2010 - Liwu Fan - Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Phase Change Materials For TES. A Review

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials for thermal energy

storage: A review§
Liwu Fan, J.M. Khodadadi *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University, 270 Ross Hall, Auburn, AL 36849-5341, USA


Article history: A review of experimental/computational studies to enhance the thermal conductivity of phase change
Received 30 June 2010 materials (PCM) that were conducted over many decades is presented. Thermal management of
Accepted 2 August 2010 electronics for aeronautics and space exploration appears to be the original intended application, with
later extension to storage of thermal energy for solar thermal applications. The present review will focus
Keywords: on studies that concern with positioning of fixed, stationary high conductivity inserts/structures. Copper,
Fusible materials aluminum, nickel, stainless steel and carbon fiber in various forms (fins, honeycomb, wool, brush, etc.)
were generally utilized as the materials of the thermal conductivity promoters. The reviewed research
Phase Change materials
studies covered a variety of PCM, operating conditions, heat exchange and thermal energy storage
PCM/Metal composites
Phase transformation arrangements. The energy storage vessels included isolated thermal storage units (rectangular boxes,
Solidification cylindrical and annular tubes and spheres) and containers that transferred heat to a moving fluid
Thermal conductivity enhancers medium passing through it. A few studies have focused on the marked role of flow regimes that are
formed due to the presence of thermally unstable fluid layers that in turn give rise to greater convective
mixing and thus expedited melting of PCM. In general, it can be stated that due to utilization of fixed high
conductivity inserts/structures, the conducting pathways linking the hot and cold ends must be
ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.1. Phase change materials for thermal energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2. Options for promotion of thermal conductivity of PCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3. Scope and coverage of the present review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4. Thermal conductivity enhancement through introduction of stationary structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1. Early work inspired by heat rejection issues in space exploration systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2. Extension to solar thermal and thermal management of electronics applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

1. Introduction
Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work partially sponsored by
an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government Greater energy demand projected for developing economies,
nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or uncertainties associated with stable supply/pricing of fossil fuels
implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, complete-
and growing awareness of environmental issues have contributed
ness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or
represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. References herein to to a serious re-examination of various renewable sources of
any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, energy. The unpredictability of the output of renewable energy
manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, systems demands that robust, reliable and efficient storage units
recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof.
must be an integral part of such energy systems. Among various
The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect
those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
forms of energy, thermal energy is widely encountered in nature as
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 334 844 3333; fax: +1 334 844 3307. solar radiation, geothermal energy and thermally stratified layers
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Khodadadi). in oceans. Thermal energy is also a by-product of a great number of

1364-0321/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Summary of studies on thermal conductivity enhancement of PCM/enhancer composites.

Authors (year) PCM Promoter Configuration Study/Measurement

Material Properties Material Size Properties Vol.%a Type

Bentilla 1. tetradecane MTb: 278.8 1. Al wool N/A N/A 10–18 N/A experiments
et al. [11]
2. hexadecane MT: 289.9 2. Al foam N/A r: 900 N/A N/A
3. octadecane MT: 301.0 3. Cu foam N/A r: 500 N/A N/A
4. eicosane MT: 309.9 4. Al honeycomb N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hoover [12] LiNO3–3H2O MT: 300 1. Al powder N/A N/A 12.5 (no volume or N/A DSC measurements
(1971) mass-based

L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46
LHc: 232.4 2. Al gauze
k: 0.519 3. Al honeycomb
cp: 1.6736 4. alumina (Al2O3) foam
r: 1,602 5. alumina powder
Humphries [13] nonadecane MT: 305.3 Al fins details in paper N/A N/A vertically mounted 1. thermocouples
Griggs et al. [14] nonadecane N/A Al N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. visual observation
(1974) transient 2D numerical
study (diffusion only)
Abhat [15] (1976) octadecane MT: 301.5 Al honeycomb details in paper N/A  11.5% N/A 1. Iron-Constantan
(estimated by us) thermocouples
(C18H38) 2. transient non-equilibrium
numerical study
(diffusion only)
De Jong and 1. pure paraffin MT: 310 1. Al honeycomb N/A N/A 10% N/A 1.caloric method
Hoogendoorn (n-eicosane C20H42)
[16] (1981)
LH: 125 2. dynamic DTA
k: 0.2 (L) and  0.10 (S) 3. THWe
cp: 2.3 (Ld) and 2.4 (S) 4. transient cylinder
5. thermocouples
6. enthalpy method
2. commercial wax MT: 315  317 2. Al thin-strip compacted N/A 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6% N/A
matrix as required
LH:  137
k: 0.19 (L) and  0.14 (S)
cp: 2.4 (L) and 2.2 (S)
Abhat et al. [17] 1. eicosane MT: 310 Al metal fins N/A N/A N/A longitudinally 1. NiCr-Ni
(1981) positioned thermocouples
2. visual observation
2. lauric acid MT: 315  317
3. CaCl26H20 MT:  303
Henze and octadecane MT: 301 Al fins flat plate k: 179.962 N/A symmetrically 1. 2D transient model
Humphrey (C18H38) (thickness = 0.0625, positioned
[18] (1981) 0.09375, and 0.125
LH: 241.36 cp: 0.96 2. iron-constantan
k: 0.149 (L) r: 2,712.6 3. visual observation
cp: 2.66 (L)
r: 777 (L) and 852.8 (S)
bf: 0.001

Table 1 (Continued )

Authors (year) PCM Promoter Configuration Study/Measurement

Material Properties Material Size Properties Vol.%a Type

Haji-Sheikh commercial wax MT: 317 N/A flat plate N/A N/A evenly 1. thermocouples
et al. [20,21] (SUNTECH P116), positioned
(1983, 1984) a mixture of C20
through C32
LH: 226  266 2. flow visualization
k: 0.193  0.24 (L) and 0.24 (S)
cp: 2.51 (L) and 2.95 (S)
r: 748  790 (L) and 818 (S)
b: 0.00204  0.00216
Knowles and Webb 1. hexadecane k: 0.15 Al plate fins or wires k: 240 1, 26, and 50% uniformly 1. transient lumped

L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46
[22] (1987) distributed model
cp: 2.42 cp: 0.926 2. platinum resistance
r: 760 r: 2,700
2. dodecanol MT: 295.8 Cu N/A N/A 0, 1.4, 8.9, 50% uniformly
volumetric LH:
171 [MJ/m3]
Chow et al. [23] (1996) LiH MT: 958 Ni (S) N/A k: 92.1 5% uniformly mixed steady-state
numerical study
(diffusion only)
LH: 2,580 cp: 0.439
k: 2.1 (L) and 4.2 (S) r: 8,913
cp: 7.37 (L) and 6.28 (S)
r: 550 (L) and 690 (S)
Tong et al. [24] (1996) water/ice k: 0.575 (L) and 2.21 (S) Al matrix N/A k: 237 5, 10, and 15% uniformly transient numerical
distributed, study (diffusion
water/ice and convection)
fully saturated
cp: 4.217 (L) and 2.04 (S) cp: 0.896
r: 999.9 (L) and 917 (S) r: 2,707
Bugaje [25] (1997) paraffin wax MT: 331  333 Al matrix N/A N/A 6% and 20% N/A thermocouples
LH: 266
k: 0.24 (L) and 0.24 (S)
cp: 2.51 (L) and 2.95 (S)
r: 760 (L) and 818 (S)
Pal and Joshi n-triacontane MT: 338.6 Al honeycomb side length: 1.65 mm N/A N/A fully filled 1. T-type thermocouples
[26] (1998)
LH: 251 height: 14.5 mm 2. numerical study
(conjugate, diffusion
and convection)
k: 0.23
cp: 2.05
r: 810
Velraj et al. [28] paraffins LH: 214.4 1. Al fins N/A N/A 7% and 20% internal 1. K-type NiCr-Ni
(1999) longitudinal thermocouples
cross shaped
RT 58 and 60 k: 0.2 2. parameter estimation
cp: 0.9 3. numerical study
(enthalpy method)
r: 775 (L) and 850 (S)
2. lessing rings d: 1 cm randomly distributed
3. water bubbles N/A
Fukai et al. [29,30] paraffin wax MT: 314  316 carbon fibers l: 5, 200 mm k: 220 < 2% 1. randomly positioned 1. thermocouples
(1999, 2000)
k: 0.26 (S) d: 10 mm r: 2,170 2. fiber brush in 2. parameter estimation
radial direction
Cabeza et al. deionized water LH: 330 1. stainless steel tube pieces k: 45 < 10% N/A thermocouples
[31] (2002)
k:  0.6 (L) and  2.4 (S) l: 25 mm cp: 0.4  0.5
cp:  4.1 (L) d: 16 mm (inner), r: 7,800
18 mm (outer)
r:  1000 (L)
2. Cu k: 393
cp: 0.383
r: 8,900
3. graphite matrix N/A k: 25  470
cp: 1.4
r: 2,300

