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American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, Vol. 7, No.

1, 12-20
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajmse/7/1/3
Published by Science and Education Publishing

Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of a Pile

Foundation under Axial Load with Ansys
Oustasse Abdoulaye SALL1,*, Déthié SARR2, Makhaly BA2, Atsou Edem TCHAKOU1
Department of Civil Engineering, UFR SI, University of Thiès, Thiès, Senegal
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, UFR SI, University of Thiès, Thiès, Senegal
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received October 15, 2019; Revised November 24, 2019; Accepted December 12, 2019
Abstract This paper studies the behavior of an isolated pile under static axial load and aims to analyze this type of
foundation taking into account the soil-structure interaction. The implemented approach is a finite element analysis
of a numerical behavior model of the soil-pile system, with emphasis on the behavioral parametric study of the
system. A three-dimensional numerical model taking into account the geometric, mechanical and geotechnical
parameters of the soil was used for modeling on Ansys using finite element method (FEM). This allowed us to study
the influence of soil behavior (elastic or elastoplastic perfect) on the response of the pile under axial load. The study
also shows that the increase of the soil reaction module gives rise to a "dome effect" or a much more pronounced
thrust in the elastoplastic domain at a certain depth. The study also shows an increase of the reaction module of the
soil mass with the depth and consequently a decrease of the deformations.
Keywords: mechanical properties, soil reaction module, soil-pile interaction, numerical modeling, Ansys, finite
element method, pile
Cite This Article: Oustasse Abdoulaye SALL, Déthié SARR, Makhaly BA, and Atsou Edem TCHAKOU,
“Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of a Pile Foundation under Axial Load with Ansys.” American Journal of
Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1 (2019): 12-20. doi: 10.12691/ajmse-7-1-3.

reality. The soil is not perfectly rigid, under the effect of

a load; the foundation and the superstructure react
1. Introduction simultaneously and interact with each other. The reaction
of the superstructure causes forces on the foundation that
In the study of civil engineering works, the mastery are transmitted to the ground, thus modifying its response.
of the behavior of foundations plays a key role. As part of this study, the modeling of the soil-pile
The characterization of the foundations can not be interaction will be presented at first. For the rest, it will be
done reliably without an adequate consideration of the presented the mechanical behavior model of isolated piles
soil-structure interaction. under axial load, their numerical modeling under Ansys
The phenomenon of modification of the soil response and will end with a discussion of the results.
due to the presence of the structure is called soil-structure
interaction. At present, in the "engineering practice", this
phenomenon of interaction is not rigorously taken into 2. Methodology
account during the design of foundation. However, in the
current state of the art, should we allow ourselves to In this study, it will first be necessary to characterize
ignore the phenomenon of soil-structure interaction? the soil mass in order to elaborate the model of behavior
Today, are the geotechnical and structural calculations to of the soil-pile interface and determine the input parameters.
be carried out separately? For the purposes of the study, the contact zones are
As studies [1,2,3] have shown the influence of soil represented by thin-layer interface elements characterized
properties on the behavior of mat foundations (and by horizontal and vertical translation (Kh and Kv) and
reciprocally). A recent study [4] has shown in the case of torsion (Kθ) rigidities. These reaction modules depend on
an analytical calculation the influence of the mechanical the mechanical properties of the foundation soil, the
properties of the soil mass on the behavior of deep geometric and mechanical characteristics of the foundation.
foundations. It is in this context that to deepen the study, The behavior of the soil-pile system is governed by a
we are interested in the numerical modeling of the Mohr-Coulomb behavior law. A numerical simulation of
soil-structure interaction in the case of deep foundations. the soil-pile system will be carried out on Ansys to study
In the study of soil-structure interaction problems, the the influence of the parameters of the interface on the
horizontal response of a soil on a pile is often modeled by behavior of foundation for various laws of behavior of the
interaction laws that more or less accurately represent soil mass.
American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 13

