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Purvanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
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Research Article
Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra
varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Shubh Pravat Singh Yadav*, Sujan Bhandari, Netra Prasad Ghimire, Sudikshya Nepal,
Prava Paudel, Tika Bhandari, Pragya Paudel, Samaz Shrestha, Bishnu Yadav
How to cite:
Yadav, S. P. S., Bhandari, S., Ghimire, N. P., Nepal, S., Paudel, P., Bhandari, T., Paudel, P., Shrestha, S., & Yadav, B. (2023).
Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Journal of
Agriculture and Applied Biology, 4(1): 28 - 38. doi: 10.11594/jaab.04.01.04
Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
warm and humid nights where temperatures etc. (Kumar et al., 2013). By cultivating geno-
are more than 20◦ C (Anwar et al., 2011). Fur- types or varieties that produce much more than
thermore, Okra is a high-yielding annual plant cultivars produced in the same soil and climate,
that has a range of characteristics, including, it is possible to boost crop production (Singh et
pod shape, pigment, branching degree, matura- al., 2018). It is found that different types and
tion duration, and plant height (Aminu et al., hybrids require foreign soil and climatic condi-
2017). According to Ministry of Agriculture and tion for their optimum production, whereas a
Livestock Development (2020), okra was pro- single variable may not be suitable for all the
duced nationwide at a productivity of 11.3 tons agroecology and climatic requirements; possi-
per hectare, totalling 122,101.6 metric tons on bly, there is the varied response of different va-
an area of 10,781.4 hectares (Jha et al., 2018). rieties (Margai et al., 2021). Thus, in response
Okra cultivation is influenced by several abiotic to that, we conducted this study to identify the
and biotic elements. Conversely, biotic factors well-suited and high-performing okra varieties
like insects, pests, weeds, and diseases (bacte- for the Eastern-Terai region of Nepal. The four
ria, fungus, viruses, mycoplasma, and nema- okra varieties, i.e., Arka Anamika, Chiranjeevi
todes) (Poudel et al., 2018). F1, Gunjan, and JK 1666, were selected from the
Only the young pods of okra are consumed; recommendations of the National Agriculture
the older ones are either discarded or given to Research Council (NARC) based on their adapt-
the animals (Aminu et al., 2017). The fertilizer ability and popularity. The information on the
requirement for okra is mainly the soil en- morphological and physiological variances
riched with vermicompost, manures, and bio- amongst okra varieties might be advantageous
fertilizer, which provides additional substances for future initiatives in the production of high-
not found in chemical fertilizer (Mal et al., yielding okras in the Eastern Terai region of
2013). The use of organic manure is mainly Nepal.
preferred for okra because it helps maintain
the crop's sustainable fertility in the long run Research methodology
(Gudugi, 2013). The usage of low yielder types, Experimental site
poor plant densities, erroneous planting dates, The field experiment was carried out from
soil fertility, availability of necessary plant nu- June 9, 2022, to August 13, 2022, in the re-
trients, and suitable spacing all have a signifi- search field of G.P Koirala College of Agriculture
cant impact on the production and yield of okra and Research Centre located at
(Khanal et al., 2020). The various growth pa- Sundarharaicha, Morang, Nepal, to evaluate the
rameters like plant height, pod diameter, num- yield of different varieties of okra. The climate
ber of branches, stem diameter, weight, and of this area is tropical type. The average annual
fruit yield significantly increase with the appli- temperature of this area ranges between 22.81
cation of different plant-originated manures to 32.46 °C, and the average yearly precipita-
like mustard oil cakes, including poultry ma- tion is 131.88mm. Geographically it is located
nure, goat manures, and earthworm manures, at 26⁰ 40’ 49.3” North latitude and 87⁰ 21’ 16.1”
which also improves soil properties and facili- East longitudes with an elevation of 150 m. The
tates plant growth (Kurunç & Ünlükara, 2009). soil characteristics of the experimental site
The quality and quantity of okra are signifi- were analyzed in qualitative measures with the
cantly affected by the diseases caused due to help of a soil test kit box (Table 1). The average
different viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, highest temperature and lowest temperature
insects, pests, etc. Cotton jassid is regarded as throughout the study period were 31.74 °C and
one of the most destructive sucking pests of 24.44 °C, respectively, with an average amount
okra. Besides jassid, the other pests are shoot of precipitation of 209.03 mm. The summary of
and fruit borers, whitefly, aphid, and mite, the weather records collected during the re-
which affect the okra plant (Das et al., 2011). search period is presented in (Figures 1, Figure
Secondly, the most common fungal diseases are 2, and Figure 3).
