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Praise the author for the presence of Almighty God, because of His mercy and grace
the author was able to complete this paper on time. The title of this paper is
"MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS". This paper was prepared to fulfill one of the
assignments in the ENGLISH course.
On this occasion the author would like to express his deepest gratitude to the
lecturer concerned who has given the assignment to the author. The author would
also like to thank the parties who helped in the preparation of this paper who the
author could not mention one by one.
The preparation of this paper is far from perfect. And this is a good step away from
the actual study. Due to the limited time and abilities of the compiler, the compiler
always hopes that this paper will be useful for the compiler in particular and other
interested parties in general.
PREFACE ................................................................................................................ i
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 20
1.1 Background of the paper
In social life, language has an important role in communication because
language is a tool to convey an idea, concept, or feeling. Language is a unified
communication system, an idea, a literary expression, a social institution, a
material for political opposition, and a catalyst for nation building. Language
can be studied in linguistics. Linguistics is the study of language from an
internal and external perspective. In the discussion of language structure,
there are two areas to consider, namely: first, the internal structure of the
language of money both have 2 relationships with other rules, namely:
phonology (the study of the sound of language), morphology (the study of
word structure), syntax (the study of how to form words into sentences),
semantics (the study of the meaning of language), and pragmatics (the study
of the meaning of speech). Second, external structures that have a relationship
with other rules, namely sociolinguistics (studying the relationship between
sociology and linguistics), ethnolinguistics (studying ethnology and
linguistics), and psycholinguistics (studying psychology and linguistics). In
discussing words, Aarts and Aarts (1982: 22) divide them into two classes,
namely major word classes and minor word classes. Major word classes are
called open word classes whose membership is not limited because new
members can still be added. Open word classes are: nouns (chair, book, box,
etc), adjectives (sammal, beautiful, happy, etc), adverbs (always, while,
almost, etc) and verbs (go, walk, eat, etc). Minor word classes are also called
closed word classes in that their membership is restricted because they do not
add new members. Closed word classes are: conjunctions (and, or, but, etc),
articles (the, a, on, etc), numerals (one, twenty, zero, etc), pronouns (you,
yours, yourself), quantifiers (any, all, much, etc),
interjections (wow!, yes!, oh!, etc), and prepositions (in, at, on, etc). This
research focuses on modals. Verbs are a class of words that usually function
as predicates in some other languages. Verbs have morphological features
such as word, aspect, and charm or number. Some verbs have the semantic
elements of action, state and process. The word class in Indonesian is
characterized by the possibility to be preceded by the word not and may be
preceded by words such as very, more, and so on. The term syntax comes
from Ancient Greek syntax, a verbal noun that literally means "arrangement"
or "setting together". Traditionally, it refers to the branch of grammar that
deals with the way words, with or without proper inflection, are arranged to
show relationships of meaning within the sentence. As seen earlier, according
to Aarts (1988), there are two main types of verb classes according to their
function in the verb phrase: lexical verbs (also called full or regular verbs)
and auxiliary verbs, the latter category falling into a further distinction:
Primary auxiliaries and auxiliary auxiliaries. The first subclassification,
primary auxiliaries, consists of the items: do, have, and be, where 'do' differs
from 'have' and 'be' in that it usually occurs together with lexical verbs only.
This means that a verb phrase with 'do' contains only two verb forms, as a
verb phrase cannot have more than one lexical verb. In addition, it is used as
a complement to periphrasis and emphasis. On the other hand, 'have' and 'be'
occur not only with lexical verbs but also with modal auxiliaries, always
following the latter. Both function as aspect complements. Thus, 'have' is a
perfective aspect complement followed by the participation of another verb,
and 'be' is a progressive aspect complement when combining the ending-ing
of another verb. The second subclass of auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries,
consists of the following items: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should,
and will. Other marginal members (or semi-modals according to Thomson &
Martinet, 1986) are "dare, need, ought (to) and used (to)" as they can be used
both as auxiliaries and as lexical verb (He needs to be careful vs. He needn't
be careful), and also because unlike the other complements 'ought" and 'used"
used to be followed by an infinitive.