2.1. Modeling of the Soil-Pile Interaction with:

Vs : shear rate given by Table 1,
2.1.1. Spring-type Interface Element Kv : vertical translation rigidity;
The soil behavior is modeled by a set of springs Kh : horizontal translation rigidity;
infinitely near each other (Figure 1) defining the coefficients Kθ : rigidity of rotation;
of proportionality between the reactions of the soil and the βx, βθ, βz parameters depending on the ratio a/b, a and b
components of the displacement of the foundation. respectively the length and the width of the foundation;
These experimental or empirical coefficients are, however, A: the area of the section of the foundation.
applicable only in a very limited field of dimension and With if
load on foundation. A precise characterization of these  a/b =1 so 𝜷𝜷𝒙𝒙 = 1, 𝜷𝜷𝒛𝒛 =2.16, 𝜷𝜷𝜽𝜽 =0.5
springs was made by considering the soil as a  a/b =2 so 𝜷𝜷𝒙𝒙 =0.94, 𝜷𝜷𝒛𝒛 =2.2, 𝜷𝜷𝜽𝜽 = 0.6
homogeneous elastic semi-space (semi-infinite elastic  a/b =4 so 𝜷𝜷𝒙𝒙 = 1, 𝜷𝜷𝒛𝒛 =2.4, 𝜷𝜷𝜽𝜽 = 0.79.
medium). The problem has been studied in the case of
2.1.2. Numerical Modeling of Contact by the MEF
circular foundation according to the methods of Deleuze
[5] and Newmark-Resenblueth [6]. For other types of Many authors [10-23] have proposed the basic principles
superficial foundations, rigidities may be determined by of the finite element method and its application for solving
the Cavaer-Sieffert method [7,8]. problems such as the study of pile behavior. Several
The definition of the soil-structure interface is a very methods for modeling discontinuous behavior at the soil-
important parameter in the study of the behavior of structure interface have been proposed:
foundation structures. In the study, the soil is modeled by  The use of "zero-thickness elements" with two
a set of springs whose shear modulus Gs (Table 1) and nodes where one considers as active only the
parameters βx, βz and βθ depend on the section of the connection between the opposite nodes (Figure 2.b).
foundation and make it possible to characterize the  The use of be-dimensional or three-dimensional
soil-pile interface. For the determination of shear modulus "thin-layer elements" by assigning to these behavior
and stiffness, the following formula [6] will be used: laws derived from the theory of the elastoplasticity
(Figure 2.d).
𝐺𝐺𝑠𝑠 = 𝜌𝜌. 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠2 (1)  Hybrid methods where soil and structure are
Gs modeled separately and then linked by different
Kv = β A (2)
(1 −ν ) z compatibility equations for forces
displacements. With the elements "without

𝐾𝐾ℎ = 2(1 + 𝜈𝜈)𝛽𝛽𝑥𝑥 √𝐴𝐴 (3) thickness", the continuity of the displacements with
the interface is ensured by the application of a
Gs method of penalization or adaptation of the rigidity
Kθ = βθ ba 2 (4)
( )
1 − ν and the condition of relative sliding is controlled by
the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.

Figure 1. Spring-type interface element

Table 1. Soil characteristics [9]

Constant shear speed Variable shear speed
Soil type ρ (kg/m3) Poisson’s ratio ν
Vs (m /s) Vs (m /s)
Granular soil 200 200 1800 0.33
Cohesive soil 100 100 1600 0.45
Coarse granular soil 300 300 2000 0.33
14 American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering

Figure 2. Digital discretization of the soil-structure problem [24]