L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46
Ettouney paraffin wax MT: 325 1. stainless steel screens l: 0.32 m k: 40 0.1%  3.4% radially positioned thermocouples
et al. [32]
LH: 210 w: 0.02 m cp: 0.5 (608, 1808, and 3008)
k:  0.15 (L) and  0.24 (S) r: 7,801
cp:  2.1 (L) and  2.9 (S)
r:  860 (S) and  780 (S)
2. stainless d: 8, 12, and 16 mm attached to metal screens
steel spheres
Stritih [33] paraffin RT 30 MT:  306 steel fins 0.5 m (h)  0.12 m (l)  1 mm k: 20  5% fins evenly spaced NiCr-Ni thermocouples
(2004) (thickness)
Koizumi [34] n-octadecane MT: 301 Cu plates N/A N/A N/A cross-shaped fins Cu-Co thermocouples
LH: 244 Flow visualization
k: 0.15 (L) and 0.21 (S)
r: 733 (L) and 890 (S)
Mesalhy et al. [35] generic PCM MT: 300.4 high conductivity N/A k(matrix)/ 5, 10, and 15% rectangular cells thermal non-equilibrium
(2005) solid matrix k(PCM) = 50, with conductive numerical study
100, and 200 fibers making
up the sides
k(S)/k(L) = 2.419
cp(S)/cp(L) = 0.964
Pr = 46.1
Ettouney paraffin wax MT: 325 stainless steel spheres d: 4, 5, and 6 mm k: 20 N/A accumulated on K-type thermocouples
et al. [37] the bottom
LH: 210 cp: 0.46
k: 0.15 (L) and 0.24 (S) r: 7,846
cp: 2.1 (L) and 2.9 (S)
r: 780 (L) and 860 (S)
Nayak eicosane MT: 310 1. Al matrix d = 420 mm k: 179.6 5, 10, and 15% uniformly filled transient numerical
et al. [38] with PCM study (diffusion
(2006) and convection)
LH: 241 cp: 0.96
k: 0.157 (L) and 0.39 (S) r: 2,712.9
cp: 2.2 (L) and 1.9 (S)
r: 770 (L) and 810 (S)
2. Al fins see Fig. 30 10, 20, and 30% 1. plate-type (2-D)
2. rod-type
evenly spaced (3-D)

28 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

man-made energy conversion systems, equipment and devices.

Despite its abundance, thermal energy is generally classified as a

2. K-type thermocouples
low-grade form of energy and is associated with waste in industrial

1. DSC measurements
2. transient modeling

processes. Storage of thermal energy may simply serve as a holding

measurements station before it is used properly or it can be a means of providing

of conduction
1. inlet/outlet

thermal comfort in buildings, conserving of energy in various


sectors of the economy, increasing the operational life of

electronics and raising the efficiency of industrial processes.

1.1. Phase change materials for thermal energy storage

2. radially-pointing

Thermal energy can be stored as sensible or latent energy by

1. cloth wrapping

longitudinal fins

heating or cooling a bulk of material. This energy then becomes

fiber brushes
copper tubes

available when the reverse process is applied. Phase change

radial and

materials (PCM) are widely used to store thermal energy at a fixed

temperature by taking advantage of their latent heat (heat of

fusion) during phase change. The melting temperature varies over

a wide range for different PCM, e.g., paraffins, fatty acids, sugar
can be computed
0.21 & 0.42 for

alcohols, salt hydrates, etc. A number of review articles [1–9]

Not given but

discussed candidate PCM, their thermophysical/transport proper-

for brushes

ties, encapsulation, heat transfer enhancement and system-related


issues. The coverage of heat transport mechanisms encountered in

phase change systems that are discussed in these reviews is
deemed to be narrow (except ref. [9]), at times only limited to

r: 2,120

listing of some references. In view of this observed shortcoming

k: 190

cp: 1

and based on the greater importance of thermal energy storage and


associated developments in related fields, the present review of

literature with a focus on thermal conductivity promotion of PCM
was prepared.

2. Options for promotion of thermal conductivity of PCM

1 mm (thickness)
diameter fibers

An undesirable property of PCM is their relatively low thermal

10 mm in

conductivity that strongly suppresses the energy charging/

discharging rates. Naturally, introduction of highly conductive

materials to form a composite of the PCM and thermal conductivity

circular and longitudinal

LH stands for the latent heat (kJ/kg), k is thermal conductivity (W/mK), and r is density (kg/m3).

promoter is a logical solution. The insertion of metal fins, foams,

Woven carbon fiber

wools into the PCM has long been practiced. Determining proper
sheets and carbon

Cu plates used as

configurations of these fixed, non-moving structures and their

L stands for the liquid phase and S for the solid phase, unit for specific heat cp is kJ/kg K.
fiber brushes

interactions with conduction, convection and phase change heat


transport mechanisms pose challenging issues. Literature devoted


to thermal conductivity enhancement through utilization of non-


moving structures goes back many decades. The bulk of this

manuscript is devoted to providing a review of major findings in
relation to competing heat transfer mechanisms in such systems.
k: 0.326 (L) and 0.733 (S)

r: 1300 (L) and 1480 (S)

cp: 2.76 (L) and 1.38 (S)
k: 0.12 (L) and 0.21 (S)

r: 780 (L) and 900 (S)

3. Scope and coverage of the present review

The primary focus of the present review will be on the thermal

conductivity enhancement that is realized through introduction of
MT: 322.2

MT: 390.9

LH: 339.8

cp: N/A

fixed, non-moving high-conductivity inserts. Therefore, no coverage

of free-form, fluid-like, evolving composites (e.g. particle-dispersed
THW denotes the transient hot-wire method.

systems) will be provided. Metal foam and graphite-based PCM

MT denotes the melting temperature (K).

systems are getting a great deal of attention, however only a few

Vol.% denotes the volume fraction (%).

Thermal expansion coefficient (1/K).

papers on such thermal conductivity enhancement approaches

paraffin wax

will be covered in this review. The exposition of reviewed work on


thermal conductivity enhancement of PCM will be presented in a


chronological order. This is reasoned to be appropriate since it is

assumed that researchers generally get acquainted with prior work
and their attributes/shortcomings before moving forward. An
Agyenim et al. [40]
Table 1 (Continued )

Nakaso et al. [39]

elaborate Table 1 that summarizes the relevant details for the

Authors (year)

reviewed papers are provided. A summary of the configurations of

the experimental setups and the thermal operating conditions is


given in Table 2. All the figures (except Figs. 1–4, 13 and 14) and
artwork in this manuscript are taken from the reviewed papers and


the authors do not take responsibility for their quality. At times,

Table 2
Summary of experimental configurations and thermal operating conditions of reviewed studies in the literature.