damping off, vascular wilt, powdery mildew,
JAAB | Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology 29 Volume 4 | Number 1 | June | 2023
Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Figure 1. Diurnal maximum, minimum, and dew point (˚C) throughout the growing period of okra in
Gothgaun, Morang
Figure 2. Diurnal relative humidity (%), and precipitation (mm) throughout the growing period of
okra in Gothgaun, Morang
JAAB | Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology 30 Volume 4 | Number 1 | June | 2023
Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Figure 3. Diurnal light duration (hrs.) and UV index throughout the growing period of okra in
Gothgaun, Morang
plants of all varieties up to 70 DAS. The of primary branches in Arka Anamika was first
maximum height (205.05) was attained by the increasing up to 28 DAS and then began to de-
variety Chiranjeevi F1 at all the growth stages crease to 56 DAS and again showed an incre-
(Table 3). Similarly, the minimum height of the ment to 70 DAS. The average data observed in
plant (183.74) was acquired by the variety the primary branches shows that the maximum
Arka Anamika. The average data observed in PB was developed by Chiranjeevi F1(4.47) fol-
the plant height shows that the highest plant lowed by JK 1666 (4.07), Arka Anamika (3.36),
height was achieved by Chiranjeevi F1(162.55) and Gunjan (2.85) with the significant level at
followed by Gunjan (160.57), JK 1666 (156.55) (P<0.01). The outcome of the present study for
and Arka Anamika (132.82) with the significant main branches are consistent with the analysis
level at (P<0.001). According to Ghawade et al. made by Ibeh et al. (2019) and Singh and Singh
(2018) and Dahal et al. (2021), the height of the (2013). Further, the study shows that JK 1666
plant in 60 DAS was 76.95. Likewise, Nagar et has the largest pod length among other varie-
al. (2017) observed that the height of variety ties (19.89) at 28 DAS (Table 4). The lowest pod
Ankur-40 was 130.9, and Chiranjeevi F1 ob- length was observed in Arka Anamika and Chi-
tained in our study was 205.05. In comparison ranjeevi F1, which is 3.11 and 3.07, respec-
to those studies, the plant height was higher. tively, at 14 DAS. The highest mean was 17.37,
This might be because of the genotypic differ- which was observed on 28 DAS. The average
ences between the varieties. Similarly, the data observed in the pod length shows that the
study shows that the highest number of pri- longest pods was developed by JK 1666 (14.83)
mary branches was observed in the Chiranjeevi followed by Gunjan (14.75), Arka Anamika
F1, and the lowest number of primary branches (13.25), and Chiranjeevi F1(12.47) with the sig-
was observed in Gunjan (Table 3). The number nificant level at (P<0.001). Accordingly, the re-
of primary branches in 3 varieties (Chiranjeevi sults show alignment with the observation by
F1, Gunjan, JK166) gradually decreased to 56 Sibsankar et al. (2012) and Mal et al. (2013).
