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Americas First Concentration Camps

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The World War II Interment of

Japanese Americans
by Mark Calney
[This article was first published in The New Federalist on August 5, 2002, during
the first term of the Cheney/Bush Administration]

A Japanese American family, including Kihachi Hirakawa (right) pastor of

the Japanese church at Winslow, Washington, under military guard en
route to an internment camp.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,
are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make
or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law.
– Amendment XIV; U.S. Constitution

The car pulls up slowly to the gate and stops. A military police officers walks to
the car and opens the driver-side door, as sentries in a nearby tower stand ready with a
50-caliber machine gun. The driver steps out of the vehicle. He is wearing an old U.S.
Army uniform, decorated with numerous battle ribbons and honors. The old veteran is

then escorted through the gate, and onto the grounds of the Santa Anita Race Track in
Arcadia, California. There are no races that day. The track has been converted into an
enclave of tar-paper shacks to accommodate more than 18,000 people, and is surrounded
by a barb-wire fence and armed patrols. The old veteran had committed no crime. He
had served his nation with distinction, and was an upstanding family man in his
community. His house and all this worldly possessions, except those things he carries in
his suitcase, have been sold out from under him for a pittance. After processing, he will
be placed in a horse stable where he will live until being transported to another camp
further inland for an indefinite period of time.
In the eyes of the U.S. Justice Department the old veteran was guilty of the
“possibility” that he might commit an act of sabotage against a U.S. military installation.

This is not a scenario from the latest Hollywood movie. During the winter of
1942, that World War I veteran, and more than 110,000 other Americans of Japanese
ancestry, were placed in concentration camps in the United States. Today, sweeping
measures have already been undertaken which reverse the guidelines imposed by
Congress in the 1970s on the FBI and Justice Department, that now threaten the very
freedoms and “American way of life,” which U.S. Attorney John Ashcroft claims to be
On May 30th, Ashcroft revised the Attorney General Guidelines for FBI
investigations, stating that the priority of the FBI must be “prevention” and “disruption.”
Solving and prosecuting crimes have taken a backseat to Ashcroft’s desire to have FBI
agents unencumbered “from the bureaucratic, organizational, and operational restrictions
and structures that had hindered them from doing their jobs effectively.”
Currently, the United States is holding prisoners from the war in Afghanistan in a
camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They are being afforded fewer legal rights than
common prisoners of war. Additionally, Ashcroft’s Department of Justice has just
declared that anyone labeled an “enemy combatant” by the President has absolutely no
Constitutional rights, including the right to legal counsel, and is subject to confinement
for an indefinite time. This is the situation of Yaser Esam Hamdi, an American-born
citizen captured with Taliban forces in Afghanistan, who has been removed from the
detention camp in Cuba and remains isolated in a military brig in Norfolk, Virginia.
The United States has issued no declaration of war, and not one shred of evidence
has been presented to prove that Osama bin Laden, and his nefarious band of cave-
dwelling Luddites, authored the highly sophisticated atrocities of Sept. 11, 2001. Those
American traitors, and others, responsible for 9/11 and the ongoing coup against the U.S.
government, are still free, and are now preparing to stampede the American people into
accepting a suspension of the Constitution, while a Clash of Civilizations is unleashed on
the world.
We are facing a situation eerily similar to Feb. 29, 1933, when the Nazis set fire
to the Reichstag, as the pretext to force a “state of emergency” in Germany, allowing
Adolph Hitler to suspend civil rights. Nazi political opponents (called “suspects”) were
arrested, imprisoned, and often executed, as the first Nazi concentration camp was
established at Dachau the following month.

Before Pearl Harbor
The Nov. 3, 1920 banner headline of the Los Angeles Times blared, “Harding
Wins by Landslide.” Republican candidate Warren Harding had replaced Ku Klux Klan
booster Woodrow Wilson in the White House and California’s “Vote White” Sen. James
D. Phelan was also defeated. The second major article of the paper read, “Anti-Jap Law
Wins,” referring to the state ballot initiative, under which the “Japanese are forbidden to
lease agricultural land.” This “Anti-Alien Initiative Measure” plugged the loop-holes in
the 1903 state Alien Land Law which had made “alien[s] [i.e. all Asian immigrants]
ineligible to citizenship”; ineligible to own land, but permitted three-year land leases.
Similar laws were subsequently adopted in Oregon, Washington State, and other Western
In 1922, the U.S. Supreme Court (Ozawa v. United States) reaffirmed that Asian
immigrants were ineligible to become naturalized citizens. The chief political figure
behind the “Anti-Jap Law” was the populist Progressive Party Governor of California,
Hiram Johnson. Governor Johnson had a long history of racism. He had attended, and
publicly endorsed, the D.W. Griffith film The Clansman (later called The Birth of a
Nation), which launched the national revival of the KKK. After its premier on Feb. 9,
1915 in Los Angeles, the Governor called it “A very wonderful moving picture.”

