Chăm - Lais Bruno, 2022
Chăm - Lais Bruno, 2022
Chăm - Lais Bruno, 2022
Food Chemistry
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Keywords: The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical, morphological, and gastrointestinal release
Ultrasonic gelation properties of an anthocyanin-rich extract of grapes in alginate and pectin beads as carriers; the effects of ul
Anthocyanins trasonic gelation combined with emulsification were also investigated. In general, the alginate beads showed
Sodium alginate
smaller size and more regular shape compared to pectin. The effect of emulsification combined with ionic
gelation was more pronounced in the alginate beads and resulted in higher retention of anthocyanins, higher
Grape peel extract
antioxidant capacity, and also allowed the best release profile during intestinal digestion. Thus, the simultaneous
strategy could be an interesting delivery system and enhance the release of anthocyanins, providing an oppor
tunity for the development of ingredients with different bioactive properties.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (L.B. Norcino), (J.A. Figueiredo), natalia.oliveira1@ (N.L. Oliveira), (D.A. Botrel), (L.H.C. Mattoso).
Received 21 January 2022; Received in revised form 25 April 2022; Accepted 17 May 2022
Available online 20 May 2022
0308-8146/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. This article is made available under the Elsevier license (
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Chemistry 391 (2022) 133256
limitations can be overcome by microencapsulation. donated by producers from a farm located in Campos Gerais (Minas
Among the various microencapsulation techniques used for the Gerais, Brazil). Hydrogel beads were prepared using sodium alginate
protection of phenolic compounds, ionic gelation is very promising. It is (Sigma-Aldrich, Darmstadt, Germany); low methoxyl amidated pectin
considered a simple technique that requires mild preparation conditions LM-104 AS-Z Genu® (CP Kelco, Limeira, SP, Brazil); calcium chloride
and does not require temperature or toxic solvents to the environment (Anidrol, Diadema, SP, Brazil); soybean oil (Bunge Alimentos, Brazil)
(McClements, 2017). Various atomization nozzles are available for ionic and polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) emulsifier (Concepta In
gelation and the selection must take into account relevant factors such as gredients, SP, Brazil).
the desired size and size distribution of the microparticles and also their
final application. Recently, ultrasonic nozzle has emerged as an inter 2.2. Preparation of the grape peel extract (GPE)
esting alternative for the preparation of microparticles with smaller,
uniform and spherical size, facilitating their dispersion in various The grapes were washed and disinfected. To obtain the grape peel
products, such as foods, and also leads to better sensory acceptance by extract, the seeds, peel, and pulp were removed manually. Anthocyanins
consumers due to the properties of the microparticles obtained by ul from the peel were extracted with distilled water and citric acid (1% wt.
trasonic gelation (Barba, Dalmoro, d’Amore, & Lamberti, 2015; Turan of water) in a 1:1 (w/v) ratio (peel: acidified water). The mixture was
et al., 2016). The anionic polymers sodium alginate and low amidated kept overnight in the dark at a refrigeration temperature of 5 ± 1 ◦ C and
pectin are the most commonly polymers used on the development of covered with aluminum foil to improve the extraction of anthocyanins.
microparticles by ionic gelation (McClements, 2017). Then, the extract was filtered through organza and centrifuged at 5,000
Alginates are nature-based water-soluble polysaccharides found in rpm to remove suspended solids. Finally, the grape peel extract (GPE)
some bacteria and brown algae. Their chemical structure consists of was stored in amber bottles to avoid degradation of anthocyanins at a
residues of a linear 1,4-linked copolymer of L-guluronic and D-mannur refrigeration temperature of 5 ± 1 ◦ C.
onic acids. It is biodegradable and biocompatible, and the interaction of
Ca2+ are responsible for the 3D-network gel formation (Comunian &
Favaro-Trindade, 2016; Hambleton, Debeaufort, Bonnotte, & Voilley, 2.3. Encapsulation by ultrasonic ionic gelation method
2009; McClements, 2017; Zia, Zia, Zuber, Rehman, & Ahmad, 2015).