DAS and then increased to 70 DAS. The number
Table 3. Plant height and primary branches of different okra varieties at 14,28,42,56 and 70 DAS
Variety Plant height (PH) Primary branches (PB)
14 DAS 28 DAS 42 DAS 56 DAS 70 DAS Aver- 14 28 42 56 70 Aver-
Arka An- 59.90c 106.63c 147.08b 166.77b 183.74c 132.82b 3.35b 3.44bc 3.32b 3.23bc 3.44bc 3.36bc
Chiran- 97.31ab 145.15ab 173.28a 191.95a 205.05a 162.55a 4.80a 4.47a 4.27a 4.19a 4.62a 4.47a
jeevi F1
Gunjan 106.65a 154.10a 170.33a 181.21a 190.56bc 160.57a 2.91b 2.85c 2.81b 2.83c 2.85c 2.85c
JK 1666 92.81b 139.32b 167.13a 183.72a 199.74ab 156.55a 4.28a 4.25ab 4.11a 3.92ab 3.78ab 4.07ab
Mean 89.17 136.30 164.46 180.91 194.77 153.12 3.83 3.75 3.63 3.54 3.68 3.69
SEM 3.593 4.315 3.714 3.768 4.005 3.622 0.293 0.281 0.264 0.267 0.285 0.253
CV (%) 10.7 8.4 6.0 5.5 5.4 6.3 20.2 19.8 19.3 19.9 20.5 18.2
LSD 10.676 12.820 11.035 11.195 11.901 10.762 0.870 0.834 0.785 0.792 0.846 0.752
F-Test *** *** *** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** ** **
*Significant at 5% level of significance, **Significant at 1% level of significance, ***Significant at
0.1% level of significance, NSNon-significant, LSD: Least significant difference, SED: Standard error
of difference, CV: Coefficient of difference
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Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Table 4. Pod length and pod diameter of different okra varieties at 14,28,42,56 and 70 DAS
Variety Pod length (PL) Pod diameter (PD)
14 28 42 56 70 Aver- 14 28 42 56 70 Aver-
Arka Anamika 3.11c 15.53c 16.73bc 15.73a 15.18a 13.25b 1.54c 5.81a 6.29a 6.12b 6.25a 5.20a
Chiranjeevi F1 3.07c 16.11c 15.86c 15.02ab 12.27b 12.47b 1.26c 5.91a 6.26a 6.61a 6.00a 5.21a
Gunjan 12.53a 17.97b 17.90ab 13.96b 11.42b 14.75a 4.42a 6.09a 6.35a 5.79b 4.98b 5.53a
JK 1666 7.65b 19.89a 18.96a 15.58a 12.07b 14.83a 2.51b 6.05a 6.32a 6.08b 5.03b 5.20a
Mean 6.59 17.37 17.36 15.07 12.73 13.83 2.43 5.97 6.31 6.15 5.56 5.28
SEM 0.565 0.388 0.418 0.461 0.666 0.305 0.285 0.113 0.081 0.119 0.328 0.116
CV (%) 22.7 5.9 6.4 8.1 13.8 5.8 31.0 5.0 3.4 5.1 15.6 5.8
LSD 1.679 1.152 1.242 1.370 1.978 0.907 0.847 0.336 0.240 0.355 0.974 0.344
F-Test *** *** *** * ** *** *** NS NS ** * NS
Table 5. Pods per plant and weight per pod of different okra varieties at 14,28,42,56 and 70 DAS
Variety Pods per plant (P/P) Weight per pod (W/P)
14 28 42 56 70 Aver- 14 28 42 56 70 Aver-
Arka Anamika 0.34c 2.92b 5.83a 5.36a 4.56a 3.80a 4.50c 24.52c 28.47b 25.12a 22.20a 20.96c
Chiranjeevi F1 0.43c 3.14 b 6.06a 4.73ab 4.48a 3.77a 4.28c 29.47b 28.68b 27.83a 22.54a 22.56bc
Gunjan 1.71a 4.08a 6.34a 2.87c 1.93b 3.38a 18.29a 32.56ab 31.79a 25.00a 17.96a 25.12a
JK 1666 0.80b 3.51 ab 5.90a 3.96b 2.20b 3.27a 10.50b 34.06a 32.40a 25.56a 18.39a 24.18ab
Mean 0.82 3.41 6.03 4.23 3.29 3.56 9.39 30.15 30.33 25.88 20.27 23.20
SEM 0.065 0.202 0.399 0.334 0.755 0.181 0.902 1.057 0.877 1.002 1.492 0.591
CV (%) 21.0 15.7 17.5 20.9 60.7 13.4 25.4 9.3 7.7 10.2 19.5 6.7
LSD 0.193 0.601 1.184 0.991 2.244 0.537 2.681 3.140 2.607 2.978 4.434 1.757
F-Test *** ** NS *** * NS *** *** ** NS NS ***
*Significant at 5% level of significance, **Significant at 1% level of significance, ***Significant at
0.1% level of significance, NSNon-significant, LSD: Least significant difference, SED: Standard error
of difference, CV: Coefficient of difference
Table 6. Days to 50% flowering and yield per plant of different okra varieties at 14,28,42,56 and 70
Variety Days to 50% Yield per plant (Y/P)
flowering (DF) 14 DAS 28 DAS 42 DAS 56 DAS 70 DAS Average
Arka Anamika 50b 8.53c 76.60c 175.57a 137.92a 106.42a 101.01a
Chiranjeevi F1 56a 8.09c 98.29bc 178.79a 132.69ab 66.89b 96.95a
Gunjan 55a 44.49a 130.54 a 197.41a 80.39c 41.62c 98.89a
JK 1666 54a 17.21b 122.23 ab 189.20a 105.17bc 48.02bc 96.37a
Mean 54 19.58 106.92 185.24 114.04 65.74 98.30
SEM 0.8 2.316 8.410 10.677 9.925 7.233 5.487
CV (%) 4.1 31.3 20.8 15.2 23.0 29.1 14.8
LSD 2.5 6.880 24.988 31.723 29.490 21.489 16.303
F-Test *** *** ** NS ** *** NS
