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Laboratory Exercise 5

Implementation of an Embedded System

The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create an embedded system and implement it in an FPGA de-
vice. The system will consist of an Altera Nios II processor and input/output interfaces that connect to switches
and displays on an Altera DE-series board (intended for the boards listed in Table 1). We will use the Quartus
II and Qsys software to generate the hardware portion of the system. We will use the Altera Monitor Program
software to compile, load and run application programs. The background knowledge needed to do this exercise
can be acquired from the tutorials: Introduction to the Altera Nios II Soft Processor and Introduction to the Altera
Qsys Tool, which can be found in the University Program section of the Altera web site.
In this exercise, we will build a system that has some of the I/O capability of the DE-series Media Computer,
sufficient to perform the I/O tasks performed in Laboratory Exercises 3 and 4. The desired system will include
the parallel input/output interfaces (PIOs). Recall from Laboratory Exercises 3 and 4 that the PIO interface is a
component that can be generated by using the Qsys tool. It provides for data transfer in either input or output (or
both) directions. The transfer is done in parallel and it may involve from 1 to 32 bits. The number of bits, n, and
the direction of transfer are specified by the user through Altera’s Qsys tool (at the time a Nios II based system is
being designed). The PIO interface can contain the four registers shown in Figure 1.

Address offset
(in bytes) (n-1) 0

0 Input/Output data

(a) Data register

4 Direction control for each input/output line

(b) Direction register

8 Interrupt enable/disable control for each input line

(c) Interrupt-mask register

12 Edge detection for each input line

(d) Edge-capture register

Figure 1. Registers in the PIO interface.

Each register is n bits long. The registers have the following purpose:

• Data register holds the n bits of data that are transferred between the PIO interface and the Nios II processor.

It can be implemented as an input, output, or a bidirectional register by the Qsys tool.
• Direction register defines the direction of transfer for each of the n data bits when a bidirectional interface
is generated.
• Interrupt-mask register is used to enable interrupts from the input lines connected to the PIO.

• Edge-capture register indicates when a change of logic value is detected in the signals on the input lines
connected to the PIO.
Not all of these registers are generated in a given PIO interface. For example, the Direction register is included
only when a bidirectional interface is specified. The Interrupt-mask and Edge-capture registers are included if
interrupt-driven input/output is used.

The PIO registers are accessible as if they were memory locations. Any base address that has the four least-
significant bits equal to 0 can be assigned to a PIO (at the time it is implemented by the Qsys tool). This becomes
the address of the Data register. The addresses of the other three registers have offsets of 4, 8, or 12 bytes (1, 2, or
3 words) from this base address.

As in Labs 3 and 4, the application task in this exercise consists of adding together a set of signed 8-bit num-
bers that are entered via the slider switches on the DE-series board. The resulting sum is displayed on the LEDs
and 7-segment displays. The exercise makes use of both polling and interrupt I/O schemes.

Part I

In this part we will use the Qsys tool to design a Nios II based system that can be implemented in the FPGA
on the DE-series board. We will use switches and LEDs on the board as input and output devices. Use 8 slider
switches, SW7−0 , as inputs for entering numbers. Use the green lights, LEDG, to display the number selected by
the switches. Use the red lights, LEDR, to display the accumulated sum as a binary number. Use the 7-segment
displays, HEX3-HEX0, to display the sum as a hexadecimal number. A Nios II system which includes five PIO
interfaces is the hardware needed for our task. One PIO circuit, connected to the slider switches, will provide the
input data that can be read by the processor. Three PIO circuits, connected to the LEDs and HEX displays, will
serve as the output interfaces to display the input number and the accumulated sum.
To provide a control signal for use in both polling and interrupt schemes, we will include a one-bit PIO circuit
that will provide the functionality of a status flag and an ability to raise interrupt requests.

Realize the required hardware as follows:

1. Create a Quartus II project. Select the FPGA Device for your DE-series board. Refer to Table 1 for a list of
devices on the DE-series boards that can be used in this exercise.

Board Device Name

DE1 Cyclone II EP2C20F484C7
DE2 Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6
DE2-70 Cyclone II EP2C70F896C6
DE2-115 Cyclone IVE EP4CE115F29C7

Table 1: DE-series FPGA device names

2. Use the Qsys tool to generate the desired circuit, called nios system, which comprises:
• On-chip memory - RAM mode and 16 Kbytes in size (leave all other options at their default settings)
• Nios II/s processor with JTAG Debug Module Level 1
– Do not choose the Hardware Multiply and Hardware Divide options

– Choose on-chip memory as the location for Reset and Exception vectors, as indicated in Figure 2
– Leave all other options for the processor at their default settings

Figure 2. The Qsys specification of the Nios II processor.

• An 8-bit PIO input circuit, which will be connected to slider switches (The PIO components are found
by selecting Peripherals > Microcontroller Peripherals > PIO.)
• An 8-bit PIO output circuit, which will be connected to green LEDs
• A 16-bit PIO output circuit, which will be connected to red LEDs
• A 32-bit PIO output circuit, which will be connected to HEX displays
• A one-bit PIO circuit that will serve as a status flag, which will be connected to the pushbutton key
KEY1 . Configure it to be an input port that is one-bit wide. Also, select the following:
– Synchronously capture feature activated by the Falling edge for the Edge capture register.

– Generate IRQ interrupt on Edge
as indicated in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Specification for the status-flag PIO.