Paper Geometry Insulated Surfaces Volumea Phase Change Heating/Cooling Scheme Thermal Conditions Gravity/HF angleb

L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46
c d e 2
Abhat [15] Rectangular box 5 2,166 Melting H: CHF MINCO heater foil 0.03 to 0.325 W/cm 1808
De Jong and Cylindrical tube T Bf 347 Freezing T: outer water stream 10 to 20 8C below melting temp. 908
Hoogendoorn [16]
Annular tube S 377 T: inner tube heat exchanger somewhat below melting temp. 908
Abhat et al. [17] Annular tube TB 750 Melting T: CT at one end of heat pipe kept at 50 8C 08  1808
Freezing T : CT outer liquid flow kept at 15 8C
Henze and Humphrey [18] Rectangular box 3 103 Melting T : CT MINCO heater foil kept at 5, 10, 15 and 20 8C 908
above melting temp.
Eftekhar et al. [20] Rectangular box 4 55.4 Melting T : CT hot and cold plates kept the top (cold) and bottom (hot) 1808
walls at various temp. gradients
Knowles and Webb [22] Cylindrical tube TS 393 Melting H: CHF copper heater plate kept at 12.7 kW/m2 1808
Bugaje [25] Cylindrical tube TB 270 Melting T: outer air flow 69 to 81 8C 908
Freezing 25 to 45 8C 908
Pal and Joshi [26] Rectangular box 5 292.4 Melting H : CHF silicone rubber increased from 15 to 1808
patch heater 60 W at a step of 5 W
Velraj et al. [28] Cylindrical tube N/A 1,374 Freezing T : CT water bath kept at 50, 54 and 55 8C 908
Fukai, et al. [29,30] Cylindrical tube TB 255 Melting T : CT water bath 20 to 60 8C 908
Cabeza et al. [31] Rectangular box 5 4,647 Melting T : CT planar heat exchanger kept at 15 8C 908
Freezing kept at–15 8C 908
Ettouney et al. [32] Annular tube S 1,534 Melting T : inner tube heat exchanger 70, 80 and 90 8C inlet temp. 908
0.171 kg/s mass flow rate
Stritih [33] Rectangular box 5 39,000 Melting T : planar heat exchanger 65 8C inlet temp. 908
Freezing 18 8C inlet temp. 908
Koizumi [34] Spherical container N/A 58 Melting T : outer air flow 20 8C above melting temp. 1808
Ettouney et al. [37] Spherical container N/A 11.5 Melting T : outer air flow 70, 80 and 90 8C inlet temp. 1808
Agyenim et al. [40] Annular tube N/A 14,500 Melting T : heat exchange with silicone oil 140 8C inlet temp. 908
Freezing T : heat exchange with water 70 8C inlet temp.
This column gives the total volume occupied by both PCM and promoters [unit: cc].
This column provides the angle between the gravitational acceleration vector and heat fluxes (HF).
The number in this column specifies how many surfaces are insulated when a rectangular box is being investigated.
H means the heat flux input is known and T means the surface temperature is known.
CHF denotes constant heat flux and CT denotes constant temperature.
T, B and S stand for the top, bottom and side walls of a cylindrical or annular tube, respectively.

30 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

some items such as arrows are added to the artwork in order to comb exhibited the greatest increase in system thermal diffusivity
clarify the original figures and/or highlight the point that is being of about 80%. A procedure was proposed to assess the effects of
emphasized by the present authors. thermal cycling (50 melting/freezing cycles) on properties of the
PCM evaluated using repetitive (differential scanning calorimetry
4. Thermal conductivity enhancement through introduction of (DSC) measurements. Moreover, the effects of thermal cycling on
stationary structures the test containers were examined. In a series of tests using DSC,
effects of the heating rates (1.2, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 8C/min) were
The literature reviewed in this broad category covers a variety examined consecutively to melt Oxazoline Wax TS970 for a total of
of approaches. A chronological review of literature is adopted in 10 melting cycles. For all the tests, the melting points were
order to allow the reader to appreciate the advancement of the unchanged and no signs of degradation were noticed.
prevailing technology and/or its emergence in response to new Humphries [13] designed a transparent test specimen that
applications. allowed for visual observation of the phase change interface. The
housing that contained the nonadecane paraffin also included
4.1. Early work inspired by heat rejection issues in space exploration aluminum fins that partitioned the compartment into cells.
systems Thermocouple readings within the paraffin, on the fins and other
positions were compared to computational models of the phase
Early work on thermal control and energy storage using PCM change that combined a diffusive model in combination experi-
can directly be linked to the fast-paced developments in mental correlations for natural convection.
aeronautics and electronics in the middle of the twentieth century Griggs et al. [14] reported results of their numerical investiga-
that was followed by the Space Program. A NASA document tion of conductive heat transfer of the melting process inside a
authored by Humphries and Griggs [10] provided a good overview rectangular container filled with PCM. Parallel plate fins of uniform
of the state-of-the-art at that time and is widely referenced in a thickness were placed inside the container in order to enhance the
number of papers on thermal storage and PCM. Relevant to the internal heat transfer rate. Because of the periodical design feature,
focus of this review article on thermal conductivity promoters, the computational domain was limited to a single cell. The energy
Humphries and Griggs [10] discussed a number of earlier work on equation was non-dimensionalized and a group of dimensionless
utilization of metallic ‘‘fillers’’ to enhance the thermal conductivity ratios were introduced to obtain a generic numerical model for this
of PCM. Bentilla et al. [11] outlined attempts to use filler materials two-dimensional pure-conduction phase change problem. Very
such as metallic wool, foam and honeycomb. Tetradecane, detailed numerical formulations and procedures were given in this
hexadecane, octadecane and eicosane were the four fusible paper. A parametric study was conducted for a special case that
materials that were utilized along with compressed aluminum aluminum and nonadecane were used as base plate/fin material
wool (10 and 18% bulk volume), aluminum foam (density of and PCM, respectively. With no subcooling, the heat flux load on
900 kg/m3), copper foam (density of 500 kg/m3) and aluminum the base aluminum plate was varied, whereas the opposite plate
honeycomb. The honeycomb option provided a more effective heat was insulated. At the terminal instant of melting, the ratio of total
transfer fin that may be chosen in various thicknesses due to its stored heat energy to latent heat energy as a function of the fin
versatility in its extreme expanded and unexpanded conditions. geometric ratio, which is defined as half cell width divided by fin
Hoover et al. [12] reported results of experimental studies width, was presented. The results suggest that the heat transfer
pertinent to spacecraft thermal control with a number of pure PCM rate is enhanced as the fin width increases and the contribution of
and PCM/composites with metals and other materials. The latent energy to the total storage decreases. The temperature rise
experiments focused on PCM system performance characteristics, of the base above the melting temperature at the termination of
determination of PCM and PCM/filler thermal diffusivities, the melting was also investigated and a range of optimum fin
effects of long-term thermal cycling, PCM-container compatibility, geometric ratio that promised minimum temperature rise was
catalyst effectiveness and stability. Three PCM were found suggested.
acceptable to be considered for use in prototype aluminum A PCM-based thermal capacitor with a honeycomb filler was
thermal control devices. These three PCM were lithium nitrate designed and investigated by Abhat [15]. Aluminum and n-
trihydrate (LiNO3–3H2O) with zinc hydroxy nitrate catalyst, octadecane (C18H38) were employed as the container/honeycomb
acetamide and myristic acid. Using LiNO3–3H2O as the PCM, filler material and PCM, respectively and the experimental setup was
aluminum powder, aluminum gauze, aluminum honeycomb, described in detail. A side-view of the structural configuration of the
alumina (Al2O3) foam and alumina powder were used as fillers capacitor with net dimensions of 288 mm  188 mm  40 mm is
with 8/1 PCM/filler ratio. No details of this ratio being volume or shown in Fig. 1, which was filled with parallel honeycombs of
mass-based were provided. Moreover, no details on size of the uniform size. The nominal heat storage capacity of this device was
powders were given. Among the fillers tested, aluminum honey- about 100 Watt-hours. In order to avoid undesirable contact thermal

