Work Plan in EsP 2020 2021
Work Plan in EsP 2020 2021
Work Plan in EsP 2020 2021
Region III
Schools Division Office of Pampanga
Work Plan in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
S. Y. 2020-2021
Phase 2 : To organize a club Hold a short EsP Principal, October 2020 -July None Students with Accomplished
from which the teachers’ conference Teacher advisers, 2021 better leadership
Organizing the students involvement Plan the election and students quality
EsP Club will develop their the schedule of the Students with
personality as a YDS session more developed
whole. Make an personality
To organize an announcement inviting
organization where Junior High School
volunteered students students to join the
can be trained to club.
become potential Set the date for the
leaders. gathering of the
To encourage student volunteer students
leaders perform their who want to join the
duties and club.
responsibilities Make a work plan of
faithfully. activities for both
To train students on programs and have it
how to work more approved by the
independently. principal.
To develop more Gather all the
active and productive volunteer students,
young leaders. orient them about the
club and hold an
election of officers.
Hold an oath taking of
the elected officers
Discuss among the
elected leaders their
duties and
Make them work and
give their support on
activities especially
concerning EsP
Phase 3 To prepare the students plan Hold a meeting for the Principal, EsP October 2020 -July None Achieved the Planned activities were
Career Guidance for their dream professional planning. teachers, 2021 objectives of successfully
Program career fitted to their interests, Classroom-based module guidance having Career accomplished
talents/abilities, values and facilitation by the Adviser counselor, per Guidance Week
resources *Career Ramp grade level
Mr. & Ms. Career advisers, all
Slogan and Poster Making students
*Career Fair
Phase 4 For The YDS session, plan and Principal, EsP October 2020 -July None More participative All modules were
Youth call for parents’ meeting teachers, 2021 parents and discussed
Development guidance students on school
Sessions ( YDS Discuss/ orient the counselor and 4 activities like
(Modules 1 - 11) parents and students P’s student YDS sessions
about the objectives of beneficiaries
the sessions ( grade 7 only ) More matured
Conduct YDS sessions students in facing
regularly every month the different
Monitor the stages of their
attendance of the lives.
Make the student
participants actively
participate in all the
activities during the
Phase 5 To make students be Do the action plan for Principal, EsP October 2020 -July P200 for the Students who are Accomplished
Clean- up Drive more aware in taking this particular activity teachers, 2021 Participants’ more aware in
Program care of Mother Earth Present the plan to the EsP Club certificates keeping the
To motivate the principal for approval members, local environment clean
students participate in Call for a barangay and green.
cleaning the departmental meeting officials ,
surroundings and and discuss the plan volunteered
planting for a Disseminate the tasks / parents - Parents
healthier environment assignments of 4 P’s
To encourage the Coordinate with the beneficiaries
students become local barangay
stewards in saving our officials in
Mother Earth implementing the
Phase 6 To develop self- Teachers will start Chosen October 2020 -July 5000 pesos from Talented students Won 3rd place Collage
Festival of Talents confidence among eyeing prospective students who will 2021 the department with better self- Making Contest
Celebration students by contestants for each represent the funds esteem/ Regional Level
showcasing their category school for every (transportation, confidence.
talents in different Conduct training in category in the props, costumes Won 1st place
fields. preparation for the festival and other Tugsayawit Division
To tap their competition miscellaneous Level
potentials. Join the contests expenses)
To make them proper in compliance Won 2nd place Sine ng
participate in some with the memorandum Pagpapakatao Division
competitions. from cluster – to the Level
To make them expose highest level
to different contests. Hold continuous
trainings as needed for
the competition level
they will be
Phase 8 To make students Give some Biblical Principal, October 2020 -July None More appreciative Accomplished
Bible Month realize the importance lessons and integrate EsP teachers 2021 students to the
Celebration of the Holy Bible. them in classroom Club officers and Holy Bible
To give them some discussions members
distinct lessons from Give them exams
the Holy Book about the lessons
To expose them to discuss/ conduct mini
this book. Bible Quiz
Phase 7 To expose students to Hold a meeting for the Principal, October 2020 -July Raised Funds More students Conducted Out-Reach
Outreach Program a chosen charitable planning of the said EsP teachers 2021 from the with generous to Aeta Community at
institution activity Club officers and December hearts Villa Maria Porac,
To make them Look for some members activities Pampanga
participate actively in sponsors/ donors who
the outreach program want to give gifts to
To make them the chosen
experience how to beneficiaries.
socialize with the less Plan and present the
fortunate people. project proposal to the
principal for approval
Think and choose the
charitable institution
to be the beneficiary
of the outreach
Visit/ write a letter to
the chosen charitable
Phase 9 To celebrate love Hold a meeting for the Principal, October 2020 -July None More loving Accomplished
Love Month month in a simple planning of the said EsP teachers 2021 students to God
Celebration way. activity Club officers and and mankind
Conduct Valentine’s members
Day classroom based
Phase 10 To develop among Make the proposal and Principal, October 2020 -July Principal, Students Not accomplished due
Year - End students the value of have it approved by EsP teachers 2021 EsP teachers experiencing to Covid-19 pandemic
Culminating/ gratitude the principal Club officers and Club officers and the true sense
Closing Party To make them Set the date and plan members members sportsmanship and
socialize with the the activities belonging-
other students/ Make the club officers ness
members of the club; work on it more
to improve their independently.
social skills. (Preparing the
To participate actively program, games,
in parlor games and special numbers, etc.)
practice Look for sponsors/
sportsmanship donors for the simple