3. The Qsys tool will automatically assign the names such as pio, pio 1, pio 2, ... to these PIO components.
Change these names to something that is more meaningful in the context of a specific design. For example,
we can choose the names new number, green LEDs, red LEDs, hex displays and status flag.
4. Make the necessary connections among the components of the specified system, as indicated in Figure 4.
5. Having specified that the status flag PIO can raise an interrupt request, it is necessary to specify the level
(IRQ #) for this interrupt. This is done in the main Qsys window as illustrated in Figure 4. In the rightmost
column, which is labeled IRQ, specify 1 as the desired level. Of course, the choice of level 1 is arbitrary. This
choice will cause the bit position b1 in control registers ctl3 (ienable) and ctl4 (ipending) to be associated
with the status flag PIO.
6. We wish the on-chip memory to occupy addresses that start with the address zero. Double-click on the
Base address for the on-chip memory in the Qsys window and enter the address 0x00000000. Then, lock
this address by clicking on the adjacent lock symbol. Let Qsys assign the rest of the addresses by selecting
System < Assign Base Addresses.
Figure 4 shows the resulting system specification.

7. Observe (and record for future reference) the assigned addresses. Select the Generation tab and click on the
Generate button to generate the specified system, which will be produced in a Verilog file nios system.v.
8. Write, in Verilog or VHDL, a top-level module that instantiates the generated nios system circuit and also
defines the required connections to the switches and LEDs on the DE-series board. We will place this
module in the file simple computer.v/vhd. Connect the reset input in the generated nios system module to
the pushbutton switch KEY0 . Use the pushbutton KEY1 as the input to the status-flag PIO. Keep in mind
that the pushbutton switches are active low.
9. Assign the pins needed to make the necessary connections, by importing the qsf pin-assignment file for your
10. Add the nios system.qip file (IP Variation file) to your Quartus II project and then compile the project.

Figure 4. The Nios II system implemented by the Qsys tool.

In the next four parts you will use the designed computer to investigate different aspects of performing I/O tasks,
using both polling and interrupt approaches. In Parts II and III, the necessary programs are to be written in the
Nios II assembly language. In Parts IV and V, the programs are to be written in the C language. You should use
the Altera Monitor Program to handle your programs. For each part you should create a new project in the monitor

Part II

In this part, we will use the polling approach to read the numbers entered via the slider switches. The desired
operation is that the user provides the next number by setting the slider switches accordingly and then pressing the
pushbutton KEY1 to indicate that the number is ready for reading.
To accomplish this task it is necessary to implement a mechanism that monitors the status of the circuit used
to input the numbers. A commonly-used I/O scheme, known as polling, is to use a status flag which is originally
cleared to 0. This flag is then set to 1 as soon as the I/O device interface is ready for the next data transfer. Upon
transferring the data, the flag is again cleared to 0. Thus, the processor can poll the status flag to determine when
an I/O data transfer should be made.
In our case, the I/O device is the user who manually sets the slider switches and presses the pushbutton key.
The I/O interface that provides the desired control is the one-bit status-flag PIO circuit generated in Part I, which
includes the edge-capture capability and conforms to the register map in Figure 1.

Perform the following:

1. Write an assembly-language program that reads the contents of the switches when the pushbutton KEY1 is
pressed, and displays this number on the green LEDs. Then, it adds the number to a sum that is being accu-
mulated, and displays the sum on the red LEDs and HEX displays. Save the program in a file lab5 part2.s.
When KEY1 is pressed, the circuit designed in Part I will set the status-flag bit in the edge-capture register
to 1. After reading the new number, your program has to clear the flag by writing a 0 into the edge-capture
2. Open the Altera Monitor Program and create a new project, as illustrated in Figure 5.

3. Specify that you wish to use the hardware that you designed, by choosing Custom System as shown in
Figure 6. Find the file nios system.qsys, which represents the designed Nios II system. Also, select the
file simple computer.sof which provides the information needed to download the designed system into the
FPGA chip on the DE-series board.

4. Specify that an assembly-language program is to be used and that the program is given in the file lab5 part2.s,
as shown in Figures 7 and 8, respectively.
5. Make sure that the USB-Blaster is used to provide the connection between the DE-series board and the host
computer, as indicated in Figure 9.
6. Specify that your program has to be loaded in the on-chip memory, as illustrated in Figure 10. Since your
system does not include any other memory, this choice will be made by default.
7. Click Finish in the window in Figure 10 and when a pop-up box asks you if you want to have your system
downloaded onto the DE-series board click Yes.

Figure 5. Create a new project in the monitor program.

Figure 6. Select the custom Nios II system that you designed.

Figure 7. Specify that an assembly-language program is used.

Figure 8. Specify the file that contains the application program.

Figure 9. Specify the system parameters.

Figure 10. Specify where the program will be loaded in the memory.

8. Now, in the monitor window select Actions > Compile & Load to assemble and download your program.
9. Run the program and verify its correctness by inputting several numbers. The program should run continu-
ously and a new number should be added each time the pushbutton KEY1 is pressed.

Part III

Instead of using the polling approach to read new numbers from the slider switches, we now want to use interrupts
for the same purpose. To accomplish this, we will use the ability of the status-flag PIO to raise an interrupt request
when the pushbutton KEY1 is pressed.

Modify your assembly-language program to realize the desired task by using the interrupt approach.

Part IV

Write a C-language program to perform the task in Part II.

Part V

Write a C-language program to perform the task in Part III.

Final Notes: Consult the description of Laboratory Exercise 4 for details on how interrupts should be handled in
both the assembly-language and the C-language programs.

The system that you designed in Part I has many similarities with the DE-series Media Computer, but it is not
identical. This means that the programs that you wrote for Labs 3 and 4 may need some modifications to run
successfully on your system.


Your preparation should include the following:

1. System design for Part I

2. Programs for Parts II to V

Copyright c 2011 Altera Corporation.


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