Artificial Terrariums As Urban Habitats Innovations
Artificial Terrariums As Urban Habitats Innovations
Artificial Terrariums As Urban Habitats Innovations
Habitat International
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This article examines the potential of repurposing abandoned indoor retail spaces into artificial landscapes as terrariums. By transforming these neglected areas,
which would otherwise contribute to the proliferation of brownfields, into large virtual terrariums, a novel and unexplored utilization of extinct vegetation is made
possible. This article investigates the educational and experiential benefits of such artificial landscapes, highlighting their role in enhancing understanding of regional
impacts of change in the Anthropocene. Additionally, it explores the potential for environmental optimization and interaction within these terrariums, considering
temperature calibration, climate conditioning, and the integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The GIS dimension is particularly emphasized, as it
enables spatial analysis and landscape preservation, regional decision support systems, and further contributes to exploring this concept. This study further aims to
provide insights into the impact and reception of artificial terrariums while considering their potential for future expansion and innovation. By delving into the
intersection of indoor exploration, education, and environmental optimization, the contribution explores the broader understanding of the possibilities presented by
artificial landscapes as terrariums in times of profound regional change.
Received 28 November 2023; Received in revised form 15 January 2024; Accepted 22 January 2024
Available online 27 January 2024
0197-3975/© 2024 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
E. Vaz Habitat International 144 (2024) 103017
education is increasingly critical, these terrariums offer an experiential the absence of nature and green spaces in urban environments can in
learning platform, enabling interaction with and understanding crease the frequency of self-harm and well-being (Vaz et al., 2020), and
ecological systems. This practical approach to education can deepen neglected urban areas with poor vegetation are often associated with
knowledge of ecological principles and underscore the importance of higher crime rates (Shepley et al., 2019).
environmental stewardship. Integrating Geographic Information Sys The loss of these spaces as community engagement centers and
tems (GIS) into these environments can further enhance the educational economic activity further exacerbates the issue (Bottero et al., 2019).
experience by providing data-driven insights and interactive learning Retail spaces historically have served as social hubs and community
opportunities (Hochschild et al., 2020; Schwarzmueller et al., 2017). gathering points. Their abandonment represents a loss of economic ac
Through this exploration, a contribution to the discourse on urban tivity and a diminution of social cohesion and community identity.
renewal, environmental sustainability, and educational innovation. It Urban planning and economic resilience emphasize retail outlets’ social,
examines the potential of repurposing abandoned urban spaces in an economic, and environmental impacts on urban systems and their sus
environmentally responsible and educationally enriching manner, of tainability within an integrative approach, where the decline of tradi
fering insights into urban space utilization in the Anthropocene era. This tional city-center retailers and the increasing number of vacant retail
paper explores the environmental, educational, and technological di venues highlight the challenges, the status quo maintaining the vitality
mensions of converting abandoned retail spaces into artificial land and viability of city centers (Fernandes, J. R., & Chamusca, 2014).
scapes. It will investigate the feasibility and implications of such Public spaces, including retail areas, are crucial in enhancing commu
transformations, including aspects of climate control, GIS integration for nity well-being, providing spaces for social interaction, and supporting
spatial and landscape management, and the broader implications for local businesses (Ouf & El-Zafarany, 2018). However, the benefits of
sustainable urban development (Javadian et al., 2011; Chen et al., these spaces are not evenly distributed, often failing to serve low-income
2023). residents and businesses, particularly in neighbourhoods with fewer
public spaces or where public spaces are poorly maintained (Larson,
2. Urban landscape transformation: environmental and social 2018). The disparity in access to quality public spaces can exacerbate
dynamics social divides, leading to diminished community cohesion. Effective
urban planning and policy development should enhance social inclusion
The phenomenon of brownfields, defined as underutilized or aban and sustain social vitality in local shopping spaces. The location of retail
doned urban properties potentially hindered by environmental outlets often determines the level of community engagement, where the
contamination, has become increasingly prevalent in the urban land exclusion of certain social groups due to location disadvantages can lead
scape of North America. This trend is significant in North American to social marginalization (Bolt et al., 1998). Thus, strategies for revi
cities, mainly influenced by the shift in consumer behaviour towards talizing and repurposing abandoned retail spaces must include efforts to
online shopping, leading to retail abandonment (Adams et al., 2010). bridge social divides, promote social cohesion, and reflect communities’
Such sites, often erstwhile retail establishments, pose numerous envi diverse culture and history (Tamini, 2018).
