Improving Geotechnical Properties of Soil of Hillock Slope Using Crushed Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Improving Geotechnical Properties of Soil of Hillock Slope Using Crushed Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Improving Geotechnical Properties of Soil of Hillock Slope Using Crushed Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Shriful Islam , Junaidul Islam, Nur Md. Robiul Hoque, Khairul Hasan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh
Keywords: With the massive expansion of urbanization worldwide, a huge volume of construction and demolition waste
Soil improvement (CDW) generation has become a common issue along with CDW from controlled demolition and earthquakes,
Recycled concrete aggregate which causes a tremendous headache for environmentalists. Moreover, sliding and failure of the slope of hil
Hillock locks, hills, roads, and earthen dams raise concerns for geotechnical engineers. Among the several methods of
RCA column
improving the geotechnical behaviour of soil of the slopes, this research utilized CDW-based recycled concrete
aggregates (RCA) to improve slopes of two hillocks named GK and BH. The crushed RCA was applied in various
percentages, 5–35 %, in the soil mass and as a circular column to observe the improvement of the soil's geo
technical properties that largely influence slope stability. RCA column, a sustainable alternative to the sand,
stone, or other natural materials column, can work as a vertical drain with an improved permeability of slope
geo-material to improve infiltration. The soil samples with 30 % RCA mixed and RCA columns inserted into the
soil mass resulted in lower consolidation settlement, compressibility index, and higher shear strength para
meters. Moreover, 30 % RCA column increased the permeability by 6 and 7-times for the hillocks GK and BH,
respectively, which reduces the chance of excess pore water pressure (PWP) development that can trigger the
failure of a slope. Improving soil properties with recycled concrete aggregates can be a sustainable way to solve
weak soil and failure issues of low-permeable low-height natural hillocks.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (S. Islam).
ORCID: 0000-0002-8148-4750
Received 21 March 2023; Received in revised form 24 June 2023; Accepted 26 June 20232307-1877/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of
Kuwait University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
geotechnical methodologies to slope protection in the residential area. interface shear strength up to a certain point before remaining constant.
Mulia & Prasetyorini [17] worked on slope soil stabilization by main As the normal load increased, the geosynthetic and RCA sandwich in
taining conservation function through reforestation that also helped terface's interaction coefficient decreased [28]. Yun et al. [29] observed
reduce surface runoff and enabled more water seepage into the the hydraulic conductivity as well as cations exclusion rate from the soil
groundwater aquifer. Sun et al. [11] presented a better siphon drainage to be increased as the CDW content increased due to the calcium ions
system with an inclined borehole piercing the deeper portion of the present in the CDW. These findings imply that the use of previously
slope to address the drawbacks of the conventional approach. The dumped CDW can minimize both the amount of trash and the pro
outcomes of Sun et al. [11] showed that the difference in elevation duction of hydrogen sulphide [29].
between the groundwater table and the orifice manageable with an Above mentioned research improved soil by different ways using
inclined pipe to be small compared to the height of water column re construction and demolition waste or recycled concrete aggregates,
garding local atmospheric pressure. Ramkrishnan et al. [18] modelled while this research utilized sand-sized recycled concrete aggregates
soil slopes with different geometries in a container with fixed water (RCA) to improve the geotechnical properties of slope’s soil of two
input to replicate groundwater flow using sand drain. The optimum hillocks of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST),
PWP levels were established for each slope both with and without Sylhet, Bangladesh, to evaluate the results after adding the RCA. The
loads. The tests were then repeated for a predetermined amount of time two hillocks are: the hillock beside Bangabandhu Hall (BH), named BH
after installing vertical sand drains down the slope. hillock, and Gazi Kalo (GK) hillock. Other hillocks, or slopes with si
Moreover, construction and demolition waste generation at a very milar soil properties as the hillocks GK and BH can also be treated with
high rate is becoming a great concern for environmental activists as it is RCA. Moreover, the RCA particles are applied in the slope’s soil as a
responsible for about 33 % of global total solid waste production and is uniform mix in different percentages and RCA columns to evaluate the
expected to be even more in the future [19]. In recent times, researchers improvements of soil properties that can improve the stability of the
have been more interested in utilizing CDW as RCA in different geo slopes. Apart from most of the researchers, RCA particle size is crushed
technical applications such as soil improvement [20–23]. Prajapati & and sieved to sand size as it closes to the grain size of the studied soil to
Rangwala [24] presented the effectiveness of using CDW as a reinfor maintain similarity between applied RCA and the soil of the hillocks.
