Excel Lab Manual
Excel Lab Manual
Excel Lab Manual
Getting Started with Excel: Creation of spread sheets, Insertion of rows and columns, Drag
& Fill, use of Aggregate functions
1. Creating a Spreadsheet:
To insert a row, right-click on the row number (on the left) where you want the new row and
choose "Insert."
To insert a column, right-click on the column letter (at the top) where you want the new column
and choose "Insert."
SUM Function:
Select the cell where you want the result.
Type "=SUM(" and select the range of cells you want to add.
Close the parentheses and press Enter.
AVERAGE Function:
Select the cell where you want the result.
Type "=AVERAGE(" and select the range of cells you want to average.
Close the parentheses and press Enter.
MAX and MIN Functions:
Similar to SUM and AVERAGE, but use "=MAX(" or "=MIN(" for finding the
maximum or minimum value.
COUNT Function:
Use "=COUNT(" to count the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.
IF Function:
Use "=IF(" to create conditional statements based on certain criteria.
5. Formatting and Customization:
Format cells for currency, dates, percentages, etc., using the formatting options in the toolbar.
Adjust column widths and row heights as needed.
Explore additional formatting options like borders, colors, and font styles.
Working with Data : Importing data, Data Entry & Manipulation, Sorting & Filtering.
1. Importing Data:
From Text/CSV:
1. Click on the "Data" tab.
2. Choose "Get Data" or "Get External Data."
3. Select "From Text" or "From CSV" and follow the wizard to import your data.
From Other Sources:
1. Click on the "Data" tab.
2. Choose the appropriate option like "From Web," "From Access," etc.
3. Follow the steps in the wizard to connect and import your data.
You can also copy data from an external source (e.g., a website or another spreadsheet)
and paste it into Excel.
Entering Data:
Simply click on the cell where you want to enter data and start typing.
Formatting Data:
Format cells for numbers, dates, percentages, etc., as needed.
Text to Columns:
1. Select the column with the data.
2. Click on the "Data" tab.
3. Choose "Text to Columns" to split data based on a delimiter.
Use the CONCATENATE function or the "&" symbol to combine data from different
Sorting Data:
1. Select the column you want to sort.
2. Click on the "Data" tab.
3. Choose "Sort A to Z" (ascending) or "Sort Z to A" (descending).
Filtering Data:
1. Select your data range.
2. Click on the "Data" tab.
3. Choose "Filter" to add filter arrows to the column headers.
4. Click on the filter arrow to sort or filter data based on specific criteria.
Advanced Filtering:
Use the "Advanced Filter" option for more complex filtering criteria.
Experiment 3:
Working with Data: Data Validation, Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts.
Highlight the cells or column where you want to apply data validation.
On the "Input Message" tab, you can enter a title and input message to guide users about the type
of data allowed.
On the "Error Alert" tab, you can set up an error message to display if the user enters invalid
7. Click OK:
Try entering data into the validated cells to ensure that it adheres to the specified criteria.
Example: Allow Only Specific Characters
This way, users will be restricted to entering only the characters you have specified.
Remember to adjust the validation criteria based on your specific requirements for character data
in Excel.
2. Pivot Tables:
Pivot tables are powerful tools for summarizing and analyzing data.
1. Example Data:
Imagine you have a dataset with columns like "Product," "Sales," and "Region."
2. Creating a Pivot Table:
Select your dataset.
Go to the "Insert" tab and click on "PivotTable."
Choose where to place the pivot table and click "OK."
3. Setting up the Pivot Table:
Drag "Product" to the Rows area, "Sales" to the Values area (to sum the sales), and
"Region" to the Columns area.
4. Customizing the Pivot Table:
You can further customize your pivot table by dragging fields around and applying
3. Pivot Charts:
If your source data changes, you can refresh both the pivot table and pivot chart to reflect those
Right-click on the pivot table or chart and select "Refresh."
Save your workbook after creating and modifying pivot tables and charts.
Share your insights by sharing the Excel file.
Experiment 4:
Data Analysis Process: Conditional Formatting, What-If Analysis, Data Tables, Charts &
Example Dataset:
1. Conditional Formatting:
1. Select Data:
Highlight the "% of attendance " column or the entire dataset.
2. Open Conditional Formatting:
Go to the "Home" tab.
3. Choose Conditional Formatting:
Click on "Conditional Formatting".
4. Select new Rule:
Enter the new rule and select the fill colour.
It will highlight the records that matches the condition.
What if Analysis
Cost 50
Qty 100
Total 50*100
Delivary charges 10% of qty
Total cost Total + total cost
3. Data Tables:
1. Select Data:
Highlight the entire dataset.
2. Insert Chart:
Go to the "Insert" tab.
3. Choose Chart Type:
Click on "Chart" and select a type (e.g., a clustered column chart).
4. Customize Chart:
Right-click on elements to format and customize the chart.
Add titles, labels, legends, and adjust the chart type if needed.
5. Update Chart:
If your data changes, right-click on the chart and select "Refresh" to update the visual
Experiment 5. Cleaning Data with Text Functions: use of UPPER and LOWER, TRIM
function, Concatenate.
Returns the serial number for a date .default date that excel considers is 1/1/1900
Experiment 7. Conditional Formatting: formatting, parsing, and highlighting data in
spreadsheets during data analysis.
Format cells that meet a certain condition. For example, highlight cells with values greater than
Select the range of cells.
Go to "Home" > "Conditional Formatting" > "Highlight Cells Rules" > "Greater Than" and set
the value.