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Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
In the case of pod diameter, the study decline at the end. The average data observed
shows a rapid increase in width up to 42 DAS, in the weight per pod shows that the highest
decreasing gradually up to 70 DAS. The pod di- weight per pod was developed by Gunjan
ameter of Chiranjeevi F1 was low among other (25.12) followed by JK 1666 (24.18), Chiran-
varieties (1.26) up to 14 DAS and increased to jeevi F1(22.56), and Arka Anamika (20.96)
the highest value of (6.61) at 56DAS and de- with the significant level at (P<0.001). The
creased at 70DAS. The highest pod diameter maximum pod weight was obtained from
(6.61) was observed in 56 DAS in the Chiran- Jk1666 (34.06a g), and the minimum was rec-
jeevi F1 (Table 4). The overall mean was high- orded from Arka Anamika. Similar reports
est in 42 DAS (6.31), followed by 6.15 in 56 about the weights per pod were presented by
DAS. The average data observed in the pod di- Cohen et al. (2001). Arka Anamika reached the
ameter shows that the widest pods was devel- earliest among other varieties in days to 50%
oped by Gunjan (5.53) followed by Chiranjeevi flowering (50 days). The flower started to
F1(5.21), Arka Anamika (5.20), and JK 1666 bloom after a month of planting. Within 50 to
(5.20) with the significant level at (P>0.05). Mal 55 days, every variety attended 50 percent
et al. (2013), Sibsankar et al. (2012) and Dahal flowering (Table 6). This reveals that flower-
et al. (2021) proclaimed that mean diameter of bearing habits differ among distinct okra varie-
the pod ranges from 2.94-2.97 and 1.53-1.67, ties but require similar durations to attain 50%
respectively. Likewise, the pods per plant were flowering. The observed outcome coincides
increased significantly up to 42 DAS and de- with the conclusion of Aminu et al. (2016) for
creased to (4.56) on 70 DAS. The lowest pods days to 50% flowering but differ with the find-
were observed on 14 DAS and the highest on 56 ings of Shannag et al. (2007). Furthermore, the
DAS in Arka Anamika. Like Arka Anamika, Chi- results show that the yields per plant have in-
ranjeevi F1 had the same trend of lowest pods creased significantly up to 42 DAS and gradu-
(0.43) on 14 DAS and gradually increased up to ally decreased to 70 DAS in Arka Anamika. Chi-
42 DAS, which was the highest among its lifecy- ranjeevi F1 was low among other varieties up
cle (6.06). Gunjan had the lowest pods (1.71) to 14 DAS and increased to the highest value of
and (1.93) on 14 DAS and 70 DAS, respectively (178.79) and gradually decreased to 56 DAS
(Table 5). The pods significantly increased to and was recorded (as 66.89) the second highest
28 DAS and reached the highest at 42 DAS. value in 70 DAS (Table 6). The average data ob-
JK1666 also has the lowest pods on 14 DAS and served in the Y/P shows that the highest Y/P
increased up to (3.51), and on 42 DAS, pods was achieved by Arka Anamika (101.01) fol-
were highest and slightly decreased to (3.96) lowed by Gunjan (98.89), Chiranjeevi
on 56 DAS. The average data observed in the F1(96.95), and JK 1666 (96.37) with the signif-
pods per plant shows that the highest P/P was icant level at (P>0.05). The uppermost yield
developed by Arka Anamika (3.80) which was (197.41) was observed in 42 DAS in the Gunjan
tailed by Chiranjeevi F1 (3.77), Gunjan (3.38) variety. In the case of JK 1666, the yield was sig-
and JK 1666 (3.27) with the significant level at nificantly increased up to 42 DAS (189.20) and
(P>0.05). The overall mean was highest on 42 decreased to (48.02) in 70DAS. The overall
DAS with (6.03). The results affirm the obser- mean was highest in 42 DAS (185.24), followed
vations obtained by Sibsankar et al. (2012), by 114.04 in 56 DAS. The findings show con-
whereas disagree with the findings of formity with the findings observed by
Choudhary et al. (2015). Table 5 illustrates the Choudhary et al. (2015) and Shannag et al.