ronmental challenges wherein the risks associated with contaminants Hence, the exploration of alternative uses for abandoned retail
such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and various chemical residues from spaces is of paramount importance. Repurposing these spaces presents a
commercial activities, which can persist in the soil and structures, unique opportunity to address environmental and social concerns. By
posing risks to human health and the environment (Haninger et al., transforming these areas into artificial landscapes or terrariums, there is
2017). The importance of environmental justice should also not go un potential to remediate environmental damage, enhance urban biodi
noticed, which a sink effect of these contaminated sites may have a versity, and create new community engagement and education centers.
deleterious impact on urban populations (Pasetto et al., 2019), partic The concept of converting retail spaces into eco-friendly environments
ularly those within regions that combine a more significant accumula aligns with the principles of sustainable urban development and the
tion of environmental injustice geographically (Vaz et al., 2017). The circular economy, where the focus is on repurposing and reusing exist
trade-offs in making land-use decisions for these areas and balancing ing structures rather than constructing new ones. This approach helps
sustainability principles with practical requirements are essential issues reduce the environmental impact associated with new construction but
that must be monitored extensively and require novel techniques to also aids in preserving urban architectural heritage. In this sense, the
rebuke unprecedented growth (Bartke & Schwarze, 2015). Advocating adaptive reuse of abandoned structures is acknowledged as the most
for integrating sustainable principles and practices in the remediation of sustainable option when considering buildings’ life cycle and embodied
these sites, underscoring the importance of sustainable approaches in carbon. This strategy extends the lifespan of buildings and offers positive
addressing the challenges posed by brownfields is thus paramount (Ellis social and financial effects (Itard & Klunder, 2007; Abdallah, 2023).
& Hadley, 2009). It requires cities to carefully consider available options Repurposing can transform abandoned buildings into various functional
and innovative techniques for sustainable regional decisions. spaces such as offices, schools, parks, or apartments, thereby contrib
The environmental impact of these brownfields extends beyond soil uting to the revitalization of urban areas (Melhem et al., 2023; Naghibi
contamination. They often become sources of urban blight, contributing et al., 2023).
to the deterioration of surrounding areas and reducing the quality of life Furthermore, the adaptive reuse of buildings conserves energy by
for residents. Moreover, these abandoned spaces can exacerbate urban avoiding demolishing old structures and constructing new components.
heat island effects, where the lack of vegetation and predominance of It also fosters a dynamic, forward-thinking culture in workplaces,
concrete and asphalt lead to higher temperatures in urban areas contributing to developing a unique corporate identity. This approach is
compared to surrounding regions. This effect not only impacts local practical in single-building workplaces and significantly impacts larger
climates but also contributes to higher energy consumption due to scales like campuses and cities, where it can revitalize charming in
increased air conditioning usage, thereby amplifying the carbon foot frastructures of various sizes.
print of these urban areas. The utilization of existing buildings and the need for new land
The abandonment of retail spaces has broader ecological and social development is reduced (Ghabouli et al., 2023). These structures usually
implications. Ecologically, the lack of maintenance and care often leads have established connections to utilities, transportation, and sewage
to the degradation of local ecosystems, negatively affecting biodiversity systems, which lowers infrastructure costs. This facilitates more acces
and disrupting local wildlife habitats (Anderson & Minor, 2017). So sible access to locations and enhances neighbourhoods, offering op
cially, these abandoned spaces contribute to a sense of neglect and portunities for community development to reconsider traditional
decay, impacting community morale and potentially leading to industrial heritage (Cercleux et al., 2012). The integration of artificial
increased crime rates and social disintegration. Studies have shown that landscapes, such as large-scale terrariums, into urban environments
E. Vaz Habitat International 144 (2024) 103017
presents a viable model for promoting environmental sustainability. urban biodiversity patterns and ecosystem services (Wu, 2014), where
This approach symbolizes a transformative step in urban design, such insights contribute to the development of predictive models for
emphasizing the incorporation of green spaces to enhance ecological urban ecological dynamics, enhancing research in urban biology, con
balance in densely populated areas (Stokes & Seto, 2019). servation science, and environmental sustainability (Elmqvist, 2013).
