Motor Mix 20
Motor Mix 20
Motor Mix 20
Carl Malone
President, CM Automation
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Published by:
CM Automation
20621 Plummer Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Version 2.0 2000
Copyright © 2000 CM Automation™
All rights reserved
Troubleshooting ............................................... 2
Operation.................................................... 3-6
Standard Operations
Set Up, Troubleshooting ................................... 8
Motivation .................................................... 13
Specifications ................................................ 14
QuickStart, Setting up a
Pro Tools /Motor Mix System
1.) You will need a Pro Tools system with software version 4.1
or later.
2.) Connect Motor Mix MIDI IN and OUT to the MIDI OUT and IN on
one port of your functioning MIDI interface.
3.) Launch OMS setup and define Motor Mix: Is controller on MIDI
channel 1 (only 2 boxes checked). Note: If you are using
multiple Motor Mix units with Pro Tools, each unit must be
connected to the MIDI interface with two MIDI cables. Repeat
step 3 for each unit, but create a unique name for each unit,
like: Motor Mix 1, Motor Mix 2 etc.
5.) Select “HUI” and then select Motor Mix and the number of
channels = 8. Note: If you are using multiple Motor Mix units
with Pro Tools, repeat step 3 for each unit, but create a unique
name for each unit, like: Motor Mix 1, Motor Mix 2 etc.
6.) If you are using Pro Tools 5.xx, pull down the MIDI menu and
select “MIDI Input Devices”. Click on each Motor Mix listed.
This will enable Pro Tools to receive its MIDI input.
7.) In Pro Tools 5.x and higher, go to the Set up window and choose
Preferences. In the Preferences box, click on Operation. Then
select ‘Classic’ located in the Numeric Keypad Mode Section.
Classic Numeric Keypad allows you use the Locate function on
Motor Mix.
8.) Move a Motor Mix fader and the corresponding fader should
move in the Pro Tools mix window.
9.) If you need to operate software other than Pro Tools, you must
first exit the Pro Tools mode by pressing the "PLAY" and
"ESCAPE" switches on Motor Mix. The LCD will say "Pro Tools
mode - OFF -". Motor Mix will remain in normal operation
mode until returned to Pro Tools mode by pressing the "PLAY"
and "ESCAPE" switches a second time.
10.) Each time when you use Pro Tools you should have Motor Mix
powered up first to insure that Motor Mix gets a complete
update of your most recent session settings.
If Motor Mix does not respond properly, you can run the built in self-test in
Motor Mix. Simply connect the MIDI output directly into the MIDI input on
Motor Mix and apply power. Motor Mix will move all 8 faders, blink the
LED's and the LCD and test the MIDI in and out. If the test passes, you can
look for problems elsewhere.
For questions related to setting up and using Motor Mix with products
other than Pro Tools, please contact the manufacturer of the product you
are using.
To Punch Out an individual fader, press the “burn” button above the fader Plug-in Bypass
you want to Punch Out. To Punch Out all faders, press either the “SHIFT” Press the top switch just below the 7 segment display/selector. The 8
or “write” switch. Pressing any of the transport switches will also Punch channel switches under the rotary pots are now the Plug-in bypass controls
Out all faders. for the channels. A green LED on in the channel bypass switch indicates
that all the Plug-ins on that channel are bypassed. Push any of the channel
To exit Fader Punch Mode, “double click” the “SHIFT” button once again. bypass switches to toggle Plug-in bypass on that channel.
The LED will stop blinking. The “SHIFT” switch still performs its normal
functions while in fader punch mode. Send Mute
Press the second switch under the selector. The same 8 channel switches
Rotary Pot Usage under the rotary pots are now send mute controls for the channels. For
When you open a session, the 7 segment display will read "P" For PAN. If a example: Rotate the selector to select Send A ("SA" on the 7 segment dis-
channel is in stereo, the pot will be the left balance control. Rotate the pots play). A green LED on in the channel indicates Send A is muted. Push any
and watch the lower row on the LCD to see the PAN pointers. The dash in of the channel bypass switches to mute/unmute a send. Use the selector to
the center of the channel LCD indicates PAN enter position. Push the selec- select other sends for mute/unmute.
tor down, and the 7 segment display will read "Pr", PAN right. The rotary
pots will now be the right balance control on any stereo channels. Push a Send Pre/Post Assign
second time to return to PAN. Press the third switch below the selector. The 8 switches are the Send pre/
post controls for those channels. Use the rotary selector to select a Send A.
Rotate the selector slowly and the 7 segment display will read "SA" for When one of the switches is pressed, the pre/post for that channel will be
Send A. Rotate the pots and watch the lower row of the LCD to see send toggled and displayed briefly on the top row of the LCD. Use the selector
pot settings. If no send is assigned on that channel. The lower LCD row will to choose other sends for pre/post assignment.
be blank on that channel. Turn the rotary selector again to select sends B
thru E. The rotary pots and selector are the Plug-in controls. See the "Plug-
in" section below.
6.) Repeat steps 3-5 to add more plug ins to that channel.
