DMRR 34 Na
DMRR 34 Na
DMRR 34 Na
DOI: 10.1002/dmrr.3042
Department of Pediatric Gastronterology
and Hepatology, Clinical Hospital Nr 1, Zabrze, Summary
Poland Diabetes (DM) as well as obesity, due to their increasing incidence, were recognized
Department of Pediatrics, John Paul II Upper
as epidemic by the World Health Organization. Obesity is involved not only in the
Silesian Child Health Centre, Katowice, Poland
Department of Children's Diabetology,
aetiopathogenesis of the most common worldwide type of DM—type 2 diabetes—
School of Medicine in Katowice, Medical but also in the development of its complications. There is also increasing scientific evi-
University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
dence regarding the role of obesity and overweight in type 1 diabetes. Weight gain
Agata Chobot, Clinical Hospital Nr 1, 3‐go may be considered as a complication of insulin treatment but also reveals significant
Maja 13‐15, 41‐800 Zabrze, Poland. pathophysiological impact on various stages of the disease. Another very important
Email: [email protected]
aspect related to DM as well as obesity is the microbiome, which is highly variable.
The function of the gut microflora, its interaction with the whole organism, and its
role in the development of obesity and type 1 diabetes as well as type 2 diabetes
are still not fully understood and subject of ongoing investigations. This review pre-
sents a summary of recently published results concerning the relation of obesity/
overweight and DM as well as their associations with the microbiome.
diabetes, epidemiology, insulin resistance, microbiome, obesity, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes
Agata Chobot and Katarzyna Górowska‐Kowolik contributed equally to this Overweight and obesity are very strongly correlated with T2D. Obe-
study. sity is the most important culprit of insulin resistance, which appears
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2018 The Authors. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
early in the disease, and is primarily compensated by population) revealed higher T2D rate in oldest children (15‐19 years
hyperinsulinaemia.1-4 Insulin resistance is more often in obese children old): 49.9 rate per 100 000 people for Native Americans, 22.7 for
with high weight, height, and waist circumference.5 Occurrence of Asian/Pacific Islanders, 19.4 for African American, 17 for Hispanics,
obesity is among others related to the early adiposity rebound at the and 5.6 for non‐Hispanic whites.3
age of 3 years that was shown to lead to an increased body mass Another important risk factor is family history. In a study con-
index (BMI) when adolescent.2 Obesity combined with insulin defi- ducted by Elham Al Almiri and co‐authors, more than half of predia-
ciency leads to the development of T2D.2,4 betic patients and all with T2D had a first‐degree relative with
Since the very beginning, the increasing ratio of new onset of T2D T2D.11 Prediabetes (20%) and diabetes (70%) participants had also
researchers connected with obesity, peripheral insulin resistance, raised triglyceride levels.11
ethnic minority groups, and a family history of T2D. The 2002 World A recent study conducted in Abu Dhabi among 216 obese (90%)
Health Organization STEPS survey demonstrated a 21.5% prevalence or overweight (7%) patients highlighted that older children with higher
of T2D and a 54.8% of obesity. The same survey conducted in 2013 height‐for‐age, weight‐for‐age, and waist circumference‐for‐age have
revealed a 45.8% prevalence of T2D. In 2030, it is estimated that a higher insulin resistance.5 In this group, already, 7% had diabetes,
552 million people in the world could suffer from T2D. 8.2% had IGT, and 18.1% were examined with impaired fasting glucose.5
The onset of T2D occurs mostly in adulthood. Among children
and young adults, T2D develops most often during the second decade 2.2 | Obesity and T2D complications
of life and in the middle to late puberty. During puberty, hormone
Diabetes can lead to many severe complications among others: cardio-
secretion is increasing and causing physiological insulin resistance.8
vascular diseases (CVDs), nephropathy, retinopathy, and microangiop-
In a meta‐analysis from the United States and Europe comparing
athy leading in example to limp amputations.1 Such complications as
obese people and those with normal weight, obese men had a 7‐fold
CVD, apnoea, and obstructive sleep seem to be especially related with
higher risk and obese women a 12‐fold higher chance to develop
obesity and diabetes.9 Gaining more weight in T2D increases the risk
T2D.9 A considerable longitudinal study from the United Kingdom
of cardiometabolic complications, which are the main reason of mor-
