Fasting and Tumors
Fasting and Tumors
Fasting and Tumors
فإن الصيام قبل العالج الكيميائي يسمح باستخدام جرعات أعلى من عوامل، وبالتالي
.العالج الكيميائي التي قد تزيد من فعالية العالج في المواقف التي يصعب عالجها
قد تشمل األمثلة على ذلك األورام النقيلية المتقدمة التي يصعب عالجها بمجرد
انتشار كتل الورم إلى أعضاء مختلفة أو تغيير في قيود األدوية التي لها جرعة
.تراكمية مدى الحياة
مجم550 يقتصر دوكسوروبيسين على جرعة تراكمية أقل من، على سبيل المثال
.]103[ لتقليل مخاطر السمية القلبية2 م/
In addition to the reduction in IGF-1 levels, serum glucose
levels also play an important role in the fasting-mediated
DSR effects and reducing glucose levels protecting mice
against chemotoxicity [104]. Yet drugs that promote
hyperglycemia, including dexamethasone and rapamycin,
are commonly administered to help with the management
of chemotherapy-related adverse effects in cancer patients
even though they have been shown to sensitize
cardiomyocytes and mice to doxorubicin [104]
In human mesothelioma and lung carcinoma cells, serum
starvation alone sensitizes to cisplatin treatment [116].
HepG2 and Huh-7 human hepatocellular carcinoma cell
lines show additive cytotoxic effects in both cell lines when
combining the kinase inhibitor sorafenib with fasting-like
conditions [117]. In vivo, water-only fasting cycles (lasting
48–72 h) can be as effective as chemotherapy in reducing
the progression of subcutaneous melanoma and breast
cancer models, whereas the combination of fasting with
chemotherapy improves treatment efficacy [114]. Fasting
combined with gemcitabine decreases pancreatic tumor
progression by ≥ 40%, partially by increasing gemcitabine
uptake [118]. Cisplatin in combination with fasting reduces
mesothelioma progression ≥ 60% compared to the control
and a complete remission is observed in 60% of the mice
treated with PF/cisplatin [116]. Forty-eight hours of water-
only fasting sensitizes mouse glioma models to radio- and
chemotherapy [115], an effect not observed by dietary
protein restriction alone [119]. Similarly, fasting when
combined with radiotherapy delays the growth of an
orthotopic KPC pancreatic tumor model after radiation and
increases the median survival to 43 days compared to 7
days in nonfasted, irradiated tumor-bearing mice [107].
Water-only fasting alone or when combined with oxaliplatin
has been shown to reduce the progression of the CT26
colorectal tumor [120].
Although for serum IGF-1 levels no clinically relevant risk
level has been established, several epidemiological studies
have associated IGF-1 levels ≥ 200 ng/ml with an increased
risk for various cancers [37, 135]. IGF-1 levels in subjects
with baseline levels ≥ 225 ng/ml were reduced nearly four
times more than the reduction observed in participants with
IGF-1 concentrations below 225 ng/ml [32].