On the other hand, pectin consists of a polysaccharide fiber with a For the preparation of control microspheres, gelation of alginate
very complex structure. Its chemical structure is formed by linear units (ALG) and pectin (PEC) was performed according to the adapted method
of galacturonic acid linked by partially methoxylated glycosidic bonds. of Belščak-Cvitanovic et al. (2015). The alginate or pectin solutions (2%,
Its outstanding properties include biocompatibility, biodegradability w/w) were prepared by dissolving the polymer in the previously pre
and gelling capacity. In addition, pectins are consider safe for con pared grape skin extract (GPE) and homogenized for 20 min at 10,000
sumption (GRAS) and low cost (Wicker & Kim, 2015). rpm in an Ultra-Turrax. The particles were atomizer on the cross-linking
However, the hydrogel beads produced with these polymers are solution (CaCl2 – 1.5% w/w) using an ultrasonic nozzle (0.5 mm
porous, which may compromise the release and protection of the diameter) and with a flow rate of 0.565 mL/min. The beads were stirred
microencapsulated hydrophilic anthocyanins. An alternative to over at 150 rpm for 30 min. Then, they were filtered with a vacuum pump,
come this technical obstacle is to combine microencapsulation and dried at 30 ◦ C in a vacuum oven until completely dry, and stored in
emulsion systems. When dispersed in emulsion gels, bioactive in aluminum pouches.
gredients are protected and immobilized by the interaction between the The combined emulsification and ionic gelation for microencapsu
emulsion and the network formed, and therefore show an improvement lation was performed following the methodology proposed by Moura
in physicochemical properties from adverse conditions, control their et al. (2018). The primary w1/o emulsion was prepared as follows. First,
release, and increase their release during digestion (Beldarrain-Iznaga, a measured amount of PGPR (4% w/w) was dissolved in soybean oil to
Villalobos-Carvajal, Leiva-Vega, & Sevillano Armesto, 2020; Geremias- prepare the oil phase. Then, grape skin extract was added at a ratio of
Andrade, Souki, Moraes, & Pinho, 2016). Recently, the efficacy of gel 35:65 w/w and mixed for 15 min and 7,000 rpm in an Ultra-Turrax. The
microparticles for encapsulating bioactive compounds has been showed double emulsion (w1/O/w2) was prepared with the polysaccharide
several times (Brito-Oliveira et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2018; Feng et al., (pectin or alginate) solution (2% w/w) in an Ultra-Turrax IKA operating
2018; Geremias-Andrade et al., 2016; Hou, Guo, Wang, & Yang, 2016; at 7,000 rpm for 10 min at a ratio of 20:80 w/w. A ultrasonifier (30 ◦ C,
Mokhtari, Jafari, & Assadpour, 2017; Mun, Park, Kim, & McClements, 200 W) (Model S-450D, Branson Ultrasonic Corporation, Danbury, USA)
2016; Nayak, Hasnain, Beg, & Alam, 2010; Torres, Tena, Murray, & was also used for emulsification for 7 min. Samples contain pectin (PEC -
Sarkar, 2017). DE) and alginate (ALG - DE) were prepared according to the afore
In the present work, the potential use of microencapsulation by ion mentioned gelation steps of the control microbeads.
gelation in combination with an emulsification process was investigated
to improve the stability of hydrophilic natural anthocyanins extracted 2.4. Microparticles characterization
from the grape skin. It is worth noting that this is the first study in which
a combined approach of emulsification and ionic ultrasonic gelation 2.4.1. Moisture content and water activity
with alginate/pectin as gelling agent was used. The microcapsules were The moisture content of the dried samples was determined using the
evaluated for their moisture content, water activity, mean size, infrared radiation in a thermobalance (Moisture Balance MOC‑120H;
morphological properties, anthocyanin content, total phenolic com Shimadzu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), in triplicate, at 70 ◦ C until con
pounds, antioxidant capacity, encapsulation efficiency (EE), vibrational stant weight. The water activity (aw) of samples (1 g of each) was
spectroscopy and gastrointestinal release. The results of this study could measured in triplicate by using a hygrometer HygroPalm AW1 (Rotronic
allow the development of active microparticles to meet the current Instruments, Huntington, NY, USA) at 25 ◦ C.
market trends in the food sector and also provide an alternative for the
preservation of the physicochemical properties of anthocyanins. 2.4.2. Mean diameter and size distribution
The beads were homogenized in isopropanol as dispersing medium
2. Materials and methods using a sonifier (Model S-450D, Branson Ultrasonics Corporation, Dan
bury, USA) for 1 min at a power of 200 W. De Brouckere mean diameter
2.1. Materials (d4,3) and diameter distribution (indicated by polydispersity index, PdI)
were determined using a Mastersizer (Model 3000E, Malvern In
The grapes of the Bordô variety (Vitis labrusca L.) were kindly struments Inc., Worcestershire, U.K.).