was examining 369 362 participants between 2 and 15 years old.10
bidity in T2D.9
Patients who had T2D were mostly obese (47.1%) compared with
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 highlighted that the
individuals with normal BMI (4.33%).10 The frequency of T2D
mortality of people with diabetes (all types) increased between 1990
among overweight and obese people increased from 6.4 persons per
and 2010 from 16.3 to 19.5 per 100 000 patients.6 In children with
100 000 in 1994‐1998 to 33.2 in 2009‐2013.10
T2D, the increase in body weight is associated with a greater likeli-
The same observations come also from other countries: In Europe,
hood of cardiovascular complications such as myocardial infarction,
50.9% to 98.6% of people with T2D are obese, and in Asia—56.1% to
stroke, and renal failure.1 They are the most common cause of the
69.2%. In American Indian and Alaska Native adults, the percentage of
increase of mortality.1,9 The earlier the onset of T2D, the higher the
obesity among T2D patients rose by 58% between 1976 and 2004.7 In
probability of developing cardiovascular complications, and conse-
a study performed in Iraq in 2007, it was proven that among all
quently early death.1,3 Worth noticing is a study showing the relation
anthropometric variables, waist circumference is the most sensitive
of mental health and obesity and mortality. It revealed that obesity has
predictor for T2D.5
a negative impact on children's well‐being and mental health and,
Other studies showed that the distribution of fat tissue is the
together with cardiometabolic complications, leads to increased
crucial factor to develop insulin resistance, independently of the stage
morbidity and mortality in adulthood.2
of obesity.3,11 The authors compared obese adolescents with a similar
Recent studies highlight that a lot of young people with T2D have
rate of adiposity, and those with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
a higher risk of complications early after diagnosis than adults with
were more insulin resistant than adolescents with normal glucose tol-
T2D.1 Many of them already present complications at T2D onset,
erance. Furthermore, those with IGT had an increased intramyocellular
which include microvascular and macrovascular changes, hyperten-
lipid content, and dilated visceral and reduced subcutaneous fat depo-
sion, dyslipidaemia, atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, and
sition.3 Ebe D'Adamo and co‐authors found that children with high
fatty liver disease.2,8
proportion of visceral fat and limited abdominal subcutaneous fat are
Nevertheless, it is important to mention the “obesity paradox” that
more insulin resistant and they have higher plasma glucose in the sec-
was described by J.P. Wilding based on many studies.9 Patients with
ond hour of the glucose tolerance test.1,3 It has been also noticed that
normal weight at the time of diagnosis of T2D had a higher risk to
the ectopic fat deposition in the liver of obese patients is a very impor-
develop cardiovascular complications, in contrary to people with a
tant marker of insulin resistance and glucose deregulation.3
higher weight during the onset of diabetes.9 Also, US pooled test showed
that mortality rates were superior for patients with normal weight.9
2.1 | Environmental risk factors of T2D
Other risk factors, despite obesity, for developing T2D are signs of
2.3 | T2D prevention
insulin resistance—acanthosis nigricans, precocious puberty, hyperten- As the major risk factor of T2D is obesity, the most important in
sion, dyslipidaemia, polycystic ovary syndrome 1,8
—and ethnic groups, preventing this disease is counteracting excessive weight gain.1 This
such as African American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Japanese, should be started even before birth. The knowledge about diet,
and Middle Eastern.1,4 The SEARCH study (T2D in paediatric physical activity, and sedimentary lifestyle is very important, and it
CHOBOT ET AL. 3 of 9
was proven in research that obese adolescents who meet those guide- association seems to be age specific.14,15,19 According to some obser-
lines had a lower insulin resistance, better glycaemic control, and vations, patients with higher weight are characterized by usually lower
higher rate of T2D prevention.2,12 values of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and more intensive insulin treat-
To decrease morbidity, mortality and costs of treatment of T2D ment with higher daily doses of basal as well as bolus insulin.14,15
reducing obesity are crucial.7 Although there is evidence that predia- Lee and co‐authors described on the other hand different correlations
betic patients after declining weight can impede development of between BMI and HbA1c depending on the initial BMI of the patient.
