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ESMO Grade 3 (Paket 2)

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Tom was born on March 20th, 2000, in a family of five, 8. Are there _____ people waiting in line?
with his parents and two sisters. When Tom was 10 a. many c. how many
years old, they moved to a new house in a quiet b. much d. how much
neighborhood. Their new place had three bedrooms
and a big backyard. Tom had lots of hobbies; he liked 9. "How _____ books have you read this month?"
playing video games, riding his bike, and collecting a. many c. how many
stamps. By the time Tom turned 18, he had collected b. much d. how much
over 200 stamps and decided to study computer
programming. In 2020, he graduated from college with 10. _______ friends did you invite to the party?
a certificate in programming. Now, Tom works as a a. many c. how many
software developer in San Francisco, where he earns b. much d. how much
$80,000 per year.
1. How many siblings does Tom have? 11. Teacher: “How ______ apples are there in the
a) Three c) Five basket?”
b) Four d) Six Students: “There are four apples”
a. many c. how many
2. How many bedrooms did their new house have? b. much d. how much
a) One c) Three
b) Two d) Four 12. _______ time do we have before the movie starts?
a. many c. how many
3. How many stamps had Tom collected by the time he b. much d. how much
turned 18?
a. one hundred c. two thousands 13. If you wake up at 7:00 AM and you need to catch a
b. two hundred d. twenty train departing at 8:45 AM, how much time do you
have to get ready?
4. How much does Tom earn per year in his job as a a) 1 hour and 15 minutes
software developer? b) 1 hour and 30 minutes
a. sixty thousand dollars c) 1 hour and 45 minutes
b. seventy thousand dollars d) 2 hours and 15 minutes
c. eight thousand dollars
d. eighty thousand dollars 14. If you have an appointment at 2:15 PM and it takes
you 15 minutes to get there, what time should you
5. How many people are there in Tom's family leave your house?
altogether? a) 1:45 PM c) 1:55 PM
a) Four c) Six b) 1:50 PM d) 2:00 PM
b) Five d) Seven

6. How many hobbies does Tom mention? 15. What time is it?
a) One c) Three a. It is a quarter past four.
b) Two d) Four b. It is a quarter past three.
It is a quarter to two.
7. How many sisters does Tom have? It is a quarter to four.
a) One c) Three
b) Two d) Four

16. What time is it? 25. You may find this in

a. It is half past eleven. the____
b. It is half past ten. a. bathroom
c. It is half to eleven. b. bedroom
d. It is thirty to ten. c. living room
d. attic

17. It is sixteen to eleven.

a. 10.16 c. 10.44 26. What do you use to relax and unwind in the living
b. 11.16 d. 11.44 room?
a. Vacuum cleaner c. Dining table
The following text is for number 18-24 b. Sofa d. Washing machine
Once upon a time, there (18)__________ a diligent
student named Alice and her friends. Every morning, 27. The zoo has many exotic ___________.
they (19) __________ up early to start their day. They a. animal b. animals
(20) __________ a breakfast at home before heading c. animalen d. animales
off to school.
28. The beach is covered in tiny ___________.
Alice (21)__________ learning new things and (22) a. sand c. sanden
__________ in her studies. They (23) __________ all b. sands d. sandies
their classes seriously and (24) __________ actively in
discussions. 29. In a classroom, there were 24 markers in the
drawer. John brought in 9 more markers from home.
18. a. is b. am c. are d. was Then, three students borrowed 5 markers each. How
many markers were left in the drawer?
19. a. wake b. wakes c. bring d. brings a) 3 c) 9
b) 6 d) 12
20. a. had b. have c. buy d. buys
30. In a bakery, there were 20 cookies in the jar. Lisa
21. a. enjoys b. enjoy c. enjoyed d. enjoying added 5 more cookies to the jar. Later, two customers
each bought 3 cookies. How many cookies were left in
22. a. excel b. excels c. excellents d. excellent the jar?
a) 13 c) 17
23. a. miss b. misses c. attends d. attend b) 15 d) 19

24. a. participates b. participate

b. participating d. participated

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