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Chemistry 391 (2022) 133256
2.4.3. Morphology fluids were taken for subsequent quantification of total monomeric an
Particle morphology was observed using an optical inverted light thocyanins (differential pH method).
microscope (Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, model Axio Scope.A1, Zeiss, Ger
many), with 40X magnification. The acquisition of the images was 2.7. Statistical analyses
carried out through the software AxioVision Rel. 4.8.
For data analysis was applied a one-way analysis of variance
2.4.4. Particles dissolution to bioactive quantifications (ANOVA), using the software OriginPro v9.9 (Origin Lab, Northampton,
The samples with extract were placed in sodium citrate solution in United States). The means differences were performed employing the
order to promote the disorganization of the gel structure and release the Tukey test, with a significance level of α = 0.05%.
phenolic compounds present in the beads. So, 1.5 g of wet particles were
dissolved in sodium citrate 3% (w/v) and kept in an ultrasonic bath for 2 3. Results and discussion
h. The samples were filtered, transferred into a flask covered with
aluminum foil and the subsequent analysis were performed: anthocy 3.1. Moisture content and water activity
anin content, content of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant
assay. Moisture content and water activity of grape powder beads are
important parameters for predicting storage stability as they are related
2.4.5. Anthocyanin content to microbial degradation rate and growth reactions (Geremias-Andrade
The pH differential method (AOAC, 2006) was used to estimate the et al., 2016). Table 1 shows the Aw and moisture content of dried pectin
total anthocyanin content. Aliquots of the samples were placed at pH 1 and alginate beads influenced by emulsification process.
and 4.5 and incubated at room temperature for 15 min. Then, the According to the obtained results shown in Table 1, the moisture
absorbance was read using a UV–Vis- spectrophotometer against a blank content of the beads varied between 2.9 and 9.1%. The higher moisture
at 520 and 700 nm. content was observed in the pectin-based beads when compared to the
alginate ones. This tendency can be explained by the different packing
2.4.6. Content of total phenolic compounds density arrangement in the polysaccharides network, which affects the
About 1.5 ± 0.01 g of sample was used to determine the total water affinity to the polymer components (Beldarrain-Iznaga,
phenolic compounds according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method (Turfan, Villalobos-Carvajal, Leiva-Vega, & Sevillano Armesto, 2020; Sartori,
Türkyilmaz, Yemi, & Özkan, 2011). The absorbance of the samples was Finch, Ralph, & Gilding, 1997).
made in a UV–Vis- spectrophotometer (model UV 2600i, Shimadzu, ALG -DE and PEC- DE exhibited lower moisture content than ALG
Kyoto, Japan) at 760 nm. and PEC. This effect can be attributed to a less porous polymeric
structure capable of adsorbing low-water content in their 3D-networks,
2.4.7. Antioxidant assay because the oil (lipophilic) filling the space between the macromole
About 1.5 ± 0.01 g of sample was used to evaluation of antioxidant cules (Belščak-Cvitanovic et al., 2016). Similar results were obtained by
activity by DPPH method performed according Brand-Williams, Cuve other authors who used alginate and pectin as gelling materials by ionic/
lier, & Berset (1995). The absorbance readings were made in a UV–Vis- ionotropic gelation (Beldarrain-Iznaga et al., 2020; Belščak-Cvitanovic
spectrophotometer (model UV 2600i, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The et al., 2016). In relation to aw, the values ranged from 0.37 to 0.43,
results were expressed in mg of Trolox equivalent/g of dry beads. values considered interesting since aw < 0.60 can guarantee microbio
logical stability for food.