CM Automation Motor Mix Operations Manual v 2.0 2/00 Page 4
Pro Tools Operations
With “SHIFT" pressed down, press the "locate" switch. The bottom row of Motor Mix with keyboard
the LCD will show 5 locate controls and the current time code, bars/beats,
feet frames, etc. Press a “SELECT" switch to activate a transport function. Most of the computer keyboard switches like “Control”, “Shift”, “Alt”, etc.
The “REW” and “FFWD” controls are momentary in this mode. Press the also perform their usual Pro Tools functions in conjunction with Motor Mix.
"LOCATE" switch to use the autolocate. The Memory-Locate window will For example; Pressing the “CNTRL” key on the keyboard allows you to
open. Press one or two number keys on Motor Mix and the "." key to move a fader independently or other faders in its group. Think of it as
activate locate. Press "ESCAPE” at any time to exit or enter a locate. Press momentarily releasing the fader of a group. Release the “CNTRL” key to
the "locate" switch again to exit. put the fader back under group control.
"Fast Forward"
Press this switch to activate FAST FORWARD. The LED will be lit to indicate
Pro Tools is in fast foreword.
With "SHIFT" pressed down, press the "monitor" switch. The bottom row of
the LCD will show 5 punch/monitor controls and the current time code,
bars/beats, feet frames, etc. Press "AUD" audition the punch pointer. Press
"PRE", "IN", “OUT" or "POST" to audition the punch points. Press the
"monitor" switch again to exit.
Press this switch to activate REWIND. The LED will be lit to indicate Pro
Tools is rewinding.
With "SHIFT" pressed down, press the "status" switch. This opens the Pro
Tools session status window. Press "SHIFT” and "status” again to close
the window.
Press this switch to move to the next memory-locate position.
• When you have three Motor Mixes joined together and you
bank switch, the bank is 24 channels wide.
Hardware Requirements
Your personal computer with a properly installed and configured MIDI in-
terface with one MIDI input and one MIDI output dedicated to Motor Mix.
The computer must have the audio hardware that your DAW application
requires such as A to D converters (audio inputs) and D to A converters
(audio outputs) and Plug-ins .
Connect the Motor Mix MIDI out jack to the MIDI input on your computer
MIDI interface. Connect your computer MIDI out jack to the MIDI input
jack on Motor Mix.
Software Requirements
An audio application from one of the many Motor Mix support partners.
Run the audio application and go into the proper menu to enable MIDI
input to the application and MIDI output from the application. If the appli-
cation requires a special controller setup, please follow the directions in the
software support manual provided by the software company. We will post
software installation procedures on our web site ( as
they become available.
If Motor Mix does not respond properly, you can run the built in self-test in
Motor Mix. Simply connect the MIDI output directly into the MIDI input on
Motor Mix and apply power. Motor Mix will move all 8 faders, blink the
LED's and the LCD and test the MIDI in and out. If the test passes, you can
look for problems elsewhere.
For questions related to setting up and using Motor Mix with products
other than Pro Tools, please contact the manufacturer of the product you
are using.
The yellow LED (funct B) below the “write” LED lites to show that one or
more faders are punched in. A punched in fader will send moves out and
the motor(s) will remain off. Press the “write” or “SHIFT” switch to punch
out all faders, and the LED will extinguish. If the transport is playing,
pressing “Stop”, “PLAY”, “FFWD” or “REW” will also punch out the faders.
Rotary Pots
The 8 rotary pots on Motor Mix send out relative information only, since
the application always knows the current setting. The bottom row of the
LCD indicates the current pot settings either graphically or numerically
depending on the application. The pots simply add or subtract to the
current setting. These pots are intended to control pan, aux send levels,
equalizers, and any plug-ins you may have installed.
Rotary Selector
Used in conjunction with the 7 segment display to select what the rotary
pots are controlling. Normally, the pots start out controlling pan. Rotating
this selector should cause the pots to change their task. Typically, they
would go from pan to aux1 to aux2 to aux3, etc. The 7 segment display
should give some indication of what the rotary pots are controlling:
P=(pan), A1=(aux1), A2=(aux2), etc. The utility of these controls depends
on how the host application has implemented them.
Plug-in Parameters
Are controlled by the "ROTARY POTS" section. When controlling plug-ins,
all 8 rotary pots become the controls for a selected Plug-in. When a Plug-in
has more than 8 parameters, use the selector to select other parameters.
When Plug-ins are being controlled, the upper row of the LCD should
display the parameter name like "FREQ" or "BOOST" and the lower row of
the LCD indicates the current pot settings either graphically or numerically,
depending on the application. The use of these controls depends on how
the host application has implemented them.
View Controls
The View Control section includes the left and right arrow switches. There
are 3 ways to navigate Motor Mix to control and view all the channels in
your mixer application.
1.) With “BANK” and “GROUP” switches off, you see channels 1-8
displayed. Press the right arrow and you will advance the channels 2-9.
Press again and advance to 3-10. This is advancing one channel at a time.
The left arrow does the same thing in reverse. The channel labels you have
assigned in software will appear in the upper row of the LCD. The LCD has
only 5 characters per channel, so use 5 characters or less when you create
your channel names.
