Gender and Society Subject Outline
Gender and Society Subject Outline
Gender and Society Subject Outline
Chapter 1. Gender and Sexuality as Social Reality
Week 1
Day 1: Discussion and Group Activity
Lesson 1 Sex, Gender and Sexuality
Group Activity: Debate “A Trans-woman must have access to Women’s rights”
Instructions: Divide the class in two groups. There must be a pro and con side of the debate.
Day 2: Discussion and Quiz (5-10 item)
Lesson 2 Gender and Sexuality Across Time
Quiz 1
1. It is referred to as the biological aspect, maleness or femaleness. Sex
2. It is referred to as the social interpretation of sex, masculinity or femininity. Gender
3. It is referred to as the totality of our own experience of our sex and gender. Sexuality
4. These are the chromosomal markers that distinguish females (XX) from male (XY) species. Sex Chromosomes
5. These are individuals with composite genitals (possesing some characteristics of both male and female genitals).
6. Intersexuality, in the past, was referred to as ____. Hermaphroditism
7. Hormonal marker of a human male. Testosterone
8. Hormonal marker of a human female. Estrogen and progesterone
9. This phenomenon refers to determining normality of a behavior based on whether it conforms or not to the
expectations relative to one’s biological sex. Heteronormativity
10. These are referred to as people who have feelings or experiences that does not align with the person’s biological
sex. Transgenders
11. This concept refers to the sense of who you are, do you see yourself as a man or a woman, or neither? Gender
12. This is referred to, as our emotional and sexual attraction to a person. Sexual Orientation
13. People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called ___. heterosexual or straight
14. People who are attracted to the same sex are called _____. Homorsexual, gay or lesbian
15. People who are attracted to both sexes are called ____. bi or bisexual
16. LGBT stands for _____. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community.
17. A social system where men primarily holds power in the political and private spheres. It comes from a greek
word which means “the rule of the father”. Patriarchy
18. A society that follows patriarchy where only men can inherit family property and name. patrilineal
19. Social movements that aim to challenge the patriarchal society that creates these oppressive political structures,
beliefs, and practices against women. Feminism
20. This concept refers tp the sacredness of the woman due to her ability to conceive children. Divine feminine
21. This refers to the fatherhood or the role of the father in conception. Paternity
22. Society expected men to work and women to take care of the home, the roles of both sex are called ____.
productive/vity and reproductive/vity
23. Referred to as prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination based on sex. Sexism
24. Simone de Beauvoir’s book in 1949 that inspired women to write and speak their truths. The Second Sex
25. RA 9262 is also known as _______. Anti-Violence Against Women
Day 3 (LMS): Doodle the Difference
Instructions: Read pg. 10 of the book, do your own research and differentiate Greek, Egypt and Chinese historical
views on Gender using a doodle poster or slogan.
Week 2
Day 1: Discussion and Individual Activity
Lesson 3 Gender and Sexuality as a Subject of Inquiry
Individual Activity: Recall-lesson.
Instructions: Remember a particular concept from the previously discussed topics, then teach the class about it for 3
minutes. The class then, will throw questions to probe the speaker’s learnings. The activity will automatically give
perfect 10 points of recitations to those who will volunteer and will be able to answer all questions.
Day 2: Discussion and Quiz (5-10 item)
Week 1
Day 1: Discussion and Individual Activity
Lesson 8 Gender and Sexuality as a Psycho-social Issue
Individual Activity: Recall-lesson
Instructions: Remember a particular concept from the previously discussed topics, then teach the class about it for 3
minutes. The class then, will throw questions to probe the speaker’s learnings. The activity will automatically give
perfect 10 points of recitations to those who will volunteer and will be able to answer all questions.