cing material for backfilling soil in retaining walls. For distinct CDW
and soil proportions, different geotechnical properties of the soil and Materials and methods
CDW, such as compaction and shear strength parameters, were ana
lysed and compared, mainly focusing on the potential use of CDW as a Materials and sample preparation
backfill material with soil in retaining wall. Kumar & Bhushan [25]
effectively used recycled concrete demolition waste as backfill for earth The soil samples were collected from the hillocks of BH and GK from
retaining walls. Rahardjo et al. [26] used fine sand to create the fine- Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Campus, Sylhet. Firstly,
grained sheet for capillary barrier system (CBS), while RCA was used to the field density and moisture content of the samples were tested. The
create the coarse-grained layer. Gravels or granite chips are frequently soil samples were then oven-dried at 60 ⁰C for at least 24 h and crushed
used in the construction of the coarse-grained layer. Nonetheless, cru using a wooden hammer. Again, the recycled concrete aggregates
shed RCAs were employed as the coarse-grained layer due to a lack of (RCA) were prepared as same as soil but pulverized using a stone
resources and a concern for environmental sustainability, and the hy hammer after collecting from a demolished building site in Sylhet city.
draulic property criteria were satisfactory for crushed RCAs to be re Fig. 1 shows the soil samples and prepared RCA materials used in this
used as a material in the coarse-grained layer of a CBS [26]. Zhang et al. research.
[27] performed unconfined compressive strength and flexural strength
experiments on soil and soil-CDW samples at 7, 14, and 28 days to Mixing of materials
assess the development of strength. According to the test results, adding
more Portland cement and sodium sulfate significantly improved the After preparing the soil samples and RCA particles, the soil was
mechanical behaviour; however, adding too much CDW waste and mixed with RCA in different percentages to compare the test results of
polypropylene fibers deteriorated soil strength. Ouria et al. [28] applied different geotechnical parameters. The samples were tested on prepared
RCA as a coarse-grained material to increase the pull-out capability of soil samples and soil-RCA mixed samples, where the mixing ratios of
geosynthetics by at least 50 % of the pull-out capacity of sand, de RCA to soil were taken as 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 25 %, 30 %, and 35 %
pending on the geosynthetics, RCA layer depth and the degree of ap of soils dry weight. After adding the desired amount of RCA percentages
plied stress. The sandwich layer's thickness increased together with the into the soil, the soil-RCA was mixed properly so that RCA particles
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
Direct shear device was used to determine the cohesion (c) and the
Test for geotechnical characterization of soil angle of friction (φ) of the soil samples and soil-RCA mixed samples
following ASTM D3080 [39]. After the experiment was run several
The field density test of the soil samples was done in the field while times for various vertical stresses, a plot of the vertical (normal) stress
sampling in different locations. According to ASTM D1556 [30], the test vs. shear stress was drawn for each test. A straight-line approximation
procedure was conducted to determine the field density of soils using of Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope was drawn in normal stress vs. shear
sand cone method. The natural water content of each soil sample was stress plot, and subsequently the values of c and φ of the samples were
determined by following ASTM D2216 [31]. The water pycnometer of determined.
250 ml capacity was used to determine the specific gravity of the soil
following ASTM D854 [32]. Series of sieve analysis tests were carried
SEM analysis test
out to find the grain size distribution of the soil following ASTM D6913
[33]. After analyzing the percentage of gravel, sand, silt, and clay
The soil samples from hillocks GK and BH, RCA aggregates, and 30
particles, the soil sample of all hillocks was classified according to
% RCA-soil mixed samples were dried at 40⁰ C for 48 h. The Philips
USDA [34]. A laboratory compaction test was performed according to
XL30 SFEG SEM electron microscope analysis system was used in the
ASTM D698 [35].
laboratory of Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh to conduct
SEM analysis on parallel specimens. The scanning specimen was first
inflated to a vacuum state before the test, and then its surface was gold-
Permeability test
plated. The accelerating voltage of 30 kV was used to operate the mi
croscope. SEM images enabled the visualization of the morphological
The soil samples were taken for permeability test using the constant
and spatial structure of the investigated materials. The scanned spe
head method following ASTM D2434 [36] for sandy and silty soil
cimen was then positioned for microstructural inspection at x500,
samples and falling head test following ASTM D5856 [37] for clay type
x1000, and x1500 times magnification.
soil samples. The soil sample of the constant head test contained about
8–9 % of disturbed soil particles passed through sieve No. 200. On the
other hand, the falling head test samples were carried out in a com Results and discussions
pacted condition at MDD following ASTM D698 [35]. After completing
multiple tests of samples from each location, the average value of k was Geotechnical index properties
calculated for different soil samples in different conditions.
