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OLMBA – 450T:

Corporate Tax Law and Planning

Time: 03 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Marks Internal Assessment: 30 Marks
End Term: 70 Marks
Instructions for the Paper-Setter/examiner:
1. Question paper shall consist of Four sections.
2. Paper setter shall set Eight questions in all by selecting Two questions of equal marks from
each section. However, a question may have sub-parts (not exceeding four subparts) and
appropriate allocation of marks should be done for each sub-part.
3. Candidates shall attempt Five questions in all, by at least selecting One question from
each section and the 5 th question may be attempted from any of the Four sections.
4. The question paper should be strictly according to the instructions mentioned above. In
no case a question should be asked outside the syllabus.
Introduction to Income Tax Act, 1961: definitions of Person, Assesses, Assessment Year,
Previous Year, capital and revenue incomes. Residential Status: determination of residential
status of a Company, scope of total income on the basis of residential status. Tax Planning,
Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion: concept and distinction, use of colourable devices by
companies, measures to check tax avoidance and tax evasion. Minimum Alternate Tax.
Income under the Head Business and Profession: deductions expressly allowed and
expenses disallowed, tax audit, maintenance of books of accounts, exemptions available to
company assesses, depreciation - concept and computation, assets eligible for depreciation,
block of assets, indexation, tax on slump sale, corporatisation of an existing non-corporate
business. Special Economic Zones – concept, tax incentives to newly established units.
Tax planning with reference to setting up of a new business: location of business, nature of
business, form of organisation. Tax planning and financial management decisions - capital
structure, dividend distribution and bonus shares. Deduction of Tax at Source: Concept of
TCS & TDS, rates applicable, penalties, concept of advance payment & self- assessment of
Income Under the Head Capital Gains: definition, types of capital assets, transactions not
regarded as transfer, computation & tax planning of capital gains, exemptions in respect of
capital gains. Double Taxation – Concept, avoidance of double taxation, Double taxation
relief provisions in India
Suggested Readings:
1. Ahuja Girish, “Systematic Approach to Income Tax”, Bharat Law House, New Delhi.
2. Mehrotra H.C., “Income Tax Law & Practice”, Sahitya Bhawan Publications, Agra.
3. Singhania K. Vinod, “Direct Tax Theory & Practice”, Taxman Publications (P) Ltd.
4. Website: www.incometaxindia.gov.in

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