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup of the honeycomb-packed PCM capacitor (reproduced from Abhat [15]).
[(Fig._2)TD$IG] [(Fig._3)TD$IG]
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 31

Fig. 2. Predicted position of the melting fronts as a function of dimensionless time Fig. 3. Predicted molten fraction as a function of dimensionless time for different
for different heat inputs (Abhat [15]). [(Fig._4)TD$IG]
heat inputs (Abhat [15]).

resistance, honeycombs and container walls were bonded using an

epoxy (Eccobond) with high thermal conductivity. Gas-free liquid
PCM was filled into the evacuated container through pinch tubes
that were connected to one of the side walls. Ten iron-constantan
thermocouples were mounted at different locations both on the top
and bottom surfaces. A MINCO foil resistance heater that had the
same size as the bottom surface and served as the plane constant
heat flux source was attached on that surface and the remaining five
walls were insulated. Ignoring convection effects, a finite-differ-
ence-based lumped capacity thermal non-equilibrium numerical
model was developed to predict the two-dimensional phase change
heat conduction inside the container. Applying both experimental
and numerical approaches, time-dependent variations of wall
temperatures, interface location and molten fraction were studied.
As shown in Fig. 2, predictions suggest that melting initiates on both
the heated bottom and the insulated top surfaces due to the presence Fig. 4. Maximum temperature on both bottom and top surfaces at the instant of
of aluminum honeycombs that serve as a heat path between the two complete melting as a function of heat input (Abhat [15]).
surfaces. This is also beneficial since it gives rise to lower
temperature non-uniformity within the device. The variation of apparently observed possibly due to the heat convection effect in
molten fraction with the product of the Stefan and Fourier numbers, each honeycomb cell that was neglected in the numerical approach.
which is a dimensionless time variable, for three different input heat
fluxes is sketched in Fig. 3. As the heat flux is increased, the melting 4.2. Extension to solar thermal and thermal management of
rate accelerates. Additionally, the predicted maximum temperature electronics applications
on both the bottom and top surfaces at the instant of complete
melting as a function of heat input are plotted in Fig. 4, in which De Jong and Hoogendoorn [16] utilized two kinds of metal
deviations between the experimental and numerical results are materials and two enhancement approaches to improve the heat

Fig. 5. A sequence of photos depicting the transient melting process of the test model with eicosane (Abhat et al. [17]).
32 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

Fig. 6. A sequence of photos showing the transient solidification process of the test model with eicosane (Abhat et al. [17]).

transport of latent heat storage systems, as well as several methods apparently asymmetric interface fronts during melting, symmetric
to measure or estimate the enhancement effectiveness. The PCM frozen interface fronts in each segment were observed during the
involved in this study were pure eicosane (C20H42) and a entire solidification process suggesting dominance of heat diffu-
commercial wax. First, they employed the caloric method and sion. The test model was heated via a heat pipe mounted in the
dynamic differential thermal analysis (DTA) method to measure inner tube, whereas solidification was driven by cool water around
the heat capacities of PCM. In the measurements, the secondary the outer surface. The temperature potential, which was the
latent heat effects have been investigated for both materials. Then, difference between the hot water temperature and the melting
they measured the thermal conductivity of PCM by using two temperature, versus the maximum temperature difference inside
different approaches, which are the transient hot-wire method for the chamber and charging time was sketched in Fig. 7. As the
both liquid and solid phases and the transient cooling/heating temperature potential was increased, the charging rate accelerated
cylinder method for the solid phase, respectively. The first and the maximum temperature difference decreased, which
enhancement technique was the application of finned copper indicates that heat convection effects were enhanced. The paper
tubes, which resulted in a very good effect on the decrease of also reported on the potential and economics of the practical
solidification times of the systems because the heat exchange area application of this storage system.
was greatly increased. The second technique was to add metal [(Fig._7)TD$IG]
matrix structures to PCM systems. The aluminum honeycombs
(volume fraction of 10%) and aluminum thin-strip matrices
(volume fraction of 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6%) were both utilized. Based
on the experimental results, both structures can apparently reduce
the solidification times with a factor up to 7. Compared to the
original PCM, the thermal conductivity of the enhanced PCM was
also apparently increased. Finally, they proposed a computational
enthalpy method to estimate the heat transfer during the
solidification process. The numerical results were able to give
good agreement to the measured data. This paper was mainly
focused on the experimental study, however, some details about
the experimental configurations were not discussed, e.g. the
procedure of preparing and adding the enhanced metal matrices.
Abhat et al. [17] presented an experimental study of a heat-of-
fusion storage system for solar heating applications (290–350 K
temperature range). The first half of this paper discussed heat
storage materials. Melting temperature, energy absorption rate
and energy evolution rate, for some typical materials were Fig. 7. Temperature potential versus maximum temperature difference and
investigated using DSC. A more detailed study of the characteristics charging time for the test model with eicosane (Abhat et al. [17]).
and choices of heat storage materials can be found in Abhat [1]. In [(Fig._8)TD$IG]
this experiment, eicosane, lauric acid and CaCl26H2O were
selected as storage materials. A finned-annulus heat exchanger,
in which aluminum metal fins were positioned radially, was used
as the container filled with PCM. A small test model with a length
of 0.1 m that was proportionally similar to a practical system was
built. Thirty NiCr–Ni thermocouples were mounted to measure the
temperature distribution inside the test model. However, the
positions of these thermocouples were not mentioned. Both the
transient melting and freezing processes were visually investigat-
ed through the transparent covers made of Plexiglas flanges.
During the melting process with eicosane, photos of the visualized
interface variation inside the test model were taken (shown in
Fig. 5). Although the existence of fins suppressed natural
convection, it is shown clearly that heat convection still occurred,
especially in the upper part of the sector. In comparison, the
pictures showing the interface variation during the solidification Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of the experimental test section (Henze and Humphrey
process were also taken. As shown in Fig. 6, in contrast to the
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 33

Henze and Humphrey [18] proposed a simple two-dimensional

heat conduction model for predicting the melting rate and melting
interface location of finned PCM storage devices. In order to
validate this model, the authors designed and conducted visualized
melting experiments of a double-finned rectangular Plexiglas
container of inside dimensions 12.70 cm  2.54 cm  3.18 cm,
which was filled with octadecane. As shown in Fig. 8, one end
of the container was insulated, whereas the thermally active end
was well-bonded to a MINCO foil heater. It should be noted that the
entire test section was placed in a constant-temperature air bath
that remained at a temperature 1 8C below the melting point of
octadecane. This arrangement was used to minimize the heat loss
from the container to the environment and realize negligible heat
conduction in the solid phase. An electronic circuit was designed to
control the heater, thus maintaining a constant temperature on the
active end. Eight 24-gauge iron-constantan thermocouples were
used to monitor the end conditions and the thermal status of the
air bath. During the freezing process, the PCM was degasified by
vibrating the test section on a high-frequency shaker table. Eleven
runs were conducted for different combinations of the active wall
temperature and fin thickness. A typical time progression of the
melting liquid–solid interface for the case without fins was shown
in a sequence of photographs (Fig. 9). The asymmetric interface is
clearly indicative of the presence of convective currents that would
not have been present for the case of pure conduction. The white
arrows that are drawn by the present authors in Fig. 9 assist the
reader to visualize the recirculating flow cells in the liquid phase
(dark zone) due to natural convection. Because of the growing
prominence of natural convection, PCM near the upper wall melted
much faster than that in the lower part. Once the two aluminum
fins were introduced, the shape of the melting interface changed
Fig. 10. Progress of the liquid–solid interface during melting for the case with fins of
3/32 inches thickness (Henze and Humphrey [18]).

drastically to a symmetric one as shown in Fig. 10. Two differences

were observed, one of which was that melting was initiated on
both the top and the bottom walls simultaneously with a nearly
symmetric interface. The other difference was that due to the
conductive nature of the fin, the PCM next to the insulated end wall
started melting a little later than that next to the heated wall. The
upper part of the interface remained very smooth due to the fact
that the molten PCM was swept down the inclined interface by the
convecting flow current. In contrast, however, it is remarkable that
the lower part of the interface assumed a wavy shape due to its

Fig. 9. Progress of the liquid–solid interface during melting for the case without fins Fig. 11. Comparison of numerical predictions and experimental results for melt
(Henze and Humphrey [18]). fraction versus time (Henze and Humphrey [18]).
34 [(Fig._13)TD$IG]
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

interaction with the unstable Rayleigh-Benard convection cells.

