Work Plan in EsP 2020 2021

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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division Office of Pampanga
Work Plan in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
S. Y. 2020-2021

Targets / Objectives Strategic / Programs/ Persons Expected

Phases of the Program Time Frame Budget Remarks
Projects Involved Output
Phase I:  To orient the students on  Hold departmental meeting Principal, October 2020 -July More active Accomplished
the importance of having for the discussion of the Students, 2021 None Christian students
 Valuing Faith in faith in God. different activities. EsP teachers,
God  To motivate them to  2.Plan and implement parish priest
 Nourishing one’s attend and participate in church services like
spiritual growth their religious activities attending the Eucharistic
 Respecting (e.g Holy Mass ) Mass. (A mass/ church
others’ religious  To give respect and not service card might be a
practices judge others’ religious tool for motivation)
traditions and practices  Arrange schedule and
coordinate with the parish
 Discussion of the lesson on
giving respect to other
religious organizations’
practices and beliefs.

Phase 2 :  To organize a club  Hold a short EsP Principal, October 2020 -July None Students with Accomplished
from which the teachers’ conference Teacher advisers, 2021 better leadership
 Organizing the students involvement  Plan the election and students quality
EsP Club will develop their the schedule of the Students with
personality as a YDS session more developed
whole.  Make an personality
 To organize an announcement inviting
organization where Junior High School
volunteered students students to join the
can be trained to club.
become potential  Set the date for the
leaders. gathering of the
 To encourage student volunteer students
leaders perform their who want to join the
duties and club.
responsibilities  Make a work plan of
faithfully. activities for both
 To train students on  programs and have it
how to work more approved by the
independently. principal.
 To develop more  Gather all the
active and productive volunteer students,
young leaders. orient them about the
club and hold an
election of officers.
 Hold an oath taking of
the elected officers
 Discuss among the
elected leaders their
duties and
 Make them work and
give their support on
activities especially
concerning EsP

Phase 3 To prepare the students plan Hold a meeting for the Principal, EsP October 2020 -July None Achieved the Planned activities were
 Career Guidance for their dream professional planning. teachers, 2021 objectives of successfully
Program career fitted to their interests, Classroom-based module guidance having Career accomplished
talents/abilities, values and facilitation by the Adviser counselor, per Guidance Week
resources *Career Ramp grade level
Mr. & Ms. Career advisers, all
Slogan and Poster Making students
*Career Fair
Phase 4 For The YDS session, plan and Principal, EsP October 2020 -July None More participative All modules were
 Youth call for parents’ meeting teachers, 2021 parents and discussed
Development guidance students on school
Sessions ( YDS  Discuss/ orient the counselor and 4 activities like
(Modules 1 - 11) parents and students P’s student YDS sessions
about the objectives of beneficiaries
the sessions ( grade 7 only ) More matured
 Conduct YDS sessions students in facing
regularly every month the different
 Monitor the stages of their
attendance of the lives.
 Make the student
participants actively
participate in all the
activities during the

Phase 5  To make students be  Do the action plan for Principal, EsP October 2020 -July P200 for the Students who are Accomplished
 Clean- up Drive more aware in taking this particular activity teachers, 2021 Participants’ more aware in
Program care of Mother Earth  Present the plan to the EsP Club certificates keeping the
 To motivate the principal for approval members, local environment clean
students participate in  Call for a barangay and green.
cleaning the departmental meeting officials ,
surroundings and and discuss the plan volunteered
planting for a  Disseminate the tasks / parents - Parents
healthier environment assignments of 4 P’s
 To encourage the  Coordinate with the beneficiaries
students become local barangay
stewards in saving our officials in
Mother Earth implementing the

Phase 6  To develop self-  Teachers will start Chosen October 2020 -July 5000 pesos from Talented students Won 3rd place Collage
 Festival of Talents confidence among eyeing prospective students who will 2021 the department with better self- Making Contest
Celebration students by contestants for each represent the funds esteem/ Regional Level
showcasing their category school for every (transportation, confidence.
talents in different  Conduct training in category in the props, costumes Won 1st place
fields. preparation for the festival and other Tugsayawit Division
 To tap their competition miscellaneous Level
potentials.  Join the contests expenses)
 To make them proper in compliance Won 2nd place Sine ng
participate in some with the memorandum Pagpapakatao Division
competitions. from cluster – to the Level
 To make them expose highest level
to different contests.  Hold continuous
trainings as needed for
the competition level
they will be

Phase 8  To make students  Give some Biblical Principal, October 2020 -July None More appreciative Accomplished
 Bible Month realize the importance lessons and integrate EsP teachers 2021 students to the
Celebration of the Holy Bible. them in classroom Club officers and Holy Bible
 To give them some discussions members
distinct lessons from  Give them exams
the Holy Book about the lessons
 To expose them to discuss/ conduct mini
this book. Bible Quiz
Phase 7  To expose students to  Hold a meeting for the Principal, October 2020 -July Raised Funds More students Conducted Out-Reach
 Outreach Program a chosen charitable planning of the said EsP teachers 2021 from the with generous to Aeta Community at
institution activity Club officers and December hearts Villa Maria Porac,
 To make them  Look for some members activities Pampanga
participate actively in sponsors/ donors who
the outreach program want to give gifts to
 To make them the chosen
experience how to beneficiaries.
socialize with the less  Plan and present the
fortunate people. project proposal to the
principal for approval
 Think and choose the
charitable institution
to be the beneficiary
of the outreach
 Visit/ write a letter to
the chosen charitable

Phase 9  To celebrate love  Hold a meeting for the Principal, October 2020 -July None More loving Accomplished
 Love Month month in a simple planning of the said EsP teachers 2021 students to God
Celebration way. activity Club officers and and mankind
 Conduct Valentine’s members
Day classroom based
Phase 10  To develop among  Make the proposal and Principal, October 2020 -July Principal, Students Not accomplished due
 Year - End students the value of have it approved by EsP teachers 2021 EsP teachers experiencing to Covid-19 pandemic
Culminating/ gratitude the principal Club officers and Club officers and the true sense
Closing Party  To make them  Set the date and plan members members sportsmanship and
socialize with the the activities belonging-
other students/  Make the club officers ness
members of the club; work on it more
to improve their independently.
social skills. (Preparing the
 To participate actively program, games,
in parlor games and special numbers, etc.)
practice  Look for sponsors/
sportsmanship donors for the simple

Prepared by: Noted:

TIC-EsP Principal IV

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