devotion and sincerity.
Flexibility: The last but not the least important characteristic of an ideal organization is that it
should be flexible so that necessary changes and modifications in the size of the organization as
well as technology could be easily and conveniently effected.