These are similar to ‘‘ice ripples’’ that were discussed by Epstein
and Cheung [19]. Although some natural convection still exists in
the case with fins, the heat transfer process was dominated by
conduction promoted by the fin. The comparison between
experimental data and the predictions of the model for the melt
fraction, as plotted in Fig. 11, showed fairly good agreement, which
indicates that the proposed model is applicable for this finned
device. In general, the presence of metal fins significantly
suppressed natural convection but strongly enhanced conduction.
It was argued that if more fins are closely spaced, convection
becomes more negligible and the proposed model can give better
Heat transfer enhancement of a paraffin wax thermal storage
system by using metal fins was experimentally investigated by
Fig. 13. Surface temperature versus time for different volume fractions (Knowles
Eftekhar et al. [20] through flow visualization and analysis of the and Webb [22]).
instantaneous interface position. A commercial paraffin wax
(SUNTECH P116, that was a mixture of C20 through C32
hydrocarbons) with a melting point of about 317 K was selected of photographs were taken [20] and digitized to determine the
as PCM. Some thermophysical properties of this paraffin wax were transient interface location at different time instants. A time-
made available by the same authors earlier [21]. The dimensions of dependent bulk energy balance that used the information about
the rectangular thermal storage device were 53.5 mm the moving interface surface and the volume of the liquid phase
(height)  61.5 mm (length)  56 mm (width). The device was was proposed to evaluate the effective convective heat transfer and
divided into three identical sections by two vertically positioned the effective heat transfer coefficient as well. The dependence of
plate fins. The front and back sides of the device were both covered the Nusselt number on the Rayleigh and Stefan numbers was also
by two Plexiglas layers each and an air gap between them. This discussed.
allowed the flow inside each cell to be visually observed, and the In order to address thermal management issues in relation to
top and bottom surfaces were both attached to constant- time-varying thermal loads that are encountered in spacecrafts,
temperature water baths. The hot surface was set at the bottom Knowles and Webb [22] proposed an idea of Metal/Phase Change
wall and this might lead to flow instabilities. Experiments were Materials (M/PCM) composites. Such a material will take advan-
conducted for different bottom-top temperature gradient combi- tage of the high values of the thermal conductivity and specific
nations, which were 12.8, 17.6, 25.8, 27.6, and 33.8 8C. Convective heat of the metal and PCM components, respectively. Depending
circulating flow patterns during the melting process were clearly on the geometry, the metal component can be added in the form of
observed by the addition of red dye into the PCM, as shown in plates, wires or fibers. In order to minimize thermal resistance, it
Fig. 12. The heated liquid next to the two fins of the cells rise was argued that the metal component should be distributed
vertically, thus replacing the colder fluid that sinks along the uniformly and aligned parallel to the desired direction of heat flow.
liquid–solid interface. Even though this arrangement is very Continuous conducting paths are preferred, so use of foams, sinters
similar to the cell utilized by Henze and Humphrey [18], the and randomly oriented wools are not optimum. ‘‘Fineness’’ of the
resulting flow patterns are different due to the difference in metal component is an additional requirement so that little
orientations of gravity and the fin. A symmetric melting pattern amount of PCM is unaffected by the heat front. By requiring that
was observed by Eftekhar et al. [20], whereas Henze and the thermal resistance along the conducting path must be greater
Humphrey [18] reported waviness of the interface next to one than the resistance across the PCM layer, relations for maximum
of the fins due to presence of an unstable thermal layer. A sequence thicknesses of plates (sheets) or diameters of wires were developed
[(Fig._12)TD$IG] for planar configurations. These dimensions must be maintained
constant for planar cases, whereas for cylindrical and spherical
cases, similar but distance-dependent relations can be derived. A

Fig. 12. Flow visualization of natural convection-induced recirculatory vortex Fig. 14. Average heat flux at inner cylindrical wall versus time for different volume
(Eftekhar et al. [20]). fractions of the metal matrix during melting (Tong et al. [24]).
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 35

simple one-dimensional unsteady model that ignored natural

convection and sensible heat was derived for two limiting thermal
conditions corresponding to incident heat flux and constant wall
temperature cases. A test experiment was conducted using copper/
dodecanol composites with four volumetric metal component
concentrations of 0%, 1.4%, 8.9% and 50%. Copper foil strips, 5 cm
wide and 0.025 cm thick, were coiled into a uniform spiral. The
spiral fin was placed in a cylinder container with a cross-sectional
diameter of 10 cm and a height of 5 cm. The container base was a
6 mm thick copper disk to which the spiral was soldered, whereas
the remaining walls were made from lucite. It was mentioned that
the PCM expanded 9% in volume during melting. The time-
dependent surface temperature for the four volume fractions is
presented in Fig. 13. The good agreement between the experimen-
tal data (symbols) and the numerical results (solid lines) indicates
that the application of volume-averaged properties is valid since
the two configuration requirements proposed before are satisfied
in this experiment. Fig. 16. A photographic view of the lessing rings (Velraj et al. [28]).
Chow et al. [23] proposed two techniques to enhance the [(Fig._17)TD$IG]
thermal conductivity of LiH PCM that is usually used in high-
temperature applications. The idea of the first enhancement
technique was to use different shape of containers to encapsulate
the LiH PCM. The interspaces filled with metal Li between the
containers and the outer cylindrical capsule acted as enhanced
heat conduction bridges. The second enhancement technique
proposed a composite that consisted of metal Ni and LiH PCM. In
this study, the metal Ni of 5% volume fraction within the PCM was
investigated and the mixture was then encapsulated in a
cylindrical capsule. The enhancement effects were numerically
studied for two boundary conditions, which are constant surface
heat flux and constant surface temperature. The results demon-
strated that both techniques are apparently able to enhance the
thermal conductivity of the original PCM but the composite
approach gives the better effectiveness. They utilized a simple
modeling approach in that the steady-state numerical simulation
disregards convection effects. However, it showed clearly that the
idea of using composite PCM might be an effective way to greatly Fig. 17. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup (Velraj et al. [28]).

enhance the thermal conductivity of original PCM.