T2D, there is no clear evidence that in patients with T2D, weight loss An invert association was found in patients with lower first BMI
can reduce microvascular or cardiovascular complications.9 whereas those with higher BMI were characterized by increasing
HbA1c along with weight gain. Similarly as in former studies, patients
with lower weight also had lower insulin doses compared with other
3 | O V E R W E I G H T A N D OB E S I T Y I N T 1 D
observed individuals.19
Weight gain is also considered to be one of the side effects of
Excessive weight, until recently associated mostly with T2D, is also
intensive insulin treatment.14,20 Increasing insulin doses as an attempt
more and more commonly described in the context of T1D. In a pro-
to sustain optimal glycaemic control despite excessive caloric intake
ject assessing the population of children and adolescents with T1D
enhances the growth of the adipose tissue, what in consequence
from Germany, Austria, and the United States, patients had higher
promotes insulin resistance and generates a further rise of the
BMI relative to reference values—12% of them were examined with
insulin requirement.20 In a study investigating associations between
obesity, and 24% were overweight.13 In another study, BMI values
glycaemic control and changes in BMI in children and adolescents with
exceeding age‐specific normal ranges were described even in every
T1D, patients with lower initial HbA1c showed smaller increments of
third child with T1D.14 Among risk factors of excessive weight gain
BMI in time. The change in BMI was inversely related to the evolution
mainly, the following are indicated: female sex, T1D duration, age,
of HbA1c values and positively correlated with the modification of the
ethnicity, lower education level, disease onset during puberty, or low
administered doses of insulin. Additionally, the results revealed a
weight at T1D onset.14,15 The problem of the coexistence of over-
significant association between the increase of BMI and insulin
weight/obesity with T1D is considered both in the context of the
treatment by means of a personal insulin pump.21 Fröhlich‐Reiterer
causative factor of the increased incidence of T1D and as result of
and co‐authors, searching for predictors of the BMI increase in T1D,
the disease itself (and insulin treatment).
described significantly greater BMI increments in children treated with
insulin pumps compared with patients on multiple daily injections;
3.1 | Development and onset of T1D however, this difference concerned only children receiving less than
Many hypotheses were generated regarding the potential contribution 4 insulin injections per day. According to the authors, an important
of obesity in the pathogenesis of T1D. Most of them are based on the role in the regulation of weight gain plays, besides the amount of
role of insulin resistance coexisting with lack of insulin. The “accelerator insulin injections and total insulin dose, also the type of insulin
hypothesis” proposed by Terry Wilkins suggests that T1D and T2D are (basal/bolus).15 A 1‐year‐long observation of 91 patients, who
the same disorder, both progressing to a final insulin‐dependent state. started insulin pump treatment, revealed increased weight gain in
The main difference between the diseases is the tempo of β‐cell loss, case of higher basal rate and lower bolus to basal insulin ratios. This
which depends on the presence of various “accelerators.” According result was independent from glycaemic control as well as physical
to this theory, obesity and overweight are the most important factor activity level.22
in the pathogenesis of T1D in a continuum with T2D.16 It is assumed Taking into account the anabolic effect of intensive insulin treat-
that obesity‐induced insulin resistance may be responsible for the loss ment, there is a search for an effective method of supplementary
of the pancreatic β cells through their excessive stimulation causing treatment, which would decrease insulin resistance, lead to a decrease
sensitization to autoimmune processes and leading to their accelerated of insulin requirement, and—at the same time—allow adequate meta-
apoptosis. Another aspect indicated as potentially responsible for T1D bolic control.20 Present experiences are based mostly on 3 groups of
development in people with excessive weight is the imbalance between medications, which were found to have a positive effect on the reduc-
the concentrations of adiponectin and leptin. The concentration of tion of weight in T1D patients.