2.4.8. Encapsulation efficiency (EE)
The encapsulation efficiency was calculated on dry basis according 3.2. Mean diameter and size distribution
to De Moura et al. (2018) and was determined by Eq. (1).
mg of anthocyanin in microparticle Particle size is a fundamental parameter in industrial applications of
EE (%) = × 100 (1) microencapsulation as it can be a limiting factor in food products
mg of anthocyanin in the mixture
(Belščak-Cvitanovic et al., 2016). The polydispersity index and mean
For the control groups (ALG and PEC) the mixture was only droplet diameter of the beads generated by ultrasonic gelation technique
composed of: grape peel extract + alginate/pectin solution. For ALG-DE are shown in Table 2.
and PEC-DE the mixture was composed of: emulsion (soybean oil + All the beads showed a narrow distribution range, confirmed by the
grape peel extract) + pectin or alginate solution. low PdI values, below 0.6, indicating a unimodal behavior with respect
to size. ALG beads diameters were smaller than those of PEC. This dif
2.5. FTIR vibrational spectroscopy ference could be attributed to the more reticulated structure of alginate,
which promotes higher shrinkage of the polymer gel, resulting in lower
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of the microcapsules diameters, when compared to pectin (Sandoval-Castilla et al., 2010).
were obtained using a spectrophotometer (model Vertex 70v, Bruker, Moreover, there was a significant decrease in droplet size of the beads
Massachusetts, United States). Measurements were done at 25 ◦ C and that combined the emulsification system and ionic gelation strategy.
with the recording from 4000 to 400 cm− 1 at a scan rate of 40 scans with This reduction in size was also observed by Beldarrain-Iznaga et al.
a 4 cm− 1 spectral resolution. (2020) and Lu et al. (2019), who attributed this effect of size reduction
intestinal fluid (pH 7.4) and incubated at 37 ◦ C for an additional 120 a-d
Different letters in the same line indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05)
min. At defined time intervals (5–30 min), an aliquot of 5 mL of the using Turkey test.
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Chemistry 391 (2022) 133256
Fig. 1. Morphology of: (a) ALG, (b) PEC, (c) ALG-DE and (d) PEC-DE.
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Chemistry 391 (2022) 133256
porosity of the beads and the easy diffusion of these bioactive com
pounds under hydrophilic conditions, especially because of their polar
nature (Fasolin et al., 2014).
The emulsion/ionic gelation approach provided higher levels of
monomeric anthocyanins content. One possible explanation is that the
combined techniques may have reduced the loss of anthocyanins by
reducing the effective diffusivity through the microstructures of the
hydrogels. In this way, the emulsification process acted as an additional
barrier compared to the free anthocyanin extract and affected the po
larity of the anthocyanins, hindering diffusion transport from the inte
rior to the surface of the beads. These results are in accordance with da
Silva et al. (2019).
Antioxidant capacity analysis and total phenolic content followed
the same trend as monomeric anthocyanin content, as displayed in
Table 3. The beads containing only grape peel extract showed the lowest
antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content, followed by the samples
ALG-DE and PEC-DE. In this way, the antioxidant capacity and phenolic
content of the beads were directly related to the emulsification process.
Pectin and alginate hydrogel beads with combined techniques were
more efficient in incorporating and protecting the anthocyanins,
resulting in higher antioxidant capacity and phenolic content values in
relation to samples do not use the emulsification process. These results Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of grape peel extract (GPE), neat biopolymers, and GPE-
are in agreement with the previous studies that showed that ionic loaded beads. Y-axis: transmittance/a.u.
gelation/double emulsion of jussara extract (Carvalho et al., 2019) and
Lactobacillus casei (Beldarrain-Iznaga et al., 2020) exhibited higher the C–O deformation of phenols and 1742–1707 cm− 1 attributed to the
antioxidant activity. C–– O groups for aromatic rings. The absorbance at 1047 cm− 1 was due
The encapsulation efficiency (EE) of GPE was investigated by to the stretching vibration of the C–O–C esters whereas absorbance at
comparing the ability of encapsulate or hold the grape peel anthocya 1186 cm− 1 was ascribed to the stretching of the pyran rings, which are
nins inside the microcapsules using or not the emulsification process. EE typical of flavonoid compounds (Ahmed, 2015).
was around 46% (PEC), 64% (ALG), 76% (PEC-DE) and 89% (ALG-DE). GPE beads peaks were typical of grape peel extract components.
