Colloidal Silver and Shingles

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Colloidal Silver and Shingles

Does colloidal silver work for shingles outbreak and

shingles neuralgia – i.e., the excruciating nerve pain
that often goes along with a shingles outbreak?
While there have been no clinical studies on this
subject, the anecdotal evidence is compelling. Here’s
what we know so far…
Most people know that “shingles,” also known
as herpes zoster virus outbreak, can cause a
painful, blistering skin rash that can last two to four weeks, or even longer.
Some victims might also develop severe nerve pain that can last for months, or even
for years after the rash goes away. This is called post-herpetic neuralgia, and it’s the
most common complication of shingles.
Shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus – the same virus that causes chickenpox.
Apparently, if you’ve ever had chickenpox, this virus resides inside you for life,
normally in a dormant state.
But experts say it can “reactivate” years later, particularly during times of physical or
mental stress, and when immunity is low. This is why it so often afflicts the aged. Only,
instead of causing chickenpox, it causes the painful “shingles” outbreaks.
Pain from shingles can be excruciating, oftentimes described as deep burning or
“stabbing” pain, often in conjunction with uncontrollable itching and deep, debilitating
Experts say that’s because the shingles virus prefers to live in the nerve cells of the
human body, and when reactivated it inflames those cells.
Colloidal Silver and Shingles
According to the book Prescriptions for Natural Healing by Phyllis A. Balch and her
husband Dr. James F. Balch, M.D., colloidal silver is indeed effective for treating
Here’s from page 622 of the 3rd edition of their book, listing shingles as a condition
that can be treated effectively with colloidal silver:
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) – “A natural antibiotic that has shown effectiveness in
treating shingles. Can be taken internally and used topically.” (p. 622)
And according to a very old issue of the British Medical Journal (December 15, 1917),
researcher J. Mark Hovell wrote:
“Colloidal silver has also been used successfully in septic conditions of the mouth (including
pyorrhea alveolysis – Rigg’s disease), throat (including tonsillitis and quincies), ear
(including Menier’s symptoms and closure to Valsalva’s inflation), and iin generalized
septicemia, leucorrhea, cystitis, whooping cough and shingles.”
Small Silver Particles Work Best
Radio talk show host Robert Scott Bell says “actively charged silver nanoparticles or
cations (positively charged silver ions) are effective against shingles outbreaks, “if the
silver particles are small enough.”
The smaller the silver particles, the more easily they can penetrate the virus itself, he
explains, and bind to the genetic material combined within it, rendering the shingles
virus unable to replicate. “This,” he says, “can stop an infection in its tracks.”
For a shingles outbreak, Bell first recommends topical application of a high-quality
silver gel such as Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel.
And he recommends oral consumption of a good, high-quality silver hydrosol such as
Sovereign Silver brand colloidal silver.
“Just one teaspoon held sublingually for about a minute before swallowing, taken every
waking hour while in the throes of an outbreak can be of great assistance. Spread doses
out as symptoms improve.”
Bell says he has seen the topical application of the silver gel and concomitant oral
ingestion of the colloidal silver dramatically shorter the duration and severity of
shingles outbreaks.
He goes on to say “If you feel like you may be susceptible or on the verge of a shingles
attack, you can prophylactically begin frequent dosing with silver. Longer-term prevention
for those vulnerable would include using one teaspoon three to five times daily to assist
with immune system rebuilding.”
But Does Colloidal Silver Really Work?
I’ve had quite a few experienced colloidal silver users over the years write to tell me
that colloidal silver helped immensely with shingles outbreaks.
And I’ve posted several testimonials directly below, from the Testimonials page at
As noted earlier, shingles is caused by a virus that likes to “hibernate” in the nerve
cells of your body.
In other words, this virus generally lies dormant when residing in the nerve cells. This
is why it is so painful when they finally become active. Their renewed activity
apparently causes severe irritation and inflammation to the nerves.
Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to get colloidal silver deep into the nerve cells where
the viruses dwell in their dormant state, as the nerves are protected by the myelin
sheath which acts as “insulation” to the nerves.
Nevertheless, based upon numerous communications I’ve had with shingles victims
who have used colloidal silver successfully for this debilitating condition, once the
viruses have become active the silver appears to be effective in killing many, and driving
the rest back into their dormant state.
Many researchers say colloidal silver also helps stimulate immunity, which is
important, because lowered immunity is often one reason why the shingles virus can
become active from its normally dormant state.
In many cases, when colloidal silver is used daily, in small amounts (i.e., one
teaspoonful to one tablespoonful per day) between shingles outbreaks, the length of
time between those outbreaks is often dramatically increased, with many people
saying they can go for years without another shingles outbreak.