Tong et al. [24] reported results of a numerical study on heat
transfer within enhanced PCM by inserting an aluminum metal anomalous density variation of water in the phase change process
matrix in a cylindrical annulus. They studied both the diffusion and and the ensuing dual counter-rotating vortex cells were clearly
natural convection heat transfer effects during the melting and observed. The comparison of heat transfer enhancement for
freezing processes utilizing separate transport equations for the different volume fractions of the metal matrix as well as the
two phases and coordinate transformations. The mixture of water/ effects of the Rayleigh number are shown in Fig. 14. Heat transfer
ice and the metal matrix was modeled as a saturated porous media [(Fig._18)TD$IG]
by introducing the Darcy terms to the fluid’s momentum
equations. It must be mentioned that they considered the

Fig. 18. Thermal conductivity enhancement of PCM using the brush type carbon
Fig. 15. Freezing times versus temperature for 6% volume fraction (Bugaje [25]). fibers (Fukai et al. [30]).
36 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

enhancement is very marked for small volume fractions. However,

further increase of the volume fraction does not enhance heat
transfer linearly. They also pointed out the so-called undesirable
‘‘self-insulating’’ feature of PCM during the freezing process due to
the growing thickness of the solidified material that acts as the
Bugaje [25] experimentally studied the enhancement of
thermal response of a latent heat storage system. A paraffin wax
and aluminum matrix were selected as the PCM and the promoter,
respectively. An interesting aspect in this study was the utilization
of plastic tubes to encapsulate the PCM. The effects of four kinds of
matrices and two volume fractions on the thermal response were
investigated and compared. Fig. 15 shows the variation of freezing
times versus temperature for the volume fraction of 6%. The
freezing times are shortened by a factor of 2 or greater for the two

Fig. 19. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup with dimensions (Ettouney
et al. [32]).
Fig. 22. Fin effectiveness versus dimensionless time during melting process (Stritih

Fig. 20. Cross-section view of the annulus showing locations of metal screens with
metal spheres and thermocouples (Ettouney et al. [32]). Fig. 23. Temperature variations versus time during solidification process with fins
(Stritih [33]).

Fig. 21. Temperature variations versus time during melting process with fins Fig. 24. Fin effectiveness versus dimensionless time during solidification process
(Stritih [33]). (Stritih [33]).
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 37

enhancement options that were used. The enhancement effects on rectangular container. This assembly was then filled with n-
freezing times were greater than that on melting times due to the triacontane that has a melting temperature of 338.6 K. The height
‘‘self-insulating’’ feature that implies the heat conduction plays a of the honeycomb was 14.5 mm and each single cell of the
more significant role during the freezing processes. One short- honeycomb had a side wall thickness of 1.65 mm. Several T-type
coming in this experimental study was the utilization of an air thermocouples were mounted at different positions inside the
blower in a vertical column that was unable to guarantee an even device to record the time-dependent temperature information. The
heating on the outer surface of the tubes. device was designed to be heated from bottom by a silicone rubber
To examine the utilization of PCM for passive thermal control of patch heater. In the experiments, the power input was set from 15
avionics modules, Pal and Joshi [26] investigated the melting to 60 W with increments of 5 W. A three-dimensional transient
process within a honeycomb–PCM composite energy storage numerical simulation was carried out inside a single honeycomb
device, both experimentally and numerically. A honeycomb with a cell that was simplified to one with an equivalent square cross-
hexagonal cross-section was vertically installed inside a Plexiglas section with the same perimeter. Phase change was modeled using

Fig. 25. Visualization of the melting process of solid PCM at Re = 1800. (a) Without copper plate and (b) with copper plates inserted (Koizumi [34]).
38 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

a widely used single-domain enthalpy-porosity technique, which volume fraction provided the best enhancement effect that
was developed by Brent et al. [27]. Upon comparison between pure significantly decreased the solidification time by a factor about
conduction and diffusion-convection-coupled simulations, natural 9. The enhancement effect of the internal fins with a volume
convection was observed to be very weak and did not exhibit a fraction of 7% was a little lower, whereas loss of heat storage
noticeable effect on the shape of the melt interface. In view of capacity for this method was much lower than the lessing rings
substantial difference between predictions and measurements, the option. They also found that the addition of water/vapor bubbles
authors switched to a system-level modeling approach. did not have a remarkable enhancement effect. The enhancing
Velraj et al. [28] presented the utilization of three different heat mechanism of the bubbles, which was not clearly discussed in this
transfer enhancement methods for a paraffin wax encapsulated in work, is very complicated and needs further studies.
a cylindrical aluminum tube (6 cm outer diameter, 5.4 cm inner Fukai et al. [29,30] used carbon fibers to enhance the thermal
diameter and 60 cm long). The first approach was to use an internal conductivity of a paraffin wax heat storage system. Carbon fibers
longitudinal aluminum fin that had a cross-shaped cross-section. were added to a paraffin to develop composite materials of two
Secondly, the lessing rings with a diameter of 1 cm, which are different types. In the first approach, randomly oriented fibers
shown in Fig. 16, were fully distributed inside the tube. The third were utilized. The second method employed fiber brushes
method was employment of water/vapor bubbles that will arranged along the radial direction of a cylindrical capsule. The
randomly appear in the tube due to creating a low-pressure volume fraction of carbon fibers for both types was restricted to
environment within a wax/water composite. The K-type NiCr–Ni less than 2%. They experimentally measured the transient
thermocouples were utilized to measure the temperatures at temperature responses of both configurations of carbon fibers/
different suitable locations inside the tube. As shown in Fig. 17, the paraffin composites using thermocouples. The thermal diffusivity
experimental setup consisted of several parts, including a water of the composite was then determined via the nonlinear least
bath with a magnetic stirrer and a thermostat, a data acquisition squares parameter estimation technique. For the random-type
system, a vacuum pump, and so on. The operating procedure of the composite, the fiber length only had a little effect on the
experiments was discussed in detail. They first employed the enhancement of thermal conductivity. As the volume fraction of
parameter estimation method to determine the outer heat transfer carbon fibers was raised, the thermal conductivity of the composite
coefficient of the tube by comparing the measured data with the PCM also increased. As shown in Fig. 18, the effective thermal
numerical results from an enthalpy-based model. Using the heat conductivity of the fiber brush composite was about three times
transfer coefficient, they further conducted both experimental and greater than that of the random fiber composite because the heat
numerical work to predict the temperature variations versus time flows along the fiber brush direction. This finding is in concert with
for the three approaches. The utilization of lessing rings of 20% the suggestions of Knowles and Webb [22] in relation to


Fig. 26. Time-dependent temperature contours (left) and streamlines (right) for (a) pure PCM and porosity of (b) 0.95, (c) 0.90 and (d) 0.85 for Ra = 107, Ste = 0.5 and ks/kf = 200
(Mesalhy et al. [35]).
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 39