2.2. Solving Contact Problems with the FEM

In the resolution of problems with boundary conditions
integrating the interfaces, the use of finite elements
for the modeling of the contact with usual elements poses
problems because the relative movement of the solids in
contact is not compatible with the condition of continuity
of displacement required at nodes of adjacent elements.
Soil-pile interaction is a typical example of an interface
problem. It is emphasized that a particular difficulty exists
in the case of piles: it is about the definition of the initial
state in the ground and the interface, problem far from
being solved, considering the difficulties of correct
simulation of the setting up piles (simulation of threshing,
drilling, etc.). Conventional pile calculation methods
are based on empirical correlations leading to the
determination of the limiting bearing capacity. In most
cases, relatively less attention is given to determining the
deformation characteristics that correspond to the service
Figure 3. Boundaries of the domain [25]
phase of a pile.
However, recent design and calculation recommendations 2.2.2. Boundary Conditions
for deep foundations at the European zone (Eurocode 7) The mesh of an isolated pile, placed in a semi-infinite
suggest the calculation of settlements and horizontal homogeneous soil mass (Figure 3), must be realized
displacements as excessive values of these can affect the taking into account the following recommendations [25]:
functioning of the structure.  the vertical limits of the mesh (condition u = 0)
must be set at least twice the length L of the pile
2.2.1. Mesh of an Isolated Pile
and the lower horizontal limit (condition v = 0 or u
The analysis by finite elements requires the realization = v = 0) to at least twice the length L at the below
of a mesh and the taking into account of the conditions to of the tip (3L from the surface), so that the
the limits of the studied field: displacements, stresses, boundary conditions in displacement do not have
interstitial pressures or imposed temperatures. These any influence on the behavior of the pile,
conditions may be at a "finite" distance; bond or rigid  The interfaces between the pile and the ground
substratum, obstacle preventing a displacement or (barrel and tip) are represented by finite interface
"infinite"; zero displacement to infinity imposed state of elements compatible with the massive elements
constraints [25]. used to describe the soil;
Most often, meshes are built only with finite elements;  The mesh of an isolated pile must be relatively tight
this is possible because the effects of static loading in the vicinity of the interfaces, that is to say at the
decrease rapidly with the distance from the application point and along the shaft, where strong gradients
point (or zone). Parametric studies then make it possible may appear;
to determine the minimum extent of the medium to be  The same refinement should exist under the point in
modeled so that the effect of the loadings is not disturbed the vertical direction towards the substratum or the
by these boundary conditions. lower limit condition;
American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 15

 Aspect ratio (ratio of the smallest dimension of an  Enter the properties of the material (Young's modulus,
element to the largest) of the elements near the pile Poisson's ratio, density ...)
should be limited to 1/5;  Enter the geometrical data (thickness of the plates,
 The width B (in the horizontal direction) of the first surfaces, volume, inertia ...)
element directly adjacent to the pile must be at least  Generate the mesh
such that B = 0, ld, where d is the diameter of the  Enter the load
pile.  Enter the boundary conditions (supports, cancel
 The pile used will be free in the lead and anchored deformations ...)
to the point Resolution
 Setup
 Solution
3. Simulation under Ansys of the Soil-Pile Post-treatment
System  Listing
 Visualization of the results
 Importing results
3.1. Calculation Approach on Ansys
Ansys is a highly sophisticated finite element program 3.2. Presentation of the Digital Model
designed primarily to model the behavior of solids
and externally applied load structures. The calculation At first, the soil mass and the pile (concrete) are considered
procedure is given in Figure 4 below. to have an elastic linear behavior. For the purposes of the
In this study, finite element analysis on Ansys can be simulation, we consider a circular pile of 50 cm diameter
summarized in three main steps: and ten meters long subjected to axial loads ranging from
Pretreatment 100 to 500 kN. For parametric analysis, we will make the
 Enter the type of element geometric and mechanical characteristics of the soil-pile
system. Figure 5 shows the mesh of the problem.