The integration of artificial landscapes into urban environments, The educational value outlined in the previous section nurtures the
serving as green spaces, offers a multifaceted approach to mitigating potential of educational initiatives in ecological science, urban planning,
urban challenges. Such terrariums could significantly contribute to the and ecology by providing a detailed spatial analysis of urban ecosystems
reduction of the urban heat island effect (Oke, T. R., 1981). Further (McHarg, 1992). Such an integrative approach builds a deeper engage
more, an optimization of air quality could provide vital habitats for local ment with urban ecological processes while fostering a greater appre
fauna, aligning with biodiversity conservation efforts concerning urban ciation for biodiversity and sustainable urban practices (Miller & Hobbs,
expansion on fragile biodiversity and coastal regions where urban 2002).
pressure is more evident (McDonald, Kareiva, & Forman, 2008; Vaz Overall, the use of technology and particularly of GIS in creation of
et al., 2012). These green spaces can act as catalysts for community urban terrarium exemplifies the synergy of technology, urban ecology,
revitalization and urban renewal, a concept supported by the United and education, promoting a comprehensive approach to urban envi
Nations’ 2018 report on urbanization prospects (United Nations, 2018). ronmental sustainability (Batty, 2013; Congalton & Green, 2019).
Such projects stimulate local economies by attracting visitors and
creating new job opportunities in environmental management, educa 4. The rise of urban terrariums
tion, and tourism.
Furthermore, these spaces can serve as educational hubs, offering an The holistic concept of urban terrariums epitomizes a possible future
engaging platform for urban dwellers to learn about environmental direction of integrating ecology, technology, and environmental science
conservation and sustainable living practices (Intergovernmental Panel with locational awareness and monitoring. It focuses on creating and
on Climate Change, 2015). From an urban renewal standpoint, repur maintaining optimal conditions within terrariums, which is crucial for
posing abandoned retail spaces into terrariums can drive community sustaining extinct or endangered vegetation. The process involves two
revitalization. These initiatives boost local economies by drawing visi primary aspects: meticulous temperature calibration and comprehensive
tors and creating employment in environmental management, educa climate conditioning, which are quantifiable and analytical character
tion, and tourism. Moreover, these terrariums function as educational istics that can be measured through technological integration and self-
centers, providing urban residents a distinct platform for learning about monitored by embedding artificial intelligence and machine learning
environmental conservation and sustainable practices (National Acad systems. For one, temperature calibration is pivotal in replicating the
emies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016). natural habitats of the terrarium inhabitants, where a precise balance of