2.) With the “BANK” switch on, you see channels 1-8. Press the right arrow
and you advance immediately to channels 9-17. Press the right arrow
again and you will advance to channels 18-26. This is advancing by banks
of 8 channels. Pressing the left arrow key does the same thing in reverse.
Multi Controls
Just below the 8 rotary pots are 8 Multi switches. Below the selector are 4
switches, 4 green LED's and 4 yellow LED's. For example, if the green LED
next to the "equalize" label is lit, the 8 Multi switches are used to turn on
and off any equalizers in the mixer channel. When the equalizer is "In",
the green LED in the Multi switch should be lit to indicate the equalizer
is active.
Burn Buttons
Just below the 8 Multi switches are 8 "Burn" switches. Below the View
controls are 3 switches, 3 red LED's and 3 yellow LED's to select what the
"Burn" switches are controlling. For example, if the red LED next to the
"rec/rdy" label is lit, the 8 "Burn" switches become the channel record
enable switches. When the red LED in the "Burn" switch is blinking or lit,
that indicates the channel is record enabled or recording.
Solo Switches
These switches should function just like the Solo switches you are familiar
with. Their green indicator LED is controlled by the host application just
like all the other LED's on Motor Mix. When a Solo is engaged, the green
LED is lit.
Mute Switches
These switches should function just like the Mute switches you are familiar
with. Their red indicator LED is controlled by the host application. When a
Mute is engaged, the red LED is lit.
Thank you for purchasing the Motor Mix worksurface. We know it will Result, Motor Mix Digital Mixer Worksurface
become a solid part of your production studio. It should significantly speed
productivity, reduce stress, enhance creativity.
Motor Mix is not a simpleminded motorized MIDI fader pack that must
continually be reconfigured to do different tasks. Motor Mix has
Where did Motor Mix come from? bidirectional communication as its most outstanding feature. Couple that
with 8 motorized faders, 360 degree rotary pots, and electronic scribble
The power of computer based Digital Audio Workstations is proving to be a strip (LCD), and it becomes something far greater than the sum of it's
dream realized for many of us. CM Automation takes the next step by parts. Motor Mix is a professional worksurface. The faders, rotary pots,
creating a worksurface specifically for digital audio artistry. selector and panel switches are all designed to input your touch commands
into the host computer running your audio applications. The motor faders,
The Science of it all. LCD display, and LED's on Motor Mix all are controlled by the host
application. Bidirectional communication guarantees that any user input
from the computer mouse, keyboard, or Motor Mix will operate smoothly
Hypothesis with your computer application, and that the CRT monitor and Motor Mix
displays will reflect the same message. The result is a seamless integration
Audio engineering is the same physical task, whether in the digital or ana- of worksurface and application.
log realm. With the sophisticated digital audio software available today, it
was time to refine the operation of digital Typically, a 24 channel analog console with 6 aux busses and 4 band
audio workstations (DAW). equalizer would have in excess of 250 pots spread out over about 10
square feet. Since the controls on this type of mixer perform only one task
Experiment on one channel, you had to go to where the action was. Scanning this vast
array of controls to change something was like finding a needle in a
We spent many hundreds of hours examining all the tasks performed haystack. The Motor Mix digital mixer worksurface, which is one square
during various phases of audio creation and production processes. We foot size and has dedicated controls can provide this level of control and
included both novices and seasoned experts in our observations and data ease of operation.
gathering. Both traditional studios tape machines with dedicated mixers
and bleeding edge PC based DAW's were examined in detail. We recorded Motor Mix does not require any special programming or set up to work
the eye, hand, head, and full body movements associated with each task. with your host applications. CM Automation has furnished a detailed
We ended up with a list which clearly identified what an ideal worksurface specification document to all our support partners. Our supporters take this
should be. This was our guide in developing the Motor Mix digital document and add support for Motor Mix in their software. Motor Mix
mixer worksurface. always sends and receives the same messages. You can switch between
applications that support Motor Mix, without having to make multiple
Conclusions setups. Motor Mix has become the standard digital mixer worksurface.
1.) People need their worksurfaces to be small enough to minimize
eye-hand movements, reduce clutter and workspace size and keep
the producer/creator/engineer in the desired monitoring position
(a.k.a. sweet spot).
4.) The primary controls like fader, mute, and solo must not have multiple
levels of functionality to them. The worksurface also needs to be light and
mobile so it can be easily moved about the workspace.
5.) The worksurface must NOT limit the number of available channels even
thought it only has eight faders. The process to navigate the worksurface
over this sea of channels must be simple and flexible.
• 8 Multi Switches (8 functions) with green LED status indicator for channel
eq, dynamics, delay and 5 other Multi control choices.
• 16 System Keys for disk operations, window control, channel label setup,
transport, and input/output assignments. CM Automation will provide
application specific overlays for the Left and Right function switches.
• MIDI In and Out ports for full bidirectional communications with DAW.
• Attractive dual slope chassis design for best viewing and ergonomic feel.