Field density of the soil sample was calculated during sampling in
the field from different locations. The field density of the soil sample
Consolidation test from the hillock of Gazi Kalu (GK) is 1.68 g/cm3, while the sample of
Bangabandhu Hall (BH) has a field density of 1.56 g/cm3. Average
The soil and RCA mixed soil samples were tested obtain the con moisture contents of the soil samples from GK and BH hillocks are 19.3
solidation behavior using incremental loading conditions according to % and 16.4 %, respectively. The specific gravity of the soil sample from
ASTM D2435M [38]. The initial height and diameter of the sample is GK is 2.74, while that of BH is 2.68. Fig. 3 describes the particle size
20 mm and 75 mm, respectively. The settlement of the samples was distribution of the materials used in this research. The soil sample of GK
monitored continuously during the testing period for d stress of 6.11 contains 8.57 % clay, 81.93 % silt, and 9.5 % sand, whereas the sample
kPa, 12.22 kPa, 24.45 kPa, 48.9 kPa, 97.8 kPa, and 195.6 kPa with each of BH has 55.3 % clay, 19.8 % silt, and 24.9 % sand. According to USDA
loading step maintained for 24-hr. Compressibility index, Cc was cal [34], the GK hillock sample is silty soil with a portion of sand and clay,
culated from the test data to observe the consolidation characteristics of while that of BH is clayey soil with silt and sand. The dry density of
the soil. After observing the settlement and compressibility index of different soil samples in different water content obtained in the com
RCA mixed samples, the optimum RCA content was applied to prepare a paction test is shown in Fig. 4. The maximum dry density (MDD) of the
triangular patterned circular RCA column in the soil in oedometer cell, GK hillock is 1.72 g/cm3 with an optimum moisture content (OMC) of
followed by Islam et al. [21] as shown in Fig. 2. 19.3 %, while the hillock of BH has an MDD of 1.69 g/cm3 with an OMC
Fig. 2. Consolidation mold with circular RCA columns in triangular grid pattern a) schematic diagram, b) sample prepared in the laboratory.
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
of 19.8 %. As described in Fig. 4, the OMC of the soil sample decreased percentages was applied in soil samples, the coefficient of permeability,
with the addition of RCA, while the MDD increased with the increase in k was significantly increased. For the soil sample of GK with 5 % RCA,
RCA content in the soil-RCA mixture. For 30 % RCA in the soil mix, the k value was found as 1.56E-07 m/s. Further addition of RCA content
MDD is found as 1.84 g/cm3 and 1.82 g/cm3, and OMC is 14.1 % and in soil samples increases the permeability of the soil and becomes
14.3 % for the samples of hillocks GK, and BH, respectively. The RCA 1.90E-07 m/s, 2.20E-07 m/s, 2.65E-07 m/s, 3.12E-07 m/s, 3.70E-07 m/
particles interact with the soil and fill the voids inside, which results in s, and 3.76E-07 m/s for 10 % RCA, 15 % RCA, 20 % RCA, 25 % RCA, 30
greater dry density, while the lower water absorption rate of granular % RCA, and 35 % RCA, respectively, in the soil-RCA mixture. Again, the
RCA particles causes lessening the OMC of the RCA mixed soil sample of hillock BH also shows an increase in k-value with the increase in RCA
both hillocks. contents in the soil and becomes 1.02E-07 m/s, 1.45E-07 m/s, 1.85E-
07 m/s, 2.27E-07 m/s, 2.85E-07 m/s, 3.20E-07 m/s, and 3.28E-07 m/s
Coefficient of permeability for the samples containing 5 % RCA, 10 % RCA, 15 % RCA, 20 % RCA,
25 % RCA, 30 % RCA, and 35 % RCA, respectively. The lower rate of
The coefficient of permeability, k, was found for different soil seepage of water during heavy rainfall can be dangerous for the slope
samples in the permeability test (shown in Table 1). The k value of the containing clay soil due to the generation of excess PWP in the soil [40].
sample of hillock GK is 1.50 × 10−7 m/s, is in the typical range of silty So, increasing the coefficient of permeability is a crucial need for the
clay, while the soil sample of hillock BH has k value of 9.90 × 10−8 m/s, stability of a slope. Additionally, the triangular patterned circular RCA
which was previously classified as clay. As shown in Fig. 5, the soil column (with 30 % RCA) inserted soil sample showed a higher coeffi
sample of BH is slightly impervious, while the GK sample stays in be cient of permeability as 9.57E-07 m/s and 7.70E-07 m/s for the samples
tween BH and soil-RCA mixtures. When the RCA in different of GK and BH, respectively. Again, the clayey soil has a lower water
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
Table 1
Geotechnical properties of soil samples with different percentages of RCA.