Hiram Johnson (right) had been the

Vice Presidential running mate of Mr.
‘Yellow Peril’ himself, Theodore
Roosevelt, in 1912.

Johnson also created California’s populist ballot-initiative process, and had been
the Vice Presidential running mate of Mr. “Yellow Peril” himself, Theodore Roosevelt,
on the Progressive Party ticket in 1912.

Prior to this, Congress had passed the Chinese Exclusionary Act of 1882,
suspending the immigration of Chinese laborers in the U.S. for ten years. This act,
coupled with the 1868 Meiji Restoration of Japan, which had established close
cooperation between the Meiji leaders and the American System circles of Lincoln’s
economic adviser Henry Carey, established the first substantial immigration of Japanese
to the Pacific Coast of North America, replacing Chinese workers. In 1880, there were
148 Japanese in the United States. By 1890, there was 2,039 and 72,157 by 1910.
Though certainly not alone in his efforts, Hiram Johnson institutionalized the anti-
Asian climate in California, which made that state the seat of anti-Japanese hysteria and
racist opportunism, in the wake of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.1 The
U.S. Census of 1940 found that there were 126,947 Japanese Americans, of whom 67%
were citizens by birth (known as Nisei, or second generation). Additionally, there were
157,905 living in the Territory of Hawaii, and 263 in the Territory of Alaska.
In anticipation of a possible war with Japan, President Franklin Roosevelt
dispatched Special Representative of the State Department, Curtis B. Munson, with
orders to carry out an intelligence investigate on the loyalty of Japanese Americans.
After two months in Hawaii and on the West Coast, Munson submitted his report to FDR
in November 1941. The report was clear: “There is no Japanese ‘problem’ on the Coast.
There will be no armed uprising of Japanese. There will undoubtedly be some sabotage
financed by Japan and executed largely by imported agents. . . [There is a] remarkable,
even, extraordinary degree of loyalty among this generally suspect ethnic group.”
During the summer of 1941, the Hawaiian National Guard, composed primarily of
Nisei, was federalized. It would later become the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd
Regimental Combat Team.

“Enemy Alien” Hysteria

On the day Pearl Harbor was attacked, before the Sun had set on the West Coast,
some 1,300 potentially dangerous aliens, mostly Japanese, had been arrested. It was a
very selective operation, based on a well-prepared list of suspected enemy agents and
sympathizers put together by the FBI and Naval Intelligence. Of the more than 12,000
enemy aliens (including those of Italian and German heritage) seized nationally in the
wake of the Japanese attack, only one Japanese – Tsutomo Obana – was tried and
convicted. He served a two to six month sentence for a minor bureaucratic trade
violation with the Japanese government.
On Monday, December 8th, the day after Pearl Harbor, the United States declared
war on Japan. At the same time, a federal order was issued, that froze the bank credits of
all Japanese Americans. Unable to pay employees or vendors, virtually every Japanese
American-owned business went bankrupt overnight.
In the three weeks following December 7th, there was not a single act of sabotage
on the West Coast. The first war casualties in California, were seven Japanese

Though various labor and farm organizations were involved, the most active of the anti-Japanese (Asian)
organizations in California were the Joint Immigration Committee, Oriental Exclusion League, the
American Legion, and the Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West.

Americans killed, victims of racist hysteria, including one Nisei who had just been
honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. Rumors and scare stories, fed by false news
reports that the West Coast was about to be invaded with the aid of local Japanese, spread
rapidly among the non-Asian population.
Some sample headlines from The Los Angeles Times read: “Jap Boat Flashes
Messages Ashore,” “Caps on Japanese Tomato Plants Point to Air Base,” and “Map
Reveals Jap Menace.”

December 8, 1942, Oakland, California: A sign outside the store owned by

a Japanese American; newspaper headlines reflect the anti-alien hysteria.