What’s more, when an outbreak finally does occur, the duration is often dramatically
lessened. People who had usually endured shingles outbreaks lasting for weeks at a
time find that new outbreaks last only for a few days to a week at most, when colloidal
silver has been used faithfully in the interim.
Finally, experienced colloidal silver users tell me that during the course of a shingles
outbreak, taking somewhat higher daily dosages of colloidal silver can help reduce the
symptoms dramatically, and reduce the length and severity of the outbreak.
Most of the colloidal silver users I’ve spoken with on this subject tell me they’ve
ingested anywhere from two ounces to four ounces of high-quality micro-particle
colloidal silver daily during the course of the outbreaks (i.e., for no more than 10
days), while also spraying 10 ppm micro-particle colloidal silver topically onto the
shingles outbreaks three to five times a day, or as needed to help stop the itching and
surface pain, and heal the skin lesions.
What Shingles Victims Say
Here are some real-life accounts from the Testimonials page of The Silver Edge web
“I’ve had the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator for some years now and have found
many uses for the silver water, ranging from flyblown sheep, to toe fungus, to of course the
usual cold, flu treatments.
But the most dramatic use I have found was for a case of shingles I had two and a half
years ago.
It started with nerve pain in my back. When the little red spots appeared, I went to the
doctor, got it diagnosed, and came away with prescriptions for $250 worth of salve, pain
pills, antibiotic pills, and a warning from the doctor that in all likelihood I would have to
come back for more.
Two days later the pain had increased to the point that it was unbearable.
Knowing that something other than the doctor’s prescriptions was needed, I had my wife
pour colloidal silver in her hand and literally wash my back with it. Fifteen minutes later the
pain was gone. Not just diminished, but GONE!
And it never came back. Also, the outbreak, the little red spots, never got any worse than if
they were pimples, did not scab, and soon disappeared.”
– A. D. Robinson, UT
“I also gave some colloidal silver to a friend who was suffering with a bad case of shingles.
I gave her colloidal silver in combination with olive leaf extract and her shingles and pain
disappeared in days. She told me that her Shingles usually last 6-8 wks.
The outbreak that was inside her mouth healed within 12 hrs. She swished the colloidal
silver around in her mouth for 1 min. before swallowing it.
She drank 1-2 oz. about 5-7 times per day for 3 days along with about 1 TBL. of olive leaf
– T.R.B., Montgomery, TX
“I was experiencing cold sores (the herpes kind, little clusters of blisters) in multiple places
on my face, while having light sensitivity and head pain!
A nurse said that it sounded like shingles. So I contacted a friend, who had done a cleanse
for viral infections, and it involved the use of 1 ounce of 10 ppm colloidal silver every 4
hours, for a month.
He knew that to purchase a month’s worth of colloidal silver in a store would be far more
than the cost of a generator, so he researched and recommended the Micro-Particle
Colloidal Silver Generator.
This cleanse was for 1 month (that included night doses) and symptoms of the herpes sores
were gone for 2 years as a result.”
– Johanna Brosie, AZ
“My husband and I have been using the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver generator for five
years. The same generator. We love it.
When I had shingles, I put it on the spots and drank about 2 oz every four hours. I never,
never took the medicine they prescribed for me.
I believe catching it as fast as I did (I had a doctor’s appointment and one spot was on my
forehead), probably helped matters.
I think the secret for us, since we have never had the flu nor the shot, is taking it like you
would your medicine. Keeping it in your system every four hours during the outbreak has
been what worked for us.”
– Linda F.
Here are some additional testimonials on colloidal silver and shingles from the web site.
This first one is from an elderly individual who had shingles in around her right eye:
“I have suffered from Shingles Neuralgia around my right eye for over 2 years. The optic
nerve was not affected. I had continual irritation of the eye lid and the whole eye orbit, with
a small weeping itching area on the lower lid.
I applied the colloidal silver solution over the lid and right side of the face. The weeping
area disappeared and has not returned for 2 months. It interrupted my sleep at night, and
would drain into the right eye. No more eye lid drainage.
The general burning, pain and swelling around the orbit has greatly decreased and my
sleep had improved. I am also full of energy and regaining my exercise program, along with
daily yoga stretches.
I’m 77, and was thinking that life was not worth living. Now I am planning a whole new life
and moving from AK to Hawaii.”
Here’s another testimonial, this one from a lady who was able to get rid of a painful
shingles outbreak in just a few days using colloidal silver:
“I realized I had the start of shingles one Friday night. The stinging and irritation was
getting worse and worse.
