Using Colloidal Silver To Soothe Itchy, Painful Insect Bites & Stings

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Using Colloidal Silver to Soothe Itchy, Painful Insect Bites &

Many people might not know this, but colloidal silver can be
used to help soothe the pain and inflammation from itchy,
stinging, or painful insect bites or stings.
While there aren’t any studies specifically on using colloidal
silver for this purpose, testimonials abound! Below, you’ll find the stories of personal experiences from folks
who found relief from all kinds of insect bites and stings (including spider, ant, mosquito, and even scorpion
stings!) by using colloidal silver.
Here’s what you need to know…
Colloidal silver can indeed be used to help stop the pain and inflammation from insect bites of all kinds.
That’s because silver helps modulate cytokine expression, i.e., the chemical messengers in your body that
trigger inflammation and its resulting pain after a bite.
And it works like magic. For example, colloidal silver user Kathyn, from Singapore, wrote:
“I’d like to share with you a recent successful experience a friend of mine had using colloidal silver to heal
red, swollen hands and arms from sand fly bites.
Eddy, a friend, came over one evening. He was in considerable distress with bites from sand flies to his
hands and arms.
He had been out the evening before doing some photography on the beach. His arms and hands were red
and swollen from the bites. Apparently, the bites are worse than bee stings and can take a couple of weeks
to recover from!
I immediately soaked some ‘cotton wool’ with the colloidal silver made with my Micro-Particle Colloidal
Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, and applied it to the red areas.
After a short time the stinging sensation subsided. I gave him some more colloidal silver to take home. He
applied cotton wool soaked in the colloidal silver to the bites, using surgical tape to adhere it overnight.
In the morning the swollen areas had subsided and the redness and swelling was gone. He was truly
impressed and very grateful for the immense relief.
This may be one more application that colloidal silver can help, in terms of relieving great discomfort and
Beats Pain from Spider Bites, Too
Well, I’ve never experienced sand fly bites. But this does remind me of a trip to St. John’s Island in the U.S.
Virgin Islands my wife and I took over 15 years ago, to attend our daughter’s wedding.
We ended up in a hotel room that was just a tad overrun with tiny spiders that were so small, you didn’t
even know they were there until they bit you. By the time I woke up after our first night there, my legs
were full of painful spider bites, each of which were swollen and felt like hot needles in my skin.
I immediately began spraying 10 ppm colloidal silver over the affected areas of my skin, and allowing it to
air dry. And within 10 to 15 minutes the pain began to subside as well as the inflammation around the
I had to spray the bites five or six times the first day to keep the pain away. But by the second day, I only
had to spray them two or three times for relief. Thanks to colloidal silver, I could travel with the family and
take the island tours without too much discomfort.
I can only wonder at this point how much better it might have been if I’d have thought to soak some cotton
or wool fiber cloth with colloidal silver and simply wrapped it around the areas of my legs where the bites
were most prominent.
Kathyn’s idea above (i.e., tape cotton balls soaked in colloidal silver to the bite), which worked for the
painful sand fly bites, might have provided even more relief had I known about it. But I’m not complaining.
Colloidal silver truly did save the day for me, just as it did for Kathyn’s friend and his sand fly bites!
Most importantly, recent anecdotal accounts demonstrate that colloidal silver can help heal
even serious spider bites, such as those from Brown Recluse Spiders.
For many victims of this potentially deadly spider, the skin itself begins to necrotize, meaning it begins
to rot right on your body. Learn how experienced colloidal silver users have solved the problem and healed
their Brown Recluse Spider bites, here: How Effective is Colloidal Silver at Healing Spider Bites?
Tick Bites
Colloidal Silver Secrets Community Member B.L. from Australia successfully used colloidal silver to heal the
inflammation of tick bites:

Another colloidal silver user wrote in to say:

“I have since used colloidal silver on tick bites. After making the ticks back out with dish soap, I applied silver
directly on the bites (2 ticks) and the bumps disappeared after 2 applications of the silver.”
— (Mike T., Idaho)
Ant and Midge Bites
This gentleman was sure happy to have plenty of colloidal silver on hand when his son was bitten on the
legs, repeatedly, by some fire ants:
“My 9 year old son is very sensitive to ant bites. He was playing outside and didn’t realize he was on a bed of
fire ants. He ended up with 12 bites on his legs, each of which flared up to the size of dimes.
I immediately sprayed some 10 ppm colloidal silver on the bites and allowed it to air dry. Within 15 or 20
minutes he was no longer fussing from the itching and burning.
But the bites still looked inflamed and seemed to grow redder. So I broke out some colloidal silver gel and
slathered it onto the bites.
The look of added relief on his face when I applied the silver gel was priceless. It really does work fast. And it
only needs to be applied to the bites three or four times in the course of a day for real healing to begin.
Within two days he was practically back to normal.”
— Ryan P., Detroit, MI
And Community Member S.Y. reports she has even helped her horses find relief from midge bites with
colloidal silver:

Mosquito Bites
When discussing itchy mosquito bites, Community Member B.S.C. reported:
B.S.C. even followed up by saying it also helps stave off infections from bites:

And another colloidal silver user wrote in to explain how effective she found colloidal silver to be against
mosquito bites. She stated:
“I am a mosquito magnet. My husband and I go places and he gets no bites, but I get LOTS. So I carry a little
bottle of colloidal silver in my pocket and put a drop of it onto the bites. Most never itch again. If some
continue to itch, I give it 5 or 10 minutes and apply another dab of colloidal silver water.
Sometimes a bite will begin to itch again the next day and I simply dab on a little more colloidal silver water.
I used to scratch the mosquito bites until they scabbed and left marks for weeks. I never have a problem,
— M.H., Schnel
A woman whose mom experienced multiple spider bites wrote in to say:
“My Mom had several spider bites on her legs last summer…My sister-in-law soaked cotton balls in the
*silver*, taped it to her legs where the bites were…and within 3 days she was all healed up!!!”
Wasp Stings
Community member E.M.K. had a nasty run-in with some yellowjackets, and says colloidal silver helped
soothe the resulting stings:

And a colloidal silver user also found that it works well for treating wasp bites. She wrote:
“A few days ago I was attacked by a nest of wasps. I was bit 4 times. In the past, I have ended up in the ER
over bites.
But, all evening long I compressed the wasp bites by soaking some cotton balls in colloidal silver and then
taping the wet cotton balls directly over the bite sites. I changed them out every hour or so with freshly
soaked cotton balls.
I also took 1 tbsp of colloidal silver, orally, directly after the attack, and another tbsp before bed. And guess
what? No welts, no balloon arms – barely noticeable the next day!”
Scorpion Sting
Finally, a nice lady wrote in to explain how she used colloidal silver on a scorpion sting. She stated:
“I was barefoot and stepped on the scorpion in the dark. When I got the light on it was standing facing me
with its tail raised as if to dare me to try that again. I was able to capture it and looked it up on the internet,
to find a photo identifying it as the most dangerous scorpion in Arizona and recommendation to go to the
Pain, swelling and redness at the bite site began to spread. But at that particular time I was getting ready to
move and had turned off my phone and sold the car. So, having no way to get to emergency care, I put
colloidal silver in a dish big enough to fit my toes in, settled down to Facebook, and sat the rest of the night
with the front part of my foot dangled in the colloidal silver.
Just as a precaution, I emptied the dish twice during the night and refilled it with fresh silver. By morning the
spreading pain, swelling and redness was gone. The sting continued healing on its own with no further
treatment and did not leave a scar.”
So, there you have it. If you get a scorpion sting and you’ve got no way to get to an emergency care facility,
this nifty little idea might buy you the time you need, or even save you from an evening of growing pain and
The Bottom Line
You can expect dramatic and quick relief from bug bites simply by spraying 10 ppm strength colloidal silver
directly onto the bites and allowing it to air dry.
Or, you can simply moisten a cotton ball with colloidal silver and place it on the bite, then cover it with a
bandage to keep it in place, changing it out several times a day as the cotton ball loses its moisture.
Better yet is to use a good, high-quality colloidal silver gel or cream directly on the bite (see Germ-Busting
Colloidal Silver Gels and Creams).
Or, for seriously problematic bites, you can mix some colloidal silver with bentonite clay powder to make a
poultice. After applying the poultice to the bug bite, the clay will help draw any poison out, and the silver
will help heal the skin irritation and inflammation, and prevent infection from setting in. (See video
demonstrations of how to make your own colloidal silver poultice and how to make your own colloidal
silver gel.)
Learn More About Colloidal Silver and Insects
Here are a few articles you also might find interesting, related to controlling insects around your home:
 Is Colloidal Silver Effective Against Ants?
 Can Colloidal Silver Help Control Mosquitoes in Your Backyard?
Have You Used Colloidal Silver to Soothe Itchy or Painful Insect Bites or Stings?

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