Project Report Pro Forma
Project Report Pro Forma
Project Report Pro Forma
1) Internal Viva and External Viva By internal
and external guide.
2) Project should be in word format A4 size.
3) Primary data for topic is necessary.
4) Acknowledgement of
parents,relatives,teachers, Company I bank
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Ch•p rrr- o,ci, Anal ysb, lnltq lftllll iOH a11l1 l'rc•rn111lo11
pcruin,nK to colkc:tcd dat:t.
This chllplt'r b 1he cc~ pan o( 1he sludy Tht ,u-...lysis
d toob or tcchm quts will be
will be done by the le.irner. The :tpplic.a1ion ofscl cc.1e
's. prcscnlation or p:t.ph1 etc
used 10 arrill'C 11 findings. In lhii. 1ablc or mlofma1ion
nn be prov ided with in1crprcu11on by 1he learn er
• App udb
101 \ Pag e
Facully ofOlnlmcrcc, University or Mumbo i
I. General guide Jines for prepar.1t ion or project work bas~d on
_,.... tt;tarch methodol ogy
The proj«1 topic may be undenaken many ara o(Elcc1iw Cowxs.
Each of 1he lcam:t has to undertake a Project individually un:ler !he supervision of a
The learner sh.!11 decide the copie and 111Je which should be specific, clc:ir and with
definite scope in consult.11ion with lhe kachcr•i:uide concerned.
Un1v-tt11ty/collcgc shall allot a guiding 1uchcr ro, guidance 10 1he studcms bucd on htr I
his sp«ializ;itio n.
The project report shall be prq,~m.1 as pu lhc br~ iuidc.lincs given bck>w·