leptin, secreted by the adipose tissue, rises in obese individuals. Its pro- Glucagon‐like peptide 1 (GLP‐1) receptor agonists (exenatide,
inflammatory activity increases the autoimmunological destruction of β liraglutide, and exendin‐4) stimulate insulin secretion, inhibit glucagon
cells accompanied by a rise of insulin resistance that is induced by the secretion, and slow down gastric emptying, what prolongs the feeling
decreased adiponectin concentration. 16,17
In studies conducted in of satiety. According to studies, exenatide as well as liraglutide
nonobese diabetic mice, the increase of leptin activity outranT1D onset decreased insulin requirement and caused weight loss regardless of
and its administration accelerated the destruction of pancreatic cells. 18 the method of insulin treatment.23
Sodium‐glucose linked transporter 2 inhibitors are a newer group
of drugs, which also positively influence weight regulation. By
3.2 | Increasing weight as T1D complication and
inhibiting the main renal glucose transporter (sodium‐glucose linked
treatment attempts transporter 2) that is localized on the nephron's proximal convoluted
In the case of patients with already diagnosed T1D, many publications tubule, they lead to increased glucosuria (because of inhibited glucose
show a relation between BMI and glycaemic control, but the reabsorption in the kidneys). Empagliflozin given for over 8 weeks
4 of 9 CHOBOT ET AL.
to patients with T1D resulted in degreased weight and waist circum- of thorough analysis. Understanding the role of microbiota in health
ference. Nevertheless, this medication has an important limitation that and disease not only allows to look more profoundly at the pathogen-
is related to the decreased secretion of ketones with urine and esis of many diseases but also gives the possibility of new therapeutic
increased risk of ketonaemia.23 measures and early prevention. Microbiome activity has an important
Up to now, greatest experience in adjuvant therapy concerns met- metabolic function, which may be important in the development of
formin. Its positive potential is based on the theory of the coexistence both obesity and diabetes.37
of T1D and insulin resistance, what is especially important in obese or In obese individuals, the proportion and diversity of the
pubertal patients.15,23 Metformin, which remains since many years the microbiome composition are disturbed, mainly in relation to the 2
first‐choice treatment in T2D, sensitizes tissues to insulin activity; dominant bacterial species—Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Patients
however, many studies that assessed its use in T1D did not come to with excessive weight are characterized by an increased number of
an unequivocal conclusion concerning the effects of its applica- the latter in relation to Bacteroidetes.38 It is suggested that the
tion. Two meta‐analyses assessing the efficacy and safety of abnormal gut microbiome may impact the increased absorption of
adjuvant therapy with metformin in adolescents with T1D indicate monosaccharides from the gastrointestinal tract, and the short‐chain
however numerous advantages that result from its use, especially in fatty acids (SCFAs) produced with its involvement are one of the
patients with insufficient glycaemic control.28,29 The study by Liu substrates in the hepatic gluconeogenesis, which results in an
and co‐authors underlined additional metabolic effects related to this increased supply of calories and promotes obesity.39 On the other
adjuvant treatment, including the decrease of the total, high‐density hand, it has been proven that both the high‐fat and carbohydrate‐rich
lipoprotein, and low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol levels.29 Burchardt diet are independent factors causing the reduction of the number of
and co‐authors in 2 independent randomized investigations revealed a Bacteroidetes and the increase of the amount of Firmicutes. The
significant positive impact of metformin in adjuvant treatment on tri- relative raise of Firmicutes in response to a fat‐dominant diet has been
glyceride concentrations as well as on the levels of glycated low‐den- described in both mice and human observations.40 The disturbance
sity lipoprotein that have atherogenic properties. In consequence, of the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes proportion favours, among others,
such a therapy reduced the carotid intima‐media thickness.27,30 increased production of endotoxins, including lipopolysaccharides. In
addition, obese people have a reduced amount of Akkermansia
muciniphila species, which is a potential factor responsible for the
3.3 | Obesity and T1D complications unsealing of the intestinal barrier. The increased gut permeability
Intensive insulin treatment in T1D on one hand reduces the risk of results in leakage of lipopolysaccharides into the bloodstream,
microvascular complications but on the other may be responsible for consequently generating chronic inflammation, characteristic both of
the development of the CVD as well as that induced by obesity met- obesity and of the insulin resistance that is associated with T2D.41
abolic syndrome (MS). Insulin resistance as well as other components Table 1 presents a summary of studies concerning gut microbiome
of the MS are presently increasingly commonly accounted to the and probiotics and their relation to obesity and diabetes. The potential
chronic complications of T1D, and CVD becomes the leading cause mechanisms involved in the interplay between microbiome and diabe-
of death among patients older than 30 years. 15,31 tes or obesity are shown in Figure 1.