Use data bars to visually represent the value of each cell in a range.
Select the range and choose "Data Bars" from the "Conditional Formatting" menu.
Apply color scales to show variations in data intensity.
Choose "Color Scales" and pick a scale that suits your analysis.
Icon Sets for Comparison:
Top/Bottom Rules:
Highlight top or bottom values in a range.
Select the range and go to "Conditional Formatting" > "Top/Bottom Rules."
Formula-Based Formatting:
Use custom formulas to set specific conditions.
Go to "Conditional Formatting" > "New Rule" > "Use a formula to determine which cells to
Data Validation:
Limit data entry to a specified range or format using data validation.
Select the cells, go to "Data" > "Data Validation," and set the criteria.
Coloring Alternating Rows:
Experiment 8. Working with Multiple Sheets: work with multiple sheets within a
workbook is crucial for organizing and managing data, perform complex calculations and
create comprehensive reports.
Use sheet tabs at the bottom of the Excel window to switch between sheets.
Right-click on sheet tabs to insert, delete, or rename sheets.
Linking Data Between Sheets:
Reference data from one sheet in another using formulas. For example, use Sheet2!A1 to
reference cell A1 in Sheet2 from another sheet.
3D Formulas:
Perform calculations across multiple sheets using 3D formulas. For example,
=SUM(Sheet1:Sheet3!A1) sums the values in cell A1 from Sheet1 to Sheet3.
Use consolidation to combine data from multiple sheets into one. Go to "Data" > "Consolidate"
for various consolidation options.
Grouping Sheets:
Group sheets together to perform actions on multiple sheets simultaneously. Hold down Shift or
Ctrl while selecting sheet tabs, then right-click and choose "Group Sheets."
Data Validation Across Sheets:
Apply data validation rules consistently across multiple sheets to maintain data integrity.
Named Ranges:
Define named ranges to simplify formula writing and make it easier to reference data across
Use hyperlinks to navigate between sheets quickly. Right-click on a cell, choose "Hyperlink,"
and select the sheet you want to link to.
Protecting Sheets:
Protect sheets to prevent accidental changes. Right-click on a sheet tab, choose "Protect Sheet,"
and set a password if needed.
Highlight the data you want to include in the chart.
Insert a chart (bar chart, pie chart, etc.) based on the analysis you want to represent.
Create a new sheet for the report.
Summarize key findings, trends, or insights from the data.
Use simple text or bullet points to present your analysis.
Remember to adjust the formulas and analysis based on your company's payroll structure and
policies. If you have specific requirements or need help with a particular aspect, feel free to ask!
Experiment 9. Create worksheet with following fields: Empno, Ename, Basic Pay(BP),
Travelling Allowance(TA), Dearness Allowance(DA), House Rent Allowance(HRA),
Income Tax(IT), Provident Fund(PF), Net Pay(NP). Use appropriate formulas to calculate
the above scenario. Analyse the data using appropriate chart and report the data.
Column Headers:
Data Entry:
Enter employee data starting from row 2.
Gross Pay:
Sum of Basic Pay, Traveling Allowance, Dearness Allowance, and House Rent Allowance.
Sum of Income Tax and Provident Fund.
Product Code Product Name Product Type MRP Cost Discount Percentage Date of
ABC123 Widget A Electronics 100 2024-01-24
XYZ456 Gizmo B Appliances 150 2024-01-25
LMN789 Gadget C Accessories 80 2024-01-26
Cost After Discount: Assuming the discount percentage is in the 'Discount Percentage' column,
you can use the formula: =MRP - (MRP * Discount Percentage / 100).
Date Difference for Analysis: To analyze the data over time, you might want to calculate the
difference between the purchase date and the current date. If the 'Date of Purchase' is in column
G, you can use: =TODAY() - G2 (drag this formula down for other rows).
For charting, you could create a bar chart to visualize the 'Cost After Discount' for each product.
Select the data range (including product names and corresponding costs) and insert a bar chart.
Experiment 11. Create worksheet on Sales analysis of Merchandise Store: data consisting
of Order ID, Customer ID, Gender, age, date of order, month, online platform, Category of
product, size, quantity, amount, shipping city and other details. Use of formula to segregate
different categories and perform a comparative study using pivot tables and different sort
of charts.
A1: Order ID
B1: Customer ID
C1: Gender
D1: Age
E1: Date of Order
F1: Month
G1: Online Platform
H1: Product Category
I1: Size
J1: Quantity
K1: Amount
L1: Shipping City
Excel Formulas:
In cell F2, you can use the formula =TEXT(E2, "MMMM") to extract the month from the Date
of Order.
You might need additional columns for various calculations, such as Total Amount, Average
Amount, etc.
Pivot Table:
1. Data Preparation:
While recording the macro, apply AutoFilter by selecting the column header and choosing the
filter criteria.
4. Formatting and Analysis:
Perform any necessary formatting or analysis on the filtered data during the macro recording.
5. Save the Macro:
If you want to create a presentation, consider exporting charts or tables from Excel to
Use the filtered data to generate visuals that convey your message effectively.
8. Run the Macro:
Whenever you need to update the report or presentation, run the recorded macro to automate the
9. Adjust Macro Code (Optional):
If needed, you can modify the recorded macro code to enhance or customize its functionality.
Remember to regularly save your work and make backups, especially when working with
macros. Also, share the Excel file with the macros cautiously, as some security settings may
affect their execution on different systems.