AC6 Reviewer
AC6 Reviewer
AC6 Reviewer
Alessandro Volta
invented the battery in 1800
named his invention “Voltaic Pile”
Michael Faraday
proved that charge and energy held by the battery was indeed limited and exhaustible in 1834
AC Waveform Characteristics
The shape obtained by plotting the instantaneous ordinate values of either voltage or current
against time
Constantly changing its polarity every half cycle alternating between a positive maximum value
and a negative maximum value respectively with regards to time with a common example of this
being the domestic mains voltage supply we use in our homes.
The Period, (T) is the length of time in seconds that the waveform takes to repeat itself from
start to finish. This can also be called the Periodic Time of the waveform for sine waves, or the
Pulse Width for square waves.
The Frequency, (ƒ) is the number of times the waveform repeats itself within a one second time
period. Frequency is the reciprocal of the time period, (ƒ = 1/T) with the unit of frequency being
the Hertz, (Hz).
The Amplitude (A) is the magnitude or intensity of the signal waveform measured in volts or
AC waveforms can also take the shape of either Complex Waves, Square Waves or Triangular
Resistor in AC circuit
When working with AC alternating voltages and currents it is usual to use only “rms” values to
avoid confusion. The rms or “root mean squared” value of an AC waveform is the effective or DC
value equivalent for an AC waveform.
Inductor in AC Circuit
AC voltage is applied across an inductor the flow of current through it behaves very differently to
that of an applied DC voltage.
Inductive Reactance, which is given the symbol X L , is the property in an AC circuit which
opposes the change in the current. In a purely inductive AC circuit the current I L “LAGS” the
applied voltage by 90°, or (π/2 rads).
the inductive reactance (X L ) depends upon the inductance (L) of the coil and the frequency (f)
of the AC waveform.
Capacitor in AC Circuit
When capacitors are connected across a direct current DC supply voltage they become charged
to the value of the applied voltage, acting like temporary storage devices and maintain or hold
this charge indefinitely as long as the supply voltage is present.
if we apply an alternating current or AC supply, the capacitor will alternately charge and
discharge at a rate determined by the frequency of the supply.
in a purely capacitive circuit the alternating voltage lags the current by 90° or we can say current
leads the voltage by 90°.
component of admittance in-phase with the applied voltage
the R component of admittance
represented by G and the unit of conductance is Mho or Siemens.
component of admittance which has an angle of 90 degree with applied voltage is or B
component of admittance
represented by B and the unit of susceptance is also Mho or Siemens.
is the reciprocal of a pure reactance, X, and is given the symbol B.
has the opposite sign to reactance so Capacitive susceptance B C is positive, (+ve) in value while
Inductive susceptance B L is negative, (-ve) in value.
is the reciprocal of impedance given the symbol, Y.
it is a complex quantity consisting of a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is the
reciprocal of quantity consisting of a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is the
reciprocal of resistance and is called Conductance, G, while the imaginary part is the reciprocal
of reactance and is called Susceptance, symbol B and expressed in complex form as: Y = G ± jB.