heat, humidity, and light, which can be achieved through advanced
3. Innovations and prospects in urban regeneration sensors and automated systems, is paramount (Jones et al., 1997).
The articulation of climate conditioning extends beyond mere tem
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are indispensable in con perature control. It encompasses regulating air flow, humidity levels,
verting urban spaces into ecologically sustainable terrariums in urban and gas composition, aiming to create specific habitat conditions. Plants,
regeneration. GIS facilitates complex geospatial analyses, essential for especially those with unique climatic needs, could substantially benefit
designing and planning these spaces (Longley et al., 2015). This includes from controlled environments and further integrate ongoing climate
topographical assessments, infrastructure mapping, and environmental change in line with preservation (Kadereit et al., 2004). The preserva
condition evaluations, pivotal for urban ecological design. The ongoing tion of extinct or endangered vegetation within these terrariums is of
advances of GIS technology are instrumental in monitoring the micro critical importance. Such controlled environments maintain diverse
climates within terrariums. It enables precise tracking of environmental plant species, acting as sanctuaries and research platforms (Mabberley,
variables such as soil moisture, light levels, and temperature, which are 2017). Furthermore, understanding the growth patterns and environ
crucial for maintaining specific ecological conditions conducive to mental needs of these plants in controlled settings, as suggested by Reich
diverse plant species (McLennan, 2012). By facilitating extensive (2014), is essential for their conservation. Envisioning, the role of these
research in urban biodiversity and ecosystem services, these systems artificial ecosystems as genetic reservoirs for endangered species is vital
provide a fundamental framework for developing predictive models for in the context of global biodiversity conservation leads to the environ
urban ecological dynamics, contributing significantly to urban biology mental optimization of artificial terrariums, integrating principles of
and conservation science (Turner et al., 2015). Equating from educa ecological engineering and plant science, is crucial in the preservation
tional initiatives in environmental science and urban planning, leading and study of vulnerable plant species, illustrating the intersection of
engaging tools to observe urban ecological processes, fostering a deeper technology and environmental stewardship.
understanding of biodiversity and sustainable urban practices (Wu & The opportunity for future expansion and innovation in artificial
Hobbs, 2002). GIS would enable urban terrarium functionality, creating terrariums enables a fascinating avenue in urban ecology and environ
an intersection of technology, urban ecology, and education, promoting mental science, merging geographical analysis and place-based strate
an integrated approach to urban environmental sustainability (Beatley, gies (Turner et al., 2015). Probing the scalability and adaptability of the
2011). concept to various urban environments and settings may lead to more
Technology is pivotal in repurposing urban spaces into sustainable integrative visions of regional interactions within urban areas. Such
terrariums in urban regeneration. As discussed, GIS’s advanced spatial infrastructural advances with spatial analysis and location strategies
data analysis capabilities are integral to the design and planning of these may significantly enhance the effectiveness and appeal of novel eco
terrariums, involving comprehensive geospatial analysis such as topo systems as a product for abandoned spaces in future cities (Riffat et al.,
graphical assessments, infrastructure mapping, and environmental 2016). At the core of this exploration is the concept that terrariums,
condition evaluations (Sullivan and Unwin, 2014). This level of analysis initially perceived as small-scale, controlled environments, hold
is crucial for ensuring sustainable urban ecological design. Embedded immense potential when considered in more significant urban
GIS technologies may lead to critical monitoring of the microclimate landscapes.
within terrariums, enabling the precise tracking of environmental vari The adaptability of this concept to different urban settings is a crucial
ables, such as soil moisture content and photosynthetically active radi area of focus (Wakefield, 2022). Integrating terrarium-like ecosystems
ation levels, essential in maintaining diverse plant species. Locational into public and private buildings can provide much-needed ecological
strategies role in ecological research, may provide vital insights into and aesthetic benefits in densely populated cities, where green space is
E. Vaz Habitat International 144 (2024) 103017
often a luxury. These installations could range from small, individual importance of biodiversity. Environmentally, artificial terrariums
units in residential spaces to large-scale, communal ecosystems in public contribute to urban ecosystems by promoting biodiversity, supporting
areas like parks, transport hubs, and community centers. The scalability pollinators, and even aiding in microclimate regulation. They can
of terrariums also extends to educational and research institutions, become small-scale models for sustainable practices, demonstrating the
where they can serve as living laboratories for studying ecological feasibility and benefits of integrating natural elements into urban
processes and promoting environmental awareness. The prospect of planning (Fig. 2)
future technological advancements further amplifies the potential of Public reception of these projects is generally positive, particularly in
artificial terrariums in urban settings. Innovations in materials science, urban areas where green spaces are valued for their rarity. The novelty
for instance, could lead to developing more efficient and sustainable and innovation inherent in well-designed terrariums often attract media
materials for terrarium construction, enhancing their longevity and attention and public interest, which can be leveraged to garner support
reducing their environmental footprint. Advancements in sensor tech for larger environmental initiatives. However, this reception is not
nology and automation could enable more precise and responsive con without its challenges. Some stakeholders may question the cost-
trol over ecological conditions within terrariums, making them easier to effectiveness or practicality of integrating terrariums into urban infra
maintain and more effective in simulating natural ecosystems. Inte structure. Others might express concerns about maintenance or the long-
grating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning could further term viability of these installations. Stakeholder interest in artificial
improve how these terrariums are monitored and managed. AI-driven terrarium projects varies across different sectors. Environmental and
systems could predict and respond to changes in the internal and educational organizations are likely to show strong support, recognizing
external environments of the terrarium, ensuring optimal conditions for the multiple benefits these systems offer. Urban planners and architects
plant and animal life. These systems could also provide valuable data might be intrigued by the potential of terrariums to enhance building
and insights into the complex interactions within ecosystems, contrib designs and urban landscapes. However, commercial stakeholders may
uting to broader environmental science research. require evidence of the economic benefits, such as increased property
Another exciting frontier is incorporating virtual and augmented values or tourism attraction, before investing in such projects.