Figure 4. Design cycle

Figure 5. Mesh of the geometric mode

Table 2. Mechanical properties of materials

Parameters Soil Pile
behavior Linear elastic Linear elastic
unsaturated weight (kN/m3) 18 2
saturated weightγs (kN/m3) 20 -
Young's modulus E (MPa) 23 35000
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.37 0.3
Interface coefficient 1 -
16 American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering

Figure 6. Displacements obtained for lateral loading

4. Presentation of the Results higher the Young's modulus of the pile, the lower the axial
displacements. The maximum value of these displacements
The next section, will present the results for pile varies from 1.15mm to 0.61mm when the Eb module
(recessed tip and free head) subject to a vertical load of increases from 20 to 40 GPa. The results also show that
500 kN with mechanical characteristics given in Table 2. for an Eb module equal to 20 GPa, the maximum
The results presented in Figure 6 show that the deflection is of the order of 0.75mm and that for a value of
compression under axial load causes a deflection in a 40 GPa of this module, the deflection is equal to 0.35mm.
direction perpendicular to the axis of compression. Which
means that in fact, even under axial load, the pile is loaded
with compound bending and not with simple compression.
From Figure 6 it can be seen that the greatest
displacements along the pile occur at the head. It shows
that the displacements remain almost constant for depths
Z ≥ 6m, but they progressively increase for depths Z <6m,
whatever the loading value adopted. The analysis shows
that loading effects (in terms of displacements) are felt on
the upper third of the pile. These results are in phase with
those obtained by [4] based on an analytical calculation.

4.1. Case of a Linear Elastic Soil

4.1.1. Influence of the Young's modulus (Eb) of the pile
In this section, it is proposed to study the behavior of
the pile for various values of its Young's modulus with the
characteristics of the soil mass recorded in Table 3. The
results are given by Figure 7 to Figure 9. Figure 7. Vertical displacement of the pile for Eb = 20.000MPa

Table 3. Material characteristics for various values Eb

Parameters Soil Pile
behavior linear Elastic linear Elastic
Unsaturated density γ (kN/m3) 18 25
diameter D (mm) - 500
Young modulus E (MPa) 20 20 000-30 000-40 000
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.37 0.2
Interface coefficient 1 -

Figure 7 to Figure 9 show, in addition to the deflection

(Figure 6), a compression of the pile for an axial load of
500kN applied at the head. The results show that the
different sections do not have the same sensitivity to
loading because the closer the section is to the point of
application of load, the greater its displacement. The study
also shows that any pile subjected to axial loading
tendency to flex and deform along an axis perpendicular
to the axis of compression. The results show that the Figure 8. Vertical displacement of the pile for Eb = 30.000MPa
American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 17

Figure 12. Vertical displacement of the pile for Es=23 MPa

Figure 9. Vertical displacement of the pile for Eb = 40.000MPa
Table 4. Characteristics of materials for various values of Es
3.1.2. Influence of the Soil Reaction Module
Parameters Soil Pile
In this part, the load is always set at 500kN and the pile
Behavior linear elastic linear elastic
module at 35GPa. We will vary the modulus of elasticity
of the soil between 15 and 23 MPa to study the influence Unsatured density γ (kN/m )
18 25
of this parameter on the pile response. The characteristics diameter of the pile D (mm) 500
of the materials are given in Table 4. The results obtained
Young modulus E (MPa) 15-20-23 35 000
are given by FIGS. 10 to 12.
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.37 0.2
interface coefficient 1 -

Note that despite the increase in the soil reaction

module from 15 MPa to 23 MPa, the difference between
axial displacements is almost zero (Figure 11 and
Figure 12). The results show that the soil reaction module
has a very weak influence on the axial displacements
because it is noted that these displacements are almost
identical regardless of the value of the modulus of
elasticity of the soil (Figure 11 and Figure 12).

4.1.3. Influence of axial load

In this section, we study the evolution of pile deformations
for various Q load values ranging from 400kN to
600kN. The characteristics of the materials are given in
Table 5. The results obtained are given in Figure 13 to
Figure 10. Vertical displacement of the pile for Es=15 MPa Figure 15.

