Experimental Study On Foam Concrete

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 11 Issue 2 Mar - Apr 2024


Experimental Study on Foam Concrete

Dhairyashil Balasaheb Jadhav*, Ganesh Bhagwat Mane*, Shreya Bhimrao
Gaikwad*, Suraj Dinkar Shinde*, Rouf Shikalgar*, Sachin S. Pawar**, Abhijit L.
*Department of Civil Engineering (Diploma), Adarsh Institute of technology, Vita
** Department of Civil Engineering (Diploma), Adarsh Institute of technology, Vita

Experimental Study on Foam Concrete involves to prepare a foam concrete using locally available detergent to produce foam,
which is having a chemical composition to produce ample amount of Foam. The study consists of Comparing Foam concrete
cube with conventional concrete or regular cube of cement concrete. In this study the compressive Strength of foam concrete
cube and conventional concrete cube of cement concrete is carried out to produce light weight concrete cube which is having
enough compressive Strength.
Keywords — Detergent, cement, sand, UTM, Mix Design.

concrete vary depending on many factors. Factors such as

I. INTRODUCTION foam type, cement type, mineral additives, aggregate type, and
Foam concrete is a lightweight concrete. It has low self- the properties of the air spaces created directly affect the
weight, Slightest aggregate consumption (coarse aggregate is strength, fresh and hardened properties of foam concrete. This
not used), high fluidity, controlled low strength and thermal review article examines the materials that make up foam
insulation. The density of the concrete can be reduced by concrete, their fresh and hardened properties, the changes in
introducing Foaming Agents. The production method and the their strength and microstructure. In this concrete, a foaming
materials used affects the properties of foam concrete. Unlike agent introduced is Detergent.
other porous lightweight concrete, prefabricated foams with
foaming agents are added to fresh cement paste and mortar. II. MATERIALS USED TO PREPARE FOAM
The air pores brought by the foams constitute 10–90% by CONCRETE
volume of the hardened body. One of the advantages of foam Cement: Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC) of Grade 43 is
concrete is its weight reduction (up to 80%) compared to ordinary Portland cement blended with pozzolanic material
conventional concrete. The air bubbles are evenly distributed like fly ash, calcined clay, rice husk ash etc. Portland cement
in the foam concrete body. The pore structure may be affected clinker is blended with specified quantities of gypsum and
during the mixing, transportation, and placement of fresh pozzolanic materials to produce Portland pozzolana cement.
concrete, so it should have fixed walls. Air bubbles range in
size from approximately 0.1 to 1 mm. The density of foam Sand: M – Sand is the short name for “Manufactured Sand”.
concrete is mainly affected by the amount of foam and varies This is artificial sand, manufactured in the factory itself. Due
between 400 and 1600 kg/m3. It can be used for structural, to the increase in demand for good quality sand, the quantity
partitioning, insulation and filling applications with excellent of naturally occurring sand is decreased day by day. So to
acoustic/thermal insulation, high fire resistance, lower raw compensate for the increasing demand & shortage of naturally
material costs, easier pumping and finally no compaction, occurring sand, artificial sand is Used.
vibration or leveling.
It emerges as an economical and innovative contribution to Foam Agent: Cleaning Agents (anionic And Non-ionic
the production of lightweight building blocks, partition wall Surfactants, Enzymes), Water Softeners (sodium Carbonate
systems, panels, walls, blocks, road fill and roof insulation. It And Sodium Aluminosilicate), Fabric Whitener, Sodium
is preferred to produce foam concretes, bridge fill, insulated Perborate, Anti-redeposition Agent, Perfume, Washer
wall panels and floor insulation [5]. Researchers show interest Protection Agent (sodium Silicate) And Processing Aids
in high energy-saving materials in terms of energy savings. In (sodium Sulphate).
this respect, foam concrete, which is a lightweight, porous
material with a high strength-to-weight ratio, stands out. It is III. PROPERTIES OF FOAM CONCRETE.
widely used in modern buildings. It also offers advantages,
Workability: With the increase in density, the spread of
such as transportation, cost, and production. Today,
light concrete increases. Foam concretes with low densities
