Seek. Grow. Achieve: Windrose Academy Student Report

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Seek. Grow.


Term 1 - 2023/2024
Student ID 1605
Year 4D
Dear parents,
Windrose Academy’s end-of-term reports summarise your child’s achievement, attitude, behaviour and effort.
Summative reports are provided three times a year at the end of each school term. This report is one of a
number of strategies used by Windrose to communicate with you about your child’s progress.

Achievement in each learning area:

• Classwork/Participation: Includes effort/participation inside the classroom, involvement in the class

atmosphere, learning readiness and accomplishment in the day-to-day lessons.

• Homework: Submission of homework and quality of the submitted homework.

• Quizzes: Ongoing summative and formative assessments of learning throughout the term.

• End of Unit Assessment: Summative assessments after every unit.

The purpose of our report cards is to help track the progress of every student throughout their academic
journey. The letter grade system helps parents and students by providing an overall summative view of
how students perform in each subject area. It is a measurable reflection of academic growth. Our letter
grading system categorises students into certain bands denoted by the letter grade awarded according to
their overall score.

Please find below a table detailing each letter grade and the percentile it correlates to.

Grade A* A B C D E F

Threshold 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59 40-49 <40%

Comments: Comments provide information about your child’s progress and areas for improvement.
Please take the time to follow up with any of our teachers for further clarification.

School Principal KS2 Coordinator

Ms. Claudine Hodroj Ms. Soha El Nahhas
Overall Term Achievement A

Classwork and Participation (10%) 100.0%

Homework (10%) 100.0%
Quizzes (20%) 73.7%
Progress Check (20%) 76.4%
End of Term Assessment (40%) 78.6%
Total 81.4%
Teacher: Mona Montasser

Overall Term Achievement A

Classwork and Participation (10%) 92.5%

Homework (10%) 100.0%
Progress Check (20%) 65.0%
Quizzes (20%) 90.6%
End of Term Assessment (40%) 78.8%
Total 81.9%
Teacher: Mona Montasser
Overall Term Achievement A*

Classwork and Participation (10%) 92.5%

Homework (10%) 100.0%
Quizzes (20%) 91.3%
Progress Check (20%) 100.0%
End of Term Assessment (40%) 83.3%
Total 90.8%
Teacher: Mona Montasser

Homeroom Comment
Moez is confident, positive, and a great role model for his classmates. He is frequently among the first to help to
mentor other classmates. He is an asset to the classroom. Moez shows maturity when solving problems with
classmates and uses good communication skills. His reading comprehension, accuracy, and fluency are excellent. I
recommend that he continues to read regularly at home, primarily with books at or a level above his reading level.
Moez is a very capable student. However, I would like to see Moez check his work more carefully before handing
assignments in. I wish him the best in term 2!
Teacher: Mona Montasser
Overall Term Achievement B

Classwork and Participation (10%) 94.2%

Homework (10%) 95.0%
Quizzes (30%) 71.9%
End of Term Assessment (50%) 67.5%
Total 74.2%
Comment: It is a pleasure to teach Moaaz, he continues to show a positive attitude in class and has exuded more
effort this term when it comes to his classwork and homework. He is a hard worker and applies himself during our
sessions. He has shown great improvement since the beginning of the term and proved he can study
independently. He is a quiet participant in class. I am more than satisfied with Moaaz’s progress this term and I am
confident that he will continue to excel in Term 2.Good job!
Teacher: Heba Bahgat
‫‪Overall Term Achievement‬‬ ‫*‪A‬‬

‫)‪Classwork and Participation (20%‬‬ ‫‪98.2%‬‬

‫)‪Homework (20%‬‬ ‫‪96.7%‬‬
‫)‪Quizzes (30%‬‬ ‫‪100.0%‬‬
‫)‪Monthly Exams (30%‬‬ ‫‪95.0%‬‬
‫‪Total‬‬ ‫‪97.1%‬‬
‫ز‬ ‫ً‬
‫وخطيا يستخدم لغة حية ف الكتابة‪Comment: ،‬‬ ‫ً‬
‫شفهيا‬ ‫ويعي عن أفكاره بوضوح‬ ‫ز‬
‫متمي قادر عىل اختيار الكلمات بعناية ر‬ ‫معاذ طالب‬
‫ز‬ ‫ز‬ ‫ً‬
‫‪ .‬كما أنه مجتهد ويظهر المبادرة ويبحث عن طرق جديدة للمشاركة ودائما ما ينجز عمله ف الوقت المناسب أتمن مواصلة التفوق‬