Both T1D and CVD are known to be associated with an increased
risk of mortality. In ADOC study, T1D patients had higher mortality
4.1 | Animal studies
rates than nondiabetic controls, and ischaemic heart disease was one
of the factors that increased mortality risk. Interestingly, in this study, Rodriguez and co‐authors evaluated the effect of antibiotic‐induced
obesity was associated with lower mortality, and this effect has been dysbiosis on glucose metabolism in healthy mice. Vancomycin therapy
called “obesity paradox”. 32
Few studies also suggested higher relative was associated with a decrease in microbiome diversity and at the
risk of mortality in females than in males with T1D. 32,33 same time resulted in a reduction in fasting glucose and insulin con-
Another complication of T1D, which is also related to CVD, is dia- centrations. This antibiotic also promoted the increased growth of
betic nephropathy (diabetic kidney disease—DKD).34 In patients with Akkermansia muciniphila in the gastrointestinal tract.42 Similar obser-
T1D with DKD, obesity is twice as common as among those without vations were published by Hwang and co‐authors. Healthy mice that
concomitant DKD. 35
Improperly high BMI was also described as a pos- were given a mixture of vancomycin and bacitracin before inducing
sible risk factor of the development of diabetic retinopathy.36 As a diet‐related obesity showed improvements in insulin resistance, glu-
consequence of all, the above patients with T1D, especially teenagers, cose tolerance, and hyperinsulinism, but not in relation with weight
tended to assess their health condition worse. 14,18 gain alone. In mice treated with antibiotics, the number of Firmicutes
and Bacteroidetes was reduced. As a cause of the observed metabolic
effect, an increased stimulation of secretion of the GLP‐1, known for
4 | T HE R OLE OF G U T M I C R OBI O M E I N its antidiabetic effect, has been suggested.43
4.2 | Human studies
Knowledge concerning the gut microbiome developed significantly in
the past years. Differences in the composition and amount of microor- Taking into account the results of animal models, attempts have
ganisms colonizing the gastrointestinal tract have become the object been made to assess the effect of antibiotic microbiome modulation
CHOBOT ET AL. 5 of 9
TABLE 1 Summary of studies concerning gut microbiome and probiotics in relation to obesity and type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes
Gut Flora Main Hypothesized
Study Design Subjects Intervention Change Outcomes Mechanism
Rodrigues Placebo‐ Lean, normo‐ Single, cocktail, Antibiotics reduced Treatment with Changes in key genes
et al42 controlled glycaemic or no antibiotics diversity of gut antibiotics reduced expression and bile
trial male mice for 4 wk microbiome; FG and improved acid metabolism
antibiotic specific glucose tolerance
changes in
Hwang Case‐control C57BL/6J male 4 wk HFD − all HFD increased the Mice given antibiotics Modulation of GLP‐1
et al43 trial mice mice, 4 wk proportion of had improved glucose secretion