understanding the properties of foam concrete is of interest to
have high foam content. Therefore, the mixtures become
researchers, and many studies focusing on different properties
harder, causing a decrease in the settling flow. The increase in
of foam concrete are being conducted. The properties of foam
the w/c ratio causes the water film on the particles to thicken.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 11 Issue 2 Mar - Apr 2024
Thus, the viscosity decreases, and the diffusion of foam Water Absorption: Foam concretes designed for interiors,
concrete increases. such as wall elements inside the building, are generally not
Consistency: The fresh state properties of foam concrete exposed to water. In such cases, water absorption is not
are evaluated in terms of two factors; consistency and stability. important, as foam concrete will not be affected by freezing–
Using Marsh cone and flow cone diffusion tests, the flow thawing. In this context, the water absorption is important as
times of foam concrete are obtained, so the consistency of the freeze–thaw effects posing a threat to foam concrete if it is
foam concrete can be evaluated. used as an external element. Foam concretes used as external
Stability: It has been observed that there is a 48% spread as elements and structural elements are required to have low
the appropriate workability value of foam concretes with the water absorption values.
use of typical materials. The foam used can have different Compressive Strength: Compressive strength is affected by
effects on stability. parameters such as density, mixture components used,
Dry Unit Weight (Density): The density of foam concrete aggregate, mineral additive, water content, foam, curing and
can be evaluated under two headings as fresh and dry density. porosity. The amount of water has a significant effect on the
It is recommended that the difference between fresh and dry compressive strength of foamed concrete. It was reported that
density is 100–125 kg/m3. Dry density controls the small changes in the water content of foam concrete do not
mechanical, physical and durability properties of foam affect the strength as in normal concrete. An increase in the
concrete, while the fresh density ensures the volume required w/c ratio can provide an increase in strength. The reason for
for the design mix and pouring control. this can be demonstrated by the formation of pores that grow
Drying Shrinkage: Foamed concretes have the disadvantage with the amount of water. With the increase in large pores and
of high drying shrinkage and are affected by foam volume, capillary pores, the density of the air voids decreases and the
aggregate type, mineral additive, fiber content and water strength increases.
content. The cracking phenomenon is particularly related to Flexural Strength: The ratio between flexural strength and
the uneven volume change during the curing process due to compressive strength of foam concrete is in the range of 0.25–
the temperature difference caused by the heat of hydration 0.35. When the sand-containing mixtures of foam concrete
under the thermally semi-adiabatic condition of the matrix. and the mixtures with Foam Agents are compared, higher
Air Void Structure and Porosity: The strength and values are observed in those containing sand. This is thanks to
durability properties of cement-based materials are affected by the improved shear capacity found between the sand particle
the porosity, permeability, pore size and distribution of the and the paste phase. Flexural strength increases with the
material. If we consider the pore structure of foam concrete in increase in dry density. However, adding Foam Agents
general, it has three types of porosity: gel pores, capillary decreases the flexural strength. This is because Foam agents
pores, and air pores. While capillary and air pores affect the contributes to strength in later ages.
strength properties of foam concrete, gel pores have no effect
on the strength. The pore distribution and size of the foam IV. METHOD AND MIX DESIGN
concrete directly affect its mechanical and physical properties. In total Four cube were cast, three sample cube is prepared
from adding the foam agents which is locally available
Detergent in Different Proportions. One test sample is
Prepared by using conventional method to compare this test
sample. Foam concrete is made by adding water, Foam
Prepared from Detergent and Portland Pozzolana cement with
a M sand. The foam paste solidifies to give a low-density

Fig. 1 Foam Concrete Cube (Test sample 1).

