RT110 Pharmacology and Venipunture

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RT 110


PLACEMENT: Second Year, Second Semester SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING: 20 hours (20%)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A three (3) unit course which deals with different elements and concepts of venipuncture in patient care and management as they relate
to radiography

LEVEL OUTCOMES: At the end of the third year, the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing venipuncture and can assume responsibilities
as a competent radiologic technician.


1. Motivate students to demonstrates academic excellence, competitiveness and value oriented services
2. Promote scholarly attitude towards research through research oriented activities, multi-disciplinary collaborations and communications
3. Provide opportunities for motivations and improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes of faculty and staff for effective and efficient instructions
4. Prepare student for position of responsibility in patient care.
5. Establishes linkages/affiliations with health and welfare agencies to enhance student’s skills and knowledge and ensure responsiveness
6. Promote total quality management through continuous improvement of our structure, systems and processes.
7. Communicate effectively in preparation to nurse leaders and managers for modern heath care.

At the end of the course, given a group of clients with varied conditions, the student shall be able to:
1. Demonstrate leadership and competence in the performance of her responsibilities as a beginning nurse practitioner in the hospital or community setting
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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2. Observe bioethical principles, core values, and standards of nursing care while practicing nursing
3. Promote personal and professional growth for self and others
4. To fully integrate women into the development process, to continually search for new and innovative initiatives that will help transform unequal social/ gender
relations into creative opportunities that would equally benefit men and women.

5. To help determine the extent of benefits derived by both men and women form the curriculum, programs and projects. It must be able to address the needs
of both men and women.

Topics Time Allotment Topic learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessment
I. Introduction to the Course 3 hours Demonstrates effective and efficient leadership as • Self-Introduction • Paper & pen
1. Introduction of oneself Week 1 the core of nursing, love God, love of country and Preparation of Class List examination
2. Review of the College love of people. Discussion of Vision, • Reflection paper
VMO as applied to the Applies the effective and efficient management in Mission, Policies, Grading
course the nursing process and collaborative approach. System
3. Overview of the course Demonstrates effective and efficient management • Interactive Lecture &
4. Discussion of as the core of nursing, love God, love of country Discussion
Requirements and class and love of people. • Creative Illustration
policies Applies the effective and efficient management in • Subject matter relay
5. Expectations Setting Tools the nursing process and collaborative approach.
and Equipment
II. Venipuncture 6 hours • Interactive Lecture & • Paper & pen
1. The Venipuncture practice Week 2-3 Discussion examination
2. Legal Aspect of IV Contrast • Creative Illustration • Reflection paper of
Media and Medication • Subject matter relay movie analysis
Administration • Rubrics for reporting
3. Infection Control
a. Standard Precaution
4. Medical Asepsis
5. Methods of maintaining
medical asepsis
1.1 Hand washing
1.2 Cleaning and
proper waste disposal
1.3 Disinfections
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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1.4 Sterilization
6. Aseptic versus sterile

III. Anaphylaxis; Safety and First 3 hours Applies the leadership and management in the • Practice Staffing • Paper & pen
Aid Week 4 nursing process and collaborative approach. Schedule examination
4. Anaphylactic Reaction • Practice Organizational • Reflection paper of
A. Safety and First Aid Chart movie analysis
5. Use of Tourniquet • Rubrics for reporting

IV. Medical Terminologies and 6 hours • •

Anatomy and Physiology Week 5-6
1. Cardiovascular System
A. The skin
B. Blood Vessels
2. Lymphatic System
3. Venipuncture Site Selection
A. Common Vein Sites
B. Location of best insertion site
C. Patient Factor
4. Venipuncture Procedure
A. Patient Identification
B. Pre and Post Puncture Care
C. Venipuncture Equipment


Page 3 of 12
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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V. Medical Emergencies in the 6 hours Given interactive lectures and discussion, and • Interactive Lecture & • Paper & pen
Radiology Department Week 8-9 actual clinical setting with minimal supervision, the Discussion examination
1. Technologists role student: • Creative Illustration • Reflection paper of
2. Dealing w/ acute situations Integrates relevant principles of planning in a given • Subject matter relay movie analysis
Life Threatening health and nursing situation. • Return Demonstration • Rubrics for reporting
emergencies Applies the specific step (planning) in nursing
3. Aids for medical process and collaborative approach.
4. Emergency medication and
5. How to performing the CPR

VI. Vital Signs and Patient 3 hours Given interactive lectures and discussion, and • Interactive Lecture & • Paper & pen
Assessment Week 10 actual clinical setting with minimal supervision, the Discussion examination
1. Temperature student: • Creative Illustration • Reflection paper of
2. Respiration Integrates relevant principles of organizing in a • Subject matter relay movie analysis
3. Pulse given health and nursing situation. • Rubrics for reporting
4. Blood Pressure Applies the specific step (organizing) in nursing
process and collaborative approach.