An American tanker had been fired on from the deck gun of a Japanese submarine
off the California coast at Monterey, and another tanker was sunk near Eureka. On
February 23rd, fifteen five-and-one-half inch shells form a Japanese sub had been lobbed
into an oil-tank complex near Santa Barbara with little affect. The following night the
“Battle of Los Angeles” was fought, when a Navy weather balloon was mistaken for a
Japanese “bogey” coming in from the Pacific Ocean. In a scene reminiscent of Orson
Wells’ “War of the Worlds” broadcast, a widespread panic ensued, as anti-aircraft
batteries blasted into the empty night sky.
General John L. DeWitt, head of the Western Defense Command, based in the
Presidio at San Francisco, was convinced that Japanese American “enemy agents” were
using radio transmitters to signal the movement of U.S. ships. In his “Final Report;
Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast” (June, 5,1943), DeWitt claimed that “for a
period of several weeks following December 7, substantially every ship leaving a West
Coast port was attacked by an enemy submarine.”
This allegation was investigated by the Federal Communication Commission
Radio Intelligence Division and the U.S. Navy and found to be absolutely false. After

conferring with Secretary of War Henry Stimson, U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle,
on January 5th, called for enemy aliens on the West Coast to turn in all short-wave
receivers, radio transmitters, and various types of cameras. On January 29, 1942, the U.S.
Attorney General ordered enemy aliens to evacuate certain “strategic areas.” One of
those areas, Terminal Island in the Port of Los Angeles, was home for five hundred
Japanese American families.
On February 2nd, a small army of FBI agents unleashed a panic as they arrested
336 Issei (first generation Japanese) on a Presidential warrant as enemy agents. On that
same day, California Attorney General Earl Warren convened a meeting of a majority of
the county sheriffs and district attorneys in the state. He stated that there had been no
significant sabotage in California by fifth column agents, but that was probably because
they were waiting for an exact zero hour. This is the same argument he would make later
to the Congressional investigators of evacuation on the Tolan Commission. Warren also
instructed each county to draw-up detailed maps to show all land in the state which was
owned, occupied, or otherwise controlled by Japanese, whether or not they were citizens.
On February 4th, the U.S. Army established 12 “restricted areas,” in which
“enemy aliens” were restricted by a 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew, allowed to only travel
between home and the work place, and not travel more than five miles from their home.
On February 13th, a West Coast Congressional delegation requested that the President
remove “all persons of Japanese lineage . . . alien and citizen alike, from the strategic
areas of California, Oregon, and Washington.”
On February 19th, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing
the Secretary of War to define military areas “from which any or all person may be
excluded as deemed necessary or desirable.”

“One Drop of Japanese Blood”

One of the first people to publicly call for the internment of Japanese Americans
was John B. Hughes, a radio commentator for the Mutual Broadcasting Company in Los
Angeles, who started his month long radio campaign at the end of December. California
newspapers, lead by William Randolph Hearst, picked-up on Hughes’ crusade and began
the drum beat for internment. In Congress, John Rankin of Mississippi, had stated,
“Once a Jap always a Jap. You can't change him. . . . The white man’s civilization has
come into conflict with Japanese barbarism [and] one of them must be destroyed.” And,
on December 15th, before the Congress, Rankin screeched, “I’m for catching every
Japanese in America, Alaska, and Hawaii now, and putting them in concentration
camps. . . Damn them! Let’s get rid of them now!”
On January 21st, the Representative from Santa Monica, Leland M. Ford, became
the first California Congressman to call, on the floor of the U.S. Congress, for mass
evacuation of Japanese Americans. Then, on February 29th, America’s establishment
guru of popular opinion, Walter Lippmann, wrote in his syndicated column:

“the Pacific Coast is in imminent danger of a combined attack from within

and from without . . . the blow [by a Japanese American fifth column] is
well organized and that it is held back until it can be struck with maximum

effect . . . I am sure I understand fully and appreciate thoroughly the
unwillingness of Washington to adopt a policy of mass evacuation and
internment of all those who are technically enemy aliens. But I submit
that Washington is not defining the problem correctly . . . The Pacific
Coast is officially a combat zone; some part of it may at any moment be a
battlefield. Nobody's constitutional rights include the right to reside and
do business on a battlefield. And nobody ought to be on a battlefield who
has no good reason to be there.”