Fig. 2 Weighing of Material.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 11 Issue 2 Mar - Apr 2024
The production of foam concrete using detergents was divided weight of cement). The results against each Sample followed a
into two steps shown in Photo. 2 and Photo. 3. similar trend, that is for sample 2 (Detergent 0.6% by weight
of cement) and for Sample 3 (Detergent used 0.8% by weight
of cement).

Fig. 4 Compression test on Universal Testing Machine (Sample 1)

Fig. 3 Preparing Foam Concrete

First, the required quantities were calculated. The said

amount of detergent was added to water. Foam is Prepared in
the bucket with the help of Paint stirrer.
Then the calculated amount of cement and sand which was
already graded was mixed in the foam slurry. The mixer was
allowed to run for 5 minutes till the uniform air-entrained
concrete mix was prepared. Each mix design was used to
prepare, three samples of Foam Concrete and One Sample of
conventional Concrete which were thereafter in the series of
testing carried out. The water cement ratio is kept constant at
0.6 throughout the manufacture of different mix designs.


The parameters and properties of foam concrete chosen for
this study were compressive strength, density, water
absorption and acid resistance. These parameters are
interlinked with one another. The cube volume remains
Fig. 5 Failure Pattern after 28 days on cube. (sample 2)
constant in foam concrete Volume of void is variable
depending upon the percentage of foaming material added to
Based on above comparison, detergent has satisfactorily
the mix. The fluctuating percentage of foaming material will
qualified the requisite parameters set for a foam concrete. The
produce fluctuating voids in mix causing wavering level of
detergent mixed foam concrete showed 21% lesser cost for 1
porosity and thus unsteady density. The density of casted
cubic-foot mix as compared to commercial foaming agent.
cubes thus has direct effect on its water absorption,
compressive strength and partially on acid resistance TABLE I
The detergent (Wheel Powder) has been used for the first Sr. Material Testing as per Indian Code of Practice
time for making foam concrete. The density of foam or No Test Samples Remark
lightweight concrete is dependent upon life of bubbles created 1 Compressive (150 mm) In order of IS 516-1959
by foaming agent in a mix. For M25 concrete mix, the Test Cube Sample were Cured till
recommended ratio is 1:1:2, which means 1 part cement, 1 the date of Testing.
part sand, and 2 parts aggregate (by volume). The mixing 2 Water (150 mm) Oven Drying Samples
Absorption Cube samples were used by
percentages of Material selected in the study were cement,
immersing them for 48
sand, and detergent (0.4-0.46% by weight of cement). The hours in water. Weight
average percentage of each material such as cement (60%), of Sample recorded
sand (40%) and (For Sample 1 detergent used is 0.40% by before and After

ISSN: 2393-9516 www.ijetajournal.org Page 3

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 11 Issue 2 Mar - Apr 2024
immersion. 4. An increase in the amount of paste increases the
3 Acid (150 mm) Oven dried sample were amount of drying shrinkage.
Resistance Cube kept in 5% in HCL acid 6. Foam stability affects the strength properties of foam
for 28 days. It is then concrete. The foam stability affects properties, such as the
oven dried for 24 days
selected foaming agent, aggregate, and water amount used.
and difference in weight
is recorded.
7. The foam concrete prepared in this study was cost
4 Oven drying (150 mm) The cube was oven dried effective along with satisfying requisite properties for foam
Method Cube for 24 hours at temp of concrete. The detergent mixed foam concrete showed 21%
100 degree Celsius. lesser cost for 1 cubic-foot mix as compared to commercial
Oven drying of each foaming agent.
sample were recorded.
5 Weight (150 mm) The weight of Each ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Cube sample is Decreased by
I thank Project Guide Mr. S. S. Pawar, who helped me by
10% as compared to
conventional concrete providing the equipment that was necessary and vital, without
cube. which I would not have been able to work effectively on this
Project. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to
my friends and parents, who stood by me and encouraged me
to work on this assignment.

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