Soil sample Settlement (mm) Compression index, Cc Coefficient of permeability, k Cohesion, c Angle of friction, φ
(m/sec) (kPa) (°)
Original soil 4.07 4.13 0.372 0.384 1.50E-07 9.90E-08 47.1 57.3 20 17.6
Soil-5 % RCA 3.98 4.05 0.347 0.367 1.56E-07 1.02E-07 39.4 52.4 21.9 19.7
Soil-10 % RCA 3.85 3.96 0.338 0.354 1.90E-07 1.45E-07 34.3 46.5 23.7 21.5
Soil-15 % RCA 3.74 3.81 0.321 0.341 2.20E-07 1.85E-07 30.4 40.6 25.2 22.9
Soil-20 % RCA 3.67 3.72 0.318 0.332 2.65E-07 2.27E-07 26.6 35.5 26.8 23.9
Soil-25 % RCA 3.52 3.63 0.295 0.315 3.12E-07 2.85E-07 23.6 31.1 28.1 25.3
Soil-30 % RCA 3.43 3.47 0.287 0.297 3.70E-07 3.20E-07 21.1 27.4 29.6 26.4
Soil-35 % RCA 3.54 3.61 0.292 0.307 3.76E-07 3.28E-07 21.3 27.7 29.5 26.1
Soil-RCA column 2.87 2.93 0.195 0.213 9.57E-07 7.70E-07
Coefficeient of permeability, k (m/s)
7.70E-07 1.1
Void ratio, e
4.10E-07 3.70E-07
9.90E-08 0.7
GK hillock BH hillock 0.6
GK BH 30% RCA RCA column GK-15% RCA GK-20% RCA GK-25% RCA
GK-30% RCA GK-35% RCA GK-RCA column
Fig. 5. Permeability results of different samples. 0.5
1 10 100 1000
Stress, σ (kPa)
infiltration rate and greater PWP, which decreases the stability of
slopes. In comparison, soil with a higher permeability value infiltrates
most of the water and doesn’t allow the generation of excess PWP which b)
ensures a greater stability of slope during rainfall or in saturated con 1.1
Fig. 6. Variations of void ratio of the samples with applied stress in different
Consolidation behavior
loading stages of consolidation test: (a) GK samples, and (b) BH samples.
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
Fig. 7. Variations of shear strength parameters of samples with the changes in RCA percentages in the soil-RCA mixtures.
was obtained as 0.372 and 0.384, respectively. With the addition of RCA up Shear strength parameters
to 30 %, both samples showed a decreasing trend in Cc value with the
increase in RCA in the soil-RCA mixture. The sample of GK hillock gives a Cc The shear strength parameters found in the direct shear test are pre
value of 0.347, 0.338, 0.321, 0.318, 0.295, 0.287, and 0.292, and that of BH sented in Table 1. The cohesion (c) and angle of friction (φ) value obtained
gives a Cc value of 0.367, 0.354, 0.341, 0.332, 0.315, 0.297, and 0.307 in for the soil sample of the hillock GK were found as 47.1 kPa and 20⁰, re
presence of 5 % RCA, 10 % RCA, 15 % RCA, 20 % RCA, 25 % RCA, 30 % spectively, while that of BH sample were 57.3 kPa, and 17.6⁰, respectively.
RCA, and 35 % RCA, respectively, in the soil sample. Column of recycled After adding RCA to the soil samples, the c-value of both samples reduces,
concrete gives adequate resistance against load and lessens soil collapsibility and the φ-value increases as the RCA materials are mostly cohesionless.
[47], as RCA boosts up bearing capacity, strength, and stiffness of soil in a Fig. 7 shows the cohesion and angle of friction of soil samples in presence of
remarkable way [48]. different RCA content. With the increase in RCA in the soil samples up to 30
Fig. 8. SEM image of different samples: a) RCA, b) Soil GK, c) Soil BH, d) Soil GK + 30 % RCA, and e) Soil BH + 30 % RCA.
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
Table 2
Quantitative elements data of the soil samples in SEM-EDS tests.
wt% Symbol wt% Symbol wt% Symbol wt% Symbol wt% Symbol
%, cohesion value for both soil samples decrease and further increase in Conclusion
RCA does not produce much changes in the cohesion value of the samples.