Just as John Ashcroft and his like-minded brethren use the term “national
security” to justify their shredding of the U.S. Constitution and their targeting of
American Muslims today, it was under the rubric of “military necessity” that Japanese
Americans were literally railroaded into concentration camps in 1942. It is a bitter
historic irony that the man whose leadership defeated the evil of fascism, won World War
II, and got the world out of the Great Depression – President Franklin D. Roosevelt –
signed the orders that created America’s own concentration camps. But knowing that
fact, does not tell the truth of the whole story.
It is often claimed that General John “A Jap's a Jap” DeWitt, the Western Defense
Commander, was the primary mover behind establishing the internment camps. However,
the person most responsible for conceiving of the plan, in all its tragic details, and then
carrying it out, was Colonel Karl R. Bendetsen. His public affirmation of his mission
became infamous: “I am determined that if they have one drop of Japanese blood in them,
they must go to camp.” For all his published statements about how he always wanted to
be a field officer, Karl Bendetsen was nothing more than third-rate, legal bureaucrat, with
an expertise in logistics, for the Anglophile/Wall Street Establishment.
Before World War II, Captain Bendetsen had been assigned to the Judge
Advocate General (JAG) in Washington, DC, serving under his old buddy from Fort
Lewis, Washington, Maj. General Allen Gullion. Working for the Office of the Assistant
Chief of Staff G-1, as legal counsel on Capitol Hill, he became a close associate of
various movers and shakers, particularly Senator Harry Truman, whom he continually
briefed about his plans for wartime internment.
Bendetsen soon became involved in generating various legal/logistical scenarios,
in the event of war, over such issues as how prisoners of war would be handled, how to
establish a Corp of Military Police, establishing military coordination with the FBI and
other civilian organizations, etc. Bendetsen was then appointed to the newly created
position of chief of the Aliens Division of the Provost Marshall General, and assigned to
the JAG office at the Presidio in San Francisco with the rank of Major, by General
Gullion, who said, “He (Bendetsen) knows more about what needs to be done than
anybody else. He made the study, he did the work . . . This will require coordination with
the FBI, the Justice Department and other agencies.”2 So, plans for the concentration
camps had already been established before the war had started, and before President
Roosevelt had been approached about the issue.

Harry S Truman Presidential Library; “Oral History Interview with Karl R. Bendetsen,” conducted and
transcribed by Jerry N. Hess, New York City, October 24, 1972., p. 8.

The person most responsible for conceiving of the plan, in all its tragic
details, and then carrying it out, was Col. Karl R. Bendetsen. His public
affirmation of his mission became infamous: “I am determined that if
they have one drop of Japanese blood in them, they must go to camp.”

Colonel Karl Bendetsen was put in charge of the

evacuation of Japanese Americans, shown here lined
up at the Santa Anita Racetrack to board trains bound
for the camps.

Immediately, prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Bendetsen was dispatched to the
Hawaiian and the Philippine Departments of the Army, where he conferred with General
MacArthur, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and others regarding prisoner of war issues.
Bendetsen stated, “We also discussed at length the arrangements which were to be placed
into effect concerning enemy aliens within their respective jurisdictions, who, for reasons
established by intelligence sources, were presumed to be dangerous, or potentially
dangerous, in a wartime situation.”3
After Pear Harbor, Bendetsen began to work full time on his camps. He was
shuttling between the Presidio and Washington, briefing General Gullion, John McCloy,
the Chief of Staff, James Rowe of the DOJ, and “reported the concerns of all of these
officials to Senator Truman.” In turn, General DeWitt was in contact with Secretary of
Ibid, p. 12.

War John Stimson, to whom he sent a memo on February 14th, advocating the evacuation
of “Japanese and other subversive persons.” McCloy requested Bendetsen to send him a
letter of a proposal as to how evacuation and internment would be carried out. Stimson
and Attorney General Frances Biddle each report in their memoirs that, although they had
initial misgivings over imprisoning Japanese Americans, they finally acquiesced to the
Bendetsen’s proposals. Stimson and McCloy then sold the idea to the President.
A few days after McCloy received Bendetsen's report, the President signed
Executive Order 9066, authorizing the Secretary of War, or any designated military
commander, to establish “military areas” and exclude from them “any or all persons.”
Exactly how the order would be interpreted and carried out Roosevelt did not say, and
left the matter entirely up to the discretion of Stimson. A meeting was then convened at
the Presidio among McCloy, DeWitt, Chief of Staff General Marshall, and Bendetsen. It
was decided that Bentedsen would be promoted two ranks to Colonel, and put in
command of the entire evacuation program. General DeWitt told Bendetsen, “I will
create the Wartime Civil Control Administration which you yourself mentioned in your
letter [to McCloy] should be the main vehicle. You will be the commanding officer of
the WCCA . . . [and] you will thus have the power and authority to act.”4