Figure 11. Vertical displacement of the pile for Es=20 MPa Figure 13. Vertical displacement of the pile for Q=400kN
18 American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering

4.2.1. Influence of Pile Young Modulus (Eb)

Table 6 below gives the characteristics of the materials
for the parametric study for various values of Young's
modulus of concrete.

Figure 14. Vertical displacement of the pile for Q=500kN

Figure 16. Vertical displacement of the pile for Eb=20.000MPa

Figure 15. Vertical displacement of the pile for Q = 600kN

Table 5. Characteristics of materials for various values of Q

Parameters Soil Pile Figure 17. Vertical displacement of the pile for Eb=30.000MPa
Behavior linear elastic linear elastic
Unsatured density γ (kN/m )3
18 25
Diameter of the pile D (mm) 500
Young Modulus E (MPa) 20 30 000
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.37 0.2
interface coefficient 1 -
load Q (kN) 400-500-600

The analysis of the results of the compression and the

deflection of the pile for various values of the load Q
shows an increase of these values with those to the load.
As the load increases, displacement increases.

4.2. Case of Elastoplastic Soil

Even if most computational software admits a linear Figure 18. Vertical displacement of the pile for Eb=40.000MPa
behavior of the ground foundation, in the reality of the
facts, it is rarer to meet soils having an elastic behavior. As in the case of resilient soils, we note that the higher
We will therefore, in what follows, resume the previous the Eb module of the pile, the more the displacements
study by giving the ground an elastoplastic behavior decrease. It can be seen that in the elastoplastic domain,
(Figure 16 and Figure 18). the displacements are greater than those observed in the
American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 19

elastic domain. In the elastic domain, the deflection of the

pile is limited to 0.75 mm whereas in the elastoplastic
field the limit value is equal to 0.60 mm at the head. This
means that in the elastoplastic field, the ground mobilizes
more horizontal resistance than in the elastic domain. The
results also show that in the elastic domain, the "neutral
point", that is to say, the point insensitive to loading
(displacement following y is zero) is in the upper half of
the pile while in the elastoplastic domain, this neutral
point in the second lower half. In the next lines, we will
vary the value of the Es module of the soil to evaluate its
Table 6. Characteristics of materials for various values of Eb

Parameters Soil Pile

behavior Elastoplastic Linear elastic
Unsatured density γ (kN/m3) 18 25
Diameter of the pile D (mm) 500 Figure 20. Vertical displacement of the pile for Es=20MPa
Pile Young modulus E (MPa) 20 20 000-30 000-40 000
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.37 0.2
interface coefficient 1 -

4.2.2 Influence of the Soil Reaction Module

Table 7 below gives the characteristics of the materials
for the parametric study for various values of the
Young's modulus of the foundation soil (Figure 19 and
Figure 21).
Table 7. Characteristics of materials for various values of Es
Parameters Soil Pile
Behavior Elastoplastic linear elastic
Unsatured density
18 25
γ (kN/m3)
Diameter of the pile
D (mm)
Soil Young Modulus
15-20-23 35 000
Es (MPa)
Figure 21. Vertical displacement of the pile for Es=23MPa
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.37 0.2
interface coefficient 1 - The results show that the variations of the modulus Es
of the soil cause a small variation of displacements in the
three cases.
This variation is felt to a depth of six meters. And
beyond this depth, the displacements are almost identical.
This weak influence on the deformations is due to the
behavior of the soil mobilized around the pile. What is
important to note is the "dome effect" obtained at 4 meters
for the three different modules. This can be explained by
the increase of the soil reaction module as a function of
depth. Beyond that of 4 meters, the pile is weakly solicited.
So we can think that the soil reaction module is little
mobilized peak.

5. Conclusion
This article deals with the study of the behavior of an
isolated pile under static axial load and aims to analyze
this type of foundations under axial load by taking
soil-structure interaction. The approach implemented is
Figure 19. Vertical displacement of the pile for Es=15MPa the finite element study of a numerical model of the
20 American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering

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© The Author(s) 2019. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

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