I3 - Final Test
I3 - Final Test
I3 - Final Test
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the 3 John tried to chat Kim but she wasn’t
box. (3p) interested in him.
a) on b) down c) up d) off
apprenticeship certificate degree
4 If you click the icon there, you’ll be able
distance licence online
to download the document you want.
a) down b) up c) off d) on
1 Alice has got a _____ in economics from
5 You don’t need to dress for the barbecue.
the University of Toronto and an MA in finance
It’s going to be a relaxed event.
from UCL.
a) up b) off c) on d) down
2 I wasn’t given my during the
6 Do you feel ready to settle and start a
graduation ceremony. It was sent in the post a
family? I’m not sure I do.
few weeks later.
a) off b) up c) down d) on
3 After we moved house I nearly forgot to update
my address on my driving .
4 Tim has just started a(n) course in 5 Underline the correct alternatives. (5p)
accounting and says it’s a really good to way to
fit in his studies with work. 1. If you ’ll pay / paid in cash, we ’ll / ’d be able
5 Many universities now offer to give you a 10% discount.
learning courses so that people can continue
2. If they win / ’ll win this game, they ’d / ’ll be
working and study from home in their free time.
6 If you got a(n) with our company, top of the league table.
you’d work four days a week with us and go to 3. I won’t come if / unless I feel better.
college every Friday. 4. If she had/would have enough qualifications,
we could/be able to take her for this job.
6. If you don’t take / won’t take antibiotics, your
4. Make sentences with the following be a high cough will get/ gets much worse.
achiever, dress down, distance learning, mind
my own business, be runner up, hopeless at. 6. Underline the correct alternatives to
(6p) complete the conversations. (7,5p)
A: How long have you 1 known/been knowing
Carla? B: Oh, 2 for/since we were children!
A: Really? 3Were you always/Have you always
been friends?
B: Mostly, yes. We didn’t speak for a while once
when we were fifteen, but 4 for/since then we’ve
always 5 been having/had a good relationship.
How long have you been 6 gone/going out with
A: 7 For/Since about three years. But it feels
longer! A: You look exhausted Natalie, what have
8 you been doing/you done ?
B: Oh, I’ve 9 worked/been working really long
4 Underline the correct answer, a), b), c) or hours at the office recently.
d). (3p) A: Really? How long 10 do you work/have you
worked there now?
1 Please take _ your shoes and leave them by
the door. B: 11 For/Since 2010. But it’s 12 been/been
a) on b) up c) off d) down being really busy recently. For example, today
2 Tania and Kate get really well and have I’ve 13had/ been having four really long
been best friends since school. meetings.
a) off b) on c) down d) up
A: Oh dear. I have to say I don’t miss meetings. I 4. They gave him new bike for his birthday, that
haven’t 14had/been having any since I started he loved.
working from home. .
B: Oh, how long have you been working from 5. There are a few of biscuits, but there isn’t no
home? A: 15 For/Since three months. I love it! cheese.
7 Underline the correct alternatives. (5p)
9 Circle the correct answers to complete the
1. ‘An / A investment in the / –– knowledge text: a), b), c) or d). (5,5p)
always pays the best interest.’ (Benjamin
Franklin) In 1 months, David Jones, 44, from Sussex,
hopes to break 2 world record. He’s
2 . ‘Many of life's failures are people which / that planning to spend 121 days in a room with 3
did not realize how close they were to success of the world's most poisonous snakes, 4 will
when / how they gave up.’ (Thomas A. Edison) include deadly black mambas.
The four-month challenge will begin on April
3 . ‘If I have seen / been seeing farther than others, 24th. The current record is held by South African
it is because I was standing on — / the shoulders Martin Smit, 5 is also known as Mad Martin.
of giants.’ (Isaac Newton) In Oct 2008, he 113 days in a room with
snakes without being bitten.
4 . ‘Be civil to all; sociable to many / much; Mr Jones, 7 wife is terrified of snakes,
familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to no / been interested in them. He decided this
none.’ (Benjamin Franklin) was the challenge that he wanted to do. He 9
doing it to raise money for charity. 10 last
5 . ‘I’m looking for a lot of men whose / who have person who tried to break the record in 2009 was
an infinite capacity to not know what can’t / bitten by one of the snakes, 11 almost caused
able to be done.’ (Henry Ford) him to lose a leg.
6 . ‘An / The important thing is not to stop 1 . a) a few b) a little c) some d) much
questioning. The / — curiosity has its own 2 . a) –– b) a c) the d) some
reason for existing.’ (Albert Einstein) 3 . a) enough b) many c) all d) much
4 . a) who b) that c) where d) which
8 Correct two mistakes in each sentence. (5p) 5 . a) that b) which c) who d) whose
6 . a) ’s spent b) ’s been spending c) spent
0 He’s the man that his son has won the lottery d) ’ll spend
last week. 7. a) whose b) which c) who d) that
Ex: He’s the man whose son won the lottery last 8 . a) always was b) has always c) is always
week. d) was always
9 . a) have been b) has c) was d) is
1. 1I don’t able to come tonight because I didn’t 10 . a) The b) A c) One d) ––
manage find a babysitter. 11. a) who b) that c) which d) and
2. She’s be living abroad since the past five years.
3. I’ve met him when we have been working in
the same company.
10. Circle the correct one; Present Perfect
Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. (5p) Reading (10p)
6 Perelman scored 100% at the
International Mathematical Olympiad.
7 He wasn’t interested in anything except
8 He did a PhD before he went to
the USA.
9 At Stanford University, they knew
nothing about Perelman’s work.
10 He doesn’t work in mathematics now.
11 He lives alone in St Petersburg.
Writing (15p)
Choose a topic and write an essay in 120-150
1. Describe your neighborhood using compound nouns.
2. The most important achievement in your life
3. To be successful in life you need a bit of luck and a lot of hard work.