The Camps
Every detail of the evacuation and interment, from press briefings to coordinating
the actions of Federal, state, and local government agencies, were carried out by Colonel
Bendetsen. He selected the 24 temporary Assembly Centers and 10 Relocation Centers.
The “military areas” of exclusion comprised the western half of California, Oregon, and
Washington, with the eastern border being the Cascade and Sierra mountain ranges, in
addition to the southern third of Arizona (Figure 1). The WCCA (Wartime Civil Control
Administration) divided the West Coast into 108 exclusion areas, to include roughly
1,000 Japanese Americans each. With the formal establishment of the WCCA in March,
the Western Command of General Dewitt began issuing a series of Civilian Exclusion
Orders, authored by Bendetsen. As the Assembly Centers and camps were established, a
request for voluntary relocation was issued, but fewer than ten thousand people
At the beginning of May, orders were issued to begin mandatory relocation to the
respective Assembly Centers. Before an evacuee began his trip to an Assembly Center
he or she was processed through a “control station,” set up by the U.S. Employment
Service. Each station had a representative of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal
Security Agency, and the Farm Security Administration to assist in the settlement of the
evacuee’s land and property. The only property allowed into the Assembly Centers were
personal affects that could be carried by hand – a list of required articles (such as bedding,
clothing, toiletries, and eating utensils) had been provided to each evacuee by the
While the personal property losses of those interned were staggering (for property
items which actually made it to the point of being placed into custodial protection by the
Ibid, p. 20.

Japanese American
Internment Camps
(location and population)

1. Newell (Tule Lake, CA) 18,789

2. Mindota (Hunt, Idaho) 9,397
3. Heart Mountain (Wyoming) 10,767
4. Topaz (Utah) 8,130
5. Manzanar (Manzanar, CA) 10,046
6. Amache (Granda, Colorado) 7,318
7. Colorado River (Poston, AZ) 17,814
8. Gila (Gila Rivers, AZ) 13,348
9. Rohwer (Rohwer, Arkansas) 8,475
10. Jerome (Denson, Arkansas) 8,497


Note: These figures do not reflect the fact that some The Manzanar Internment Camp
prisoners were released while others were interned.
The total is more than 120,000.

The shaded area on the West Coast is the Exclusion


government, the compensation was only ten cents returned on the dollar), a greater
tragedy was the loss of production manpower to the war effort. In 1940, Japanese
Americans operated 5,135 farms in California, comprising 226,094 acres, valued at
$12,800 on the average, and grew 42% of the commercial truck crops in the state. If you
include farm equipment, buildings, and lost revenues, the farm losses in the Japanese
American community alone is easily in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The Federal
Reserve, in 1942, estimated the total loss to the evacuees at approximately $400 million.
The government argued in its handbook, “Questions and Answers for Evacuees,”
that Japanese Americans were being placed into internment camps “for their own
protection.” One eleven year-old prisoner replied to this by saying, “If it is for our
protection, why did all the machine guns point inward, rather than outward?” That child
eventually became a California Congressman and Secretary of Transportation, Norman
Following the U.S. victory in the Battle of Midway on June 6, 1942, it became
clear that there would be no Japanese invasion of the West Coast. Military reality and
Constitutional law, unfortunately, had no effect on Bendetsen’s mission of “military
necessity.” With an efficiency that would have made Nazi SS chief Heinrich Himmler
envious, Bendetsen made sure that the evacuee railroad trains ran on time. By August of
1942, more than 110,000 Japanese Americans had been removed from the “military
areas” and placed in the ten Relocation Camps.
Not satisfied with locking up all the Japanese Americans on the continent,
Colonel Bendetsen next turned his attention to those living in Hawaii. However, several
things prevented that. The Hawaiian Islands, at that time, were subject to the judicial
oversight accorded to a territorial possession of the United States. Also, the Japanese
population comprised 40% of the island’s labor force, including 90% of the carpenters
who were Nisei, needed to rebuild Pearl Harbor. Ironically, the territorial governor and
commander of the Hawaiian Department, General Delos C. Emmons, as well as the U.S.
Navy, which had suffered the brunt of the sneak attack on Peal Harbor, were not
convinced that the Japanese Hawaiian population posed any significant military threat.
Executive Order 9102, issued on March 18, 1942, gave control of the Wartime
Relocation Camps to a civilian agency, the War Relocation Authority, once all Japanese
Americans had been moved. Though there were no gas chambers or prisoners forced to
work to death, conditions at the camps were bitter. The Manzanar camp in California’s
Owens Valley consisted of 504 hastily fabricated barracks – inadequate shelter for the
freezing winter weather and the extremely hot summers. Yet, the harsh living conditions,
and cases of prisoners killed by guards, pale in comparison to the greatest suffering – the
dishonor and criminal humiliation forced upon those American citizens loyal to their
nation. Even their identities and names had been replaced by numbers.