VII. Different types of Intravenous 6 hours Applies the specific step (organizing) in nursing • Video Clip viewing • Paper & pen
Solution and their indications for Week 11-12 process and collaborative approach. • Return Demonstration examination
administration: • Simulation activity • Reflection paper of
1. Hypotonic movie analysis
2. Isotonic • Rubrics for
3. Hypertonic simulation activity
V. Proper Placement of
Administration of Intravenous

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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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VIII. Pharmacology 3 hours Given interactive lectures and discussion, and • Interactive Lecture & • Paper & pen
A. Introduction to Nursing Week 13 actual clinical setting with minimal supervision, the Discussion examination
Pharmacology student: • Subject matter relay • Reflection paper of
1. Introduction to drugs Integrates relevant principles of directing in a given • Reporting movie analysis
(Overview of the course) health and nursing situation. • Rubrics for reporting
1.1. Drugs and the body Applies the specific step (directing) in nursing
1.2. Toxic effects of drugs process and collaborative approach.
1.3. Nursing management
2. Dosage calculations

3. Anti – infective agents 3 hours Given interactive lectures and discussion, and • Interactive Lecture & • Paper & pen
3.1. Antibiotics Week 14 actual clinical setting with minimal supervision, the Discussion examination
3.2. Antiviral agents student: • Creative Illustration • Reflection paper of
3.3. Antifungal agents Integrates relevant principles of controlling in a • Reporting movie analysis
3.4. Antiprotozoal agents given health and nursing situation. • Rubrics for reporting
3.5. Antihelmintic agents Applies the specific step (controlling) in nursing
3.6. Antineoplastic agents process and collaborative approach.
4. Drug acting on the immune 6 hours
system Week 15-16
5. Drug acting on the CNS and
6. Drugs acting on the
cardiovascular system
7. Drugs acting on renal system
8. Drugs acting on the respiratory
VII. Medication/ Contrast Media 6 hours Applies the specific step (controlling) in nursing • Video Clip viewing • Paper & pen
Preparation Week 17-18 process and collaborative approach. • Return Demonstration examination
Techniques on how to prepare • Simulation activity • Reflection paper of
intravenous medication movie analysis
• Rubrics for
simulation activity


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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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RESOURCES: Materials for Demonstration such as Supplies & Equipment, Hospital Facilities & Equipment.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Clinical Duty Hours Completion, Case Study, Case Presentation

Term Grade (Prelim, Midterm, Finals) Percentage
Major Examination 30%
Class Participation 25%
Assignment / Project / Reflection Paper / Activity Output 25%
Quizzes / Seat Work 20%
Total 100%
*Class participation includes attendance, participation in class discussions and activities and behavior inside the class room.
*Final Grade = Prelim (30%) + Midterm (30%) + Finals (40%)


1. Adler, Arlene M. Richard R. Carlton. Introduction to Radiologic Sciences and Patient Care . Philadelphia: W.B. Sounders, 1994 Torres
2. Drafke, Michael W. Harry Nokoyama. Trauma and Mobile Radiography. Philadelphia: F.A Davis Company, 1990
3. Lillian S. Terre Ann Lin-Watson Norcut, Andrea GuillonPuttin. Basic Medical Techniques And Patient Care in ImagingTechnology. 6th ed. Philadelphia
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003

1. The students are expected to be in the classroom/area of exposure at the scheduled time.
2. Students are allowed 12 hours of absences inclusive of tardiness. Excessive absences shall merit the grade of 5.00. Absence due to hospitalization and
other unavoidable circumstances maybe exceptions but excuses under this situation need the consent and approval of the Program Chair and the Director
for Academic Affairs.
3. Assignment shall be submitted on the date agreed upon by the class. No assignment shall be accepted after the due date. No sp ecial assignment shall
be given in view of the missed one.
4. Major examination shall be given on scheduled date. No examination shall be given after the schedule.
5. Students are expected to display the highest degree of honesty and professionalism in their class work, requirements and acti vities and in dealing with
fellow students and teacher.
6. Cellular phones should be turned off or in silent mode during the class or learning exposure.