I was trying to think what I could do to relieve the pain when I remembered I had a bottle
of colloidal silver in the back of the cabinet. My mom had given it to me a few years earlier.
I started applying it and immediately I felt relief. I would have relief for about 1/2 an hour
and then would apply it again. I wondered if cool water would give the same relief – it did
not. The silver was actually doing something to relieve the pain.
I started taking it orally then, and continued to apply it to relieve the pain. I planned to go
to the doctor on Monday morning, but by Monday the shingles were almost completely
That sold me. I now make my own colloidal silver and have used it to cure ear infections,
sinus infections, pink eye, and sore throats. I use it on cuts and burns, insect bites, etc.
Sometimes I add some to the rinse cycle of my laundry. It takes away the musty smell that
sometimes is in the dishcloths and towels during the hot summer months. I LOVE colloidal
Here’s a testimonial I found on the website:
“I have personally given colloidal silver to SIX different people in my small town that had
shingles – both externally and internally – and every single one of them have completely
recovered after only spraying it on externally and/or taking doses of it internally at one
ounce three times a day for a week or less!!!
Those with exposed nerve endings and multiple lesions had instant pain relief when they
sprayed the colloidal silver on or dabbed it on with a q-tip.
One man tried to go back to the prescription his doctor had given him, an antibiotic
ointment, and he got much worse and had to quickly stop the ointment and start spraying
the colloidal silver on again – and within 48 hours, his healing resumed, and his pain was
GONE. Not so with ANYTHING antibiotic!!
Shingles are a viral infection, and colloidal silver is a proven antiviral, antifungal,
antimicrobial, anti-everything solution.”
Here’s another very interesting testimonial, this one from the site:
“I seem to have Shingles…It’s only a mild case, thankfully…I’ve had the rash down my left
side for 36 hours now.
At first for the whole day I thought it was an allergic reaction, but when it started blistering
last night I put 2 + 2 together. I shall come back & do a proper update when I’m better…
I’ve been taking regular doses of vitamin C – 3 to 10 grams daily. And secondly, Colloidal
Silver applied topically has given AMAZING relief from the itching!
The itching went soon after application of the colloidal silver & didn’t come back. In
addition the rash started to improve and the swelling went down somewhat.”
Not “Proof”
Keep in mind, of course, the standard FDA-required disclaimer that anecdotal reports
like these are not “proof” of effectiveness – obviously, because they cannot be
construed as double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies.
But they do indicate, to my mind, that more research needs to be conducted on this
topic so a standardized dosage and treatment can be developed.
Of course, once that’s done, the FDA will probably declare colloidal silver to be a
“drug” and make you get a prescription for it…
…which is another good reason to own the means of colloidal silver production, i.e., a
high-quality home colloidal silver generator such as the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver
Generator from The Silver Edge, which allows you to make all of the safe, natural
colloidal silver you could ever need, for the rest of your life, for less than 36 cents a
That way, should the medical bureaucrats ever try to declare colloidal silver to be a
“drug,” you’ll be able to make all you want without worry.
Additional Ideas
Finally, many people I’ve spoken to have also found that taking one capsule of the
immune-boosting supplement, Beta-1,3, 1,6-glucan, several times a day during a
shingles outbreak, dramatically lessened the pain and shortened the outbreaks
compared to previous outbreaks.
This specific immune-boosting supplement is available at Keep in
mind that it’s when immunity has been compromised that these viruses are so often
at their worst. So anything you can do to boost immunity is crucial.
Also this: Some shingles outbreaks are much more severe than others. A family
member who had a very severe case of shingles last year found that the only thing
that worked for the horrific underlying pain was a colloidal silver cream product called
Silver Pure (available at which contains a whopping 30,000 ppm
silver nanoparticles.
While colloidal silver liquid, applied topically, was helpful in stopping the horrific
itching, in this particular case it barely put a dent in the underlying nerve pain that
seemed to emanate from just below the surface of the skin.
But the Silver Pure cream did the trick. It stopped the terrible nerve pain in
just moments after each application, and only had to be applied about three times
daily during the course of the shingles outbreak.
What’s Your Story?
As you can see, different people have used colloidal silver in a variety of ways
(topically, orally, etc.), and sometimes in combination with other substances, such as
Olive Leaf extract (which is said to be highly antiviral) or Vitamin C (immune-boosting,
antiviral) or immune-boosting supplements like Beta-1,3-1,6-glucan.
If you have a colloidal silver and shingles success story, be sure to join us on
the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community and post your story so others can learn from it.
Finally, if you’d like to learn how to make your own high-quality micro-particle colloidal
quickly and easily, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for less than 36 cents
a quart, just click the link in this sentence.
Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another insightful article on colloidal silver….
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

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