In Service to Their Nation

While Japanese Americans were sitting in concentration camps on the mainland,
Nisei were serving in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) in the Pacific Theater.
More than 6,000 Nisei served in the MIS as translators, interpreters, carrying out
surveillance, and counterespionage in special operations. General Charles Willoughby,

Chief of Staff for Intelligence to General Douglas MacArthur, reported that “MacArthur,
unlike the panicky Californian authorities who insisted on herding second-generation
Japanese Americans into concentration camps had ‘complete confidence in the Nisei.’”5
It was Willoughby’s assessment that the work of the Nisei shortened the war by two
years and prevented hundreds of thousands of American casualties.
In early 1943, a decision was made by President Roosevelt to allow Japanese
Americans to serve in the U.S. military: “The principle on which this county was founded
and by which it has always been governed is that Americanism is not, and never was, a
matter of race or ancestry. . . . Every American should be given the opportunity to serve
this country . . .” This decision was the first, and absolutely necessary, step towards
reconciliation for the crime of Japanese American internment.
On January 28th, more than 2,500 Nisei volunteered for service, as restrictions
were removed. The following week the WRA (War Relocation Authoity) began
processing the “loyalty questionnaire” at the ten Relocation Camps, and the U.S. Army
officially reactivated the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which was composed of the
100th Battalion from Hawaii, and Japanese American volunteers from the mainland
camps. Those Nisei eligible in camps also became subject to the draft. According to
Selective Service reports, the total number of Japanese Americans who served in the U.S.
military during World War II was about 33,000. The 442nd Regiment, whose motto was
“Go for Broke” (a Hawaiian crapshooters term for “shoot the works”), made U.S.
military history, as they fought through Italy, France, and German. In seven major
campaigns, the 442nd and 100th fought with distinction, receiving the greatest number of
medals and awards of any combat unit in U.S. history.
In addition to seven Presidential Unit citations, there were 18,143 individual
decorations, including one Congressional Medal of Honor, 560 Silver Stars (with 28 Oak
Leaf Clusters), and almost 9,486 Purple Hearts, representing what was the highest
number of casualties of any unit in U.S. history. The casualty rate for the Nisei was over
300% of its authorized strength of 4,000 troops. This was due to the fact that many of the
soldiers who were wounded returned to the front line, as soon as possible. Moreover no
soldier ever deserted the 442nd Combat Regiment.
During the fighting in France, the 100/442 liberated 11 towns. In the Vosges
Mountains, Texans of the 141st Regiment of the 36th Division were surrounded for a week
and became known as the “Lost Battalion.” It took the Nisei troops three days and nights
of continual combat to break through the Nazi stronghold and liberate the Texans. The
100/442 suffered 60% casualties in the offensive, including 140 killed, which was a
greater number than those they rescued. As a result, all the members of the 100/442 were
made “Honorary Texans” by Gov. John Connolly.
While their own families were living in U.S. internment camps, it was the
scouting troops of the 552nd Field Artillery of the 100/442 who shot off the lock on the
gate of the Dachau concentration camp to help free its prisoners.
Captain Daniel Inouye of the 442nd, who had lost an arm in the Italian campaign,
later became a U.S. Senator from Hawaii. On his way back home, he stopped in to have

MacArthur: 1941-1951 by Charles A. Willoughby and John Chamberlain, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., New York, 1954, p. 98. Macarthur goes on at some length on the specific contributions of the Nisei.

his hair cut at a San Francisco barber shop. Although he was in uniform, with all this
decorations, the barber told him, “We don’t serve Japs here.”

Japanese Americans served heroically in World War II. Here,

infantrymen of the 442nd Regiment, under German attack in Italy.