vancomycin + Firmicutes and and insulin tolerance
bacitracin decreased and improved serum
(intervention Bacteroidetes; insulin levels
group) antibiotics
reduced the
proportions of
Firmicutes and
Mikkelsen Prospective Lean and glucose 4‐d, broad‐spectrum, Decrease of total Reductions in the
et al44 clinical trial tolerant men oral antibiotic anaerobic bacterial abundance of a
cocktail count; decrease of representative set of
(vancomycin, enterococci, gut bacteria; no changes
gentamycin, and coliforms, and in postprandial glucose
meropenem) Bifidobacteria tolerance, insulin
immediately after secretion or plasma
treatment lipid concentrations;
reversible rise of
peptide YY secretion
Vrieze Single‐blinded Obese men with 7 d of amoxicillin Vancomycin reduced Vancomycin decreased Altered bile acid
et al45 randomized metabolic (500 mg) or 7 d faecal microbial faecal secondary bile metabolism due to
controlled syndrome of vancomycin diversity with a acids with a specific changes in
trial (500 mg) decrease of simultaneous intestinal microbiota
Gram‐positive bacteria postprandial increase
(mainly Firmicutes) in primary bile
and a compensatory acids in plasma and
increase in decreased peripheral
Gram‐negative insulin sensitivity
bacteria (mainly
Reijnders Randomized Obese, prediabetic 7‐d antibiotic Vancomycin decreased On vancomycin: upregulation
et al46 double‐blind men treatment bacterial diversity and of adipose tissue gene
placebo‐ (amoxicillin reduced Firmicutes expression of oxidative
controlled or vancomycin) pathways; reduced
trial conversion of primary
to secondary bile acids
and lower production of
SCFAs in the gut; no
changes in tissue‐specific
insulin sensitivity, energy/
substrate metabolism,
postprandial hormones
and metabolites, systemic
inflammation, gut
permeability, and
adipocyte size
Mobini Randomized Type 2 diabetes 12 wk of oral No effect on microbiota No effect on HbA1c, liver High diversity of the
et al47 double‐blind patients treated Lactobacillus composition after steatosis, and adiposity; gut microbiota at
placebo‐ with insulin reuteri DSM intervention increases in deoxycholic baseline as an
controlled 17938 (high acid levels correlated important factor of
trial or low dose) with improvement in response to probiotic
vs placebo insulin sensitivity in the supplementation
probiotic recipients
Li et al48 Meta‐analysis Patients with Various probiotic Not assessed Probiotics could alleviate Increase GLP‐1
of 12 RCTs T2D species and fasting blood glucose secretion; improving
doses and increase high‐ of intestinal epithelial
density lipoprotein permeability;
cholesterol regulation of immune
system (reduction
of toll‐like receptor‐4);
beneficial effect
on inflammatory
6 of 9 CHOBOT ET AL.
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Abbreviations: CRP, C‐reactive protein; FG, fasting glucose; GLP‐1, glucagon‐like peptide 1; HbA1c, haemoglobin A1c; HFD, high fat diet; SFCAs, short‐
chain fatty acids; T1D, type 1 diabetes; T2D, type 2 diabetes.