However, 'used' can occur together with 'do' in negative and interrogative
sentences (Did he used(d) to drive a car?). Modals are verbs that combine
with other verbs to show mood or feeling. A modals can express need,
uncertainty, ability, or permission. Modal auxiliary verbs are all verbs that do
not express facts, but present conceptions, presenting something that is
possible, necessary, desirable, and suitable. Modals are words that give the
sentence meanings such as possibility, ability, necessary, willingness, and so
on. Modals also "may have different meanings such as possibility, ability,
permission, intention, will, determination, obligation, or hope".
2.1 Definition of Modals
Auxiliary verbs in English are often called helping verbs or auxiliary
verbs (Aarts and Aarts, 1982:36). These helping verbs are divided into two
classes: primary helping verbs and modals. Primary auxiliary verbs have two
functions, namely functioning as auxiliary verbs and as main verbs, while
modals auxiliary verbs function as auxiliary verbs only which are useful for
adding meaning to the main verb and in addition the main verb must always
be in the basic form (infinitive).
Every phrase, clause and sentence has its own meaning in it. The same is
the case with modals. Modals are auxiliary verbs, in the form of phrases,
clauses, and sentences, which are able to express the addition of meaning to
the main verb that a person expresses through the sentences they speak. Each
modal has two or more meanings. Modal auxiliary verbs express a
must/obligation, advice, suggestion, suggestion, permission, possibility, or
impossibility, warning, desire, ability, choice and various other expressions.
Modal Auxiliary verbs are words that are placed before the main verb to
modify the meaning of the main verb. Its function is to express willingness or
ability, necessity, and possibility. These auxiliary verbs include: can, could,
may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, and ought to (phrasal modal
2.2 Forms of Modals
According to Aarts and Aarts (1982) modals consist of pure modals can,
could, shall, should, will, may, might, must, and would, and special modals
ought to, be able to, had better, be to, be going to and have to. And in addition
the semi modals dare, need, and used (to) according to Aarts and Aarts.
Kata kerja bantu modals ini memiliki makna lebih dari satu, yaitu:
1. Makna yang mengekspresikan/menyatakan suatu kemampuan atau
kesanggupan (ability).
“You can still do it. Allie. I know you can.”
“Kamu masih bisa melakukannya Allie. Saya tahu kamu bisa”.
(Modals can pada pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan kesanggupan atau
kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
2. Makna negatif yang menyatakan ketidakmampuan (inability).
“I can’t pick any one time that meant more than any other”
“Saya tidak bisa memilih satu waktu pun yang berarti lebih dari yang
(Makna can’t pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan ketidaksanggupan atau
ketidakmampuan untuk bisa memilih satu waktu)
3. Makna yang mengekspresikan/menyatakan suatu izin (informal
“Can I get you anything?”
“Dapatkah saya mengambilkanmu sesuatu?"
(Makna can pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan permintaan izin dari
untuk mengambilkan sesuatu)
4. Makna yang mengekpresikan/menyatakan suatu permintaan yang
sopan dalam situasi informal (informal polite request)
“Is here anything I can do to make it easier?”
“Ada yang bisa saya lakukan untuk membuatnya lebih mudah?”
(Makna can pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan permintaan yang sopan
dari apa ada yang bisa di lakukan untuk membuatnya lebih mudah).
5. Makna yang mengekspresikan/menyatakan suatu penawaran (offering)
“Can I get you some tea?”
“Bisakah saya membawakan teh untukmu?”
(Makna can pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan penawaran agar bisa
membuatkan teh)
Kata bantu kerja modals ini memiliki makna yang berbeda-beda, yaitu:
3. Makna negatifnya yang menyatakan ketidakmampuan (inabillity)
“You could never hide anything. Your eyes always gave you away”
“Kau tidak akan pernah bisa menyembunyikan apapun. Matamu selalu
memberimu kesempatan”
(Makna could pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan kemampuan, namun
setelah di ikuti dengan kata never sehingga kalimat menunjukkan
ketidakmampuan untuk menyembunyikan apapun)
4. Makna yang mengekspresikan/menyatakan suatu permintaan (polite
“What could he say that would make her stay?”