The Legacy of the ‘Loaded Weapon’

On August 11, 1945, the Japanese government announced its unconditional
surrender, and on September 4th the Western Defense Command revoked all individual
exclusion orders and all military restriction against Japanese Americans. However, it
would not be until the end of January 1946, that most prisoners had left the camps. Tule
Lake Center on the north California border, which had been the official “Segregation
Center,” housing Nisei who had renounced their citizenship, and Issei that had requested
repatriation to Japan, was the last to close its gates on March 20, 1946.
Finally, on June 30th, the WRA program officially ended. Earlier, on January 2,
1945, Major General H.C. Pratt, the new commander of the Western Defense Command,
announced that the mass exclusion orders on the West Coast would be revoked. With
some exceptions, this meant that Japanese Americans could return to their homes. Pratt’s
decision was not due to any sudden moral epiphany, but a reaction to a unanimous U.S.
Supreme Court ruling 48 hours earlier, regarding the case of Mitsuye Endo. Due to the
fighting tenacity of James Purcell, a San Francisco lawyer, who challenged the

constitutionality of evacuation by filing a habeas corpus petition on behalf of his client,
Miss Endo was found innocent of the charges that the Army had used to justify her
evacuation. Supreme Court Justice Murphy stated:

“I am of the view that detention in Relocation Centers of persons of

Japanese ancestry regardless of loyalty is not only unauthorized by
Congress or the Executive, but is another example of the unconstitutional
resort to racism inherent in the entire evacuation program . . . racial
discrimination of this nature bears no reasonable relation to military
necessity and is utterly foreign to the ideals and traditions of the American

Unfortunately, the case and ruling didn’t substantively address the issue of the
constitutionality of evacuation. That matter had been ruled on by the Supreme Court in
the earlier case of Korematsu v. the U.S., and, much to the detriment of the nation, has
not been revisited since. In opposition to the majority opinion of Justice Hugo Black
(himself a “former” member of the Ku Klux Klan), a dissenting opinion in that case was
filed by Justice Robert H. Jackson, who warned of the type of danger to liberty that we
are now facing again:

“A military order, however unconstitutional, is not apt to last longer than

the military emergency. . . . But once a judicial opinion rationalizes such
an order to show that it conforms to the Constitution . . . the Court for all
time has validated the principle of racial discrimination in criminal
procedure and of transplanting American citizens. The principle then
lies about like a loaded weapon ready for the hand of any authority
that can bring forward a plausible claim of an urgent need.” [emphasis

At the conclusion of World War II, most Americans believed that the ugly idea of
American concentration camps was now merely a bad episode in the nation's history. But
in 1946, the Justice Department and its FBI had secretly created their own detention
program, based on its own “Security Index.” Four years later, Congress passed the
McCarran “Internal Security Act.” Title II of that Act was called “Emergency Detention
of Suspected Security Risks,” which contained provisions for the creation of emergency
detention camps. The camps were constructed and maintained by the U.S. Bureau of
Prisons, until Congress repealed the McCarran Act in 1971, fearing that the camps might
be used against the anti-war activists, civil-rights leaders, and others. The FBI still
continued with its own program. While changing the name of the program from
“Security Index” to an ‘"Administration Index” (ADEX), the FBI maintained a list of
approximately 15,000 names of those people who would be picked up and detained in the
event of a “national emergency.” Even after the death of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI
maintained its ADEX detention program until it was officially terminated in 1978.
Today, Attorney General Ashcroft has already committed the crime of racial
profiling of the American Muslim population, included unjustified raids and detentions.
The U.S. Department of State reports that, “in mid-2000 there were 4,175,000 Muslims in

the United States, 1,650,000 of who are African American in origin.”6 Of that total, a
reported 22.4% are U.S.-born citizens and the remainder immigrants. At the projected
rate of growth, Islam will replace Judaism by 2010, as the nation’s second largest religion,
after Christianity. Perhaps John Ashcroft, in one of his “Armageddon now” moments of
judicial insight, is contemplating some area, like the Nevada Nuclear Proving Grounds, to
be the new “relocation center” for those American Muslims exhibiting the potential to be
“enemy combatants,” and other “suspects.”