Page 6 of 12
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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7. The teacher is very open to suggestions. Any activity shall be agreed upon by the class. Requests and concerns related to the course shall be discussed
in the class or to the teacher during the consultation hour.
8. Student with perfect attendance shall be given extra credit in the final grade.
All other policies (attendance, tardiness, decorum, grievance, etc.) shall be subject to the provisions of the latest version of the Student

Prepared by:


Faculty, School of Nursing

Modified & Endorsed by: Reviewed & Recommended by: Approved by:
Program Chair, School of Radiologic Technology Coordinator, Curricular Quality Assurance Dean / Director for Academic Affairs

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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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NCM 121


1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, Exhibits knowledge of physical A. Integrates relevant principles of social, physical, natural and health sciences and
natural and health sciences and natural and health sciences as humanities in a given health and nursing situation.
humanities in the practice of Nursing applied in care of clients through the B. Demonstrate knowledge on nursing interventions and management holistically and
nursing fundamental practices. comprehensively in care of clients.

2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic Utilizes the nursing process in the A.2.4 Implements safe and quality interventions with the client to address the health
care to individuals, families, population care of clients with problems through needs, problems and issues.
group and community utilizing nursing the nursing fundamental practices. A.2.5 Provides health education using selected planning models to targeted clientele
process through excellent and (Individuals, family, population group or community).
responsive education A.2.6 Evaluates with the client the health status/competence and /or process
/expected outcomes of nurse-client working relationship.
B.2.3 Formulates with the client a plan of care to address the health conditions, needs,
problems and issues based on priorities
A.2.1 Ensures a working relationship with the client and/or support system based on
trust, respect and shared decisions making.
2.1.1 Established rapport with client and/or support system ensuring adequate
information about each other as partners in a working relationship.
2.1.2 Formulates with the client-partner the objectives and expectations of the nurse-
client working relationship.
2.1.3 Maintains shared decision making and client’s participatory capability throughout
the nurse-client working relationship.
2.1.4 Enhances client-partner’s readiness for taking over/being in-charge when
objectives and expectations of the working relationship have been

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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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3. Apply guidelines and principles of Utilizes guidelines and principles of A.2.4

evidence-based practice in the delivery evidence-based practice in the care 1.) Applies safety principles, evidence-based practice, infection control measures
of care of clients through the nursing and appropriate protective devices consistently, when providing nursing care and
fundamental practices. preventing injury to clients, self, other health care workers and the public.
2.) Implements strategies related to the safe preparation and administration of
medications based on institutional policies and protocols.
3.) Applies evidence-based practices on pain prevention and management of clients
using pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic measures

4. Practice nursing in accordance with Applies existing laws, legal, ethical A.1.1P Adhere to ethico-legal considerations when providing safe, quality and
existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral and moral principles in the care of professional nursing care.
principles and with just and humane clients through the nursing A.1.2P Applies, ethical reasoning and decision-making process to address situations
regard to people. fundamental practices. of ethical distress and moral dilemma.
A.1.3P Adheres to established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing Law
and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe nursing
A.1.4P Protects clients rights based on “Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligations”
A.1.5P Implements strategies/ policies related to informed consent as it applies in
multiple contexts.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, Demonstrates effective C.1.3.1P Prepares a written research report related to clients’ condition and nursing
writing, and presenting using culturally communication in relationship with management.
appropriate language the other healthcare team, family,
and with the patient in the care of
clients through the nursing
fundamental practices.
6. Report/document client accurately Performs accurate andA.2.7 Documents client’s responses / nursing care services rendered and processes
and comprehensively comprehensive documentation in / outcomes of the nurse client working relationship.
relation to the care of clients throughA.3.1 Ensures completeness, integrity, safety, accessibility and security of
the nursing fundamental practices. information.
A.3.2 Adheres to protocol and principles of confidentiality and safekeeping and
releasing of records and other information.
A.3.3 Implements system of informatics to support the delivery of healthcare.
7. Collaborate effectively with inter- Collaborates effectively with other A.4.1 Follows an intra-agency, inter – agency, multidisciplinary and sectoral
intra-and multi-disciplinary and multi- healthcare team members, family, collaboration in the delivery of healthcare.
cultural teams and with the patient in relation to the A.4.2 Selects strategies/approaches to enhance/support the capability of the client
care of clients through the nursing and care providers in decision making by inter-professional team.
fundamental practices.
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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B.1.3 Displays a harmonious and collegial relationship among members of the health
team for effective, efficient, and safe client care.
B.4.1 Coordinates the tasks/functions of other nursing personnel (Midwife, BHW, and
Utility Worker)
B.4.2 Organizes with other members of the health team in the implementation of
programs and services.
B.6.1 Applies principle, partnership, and collaboration to improve delivery of health
8. Practice beginning management and Utilizes management and leadership C.3.1 Applies management and leadership principles in providing direction to manage
leadership skills care using systems principles towards effective care of a community/village based:
approach in the delivery of client care. clients through the nursing B.1.1 Exercises appropriate and efficient methods/strategies/tools to manage multiple
fundamental practices. nursing interventions for clients with co-morbidities, complex and rapidly changing
health status with consultation as needed.
B.1.2 Coordinates care by organizing and prioritizing use of human, material, financial,
and other resources to achieve health outcomes.
B.1.4 Creates a safe environment of care with quality assurance, continuous quality
improvement and risk management strategies.
B.2.1 Participates in the development of policies and standards regarding safe nursing