“Apa yang bisa dia katakan untuk membuatnya tetap tinggal?”
(Makna could kalimat di atas menunjukkan suatu permintaan yang
sopan agar bisa tetap tinggal bersama).
Kata kerja bantu modals ini memiliki makna yang berbeda-beda, yaitu:
(Makna may pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan suatu permintaan yang
sopan karena bertanya terlebih dahulu sebelum diizinkan untuk
3. Makna yang menyatakan tingkat kepastiannya pada waktu yang akan
datang (future time certainty)
“I think I can find something here for you so you can get out of those
clothes. It might be a little big, but it‟s warm.”
“Saya pikir saya bisa menemukan sesuatu di sini untuk Anda sehingga
Anda bisa keluar dari pakaian itu. Ini mungkin sedikit besar, tapi
(Makna might pada kalimat di atas menunjukkan kepastian pada waktu
yang akan datang karena Noah berpikir bisa menemukan sesuatu untuk
dipakai yang mungkin sedikit besar dan hangat.)
Kata kerja bantu modals ini memiliki makna yang berbeda-beda, yaitu:
Kata kerja bantu modals ini memiliki makna yang berbeda-beda, yaitu:
Kata kerja bantu modals ini memiliki makna yang berbeda-beda, yaitu:
➢ Modal khusus (special modals)
Have to
“I'm so sorry to have to tell you this,” Dr. Barnwell began, “but you seem
to be in the early stages of Alzheimer‟s…”
“Aku sangat menyesal harus mengatakan hal ini kepadamu,” Dr. Barnwell
memulai, “tapi sepertinya kamu berada pada tahap awal penyakit
Alzheimer ...”
Used to
2.3 Usage Modal Auxiliary Verbs
Modals are very often found in the grammatical world of English books
such as novels, short stories, literary works, and can even be found in a play.
Modals are auxiliary verbs, in the form of phrases, clauses, and sentences,
which are able to express the addition of meaning to the main verb that a
person expresses through the sentence he or she speaks. Each modal has two
or more meanings. Modal auxiliary verbs express an imperative/obligation,
advice, suggestion, suggestion, permission, possibility, or impossibility,
warning, desire, ability, choice and various other expressions. Modals are
verbs that combine with other verbs to show mood or feeling, a modals can
express need, uncertainty, ability, or permission. Modal auxiliary verbs are all
verbs that do not express a fact, but present a conception, presenting
something that is possible, necessary, desirable, and suitable.
Can digunakan untuk menyatakan You can buy anything with your
ability (kemampuan) money but you can not buy love.
(Kamu dapat membeli apapun dengan
uangmu tapi kamu tidak dapat
membeli cinta)
Modal verb ini dapat digunakan Can I borrow your car for one night?
untuk meminta izin (permission) (Bisakah saya meminjam mobilmu
selama satu malam?)
Modal verb ini dapat digunakan Could I use your computer to print
untuk meminta izin (permission) and scan?
untuk melakukan sesuatu dimasa (Bolehkah saya memakai komputermu
lalu (past) atau masa depan untuk print dan scan?)
May untuk menyatakan possibility He may work out and consume
(kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang healthy food every day.
(present) dan masa depan (future). (Dia mungkin berlatih dan
mengonsumsi makanan sehat setiap
Sama seperti may, modal verb ini digunakan You might forget the
untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) embarassing accident
dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan tomorrow.[1]
(future)[1]. The doctor might have
Might dapat ditambahkan primary auxiliary warned you not to eat red
verb have untuk menyatakan probability meat.[2]
dimasa lalu (past). Modal verb ini digunakan (Dikatakan setelah
untuk menyatakan hypothetical situation yang diketahui fakta: The
terbukti tidak terjadi[2], lain halnya dengan doctor has not warned–
may yang belum terbukti[3]. Dokter belum melarang.)
The doctor may have
warned you not to eat red
(Faktanya: belum
Might merupakan bentuk past dari may If I have cleaned the room,
dimana digunakan untuk meminta izin might I play with my
(permission) yang lebih formal daripada friend?
modal verb could. Dibanding may, Might (Jika saya sudah
lebih tentatif (tidak pasti) kejadiannya. membersihkan ruangan,
bolehkah saya main
dengan teman?)