Bendetsen vs. LaRouche

It is ironic, but lawful that Karl R. Bendetsen, who systematically organized and
carried out one of the greatest crimes ever committed against American citizens, would
become an enemy of Lyndon H. LaRouche. Although LaRouche's illegal imprisonment
is a correlative crime, which this author personally knows had a profound resonance
among Japanese Americans who had been interned, it is in the arena of strategic policy
which Bendetsen personally opposed LaRouche.
After leaving the concentration camp business, for which he received the
Distinguished Service Medal, Colonel Bendetsen served as a logistics bureaucrat in the
European Theater. Following World War II, Bendetsen was brought into the highest
levels of the Pentagon by the Anglo-American establishment and his old friend Harry
Truman. Bendetsen become the personal towel-boy for Gordon Gray, an avid Anglophile,
whose family fortune was based on control of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
Known as the “founder of operational intelligence,” Gray would later become the
National Security Council under President Eisenhower. Among other things, Gray
headed the so-called counterintelligence investigation team that “cleared” British
intelligence, triple-agent Kim Philby and his cohorts. When Gordon Gray became
Secretary of the Army in the autumn of 1949, he brought along Bendetsen, whom he
nominated to be Assistant Secretary of the Army.
Father Hugh Lavery of the Catholic Maryknoll Center in Los Angeles protested
the appointment, stating, “Colonel Bendetsen showed himself to be a little Hitler. I
mentioned that we had an orphanage with children of Japanese ancestry, and that some of
these children were half Japanese, other’s one-forth or less. I asked which children
should we send. . . Bendetsen said: ‘I am determined that if they have one drop of
Japanese blood in them, they must go to camp.’”
When Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur, during the Korean War in 1951,
Bendetsen came down of the side of the Cold War “Utopians” against the patriotic
nationalists, that MacArthur represented. Though feigning admiration for MacArthur,
Bendetsen, who had actually done planning for MacArthur's nuclear option against North

The U.S. State Department (International Information Programs), true to the nature of its deeper loyalties,
uses the Britannica Book of the Year as the authoritative source for these figures, which would appear to be
a fair approximation.

Korean/China, whined that MacArthur’s crossing of the 38th parallel was a “grievous
error . . . which meant he considered himself to be invincible.”7
Bendetsen was always the consummate “armchair commander” and bureaucratic
lackey for the Utopians. He was confirmed as the Under Secretary of the Army in 1952.
Later, Karl Bendetsen became a founding member and financier of retired-General
Danny Graham’s High Frontier organization (i.e. “smart pebbles” in space), which was
established to counter the strategic, beam-weapon, defense policy created by Lyndon
LaRouche, and adopted by President Reagan as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) in
1983. From inside the President’s civilian advisory panel on the SDI, Bendetsen worked
to steer Reagan away from LaRouche’s concept of Mutual Assured Survival, based on
the development of defense systems derived from new physical principles that would be
shared with the Soviet Union.
Bendetsen was also a director of the National Strategy Information Center, a
Utopian rightwing, think-tank which was run by the notorious, anti-LaRouche operative,
Roy Godson.
The “loaded weapon” that Justice Jackson had referred to, as a continuing danger
to liberty, is not merely a legal matter. The “loaded weapon” that the enemies of the
United States and humanity are counting on is that Americans will continue to be slaves
to the great god vox populi (public opinion). Just as Pastor Niemöller [see box] laid the
blame for the Nazi takeover of
Germany on the fear of the average
citizen to publicly denounce what he
knew was wrong; and, just as non-
Japanese Americans feared what
“others would say” in 1941, if they
defended their Japanese friends; and,
just as the American population
trembled during the period of anti-
communist Trumanism/McCarthyism,
terrified that they might lose their jobs
and positions if they weren’t
considered “normal” by their co-
workers and neighbors; so, it is the
same today.
To prevent a repeat of a return
to fascism, as LaRouche has identified,
Americans must break the prevailing
axioms of vox populi. Myths
perpetuated to cover-up the greatest
economic collapse in history must be
confronted, and appropriately
lampooned. We must start to think

Harry S Truman Presidential Library; "Oral History Interview with Karl R. Bendetsen," November 21,
1972, p.19.

“outside of the box,” least wise we all be placed inside one.
On December 10, 2001, Congressman Faleomavaega (D-American Somoa)
addressed the House of Representative in support of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Day, and offered the following warning:

“The wholesale and arbitrary abolishment of the constitutional rights of

these loyal Japanese Americans will forever serve as a reminder and
testament that this must never be allowed to occur again. Madam Speaker,
as our government deals with the ramifications of the horrific terrorist
attacks of September 11, I would hope our Nation would not forget this
one basic lesson.”

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