accommodating a minimum distance of the conducting media of cooling. The remaining five side walls were insulated by
the enhancers as opposed to utilization of randomly oriented polystyrene layers with an extremely small thermal conductivity
media. The details on preparation of the stable fiber brush of 0.038 W/mK. Thus, the boundary conditions on these walls can
composite was not provided, which is really important in practical be treated as adiabatic. Thirty-two steel fins with a thermal
applications. Additionally, the measured data could have been conductivity of 20 W/mK were evenly spaced in the rectangular
analyzed better if natural heat convection was considered. For chamber. Dimensions for the fins were height of 0.5 m, length of
example, the estimation of the Grashof number will be helpful to 0.12 m and thickness of 1 mm. The volume fraction of the fins was
the quantitative analysis of temperature variations during the then determined to be approximately 0.5% based on the geometry
melting and freezing processes. relationship. Five thermocouples were mounted at different
Cabeza et al. [31] experimentally studied heat transfer positions inside the chamber. An uncertainty analysis showed
enhancement of deionized water using three different kinds of that the uncertainty for the heat flux measurement was within
promoters, which were stainless steel tube pieces, copper tube 1.35%. Fig. 21 shows the temperature variations versus time during
pieces, and graphite matrices. The experiments were carried out in the melting process with fins. In comparison to similar measurements
a rectangular tank that was separated into two identical parts by an without fins, the transition time for the case with fins was a little
aluminum partition. This partition worked as both an intercooler longer. This indicates that the addition of fins did not have the desired
and a heat exchanger. Six thermocouples were symmetrically effects on heat transfer enhancement of the system during the
mounted at different positions inside the tank. The signals from the melting process. The reason would be that natural convection was
thermocouples were recorded to investigate the moving times of significantly suppressed by the fins due to a lower Rayleigh number
the interface front during the melting and freezing processes. The but the compensation from heat conduction enhancement was not
volume fractions of the thermal conductivity enhancers for all great enough. Several dimensionless parameters, like the Nusselt and
three configurations were less than 10%. The results showed that Rayleigh numbers, were defined to assist the analysis of phase change
the stainless steel tube pieces did not apparently enhance heat heat transfer processes. However, the values of the Rayleigh numbers
transfer. However, utilization of copper tube pieces and graphite with or without fins, which are convenient measures of the intensity
matrices provided much better enhancement effects. It was noted of heat convection, were not provided. If the Rayleigh numbers were
that the melting and freezing times were significantly reduced by a specified, the comparison of heat convection effect would become
factor up to 2.5. In this experiment, the middle partition of the tank much more straightforward. In addition, the ratio of heat transfer
provided a convenient way to simultaneously perform and with fins to that without fins was referred to as the fin effectiveness.
compare the behaviors of two different enhancing techniques. For the melting process, the fin effectiveness versus a dimensionless
However, an unavoidable drawback exists since the heat time Ste  Fo was sketched (Fig. 22). This diagram shows that for a
transferred through the two chambers is definitely unequal due time duration at the beginning, the fin effectiveness was less than
to the differing heat transfer characteristics of both sides. unity, which means that the heat transfer with fins was lower than
Ettouney et al. [32] carried out experiments on heat transfer that without fins. This confirmed the significance of heat convection
enhancement for a paraffin wax within a cylindrical annulus. The during the melting process. In contrast, however, for the freezing
metal screens and spheres made of stainless steel were selected as process, heat convection is much less important and heat conduction
the enhancers. Spheres with three different diameters (8, 12, and becomes dominant. The temperature variations versus time during
16 mm) as well as three different quantities (6, 12, and 24) were the solidification process with fins are shown in Fig. 23. As expected,
utilized. The volume fraction of the promoters was changed from the moving of the interface front was much faster than for the case
0.1% to 3.4%. As shown in Fig. 19, a total of 38 thermocouples, without fins. The enhancement effect can be demonstrated via the fin
which were able to record detailed information about the effectiveness diagram that is shown in Fig. 24. For a long time
temperature history at various positions were mounted at three duration, the fin effectiveness was much greater than unity up to a
different horizontal levels inside the annulus. Availability of these maximum of 3.06. It is obvious that heat transfer was greatly
thermocouples also provided information on the progress of the enhanced by the presence of high thermal-conductivity fins during
interface during the melting process. In the experimental setup, the solidification process.
three screens were radially positioned inside the annulus with
uniform angular intervals and the spheres were attached to the [(Fig._27)TD$IG]
screens. A cross-sectional view of the setup is presented in Fig. 20.
Based on the experimental data, they investigated the variation of
the Nusselt number as a function of temperature, the Stefan,
Fourier and Rayleigh numbers, as well as the variation of the
Fourier number as a function of temperature. The comparison
among the results demonstrated that the metal spheres with a
volume fraction of 2% led to the best enhancement effects. The
employment of the dimensionless numbers was an effective
approach to investigate the effectiveness of heat transfer
enhancement. However, the exact definitions of some dimension-
less numbers were not provided. For example, they did not specify
how the characteristic lengths for the Nusselt number and the
Rayleigh number were chosen.
Stritih [33] conducted an experimental study of enhanced heat
transfer of a rectangular PCM thermal storage system with
dimensions of 650 mm  500 mm  120 mm. This shape of
storage system is usually used as the storage wall for buildings.
Commercial RT 30 paraffin with a melting temperature of about
306 K was used because it is proper for thermal comfort in building
applications. On one of the 650 mm  500 mm side walls, a Fig. 27. Dimensionless PCM phase temperature gradient on the inner surface of the
rectangular water heat exchanger was placed for heating or cylinder for Ra = 107, Ste = 0.5, Fo = 0.016667 and ks/kf = 200 (Mesalhy et al. [35]).
40 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

Fig. 28. Time-dependent temperature contours (left) and streamlines (right) for (a) pure PCM and conductivity ratio of (b) 50, (c) 100 and (d) 200 for Ra = 107, Ste = 0.5 and
porosity of 0.90 (Mesalhy et al. [35]).

By providing visualization photographs, Koizumi [34] commu- which depended on the prevailing Reynolds number for external
nicated results of an experimental study of unconstrained (also flow over the sphere.
known as unfixed) melting of n-octadecane that was contained Mesalhy et al. [35] numerically studied the melting process of
within spherical capsules. The glass capsules that had an outer PCM inside a cylindrical annulus. A solid porous matrix with high
diameter of 50 mm and wall thickness of 1 mm, were placed in a conductivity and high porosity, which filled the annulus, was
controlled heated air flow stream. Of relevance to this review were saturated with a generic PCM. The matrix was assumed to be made
a set of experiments during which three copper plates were placed up of repeating rectangular cells with conductive fibers being the
inside the capsule, as shown in Fig. 25. Due to presence of these sides of the cell. The convective motion of liquid phase PCM in
copper plates that were intersecting each other at 908, the porous domain was investigated by introducing the Darcy,
observed melting period was reduced by 29–33%, the extent of Brinkman and Forchiermer terms to the momentum equations.


Fig. 29. The absorbed heat as a function of the Fourier number for (a) different porosities and (b) different thermal conductivity ratios (Mesalhy et al. [35]).
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 41

The widely used finite-volume technique was employed to solve separation and temperature gradient fluctuations. As the matrix
the volume-averaged transport equations. However, unlike most porosity was decreased, the temperature gradient fluctuations
previous studies, the main contribution in this paper was became weak. For a porosity of 0.85, the fluctuations almost
consideration of local thermal non-equilibrium between the solid disappeared. For the matrix porosity of 0.9, the temperature
matrix and the PCM by using two coupled energy equations. The variations and streamlines for a pure PCM and three different
two energy equations were coupled through an interfacial heat conductivity ratios of 50, 100 and 200 at dimensionless time
transfer coefficient between the solid matrix and the PCM. This instant Fo = 0.06667 are plotted in Fig. 28. The melting rate
quantity was determined using a quasi-steady heat diffusion increased as the thermal conductivity of the solid matrix was
analysis between the porous matrix and the PCM. Effective thermal raised, especially in the lower region of the cylinder. For a pure
conductivities of the two energy equations were estimated using PCM (Fig. 28a), melting and ensuring convection is favored in the
the matrix model described above. A parametric study was upper half of the annulus, that is very similar to results of
performed to observe and compare the effects on the thermal Khodadadi and Zhang [36]. Increasing the thermal conductivity
response of the storage system by changing the matrix porosity ratio gave rise to faster melting in the lower part of the annulus and
and the ratio of thermal conductivity between the solid matrix and emergence of multi-vortex recirculating structures and their
the PCM with Ra = 107 and Ste = 0.5. With the thermal conductivity mergings. It was also demonstrated that both the increases of
ratio equal to 200, the temperature distributions and streamlines matrix porosity and thermal conductivity ratio greatly enhanced
for a pure PCM without matrix and three different matrix heat absorption, as shown in Fig. 29. It is observed that the time
porosities of 0.95, 0.9, and 0.85 at dimensionless time instant duration for heat absorption can be lowered significantly by
Fo = 0.016667 are presented in Fig. 26. Despite the damping of increasing the thermal conductivity of solid matrix or lowering the
convective motion of liquid phase PCM upon decreasing the matrix porosity. This study is a good example of application of a model for
porosity, the melting rate still increased due to the significant solving the transient phase change problem inside a porous
enhancement of the effective thermal conductivity of the PCM/ domain. In the absence of a segregated but coupled solution that
matrix mixture. As shown in Fig. 27, fluctuation of dimensionless requires meshing of different phases, this approach is a good
surface temperature gradient occurred due to the flow separation contribution to design of practical thermal storage problems.
that appeared in the upper region of the inner cylinder. This flow Ettouney et al. [37] performed both melting and solidification
separation phenomenon is shown clearly in Fig. 26. It is also noted experiments of commercial grade paraffin wax within spherical
[(Fig._30)TD$IG]that the pure PCM without the matrix exhibited the most intensive capsules that also contained metallic beads. The copper spherical

