Direction of conversion
Because there is no addition of a suffix it is difficult to decide which item should be
treated as the base and which as the derived form.
Often the semantic dependence of one item upon another is enough to argue its
derivational dependence. For example, the verb net can be paraphrased in terms of the
noun as 'put into a net', but no paraphrase could be constructed for the noun ('an
instrument for netting'?)
1. Conversion to noun
a. Deverbal
a) State. (from verbs used statively to count or noncount nouns): desire, dismay, doubt,
love. smell, taste. want
b) Event/activity. (from verbs used dynamically): fall, hit, laugh, release, search, swim,
shut-down, blow-out (of a tyre)
c) 'Object of V': answer, bet, catch, find, hand-out.
d) 'Subject of V': bore, cheat, coach, show-off, stand-in
e) 'Instrument of V': cover, paper, wrap.
f) 'Manner of V-ing'. walk, throw.
g) 'Place of V': divide, retreat, rise, turn, lay-by, drive-in
b. De-adjectival
As a football player, he's a natural. [=a naturally skilled player]
They're running in the final. [= the final race]
Also daily [= 'daily newspaper'], weekly, monthly, annual perennial, comic [= 'comic
actor'], regulars [= 'regular customers'], roast [= 'roast beef'].
2. Conversion to verb
a. Denominal
(a) 'To put in/on N': bottle [= 'to put into a bottle'], carpet, corner, catalogue, floor,
garage, position, shelve (books)
(b) 'To give N, to provide with N': butter (bread), coat [= 'to give a coat (of paint, etc)
to'], commission, grease, mask
(c) 'To deprive of N': core [= 'remove the core from'], gut, peel, skin.
(d) 'To . . . with N': brake [= 'to stop by means of a brake'], elbow, hand, finger, glue.
(e) 'To be/act as N with': father, nurse, pilot, referee.
(f) 'To make/change into N': cash [= 'to change into cash'], cripple, group
(g) 'To send/go by N': mail [= 'to send by mail'], ship, telegraph, bicycle [= 'to go by
bicycle'], boat, canoe, motor.
b. De-adjectival
(a) (transitive verbs) 'to make adj.' or 'to make more adj.': calm [= 'to make calm'],
dirty, dry, humble, lower, soundproof.
(b) (intransitive verbs) 'to become adj.': dry [= 'to become dry'], empty, narrow, yellow.