Day 2: Discussion and Quiz (5-10 item)
Lesson 9 Love, Intimacy and Relationship
Quiz 1:
1. A term pertaining to psychological and social factors and the interaction of these factors. Psychosocial
2. Needs and concers relating to one or all of the psychosocial dimensions. Psychosocial issue
3. The social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to their role in child-bearing or child-rearing and related tasks
such as maintaining the household. Reproductive role
4. The social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to theor role in economic production and related tasks such
as engaging in public affairs and luving in the world of work. Productive role
5. The perspective of exploring and understanding human sexuality in the lends of psychological social processes is
referred to as ____. psychosocial perspective
6. Two aspects of psycosocial. Psychhological and social
7. The psycosocial aspect that refers to anything associated with mental process and behavior. Psychological
8. The psychosocial aspect that refers to anything associated with human relationships, connection, and
interaction. Social
9. Field of science which concerns itself with how people think and feel and how thoughts and feelings interact
and lead to behavior. Psychology
10. Three primary psychological domains. Affective, behavioral and cognitive
11. Primary psycological domain referring to people’s emotions and feelings. Affective
12. Primary psycological domain referring to people’s actions both observable (overt) and not readily observable
(covert). behavioral
13. Primary psycological domain referring to people’s thought processes such as memory, perception, and
information processing. Cognitive
14. Field of science which concerns itself with human person’s realities and experiences as part of groups and
instirutions, including the structues and functions of these institutions, and the dynamucs of human relationships
within them. Sociology
15. Our conscious understanding of something. Awareness
16. conscious understanding of yourself. Self-awareness
17. conscious understanding of others. Other-awareness’
18. a bond formed between two or more people, manifested through communication and interaction. Human
19. Process of knowing others and allowing others to know us. Intimacy
20. Process by which we learn cultural norms and traditions. Socialization
21. A state of satisfaction , meaning and purpose. Well-being
22. The well-being which is outward, observed and can be evaluated through the presence or absence of particular
elements in our environment. Objective well-being
23. The well-being referred to as happiness or our personal experience of satisfaction, meaning and purpose.
Subjective well-being
24. -30. primary dimensions of well-being. Physical, emotional, mental, material and social.
31. A complex phenomenon characterized by an affective and cognitive inclination to someone. Love
32. Emotive and physical component of love; drive towards sexual and romantic attraction. Passion
33. Decision to engage and maintain a loving relationship. Commitment
34. Social bond between and among individuals manifested through communication and other forms of
interaction. This bond may be biological or determined by social contratcs such as social consensus or laws.
35. Humans, whether those who lived in the past or who are living now and regardless of their geographic location
and socio-cultural identities, have experienced love, in one way or another. Love is culture universal
36. Loving entails communication among people. Love as a social phenomenon
37. When loving we feel a variety of emotions like joy, sadness, fear, disgust and anger among others. Love as an
38. The experience of love is associated with various parts of our brain. Love as a neurobiological event
39. Which part of our brain found behind the left eyes is activated when experiencing love? VTA Ventral
tegmental area
40. What hormones are believed to provide humans a good mood and is associated with the feeling of love.
Day 3 (LMS):
Week 2
Day 1: Discussion and Individual Activity
Lesson 10 Sex and Senses
Group Activity
Day 2: Discussion and Quiz (5-10 item)
Lesson 11 Sexual Behaviors
Quiz 2:
Day 3 (LMS):
Week 3
Day 1: Discussion and Individual Activity
Lesson 12 Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Individual Activity: Recall-lesson
Instructions: Remember a particular concept from the previously discussed topics, then teach the class about it for 3
minutes. The class then, will throw questions to probe the speaker’s learnings. The activity will automatically give
perfect 10 points of recitations to those who will volunteer and will be able to answer all questions.
Day 2: Discussion and Quiz (5-10 item)
Lesson 13 LGBT+ Psychology
Quiz 3:
Day 3 (LMS):
Week 4
Day 1: Discussion and Individual Activity
Lesson 14 Men and Masculinities
Group Activity
Day 2: Discussion and Quiz (5-10 item)
Quiz 4:
Day 3 (LMS):