Fig. 30. Arrangements and dimensions in millimeters for three kinds of PCM/enhancer combinations of (a) matrix, (b) plate-type fins and (c) rod-type fins (Nayak et al. [38]).
42 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

Fig. 31. Temperature and velocity distributions for the matrix option at three time instants of (a) 2100 s, (b) 2700 s and (c) 3600 s with porosity = 0.85, Da = 4.74  10 and
chip power = 4 W (Nayak et al. [38]).

capsule had outer diameter and wall thickness of 3 and 0.1 cm, metal beads to rearrange on the bottom of the sphere upon
respectively. The stainless steel spherical beads had diameters of 4, possible tumbling of the spherical storage system. On the other
5 and 6 mm and the volume ratio of the beads within the capsule hand, the metal beads will clearly weaken convection within the
ranged between 0.5 and 20%. The capsule was instrumented with space among them that otherwise is expected to be the site of
10 thermocouples placed along two axes normal to each other. The intense melting. In addition, the packing of the beads will not
capsule was heated or cooled by an air stream flowing vertically necessarily give rise to a minimum thermal resistance path. These
upward within a tube. No flow visualization photos were possible shortcomings are reflected in the modest gains for the system.
in this arrangement and liquid–solid interfaces could only be Nayak et al. [38] developed a numerical model to study the
inferred from the thermocouple readings. Reductions as high as of effects of the utilization of PCM with thermal conductivity
13% for the melting and solidification times were reported. The enhancers on the heat transfer performance of a heat sink used
main advantage of this scheme has to do with the ability of the for cooling of electronics. Eicosane with a melting temperature of
[(Fig._32)TD$IG] [(Fig._34)TD$IG]
L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 43

Fig. 32. Comparison of melting fraction versus time for three options (Nayak et al.

310 K, as well as aluminum with a high thermal conductivity of Fig. 34. Comparison of thermal energy retrieval rates for different volume fraction
about 180 W/mK were selected as the PCM and enhancer material, and installation option of carbon fibers under a constant flow rate (Nakaso et al.
respectively. The heat sink with three different kinds of PCM/ [39]).
enhancer combinations are schematically sketched in Fig. 30.
Dimensions of the heat sink, heat-generating chip and the
rectangular cavity located upon the heat sink, which was filled conducted by varying in turn the Darcy number and the volume
with the PCM and aluminum matrix or fins, were also specified in fraction of the matrix. The results showed that as the volume
Fig. 30. For the case of the aluminum porous matrix, a local thermal fraction was increased, natural convection was suppressed. This
equilibrium model and the volume-averaging technique were gives rise to a negative effect on the uniformity of temperature
employed. The thermal conductivity used in the energy equation inside the cavity, which is very important for cooling of electronics.
was the effective thermal conductivity of the PCM/aluminum It was also concluded that for the same value of the volume fraction
matrix evaluated by a well-established model. The transient phase of the thermal conductivity enhancer, the cooling performance
change effect was simulated by the single-domain enthalpy- was improved for a bigger size of the matrix. Similar parametric
porosity approach with the solid-liquid interface assumed to be a studies were also presented for the two fins options except for
mushy region. The computational procedures were presented in adding one more parameter of the chip power. The three-
detail for both matrix and fins configurations. Some useful dimensional study on the rod-type fins option showed clearly
dimensionless variables were also defined to assist the heat that it exhibited the best temperature uniformity, which gave
transfer analysis. The temperature and velocity distributions for almost uniform temperature variation inside the entire domain.
the matrix option at two different instants are shown in Fig. 31. The melting fraction versus dimensionless time for the three
Soon after melting of the PCM starts, heat conduction was options are compared in Fig. 32. The comparison among the
dominant, which was indicated by the parallel lines of the options revealed that for the rod-type fin option, the starting of
temperature contours shown in Fig. 31(a). With further progress of melting was delayed. However, despite a delay at the beginning,
melting, natural convection became more important. At a time the rod-type option exhibited a faster melting rate.
instant of 3600s near completion of melting, as shown in Fig. 31(c), Nakaso et al. [39] conducted an experimental study to explore
the flow pattern inside the cavity illustrated several recirculating the effectiveness of using carbon fiber cloths to provide extended
cells in the region of melted PCM that is usually referred to as the heat exchange area and enhanced thermal conductivity for a latent
Rayleigh-Benard convection cells. A parametric study was then heat thermal energy storage unit. Woven carbon fiber cloths of

Fig. 33. Schematic diagrams of two different installation options: (a) cloths and (b) brushes of carbon fibers in a thermal energy storage tank (Nakaso et al. [39]).
44 L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46

Fig. 35. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up of PCM stored in a concentric tube with circular or longitudinal fins (Agyenim et al. [40]).

surface densities equal to 142 and 304 g/m2 were laid in contact Agyenim et al. [40] reported on the performance of circular and
with the copper tubes (inner and outer diameters of 8 and 9.5 mm, longitudinal copper fins utilized as thermal conductivity promo-
respectively) of a shell-and-tube type heat exchanger (shown in ters within a horizontal concentric tube heat exchanger containing
the left diagram of Fig. 33). The actual volume fractions were 0.42 Erythritol as the PCM (Fig. 35). The storage container for the PCM
and 0.83%, however the authors claimed that fibers laid parallel to was an aluminum cylinder 1 m long, inside diameter of 146.4 mm
the copper tubes did not affect heat transfer. Thus, the reported and a wall thickness of 3 mm. The two ends of the storage
volume fractions were 0.21 and 0.42%. Carbon fiber bushes (similar container were sealed using 3 mm thick aluminum plates. A copper
to Fukai et al. [29,30]) were also explored as an alternative tube with a diameter of 54 mm was positioned concentrically in
arrangement with a volume fraction of 0.75% (diagram on the right the storage container. Two flow loops were utilized for passing the
side of Fig. 33). Commercial paraffin wax was then introduced into appropriate heat transfer fluid through the container. These
the space surrounding the copper tubes and the conductivity working fluids were silicone oil during 8 h of charging (melting
enhancing medium. Ignoring convective heat transfer in the liquid of the PCM) and water during discharging of energy. One mm thick
phase, a transient 3-D conduction formulation of the system was copper plates were utilized as radial fins (8 equally spaced fins
adopted. The model accounted for the effective heat capacity of the 0.125 m apart) and longitudinal (8 equally spaced circumferen-
PCM/carbon fiber composite including the effect of the latent heat tially). For both types of fins, a 3 mm gap was allowed between the
of the PCM. A non-isotropic thermal conductivity tensor was also tip of the fins and the container of the PCM (Fig. 36). The contact
utilized. Utilizing measurements of the inlet and outlet fluid surface areas of the copper tube/fin and PCM were 0.1697, 0.3587
temperatures of the heat exchanger, heat transfer rates during and 0.7777 m2 for the control, circular fin and longitudinal fin
energy discharge for various thermal conductivity enhancement systems, respectively. Glass wool insulation (thickness of 100 mm
combinations for a constant flow condition are given in Fig. 34. The and thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/mK) was wrapped around the
system utilizing carbon fiber cloth with a volume fraction of 0.42% container to minimize heat exchange with the atmosphere.
exhibits a shorter discharge time of the order of 20%. Consecutive thermal cycling of a small sample of Erythritol using

Fig. 36. Schematic diagrams of the cross-sectional areas of the (a) control system without fins, (b) circular fin, and (c) longitudinal fin systems (Agyenim et al. [40]).
[(Fig._37)TD$IG] L. Fan, J.M. Khodadadi / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 24–46 45


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