‫‪Teacher: Asmaa El Sawy‬‬

‫‪Overall Term Achievement‬‬ ‫*‪A‬‬

‫)‪Classwork and Participation (30%‬‬ ‫‪99.6%‬‬

‫)‪Homework (30%‬‬ ‫‪91.7%‬‬
‫)‪Monthly Exams (40%‬‬ ‫‪83.3%‬‬
‫‪Total‬‬ ‫‪90.4%‬‬
‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬
‫الشيفة و حفظ االيات القرانية المقررة لديه ويشارك ز يف الفصل بصورة ممتازة ‪Comment:‬‬
‫يستطيع أن يفهم األحاديث النبوية ر‬
‫وأتمن االستمرارية بهذا القدر لدوام التقدم‬ ‫‪ .‬ويعمل واجباته بنشاط و انتظام‬

‫‪Teacher: Asmaa El Sawy‬‬

Arabic Social Studies
Overall Term Achievement A*

Classwork and Participation (30%) 100.0%

Homework and Projects (30%) 100.0%
Monthly Exams (40%) 83.3%
Total 94.4%
Comment: ‫بي أهم أعمال الشخصيات‬ ‫ كما يستطيع أن ز‬، ‫يستطيع الفهم واألستيعاب وتعريف المصطلحات الجغرافية‬
‫يمي ز‬
‫ ويطبق مهاراته من خالل المشاركة ف الفصل‬، ، ‫ويعي بشكل صحيح ويشارك زف الفصل بشكل جيد‬
‫ ر‬, ‫التاريخية المذكورة بالمنهج‬
‫ ز‬، ‫ويظهر نشاطه من خالل فهمه للدرس‬، .
‫أتمن مواصلة التقوق‬
Teacher: Shaimaa Mosaad

Overall Term Achievement A*

Classwork and Participation (10%) 100.0%

Homework (10%) 90.0%
Quizzes (20%) 95.0%
Progress Check (20%) 97.5%
Term Exam (40%) 100.0%
Total 97.5%
Comment: Moaz is an enthusiastic learner with excellent progress, remarkable understanding, and flawless
pronunciation of German. He is well-behaved and confident, consistently contributing valuable ideas and asking
engaging questions. Great job!
Teacher: Salwa Gamal
Overall Term Achievement A*

Classwork/ Participation (10%) 100.0%

Homework (10%) 100.0%
Quizzes (20%) 100.0%
Progress Check (20%) 100.0%
Term Exam (40%) 100.0%
Total 100.0%
Comment: Moaaz understands the importance of using technology safely, responsibly and respectfully.
He can confidently collect, analyze, evaluate and present data and information.

Teacher: Paulette Mokhtar

Physical Education
Overall Term Achievement Meeting Expectations

Attendance and Discipline (20%) 90.0%

Classwork/ Participation (40%) 80.0%
Skills Assessment (40%) 80.0%
Total 82.0%
Comment: Moaz has made good progress this term in Physical Education. He is beginning to
accurately copy actions to use within team games and is learning to follow rules within a
game. His throwing and catching skills are good and he loves working on improving
them. Best of luck in our future lessons.

Teacher: Noura Hamdy

Art and Design
Overall Term Achievement A*

Attendance and Discipline (20%) 94.6%

Classwork (20%) 100.0%
Projects (60%) 86.7%
Total 90.9%
Comment: He is developing a wide range of Art and Design techniques in using color, pattern, texture, line,
shape, form and space in his work. I hope he can maintain the good work.
Teacher: Seba Osama

Overall Term Achievement A*

Attendance and Discipline (20%) 93.1%

Participation (20%) 90.0%
Performances (60%) 96.7%
Total 94.6%
Comment: MOAAZ is an enthusiastic learner who explores musical concepts and skills with passion. He acquired
in-depth knowledge and skills in Music. He has a good ear for pitch and rhythm which allows him to improvise
melodic and rhythmic ideas. He has also found creative ways of expression through the use of his voice. He has
used to perform in the ensemble with great care and control.
Teacher: Neveen Mostafa

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