B.2.2 Organizes own workload demonstrating time management skills for meeting
responsibilities and achieving outcomes.
B.3.2.1 Uses appropriate strategies / approaches to plan community health programs
and nursing service
B.4.3 Ensure adequate resources (e.g. human, material) to effectively implement
programs/ services based on requirements, ratio and standards.
B.4.4 Mobilizes resources for effective program implementation/service delivery
B.4.5 Supervises the implementation of the nursing component of the health
B.4.6 Ensures that all nursing personnel adhere to standards of safety, bioethical
principles and evidenced-based nursing practice.
B.4.7 Evaluates specific components of health programs and nursing services based
on parameters/criteria
B.4.8 Applies management and leadership principles to ensure a complete, accurate,
up-to-date documentation of activities and outcomes of managing a community/
village – based facility, component of a health programs and services.
B.4.9 Maintains a positive practice environment.
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VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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B.5.1 Applies principles of supervision for effective and efficient delivery of health
programs and services.
B.5.2 Assesses supervisory needs of the nursing support staff.
B.5.3 Participates in the planning and implementation of staff development activities
to enhance performance of nursing support staff
B.5.4 Monitors the performance of the nursing support staff.
B.5.5 Evaluate performance of nursing support staff using a standard evaluation tool.

9. Conduct research with an C.1.1 Participates in preparing a research proposal complying with the ethical
experienced researcher. principles in nursing research.
C.1.2 Conducts a research study as a member of a research team.
C.2.1 Determines if the research problems/questions, objectives and/or hypotheses
are clearly and logically linked to the research purpose, concepts and relationships,
and propositions generated from the study framework.
C.2.2 Analyzes if the conceptual framework, the summary of review of related
literature, research design, and data analysis procedure are logically linked with the
research purpose, problems/questions and hypotheses.
C.2.3 Analyzes data gathered.

10. Engage in lifelong learning with a Exhibits commitment in learning to A.5.1. Assumes responsibility of lifelong learning , own personal development and
passion to keep current with the national the care of clients through the maintenance of competence
and global developments in general, nursing fundamental practices. A.5.2 Demonstrate continued competence and professional growth.
and nursing and health developments in A.5.3 Engages in advocacy activities to influence health and social care service
particular policies and access to services.
A.5.4 Models professional behavior

11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship Utilizes conflict-resolution strategies B.6.1 Applies principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of health
and pride being a Filipino through to address resistance. services.
instruction research and extension of A. Exemplify love for country in service of the Filipinos
services founded on Christian values B. Customize nursing interventions based on Philippine culture and values
and pride in one’s race
12. Apply techno-intelligent care Demonstrates utilization of A. Use appropriate technology to perform safe and efficient nursing activities.
systems and processes in health care technological innovations and B. Implement system of informatics to support the delivery of healthcare.
delivery systems in application to the care of
clients through the nursing
fundamental practices.

Page 11 of 12
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism
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13. Uphold the nursing care values in Acts in accordance to the Nursing A. Demonstrates caring as the core of nursing, love God, love of country and love of
the practice of the profession Code of Ethics in the care of clients people.
through the nursing fundamental B. Manifests professionalism, integrity and excellence.
practices. C. Project the positive professional image of a Filipino Nurse.
14. Develop entrepreneurial skills in the Promote entrepreneurial skills in the A. Identify opportunities for entrepreneurial nursing practice.
delivery of nursing care delivery of nursing care
B. Apply strategic interventions to address health-related concerns of individuals,
families, communities and population groups to any health care setting.

Prepared by:


Faculty, School of Nursing

Page 12 of 12
VISION: We are a premiere institution highly engaged in producing globally competitive professionals.
MISSION: We empower all students and stakeholders in achieving easy access to comprehensive instruction, research, and extension services using advanced technology.
S – Scholarly Pursuit J – Just and humane regard for people C – Commitment to Excellence D – Diversity with Purpose C – Compassion to Professionalism

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