The angle of friction of the samples of hillocks GK and BH increased with The study analyzed the geotechnical properties of the soil samples of
the addition of RCA up to 30 % and further increase in RCA in the samples two hillocks in both natural conditions and after adding recycled con
doesn’t provide significant changes in φ value. For GK, the angle of friction crete aggregates in different percentages as well as inserting RCA
was found as 21.9⁰, 23.7⁰, 25.2⁰, 26.8⁰, 28.1⁰, 29.6⁰, and 30.4⁰, while the BH column in the soil. According to the test results, RCA improved the
gave φ value as 19.7⁰, 21.5⁰, 22.9⁰, 23.9⁰, 25.3⁰, 26.4⁰, 27.2⁰ in presence of geotechnical properties of soil samples that can largely improve the
5 % RCA, 10 % RCA, 15 % RCA, 20 % RCA, 25 % RCA, 30 % RCA, and 35 stability of the hillocks. Based on the results of the experimental ana
% RCA, respectively, in the soil. The angle of friction contributes to the lyses, the following broad conclusions can be made:
stability of the slope in a large way; the more the angle of friction a soil
sample has, the slope becomes more stable. On the other hand, the cohesion • The maximum dry density of soil from both hillocks increases with
of clay soil lessens the stability of a slope [49]. Based on the shear strength the addition of RCA, while the optimum moisture content decreases.
parameters of the soil samples of both hillocks, decreased cohesion and • The coefficient of permeability, k increased significantly for both hil
increased angle of internal friction make the slope more stable against locks after adding RCA up to 30 %. Moreover, RCA columns in the soil
loading [49]. mass increased the permeability of the samples by 6 and 7 times com
pared to the soil samples of hillocks GK and BH, respectively, without
SEM discussions in justifications to the soil improvement • The consolidation settlement and compression index of the soil
samples were remarkably reduced by adding RCA in the soil and by
Observing the interactions between soil and additive as a result of soil inserting RCA column in the soil of both hillocks. RCA lessened the
improvement through SEM analysis is crucial in addition to physical and compressibility of the soil against loading, and more importantly the
mechanical investigations [50]. Fig. 8(a)–(e) depict the scanning electron soil is more resistant with RCA columns.
microscope (SEM) photos of the soil sample of both hillocks, recycled • RCA particles make the soil less cohesive and more permeable,
concrete aggregates (RCA), and soil sample with 30 % RCA. As can be which will help improve stability of hillocks during rainfall and in
observed, RCA has a somewhat uniform and sparkly surface, but an uneven saturated condition. For both hillocks, cohesion becomes the least
surface compared to the original soil sample of GK and BH, which has an with 30 % RCA, while the angle of friction becomes the highest.
irregular surface with non-spherical grains and pores. Moreover, the soil
sample of both hillocks with 30 % RCA has a comparable appearance to the Ethics approval and consent to participate
original soil sample, having fewer surface voids and appearing firmer. The
interaction between the soil samples and RCA is visibly noticed in the Not applicable.
sample of stabilized RCA-soil mixture. RCA particles positioned in between
the soil particles and make the soil denser, that results in a higher dry Funding
density of the samples with the rise in RCA than the original soil samples. In
addition to that, the quantitative elemental data from SEM-EDS tests pre This research was funded by SUST Research Center (Project ID: AS/
sented in Table 2 suggests that soil GK, and soil BH went through changes in 2020/1/17), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST),
weight percentages of elements after the interaction when being mixed with Sylhet.
RCA particles. As the RCA particles appears in between the soil particles and
being distributed around the soil mass, the soil become more permeable Data Availability
since sand sized RCA particles seemed to be more porous than that of soil
particles, after improvement with RCA, the soil sample contained more non- Data included in article/supplementary material/referenced in ar
cohesive porous materials than original soil samples; so, there was an in ticle.
crease in permeability [51], which can be observed in the results of per
meability test described in Section 3.2. A mechanical experiment indicates Declaration of Competing Interest
that the clay and additive reaction, causing the pores between the particles
to close, as seen by the rise in soil's strength parameter tests can also be The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relation
related to the images after improvement in Fig. 8(d), and (e) in compared to ships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Shriful
the images before improvement in Fig. 8(b), and (c) [52]. Meanwhile, the Islam reports financial support was provided by Shahjalal University of
increased contact area in soil samples after the addition of RCA improved Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet. Shriful Islam reports a relationship
compaction and interconnection, which subsequently enhanced the soil's with Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet that
strength after improvement [53]. includes: employment and funding grants.
S. Islam, J. Islam, N.Md. R. Hoque et al. Journal of Engineering Research 11 (2023) 293–300
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