Therefore, a possible explanation for the increase in the encapsulation Specifically, the addition of GPE caused the appearance of characteristic
efficiency of PEC-DE and ALG-DE microparticles is that soybean oil bands (2852 cm− 1, and 1186 cm− 1) as well as the increase in the in
interacted with the polymeric network of polysaccharides, strength tensity of these bands when combined emulsification and ultrasonic
ening the existing chemical bonds and thus acting as an additional ionic gelation strategy, also suggesting that ALG-DE retained the
physicochemical barrier that limited the diffusion diffusion rate of an bioactive compounds more efficiently. In addition, changes in the
thocyanins and consequently protected them (Liu et al., 2019; Van der wavelength number of the bands related to C– – O groups, 1707 to 1742
Ark et al., 2017). This effect was more pronounced at ALG-DE. Previous cm− 1, may indicate an interaction between phenols present in GPE.
researches have suggested that alginate with divalent cations forms These results are in accordance with Beldarrain-Iznaga et al. (2020) and
stronger egg-box structures than pectin (Fang et al., 2008). Similar re Silva et al. (2018). The FTIR data strongly support the findings obtained
sults were also reported by Carvalho et al. (2019), Liu et al. (2019) and by conducted analyses on bioactive encapsulation parameters, such as
Beldarrain-Iznagaab et al. (2020). anthocyanin content and encapsulation efficiency.
3.5. FTIR spectra GPE-loaded beads 3.6. GPE-loaded beads release profile under simulated gastric and
intestinal conditions
FT-IR analysis was performed to distinguish possible chemical in
teractions among GPE and also the respective beads constituents. The Anthocyanins (ATC) are characterized by very low bioavailability
FTIR-spectra of the samples were displayed in Fig. 2. and enter the bloodstream rapidly after consumption of a meal rich in
The spectrum of pure pectin (PEC-MP) showed vibrational bands at these compounds, generally due to their low solubility, low stability, low
3627–2910 cm− 1 (O–H and C–H stretching). Two bands at 1603 cm− 1 permeability, an active efflux process, and also gastrointestinal tract
and 1405 cm− 1 (C–O–O weaker asymmetric and stronger symmetric), metabolism (Pedrali, Barbarito, & Lavelli, 2020).
at 1200–1000 cm− 1 (C–O and C–C of glycosidic bonds and pyranoid In this way, encapsulation of bioactive components can improve
rings) and the very complex region below 1000 cm− 1 so-called bioavailability by increasing their water solubility and release in a given
“fingerprint” of polysaccharides (Synytsya, Čopíková, Matějka, & environment, leading to better absorption by the human body (Pedrali,
Machovič, 2003). Barbarito, & Lavelli, 2020). Therefore, anthocyanin release (Fig. 3) from
The infrared spectra of neat alginate (ALG-MP) showed characteristic the microcapsules was determined in simulated intestinal fluid to clarify
bands of its composition, highlighting the absorption bands at whether the double emulsification approach can be considered a suit
3650–3018 cm− 1 (hydroxyl group), 1603 and 1402 cm− 1, which were able matrix for stabilizing anthocyanins under detrimental intestinal
assigned to asymmetric and symmetric stretching of carboxylate salt conditions.
groups. In addition, the bands centered at approximately 2927 cm− 1 was In GPE, 70% of anthocyanins were already detected within the first
attributed to the elongation of C–H bonds of pyranoid-ring carbons, 10 min. It was also observed that the total anthocyanins content in the
1085 cm− 1 (C–O stretching), 1027 cm− 1 (C–O–C stretching), and 947 gastric fluid decreased from 120 min, probably due to the degradation of
cm− 1 (C–O stretching) were attributed to its polysaccharide structure anthocyanins caused by exposure to heat (37 ◦ C) for a longer period of
(Synytsya et al., 2003). time (Pedrali, Barbarito, & Lavelli, 2020). When transferred to the
For grape peel extract (GPE) the observed bands, as the O–H simulated intestinal fluid, anthocyanin release was kept almost constant,
stretching at 3354 cm− 1, 2852 cm− 1 attributed to the C–H–bonding until the end of 4 h incubation.
axial deformations in aliphatic hydrocarbons, 1402 cm− 1 corresponds to PEC and ALG had a low protective effect on anthocyanins during
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Chemistry 391 (2022) 133256
4. Conclusion
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