Will untuk menyatakan willingness I will help you if you help
(kemauan). Willingness dapat diungkapkan yourself first.
dalam conditional sentence type 1 maupun (Saya akan membantumu
invitation (undangan/ajakan). jika kamu membantu
dirimu sendiri dulu.)
Will you marry me?
(Maukah kamu menikah
dengan saya?)
Modal verb ini untuk membuat keputusan I’ll give you a glass of
secara spontan/tanpa rencana (simple future water.
tense). (Saya akan memberimu
segelas air.)
I think I’ll change my
(Saya pikir saya akan
merubah penampilan.)
Will untuk membuat prediksi. The sandstorm will come
(Badai pasir akan datang
nanti malam.)
Sama seperti will, modal verb ini dapat Would you like to see my
digunakan untuk menyatakan willingness craft?
(kemauan), namun lebih polite (sopan). (Maukah kamu melihat
kerajinan tanganku?)
Modal verb ini menyatakan sense of He would be free tonight.
probability (kemungkinan). (Dia akan kosong nanti
Would dipadukan dengan auxiliary have If you had remembered to
untuk membentuk conditional sentence type invite me, I would have
3. Would disini untuk menyatakan tindakan attended your party.
yang ingin dilakukan dimasa lalu. (Jika kamu ingat
mengundang saya, saya
menghadiri pestamu.)
Shall [British English][1] digunakan untuk We shall overcome it
menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will someday.[1]
namun hanya digunakan pada first person (Kita akan mengatasinya
(orang pertama) I dan we. Shall [US suatu hari nanti.)
English][2] jarang digunakan selain untuk Shall we pay a call him?[2]
polite question untuk first person. (Haruskah kita
Shall I give you some
(Haruskah saya
memberimu beberapa
Modal verb ini untuk menyatakan obligation The Human Resource
(kewajiban) pada formal situation (yang dapat manager shall report the
berupa legal document maupun pada saat employee performance.
meeting. Pada situasi ini, baik second maupun (HR manager harus
third person dapat digunakan dengan modal melaporkan performansi
verb ini. karyawan.)
Should untuk memberi suggestion (saran) atau You should see the
advice (nasehat). doctor.
(Kamu harus ke dokter.)
We should meet more
(Kita harus bertemu lebih
Must dipadukan dengan not untuk You mustn’t give up.
menyatakan prohibition (larangan) (Kamu tidak boleh
Have to
Used to
Memilki makna yang mengekspresikan atau I used to think about it all
menyatakan sebuah aktifitas atau kejadian di the time after I went
masa depan atau kebenaran di masa lalu yang home.
pada saat ini sudah tidak pernah dilakukan. (Dulu saya sering
memikirkannya setelah
pulang ke rumah)
Modal auxiliary verbs are words that are placed before the mainverb to modify
the meaning of the verb. This auxiliary modal functions to express willingness,
ability, necessity and possibility.
Modals are very often found in the grammatical world of English books such
as novels, short stories, literary works, and can even be found in a play. Modals are
auxiliary verbs, whether in the form of phrases, clauses, and sentences, which are
able to express the addition of meaning to the main verb that someone states through
the sentence they speak.
Modals are verbs that combine with other verbs to show mood or feeling, a
modals can express need, uncertainty, ability, or permission. Modal auxiliary verbs
are all verbs that do not express a fact, but present a conception, presenting
something that is possible, necessary, desirable, and suitable.
Modal Auxiliary Verbs are auxiliary verbs that appear before the main verb in
a sentence to modify the meaning of the verb. These verbs consist of primary
auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verb.
Anwar. 2008. “Kata Kerja Modals dalam Drama Away karya Michael Gow”.
Skripsi. Manado: Faculty of Literature, Sam Ratulangi University.
Claudia. 2017. “Kata Kerja Bantu Modals Dalam Novel The Notebook karya
Nicholas sparks”. Jurnal. Manado: Faculty of Literature, Sam Ratulagi