on glucose tolerance in humans, including patients with excessive there was also a decrease in peripheral insulin sensitivity, but without
weight. A postprandial glucose and insulinaemia evaluation in healthy, effect on the insulin secretion itself. The authors suggested that the
lean adults subjected to a 4‐day, broad‐spectrum antibiotic treatment observed effect was related to an increase in the concentration of
(vancomycin, gentamicin, and meropenem) confirmed a reduction primary bile acids.45 A significant reduction in the concentration of
of the number of intestinal flora related to the pharmacological secondary bile acids in favour of the dominance of the primary form
treatment. These changes, however, did not significantly affect the was also described after a 7‐day vancomycin treatment in obese
metabolic activity of the body, including postprandial glucose and men with prediabetes. In this group, however, despite the significant
insulin concentrations.44 In a study of 20 obese women examined with and long‐term change in the composition of microbiome in response
MS after 7 days of vancomycin intake, a decrease in microbiome to the drug supply, there was no impact on the energy and carbohy-
diversity was observed, in particular a reduction of Gram‐positive drate metabolism and no change in insulin sensitivity.46 In both cases,
bacteria (mainly Firmicutes) with a compensatory dominance of antibiotic treatment resulted in a reduction in the number of strains
Gram‐negative bacteria. In the group receiving antibiotic therapy, responsible for dehydroxylation of bile acids and also those involved
CHOBOT ET AL. 7 of 9
FIGURE 1 Possible mechanisms involved in the relation between microbiome diabetes and obesity. T1D, type 1 diabetes; T2D, type 2 diabetes
in the production of SCFAs. The concentration of SCFA in the stool of Numerous meta‐analyses suggest a beneficial effect of probiotics
people given vancomycin was significantly lower compared with the on glycaemic control in people with T2D.48-53 However, there is no
control group, although the decrease in serum concerned only the consensus on the specific metabolic effect associated with supple-
amount of butyric acid. Nevertheless, the described changes did mentation. According to some authors, the type of clinical response
not affect energy metabolism or mealtime GLP‐1 concentration.45,46 depends on the characteristics of the study group, the number and
Thus, although the impact of dysbiosis on bile acid metabolism type of probiotic strains used, and the duration of supplementa-
disorders and SCFA production appears to be a fact, their direct effect tion.51,53 It seems that properly selected manipulation of the
on the carbohydrate metabolism may raise doubts. microbiome may be an attractive option for adjuvant treatment in
One of the most important factors that shapes our intestinal obesity‐induced insulin resistance.
microbiome is diet. In early infancy, feeding type affects the neonate The role of probiotics in T1D prevention needs further investiga-
gut microbiome composition. Although this process has a great impact tion. In animal studies, it has been reported that the administration of
on gut colonization, in later life, it seems that long‐term dietary habits the probiotic formulation VSL#3 decreased the incidence of T1D and
may also affect gut microbial composition.55 It has been reported oral feeding of Lactobacillus casei to young nonobese diabetic mice
that both high‐fat and high‐sucrose diet promotes a decrease in inhibited the occurrence of T1D and prevented the disappearance of
Bacteroidetes and stimulate the growth of Firmicutes. In addition, β cells.57 The beneficial effect of probiotics supplementation was also
body fat percentage growth is thought to be negatively associated one of the goals of the TEDDY investigation. In this study, early probi-
with the abundance of Akkermansia and positively associated with otic supplementation (up to 27 days) in children at the highest genetic
the relative abundances of Firmicutes.56 risk of T1D was associated with a decreased risk of islet autoimmunity.
Taking into account the strain‐dependent properties of Although the results are promising, there is no information about the
probiotics, a certain role in the observed phenomenon may play specific species and doses that are responsible for this outcomes.54
the specific type of intervention. In a randomized trial concerning In summary, the relation of obesity and diabetes is complex. Many
the effects of 12‐week DSM 17938 supplementation in patients factors that link these 2 epidemics have been thoroughly investigated
with obesity and T2D, patients who responded positively to the in the past. A very interesting and still not fully discovered factor
treatment were characterized by not only a greater diversity but also impacting obesity as well as diabetes is the microbiome. The results
a different composition of the gut microbiome during the entire of the ongoing and future research in this field will be very interesting
observation period. Lactobacillus reuteri supplementation resulted in and may change the perspective.
a higher concentrations of secondary bile acids in all participants of
the study. A significant increase of deoxycholic acid concentration ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
was found only in the group of patients with a higher insulin sensi-
The manuscript was supported by KNW‐1‐063/N/7/K (PJC).
tivity index and a considerable reduction in HbA1c. The increase in
deoxycholic acid after Lactobacillus reuteri supplementation showed
a positive correlation with the improvement of insulin sensitivity CONFLIC T OF INT E RE ST
index. None to disclose.
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