reality technologies in terrarium design and maintenance. These tech These novel infrastructural and technological solutions can make
nologies could provide interactive and educational experiences, allow significant social, educational, and environmental impacts in urban
ing individuals to engage with and learn about different ecosystems in habitats. While public reception is generally favourable, the success of
an immersive manner. This aspect could be particularly beneficial in these initiatives depends on addressing the practical and economic
educational settings, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation concerns of various stakeholders. As urban environments continue to
of environmental science among students. As urban areas expand and evolve, these artificial landscapes could play a pivotal role in shaping
evolve, artificial terrariums could also play a pivotal role in urban more sustainable, resilient, and vibrant cities.
planning and design. Incorporating elements of these ecosystems into
building designs and urban landscapes can contribute to creating more 5. Conclusion
sustainable, resilient, and livable cities. This approach aligns with the
growing emphasis on green infrastructure in urban development, This exploration into the transformation of abandoned retail spaces
recognizing the importance of integrating natural elements into the built into artificial landscapes as terrariums, set against the backdrop of the
environment. Anthropocene era, unravels a narrative rich in innovation, sustainabil
The potential for future expansion and innovation in artificial ter ity, and educational potential. The journey through various facets of this
rariums is vast and multidimensional. As we venture into an era where concept – from environmental optimization and GIS integration to the
urbanization, technological advancement, and environmental con broader implications for urban renewal – culminates in a vision that
sciousness converge, the adaptability and scalability of terrariums offer
a promising avenue for enhancing urban environments. Coupled with
future technological innovations, this concept stands at the forefront of a
new wave of urban ecological design, paving the way for more sus
tainable and harmonious coexistence between urban life and the natural
world. The impact and reception of artificial terrariums, when inte
grated into urban environments, extend far beyond their aesthetic ap
peal, touching upon social, educational, and environmental facets. The
assessment of these artificial landscapes reveals a tapestry of potential
benefits and challenges, accompanied by varied public reception and
stakeholder interest (see Fig. 1).
From a social standpoint, artificial terrariums can significantly
enhance the quality of urban life. In areas where natural green spaces are
scarce, these installations offer a respite from the concrete jungle,
providing urban dwellers a connection to nature. This connection is not
merely visual; it encompasses the psychological and emotional benefits
of being close to nature, such as reduced stress levels and improved
mental well-being. Additionally, community-based terrarium projects
can foster a sense of ownership and pride among residents, strength
ening community bonds and encouraging collective responsibility for
environmental stewardship. The educational impact of these ecosystems
is equally profound. In schools and universities, terrariums serve as
dynamic educational tools, offering hands-on learning experiences in
biology, ecology, and environmental science. They can stimulate curi
osity and engagement in students, making abstract ecological concepts
tangible and relatable. Moreover, public installations can raise aware
ness about environmental issues among the broader population, spark Fig. 1. Terrarium integration in abandoned retail spaces (authors vision using
ing interest and dialogue about sustainability, conservation, and the DALL-E).
E. Vaz Habitat International 144 (2024) 103017
There are no conflicts of interest in this paper. The author, Eric Vaz.
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