weight gained per pod at different growth (2007). But the mean yield per plant observed
stages. It shows a gradual increase in pod by Sibsankar et al. (2012) was (256.26), which
weight between (28 DAS to 56 DAS) and a slight shows that the mean yield per plant was higher
JAAB | Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology 34 Volume 4 | Number 1 | June | 2023
Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
than the present result. This variation in the re- higher correlation coefficient was observed
sults among both studies might be because of between PL and W/P (r = 0.7851), followed by
the genotypic variation among the varieties uti- PH and DF (r = 0.6116). The lowest correlation
lized in the corresponding research. coefficient was observed between primary
Out of the eight growth and yield attributes branches and pod diameter (r = -0.3245) (Fig-
studied between the different varieties of okra, ure 4). The fundamental characteristics that
primary branches (P ≥ 0.05) and pods per plant might be used in selecting for maximum pod
(P ≥ 0.01) exhibited a significantly positive cor- output in okra seemed to include PB, PH, PL,
relation with the yield attributive trait, i.e., PD, P/P, and W/P because of their favorable
yields per plant. In addition, yields per plant phenotypic correlations with Y/P in this re-
have a positive but insignificant relationship search. Aminu et al. (2017), Aminu et al. (2016),
with variables like PH, PL and PD was observed Kurunç & Ünlükara (2009), and Sibsankar et al.
(Table 7). However, P/P and Y/P exhibited a (2012) made the observation that a considera-
negative association with days to 50% bloom- ble increase in each of the measured factors
ing. This suggests that early in the first flower- might raise the overall yield of okra pods. The
ing helped improve okra's fruit yield. Twenty majority of the other characters were most sig-
correlation coefficients among the characters' nificantly affected directly and indirectly by the
interactions revealed that they were consider- assessed factors. These important agronomic
ably positive and eight correlation co-efficient factors may be crucial selection criteria for de-
were significantly negative. In contrast, a veloping high pod yielding okra cultivars.
Table 7. Phenotypic correlations for growth and yield attributes of different varieties of okra
PH 1**
PB 0.3743* 1**
P/P -0.1312NS 0.2343NS 1**
PL 0.1644NS -0.2492NS -0.152NS 1**
PD 0.046 NS -0.3245 NS 0.3955* 0.5939** 1**
W/P 0.5194** -0.0708NS -0.1442NS 0.7851** 0.605** 1**
Y/P 0.1637 NS 0.3872* 0.5306** 0.1923 NS 0.1253 NS 0.2617NS 1**
DF 0.6116** 0.2818 NS -0.1716 NS 0.0057 NS 0.0514 NS 0.3814* -0.0849NS 1**
*Significant at 0.05 level of significance, **Significant at 0.01 level of significance, NSNon-Signifi-
cant, PH: Plant height, PB: Primary branches, P/P: Pods per plants, PL: Pod length, PD: Pod diam-
eter, W/P: Weight per pod, Y/P: Yields per pod, DF: Days to 50% flowering
Figure 4. Exploration of phenotypic correlations of growth and yield attributes to represent the
higher and lower correlations between the traits under conditional formatting rules
JAAB | Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology 35 Volume 4 | Number 1 | June | 2023
Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Figure 5. Comparative illustration of average growth and yield attributes (plant height, primary
branches, pod length, pod diameter, pods per plant, weights per pod, yields per plant, days
to 50% flowering) of different varieties through bar graphs
JAAB | Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology 36 Volume 4 | Number 1 | June | 2023
Yadav et al., 2022 / Varietal trials and yield components determining variation among okra varieties (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
JAAB | Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology 37 Volume 4 | Number 1 | June | 2023
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